Is there a way to link FB contacts in the contacts tab on the phone? - X Style (Pure) Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I feel this feature was dropped a while ago from vanilla google but I've had Galaxy Ss and Notes for so long I am not exactly sure. Is there a way to get FB contacts to link with contacts in my phone? I mostly want it just to have pictures of people in my contacts rather than going out and finding a photo of each one...

This is no longer possible for the most part. Google stopped offering it natively a long time ago. Facebook changed their APIs this summer to break it further. There are some services like Sync.Me that still claim to be able to do it, but your contacts have to have very few security settings turned on in order for it to work right. I have an overlap of about 60 friends how are in my phone and in my friend list and only 12 of them can sync properly. I think we're finally out of luck without doing it manually. :-/

Yeah, Sync.Me seems to be the best now. I'm not getting all my contacts, but most.


The contacts Facebook association bug

.. is really starting to p*ss me off. I'm going to get really sick really quickly of having to re-associate all my contacts with their Facebook profiles every time the Hero decides to spontaneously delete them.
Has anyone found a workaround?
Edit: Hmmm... seems if you close all the background HTC processes like and with TasKiller, it'll re-update everything when the processes start back up again.
It's still stupid!
And if you decided not to update your contact picture when you linked them, it will overwrite your specific photo anyway ! that's also very anoying if you don't want the facebook photos !
That's funny I was just logging in to report this problem. It happened to me for the first time today. It really pissed me off that for no reason all my facebook associations got deleted from contacts, rebooting the phone and killing the process didn't bring them back either. I don't even have the process running in task killer. They need to get an improved rom out and fast, i've had this phone less than a week and i'm really starting to miss my iphone.
This happened to me today, but it was because for some reason I had been logged out of FB. Otherwise, I have not experienced this 'deletion' issue...
Does anyone know why the phone would just log you off of facebook? Is there any good way to avoid this? I hope logging on to facebook on a computer doesn't kick you off.
I'm glad I saw this thread and that I am not the only one!
It is getting very annoying but I expect it will be fixed eventually, I just hope it doesn't take too long!
This happened to me the first time yesterday. And 2 other people in this thread had it happen yesterday. Maybe it's something at facebooks end. There could be some sort of timeout and were all getting logged out at the same time.
it is very odd.
Sat here at work, there's four of us with hero's now.
one of us gets it, the other three don't.
the two G2 devices don't, and only one of the Orange Hero's gets it.
very strange.
Okay I think that I can guess what is happening here. I have the same problem with my Facebook contacts losing their picture status and albums about every 24 hours (on stock G2). I know that when I leave my browser up overnight on my Facebook page, Facebook will log me out. I presume that it is doing the same thing with this phone and suspect that HTC did not spend long enough testing the ‘people’ application to observe this. I further guess that when the phone is logged out by Facebook it does not try to sign in again, deleting the information previously retrieved when a refresh is unsuccessful. I am not a developer and don’t have any way to back all this up but if I am correct then HTC would need to implement a workaround for this behaviour in order to fix it. Probably the easiest way to do this would be to have the application:
1. Automatically sign in again (signing out if necessary) every 12 hours or so.
2. Retain previously cached data, e.g. pictures, unless explicitly deleted even when Facebook refresh is unavailable.
This doesn’t fix the problem of the now-permanently unlinked Facebook contact (as per Don Vincenzo on but it would be an improvement.
I hard reset earlier which had previously fixed it, but now it only shows that I have one Facebook contact to choose from and no one else can be linked from.
It shows it as if I have only one Facebook friend.
Very strange.
Yep had the same issues.
Ultimately I found the best cure is just to wait for the two hours before it automatically updates everything.
I've only gone through my contact list once and linked all the profiles, however I have appeared to have "lost" the link many times...
So basically don't do anything, just wait.. lol they will return
Never had this issue yet but all my facebook - contact information is also sync'd with the exchange server
I was afraid that after my master reset I would have to reassociate all of my contacts but it seems that the association is stored on google contacts too, so they just all came back again
Its been 2 days now and my associations have not come back, man that's gonna suck if it resets them every couple of days. The facebook integration was one of the main selling points for me for the phone. I sync my contacts with outlook so I don't have any under my gmail name. Is it better to import all my contacts in to gmail so it retains my facebook links? If so is there a way I can sync the contacts that are already on my phone to my gmail account from my phone?
I may or may not have found a solution, or a way of preventing it. I'm using TasKiller to close all my running processes every few hours to preserve battery life etc. I noticed that when I put some of the system processes in the ignore list, ( for example) the Facebook problem happened again. If I don't have any processes in the ignore list, and make sure to kill them once or twice a day, my contacts stay associated with Facebook.
Last time my contacts associations disappeared, I killed all running processes, took everything out the ignore list and went into the People app, and scrolled along to the facebook updates page. I hit menu, then 'update now'. This restored everything back to the way it was.
The disassociation just happened for me again - all my contacts suddenly needed reconnecting.
This is a different problem to the one I was discussing in the other thread 'It's a wee bit buggy...', where previously available contact data (profile pic, birthday, albums etc) can now not be retrieved by the Hero once a contact is linked. This functionality has not returned since it first occurred for me, and means that, irrespective of the associations holding, only about 75% of those contacts on the device that should be able to sync actually successfully sync. From what I can tell, this could possibly be an issue with Facebook privacy settings, though why it only happened a week after having the device I'm not sure.
With regard to the associations holding after a hard reset, the People app on the device stores the Facebook association data in the 'Notes' field of the contact, which is then synced to Google Contacts. If you wipe and then re-download your contacts from Google, this info comes back with it, and the People app then sees those contacts as linked. Given this, it seems even stranger that the links get broken in the first place, as it suggests that for some reason that the data in that field is not persistent...
Have the association loss occasionally but I find if you ignore it then the association comes back after a little while.
In relation to some (but not all) friends losing associations it is due to the friend changing their Facebook application settings. My girlfriend's photo disappeared a week ago, so I got her to change her fb settings and it came back. Not sure why it happened a week ago cause she changed the setting longer ago than that, but guess it is Facebook, not HTC.
Has anyone reported this to HTC? Its happening far too frequently on my gf's (pink) Hero.
So maybe it's not the same but it's definitely related:
I've now gotten to the point where I can not view my own contact details when I'm logged into facebook. That is, if I am signed in, and I try to view my contact card, I get a crash in process "android.process.acore" (this also happens when trying to update my status). If I edit my details and make sure I'm signed out of facebook, everything is fine except that all details of all linked profiles disappear...
Can anybody else confirm this?
BTW, I noticed that if you sign out using your contact card, and then sign in again (miraculously this does work!) the People app will retry to link friends to your facebook friends, so you can "force" a resync this way...
I keep getting this issue too. What i do is go to contacts, then on to the 'updates' tab, my contact card still shows my pic and me as logged in. I then press menu and update now. This resyncs all my contacts straight away. Annoying i know but at least it recognises them again after a bit.

