unable to synch mutiple gmail calendars - Hero, G2 Touch General

I have 3 calendars under my gmail account, but they're all owned by the same account (me)
I only had one when I initially set up the phone and I added 2 yesterday.
The 2 new ones will not show up in the phone.
Has anyone run into this? I did a google search, but not much for results out there which I find strange.
also, I subscribed to a read only one (canadian holidays) and it was on the phone right away.
So it seems that only ones that I create I cannot get to the phone.

figured it out.
I had to actually delete all my calendar data. settings/applications/manage applications/calendar
and then clear data for all of them.


Do you keep your contact list on your phone or on google?

My phone's bugging out again for some reason today and I'm pretty sure I have to wipe it when I get home, currently I backup all my contacts to my outlook account on my computer at home.
My question, Is it better to use Google as the main storage for my contacts instead of resyncing each time I wipe my phone?
I use google. Main reason is because I use all of the services...like calendar, voice, gmail, and so on. Just easier for me.
Google. One of the best features for me was the integration of Google's address book, my Gmail had more complete contact information than even my last cell phone.
Google because after all it is a Google phone....
Google for sure. SO easy to flash a new ROM. All the app data is back, perfect and pristine; no worries about Outlook formatting things incorrectly, or things getting 'out of sync' when you update things online and/or on your phone.
I wipe WAY too much to leave it on the phone.. so Google it is for me..
Yup, google here. Makes things soo easy.
i use google because its very easy to restore my contacts after a wipe
Google for me as well. Remember you can chose to Sync only the groups you want sync'd. It requires some organizing in google to get your contacts into groups but is well worth the effort. This way you can leave out contacts you don't want on your phone, but can access via google should you really need to.
tyrnight said:
I wipe WAY too much to leave it on the phone.. so Google it is for me..
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+1 on this i learned the hard wat to sync to google (first time i flased i messed up and cleared all my contacts) been google ever since
I used to keep them on my Exchange server at work then switched to using Google.
Google it is.
I really can't believe that any one wouldn't keep them in Googles cloud.
I also used Google for everything. With Gmail push, battery life is even better. Before I used to use stock mail and my battery loose drain faster than using gmail now. It was all trial and error to see what fix your need.
So I an not sure if I am doing something wrong but I can not get gmail to sync my contacts. It does not pull numbers from my phone. It will only add my email addresses from my gmail. Does anyone have any ideas why? Thanks
Google all the way.
Yes. To both. Also, on all of my home computers and MobileMe. Everything has the full contact list always in sync.
Definitely Google. I also export from Google to a csv file every now and then just to be on the safe side, which then gets stored in my Dropbox account.
My wife was quite impressed the night we got our Heros and I had both of our (lengthy) contact lists loaded onto our phones before we even got out of the parking lot.
I save them on google. Coz I am afriaid of losing my phone.

[Q] Delete my G-Mail acct. assoc. w/ Market

So I decided to delete my g-mail acct. I never ever use it... I have another email acct that is my primary...
anywho, so I tried to go onto the Market & it says my password is invalid for the gmail acct that I signed up with. It doesnt exist any longer & theres no way to change it that i've found on the Market to another email or something.
what to do?? I've searched and i havent found a solution.
BASICALLY- what i need to know is how do i get back onto Market?
I guess the easiest way would be to set up your phone with a different gmail account. But you will still lose the apps you paid for.
You could try emailing android market support or Google checkout support. They can transfer your purchases to a different account. Not sure if they would be willing to though.
Yeah, when I switched to CM6, the email I thought I used previously wouldn't work so I created another. Turns out that I misspelled the first email I created, which is why I kept getting it wrong. When I installed CM6, I ended up just creating another account for the market. Now I have two gmail accounts on my phone and neither are my usual usernames. When I go to settings > accounts & sync it won't let me delete them. I pretty much have to have both emails on my phone so I can keep my apps anyway. It just sucks that both emails' login info is something that I will never remember off the top of my head.

