ROM or the motherboard ? - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

I attemted to flash my Kjam to WM6 & it went dead. It wont start at all. Kjam Service centre says there is a problem in the mother board and it needs to be replaced for $ if flash fails...the ROM must have gone corrupt , what has it to do with the motherboard ?
can anyone throw light on whats the real thing ?

take out the battery for hours then re-install it. try to boot in bootloader mode first(3 colors). If it work, it's the time to re-flash the right rom now!

When you start the device up what happens?

Same Problem accured for me!!!!!!!
I installeda new rom and my device didn't power on after that.
What should i do now?

afghahi said:
I installeda new rom and my device didn't power on after that.
What should i do now?
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Nobody here is providing any details so everything is going to be just a guess. If either of these phones were a G4 and you flashed a rom that tried to update the IPL/SPL then its very likely you have bricked your device. But again, with no information about what rom you were trying to flash, what your IPL/SPL were beforehand, or details about what it means that it won't turn on, everything is just a guess...

Bricked Kjam
its comletely dead.....i had disconnected the battery for a couple of days then connected it but it wont start....i checked the battery using multimeter it is fully charged....neither does it power ON when connected to mains...It doesnt get detected when connected to the USB port..thats obvious since it is not powering cant flash it again.. now m in a fix as to whether to spend another fortune after this sweetheart or keep it in a showcase ....
( a bricked KJam )

If nothing lights up that looks pretty terminal. :-(
Maybe you could buy a broken Wizard with a working motherboard? Alternatively maybe sell off your mostly working Wizard on this forum to raise money to buy a new device?
Sorry if you can't get it going. :-(


help needed on restoring/reinstalling my tmobile mda compact

please help i have the t-mobile mda compact pm200 and i was removing a cracked version on pocket dos v1.09 from the remove list and it said windows wil need to perform a soft rest yes or cancel i clicked yes and my system restarted but now it just get stuck at the t-mobile screen. i have tried doing the manufatures hard reset but no joy i have take out the battery no joy and i can't even access it through my p.c what can i do to get it up and running again i don't care about the data already on there cuz it is all backed up on my sd cad
When you took out your battery, have you been waiting til the backup battery fully drained out? It takes about 30-60 minutes, better leave a few hours. Try this and post your results...
thank for trying but unfrtunatly it had no effect i tried for two hours then reinserrted it and no joy so i waited a further day but still nothing any other ideas tnx
Is it getting into BootLoader? Then you might try Flashing a new ROM!
how would i go about doing that? my computer won't even recognis3e my phone
I had about the same problem:
I was trying to install the Pocket PC Greek language support (free trial version) from the site on my MDA Vario Tmobile when it crashed!! It shows just a white screen and does nothing at all!! I soft and hard reseted the device but after restarting it shows the Tmobile screen and after a few seconds a white screen! Actually I am not so sure that the device is hard reseting because it doesn't ask me for a confirmation of the hard reset. When I startup my device it stops on the same white screen.No windows loading, no other commands accepting, not recognized by my desktop.
Did anybody have the same problem before? Does anybody know how can i get my PPC on working condition again
Thanks dagonist.
I hope somebody can help....
See for ROM upgrades on the forum :wink: if u get some images on the mini then it's not dead! It's just stuck at the bootloader mode, meaning that the OS is somehow damaged.. To solve this prob u must plug the mini into the pc (it will be recognised as an unidentified device, don't worry), then download a ROM upgrade set (u will find these on the net or in the xda-dev ftp). Execute the prog, wait 'till it finished and voila! Ur device will come as new If u encounter problem do a simple search in the forum regards rom - bootloader - upgrade and u willl find a lot of infos :wink:
Hope this helps, MocciJ
Thanks MocciJ.....but my desktop pc doesnot "see" my pocket pc at all!!
:? then it isn't yet in bootloader, is just stuck at the beginning of a broken OS! I mean that it tries to load the OS, but then it gets stopped since he read bad ROM (probably deleted in some way since u encountered this prob removing a prog) try to get it in bootloader mode, by pressing together the camera, power and reset buttons.. U will lose all the things in the RAM memory, but in this case u really can't do anything else.. After entering in bootloader, u can easily upgrade it..
Well, I just tried the camera button+power button+reset button....and nothing happens! It reset and comes back to the same white screen...
Any other suggestions??
well, did u tried to make it correctly? I mean: for entering boot loader u havce to press camera + power, and then reset (with camera and power pressed) if u can't still enter the bootloader, then I'm out of ideas, sorry...
I amdoing it write but nothing happens....
In the screen what can u read? If u read serial (it is barely visible) then see if it turn to usb when u connect the cable: if yes, we 're at a very good point...
When it starts up it shows the Tmobile logo and then for a few seconds :
ipl 1.08
spl 1.08
gsm 01.09.10
(something else...)
after a few seconds a white screen without any letters or anything else.
But I cannot see it anywhere on my desktop pc...
:? I can't figure out how you can get it back.. If it displays images and text, then the bootloader is still alive.. It even tells u the correct version of the complete ROM.. but I wonder why it can't access to the bootloader.. u must search in the forum how to reach the bootloader, but I'm sure of the power camera reset combination; when u can read SERIAL or even better USB on the device, u probably have solved most of ur problems, but chances are that u have even bad clusters of ROM, and cannot be restored with an upgrade (it happened to the External Rom of my mini after a bad upgrade)
I suggest to send it to repairs, before doing somewhat wrong, because if there is an original ROM inside they will repair it for sure, free :wink:
Thanks. The problem is that I got the phone from ebay, from a UK seller, and it was locked to Tmobile. So I don't think that I can ask for a factory/guaranty repair....
Thanks. The problem is that I got the phone from ebay, from a UK seller, and it was locked to Tmobile. So I don't think that I can ask for a factory/warranty repair....
seee i tried all of thoose things but i found the main problem was getting the computer to recoginise the thing and the program i put on was a cracked version ( i know i am a naughty boy) so if i send it off they could cause legal problems couldn't it
it depends on what u are meaning by "not recognised" but I assume that windows dosesn't even try to recognise the device (I mean that there aren't bubbles, notifications, or any other changes on the system) for the cracked software, well if u have installed it right into any RAM folder (not in the storage memory) then u can tell the repairing center that ur unit simply doesn't power on correctly.. :wink:

Bricked Tytn

I had a BSOD on my laptop during a radio flash and was left with a phone that got stuck on boot screen, with NO GSM on the display and no KTIL possibilities. Sent it back to Brightpoint (HTC contracted repair shop) and they wanted 350 euros to replace the system board.
So before i sell as scrap on ebay - i wanted to check that i hadnt missed any miracle cure that may have been found.
try having a look in the Upgrading forum
am sure there are a few unbrick topics there, think i remember seening some in there once
try here -*
Thanks for the reply - have tried pretty much everything. My main issue is not having KITL
nmonger said:
I had a BSOD on my laptop during a radio flash and was left with a phone that got stuck on boot screen, with NO GSM on the display and no KTIL possibilities. Sent it back to Brightpoint (HTC contracted repair shop) and they wanted 350 euros to replace the system board.
So before i sell as scrap on ebay - i wanted to check that i hadnt missed any miracle cure that may have been found.
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Are you on Hard-SPL ? Could you use PC to access the Hermes ? If so, try the method to flash the ROM with a memory card method.
Good luck
Memory card flash
Thanks QQ88 - I will give it ago when I get the phone back!
If that doesnt work is there anyone with serious phone skills (thinking of pof-a-likes here) wants to earn 100 euro to help get this phone back to life then PM me.
I''ll give this a shot.
nmonger said:
I had a BSOD on my laptop during a radio flash and was left with a phone that got stuck on boot screen, with NO GSM on the display and no KTIL possibilities. Sent it back to Brightpoint (HTC contracted repair shop) and they wanted 350 euros to replace the system board.
So before i sell as scrap on ebay - i wanted to check that i hadnt missed any miracle cure that may have been found.
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This is a tricky one but I believe that you can use the same flash file that you were using and just try this:
You should know your SPL version before going too far with this. Hopefully you can get that info by trying to boot it and if it can get to the very first splash screen with the red text, it should show it there.
Turn on the phone and let it try to boot ... Hold down the Power and OK buttons at the same time and while holding those buttons down, hit the reset button at the bottom of the phone and you should then be given the multi-color weird screen that's given right before the flash. Then, connect it via USB. Load up the flash software and it should ask you which version you're running of the SPL, select it and then click next. Auto-detect won't work if I remember correctly. Then just push forward and it should go through.
If all else fails, look up Mr. Vanx's information ... he's quoted all over this site and has his own site that has a LOT of information about bricked hermes phones.
GOOD LUCK! I hope it works.
Had a similar problem last week. Download the ROM at the top of the link below and it should unbrick your phone. It worked for me
Good Luck
Thank you to all that gave their input. Can confirm that I have tried all methods incl. SD flashing but due to corrupt CID and SPL 1.09 it is time to wave the white flag and give up.
Will keep up with the threads to see if anyone manages to find a way to resurrect TyTns with corrupt CID and SPL 1.09

Bricked Hermes (SPV M3100) while flashing SPL - any help or sugestion are wellcomed

