[Q] Calibration problem after new LCD & Digitiser assembly. - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Hi there!
I broke my HTC Touch Diamond (P3700) a month ago and it asked for calibration. I've had it done but again I couldn't press anything.
So I bought an LCD&Digitiser from ebay.
I assembled the new lcd again, it works fine but it needs another calibration.Because wherever i press on the screen only the buttons on the right are pressed!
This happened before after i smashed my lcs and tried to calibrate!
I am stuck at the same screen as before where it asks to press "a1b2c3" after i turn my phone on.
Please someone help me to press the code from my pc or how to start the calibration tool at system start up!
When I connect it ot my pc it says: "your device is currently locked. To connect to or to synchronise with this PC, please authenticate your device."
Please help!!!!

It was suggested some time ago that you call your number (from another phone of course). After answering the call, you can open the soft keyboard and type a1b2c3.

nathanas said:
Hi there!
as before where it asks to press "a1b2c3" after i turn my phone on.[/B]
Please someone help me to press the code from my pc or how to start the calibration tool at system start up!
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The thing is that i have the keyboard but i cannot press the buttons. It needs calibration i am telling you above!


Need urgent help! My SPV M5000 screen is not responded!

It happened last night. I pushed the power button to activate the unit as normal but it was freezed. The screen was not shown up. Then I did the soft reset. It restarted but after that, the touchscreen was not responded. Now everything works as normal (I use the keyboard instead, thanks for the Mobile 5), only the touch screen that is not working.
My question is
-Should I do the 'Clear Storage (same as hard reset)'? As if I do, it will prompted me to align the screen then I will have no way out.
Any of you could recommend how to go further from this?

Touch Malfunction

My Phone's screen suddenly not responding correctly to touch. I press at one place the phone respond erratically. I tried hard reset but I am stuck on Align Screen, it is not moving further even after repeated touch. PLease help.
amit200465 said:
My Phone's screen suddenly not responding correctly to touch. I press at one place the phone respond erratically. I tried hard reset but I am stuck on Align Screen, it is not moving further even after repeated touch. PLease help.
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What happened? Did you flash a new rom to your phone? Did you drop it? Did it get any water damage? It sounds like something is wrong (mechanically / electronically)
I DID FLASH MY blackstone to 1.56 just change from german to french
the phone stucks on align
i cant align the screen , impossible to make a hard reset and all the RemoteCalibration doesnt support the blac100
the tric welcome.not doesnt work also
it works well in german now i cant flash it because invalid vendor id
BLAC100 32 M
Hi manouba,
please try the following, if possible:
(1) Connect your Phone to your PC using Activesync (it works even when you are stuck at alignment screen).
(2) Download this Remote Screen Alignment program.
(3) Install and run this program from your PC.
(4) Choose SKIP to avoid the Align Screen Wizard. This program has a few features that you might want to use in the future.
(5) Restart the phone and you are done.
Let me know if this works or not.
Note: Incase your screen is badly aligned (if touch screen works); you can start the alignment wizard from settings and do few taps. You will not come out of the loop, so press any key like screen off button, Windows or restart the phone.
Best Regards.
Try using mobile registry editor: http://handheld.softpedia.com/get/Desktop-and-Shell/Windows/Mobile-Registry-Editor-10636.shtml

Touch Screen not working HELP!!!

Two days ago my phone started to freeze up and the touch screen wouldn't work sometimes. Yesterday the phone froze so I pressed the reset button and when it turned back on the touch screen stop working for good. So I decided to do a master reset hoping it will work again, and now Im stuck on the windows mobile screen (green) and it says "tap the screen to set your windows mobile based device" but my touch screen doesn't work. Don't no what to do, the phone is stuck on this screen, please help!
this happened to me the other day. it was because of a program i had installed. all i had to do is uninstall the program and soft-reset. you shouldnt have master resetted. now you have to reflash your phone. what service and phone do you have? check the other posts for your oem rom. if you cant find it i'll help you with reflashing. good luck.
could b an easy fix wen it happened to me i was freakin i read somewere even the smallest thing between the screen and i dont a good word for it . were the srceen meets the phone one corner of my screen protecter was just between them the smallest peice in there took out my screen i anmost took it to get fixed im not saying u wont but make sure u clean the edges make sune theres nothing u in there first gl
Touch screen problem again
I have the same issue too, after hard-resetting the pda (HTC P4350) it is stuck on green screen with message " tap the screen to set up your windows mobile based device". The problem is touch screen of it is not working for quite a long time and because of this i have been using another p4350, but i think i am so careless and after dropping the second one into the water (it stayed only 3-4 seconds) its usb syncronization stopped to work, it can be charged but no data connection through usb cable (i have checked 3-4 different usb cables). Now i have a lot of information saved in the second one and i need to sync it with pc without using usb cable. I have planned to substitute pim.vol file of the first one with the second, then i will connect the first one to usb and finally sync. But this green screen really make me dissappointed.
Can anyone help me on this matter.
Thank you for all (at least for reading my problem)
sprogo said:
i have the same issue too, after hard-resetting the pda (htc p4350) it is stuck on green screen with message " tap the screen to set up your windows mobile based device". The problem is touch screen of it is not working for quite a long time and because of this i have been using another p4350, but i think i am so careless and after dropping the second one into the water (it stayed only 3-4 seconds) its usb syncronization stopped to work, it can be charged but no data connection through usb cable (i have checked 3-4 different usb cables). Now i have a lot of information saved in the second one and i need to sync it with pc without using usb cable. I have planned to substitute pim.vol file of the first one with the second, then i will connect the first one to usb and finally sync. But this green screen really make me dissappointed.
Can anyone help me on this matter.
Thank you for all (at least for reading my problem)
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use the buttons to navigate to the screen alignment setting...[press the windows key, navigete to settings and click, scroll to bottom tab system, click on screen. Navigate to align screen and click, then use stylus to recalibrate. Hope it works.