FaceBook Contacts Sync

My FaceBook contacts keep giving me an error when trying to sync them? Everything else Twitter Myspace Google Gmail etc etc sync just fine. is anyone else having this issue? Can someone please force a sync and see for me its driving me insane I rely on that for my contacts
rjmjr69 said:
My FaceBook contacts keep giving me an error when trying to sync them? Everything else Twitter Myspace Google Gmail etc etc sync just fine. is anyone else having this issue? Can someone please force a sync and see for me its driving me insane I rely on that for my contacts
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I have found that you must sync through contacts instead of settings for it to actually connect and sync/link them. Go to contacts ->Menu ->Accounts ->Add Account. Then add an "Integrated Contact Account" at the top. Once it's added, click on Menu-> Get Friends.
VassagoX said:
I have found that you must sync through contacts instead of settings for it to actually connect and sync/link them. Go to contacts ->Menu ->Accounts ->Add Account. Then add an "Integrated Contact Account" at the top. Once it's added, click on Menu-> Get Friends.
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This technique does not work. I have tried every possible way multiple times. Ticking facebook to "get friends" does not even do anything. Doing research about this problem with other phones seems to point toward FB servers as the problem. Pretty much FB = epic fail. I have only gotten my FB contacts to sync twice but it never updated - one was right when I got the phone but did not like the epic syncing 390430.39 contacts to my gmail (since there is no option to choose what to sync or even what groups to export!!! annoying i decided to do a hard reset). I had my fb contacts sync one more on my 3rd hard reset but i had to do yet another HR to clear a notification error due to conflicting apps. Now I am about to do my 5th. FML!
I wish FB would actually announce their issues
my voice search has stopped working other than opening browser to google. no calls, no music search, no nothing. apparently you have to sync ur contacts with google for the voice search to analyze your contacts to find the one to call. You can not have them stored to your phone group. switched all my contacts over to my google group and nothing happened. I was hoping maybe it would and that would also be why fb would not sync. guess not.
Mine synced today after turning on 4g for awhile.
richabi said:
This technique does not work. I have tried every possible way multiple times. Ticking facebook to "get friends" does not even do anything. Doing research about this problem with other phones seems to point toward FB servers as the problem. Pretty much FB = epic fail. I have only gotten my FB contacts to sync twice but it never updated - one was right when I got the phone but did not like the epic syncing 390430.39 contacts to my gmail (since there is no option to choose what to sync or even what groups to export!!! annoying i decided to do a hard reset). I had my fb contacts sync one more on my 3rd hard reset but i had to do yet another HR to clear a notification error due to conflicting apps. Now I am about to do my 5th. FML!
I wish FB would actually announce their issues
my voice search has stopped working other than opening browser to google. no calls, no music search, no nothing. apparently you have to sync ur contacts with google for the voice search to analyze your contacts to find the one to call. You can not have them stored to your phone group. switched all my contacts over to my google group and nothing happened. I was hoping maybe it would and that would also be why fb would not sync. guess not.
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It doesn't sound like a FB issue as mine synced immediately after doing what I outlined and has stayed since.
think it was coincidence
I think you trying that technique and getting it to work was just timing. I just checked to see if I can add contacts from my FB and it is the first it let me in a week trying every day. Has to be server side. People from other carriers and phones were reporting the same issue...
richabi said:
I think you trying that technique and getting it to work was just timing. I just checked to see if I can add contacts from my FB and it is the first it let me in a week trying every day. Has to be server side. People from other carriers and phones were reporting the same issue...
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People reported success with this technique on other forums too, where going through the actual settings didn't work for them. IDK, it's whatever...
I'm sort of having a similar problem, except with MySpace, I haven't been able to log in since I got the phone. Any suggestions? I've tried it on both wifi & 3g (no 4g where I live) have flashed different roms and gotten the same result. Any ideas?

Contacts - multiple linked profiles?

I have my Atrix set to not sync with anything else except the default that is MoboBlur (no google contacts sync or exchange contacts sync, haven't setup facebook using Motorola's social media thing).
But when looking at a contact it will show that they have 3 linked profiles. Some external programs that use contact selection will sometimes ask me to choose a phone number (which happens to be the same phone number repeated 3 times).
Any idea why this happens? Do I have to unlink and delete the repeated contacts to get rid of this?
The only thing I can think of is that I have done a couple of factory reset on the phones and everytime I redo it new MotoBlur contacts get added to the phone.
I was just wondering the same thing, but mine will say that it has 3 linked profiles and list them all as google and as far as I know the people aren't listed in my google contacts. My phone book is looking like an absolute nightmare right now.

Calendar Syncing Warning

I went ahead and moved all my contacts, etc. over to start using as my phone. Here is a word of caution to all. I'm sure it won't be an issue with most users, or people familiar with Android already. I used MyPhoneExplorer to start syncing all my contacts from Outlook, and my Calendars from Thunderbird Lightning. I did it this way specifically to avoid storing these on an outside server. I was not careful enough...in the background over the last 10 hours, it took all my business client contacts and merged them into my gmail account...which sucks but fixable with some time. But along with this it took all my client accounts calendar info and put it online and public viewable...2 years back worth of private client info! I would have never noticed, but I just happened to come accross google dashboard, and thought it would be interesting to see what info google collects from their various programs. Bam...front and center, under calendar was my clients name, address, time of our last meeting..and everything discussed. Took me a while to figure out how delete all this.
Just a warning to double check all settings before using this for any work related storage that you don't want pasted for the world to see.
So, really stumped here. I've tried 4 3rd party calendar applications, all with the same result. Under Settings, Accounts, Google, I for sure have calendars unchecked. I've used 3 or 4 different syncing programs to transfer my Thunderbird calendar to Atrix. Everything works flawlessly...syncing between Thunderbird and device is especially nice using MyPhoneExplorer. I constantly check the settings tick box...and calendar always remain empty = NOT SYNC. Except my calendars always end up uploading to the internet and appearing in my gmail calendar. Ultimately, I need to use this for business...and this is unacceptable. Is there some other setting I'm missing. I realize Google wants to get their hands on your info at every chance...and yes I know there is a trade off to use their services for free. But I'm not seeing a way to even use a 3rd party calendar w/o it getting sucked up by Google. I have no idea what that tick box is for, if it is going to sync no matter what you tell it.
Anyone know of a solution, or workaround? Been at this for weeks now with no luck. Have a nice new phone, and still have to carry around my old Tilt with me everywhere I go. I'm actually using the Tilt more, since I can't seem to get this hardware superior phone to do what my dinosaur does flawlessly.