Do you keep your contact list on your phone or on google?

My phone's bugging out again for some reason today and I'm pretty sure I have to wipe it when I get home, currently I backup all my contacts to my outlook account on my computer at home.
My question, Is it better to use Google as the main storage for my contacts instead of resyncing each time I wipe my phone?
I use google. Main reason is because I use all of the calendar, voice, gmail, and so on. Just easier for me.
Google. One of the best features for me was the integration of Google's address book, my Gmail had more complete contact information than even my last cell phone.
Google because after all it is a Google phone....
Google for sure. SO easy to flash a new ROM. All the app data is back, perfect and pristine; no worries about Outlook formatting things incorrectly, or things getting 'out of sync' when you update things online and/or on your phone.
I wipe WAY too much to leave it on the phone.. so Google it is for me..
Yup, google here. Makes things soo easy.
i use google because its very easy to restore my contacts after a wipe
Google for me as well. Remember you can chose to Sync only the groups you want sync'd. It requires some organizing in google to get your contacts into groups but is well worth the effort. This way you can leave out contacts you don't want on your phone, but can access via google should you really need to.
tyrnight said:
I wipe WAY too much to leave it on the phone.. so Google it is for me..
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+1 on this i learned the hard wat to sync to google (first time i flased i messed up and cleared all my contacts) been google ever since
I used to keep them on my Exchange server at work then switched to using Google.
Google it is.
I really can't believe that any one wouldn't keep them in Googles cloud.
I also used Google for everything. With Gmail push, battery life is even better. Before I used to use stock mail and my battery loose drain faster than using gmail now. It was all trial and error to see what fix your need.
So I an not sure if I am doing something wrong but I can not get gmail to sync my contacts. It does not pull numbers from my phone. It will only add my email addresses from my gmail. Does anyone have any ideas why? Thanks
Google all the way.
Yes. To both. Also, on all of my home computers and MobileMe. Everything has the full contact list always in sync.
Definitely Google. I also export from Google to a csv file every now and then just to be on the safe side, which then gets stored in my Dropbox account.
My wife was quite impressed the night we got our Heros and I had both of our (lengthy) contact lists loaded onto our phones before we even got out of the parking lot.
I save them on google. Coz I am afriaid of losing my phone.

