Nexus 10 is stuck cannot boot - Nexus 10 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I updated my OS to CM12.1 and I also installed Ubuntu Touch as a second OS. Unfortunately tablet get stuck in the boot "loop" after the success Ubuntu installation.
If I plug the tablet to electricity, it turns on for a while and it's stuck on Google screen - /cPmc58vrBlY/maxresdefault.jpg
If the tablet is unplugged and I press Power button, it shows just the battery icon -
The magic triple click is not working so I cannot get to recovery mod and be able to wipe the device.
Do you have an idea what I can do and how to fix this 10" bastard?

Sabiza said:
I updated my OS to CM12.1 and I also installed Ubuntu Touch as a second OS. Unfortunately tablet get stuck in the boot "loop" after the success Ubuntu installation.
If I plug the tablet to electricity, it turns on for a while and it's stuck on Google screen - /cPmc58vrBlY/maxresdefault.jpg
If the tablet is unplugged and I press Power button, it shows just the battery icon -
The magic triple click is not working so I cannot get to recovery mod and be able to wipe the device.
Do you have an idea what I can do and how to fix this 10" bastard?
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Can you at least boot into the bootloader to flash the factory image?

jsgraphicart said:
Can you at least boot into the bootloader to flash the factory image?
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I was able to somehow load the screen where "Downloading..." message is. Nothing else.

Sabiza said:
I was able to somehow load the screen where "Downloading..." message is. Nothing else.
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I don't know what screen that is. Turn your device completely off if you can. Then press and hold all the buttons (Volume, Volume up, Volume Down) and see if you can get into the screen with the Android on it's back. If you can get there, follow these instructions:

Sabiza said:
I was able to somehow load the screen where "Downloading..." message is. Nothing else.
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That's the Download Mode found on all Samsung devices (even though this is a Nexus device). As jsgraphicart said above, you access the bootloader by holding down both volume buttons + power button.

Turned out that I used a wrong command in Terminal so that's why I wasn't able to find an online device and also found out that the battery was completely dead. Problem fixed, tablet is working.
Thanks for your suggestions!


