htc typhoon dead - HTC Typhoon

hi , I have a htc typhoon (amadeus) based qtek 8100 phone , by mistake I upgraded bootloader to a htc wizard bootloader rom ( IPL/SPL 1.01 ).Now the phone isn't opening turning on or powering up.When connecting to usb nothing happens.Sometimes, it blinks all of the keyboard lights (maybe sometimes that I play with key combinations). How can I repair and put the right bootloader into phone again ?
Note1: I am pressing cam button and connect usb cable nothing happens.
Note2: I can't access to the bootloader screen[/quote]

I and several others have already replied to you on this and several other forums. You need a service centre to flash the phone using JTAG points directly on the curcuitboard.
Asking over and over isn't going to change the fact that with a screwed bootloader you need to flash using JTAG. Do you think the more times you ask somehow it will be different?... :roll:

No other way ?
May anyone have JTAG schematik for Qtek 8100 ?

sorry wrong thread


need to make my brick back to a fone plz help

cingular 8125.
I need the original rom file (original firmware )can anybody help plz right now my fone stuck on the RUU mode can anybody help
If it is realy a brick without any chance of life I need a part of it: the keypad.
Thats really rude.
not a complete brick yet
not a complete brick yet is in loader mode red,blue ,green screen
All the cingular roms are here ftp://[email protected]/Wizard/Roms/Cingular/
user name xda password xda
which rom do you have?
It looks like you are in bootloader (multicolored) mode so that is good
connect via usb - you dont need to activesync to update rom. You should get a usb sign bottom left of screen and then start update.
Upgrading without activesysnc
After a interruptus ROM upgrade my s200 d'ont start . after the HTC i have a white screen but not more.
The activesync don't connect and i can't put the ROM another time.
I obtain the multicoloured screen with usb in the left botton.
Please, could anybody help me to update the rom in this situation , mayby without activesync ??
You can flash a rom from the 3-colored bootloader mode (hold voice button when turning device on). When it says usb you can just flash without activesync.
Yes thank's i found a ROM that don't need activesync , after that i had changed that rom by my rom and at the moment my s200 y ok.

ROM or the motherboard ?

I attemted to flash my Kjam to WM6 & it went dead. It wont start at all. Kjam Service centre says there is a problem in the mother board and it needs to be replaced for $ if flash fails...the ROM must have gone corrupt , what has it to do with the motherboard ?
can anyone throw light on whats the real thing ?
take out the battery for hours then re-install it. try to boot in bootloader mode first(3 colors). If it work, it's the time to re-flash the right rom now!
When you start the device up what happens?
Same Problem accured for me!!!!!!!
I installeda new rom and my device didn't power on after that.
What should i do now?
afghahi said:
I installeda new rom and my device didn't power on after that.
What should i do now?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Nobody here is providing any details so everything is going to be just a guess. If either of these phones were a G4 and you flashed a rom that tried to update the IPL/SPL then its very likely you have bricked your device. But again, with no information about what rom you were trying to flash, what your IPL/SPL were beforehand, or details about what it means that it won't turn on, everything is just a guess...
Bricked Kjam
its comletely dead.....i had disconnected the battery for a couple of days then connected it but it wont start....i checked the battery using multimeter it is fully charged....neither does it power ON when connected to mains...It doesnt get detected when connected to the USB port..thats obvious since it is not powering cant flash it again.. now m in a fix as to whether to spend another fortune after this sweetheart or keep it in a showcase ....
( a bricked KJam )
If nothing lights up that looks pretty terminal. :-(
Maybe you could buy a broken Wizard with a working motherboard? Alternatively maybe sell off your mostly working Wizard on this forum to raise money to buy a new device?
Sorry if you can't get it going. :-(

Artemis doesnt`t start

please help! I have made a wrong ROM Update for my Artemis. The result is that it doeasn`t starts anymore. I see only the start screen no more. If i make a SW or HW reset tahn i see a 3 colored screen and USB. But i don`t get a connection via usb to my compute`! How can i wake up my Artemis ???
tell use more what did you do and how did you do it?
what artemis is it?
what rom was it
Flash went sour..
You need the original ROM which was on your device when you bought it. What version (HTC, MDA, etc..) and what language was the original ROM?
please i need help too
I guess I made the same or a similar mistake that dr.moppi did. My machine is a Dopod P800 from mainland china with the chinese operating system. I flahsed it with PDAMobiz_Dopod_P800W_AKU301_v1.1.2_PowerMap. Don't really remember what the original ROM was but now when i turn it on it freezes when it lights up. On the screen, it says
IPL 1.27.0001
SPL 1.27.0000
GSM 02.67.90
I don't get a connection through usb to the computer either. I am not sure if I did the hard reset correctly. Didn't understand the instruction on that "press the soft key left and right and soft reset at the same time." Anyway, you guys are all experts, can you help me please?
it should be the same as my problem
if i remeber than i used the same ROM Update :-(
I hope anyone could give us a solution, please.
@dr. moppi we can only help you if we know what version you had before.
@empathyvirus you have to look for the original ROM which, in your case, should be the Chinese Dopod ROM. Install that one and your good to go.
Without the original ROM the only thing left to do is: sending your device to your provider or contact and sent it to the guys of imei-check. Either way, you'll probably have to pay to get it fixed.
how to install original rom
Thanks for your quick reply Pyth. In the case I get the original ROM from somewhere, how do I install it if I can't get a connection between the phone and my computer? Can you advice?
Put your device in bootloader by pressing the record button and reset at the same time. If you have your USB-cable connected between your PC and your phone it will indicate a connection by 'USB' in the left corner of your device. Now you should be able to run the ROM executable and update your device.
thanks anyway
i tried but it didn't seem to work. anyway, i have troubled you enough and maybe it's best i just go to the repair centre of dopod and pay for a fix. i really appreciate your help though Pyth.
Where can i find the t-mobile rom its the MDA Compact III that wont start for me

