How the heck do you upload your contacts to your google acount. Going from S6 to S5. - Galaxy S 5 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I have a bunch of contacts on my S6 phone. Most of them are on the sim card or in the "phone". About 20% of them are on my google account when I choose to display only google account contacts.
When I go to my accounts on the S6 and click on on my google account to sync my "contacts", It says "last synced" just then and there as you expect, however, it only syncs the contacts that are present in my google account, NONE of the new ones in my sim card or phone. I guess I have been saving new contacts to my phone rather than my google account, so what good is sync?
So when i go to my S5 and log in with the google account, it ONLY has the google account contacts present, and none of the other ones in the S6. I want to have ALL my contacts in my S5 that I have in my S6.
Furthermore, the S5 uses kies and the S6 uses smart switch, so I cant even work out how to sync the contacts on my computer and put them on the other phone!
Same for memos!
WTF samsung why did they drop KIES for the S6?

Search for Copy Contacts on Play Store
Sent from my SM-G928F using XDA Free mobile app

Thanks westwood. I already solved the problem using an awesome app called "phone copier" I did it via bluetootha and viola it did ALL the contacts.
Prior to this I spent literrlay 4+ hours trying to get my contacts from one phone to the other. There was simply no way to do it via offical means, or if there was it as so convoluted and unimaginative that its ridiculous. I tried using smartswtich on both the s5 and s6 via the pc. I backed up one on phone and plugged in the other and restored. Guess what. AGAIN only the 30% or so google account contacts copied. Then I tried smartswitch over the air via play store. Guess what the phones found each other, but then one of them said not enough space and closed down without even letting me see what was going on. HEY I only want to copy contacts!! What do you mean not enough space. Ridiculous.


Do you keep your contact list on your phone or on google?

My phone's bugging out again for some reason today and I'm pretty sure I have to wipe it when I get home, currently I backup all my contacts to my outlook account on my computer at home.
My question, Is it better to use Google as the main storage for my contacts instead of resyncing each time I wipe my phone?
I use google. Main reason is because I use all of the calendar, voice, gmail, and so on. Just easier for me.
Google. One of the best features for me was the integration of Google's address book, my Gmail had more complete contact information than even my last cell phone.
Google because after all it is a Google phone....
Google for sure. SO easy to flash a new ROM. All the app data is back, perfect and pristine; no worries about Outlook formatting things incorrectly, or things getting 'out of sync' when you update things online and/or on your phone.
I wipe WAY too much to leave it on the phone.. so Google it is for me..
Yup, google here. Makes things soo easy.
i use google because its very easy to restore my contacts after a wipe
Google for me as well. Remember you can chose to Sync only the groups you want sync'd. It requires some organizing in google to get your contacts into groups but is well worth the effort. This way you can leave out contacts you don't want on your phone, but can access via google should you really need to.
tyrnight said:
I wipe WAY too much to leave it on the phone.. so Google it is for me..
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+1 on this i learned the hard wat to sync to google (first time i flased i messed up and cleared all my contacts) been google ever since
I used to keep them on my Exchange server at work then switched to using Google.
Google it is.
I really can't believe that any one wouldn't keep them in Googles cloud.
I also used Google for everything. With Gmail push, battery life is even better. Before I used to use stock mail and my battery loose drain faster than using gmail now. It was all trial and error to see what fix your need.
So I an not sure if I am doing something wrong but I can not get gmail to sync my contacts. It does not pull numbers from my phone. It will only add my email addresses from my gmail. Does anyone have any ideas why? Thanks
Google all the way.
Yes. To both. Also, on all of my home computers and MobileMe. Everything has the full contact list always in sync.
Definitely Google. I also export from Google to a csv file every now and then just to be on the safe side, which then gets stored in my Dropbox account.
My wife was quite impressed the night we got our Heros and I had both of our (lengthy) contact lists loaded onto our phones before we even got out of the parking lot.
I save them on google. Coz I am afriaid of losing my phone.

T-mobile sync account?

