Bricked Hermes (SPV M3100) while flashing SPL - any help or sugestion are wellcomed - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

All started with trying to upgrade(rewrite) the GSM part because the Hermes had problems with phone part - when trying to call - the phone stop responding, bus the pda part sill worked.
So - I tried and tried and tried again, reading many threads about HARD SPL,Flashing radio, etc. Nothing worked..
In the end "i managed" to kill GSM - phone had "No Gsm" on boot-up.
From there i tried to downgrade SPL to 1.04 so that i try to "raw" rewrite the GSM part.
But something went terribly wrong, and while downgrading SPL, the phone suddently shutdown and never opened again.
Now i have the folowing situation: NO BOOTLOADER, no usb conectivity, nothing
This means that i cannot connect via USB whatever i try.
Is there any hope for me? or is it TOTALLY BRICKED?
Any help is apreciated!! I can even dismantle the mobile if there is any way to flash it via some kind of jtag connection...anything ...

The folks at can do the JTAG flashing. Just email them. It would be costly for you to do it yourself...

Are you saying that the phone won't turn on at all or that it does but you can't get a bootloader screen?
Have you tried taking the battery out for a while? Have you tried flashing an OEM rom and radio compatible with your device off an SD card?
All of this info is in the wiki, as are OEM roms you can flash.
Let us know how you get on.
Good luck.

Try this:
1.) Remove battery
2.) Connect Hermes to charger or USB
3.) Insert the battery while Hermes is connected to charger
4.) Red light should turn Amber
5.) Soft Reset

@wacky.banana: The phone is totaly dead: no bootloader, doesn't boot at all, doesn't seem to have any USB conectivity at all. Flashing from micro sd doesn't work : probably because the bootloader isn't working.
@drummer10630: i'll check with imei-chek about jtag flashing, especially the price and shiping costs.thanks
@markafreeman: I tried, but when i put the battery in, the red light goes off, not to amber . no soft or hard reset helps. not even leaving the battery out for 2 weeks - i had tried that too . thanks anyway.
Anything else I can try? - phone totaly dead, no bootloder, no usb conectivity - cannot use mtty, cannot flash from microsd

I had to get a replacement device at that point when it happened to me.
Maybe someone else know a way to get it working.
Good luck.

get onto orange
tell them you dropped the phone
and it crashed and wouldnt turn on
so you managed to hard reset it
and it crashed an ****ed up
they'll replace it
well they will send it to HTC
who just replace the handset rather than repair it

Hi dancameo2k , maybe you will not remember but plz:
I ve bought recenty an spv m3100, im effortless trying to flash the rom to an wm6 version.
Like you ive started with the hardsppl flash thing to prevent bricking it and prior to sd flashing... and im not sure if its workin...
plz can you explain in detail how did you bricked it??? thx!!!!
the rom you used to flash was an american version or european one???


ROM or the motherboard ?

I attemted to flash my Kjam to WM6 & it went dead. It wont start at all. Kjam Service centre says there is a problem in the mother board and it needs to be replaced for $ if flash fails...the ROM must have gone corrupt , what has it to do with the motherboard ?
can anyone throw light on whats the real thing ?
take out the battery for hours then re-install it. try to boot in bootloader mode first(3 colors). If it work, it's the time to re-flash the right rom now!
When you start the device up what happens?
Same Problem accured for me!!!!!!!
I installeda new rom and my device didn't power on after that.
What should i do now?
afghahi said:
I installeda new rom and my device didn't power on after that.
What should i do now?
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Nobody here is providing any details so everything is going to be just a guess. If either of these phones were a G4 and you flashed a rom that tried to update the IPL/SPL then its very likely you have bricked your device. But again, with no information about what rom you were trying to flash, what your IPL/SPL were beforehand, or details about what it means that it won't turn on, everything is just a guess...
Bricked Kjam
its comletely dead.....i had disconnected the battery for a couple of days then connected it but it wont start....i checked the battery using multimeter it is fully charged....neither does it power ON when connected to mains...It doesnt get detected when connected to the USB port..thats obvious since it is not powering cant flash it again.. now m in a fix as to whether to spend another fortune after this sweetheart or keep it in a showcase ....
( a bricked KJam )
If nothing lights up that looks pretty terminal. :-(
Maybe you could buy a broken Wizard with a working motherboard? Alternatively maybe sell off your mostly working Wizard on this forum to raise money to buy a new device?
Sorry if you can't get it going. :-(

