HTC HD2 fails to wake up after restore using sprite backup - HD2 General

Hello there guys. This is my first post on this forum, so please bear with me. I have problem on my device. Basically my htc hd2 was running fine, i had all my programs installed etc. I have created various backups of the phone using sprite backup.
I decided to do a hard reset because the phone never used to go into standby (screen off) when charging, only the backlight used to dim. I checked all the settings and i set the device to dim after 1 min and switch off after 2 mins when connected to external power. It still never switched off, this was turning out to be a nuisence specially when getting missed calls at night and screen staying on.
Therefore i done a hard reset and used sprite backup to restore various backup's as i had a few, but they wernt making the device function correctly. So once the backup file's were restored everything would be fine on the phone untill it went into standby, it then would fail to respond, sometimes the hardware button light up, sometimes nothing. The screen would remain off. I would really like to use the backup files as restoring the phone manually would be teadous. Any clues in what could be causing this, cant be the case off a bad backup as i have created a few.
P.S When hd2 is returned to stock it functions normally. Programs installed battlog, clear temp, bsb tweakes opera 10, opnmarket, skype, spb wireless monitor, coreplayer, srs wowhd v2.1, coreplayer 1.3.6, myplayer, 1NETCFv35.wm.armv4i, 2NETCFv35.Messages.EN.wm, resco explorer + reg editor, cht cookie hometab.
Really appreciate it if you pros can shed any light on this? cheers

do you have s2u2 installed?
if so goto settjng power and switch power of in setting to off.
i had a similar problem, this seemed to cure it

Hi nev, thans for your reply, no i do not have s2u2 installed, also i would like to add that when the device was left overnight on charge, it fails to wake up,the screen stays blank only the hardware buttons light up and shows the orange charging light. Please guys help me out here, thanks

I'm a little stuck for another solution. I'd always thought that this was an issues with sprite and s2u2, seems no now.
Would you be willing to test? worse case you could un-install S2U2 or disable it.
It would be interesting to see if installing S2U2 and disabling the power option would fix the problem.
Which lock screen do you currently use?
All of the problems you are describing are exactly the same issues I was having.

Hi Nev, so you reckon sprite backup software could be the problem? I have never had S2U2 installed.
I have restored the phone to factory it works as it should. Nev are you suggesting that i install S2U2 after restoring the sprite backup file, then disable the power option?
oh i am using the winmo default lockscreen with device password.
How did you manage to fix your device then? Were you having the same issues when restoring using sprite back up files? If so could you please give me a brief rundown on what i should do?
Seems like this is not a common issue on here judging on lack of replies. Thanks for your help nev.

I'd give it a go. You have nothing to lose.
S2U2 is an excellent piece of software, amongst other things, it has password protection, and allows you the option of reviewing txt, mail, reminders, etc all from the lockscreen. Additionally, you can set it to allow quick switching between vibrate and sound profiles. ("sales" pitch over)
If your not going down this route I suspect that another hard reset and re-installing you apps from scratch is in order.... I did this about three times before I realised that there was a conflict when restoring from Sprite.
good luck

explicitsoundz1984 said:
everything would be fine on the phone untill it went into standby, it then would fail to respond, sometimes the hardware button light up, sometimes nothing. The screen would remain off.
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your symptoms seem kinda similar to "Leo Screen freeze crash Issue"

Thanks guys for your help, i think i am going to leave it stock for a while and see if the screen plays up. I dont fancy doing all the sofware installs, incase the device is faulty. Thank you that link p107r0

good luck with yours, btw I used to have the described 'syndrom', hard reset helped, since than I keep most of the old backup copies, assuming that if anything similar happens some of those should work properly

Same problem here - SOLVED
I very recently faced the same problem that it was virtually impossible to wake up my HD2 from standby after I had to do a restore with Sprite Backup (same problem as reported by explicitsoundz1984).
Since I actually found two solutions to fix the problem permanently, I like to share them with you:
Solution 1) After I removed all non-stock program links from the autostart folder, the problem was still exisiting. Therefore, I checked the list of installed apps from explicitsoundz1984 with mime and found a potential suspect: "srs wowhd" which obviously is buried deeper in the OS. After de-installing "srs wowhd", the standby of death problem was permanently gone!
Solution 2) I read in another threat that the standard restore options of Sprite Backup do not replace the current registry with the backup registry, but tries to "merge" them - this obiously leads to the situation that a full restore from a stable backup set can result in an unstable configuration.
After changing the restore setting for "system settings" to "replace" instead of "merge", the resulting restore was again a stable one.