T-mobile sync account?

I searched but did not see anything.
Just wondering what exactly the T-mobile account sync is for?
I know it is definitely for contacts but what else?
It added a lot of crap to my phone and i want to remove it but unfortunately i have to do a factory reset and im not interested in doing that right now.
I swear i love this phone, but i don't understand why they included all this crap with the phone.
I get that it is a customized version of Espresso but omg is some of this crap useless.
answer: mostly contacts, partially for the other bloatware crap they got in our phones
I find it so ridiculous that their is 3 different contact storage places tmobile, google(standard for android and shoulda been left this way) and the sim. What in the world is tmobile or htc thinking?? what is the point of this??
I agree man, i drove me crazy having the T-Mobile sync account! What it is for is your Mobile Backup (auto built into this phone unlike the last one). I have all my contacts on Google and link them to the people's Facebook, and that's what I like!
However, I noticed how obnoxious it was to have duplicate numbers for people who have a Google contact & a mobile backup contact. Also if you use the "Faves" function, it will auto create a t-mobile-based contact to sync with the website. So when you log in, you will click on "Faves" and see all of them there, in addition to Mobile backup.
I got pissed off, deleted everyone off mobile backup period, and backwards synced to my phone so there are NO mobile backup contacts. I said screw the "Faves" feature too because of how annoying it was. I really don't feel like I'm missing out seeing as Faves is just an upgrade to the myFaves UI for Android phones
It was a nice feature on BlackBerry as a backup of your contacts. It looks like it only syncs "faves" contacts now.
Well I added my Exchange account and Faceook so I have 5 kinds of contacts. If you press the button next to the Home when in contacts you can select "view" and tell the phone which contacts you want to have show up when veing contact by placing a check next to them. I have T-Mobile, Google, Sym Card, Exchange Active Sync, and Facebook options.

How to sync back Facebook info to Google Contacts?