Cincular 8525 stuck in Bootloader

I have a Cingular 8525 running WM5 that is stuck in bootloader screen. I have tried to soft and hard reset ... just boots back to the same screen, I can't turn it off once in the screen and when i sync via usb to the pc i get the message that the "usb device that is connected is malfunctioning" I have not done any upgrading at all and the phone worked perfectly right up till the time i powered it down and restarted into the bootloader screen.
Please can someone out there help me with this issue?
Zulu137 said:
I have a Cingular 8525 running WM5 that is stuck in bootloader screen. I have tried to soft and hard reset ... just boots back to the same screen, I can't turn it off once in the screen and when i sync via usb to the pc i get the message that the "usb device that is connected is malfunctioning" I have not done any upgrading at all and the phone worked perfectly right up till the time i powered it down and restarted into the bootloader screen.
Please can someone out there help me with this issue?
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same problems, run perfect before with schaps wm6 rom then flash to faria wm6.1... not feel good with faria. try to flash with other rom then the problem start ..
how to recover ....... please help
Asfarizal said:
same problems, run perfect before with schaps wm6 rom then flash to faria wm6.1... not feel good with faria. try to flash with other rom then the problem start ..
how to recover ....... please help
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Manage to solve the problem ...thanks WIKI !!
Go to Bootloader mode: Hold side OK and POWER buttons together and reset with stylus
Then Flash to any ROM you want !!
Thanks .... But
Thanks for the reply ... but i have no idea how to do what you tell me, I am new to all this phone "stuff" as a matter of fact this is the first time that i am ever using one of these forums. I have read till i am cross eyed but dont actually understand what you are talking about ... now don't let that scare you away as i am willing to learn and i am not braindead ... you all had to start sometime in this, not so. I get that i need to try and reflash my rom...
so is there some type of rom update software that i need? ... what is a hard SPL?? ... and who is Schaps?? .. sorry guys to do this to you but i would like to get into this game and i need some ( well maybe a lot ) of pointers.
Thanks for your time.
1. Search for "mr vanxs guide" so you have an idea on what you're doing.
2. OK, as Asfarizal said "Go to Bootloader mode: Hold side OK and POWER buttons together and reset with stylus". If you cant work out what the buttons are, go to the manual. it will tell you.
3. type in "hard SPL" in search on the forum & download the .zip or .rar file. this should have 2 files inside when opened,
a). RUUWrapper.exe and
b). RUU_signed.nbh
sync Hermes and double click .exe file. follow prompts.
4. find a rom that you want (would suggest TNT SE as a fairly good rom for noobs... good and stable, no problems...) Again download, then (and this is personel preference) format an sd card fat 32 and copy RUU_signed.nbh into root directory. Rename it Hermimg.nbh. Put into Phone and put into bootloader(make sure the battery is more than 50%) follow prompts. This should get you out of trouble. You can also sync your Phone and double click on the RUUWrapper.exe HOWEVER, if you should reset your computer, pull out the usb cable or have anything else happen to the computer that interrupts the flashm, you could end up with a worse brick than you have now. try to read up on flashing (search for "mr vanxs guide") and this should help you a lot if you have other questions. Good luck and happy flashing......
Thank You
I will follow the instructions you gave and try to get it going this weekend.
Thank you so much for your time
Zulu137 said:
Thanks for the reply ... but i have no idea how to do what you tell me, I am new to all this phone "stuff" as a matter of fact this is the first time that i am ever using one of these forums. I have read till i am cross eyed but dont actually understand what you are talking about ... now don't let that scare you away as i am willing to learn and i am not braindead ... you all had to start sometime in this, not so. I get that i need to try and reflash my rom...
so is there some type of rom update software that i need? ... what is a hard SPL?? ... and who is Schaps?? .. sorry guys to do this to you but i would like to get into this game and i need some ( well maybe a lot ) of pointers.
Thanks for your time.
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Looks like you've got a lot of reading to do, and a problem to sort out. Firstly a couple of answers...
Schaps is a Rom Cooking guru (makes custom versions of WM5, WM6 etc). When you get your phone sorted out I'd recommend trying one of his roms.
Hard SPL. The SPL is part of the bootloader which effectively dictates how a rom is flashed and what roms can be flashed. HardSPL is a custom version of this which allows you to flash any rom from any carrier. It also protects against a bad flash in many cases. It is recommended before you try flashing any new roms or radio roms. Use Hard-SPL-V7 at the bottom of the first post here.
The Rom upgrading software is contained in any of the cooked or carrier supplied roms. It is normally a .zip file which cotains 2 files: xxxxxRUU.exe and RUU_signed.nbh. You run the .exe file from your PC when connected to your phone via USB. More details of how to do this are in MrVanx's guides. Also other resources here.
Now to try to sort your phone out...
What is displayed on your screen when in bootloader mode? It should be something like this:
SPL-2.10.Olipro (This is HardSPL V7)
If you don't have an Olipro SPL then you need to get HardSPL onto your phone. If you haven't done any upgrading and have had the phone from new then I guess you don't have hardSPL.
Now you need to fix your USB Malfunctioning problem. I can't help too much here except to suggest trying a different cable, different USB port or different PC. Also, if you are running Vista try an XP maxhine. When you connect to the PC does your phone show Serial or USB on the screen? If you can't get a USB connection, all is not lost - you can re-flash your rom using an SD card, method here.
There is a thread about un-bricking phones which may help.
There are various diagnostic tools (which can also screw your phone if used incorrectly). The favourite of these is MTTY but you need a USB connection to use this.
If your phone is in warranty I'd recommend getting your supplier to sort it out, but if not I'd try to re-flash an ORIGINAL supplier rom (Cingular I guess). You can get links to the official supplier roms here.
I think (might be wrong) that sometimes when stuck in bootloader you need to flash an official rom, not a cooked one to recover your phone - then you can run HardSPL and then flash cooked roms again.
Cingular 8525 stuck in bootloader
Thanks for the reply ... lots of great input.
Now to answer some of your questions.
1) When I power up the phone (only pushing the power button ) it goes straight into the bootloader screen without pushing any other buttons, and it displays
Then at the bottom in the white bar it says "Serial"
The only way that i have found to power it down again is to remove the battery, there is no response from any single buttons after it is in bootloader
the soft reset and hard reset work but it just goes right back to the bootloader screen after.
2) The USB malfunction. This only started after the phone "crashed" and before that it worked great ... well i only used it to sync up to my work pc for the contacts and to get pictures onto my hard drive.
all the PC's that i use are running XP. I have tried my home PC and my Laptop
and the work PC and all of them have their own cables and they all say the same thing ... "the USB device is malfunctioning"
I am sure that when i get the phone going again the USB will start to function again.
