**HELP** Oneplus 6t stuck - OnePlus 6T Questions & Answers

Hello guys,
I don't know how to really mess with rooting but i thought id give it a try with my one plus 6t.
But after trying to do the steps its not stuck on a black screen that has an orange exclamation point and sat the boot loader is unlocked and software integrity cannot be guaranteed. any data store on this device may be available...
I am using a Mac computer to do this and don't have a windows pc.
Can someone help me fix this phones its just stuck on this screen and wont do anything aside from turning it on and off.
I cant post any images becuase i dont have a nother phone, smh.

solve it via the forums ty

i dont know how to close close this post now

how did you fix it? mine is doing the same thing

i press the
ericv99 said:
how did you fix it? mine is doing the same thing
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Hey ericv99,
I pressed the volume up and power button to reset the oneplus. then once it was off i press the volume down and power down for a while and it booted into the boot loader screen. then i went on my mac and sent the lineage operating system to my phone via android file transfer. took me a bunch of tries at first since i dont know what im doing but it worked.

i cant boot into any system only boot loop or bootloader

ericv99 said:
i cant boot into any system only boot loop or bootloader
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which one is it the one that says "the boot loader is unlocked and software.." or is it the one that lets you see the phones serial code info and you can control the phone with the volume up or volume down and the power button ?

it bootloops in the "bootloader is unloicked and software" but i can get into the bootloader that has the serial info

ericv99 said:
it bootloops in the "bootloader is unloicked and software" but i can get into the bootloader that has the serial info
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ok, yea thats the part that took me a while to get past, you have to basically turn off the phone with volume up and power bottom then once its off you press volume down and power bottom for what seems like a long time. to turn it back on and get past this screen.
It might take 3-4 tries to get it right but it should take you past that screen and onto the serial info screen.

i can get into the serial screen. ive flashed twrp. it cant get into that because of that stupid software screen


HD2 stuck on o2 logo

I bought the HD2 few days ago, I dont know what the last owner did but HD2 doesn’t wanna start, just stuck on O2 logo and that’s it.
I’ve tried to do hard reset or bootload but ineffective. Can you maybe help me? Thanks in advance.
AdrianW said:
I bought the HD2 few days ago, I dont know what the last owner did but HD2 doesn’t wanna start, just stuck on O2 logo and that’s it.
I’ve tried to do hard reset or bootload but ineffective. Can you maybe help me? Thanks in advance.
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So you can't get to the bootloader? (holding down vol down from a cold boot)?
Does it show the version information down in the bottom corner when starting?
I've tried many times but nothing happen.
No there is no info about rom/radio etc.
Have you got any ideas how can I get to bootloader?
Remove the SD Card and boot the phone.
Just to confirm you can't get into BootLoader mode - Press and hold the Volume Down button then tap the Power button. Don't let go of the Volume Down button until the Bootloader screen apears.
Thanks, I know how I can get into BootLoader mode but that doesn't work.
Any other ideas?
There is no other way to get into BootLoader mode.
Have you tried booting without the SD Card and checked that there is no bent battery pins?
It may be a faulty volume button or other hardware issue.
If it was a faulty ROM or RADIO then you would still be able to get into BootLoader.

Verizon G2 Stuck in Bootloop.