[Q] Nexus 7 bricked on laying robot with red exclamation mark

Right... I spent the last 6 hours reading through the forum and Googling about this problem. I learnt a lot (!), but cannot solve the problem, and I now hope someone can help me
Sorry for the lenghty post, but there's a lot of information to share...
Yesterday, my long-awaited Nexus 7 (8Gb) finally arrived. It worked just fine for an hour or so: I got online without any issue, Calendar, Photos, GMail and Contacts were nicely synching and I was really starting to get impressed about the speed and features.
I did download a couple apps, more specifically Aldiko & Moon+ Reader ebook reader apps, and Facebook).
Suddenly --I believe I just started the Facebook app-- the screen turned black and showed strange stripes. The device rebooted and got stuck on the black screen with the white "Google" text. I let it sit there for a while and then instinctively tried to power-off the device by holding the power button for 10 seconds or so. It did indeed reboot, but when the tablet booted up, it popped back to the black Google screen and just sat there.
FYI: The USB cable was connected all of the time, and the first time I plugged the Nexus in, my Win 7 64bit machine recognized the tablet and loaded the drivers for it.
When it got stuck, I decided to continue charging it, thinking that maybe the battery wasn't fully charged and the cause of the problem. I hooked it up to the official charger in a wall socket and let it sit there for a while, while I started searching the web for a solution. After about 30 minutes, when I had read about the power+volume button combination, I tried this combination (until then the Google page showed for more than 30 minutes). The Nexus indeed showed the Fastboot screen, and I had to plug it back in the PC's USB to get the buttons "start", "recovery mode", "power off" and "restart bootloader" working. None of them had any effect.
The fastboot screen showed the product name "grouper", the lock state as "locked"; the bootloader as version 3.34 and the HW version as ER3.
I downloaded the "Nexus root toolkit" from WugFresh and tried to flash it back to "stock" with Android 4.1.1 JRO03D. The tool did show my serial number, btw.... Until then, I had good hopes, but then it went wrong: the tool downloaded the files, unpacked them and said something about "wiping flash" and everything froze. After about 20 minutes, I concluded it had locked-up and unplugged the device.
It now seems to be completely "bricked"...
I can no longer get to the fastboot screen; Not even with the 3-button trick... it always shows the Google screen and immediately shows the "dead robot" screen with the exclamation mark.
The Nexus does not start up Android, so I cannot activate ADB/ USB debugging...
The device is no longer recognized by my PC; the PC doesn't make the "USB hooked up/disconnected" sound anymore
I tried uninstalling the drivers and installed the "naked drivers", no solution -- they show up with yellow exclamation marks
I installed the SDK, and "fastboot.exe devices" shows nothing
I downloaded the "Nexus 7 Toolkit 2.0"; I cannot access the tablet, no serials show, drivers cannot be installed
FYI: I did not try to root it or unlock it. I rebooted my PC, I power-cycled the Nexus, I changed USB ports, sigh...
I'm afraid I actually bricked my device... If so indeed, and given the fact that I cannot access the device with any of the tools/toolkits, is there anything I can do to put it back to factory settings?
Someone else may chime in with some help, but I think using the toolkit screwed you. Had you just used fastboot while you had the bootloader up you could have reflashed the stock rom yourself using the file from here and these commands.. but since you can't get into the bootloader now I think its hosed, but I could be wrong though.
I just noticed that when I press the power + volume up button, my PC detects it as an "Asus Transformer Prime APX Interface"?
Would this be another "way in"? (found something about NVflash on Google?)
Here are two threads on the topic, however I don't think they restore it that way since mostly its done thru the bootloader
and people still continue to use toolkits because its easier. in reality its just easier to mess upon your device. reading through the forums i have yet to see someone that messed up their device with fastboot oem unlock amd fastboot flash recovery recovery.img.
To be honest; I feel the toolkits are great for people that know what they're doing and understand the process and are just looking for a quick way to do it.
People that are new to the rooting scene and don't understand the process are the people that SHOULDN'T be using these toolkits. They need to learn about the process and do it a few times manually before even attempting the toolkits.
OK guys, I got the message and yep, shouldn't have used the toolkit. **guilty** :cyclops:
But what advise do you guys have? Would the APX/NVFlash path make sense?
Or can you advise how to get support from Google/Asus in Belgium (bought tablet in Staples US )
Considering it doesn't seem anyone has used NVFlash to restore it looks like you are going to have to return/exchange/RMA whatever option is available to you, unless its figured out
i see you pressing volume up and down and power button to get into the bootloader.. but thats wrong. its power button + volume down to get into the bootloader(maybe thatll make a difference for you). but yea, chances are that youll need to go for an exchange/repair.
Nvflash should work though. I haven't used it last tablet and.unfortunately I forget how to use it. I don't think zip files can be used. I think someone could help him that knows how to set up a folder of files for nvflash.
simms22 said:
i see you pressing volume up and down and power button to get into the bootloader.. but thats wrong. its power button + volume down to get into the bootloader(maybe thatll make a difference for you). but yea, chances are that youll need to go for an exchange/repair.
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hi, the combination did the job before, but just to be sure, I have tried them all:
power + vol up + vol down: black Google screen, followed by the dead robot with exclamation mark sign...
power + vol down: black Google screen, followed by the dead robot with exclamation mark sign...
power + vol up: Goes into APX mode (and PC chimes)
bigooze said:
hi, the combination did the job before, but just to be sure, I have tried them all:
power + vol up + vol down: black Google screen, followed by the dead robot with exclamation mark sign...
power + vol down: black Google screen, followed by the dead robot with exclamation mark sign...
power + vol up: Goes into APX mode (and PC chimes)
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robot with an exclamation is the stock recovery. it wants to be flashed with the stock google image
simms22 said:
robot with an exclamation is the stock recovery. it wants to be flashed with the stock google .img
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Hmm... And how would one do this? What tool should be used?
bigooze said:
Hmm... And how would one do this? What tool should be used?
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read the page and links provided there, the instructions are there.
simms22 said:
read the page and links provided there, the instructions are there.
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Dont think you can flash those files thru recovery, I already posted that link for him unfortunately without the bootloader I think hes hosed
In order to use these files, you need to have the fastboot tool in your PATH. That tool is compiled as part of every configuration of the Android Open-Source Project and is the tool used to flash custom builds on your device. On GNU/Linux systems, this also implies that you have configured USB access as mentioned in the machine setup instructions.
Your device needs to be in fastboot mode, with the bootloader unlocked. The relevant key combinations and commands are documented on the page about building for devices.
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When the android with the red mark comes up, press power+vol up, does the recovery come up?
simms22 said:
read the page and links provided there, the instructions are there.
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Oops... getting late here -- didn't notice the link...
Anyway, the instructions indicate the use of the fastboot tool, which do not work :crying:

[Q] Can I root from a bugged nexus 7?

Before I begin I must say I've never used an android device in my life so this is all completely new to me. The only experience I've had was rooting and installing CM or something similar to an iphone 3gs a few years ago.
I'm aware a lot of people are having problems with their nexus 7 hanging at the animated rainbow-colored X screen. I've seen the suggestion to hold power and vol up/down to get to the restore factory default settings - but that doesn't show. Mine just shuts off. I've tried going to the bootloader screen via power+vol up/down while the machine was off but nothing ever happens. The nexus just stays powered off. Also, if I hold power while it's hanging on the rainbow X, nothing happens - it doesnt even shut off. In order to turn it off I have to hold power+vol up/down.
I have not rooted or installed any ROMs on this android yet. But I do want to. I am curious if I can somehow root and flash my nexus.
If someone can point me in the right direction on how to start this from a basically dead nexus 7, please enlighten me. I've read through a few instructional threads so far but they all start off with the nexus 7 being able to fully start.
Please advise.
Also, pic of device manager w/ error msgs from n7:
(can't post links with under 10 posts on account, so i broke up the link. remove the asteriks (*) and replace with periods.
[Info] Guide to entering safe mode, bootloader, stock recovery
Go into recovery and choose wipe data factory reset.
sfhub said:
[Info] Guide to entering safe mode, bootloader, stock recovery
Go into recovery and choose wipe data factory reset.
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Thanks for the link. I tried entering safe mode, didn't work
- Press/Hold Power button until Google screen shows up, RELEASE Power button
- Press/Hold VolDn until Android has booted up
The device doesn't even boot up in safe mode. Still hangs on the rainbow x.
Got into bootloader using these instructions while n7 off:
- Power+VolUp while booting to enter recovery
- You can release buttons after you see Google on screen
selected Recovery.
It turned off then on, showed the Google screen, and now shoes an android fallen over with "No command." shown underneath and am continuing..
edit: wiped and restarted. can now finally root. thanks bud.

Verizon G2 Stuck in Bootloop.