3) Phone warranty ... I bought the phone off e-bay from a store in new york about 10 months ago as a "new unlocked cingular 8525" it was new and unlocked, but i have no idea how they unlocked it. I would assume that there would be no warranty now and in any case i live in Canada and would have to ship it down to the states to an AT&T repair center and that sounds like a nightmare to me with the customs and so on.
I will give you a little more background on the problem. the phone worked like a charm without any problems at all for the 10 months that i had it, then the morning of the crash the phones alarm did not go off in the morning and i was almost late for work ... i did not pay it any further attention untill at 3:26pm
that afternoon the alarm went off ??????? (it was set for 6:05am) so i checked the main clock time, it was right. I then checked the alarm time, it was right ??? So i figured that something must have just got confused, so i powered down the phone with the power button to just restart it and while it was powered down i removed the battery to take the oportunity to to clean all those fuzzies and dust that collect in the battery compartment out and put it all together and powered it up again (just by pushing the power button) and this wierd red, green, blue and white screen appeared and that is all that i have seen since ???
I hope that answers your questions and i will start going through the links that you sent and get to reading ... will there be a pop quiz ... lol
Thanks again for your time and i very much appreciate all the time that all of you have spent on me and my phone ..... I know that you all just feel bad for me because i now have to use a Motorolla V551 ... lol
Great Work
ultramag69 said:
1. Search for "mr vanxs guide" so you have an idea on what you're doing.
2. OK, as Asfarizal said "Go to Bootloader mode: Hold side OK and POWER buttons together and reset with stylus". If you cant work out what the buttons are, go to the manual. it will tell you.
3. type in "hard SPL" in search on the forum & download the .zip or .rar file. this should have 2 files inside when opened,
a). RUUWrapper.exe and
b). RUU_signed.nbh
sync Hermes and double click .exe file. follow prompts.
4. find a rom that you want (would suggest TNT SE as a fairly good rom for noobs... good and stable, no problems...) Again download, then (and this is personel preference) format an sd card fat 32 and copy RUU_signed.nbh into root directory. Rename it Hermimg.nbh. Put into Phone and put into bootloader(make sure the battery is more than 50%) follow prompts. This should get you out of trouble. You can also sync your Phone and double click on the RUUWrapper.exe HOWEVER, if you should reset your computer, pull out the usb cable or have anything else happen to the computer that interrupts the flashm, you could end up with a worse brick than you have now. try to read up on flashing (search for "mr vanxs guide") and this should help you a lot if you have other questions. Good luck and happy flashing......
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Thanks a lot man & great work i unbricked my Herm100 with method u mention above thanks a lot & great job keep it up
I also have this problem.
I d/l Hard-SPL-V7
and when i run RUUWrapper.exe
I get an error saying the application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000135)
What's going on?
How do i fix this?
this happened when i was trying to unlock the phone.
need help
when i switch on my orange herm100 it shows On the bootloader screen is displayed:
I PL-1.01
history : i buy unlocked orange phone
fewdays back i found no imei ,
yesterday i try to flash by micro sd but in gsm stage its gets hang no progress after extrom stage
OS -
i tryed several time no action, i cant connect by mini usb.
PLEASE help me
tell me which it the right rom to chose? step by step procedure..
how to rectify imei?
thanks and regards
kirtibas, sorry it took so long to reply, 1st thing I'd do is upgrade to SPL 2.10 olipro. This is safer to use than others. then I'd suggest reflashing a stock rom to see if that works. After stock rom works then use a cooked rom as your heart desires... Cheers...