All started with trying to upgrade(rewrite) the GSM part because the Hermes had problems with phone part - when trying to call - the phone stop responding, bus the pda part sill worked.
So - I tried and tried and tried again, reading many threads about HARD SPL,Flashing radio, etc. Nothing worked..
In the end "i managed" to kill GSM - phone had "No Gsm" on boot-up.
From there i tried to downgrade SPL to 1.04 so that i try to "raw" rewrite the GSM part.
But something went terribly wrong, and while downgrading SPL, the phone suddently shutdown and never opened again.
Now i have the folowing situation: NO BOOTLOADER, no usb conectivity, nothing
This means that i cannot connect via USB whatever i try.
Is there any hope for me? or is it TOTALLY BRICKED?
Any help is apreciated!! I can even dismantle the mobile if there is any way to flash it via some kind of jtag connection...anything ...
The folks at can do the JTAG flashing. Just email them. It would be costly for you to do it yourself...
Are you saying that the phone won't turn on at all or that it does but you can't get a bootloader screen?
Have you tried taking the battery out for a while? Have you tried flashing an OEM rom and radio compatible with your device off an SD card?
All of this info is in the wiki, as are OEM roms you can flash.
Let us know how you get on.
Good luck.
Try this:
1.) Remove battery
2.) Connect Hermes to charger or USB
3.) Insert the battery while Hermes is connected to charger
4.) Red light should turn Amber
5.) Soft Reset
@wacky.banana: The phone is totaly dead: no bootloader, doesn't boot at all, doesn't seem to have any USB conectivity at all. Flashing from micro sd doesn't work : probably because the bootloader isn't working.
@drummer10630: i'll check with imei-chek about jtag flashing, especially the price and shiping costs.thanks
@markafreeman: I tried, but when i put the battery in, the red light goes off, not to amber . no soft or hard reset helps. not even leaving the battery out for 2 weeks - i had tried that too . thanks anyway.
Anything else I can try? - phone totaly dead, no bootloder, no usb conectivity - cannot use mtty, cannot flash from microsd
I had to get a replacement device at that point when it happened to me.
Maybe someone else know a way to get it working.
Good luck.
get onto orange
tell them you dropped the phone
and it crashed and wouldnt turn on
so you managed to hard reset it
and it crashed an ****ed up
they'll replace it
well they will send it to HTC
who just replace the handset rather than repair it
Hi dancameo2k , maybe you will not remember but plz:
I ve bought recenty an spv m3100, im effortless trying to flash the rom to an wm6 version.
Like you ive started with the hardsppl flash thing to prevent bricking it and prior to sd flashing... and im not sure if its workin...
plz can you explain in detail how did you bricked it??? thx!!!!
the rom you used to flash was an american version or european one???

HTC will not torn on after Radio Flash

Hey guys,
I had the problem, that my TC wont turn on a week ago. It was over the weekend but on monday it was going again.
However, this weekend I installed a new Radio-Rom
Than the phone reseted, phreezed at the boot and I did a soft reset with stylus.
From that point the phone is turned off. No Led, no beep no nothing. Just off.
I removed battery for 2 days and after that still no sign.
It goes like that for 5 days now and I'm gettin nervous!
Is that due to the Radio-Rom flash?
Because I've got the WWE original HTC Rom with Radio and just installed new Radio - was that a mistake!
Plase need help how to revive my phone!
Thx guys,
Guys, the phonce still does not work.
For one week now, it is just turned off.
Few days without battery, few days without SIM without SD Card- no luck!
Not even a red light when I charge it without battery.
I try to relaod battery now.
Has nobody a clue?
If u have waranty, send it to the service. It seem that u have bigger problem with ur pda, cause radio rom may not do that to ur phone.I guess that its something broken on motherboard.They will replace it. bad luck
Did you try to flash your device without HardSPL installed before ?
Did you try to start it pressing camera happens sometimes....
Hey, thx for the answers guys!
Yeah, I think I tried it onetime without installed HardSPL, could that cause problems?
I think I just forgot to install HardSPL but it did work after that (not long...)
I tried to come to the bootloader with Camera + Softreset - no way.
And no, no warranty there. If it wont turn on the next days I send it to repair center anyway - they'll give me a quote what repair price will be.
I think it's the only thing I can do - even if they say Bootloaderbrick is not working - now I can't do anything with the phone...
Install hardSPL and after Radio Murata, search it in XDA
Here it is :
Still dead
Thx for the link, but can't switch Phone on.
Due to that, can't flash anything at the moment.
Send it to repaircenter next week.