Hey guys,
So I got my G2 today and rooted it using the recommended root thread(IOroot10). It completed successfully and installed SU onto my device. It didn't actually ask for any permissions when i opened it and when I attempted to update the binaries it fails because I never get the toast about granting permission. So I factory reset and tried again. It didn't work the second time either. I thought maybe it's because I didn't take the latest OTA, so I factory reset one more time, took the OTA, and am now stuck in boot. I can't get to any recovery or download mode.
The phone boots the LG logo then gives me a boot loader secure check real fast that it fails. After that it goes to a black screen and there's nothing I can do.
When I plug the phone in and let it get to the black screen, it creates a ton of virtual USB drives (16 to be exact). The first one contains a write protected folder named image which contains the files modem.bxx, mlserver.bxx, mc_b2.bxx, adsp.bxx, cmnlib.bxx, dxhdcp2.bxx, isdbtm,.bxx,
mba.bxx, playread.bxx, tqs.bxx, wcnss.bxx, widevine.bxx, where the xx in .bxx is replaced with sequences of 00 up to 26 in some cases. The rest of the drives it creates are empty.
Any sign of a recovery is completely gone, and I have no idea where it went
This is what appears in the top left of the screen when the LG splash pops up for a split second and goes black
ERROR: Boot Loader Verification
[850]Secure Boot Error!
[900]Cause: Boot Certification Verify
Things I've tried:
+Completely power off:
-Hold Vol Up and plug phone in (doesn't work)
-Factory Hard Reset (doesn't work)
-Hold Vol Up + Down and plug phone in (doesn't work)
-Power on, press Vol Up at vibrate (doesn't work)
+The phone never makes it to a point where I can ADB into it. I get the splash screen(with error) and straight to the black screen.
+Completely drain the battery and plug it back in to charge up. I end up with the same issue.
+Fastboot will not recognize the device, so flashing the recovery that way isn't an option.
-Could be a driver issue, but I think the phone just never makes it to a point where I can use fastboot.
Sent from Verizon logo plastered G2 bastard
truckroot said:
Sent from Verizon logo plastered G2 bastard
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Perhaps I'm missing something in that thread, but none of it applies to me.
The link to the other thread for if you can't get into download mode only talks about having TWRP installed on the device, which I don't.
And the rest of it is if you have ADB access, which I don't as well.
mazer4455 said:
Perhaps I'm missing something in that thread, but none of it applies to me.
The link to the other thread for if you can't get into download mode only talks about having TWRP installed on the device, which I don't.
And the rest of it is if you have ADB access, which I don't as well.
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Do this...
had the same thing happen to me except I had twrp and I couldnt do **** with it.
reset to stock, then re root...
if you can get into download mode,, you are good
ars0n said:
Do this...
had the same thing happen to me except I had twrp and I couldnt do **** with it.
reset to stock, then re root...
if you can get into download mode,, you are good
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I'm reading through the directions and it says to get into download mode. I can not get into download mode to make any of this work.
mazer4455 said:
I'm reading through the directions and it says to get into download mode. I can not get into download mode to make any of this work.
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To get into download mode the G2 needs to be connected to the computer and upon turning on immediately press volume up. Compared to other devices, it's a weird way to do and may take a couple of tries to successfully boot into.
il buono said:
To get into download mode the G2 needs to be connected to the computer and upon turning on immediately press volume up. Compared to other devices, it's a weird way to do and may take a couple of tries to successfully boot into.
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I'm still having no luck. I've read nearly 4 different ways to enter download mode for the vzw version and none of them have worked yet.
Holding the power button itself just restarts the device and it heads right back into the black screen. If I continue to hold the power button after it restarts, I get the LG splash again and then it shuts off.
It seems like the stock recovery is completely gone, but I don't understand why I wouldn't be able to get into download mode because of that.
mazer4455 said:
I'm still having no luck. I've read nearly 4 different ways to enter download mode for the vzw version and none of them have worked yet.
The device itself will not turn off without me holding the power+up button for around ten seconds. Holding the power button itself just restarts the device and it heads right back into the black screen.