I searched but did not see anything.
Just wondering what exactly the T-mobile account sync is for?
I know it is definitely for contacts but what else?
It added a lot of crap to my phone and i want to remove it but unfortunately i have to do a factory reset and im not interested in doing that right now.
I swear i love this phone, but i don't understand why they included all this crap with the phone.
I get that it is a customized version of Espresso but omg is some of this crap useless.
answer: mostly contacts, partially for the other bloatware crap they got in our phones
I find it so ridiculous that their is 3 different contact storage places tmobile, google(standard for android and shoulda been left this way) and the sim. What in the world is tmobile or htc thinking?? what is the point of this??
I agree man, i drove me crazy having the T-Mobile sync account! What it is for is your Mobile Backup (auto built into this phone unlike the last one). I have all my contacts on Google and link them to the people's Facebook, and that's what I like!
However, I noticed how obnoxious it was to have duplicate numbers for people who have a Google contact & a mobile backup contact. Also if you use the "Faves" function, it will auto create a t-mobile-based contact to sync with the website. So when you log in, you will click on "Faves" and see all of them there, in addition to Mobile backup.
I got pissed off, deleted everyone off mobile backup period, and backwards synced to my phone so there are NO mobile backup contacts. I said screw the "Faves" feature too because of how annoying it was. I really don't feel like I'm missing out seeing as Faves is just an upgrade to the myFaves UI for Android phones
It was a nice feature on BlackBerry as a backup of your contacts. It looks like it only syncs "faves" contacts now.
Well I added my Exchange account and Faceook so I have 5 kinds of contacts. If you press the button next to the Home when in contacts you can select "view" and tell the phone which contacts you want to have show up when veing contact by placing a check next to them. I have T-Mobile, Google, Sym Card, Exchange Active Sync, and Facebook options.

[Q] How did Google get this info

Ok, so I got a new Nexus 4 and started it.
It asked me for my gmail account which I entered. However after the initial setup was completed I was shocked to find my phonebook contacts exactly the same as my old phone on my Nexus 4.
Does anyone know how did Google get hold of my phone contacts ?
Few things:
- The contacts I see on the phone are not gmail contacts. I have 400+ gmail contacts. The contacts I automatically got on the phone were the exact contacts in my previous Android phone (HTC HD2 rooted with ICS CM Nexus ROM)
- In my old phone I never synched contacts. I always had mail checked in sync settings. Calendar, contacts etc were not checked.
- I also own a Nexus 7 tab and that does not have any setting to store contacts.
- When I ordered the phone I selected the option to not link it to any google account.
Any idea ?
Well, phone contacts have been synced to your Google account for a long time now. You must have synced them at least once on your old phone.
Must have synced to your account before you turned off contacts sync.
It's possible that they're saved on your SIM Card.
Sent from my awesome fridge
FormerSlacker said:
Well, phone contacts have been synced to your Google account for a long time now. You must have synced them at least once on your old phone.
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While that is certainly a possibility but I am skeptical of that because
- As a practice I never sync anything except EMAIL on my gmail, hotmail, yahoo accounts. everything else is unchecked.
- My phone contacts are not synced with hotmail or yahoo but appear to be only on gmail even though I had the same settings across all accounts.
- There are contacts I have on my gmail which I didnt have on my previous phone. These are not present on the new Nexus 4.
you probably synced it on ur old phone when u flashed ics, since default is to sync when you got ur contacts back on ur old phone it probably didnt automatically
google didnt "steal" your info or anything unless you think of what they do with info as stealing
contact sync is actually awesome and really helpful, i wouldnt see this as a bad thing if i were u but everyone has their own opinions
thanks for the replies so far.
While I agree it is a good feature to have, but I use a third party app to achieve this or do export to SD and then import from SD to back up contacts.
metal675 said:
thanks for the replies so far.
While I agree it is a good feature to have, but I use a third party app to achieve this or do export to SD and then import from SD to back up contacts.
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Just use Google contacts, and unless you're some kind of super spy or something and foreign governments are hacking your contacts because everyone you know is so important.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
Funny enough i watched my daughter painfully putting all her contacts in 1 by 1 on her new z10 today lol ... female=100's of contacts
juicyjones said:
Just use Google contacts, and unless you're some kind of super spy or something and foreign governments are hacking your contacts because everyone you know is so important.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
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metal675 said:
- I also own a Nexus 7 tab and that does not have any setting to store contacts.
Any idea ?
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Actually the Nexus 7 does have Contacts, its under the People App...
I have 2 N7 and both have contacts on them...
Just imagine all the Information they have about you, that your unaware of...
metal675 said:
Ok, so I got a new Nexus 4 and started it.
It asked me for my gmail account which I entered. However after the initial setup was completed I was shocked to find my phonebook contacts exactly the same as my old phone on my Nexus 4.
Does anyone know how did Google get hold of my phone contacts ?
Few things:
- The contacts I see on the phone are not gmail contacts. I have 400+ gmail contacts. The contacts I automatically got on the phone were the exact contacts in my previous Android phone (HTC HD2 rooted with ICS CM Nexus ROM)
- In my old phone I never synched contacts. I always had mail checked in sync settings. Calendar, contacts etc were not checked.
- I also own a Nexus 7 tab and that does not have any setting to store contacts.
- When I ordered the phone I selected the option to not link it to any google account.
Any idea ?
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When you initially setup an android phone it asks you if you want to backup and sync your data with Google's servers and you've must have done this before in the past. I also think contact sync is set to on by default its in settings>accounts>google>[email protected] I actually like the feature as all my apps and contacts are automatically downloaded to a new phone right at the start.