Did anyone find a way to sync back facebook information to google contacts? If you get birthdays, email and phone numbers from facebook in your phone, it would be great to have that back in google contacts when using the desktop.
Even when properly linked, this kind of information is only in the phone and gets lost, when you loose a contact as facebook friend.
Did anyone find a way to sync it back and preserve this information?
I looked already from Pontius to Pilatus on the web and can't find anything. ;(
Looks like nobody found any way yet...hmmmmm. :-/
Hm i think that you shoud sync phone contact with facebook, using Facebook aplication from market, and then try synching phone contact with google, I think this will work. Cause it works both ways, Google -> phone an Phone->google. Then if your contact list in the phne doest include contact photos from facebook, you should google for aplication Facebook Sync, or try to find it on market, this aplication will sync contacts photos, based on name comparisn. I hope this will help you.
Unfortunately that's what doesn't work at all. It should in theory.
But Facebook information is not synced back to Google Contacts this way. It's only in your phone. If you loose the facebook friend or they just deactivate their profile, you will loose the facebook link and the bits of info (email, phone numbers, birthdays) that may come with it.
It looks like the facebook info is not stored in the phone contact application (htc's 'people' app), but in a separate data base. It's really just a 'link' and nothing else. To be fair, it doesn't look like a pure htc sense problem, as stock android also doesn't do it.
the cool thing to do is to have an app that will copy the facebook info permanently to the contacts
check this tool out, maybe it helps AddressBookSync
or for windows try Fonebook
you could try also: memotoo which is webbased like soocial
or this greasemonkey script: facebook_phonebook_export.user.js
Hey I've managed to sync facebook birthday data about my friends into google account with app called EboBirthday Sync, it is free on market, and download a plugin EboBirthday Contact Sync too.
Thanks for the tips! Now we just need something to sync back emails and phone numbers from facebook back to google contacts.
There is today an article in, a german online magazine, that google would love to connect a new service called Google Me with facebook contacts and data. They are asking for facebook to open up for that.
Lol, what a joke! We have that data already in our google phones. Just add the option to sync it back to Google Contacts for gosh's sake!
No need for another 'buzz' or 'wave'.
Edit: and here is the WSJ article, golem was referring to.
I synced my contacts yesterday but now I have duplicates of every contact. Plus it's a shame that pictures don't sync.
nomad4ever said:
There is today an article in, a german online magazine, that google would love to connect a new service called Google Me with facebook contacts and data. They are asking for facebook to open up for that.
Lol, what a joke! We have that data already in our google phones. Just add the option to sync it back to Google Contacts for gosh's sake!
No need for another 'buzz' or 'wave'.
Edit: and here is the WSJ article, golem was referring to.
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Facebooks TOS does not allow for that, that's what they want Facebook to open up.
Any source for that info? I mean, the facebook info is in our phones already.
Is that not a violation of the TOS then also? I just want to have a backup of that data.
And if google can't do it, some modder should be able to, no?
Ah, that's frustrating! ;(
grandioso said:
I synced my contacts yesterday but now I have duplicates of every contact. Plus it's a shame that pictures don't sync.
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I'm using SyncMyPix to sync facebook photos with my contacts, seems to work okay, found on Market.
3 years gown the road - has anything changed? No!!
It's end of 2013 now, more than 3 years and the problem still persists.
Whenever I set up my phone or flash a new ROM, Facebook will mess up my phonebook with duplicate entries for the same person.
Did anyone find a way meanwhile, to extra emails and phone numbers from the Facebook contacts and sync them back into Google Contacts?
I can't believe this annoying problem hasn't bothered any capable programmers until now?

[Q] Automatically joined contacts

One of the more annoying things I have to deal with when flashing a new ROM and/or doing a wipe, is the fact that Android insists on joining some of my contacts into a single one.
For example, "Mom" and "Dad". Since much of their information is similar (home telephone, address etc), Android joins them into one, and when my Mom calls me, I see "Dad" calling. This isn't something that Google is doing, as they are still two separate contacts when I look at them in a browser, so I am pretty sure it's Android that's joining them on my phone. Its easily fixed by opening one of the contacts and clicking "separate", but its rather annoying to have to do it every time I come from a clean install (which in my case is fairly often).
Anyone know how I can disable this behaviour, or at least see which other contacts have been joined without my knowledge?
StNickZA said:
One of the more annoying things I have to deal with when flashing a new ROM and/or doing a wipe, is the fact that Android insists on joining some of my contacts into a single one.
For example, "Mom" and "Dad". Since much of their information is similar (home telephone, address etc), Android joins them into one, and when my Mom calls me, I see "Dad" calling. This isn't something that Google is doing, as they are still two separate contacts when I look at them in a browser, so I am pretty sure it's Android that's joining them on my phone. Its easily fixed by opening one of the contacts and clicking "separate", but its rather annoying to have to do it every time I come from a clean install (which in my case is fairly often).
Anyone know how I can disable this behaviour, or at least see which other contacts have been joined without my knowledge?
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I had added guy on facebook because he has the same name as me, and I thought it was funny. FB used to allow you to sync your contacts with the official app, and after fb did its thing I would sync my google contacts so the fb contacts were added to my google account. Well, when I did this the first time it added this guy to my google contacts, and every single time I flashed a rom, like you, it would merge my own contact with his, and his phone number would become the primary, so it would also use his profile pic. It drove me nuts until one day I just removed the poor guy from my fb friends list just because I couldn't figure out how to stop this from happening. This was 3 years ago it started, and I just removed him a few months it's been an issue for at least 2 1/2 years and I never found a solution. I wish you luck, because I know the aggrevation it causes first hand