It seems like the stock recovery is completely gone, but I don't understand why I wouldn't be able to get into download mode because of that.
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If you're phone is responding then there's still hope. Did you try this method to boot into download?
Power off your G2, press Volume Up & Down key and then plug in the usb cable (enter to a download mode)
Sent from my LG G2
19Interpol said:
If you're phone is responding then there's still hope. Did you try this method to boot into download?
Power off your G2, press Volume Up & Down key and then plug in the usb cable (enter to a download mode)
Sent from my LG G2
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I have tried every button combination there is and still no luck It's really frustrating.
Try keeping USB plugged into both computer and phone. Hold power button down, as soon as u feel the haptic feedback from the reboot hold down the vol+ button.
Sent from Verizon logo plastered G2 bastard
truckroot, that does indeed work, I actually messed with my build.prop file today and it soft bricked my phone. It would turn on you'd see the LG logo and a black screen, man I was livid. So later I was going to to have it replaced under warranty, I called Verizon and what not and he told me to press this button combo and I got straight into CWM, holy crap that was quite an easy fix for me. Here is the key combo under "Alternate Method" Hope it helps in some way, if the other ways still won't work for you.
scififan68 said:
truckroot, that does indeed work, I actually messed with my build.prop file today and it soft bricked my phone. It would turn on you'd see the LG logo and a black screen, man I was livid. So later I was going to to have it replaced under warranty, I called Verizon and what not and he told me to press this button combo and I got straight into CWM, holy crap that was quite an easy fix for me. Here is the key combo under "Alternate Method" Hope it helps in some way, if the other ways still won't work for you.
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Yeah, I tried modifying an apk and got caught in a bootloop prior to button combo on recovery being available, so I thought I was screwed. Finally managed to get into download mode as I described and all was well.
Sent from Verizon logo plastered G2 bastard
truckroot said:
Yeah, I tried modifying an apk and got caught in a bootloop prior to button combo on recovery being available, so I thought I was screwed. Finally managed to get into download mode as I described and all was well.
Sent from Verizon logo plastered G2 bastard
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Like I had said earlier, I've tried pretty much all possible combinations of button presses/cable ins and outs.
I'm pretty sure I'm screwed and will have to RMA it.
Hang in there bro, someone will chime in and fix ya.
Sent from Verizon logo plastered G2 bastard
mazer4455 said:
Things I've tried:
Completely power off:
-Hold Vol Up and plug phone in (doesn't work)
-Factory Hard Reset (doesn't work)
-Hold Vol Up + Down and plug phone in (doesn't work)
-Power on, press Vol Up at vibrate (doesn't work)
The phone never makes it to a point where I can ADB into it. I get the splash screen(with error) and straight to the black screen.
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When you say "plug in phone" you are plugging it into a computer, correct?
Sent from my LG G2
19Interpol said:
When you say "plug in phone" you are plugging it into a computer, correct?
Sent from my LG G2
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I'll be on the IRC for the most of the day, head there if you want to try and troubleshoot me more quickly.
Link to IRC channel
I'll be updating this thread as I try new things.
mazer4455 said:
I'll be on the IRC for the most of the day, head there if you want to try and troubleshoot me more quickly.
Link to IRC channel
I'll be updating this thread as I try new things.
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I've tried installing a drivers to what shows up in the device manager when I plug the phone in, but Fastboot still won't recognize the device. And as i've said before, ADB won't recognize it either.
Any possible suggestions?
mazer4455 said:
I've tried installing a drivers to what shows up in the device manager when I plug the phone in, but Fastboot still won't recognize the device. And as i've said before, ADB won't recognize it either.
Any possible suggestions?
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Still looking for some help on this one.
mazer4455 said:
Still looking for some help on this one.
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What did you end up doing to get into bootloader? Did you get back up and running?
BrandNewMonkey said:
What did you end up doing to get into bootloader? Did you get back up and running?
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I didn't. Tried to mess with the aboot to get into fastboot and was never successful. I have sent it to LG for them to reflash the device.