with Sprite you must use erase and restore. You have to reset these parameters each time you are going to do a restore. It merges by default. If you are going to restore directly from the backup file on the SD then just double click on the file and restore. Then go into Sprite and change the parameters to restore and erase and restore again. The first one directly from the file execute will merge A pain but it works.


Solution for backlight 10secs timeout issue

Had this problem on my Hermes where the backlight timeout is always reset to 10secs no matter what i set it to once i perform a soft-reset (by poking the reset hole at the bottom). I've tried editing the registry entry directly, flash back to the manufacturer's default ROM etc but with mixed results.
What eventually worked for me is this:
Change your backlight settings but soft-reset using software instead of poking the reset hole. I used Tweaks2k2 to perform the soft-reset but any other tool should work.
In case you are wondering what is my registry type -- i'm already using a File-based registry rather than Hive. (see for more info).
Anyone has any alternative solutions that works?
Hi Patrick... bizarre -- my device exhibits the same annoying reset to 10-seconds, but only when using software reset, not hardware. What software are you using to soft reset? I've used both PHM Reset.exe and Wisbar Lite v1.1.0.7...
If I use the stylus to soft-reset, then the 'on battery' backlight timeout remains at 1-minute (where I like it).
I wondered what in the hell was causing this. A few searches couldn't find it.
I thought it was high cpu usage or something..
aquanaut88 said:
Hi Patrick... bizarre -- my device exhibits the same annoying reset to 10-seconds, but only when using software reset, not hardware. What software are you using to soft reset? I've used both PHM Reset.exe and Wisbar Lite v1.1.0.7...
If I use the stylus to soft-reset, then the 'on battery' backlight timeout remains at 1-minute (where I like it).
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Hi aquaut88,
Hmm, that's interesting. I have the opposite effect when i use soft reset via hardware. I'm using Tweaks2k2 for my soft-reset now. Did you check ur registry type setting (hive vs file) to see if that makes a diff?
It was set at (1). I changed it to (0) and still same behaviour, so switched it back to (1). It seems to have to do with something installed (Maybe Resco Explorer?) Cheers
aquanaut88 said:
It was set at (1). I changed it to (0) and still same behaviour, so switched it back to (1). It seems to have to do with something installed (Maybe Resco Explorer?) Cheers
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Hmm.. I have Resco Explorer installed too. Doesn't seem to be the culprit here.
I had the same problem until I removed Voicecommand 1.6.
When I loaded Voicecommend 1.6 to my 8525 it did something that re-locked my Ext Rom and was causing serval other problems like the backlight changing back to 10 sec. I am not sure if it was all the hacks I had to make to make VC 1.6 work or a semi-failed install.
But I finally hard reset my phone and reloaded everything but used Voicecommand 1.5 and have not had the problem since.
i also have this problem. but i am not sure what causes it.
it is a strange problem, after a hard reset my backlight settings remain as what I selected it to be. be after i install some apps, then the problem arises. I am not sure of which app(s) cause the problem. to find out i have to install each app after a HR and test to islate the culprit.
8525 - 10sec backlight problem also.
Having the SAME EXACT problem guys! My 8525 is also constantly switching back to a 10sec timeout on the backlight display. I do have Resco Explorer too, but I doubt its the problem. I've been reseting w/ the bottom-hole, but will try doing it via software.
Does anyone else have any real fixes though? This is making me CRAZY!!!
This seems related to restoring from a backup. It has happened to me twice after restoring from SPB Backup on my Universal.
The first time I hard-reset and reinstalled everything. The problem went away.
This weekend I had to restore from backup after a freeze and the problem came back (but not immediately). I think it occurs after a backup and after changing settings in the Settings applets (not sure which one).
I think it is a error in the driver. I get a related problem with the brightness. One of my own programs sets the brightness but strangely after a while it always goes back to the 3rd bar. It makes no difference if I lower the brightness using the backlight control, it will always end up on 3. If I make it brighter it seems to stay where I put it.
ChristopherTD said:
This seems related to restoring from a backup. It has happened to me twice after restoring from SPB Backup on my Universal.
The first time I hard-reset and reinstalled everything. The problem went away.
This weekend I had to restore from backup after a freeze and the problem came back (but not immediately). I think it occurs after a backup and after changing settings in the Settings applets (not sure which one).
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I concur. While not using Hermes, I am using a Samsung SGH-i607 (Blackjack) and after having to restore a back-up from Sprite, I started having this same issue. From everything that I have read, it seems that a hard reset and starting from scratch is the only true fix.
What good are the back-up programs if they leave your phone in this state? Kinf of sucks not feeling safe about being able to restore a back-up in the even it is needed.
i have been using battery status to fix my timeout at 30 seconds.. fixed my problem
shogunmark said:
i have been using battery status to fix my timeout at 30 seconds.. fixed my problem
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Thats what did it for me too.
I have the same broblem. after "spb backup" restore backlight timout goes to 10sec. I had the same problem before on anotrer wm6 rom, and it starts after "spb backup" system restore too
I was just getting ready to hard reset my 8525, but before I uninstall Spb Backup from my SD and install new version (v1.6.3) on device memory to properly save my data, and ........?? problem disapears with it self..
I think problem was in non proper intsallation of backup program (on Micro SD).
now averything is ok without any hard reset
it keeps working normally only if I turn off device without lock.....
Following installation Backlight stuck @ 10sec WM v6.1
Thank you, downloaded latest Tweak2k2, installed and selected soft reset.
Backlight setting now perfect
“Contingency WM6.1 Backlight stuck at 10sec”.
Tried Trial version Tweak2k2 PPC Soft Reset and three attempts recognise this is only a temporary solution to "Contingency WM6.1 Backlight Stuck at 10sec” .
Telephoned HTC UK service, Sebastian says that If a hard reset fails to correct backlight contingency Kaiser will have to go to repair. Sebastian says that HTC do not provide Registry settings and customers that do change registry settings negate their warranty.
Request transfer to supervisor. Dan head of support says that I am the first customer with this contingency and that I need to do a hard reset and if contingency continues the Kaiser will need return to HTC for repair.
PS Thankfully HTC do not sell cars or bicycles as they would also say mending punctures negated the car or bicycle warranty!