Hey guys,
So I got my G2 today and rooted it using the recommended root thread(IOroot10). It completed successfully and installed SU onto my device. It didn't actually ask for any permissions when i opened it and when I attempted to update the binaries it fails because I never get the toast about granting permission. So I factory reset and tried again. It didn't work the second time either. I thought maybe it's because I didn't take the latest OTA, so I factory reset one more time, took the OTA, and am now stuck in boot. I can't get to any recovery or download mode.
The phone boots the LG logo then gives me a boot loader secure check real fast that it fails. After that it goes to a black screen and there's nothing I can do.
When I plug the phone in and let it get to the black screen, it creates a ton of virtual USB drives (16 to be exact). The first one contains a write protected folder named image which contains the files modem.bxx, mlserver.bxx, mc_b2.bxx, adsp.bxx, cmnlib.bxx, dxhdcp2.bxx, isdbtm,.bxx,
mba.bxx, playread.bxx, tqs.bxx, wcnss.bxx, widevine.bxx, where the xx in .bxx is replaced with sequences of 00 up to 26 in some cases. The rest of the drives it creates are empty.
Any sign of a recovery is completely gone, and I have no idea where it went
This is what appears in the top left of the screen when the LG splash pops up for a split second and goes black
ERROR: Boot Loader Verification
[850]Secure Boot Error!
[900]Cause: Boot Certification Verify
Things I've tried:
+Completely power off:
-Hold Vol Up and plug phone in (doesn't work)
-Factory Hard Reset (doesn't work)
-Hold Vol Up + Down and plug phone in (doesn't work)
-Power on, press Vol Up at vibrate (doesn't work)
+The phone never makes it to a point where I can ADB into it. I get the splash screen(with error) and straight to the black screen.
+Completely drain the battery and plug it back in to charge up. I end up with the same issue.
+Fastboot will not recognize the device, so flashing the recovery that way isn't an option.
-Could be a driver issue, but I think the phone just never makes it to a point where I can use fastboot.
Sent from Verizon logo plastered G2 bastard
truckroot said:
Sent from Verizon logo plastered G2 bastard
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Perhaps I'm missing something in that thread, but none of it applies to me.
The link to the other thread for if you can't get into download mode only talks about having TWRP installed on the device, which I don't.
And the rest of it is if you have ADB access, which I don't as well.
mazer4455 said:
Perhaps I'm missing something in that thread, but none of it applies to me.
The link to the other thread for if you can't get into download mode only talks about having TWRP installed on the device, which I don't.
And the rest of it is if you have ADB access, which I don't as well.
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Do this...
had the same thing happen to me except I had twrp and I couldnt do **** with it.
reset to stock, then re root...
if you can get into download mode,, you are good
ars0n said:
Do this...
had the same thing happen to me except I had twrp and I couldnt do **** with it.
reset to stock, then re root...
if you can get into download mode,, you are good
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I'm reading through the directions and it says to get into download mode. I can not get into download mode to make any of this work.
mazer4455 said:
I'm reading through the directions and it says to get into download mode. I can not get into download mode to make any of this work.
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To get into download mode the G2 needs to be connected to the computer and upon turning on immediately press volume up. Compared to other devices, it's a weird way to do and may take a couple of tries to successfully boot into.
il buono said:
To get into download mode the G2 needs to be connected to the computer and upon turning on immediately press volume up. Compared to other devices, it's a weird way to do and may take a couple of tries to successfully boot into.
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I'm still having no luck. I've read nearly 4 different ways to enter download mode for the vzw version and none of them have worked yet.
Holding the power button itself just restarts the device and it heads right back into the black screen. If I continue to hold the power button after it restarts, I get the LG splash again and then it shuts off.
It seems like the stock recovery is completely gone, but I don't understand why I wouldn't be able to get into download mode because of that.
mazer4455 said:
I'm still having no luck. I've read nearly 4 different ways to enter download mode for the vzw version and none of them have worked yet.
The device itself will not turn off without me holding the power+up button for around ten seconds. Holding the power button itself just restarts the device and it heads right back into the black screen.
It seems like the stock recovery is completely gone, but I don't understand why I wouldn't be able to get into download mode because of that.
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If you're phone is responding then there's still hope. Did you try this method to boot into download?
Power off your G2, press Volume Up & Down key and then plug in the usb cable (enter to a download mode)
Sent from my LG G2
19Interpol said:
If you're phone is responding then there's still hope. Did you try this method to boot into download?
Power off your G2, press Volume Up & Down key and then plug in the usb cable (enter to a download mode)
Sent from my LG G2
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I have tried every button combination there is and still no luck It's really frustrating.
Try keeping USB plugged into both computer and phone. Hold power button down, as soon as u feel the haptic feedback from the reboot hold down the vol+ button.
Sent from Verizon logo plastered G2 bastard
truckroot, that does indeed work, I actually messed with my build.prop file today and it soft bricked my phone. It would turn on you'd see the LG logo and a black screen, man I was livid. So later I was going to to have it replaced under warranty, I called Verizon and what not and he told me to press this button combo and I got straight into CWM, holy crap that was quite an easy fix for me. Here is the key combo under "Alternate Method"
http://support.verizonwireless.com/support/devices/knowledge_base.html/87344 Hope it helps in some way, if the other ways still won't work for you.
scififan68 said:
truckroot, that does indeed work, I actually messed with my build.prop file today and it soft bricked my phone. It would turn on you'd see the LG logo and a black screen, man I was livid. So later I was going to to have it replaced under warranty, I called Verizon and what not and he told me to press this button combo and I got straight into CWM, holy crap that was quite an easy fix for me. Here is the key combo under "Alternate Method"
http://support.verizonwireless.com/support/devices/knowledge_base.html/87344 Hope it helps in some way, if the other ways still won't work for you.
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Yeah, I tried modifying an apk and got caught in a bootloop prior to button combo on recovery being available, so I thought I was screwed. Finally managed to get into download mode as I described and all was well.
Sent from Verizon logo plastered G2 bastard
truckroot said:
Yeah, I tried modifying an apk and got caught in a bootloop prior to button combo on recovery being available, so I thought I was screwed. Finally managed to get into download mode as I described and all was well.
Sent from Verizon logo plastered G2 bastard
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Like I had said earlier, I've tried pretty much all possible combinations of button presses/cable ins and outs.
I'm pretty sure I'm screwed and will have to RMA it.
Hang in there bro, someone will chime in and fix ya.
Sent from Verizon logo plastered G2 bastard
mazer4455 said:
Things I've tried:
Completely power off:
-Hold Vol Up and plug phone in (doesn't work)
-Factory Hard Reset (doesn't work)
-Hold Vol Up + Down and plug phone in (doesn't work)
-Power on, press Vol Up at vibrate (doesn't work)
The phone never makes it to a point where I can ADB into it. I get the splash screen(with error) and straight to the black screen.
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When you say "plug in phone" you are plugging it into a computer, correct?
Sent from my LG G2
19Interpol said:
When you say "plug in phone" you are plugging it into a computer, correct?
Sent from my LG G2
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I'll be on the IRC for the most of the day, head there if you want to try and troubleshoot me more quickly.
Link to IRC channel
I'll be updating this thread as I try new things.
mazer4455 said:
I'll be on the IRC for the most of the day, head there if you want to try and troubleshoot me more quickly.
Link to IRC channel
I'll be updating this thread as I try new things.
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I've tried installing a drivers to what shows up in the device manager when I plug the phone in, but Fastboot still won't recognize the device. And as i've said before, ADB won't recognize it either.
Any possible suggestions?
mazer4455 said:
I've tried installing a drivers to what shows up in the device manager when I plug the phone in, but Fastboot still won't recognize the device. And as i've said before, ADB won't recognize it either.
Any possible suggestions?
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Still looking for some help on this one.
mazer4455 said:
Still looking for some help on this one.
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What did you end up doing to get into bootloader? Did you get back up and running?
BrandNewMonkey said:
What did you end up doing to get into bootloader? Did you get back up and running?
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I didn't. Tried to mess with the aboot to get into fastboot and was never successful. I have sent it to LG for them to reflash the device.