Stupid Problem with P3452

Hi all
first post and i got an interesting problem with my phone which i qualify as stupid. It all started when when my virtually keyborad started becoming unresponsive and when i tried to do a factory reset, i could not enter the 1234 number to start it. i left the phone for a while and then i could not get into the setting even . But i could receive calls but i could not call since i could not access any numbers on the dial pad( by pressing on the numbers of coruse but from dial log screen i could)
Anyway long story short while fiddling with the phone , i thought the lock feature was on that is why some of the touch functions was not totally responsive but to my sadness, i activated the lock and now the phone is stuck on the front page and i cannot access anything since i must press unlock at the far corner of the down screen but stupidly, while pressing on the unlock, since it is unresponsive, i cannot unlock the phone to get to the normal menu and so on.The only thing working is the square pad which tells me to press cancel then unlock to free the phone for normal use
By the way the lock feature is the one that blocks the phone so that you do not accidentally press on the touch screen and activate a program and not the lock thing operators put to limit your phone
I want to know if anyone can help me unlock the screen so that i can reset the phone or alternatively any other method via usb to reset my phone to factory settings. Any special buttons on the phone i can do to do that?
I tired leaving battery out for 24 hours but that did not work to unfreeze the touch buttons
Was thinking to reload the windows mobile completely via the micro card (which i read here) but i am not sure it will work or i fear it might brick my phone
Any suggestions will be welcome please.... thanks
Use myMobiler to control device from Pc through usb
Good luck
Ps: you'll probably have to change digitiser afterwards
Well tried the mobiler but the thing is that it asks the phone to allow the program to conenct and i cannot press yes on the touch screen since it is frozen or something so i am stuck again.
Very strange, it doesn't ask anything on my device...
Why don't you hard reset: press green and red buttons and while pressing, poke the stylus shortly in the reset hole then release the 2 buttons. It will ask something that you probably won't see, just press the action button and wait for it to restart.
Don't flash another on just yet - it may well cause issues as it sounds like your digitizer is broken. Don't hard reset either
Does it pick up anything at all? Have you tried tapping all over the place in that region to try and get a response, sometimes just under the screen also works. Do you use a screen protector? If not, try it with one, if yes, try it without, it may be interferring with it, or it may help the touch be picked up by the phone (Stupid, I know, but this is something I found to work before with my elfs, and omnias)
When it is locked, is activesync picking the phone up? You may be able to put the remote.exe into the windows folder (for myMobilier) and do it that way.
A digitizer costs about £6-£10. But due to the age of this device, as sad as it is, I would suggest trying a new phone out if funds allow for it.
ok so far i tried the hard reset (red button and green and pressed the on off button but nothing. When i press on off button alone it switches off but not hard reset. I did not know i had a reset hole at the bottom of the phone.I did that with red and green button but nothing. Only when i poke the hole alone it does a hard reset i think but when i switches back on it is still unresponsive and locked screen
I tried poking under screen protector nothing. Also i think screen is still responsive because when i tap on it, the screen lights brighter
I tired putting remote exe file on the phone( active sync is working and i can read files on the phone) but i have two remote files..which one to use ? the one that ends with 40 one or 50 .Also where to put it specifically..which folder.I tried my windows mobile based device but nothing.Also tried program files and data application nothing.
Mobiler cannot connect since from pc alone because it asks my phone permission
and i cannot tap yes to accept program.
so any more suggestions please
Maybe I wasn't clear enough, here's the exact procedure, it should work since you have to use only hardware buttons:
Hold down send/reject buttons (green/red at the front) and reset with the stylus; release the stylus but keep holding the buttons till you get 'this will erase all your personal data' message, then press 'action' (big front button) to hard reset.
If Hard reset doesn't work then your device hardware is faulty.
If he hard resets he will liekly not be able to align the screen on initial setup tito12.
Avanisha. If you try to run one of the remote.exe it will say this is not a valid windows application, thats the one that needs to go into windows on your phone.
captainstu72 said:
If he hard resets he will liekly not be able to align the screen on initial setup tito12.
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Hi captainstu72, i was under the impression that he messed up something in his system so a hard reset would hopefully solve the problem. In case he still can't align the screen after HR then he has to replace the digitiser. Mymobiler will not solve anything, pls read the 1st post: he wanted to do a factory reset. He just have to sync before HR.
thks tito 12..problem was solved with your help.J ust did not get the steps of hard reset right. Phone is working ok now and screen is ok as well as tap function. thank god i don't need a digitizer. thanks to captainstu72 for the help as well .You were right tito..seems i ran a program and then all hell broke on my phone. I wanted to factory reset but as you know the pad was locked.
Glad I could help, enjoy your device
Ahh okay, guess i mis read something! Sorry
Glad its all sorted though, I was just concerned he may end up in an annoying align screen loop