My Wizard has multiple bugs, need help solving

I understand that this forum is filled with developers. So I am hoping for some informed help. If you have any of these same problems please respond as well. I would like to know if these are isolated to my setup
I migrated from a cel phone and a PPC running WM2003/2003se. Mainly for the converged device, but also for the persistent storage. I run a small business, and and am very busy and rely on my phone and schedule all day everyday.
I have only had the wizard (MDA) for about 3 weeks and experienced odd problems since the first week
. Unfortunately I did not buy new, so I am not sure if any of these are covered by warranty or not... I am just going to list the problems:
1) If I leave my phone plugged in at night to charge than by the time I wake up the phone will not come out of standby. I have to press the soft reset button to get the unit to work again. This happens intermittently
2) I use an alarm program so that the unit acts like an alarm clock. If the phone is plugged in at night, and does not experience problem number 1, than the alarm just won't go off. I turn on the phone and the alarm program is open, but it did nothing. If the phone is not plugged in than the alarm works fine.
3) Soft buttons. I have the registry set to remap what the soft buttons do. I use Agenda Fusion (Latest Version) so i have them set to open the calendar and the contacts to Agenda Fusions view of them. This works most of the time. On occasion the soft buttons just stop working except for running through the menus for reminders.....
4)The other day i went to take a photo, the camera said that it could not proceed because there was not enough memory. At the time I had 30 megs of storage free, about 12 megs of program free and about 900 meg left on my sd card...
5) Every so often the unit won't launch a program, it says that the exe is unsigned or not trusted. It works every other time though.
6) I use cLaunch. Every so often cLaunch disappears from the today screen. The only wat to get it to reappear is to remove it from the today screen from the today items menu, wait a couple of seconds and then return it to the today screen.
7) Every so often the unit stops recognizing the sd card..have to remove and re-insert
8) I use reminders for all my calender and to do items. Occasionally the reminder will go off for a certain item 24 hours in advance, even though the setting is correct in the item...
I feel like I am missing a few problems. But you get might point, WM5 is weird. All of the above can be corrected with a soft reset. But sometimes the problems show up multiple times a day. Causing me to have to soft reset in the most inconvenient times, several times a day.
I did not have these problems under WM2003. I have a friend who uses a Verzion phone that is similar to the wizard (made by a different company though, not has an external antennae and that is where the stylus is stored as well) She and I were comparing phones today. Hers runs WM5 but she said that she has never experienced any of these problems in the 1 year that she has owned hers...
Is this an HTC Wizard problem? A WM5 problem with the wizards? Would it help if i installed on of the alternate roms that I read about here on XDA developers? I am considering a hard reset and starting from scratch but I don't want to go that route unless it is the only way. And if I do, I may just use one of those roms.....What does everybody think?
Sorry for the long winded post....
Seems like a software problem based on (1) and (2). Is the ROM an official ROM?
Hello Hanmin Thanks for responding,
Re Number 1. I just saw that some one else posted with that problem. So I will see if they have they same alarm program installed. I have wondered if everything is software related. Thats why I am hoping to see if others are having these types of problems, and if so, what programs they are using...
Re the rom...yes it the official T-mobile release, version listed in my sig.
Thanks again
New problem
I have just encountered a new problem:
While picking up my voice mail the system would not register my button pushes. Weather on screen or the hardware buttons. I could not interact with voice mail, nor could I end the call with the hardware button or the soft button....I had to reset the phone to end the call!!
How frustrating is that
Have you tried reflashing the original ROM? Being a used phone that would be the first thing I would do. It's going to wipe out all your data and return it to an "out of box" state, so i suggest backing up anything important and sync to your PC. If that doesn't work then you have a hardware issue but I'm willing to bet that should take care of it. You can find the original ROM on HTP's website. Good Luck
Thank you
Thanks for that suggestion....I am hoping to not go down that road, if I can help it. But I will do it if there are no other options. So If I may ask: How many votes does re flashing old Rom Get? And are there any other ideas?
Again Thanks. I am going to download the rom in case it does come to that....
wait...the phone dosen't wake up unless you push the small button on the top of the phone? That is not the default setting on the MDA, however it's acting naturally. Our phones go on a standby to save power. Click the battery icon in the lower right hand corner-->Click the Advanced tab--> uncheck Turn off device on external power
When the phone is plugged in over night and reaches %100 charge some times it won't "Wake Up" even hitting the power button on top. The only thing that will turn it on is the "Soft Reset" button on the right side, beneath the IR sensor.
no text
No text
Just bumping
It sounds like you have software problems - possible a corrupt notification queue - personally i would do a hard reset of the device - probably in the process of this i would soft reset before the t-mobile extras install - taking details of gprs, mms settings before this.
I would run the phone without installing software to see that its not a hardware problem. Then reinstall programs one by one and see how it goes. Some software like claunch is not made for wm5 so expect some glitches (i use claunch and get occ glitch)
If you dont want to hard reset check the notification queue for duplicates and rogue scripts using check notifications - attached - install via pc. Dont delete notifications important for system running - common duplicates are clock\calendar.
alarm problems
frankly i had similar issues - less critical but annoying: alarm clock not waking me up, slow system, notification queue mess, difficult resets, camera issues, bluetooth a2dp skipping. I upgraded my Qtek multiple times, and finally i can say that 2.26 roms (i use molski's) are exceptionally stable and reliable. The problem is not Wm5, the problem is how buggy many released versions are. So, my suggestion: look to the forum, find roms that appear to have a reliable history, cross your fingers and...upgrade. Then, resist in upgrading to any rom that just came out and appear to be faster, cooler, nicer. Unless you have an issue to be solved, and you see 100 messages confirming that the rom is stable and does the job...
Thank you meschle and pzucchel for the thorough answers. I am going to try the notification queue first.
@ Meschle: where do I find the gprs, & mms settings? And should I just copy them down by hand? Then after re-starting w/out tmobile crap, do I just put these settings in the same place as where I found them?
@ Pzucchel: Do you believe that Molski's 2.26 is more stable than the Tmobile factory installed 2.26?
Thanks again
cameraddict said:
Thank you meschle and pzucchel for the thorough answers. I am going to try the notification queue first.
@ Meschle: where do I find the gprs, & mms settings? And should I just copy them down by hand? Then after re-starting w/out tmobile crap, do I just put these settings in the same place as where I found them?
@ Pzucchel: Do you believe that Molski's 2.26 is more stable than the Tmobile factory installed 2.26?
Thanks again
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Write them down manually its the safest way - there are cabs available but often dont work.
GPRS - settings\connections\connections\manage existing connectons - settings should be here prob named t-mobile
MMS - go into messages\menu\options\MMS\servers click on prob t mobile again.
Thanks again!