[Q] How can I get into fastboot mode without volume key?

Hello guys, I'm new here and I hope you can help me out.
Let me make the story short.
My phone's screen broke and I replaced.
In that processes I lost the rubber that stick
to the panel of the volume. I was fine with that since my phone
in vibrate mode and I really don't use ring tone in my daily basis.
I tried to download Android 5.0 lollipop and flash it.
How did I get there? well since I did not have a volume button,
I downloaded an app that restarted my phone and got me into
fastboot mode without the key (I did got me where I wanted).
Then the problem was that in the middle of writing the .img
the freaking cheap bastard micro usb unplugged!!!
BAMM!! phone now is bricked, I cannot get into recovery/fastboot mode
since I cannot press the volume key and my phone is bricked.
I tried going through fastboot mode via my computer again,
but the computer doesn't recognize the device since it still
looping there forever at the google logo. I try installing USB
DRIVERS to see if I could do some "magic" haha. Got
error "This device cannot start ..." And still at the same problem.
I know I can get back to my recovery if order the part for the volume
key, I ordered the part to replace it, but trust me I was 3 weeks without
my phone and now this problem
Is there any way that I can get to fastboot mode to factory reset my phone
without volume key with a bricked forever looping a "google" logo ? :fingers-crossed: :fingers-crossed:
I appreciate any help.
vadeld said:
Hello guys, I'm new here and I hope you can help me out.
Let me make the story short.
My phone's screen broke and I replaced.
In that processes I lost the rubber that stick
to the panel of the volume. I was fine with that since my phone
in vibrate mode and I really don't use ring tone in my daily basis.
I tried to download Android 5.0 lollipop and flash it.
How did I get there? well since I did not have a volume button,
I downloaded an app that restarted my phone and got me into
fastboot mode without the key (I did got me where I wanted).
Then the problem was that in the middle of writing the .img
the freaking cheap bastard micro usb unplugged!!!
BAMM!! phone now is bricked, I cannot get into recovery/fastboot mode
since I cannot press the volume key and my phone is bricked.
I tried going through fastboot mode via my computer again,
but the computer doesn't recognize the device since it still
looping there forever at the google logo. I try installing USB
DRIVERS to see if I could do some "magic" haha. Got
error "This device cannot start ..." And still at the same problem.
I know I can get back to my recovery if order the part for the volume
key, I ordered the part to replace it, but trust me I was 3 weeks without
my phone and now this problem
Is there any way that I can get to fastboot mode to factory reset my phone
without volume key with a bricked forever looping a "google" logo ? :fingers-crossed: :fingers-crossed:
I appreciate any help.
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Im not sure why your text is like this? But paraphrasing buddy comes a long way
Just hold the power button, until it dies, or just let it die in general since your volume button (You only need Vol down and Power) to power it off completely. Since your Volume keys are gone, the best solution is to wait for the replacement before doing so, unless you can get the contact keys to trigger the Volume button, you're in a loss atm. No OS or Volume keys means you can't trigger ADB commands or boot into fastboot. Just wait it out I guess?