Bricked Hermes (SPV M3100) while flashing SPL - any help or sugestion are wellcomed

All started with trying to upgrade(rewrite) the GSM part because the Hermes had problems with phone part - when trying to call - the phone stop responding, bus the pda part sill worked.
So - I tried and tried and tried again, reading many threads about HARD SPL,Flashing radio, etc. Nothing worked..
In the end "i managed" to kill GSM - phone had "No Gsm" on boot-up.
From there i tried to downgrade SPL to 1.04 so that i try to "raw" rewrite the GSM part.
But something went terribly wrong, and while downgrading SPL, the phone suddently shutdown and never opened again.
Now i have the folowing situation: NO BOOTLOADER, no usb conectivity, nothing
This means that i cannot connect via USB whatever i try.
Is there any hope for me? or is it TOTALLY BRICKED?
Any help is apreciated!! I can even dismantle the mobile if there is any way to flash it via some kind of jtag connection...anything ...
The folks at can do the JTAG flashing. Just email them. It would be costly for you to do it yourself...
Are you saying that the phone won't turn on at all or that it does but you can't get a bootloader screen?
Have you tried taking the battery out for a while? Have you tried flashing an OEM rom and radio compatible with your device off an SD card?
All of this info is in the wiki, as are OEM roms you can flash.
Let us know how you get on.
Good luck.
Try this:
1.) Remove battery
2.) Connect Hermes to charger or USB
3.) Insert the battery while Hermes is connected to charger
4.) Red light should turn Amber
5.) Soft Reset
@wacky.banana: The phone is totaly dead: no bootloader, doesn't boot at all, doesn't seem to have any USB conectivity at all. Flashing from micro sd doesn't work : probably because the bootloader isn't working.
@drummer10630: i'll check with imei-chek about jtag flashing, especially the price and shiping costs.thanks
@markafreeman: I tried, but when i put the battery in, the red light goes off, not to amber . no soft or hard reset helps. not even leaving the battery out for 2 weeks - i had tried that too . thanks anyway.
Anything else I can try? - phone totaly dead, no bootloder, no usb conectivity - cannot use mtty, cannot flash from microsd
I had to get a replacement device at that point when it happened to me.
Maybe someone else know a way to get it working.
Good luck.
get onto orange
tell them you dropped the phone
and it crashed and wouldnt turn on
so you managed to hard reset it
and it crashed an ****ed up
they'll replace it
well they will send it to HTC
who just replace the handset rather than repair it
Hi dancameo2k , maybe you will not remember but plz:
I ve bought recenty an spv m3100, im effortless trying to flash the rom to an wm6 version.
Like you ive started with the hardsppl flash thing to prevent bricking it and prior to sd flashing... and im not sure if its workin...
plz can you explain in detail how did you bricked it??? thx!!!!
the rom you used to flash was an american version or european one???

HD 2 dead OR NO DEAD ???!! Help please

So a friend have a problem with a ROM, and i decides to flash rom radio and with an other ROM and when i'm flashing HD2 freezing and lock at 53%, i trying to flash with any others Roms and i have a big problem, hd2 no reboot,, and no reboot in bootloader mode too after :S
i trying the Hard Reset manual and nothing !!
Who can help me ???
Sorry for my bad english!
Friendship Kindly.
if you can't get into bootloader then it is probably dead.
So volume down while pressing the reset key doesn't do anything?
If you plug it into a charger does the red led come on?
What version hd2 is it?
Thank's for your answer so,
i can't make it in bootloader even if i press volum down button and press the end key, he does nothing :s but he return in bootloader mode one time / 50 ...
when he connect to a source i don't see the red led for charging batterie :s
and i don't know what is this model, it's an HD2
And the last time i boot it, it's written Software uptade fail, try again with a /!\
If its a US T-Mobile one (has T-Mobile at the top and green & red buttons at the bottom) then its most likely that the radio he has flashed to it is the wrong one.
If this is the case, then there is no fix.
Otherwise, its best to see if you can send it back for repair