ameo freeze every day serveral times

i have everytime the problem that when i turn the ameo off,
it freeze when i turn it on, this is randomly so i cannot figure out
when this is happends, after soft reset it works again.
Is there a way to find out where the gab is?
tried to close every open application so far, and turn the most
used on after turn of the device.
I'll hope to find out otherwise i need to to the hard reset
(it took that serveral hours to install al again .
tvrman said:
i have everytime the problem that when i turn the ameo off,
it freeze when i turn it on, this is randomly so i cannot figure out
when this is happends, after soft reset it works again.
Is there a way to find out where the gab is?
tried to close every open application so far, and turn the most
used on after turn of the device.
I'll hope to find out otherwise i need to to the hard reset
(it took that serveral hours to install al again .
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Hi tvrman.
For starters, install Sprite backup (on one of the CD's you got with the Ameo). This will eradicate the need for a full install after a hard reset in the future!
I suggest you do a full hard reset anyway then install Sprite Backup utility.
Only put back your essential apps one by one with 1/2 a days gap between each installation and test the turn off turn on function.
Be sure to use the supplied X-Button application to ensure you properly clode apps down after you're finished with them....or use Wisbar Advance 2, which will do it for you....except for Active Sync (this will always remain active unless shut down manually in memory menu).
I have not once suffered the problem you have in over a months use of the Ameo....might be a faulty unit or a buggy ROM. What version ROM are you using?
Anyway, if all goes well over the next 3 days, do a full backup and save a copy to your storage card or micro drive and be sure to copy a copy over to your PC...that should future peoof you having to do a full install again in the future. And be sure only to back up, if you have no problems with the device and the problems you mentioned earlier. Otherwise you will allways restore the bugs in the device after a hard reset.
Hope this helps. keep us updated on how you get on.
thanks for you professional answer, i was not aware that spd backup
was on the cd which was delivered at the ameo.
Well yesterday i found out that one of the programs (profimail)
which i'm using serveral times a day for my mail, that this is the problem
I found out that yesterday i didn't use profimail but the built in mail the
whole day and the ameo did not freeze at all the whole day
tried to turn it off an on the whole day and no problems at all,
yesterday late i start profimail and check serveral mails, i close profimail
and turn the device off, later turn it on and a black screen it would not
turn on
After soft reset everthing works.
So i will check today again without using profimail and see what's happends
i'll let you know....
I had the same problem.
My solution was to format the mini-sd card.
So what i did:
1. copied all data on de minisd in a cardreader to a directory on pc
2. Formatted (not quick) the minisd
3. Copied all data back to the minisd.
All the tests I have tried suggest it is Wisebar Advance 2 that is causing the freezing.
Anyone else find this? Shame as it is the program I like the most
tvrman said:
i have everytime the problem that when i turn the ameo off,
it freeze when i turn it on, this is randomly so i cannot figure out
when this is happends, after soft reset it works again.
Is there a way to find out where the gab is?
tried to close every open application so far, and turn the most
used on after turn of the device.
I'll hope to find out otherwise i need to to the hard reset
(it took that serveral hours to install al again .
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Have you got a password to lock your phone try removing that see if it still locks , i was having the same issue
Mrsums said:
All the tests I have tried suggest it is Wisebar Advance 2 that is causing the freezing.
Anyone else find this? Shame as it is the program I like the most
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No such issue here! WA2 runs like a dream on my Ameo...even better than it did on my Hermes or Prophet! I'm using the version of WA2 without WAD.
Yes, in my case it was also WA2. I made my own skin and all work fine. But in time I got more lock-ups. So I decided to reinstall everything. Then things went wrong. That day I have installed everything 6 times. Every time I had lock-ups when I pushed the power button and activated it again. But after disabeling WA I had no troubles anymore. The last production and beta version have the same problems. At this point I have to advice not to use WA2. I did not examine every feature of WA2. So there can be one feature that caused the problem. I made my own iPhone landscape skin and I was very pleased. Could somebody try this skin to see if it freezes their device?
iPhone skin ftp://xda:[email protected]/Uploads/Software/iPhone.rar
I use a lot of apps. I also use the following plugins on WAD:
SPB Diary
Profiles for Windows Mobile
Windows Life Messenger
QAN said:
Yes, in my case it was also WA2. I made my own skin and all work fine. But in time I got more lock-ups. So I decided to reinstall everything. Then things went wrong. That day I have installed everything 6 times. Every time I had lock-ups when I pushed the power button and activated it again. But after disabeling WA I had no troubles anymore. The last production and beta version have the same problems. At this point I have to advice not to use WA2. I did not examine every feature of WA2. So there can be one feature that caused the problem. I made my own iPhone landscape skin and I was very pleased. Could somebody try this skin to see if it freezes their device?
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I'll give the skin a test run in an hour, but I refuse to use plug-ins again. They have always caused me problems, but WA2 never has. What version were you running?
Tried the i-phone skin and have experienced no issues whatsoever.
Maybe the Problem is WAD and your plug-ins.
WAD keep on giving problems like's a sin for such an interesting it is because I gave up to use it.
Mrsums said:
All the tests I have tried suggest it is Wisebar Advance 2 that is causing the freezing.
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I did some searching and found some suggestions it might be the skin I was using. I changed the skin and no more freezing.
Since I removed the trayap.exe from the init part of the registry I did not have any freezing anymore. I will try WA2 again to see if this solves my problem.
By the way, I am using the latest beta's of WA2 and WAD
hi all
i find that if i use the off button to turn off the backlight whilst media player is running it jams the machine, requiring a reboot. i know that i can usethe light button on the keyboard but i sometimes forget that media player is running (ie. paused).
I have the same freezing problem now after a few weeks of usage.
The device was running very nicely but now, without installing anything further or adding anything to the device, it freezes randomly.
It likes to freeze when the backlight goes off, while I play MP3 files or have a phone conversation using bluetooth.
In the past 4 days I have softreset the device no less than 81 times.
I suspect the Microdrive is to blame. Is it sensitive to movement?
I will remove all my software and other files from the microdrive and see if things improve.
In the mean time, has anyone else experienced random and frequent freezing?
Oh, I have the Dopod U1000 branded device with the latest firmware.
ok, I had it with this. 16 more soft resets within 4 hours.
I hard reset the device. So far I see no random freezing, but I didn't install anything extra yet except ozVGA and VJBigPhone. And both of them on the internal memory, so nothing on the microdrive.