reset Google and samsung backup cloud so there are no apps or settings to sync

I’m just about to turn on my new S7 Edge and I don’t want it to sync all my google apps or Samsung apps or any settings…..
I only want it to sync my google contacts…..
Any searches I’ve done on the topic brings up how to turn on or off the backups from the phone handset.. which only stops my S5 from making the backup in the first place. Which doesn’t help as my S5 is already backed up on google and Samsung account…
So has my S5 is already backed up on both google and Samsung accounts how can I login the phone without triggering the app sync but allow the contacts to sync…..
is there a way to reset the cloud (google/Samsung) so there are no app or settings to sync.
Thanks paul
pspec1 said:
I’m just about to turn on my new S7 Edge and I don’t want it to sync all my google apps or Samsung apps or any settings…..
I only want it to sync my google contacts…..
Any searches I’ve done on the topic brings up how to turn on or off the backups from the phone handset.. which only stops my S5 from making the backup in the first place. Which doesn’t help as my S5 is already backed up on google and Samsung account…
So has my S5 is already backed up on both google and Samsung accounts how can I login the phone without triggering the app sync but allow the contacts to sync…..
is there a way to reset the cloud (google/Samsung) so there are no app or settings to sync.
Thanks paul
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To stop your account synchronizing setting/accounts and select Google accounts and turn off what you don't want to sync. Samsung's is a little tricky, setting/accounts and select Samsung accounts and enter profile (password is needed) and you log out any device connected to their servers and it will be removed.
Geoz said:
To stop your account synchronizing setting/accounts and select Google accounts and turn off what you don't want to sync. Samsung's is a little tricky, setting/accounts and select Samsung accounts and enter profile (password is needed) and you log out any device connected to their servers and it will be removed.
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woops forgot to say thanks ....... new toy to play with and all that....

Contacts Deleted from Google Play Service?