[Q] screen trouble

Hello you all
I've got a strange problem with my HDmini :
Sometimes, the screen stops responding !
I can touch any button, the screen in any place, nothing happens.
I only have to remove the battery ( because thre is no reset ).
After strated again, when PIN code is asked, if a tap on "3" for exemple, it is like if i have tapped on "6" ; if i tap on "erase", i see "cancel" highlighted !
And after a few minutes, everything becomes normal again.
An idea ?
Did you install any cab or custom settings?
Yes, i'm using throttlelauncher with WP7 theme but when the screen is stuck, i have two choices :
Remove the battery to start again, without throttlelauncher started .
Restart the HTC with Mymobiler if the HDmini is connected.
At the end, the problem stays on.
I only have to wait for some time and then the touchscreen works again... by itself !
I haven't tried Throttlelauncher yet. I don't know if that can be the possible culprit.
For example, yesterday and today everything was OK and 5 minutes ago, the screen has stuck again !
Nothing possible to do on the screen neither with the 5 keys at the bottom !
I have to connect the HDmini to the PC and reboot it with my mobiler;
then i can use the screen interface.
It seems that the problem is the touch screen !
francois64 said:
For example, yesterday and today everything was OK and 5 minutes ago, the screen has stuck again !
Nothing possible to do on the screen neither with the 5 keys at the bottom !
I have to connect the HDmini to the PC and reboot it with my mobiler;
then i can use the screen interface.
It seems that the problem is the touch screen !
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Try to ask for a new device (if it's still under warranty )
bart3385 said:
I haven't tried Throttlelauncher yet. I don't know if that can be the possible culprit.
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Maybe your device is blocking so hard that your keys and screen both don't work anymore. I have had that too once Maybe Trottle causes this?
The problem is to be sure that a software is the problem origin; before i ask for the PDA to be replaced by my operator.
Try to do hard reset. Install only the basic stuff. (Minus Throttlelauncher.) See if the phone goes back to normal.
_Madmatt said:
Try to ask for a new device (if it's still under warranty )
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That's a possible option.
Somehow, i'm not allowed to make that kind of suggestion anymore. Someone keeps on following me and make a mockery whenever i mention anything like that.
Anyway, try to check software problem first. As i first did on my own device. Before i've ascertained it is defective hardware.
francois64 said:
Hello you all
I've got a strange problem with my HDmini :
Sometimes, the screen stops responding !
I can touch any button, the screen in any place, nothing happens.
I only have to remove the battery ( because thre is no reset ).
After strated again, when PIN code is asked, if a tap on "3" for exemple, it is like if i have tapped on "6" ; if i tap on "erase", i see "cancel" highlighted !
And after a few minutes, everything becomes normal again.
An idea ?
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It is normal, sometimes, it doesn't respond, lame htc hd mini. I have this problem long ago.
Thank's for your suggestions.
Today, the phone is completly stuck.
That's why i don't think it is a software problem.
I can' even entry the PIN code.
i've tried a Hard reset, to flash back to Original Rom = nothing more.
So i've asked Orange for an exchange under garanty...
That's a good move.
In some areas, a high percentage of units need replacement.