Phone doesn't ring - all other sound good

Last night my ATT8525 phone, which I've had for several years, suddenly stopped playing the ringtone for incoming calls. All other sounds have been tested and working, including playing music. I've tried changing the volume of both the device slider and ring slider to vibrate, then to off, then back on. All levels of volume on both sliders.
Another strange problem is if I go into settings to Sounds & Notifications, if I click OK on any setting it goes to the Incoming Call setting. It doesn't close the screen out anymore. I can click OK, turn off the sounds, set it to something different, clicking OK no longer accepts the setting. If I go to another setting other than for Phone: Incoming Call, then clicking OK brings me back to that option.
I've done a soft and hard reset. Any ideas?
Thisstrange indeed. The rear speaker is used for the phone ring and clearly this is ok because you can play music (I am assuming you were not using headphones to test the music).
Before you said you had done a hard reset, I would have sworn that would cure the problem. This may seem cheeky but I assume you really have done a hard reset (some folks think they have but haven't really). Can we assume you used the two soft keys plus the stylus in the hole method?
If so it may be worth trying another couple of times.
Temporarily at least, if that fails, it may be worth trying to flash a different ROM. However, before that, perhaps you should wait to see if anyone else has some words of wisdom.
Thanks for the response. You are correct, I wasn't actually doing a hard reset. If I do a hard reset, I assume I lose all my settings and go back to the fresh ROM state?
chi11ipepper said:
Thanks for the response. You are correct, I wasn't actually doing a hard reset. If I do a hard reset, I assume I lose all my settings and go back to the fresh ROM state?
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Yes you lose all data that you have saved to the phone, including all installed applications. Data on the storage card remains ok. However, even if you installed an app to the storage card, you may still have to reinstall it.. Some might say you should do a full backup of the full system with the likes of SPB full backup, BUT if you were to restore the ful back-up after a hard reset, you would probably just put back the fault you are trying to resolve!
I can't really find a good suggestion but to Flash the ROM. But as mikechannon said, rule # 1 is to make a backup. Maybe you can use PIM Backup, so that only the contact and others are only the ones backed up. Your problem may reoccur for full system backup, as mentioned above.
Just following up that the hard reset did fix the problem with the phone not ringing on incoming call. Also thanks for the PIM backup suggestion. This saved me a lot of time.
No problem.. Just here to help.. Peace..
same same
mikechannon said:
Yes you lose all data that you have saved to the phone, including all installed applications. Data on the storage card remains ok. However, even if you installed an app to the storage card, you may still have to reinstall it.. Some might say you should do a full backup of the full system with the likes of SPB full backup, BUT if you were to restore the ful back-up after a hard reset, you would probably just put back the fault you are trying to resolve!
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I have the same problem and I tried Hard Resetting-no sound except with headphones. I started on friday with it not ringing when I had a call but now there is no sound at all. Any suggestions anyone????

HTC HD problem ?=)(=)(/)("#*``

I have a Blackstone for a year, and worked just fine, until last thursday!!!!!
I discovered somehow that the clock was uncorrect, and since I use the machine on my pocket, I considered that "well, I didn´t block it and it reconfigurated by itself...".
Tryed to correct the time and date and after the confirmation message it kept exactly the same. Insisted once again, and ... no changes.
Then, I tryed the "ultimate" problem solver: Softreset. The machine went off and when I turned it ON...well... still OFF, and kept OFF. Didnt turn ON.
Tryed to plug it to the power and the power led kept OFF.
Took over the battery waited for 2 hours, and turned it ON, and it came with the right clock time and calender
Kept it ON until yesterday, when it turned OFF by itself (Bat >50%). Took battery out, made same procedure as above, and now, after several tryes, it is ON, in flighting mode, with the unupdatable "04-10-92, 08:23".
Do u have any idea of what the hack is this about????
What should I do? a HR?
Loved to hear from you.
there are only three things left to try.
1st - try to google if someone already had issue like this before you and found a solution
2nd - look at what programs have you recently installed and experiment whether they might have caused this issue
3rd - painful, but HardReset... (you can always backup your stuff via PIMbackup or SPB Backup, so not a big deal anyway )
Let us know whichever worked for you.
Sopis said:
there are only three things left to try.
1st - try to google if someone already had issue like this before you and found a solution
2nd - look at what programs have you recently installed and experiment whether they might have caused this issue
3rd - painful, but HardReset... (you can always backup your stuff via PIMbackup or SPB Backup, so not a big deal anyway )
Let us know whichever worked for you.
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If these solutions don't help, try flashing the same rom again or any other rom.
Don't forget check your device for bad blocks with mtty.
Thank you for your replies.
1st - try to google if someone already had issue like this before you and found a solution - DIDN´T FIND ANYTHING
2nd - look at what programs have you recently installed and experiment whether they might have caused this issue - NONE
3rd - painful, but HardReset... (you can always backup your stuff via PIMbackup or SPB Backup, so not a big deal anyway ) -DONE
The HardReset process was "strange". When doing the "reboot" it didn´t turn ON. I had to turn it ON manually... :Z
After the HR done, it keeps with the same simptoms, and one more I found today: evrytime I connect the cable (either PC connection or to charge battery) it turns OFF. Ocurred to me... may be a battery problem?
If there is no "light at the end of the tunnel" I´ll have to send it to the seller under warranty to solve the problem (if I manage to find the invoice)