Nexus 10 is stuck cannot boot

I updated my OS to CM12.1 and I also installed Ubuntu Touch as a second OS. Unfortunately tablet get stuck in the boot "loop" after the success Ubuntu installation.
If I plug the tablet to electricity, it turns on for a while and it's stuck on Google screen - i.ytimg.com/vi /cPmc58vrBlY/maxresdefault.jpg
If the tablet is unplugged and I press Power button, it shows just the battery icon - i.ytimg.com/vi/EU7cJWaqmQk/maxresdefault.jpg
The magic triple click is not working so I cannot get to recovery mod and be able to wipe the device.
Do you have an idea what I can do and how to fix this 10" bastard?
Sabiza said:
I updated my OS to CM12.1 and I also installed Ubuntu Touch as a second OS. Unfortunately tablet get stuck in the boot "loop" after the success Ubuntu installation.
If I plug the tablet to electricity, it turns on for a while and it's stuck on Google screen - i.ytimg.com/vi /cPmc58vrBlY/maxresdefault.jpg
If the tablet is unplugged and I press Power button, it shows just the battery icon - i.ytimg.com/vi/EU7cJWaqmQk/maxresdefault.jpg
The magic triple click is not working so I cannot get to recovery mod and be able to wipe the device.
Do you have an idea what I can do and how to fix this 10" bastard?
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Can you at least boot into the bootloader to flash the factory image?
jsgraphicart said:
Can you at least boot into the bootloader to flash the factory image?
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I was able to somehow load the screen where "Downloading..." message is. Nothing else.
Sabiza said:
I was able to somehow load the screen where "Downloading..." message is. Nothing else.
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I don't know what screen that is. Turn your device completely off if you can. Then press and hold all the buttons (Volume, Volume up, Volume Down) and see if you can get into the screen with the Android on it's back. If you can get there, follow these instructions:
Sabiza said:
I was able to somehow load the screen where "Downloading..." message is. Nothing else.
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That's the Download Mode found on all Samsung devices (even though this is a Nexus device). As jsgraphicart said above, you access the bootloader by holding down both volume buttons + power button.
Turned out that I used a wrong command in Terminal so that's why I wasn't able to find an online device and also found out that the battery was completely dead. Problem fixed, tablet is working.
Thanks for your suggestions!

TWRP install gone badly wrong i think

I have a problem after installing TWRP on my P9 Lite i have a screen saying:
Your device has been unlocked and can't be trusted
To Learn more, visit: long www adress
Your device is booting now...
Cant put a picture because i don't know how. But this is all it says, and then nothing else happens. Just stays on that screen. Can't connect to my pc or reboot in Recovery mode it always ends here.
Hopefully one of you guys can help. In a bit of panic.
Can't shut it down, everytime i try to turn it off, it reboots into this screen.
Can tell us some more information? Like what ROM are you on now, what TWRP you used etc..
Potato997 said:
Can tell us some more information? Like what ROM are you on now, what TWRP you used etc..
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I Used TWRP and havn't gooten to custom rom, i am on Android Nougat with EMUI 5.0.
Cant start it other then ending on this screen. I managed to get it booting again, but now my Bluetooth didn't work. So i tryed again and now i am stuck again.
It's a B380 Model
Potato997 said:
Can tell us some more information? Like what ROM are you on now, what TWRP you used etc..
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Just tryed to make the dload folder on the root of my SDcard but still no success. I havn't been able to start boot screen other than this locked screen.
I have tryed to start with volume up + power both volume up and down + power and volume down + power. Nothing changes, just get this screen everytime.
Cant do anything, not even shut the phone down, it only reboots. I have seen other simular problems, but they have been able to get to the screen with 3 options. I havn't been able to come to that part.
Plug USB cable to your phone but not on your computer, restart the phone and as soon as it restart press volume + (or volume - I don't remember which is fastboot) and plug the USB cable to the computer. So you can check if the bootloader is unlocked
Potato997 said:
Plug USB cable to your phone but not on your computer, restart the phone and as soon as it restart press volume + (or volume - I don't remember which is fastboot) and plug the USB cable to the computer. So you can check if the bootloader is unlocked
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I can't get to fastboot, dosn't matter what i do. I have no clue what have happened.
stubbeDk81 said:
I can't get to fastboot, dosn't matter what i do. I have no clue what have happened.
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After i ran out of power and the phone went out. I have been able to boot again. Anybody who knows a bootloader i can install that works on my phone for sure. My bootloader is ****ed up.
It is unlocked now, so i have to be sure it works.