xt1611 bricked

hello and thanks in advance. I recently installed twrp on my device and somehow deleted entire os. while in twrp I was informed of this but as luck would have it experienced a power outage, phone died and now adb is not finding device. since deleting os is it possible to get comp to locate it? all I get is the blue led and if I try to volume down power to boot recovery ligts go out. I do get a chime saying something is connected to comp but I cannot locate it. any advice would be great.
Have you tried to follow instructions to reflash TWRP? Can you put the phone in bootloader/fastboot mode?
Lostsheep420 said:
hello and thanks in advance. I recently installed twrp on my device and somehow deleted entire os. while in twrp I was informed of this but as luck would have it experienced a power outage, phone died and now adb is not finding device. since deleting os is it possible to get comp to locate it? all I get is the blue led and if I try to volume down power to boot recovery ligts go out. I do get a chime saying something is connected to comp but I cannot locate it. any advice would be great.
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divineBliss said:
Have you tried to follow instructions to reflash TWRP? Can you put the phone in bootloader/fastboot mode?
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no all I have is a black screen but but blue led is on. no recovery mode and device not found by way of computer
Try putting it in fastboot mode with this method:
Does the phone screen show fastboot mode in title?
Let me know what happened.
Lostsheep420 said:
no all I have is a black screen but but blue led is on. no recovery mode and device not found by way of computer
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divineBliss said:
Try putting it in fastboot mode with this method:
Does the phone screen show fastboot mode in title?
Let me know what happened.
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as I stated earlier the only sign of life is the blue led. no screen sound or vibration nor does it seem to have anything but attemptin the adb by buttons did cause the blue led to turn off. its using battery as if smething is running its like a completely clean slate nothing at all
Unclear to me if you tried my post instructions to get into fastboot mode. If that's not working, I'm not sure what can be done other than sending phone to Huawei for repair. Maybe someone else has another idea? Good luck
Lostsheep420 said:
as I stated earlier the only sign of life is the blue led. no screen sound or vibration nor does it seem to have anything but attemptin the adb by buttons did cause the blue led to turn off. its using battery as if smething is running its like a completely clean slate nothing at all
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Maybe missing something here but if can get to TWRP, power off then on holding volume up, you can flash any rom. Not volume down on my phone to get to TWRP, is volume up.
Good catch on the volume up button.
Original H1611 bootloader unlock and TWRP flashing instructions which cover key sequence to get into TWRP:
popeye2014 said:
Maybe missing something here but if can get to TWRP, power off then on holding volume up, you can flash any rom. Not volume down on my phone to get to TWRP, is volume up.
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I cannot get to recovery mode. My computer is not finding device by way of adb. Is there a way to push by way of command prompt and force it on to device?
Lostsheep420 said:
I cannot get to recovery mode. My computer is not finding device by way of adb. Is there a way to push by way of command prompt and force it on to device?
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No way if you don't have adb working. Again, if you hold volume up button while pressing power on button, then release power on button as soon as you see boot screen, do you get recovery screen?
No screen reaction at all. Only the led when connected by us to computer it seems to charge and led stays lit blue after fully charged and red when still charging. I was hoping maybe there was a shell comand that would maybe push data enough to get into recovery at least.