Stuck in bootloader...

I am afraid my Polaris bricked, but I hope somebody knows a solution. Let me explain:
I turned off my device to get my microsd card out. I put the card in my cardreader to fill it with a lot of music. After that I inserted the card in the polaris, turned on the pda, and I got into the bootloader screen .
I tried to soft reset: bootloader screen again, tried to hard reset: bootloader, tried to flash original rom: rom update complete and after that bootloader, tried to flash several cooked roms: rom update complete and again the bootloader. When I try to charge my polaris it automatically turns on and goes to the bootloader. Flashing with microsd doesn't work. I also tried the thing with mtty, but it doesn't show the usb option in the list...
I DID hard-spl, I was using udk diamond R8 and never had any trouble before, while flashing about once a 2 months. I really am desperate, because I am unable to charge the pda now. I searched well and I only found threads of people who forgot to hard-spl before flashing custom roms.
I hope someone comes up with a brilliant idea, I love my Polaris way too much working and I don't want it to be a nice looking pda that doesn't work anymore.
I now manage to get into the mtty application, but I don't know if it is a good idea to use it. The problems I found here which could be solved with mtty are different from my problem I think. What would be wise to do? I flashed various original roms, and radios. That seems to work as normal, but after flashing I keep returning in the bootloader screen .
I hope one of you has an idea what to do. If it is something that is involving risk, I think I should do it anyway, because in this current state my Polaris is useless.
a few ideas! maybe they can help!
1) do you have warranty? you can restore back to original spl and then get HTC to ix it!
2) Try flashing your phone without the MicroSD card in place, maybe with the stock HTC Rom
Another option - try to delete all files from your memory card.
Thanks for the replies.
1) do you have warranty? you can restore back to original spl and then get HTC to ix it!
I read the thread about restoring back to original spl. There is stated that you can't restore to original spl if you are stuck in bootloader...
2) Try flashing your phone without the MicroSD card in place, maybe with the stock HTC Rom
I tried a lot of times, but every time after flashing has finished, I return to the bootloader
Another option - try to delete all files from your memory card.
I formatted my memory card in fat32, tried to flash with sd-card. When I turn on the phone it shows about 0.5 seconds something like "no rom image" and returns to bootloader screen
My cruise is still stuck, and I really think about trying things in mtty as a last resort... Anybody who knows what commands I should give in mtty in this situation? All help is appreciated, and if a suggestion makes my polaris work again I will donate the brilliant xda-member 20 euro's!
I have the same fault and have not found a solution. Every time I soft reset I am stuck in the boot loader screen. If I switch off the phone using comm manager then soft reset the phone will boot okay.
The only method I have found to be able to boot properly is to leave the battery out overnight and then start the phone in the morning. Always boots without a problem this way.
To make matters worse the USB port on my phone is broken...

Serious HD2 00028002 error CAN"T USE PHONE!

Hello fellow HD2 users,
I've got an HD2 T-Mobile UK. I've just tried my luck with HSPL, I've succeessfully installed HSPL using the steps in this thread:
However, when I copied the LEOIMG.nbh (1.48 offiicial rom) file to the micro SD 8GB card; and rebooted, things seemed ok untill it suddenly stopped the progress of flashing the ROM and gave me a Grey screen with the Error 00028002 "not Allow" sort of thing.
So I tried yanking battery out, rebooting normally, it displays a grey triangle with " ! " in the middle and then displays the 00028002 error then back to Tri colour bootloader, I noticed that the HSPL is gone and its back now to 1.42.0000
I even tried a Factory reset, it does the reset I reboot, but it still shows me grey triangle and same routine. I've tried everything now. This bloody T-mobile phone is just useless to me at the moment !
Can you please HELP !!! Thank you so much !
Regards !!
Ok found solution, I just had to install the official T-mobile ROM from this link:
After just switching on the phone with microsd inside, I just plugged the usb and started the RUU and followed the steps and things are back to square one now.
not thrilled that it has been a nightmare so far to get a new rom on.
but at least I can use my phone with its basic functionalities. not gona push my luck again...
You cannot flash official ROMS from the sd because it replaces the SPL with a stock one. Presume it got half way through then decided the ROM was not for your device since it hasd replaced the SPL. Cooked ROMS are ok to flash from SD but for Stock use the RUU.
tell me it's working HD2 from UK T-Mob is same "bricked" and in Slovakia is very very difficult to find somebody who can fix this....i think maybe only the HTC repair center
If your phone can load up into the boot loader (tri-color screen) your phone is not bricked.
Deeper Trouble:Same error,but cannot use USB!!!
im in even much deeper **** now.I accidentally tried flashing a stock ROM via SD card and now ive gt the same ROM code error.What makes this worse is that my Vista computer is not recognizing any USB connection when i connect my HD2 to the computer.If i need to flash a stock rom via RUU wrapper to get through this stupid ROM code error, i need a USB connection at the first place...which IS NOT WORKING NOW!!! sitting duck here guys...i really really need your help on this extremely frustrated and helpless.thanks alot...
When u say USB not working, how do you know?
Put phone in bootloader, connect USB cable,,, on phone does "serial" become "USB"? If yes then just run the flash.
samsamuel said:
When u say USB not working, how do you know?
Put phone in bootloader, connect USB cable,,, on phone does "serial" become "USB"? If yes then just run the flash.
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Go to this thread Sam as kawshigan started a new thread
semo2010 said:
Ok found solution, I just had to install the official T-mobile ROM from this link:
After just switching on the phone with microsd inside, I just plugged the usb and started the RUU and followed the steps and things are back to square one now.
not thrilled that it has been a nightmare so far to get a new rom on.
but at least I can use my phone with its basic functionalities. not gona push my luck again...
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broken link

Need help with a i-mate Jasjar that doesn't start at all..