I just checked my Contacts Trash 'folder' and was shocked to see contacts that I never deleted, which were "scheduled" to be permanently deleted in 2 days. They all had this remark:
"Deleted from Google Play services on May 2,, 2020. 2 days until it's deleted forever". There is an option to restore them.
Does Google Play Services search for "unused", or "not frequently used" contacts behind the scenes and decides to delete them? God knows what other contacts were deleted from my Contact list.
Anyone? This seems to be happening once a week. Does anyone know what's going on, what/who is "deciding" that some of my contacts are not needed?
I saw this post as I was researching the same issue on my Galaxy S9+. I didn't delete ANY contacts, yet there were several in the trash. I never would have noticed it but I received a notification in the drop down bar about it. I checked it out and was appalled. Like you, I wondered what else had been deleted. Any ideas or answers to this issue??
I have the same issue. Found out recently that google play was involved but i guess this is going on for a year or so. I keep on losing contacts but don't know when or why.
Trying to revoke autorisation on using contacts with certain apps ???
Where did you see that google play was involved? I'd like to read up about it. If google play is involved, I'll just delete it. I've already migrated to Youtube music, since play music is going away at end of the year. I've held onto it so far, because I prefer to listen to my music with the play app instead of the YT app. It still worries me that the contact deletion was happening, but I haven't found any more contacts in the trash since my last post.
OK, I need to revive this.
I can't believe that only 3 people in XDA are experiencing this behavior. I just checked my Contacts TRASH again and there are hundreds of contacts that are due for permanent deletion. Some say Deleted from Google Play services (on date), others say Deleted from null (on date).
Samsung won't let us choose another Contact app as default so we are forced to use the Samsung app (you can use another Contact app, but you can't set it as Default and when you click the Contacts within your phone dialer, you will always be directed to the Samsung one).
So can anyone shed some light on what the hell is going on?
sbi1 said:
OK, I need to revive this.
I can't believe that only 3 people in XDA are experiencing this behavior. I just checked my Contacts TRASH again and there are hundreds of contacts that are due for permanent deletion. Some say Deleted from Google Play services (on date), others say Deleted from null (on date).
Samsung won't let us choose another Contact app as default so we are forced to use the Samsung app (you can use another Contact app, but you can't set it as Default and when you click the Contacts within your phone dialer, you will always be directed to the Samsung one).
So can anyone shed some light on what the hell is going on?
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My 10+ uses the Samsung Contacts app. It stores on internal memory/sim and backup to the SD card.
I have all Goggle backup* disabled in it's settings and with a package blocker.
Google is spyware inc... they suck fb bad.
Do not rely on or trust Google, they will bone you proper in 3-10 years, every time.
It's their nature...
*and many more Google apks blocked and/or firewalled with Karma Firewall. Some like Goggle Play Services and Playstore I turn on as needed.
blackhawk said:
My 10+ uses the Samsung Contacts app. It stores on internal memory/sim and backup to the SD card.
I have all Goggle backup* disabled in it's settings and with a package blocker.
Google is spyware inc... they suck fb bad.
Do not rely on or trust Google, they will bone you proper in 3-10 years, every time.
It's their nature...
*and many more Google apks blocked and/or firewalled with Karma Firewall. Some like Goggle Play Services and Playstore I turn on as needed.
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But Google won't delete contacts by itself, I've always had Android phones and never had this problem (granted - I always used the Google Contacts by Default, never had an issue of Samsung not letting me disable their app).
sbi1 said:
But Google won't delete contacts by itself, I've always had Android phones and never had this problem (granted - I always used the Google Contacts by Default, never had an issue of Samsung not letting me disable their app).
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Google doesn't care... they do what they want.
Perhaps someone can explain to me how this stupid app (the Samsung Contacts) work.
I keep all my contacts on my Google account. That's my main account. I have almost 600 numbers/contacts in there.
That's what I set in the Samsung Contacts app to show, nothing else.
Can someone tell me what the heck are all these 3050 "contacts"? Nowhere across any of my accounts anywhere do I have 3050 contacts. If I set the app to show all contacts, I get the same person 50-60 times.
I tried to clear cach and data and as soon as I opened the app again, it showed the same thing.
I don't understand this. Why is it so complicated? What am I missing here?
blackhawk said:
Google doesn't care... they do what they want.
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I know they don't care but that doesn't answer the question about Samsung Contacts App that deletes random contacts and the thousands of "made up" contacts that I posted above.
Who knows? One day Contacts lost all my contacts that started with "S". I restored them from a backup copy.
Importing ones either manually or automatically can create dup accounts. Don't forget the sim card as the same can happen with/because of it.
I export contacts from my Samsung Contact to the SD card and back up that copy on the PC.
Fun times... play with it if you want answers
I have the same problem going on for like 1 year now, and this is the point where i found out that i have the same deleteion message in the trash.
I don't know what could be a solution. Anyone?
Having this same darned issue on my s22 ultra and I'm going nuts. It's been like this for a while now
Someone tell us how to fix thus please!!!!!! I even had removed permissions of contacts but nope doesn't work.
JERZIE82 said:
Someone tell us how to fix thus please!!!!!! I even had removed permissions of contacts but nope doesn't work.
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Try disabling Google backup.
It may be bug in Samsung contacts though.
Make sure your contacts are backed up... redundantly to hdds.
I am just happy that finally, 2 years latger, I am not the only one who experience this.
I moved all my contacts to Samsung account, and the problem has gone for now. I will inspect this when I will have time
Just now noticed this issue, I own a Samsung Galaxy S20. Google Play Service deleted my contacts on 17 and 19 April 2022.
sbi1 said:
I am just happy that finally, 2 years latger, I am not the only one who experience this.
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Hello, I think I fount the cause of this. For me it started when I installed the Google Contacts App and then clicked fix & merge contacts.
Ever since, keeps adding 17 contacts in the (Samsung Contacts app) Recycling ♻ bin.
Just uninstaled Google Contacts app.
Observing recycling bin for any updates...

