From SG4A to Nexus 6P - Nexus 6P Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Received a new Nexus 6P today, visited AT&T store and inserted SIM, phone works, all is fine.
Or so I thought...
While most apps appear to have installed automatically and I manually Un-Selected several Samsung apps so as to NOT install, there are a couple anomalies.
The major one is the Calendar as it appears to be missing many appointments and reminders previously setup on the Samsung S4 Active. There is no apparent Sync setting missing but out of 100 or so appointments about 20 or 24 are missing. That is just for April and May.,
Also, despite doing an AT&T Contacts Sync/Save before visiting the store, many contacts are missing. Is it a matter of manually pulling these from the AT&T Cloud storage ? If so, not clear where and how. The google contacts are visible in email and hangouts.

If I'm not mistaken, it sounds like you are missing this stuff because you are synced to services other than google. Samsung stuff and AT&T bloatware are not on the Nexus, so that could be why you can't access everything you had before. Sync all to google and you should be fine.


unable to synch mutiple gmail calendars

I have 3 calendars under my gmail account, but they're all owned by the same account (me)
I only had one when I initially set up the phone and I added 2 yesterday.
The 2 new ones will not show up in the phone.
Has anyone run into this? I did a google search, but not much for results out there which I find strange.
also, I subscribed to a read only one (canadian holidays) and it was on the phone right away.
So it seems that only ones that I create I cannot get to the phone.
figured it out.
I had to actually delete all my calendar data. settings/applications/manage applications/calendar
and then clear data for all of them.

[Q] Problems synching with Google Calendar.

I just got my Galaxy Vibrant S (GT-i9000m). I noticed when I create events on Google Calendar on the web, it gets push down onto my phone. However, when I delete that same event on my phone (via the Calendar app), it does not get push up onto the Google Calendar.
Does any of you guys encountered such problems ?
My phone is running stocked ROM from Bell.
Anyone with such issues ?
Not only can I go from phone to Google but I have TONS of stuff in my Google calendars yet my phone shows only from July 12 on. If I go to Google and make an entry for say July 4, it shows up immediately in the phone. Delete it in the phone and nothing happens on the online calendar.
Why is nothing prior to 7/12 showing up?????????
no problem, my stuffs syncs back and forth properly.
make sure in settings > sync account
you have properly configure the gmail account and have the GREEN sync button on, some times it turns off if it failed too many times to connect

Is there a way to link FB contacts in the contacts tab on the phone?

I feel this feature was dropped a while ago from vanilla google but I've had Galaxy Ss and Notes for so long I am not exactly sure. Is there a way to get FB contacts to link with contacts in my phone? I mostly want it just to have pictures of people in my contacts rather than going out and finding a photo of each one...
This is no longer possible for the most part. Google stopped offering it natively a long time ago. Facebook changed their APIs this summer to break it further. There are some services like Sync.Me that still claim to be able to do it, but your contacts have to have very few security settings turned on in order for it to work right. I have an overlap of about 60 friends how are in my phone and in my friend list and only 12 of them can sync properly. I think we're finally out of luck without doing it manually. :-/
Yeah, Sync.Me seems to be the best now. I'm not getting all my contacts, but most.

How the heck do you upload your contacts to your google acount. Going from S6 to S5.

I have a bunch of contacts on my S6 phone. Most of them are on the sim card or in the "phone". About 20% of them are on my google account when I choose to display only google account contacts.
When I go to my accounts on the S6 and click on on my google account to sync my "contacts", It says "last synced" just then and there as you expect, however, it only syncs the contacts that are present in my google account, NONE of the new ones in my sim card or phone. I guess I have been saving new contacts to my phone rather than my google account, so what good is sync?
So when i go to my S5 and log in with the google account, it ONLY has the google account contacts present, and none of the other ones in the S6. I want to have ALL my contacts in my S5 that I have in my S6.
Furthermore, the S5 uses kies and the S6 uses smart switch, so I cant even work out how to sync the contacts on my computer and put them on the other phone!
Same for memos!
WTF samsung why did they drop KIES for the S6?
Search for Copy Contacts on Play Store
Sent from my SM-G928F using XDA Free mobile app
Thanks westwood. I already solved the problem using an awesome app called "phone copier" I did it via bluetootha and viola it did ALL the contacts.
Prior to this I spent literrlay 4+ hours trying to get my contacts from one phone to the other. There was simply no way to do it via offical means, or if there was it as so convoluted and unimaginative that its ridiculous. I tried using smartswtich on both the s5 and s6 via the pc. I backed up one on phone and plugged in the other and restored. Guess what. AGAIN only the 30% or so google account contacts copied. Then I tried smartswitch over the air via play store. Guess what the phones found each other, but then one of them said not enough space and closed down without even letting me see what was going on. HEY I only want to copy contacts!! What do you mean not enough space. Ridiculous.

Galaxy S5 (SM-900I) Sync Failure after Marshmallow Upgrade

Marshmallow (Android 6.0.1) was released recently for the Galaxy S5 in Australia.
All appeared well after the upgraded until I noticed that new calendar entries were were not being synchronised between the S5 and my Google account. I checked my Google account in the phone and found sync had failed for Contacts, Calendar and Tasks.
After a trying a number of different things with no success, I finally decided to do a factory wipe and reset. Everything looked OK until I installed Business Calendar 2. After a little time, I started to get sync errors again.
The only way to recover from this mess was to uninstall Business Calendar 2, remove my Google Account, delete both the Calendar and Contacts storage data and then reboot the phone. Once the phone finishes rebooting, sign in to my Google account. The phone starts to download calendar events and contacts. If you install Business Calendar 2 again, the sync function is again crippled and you have to go through the reset process again.
I have contacted the Business Calendar 2 developers but they haven;t been able to help. I also installed Google Calendar but found synchronisation unreliable. Sometimes calendar events would not synchronise. However, there were no error reported!
At this point, I have had to resort to using Samsung's S-Planner app which is very ordinary. Better than nothing I suppose.
I have done quite a bit of research and there are many Samsung S5, S6, S7 and Tab S2 user complaining about similar issues after a Marshmallow upgrade. Some have suggested disabling Power Saving but was not a solution for me.
Has anyone had a similar experience?