A20e stuck in download mode

I have a new a20e (a202f) out of the box.
I followed another guide to root and install twrp which turns out was wrong. I unlocked the bootloader just fine.
I have no backup, no personal boot.img or anything.
Essentially I am stuck in download mode and restarting takes me straight back to download mode.
Recovery: Error validating footer.
Cheers guys
What guide did you follow? You have to download your stock fw from sites like sammobile then from there you can have the boot.img and etc. Have you tried flashing stock fw using odin?
Note: Usually you flash vbmeta for footer error when you flash twrp.
Deluriane said:
What guide did you follow? Have you tried flashing stock fw using odin?
Note: Usually you flash vbmeta for footer error when you flash twrp.
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It was a guide on '' - I can't link things here yet.
I have since tar'ed an unpatched twrp (TWRP- + vbmeta.img + boot.img (from, then I flashed through AP on Odin and now I think it boots past the download mode but instead it now has fuzzy dark red screen with nothing legible.
Oh bugger, I've been a class A plum.
Can I get out of this horrible mess?
craigywaigy said:
It was a guide on '' - I can't link things here yet.
I have since tar'ed an unpatched twrp (TWRP- + vbmeta.img + boot.img (from, then I flashed through AP on Odin and now I think it boots past the download mode but instead it now has fuzzy dark red screen with nothing legible.
Oh bugger, I've been a class A plum.
Can I get out of this horrible mess?
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Well you have to use your own boot.img from your fw, not all of use the same fw that's why, some are still on u2, u3 and u4. Maybe the boot.img you got isnt the same as your fw.
Well you can start from scratch and reflash your stock fw in odin.
Deluriane said:
Well you have to use your own boot.img from your fw, not all of use the same fw that's why, some are still on u2, u3 and u4. Maybe the boot.img you got isnt the same as your fw.
Well you can start from scratch and reflash your stock fw in odin.
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Yep, but now I can not get back to download mode. Any pointers?
craigywaigy said:
Yep, but now I can not get back to download mode. Any pointers?
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Try holding volume - and power and your phone will turn off, as soon as it turns off press volume + & - and plug your usb cable that is connected to a computer.
No luck with that. It displays the message about running custom os etc and to press power to continue. So I press it and it boots to the messed up red/pink/black display.
craigywaigy said:
No luck with that. It displays the message about running custom os etc and to press power to continue. So I press it and it boots to the messed up red/pink/black display.
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Do you mean like the one attached? If yes you havent booted to download mode.
Try booting to recovery by holding volume + and power while you turn on the phone.
There is a option there to boot to download mode.
Deluriane said:
Do you mean like the one attached? If yes you havent booted to download mode.
Try booting to recovery by holding volume + and power while you turn on the phone.
There is a option there to boot to download mode.
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Yes that screen. I've tried your suggestion with volume + but that also ends up with messed up screen
Yes so currently I'm unable to get to recovery (not sure it even flashed properly), unable to get to download mode, or to get the device recognised in odin.
I'm unable to power off. The screen is blank and when I press power it flickers shortly with some black/white/red pink colours around the edges, but the screen quickly turns blank.
From this position I can only restart by holding volume - and power.
This boots to the samsung logo and then the 'bootloader unlocked' warning. No amount of button configs have proved successful so far, and then I end up back at the blank screen.
I'm happy to start from scratch. I have downloaded the stock firmware but I'm simply unable to proceed.
Aslo the device is not recognised in windows at any point.
Thanks guys
craigywaigy said:
Yes so currently I'm unable to get to recovery (not sure it even flashed properly), unable to get to download mode, or to get the device recognised in odin.
I'm unable to power off. The screen is blank and when I press power it flickers shortly with some black/white/red pink colours around the edges, but the screen quickly turns blank.
From this position I can only restart by holding volume - and power.
This boots to the samsung logo and then the 'bootloader unlocked' warning. No amount of button configs have proved successful so far, and then I end up back at the blank screen.
I'm happy to start from scratch. I have downloaded the stock firmware but I'm simply unable to proceed.
Aslo the device is not recognised in windows at any point.
Thanks guys
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Are you sure you pressed and hold volume +&- and plugging cable before the samsung logo pops up? You have to do it quickly right after the device turns off. You shoudn't see the bootloader warning if you done this quickly and correctly.
craigywaigy said:
Yes so currently I'm unable to get to recovery (not sure it even flashed properly), unable to get to download mode, or to get the device recognised in odin.
I'm unable to power off. The screen is blank and when I press power it flickers shortly with some black/white/red pink colours around the edges, but the screen quickly turns blank.
From this position I can only restart by holding volume - and power.
This boots to the samsung logo and then the 'bootloader unlocked' warning. No amount of button configs have proved successful so far, and then I end up back at the blank screen.
I'm happy to start from scratch. I have downloaded the stock firmware but I'm simply unable to proceed.
Aslo the device is not recognised in windows at any point.
Thanks guys
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Hello -
Please trust me when I tell you that it can be fixed. I had the EXACT same problem and drove me crazy for 24 hours. You can deffinetly fix your phone once you get to download mode.
I had the same issue where I could not turn the phone OFF it just looped back and I pushed buttons for hours to no avail... Then some one told me it WILL WORK, it is just the timing of
the button pushing, AND the USB cable plug in. Sure enough he was right. It took me alot of tries and I even took my phone apart and un plugged the battery so I could controll the power
ON / OFF better and time the button's easier. Here is what I did ...
unplug battery so phone was 100% OFF.
Plug in battery ( phone is still OFF )
Hold Vol - then Hold Power and Vol -
As soon as the power started IMEDITALY PLUG IN USB ( have USB READY to be plugged in FAST )
DONT let go of buttons ... screen will flash quickly and then Imediatly let go of power keep holding Vol -
IF you timed this right, IT WILL proced to download mode. If not, then start over again from power OFF ( step 01 )
It took me 3 tries to get it ( after 50+ tries before ) lol
Now I am not sure about the battery unplugging ... maybe you dont need to, but it mad it work for me as I could control the power ON part of this now.
Getting to your battery is not very hard and there is a you tube video on how to do it... if you need help just PM ME.
Good luck friend.
When this happened to me all I did was hold volume up and volume down. Kept cord connected to computer. Connected to device during the bootloop and boom within seconds I was in download mode. It catches it once screen goes off in between the bootloop.
Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
Thanks you guys. In the end the battery died and then I could power up whilst holding vol+, straight to recovery and then I could flash stock rom.
Much appreciation for your help guys, it got me out of a pinch - it is my mother-in-law's new phone!
craigywaigy said:
I have a new a20e (a202f) out of the box.
I followed another guide to root and install twrp which turns out was wrong. I unlocked the bootloader just fine.
I have no backup, no personal boot.img or anything.
Essentially I am stuck in download mode and restarting takes me straight back to download mode.
Recovery: Error validating footer.
Cheers guys
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can you help me i have the same problem idk how to fix it help