USB Problem

if i connect my HTC Touch HD with my computer, it's just charging, nothing more. If i go to Bootloader, there is just written Serial even if its connected.
I am using Dutty ROM since some weeks and didn't had any problems till a few days ago, the strange thing is, that i didn't change anything.
I tried it on my laptop and on my computer the one with windows vista the other one with win xp, it worked on both, but not anymoe.
i also have a problem with the camera, if i press it nothing happens it just stays in the menu. Some days ago i got a error failed to initialize camera, but no more error anymore.
In my opinion my hardware is broken somehow, i hope someone in here can tell me sth different and a solution.
And if my hardware is broken, how can flash my original rom back without an usb connection, because the warenty will be gone with a custom rom i think.
I hope someone can help me.
Kryston said:
if i connect my HTC Touch HD with my computer, it's just charging, nothing more. If i go to Bootloader, there is just written Serial even if its connected.
I am using Dutty ROM since some weeks and didn't had any problems till a few days ago, the strange thing is, that i didn't change anything.
I tried it on my laptop and on my computer the one with windows vista the other one with win xp, it worked on both, but not anymoe.
i also have a problem with the camera, if i press it nothing happens it just stays in the menu. Some days ago i got a error failed to initialize camera, but no more error anymore.
In my opinion my hardware is broken somehow, i hope someone in here can tell me sth different and a solution.
And if my hardware is broken, how can flash my original rom back without an usb connection, because the warenty will be gone with a custom rom i think.
I hope someone can help me.
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A hard reset will quickly tell you if it's hardware or software and you don't need usb for that. There is also an option which dictates what the phone does when connected via usb, so you might want to check that option first.
need to read & search a little more
last paragraph of this post outlines how to return to stock rom
i did hardreset, but still same problem
what i also noticed, is that sometimes my display don't work, i have sound and vibrate feedback, but i see just a black display, softreset etc doesen't work somehow i have to take of the battery.
i noticed also that the usb cable is a bit broken, but it still charges the phone.
but i already saw that normal usb cable should work too, so i tried it but no change.
i guess i will try to get the stock rom again now and see what happens
well like i thought, i can't get the stock rom, because i dont have a usb connection
any more suggestions?
Kryston said:
well like i thought, i can't get the stock rom, because i dont have a usb connection
any more suggestions?
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There is 2 methods to flashing roms. Have you tried SD card method?
1. Download ROM image you would like to use, normally named RUU_Signed.nbh, and rename it to "BLACIMG.nbh"
2. Copy BLACIMG.NBH into the root dir of your Storage Card.
3. Be sure to have at least 30% of charge.
4. Turn off your device by using the Power Button
5. Go to bootloader mode. Push and hold Vol Down + press Power button.
6. As soon as presented the message, push Power button to start flashing or Volume Down button to cancel.
7. The whole procedure will take about 3 minutes. After you finish and see the relative message, soft reset your device, you are ready.
thanks god i didn't bring the phone to shop yet xD
thank u, i will check this method i will post here if it works later
well now i have another problem
there is written upgrade rom code error please try again on bootloader, i cant turn it on anymore it gets stuck on the loading screen of the flashing progress
Kryston said:
well now i have another problem
there is written upgrade rom code error please try again on bootloader, i cant turn it on anymore it gets stuck on the loading screen of the flashing progress
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I had this exact same problem a while back after a bad flash. What you need to do is flash carriers orginal stock rom onto device. This will be the only rom which will work. Go to wiki section on stock roms here and download your original rom and flash it. Don't worry if bottom of bootloader is blank or doesn't say 'usb', original rom will flash anyhow.
More info read this thread
i am downloading right now, hopefully it will work, i will write more infos later
thank u for your help, without you, i would be lost...
i am stuck, i get error 206 connection
i downloaded stock rom to my pc
and i'm a bit confused, my pc noticed that i pluged in the phone, my device manager showed my phone, this worked only one time, now nothing...
EDIT: in bootloader mode, serial staus doesnt switch to usb or blank, updateing usb driver doesn't work without usb connection to device, at least i didnt found sth here
i will try it on my other computer now, but i doubt it will work
EDIT2: got usb connection for some seconds, problem is my hardware of device its broken somehow, if i press on th eback of the device i am able to get usb connection, now it failed, i will give it some more tries, there was sth 294 ID error
EDIT3: seems like its the wrong rom, how can i find out which rom will work?
EDIT4: semms like i got a working rom its at 10%
EDIT5: Device working again, usb working perfectly again, dunno why, but camera still doesnt work, there happens nothing if i press on it and display turns black sometimes as before.
i flashed an O2 Rom now, from my provider.
My last question now is, what about warranty, how can i know that uspl/hsapl is fully removed from device and how to find out if device is now a case of warrnty, where can i check it? because i want a working camera again, so i think i need the warranty
Some infos:
O2 Provider ROM flashed
On Bootloader i see:
BLAC100 32M
MicroP-Blackstone (LED) v6
In my opinion its fine for warranty, but i want someone to confirm this.
And thank you alot for ur help and work in this forum =)
If you have an official HTC upgrade rom on your device you are fine for warranty. As your SPL says 1.54.0000 this means you haven't got USPL or HSPL on your device, so you're fine.
thank you very much