Hello mates,
My i-mate Jasjar doesn't start any longer. Here's how I got here. I tried to flash my jasjar with Crossbow ROM using ROMUpgradeUt.exe but it didn't do anything. So I went into the Country_ID_Error folder on the computer and executed MaUpgradeUt_noID.exe. My jasjar froze after this and everytime I restarted it just hung on the bootscreen that says i-mate.
So I tried using mamaich method using mtty and now I can't even get to the i-mate bootscreen. So nothing just happens when I try to power up the phone (I'm sure the battery isn't dead).
All I can do is just enter the bootloader mode. That is the only thing that I can do that I know.
Please suggest something. I'm lifeless without the i-mate.
Thanks and regards,
Aditya More.
i had this same issue, i task28?'d my device, whatever command that resets the flash structure, then booted into bootloader, and flashed this file:
that should fix you up real good, hopefully.
Well thanks a lot. But it doesn't help. It gives me a connection error when everything is fine. USB is connected, ActiveSync USB connection is disallowed.
I forgot to mention, that when I task 28'd my device, nothing showed on the device. It just showed USB at the top and v2.01 at the bottom for ever, which means the task 28 wasn't probably successful or I ain't sure what.
Yeah, I had to ask you how if the above given file will work if the phone is in bootloader mode.
To fill you on more details, my phone somehow strangely starts. I'll explain how.
When the phone is switched off, and when I press the reset button, nothing actually happens, no activities can be observed.
When the phone is switched off and I connect it to the computer via USB, it shows the charging light. Now when I press the reset button with the phone connected to the USB, the charging light goes off and the USB detection sound sounds on the computer and the computer shows "USB Device not recognized". This means the phone started.
But strangely in both the above cases, none of the two lights on the phone indicate anything and display of the phone shows absolutely nothing.
The only thing I can do with the phone now is enter bootloader.
Also, since I compromised so much, is it possible that I can still flash it with WM6? Because going back to WM5 will make me feel miserable.
I tried flashing with that file. It flashed successfully, but the screen is all smudged. I soft reseted the phone too (using reset+two soft keys) but it keeps displaying that same smudged screen.
Good news is it did something.
Bad new is that it didn't make the mate work.
Please help. I'm dying without the phone.
Thanks and best regards,
Aditya More.
is it possible you can get a picture of what screen its showing? I THINK it happened on mine as well, did you let it sit for 10 or so minutes? if i recall the bootscreen was all corrupted but it started into WM5 just fine.
and regarding wm6, i'd attempt to get the device working before you try and get fancy. is the device cid unlocked? mine was and thats what was causing the issues.
Originally Posted by mamaich
if you can enter bootloader - use "task 28 55aa", this would restore DOC to its original layout.
If you cannot - contact service center.
if you didnt run that exact command, it's probably a good idea.
and you could try reflashing that stock imate rom?
This is all that happens.. I have waited for 5 minutes. I'll wait for 20 minutes now.
i waited for 30 minutes.. no go..
yap it did that EXACT same thing to mine.
reflash it, i think that fixed mine.
if that doesnt work, attempt flashing some custom roms.
is it CID unlocked?
i flashed it twice.. no go..
what's CID unlocked?
Read the Wiki on my sig link
cid unlock allows flashing of roms that don't match your device branding.
i don't remember what brought me back from that, i may have flashed a custom rom with the imate cid settings in it? i don't remember.
i'll post a rom that i think may have helped in a few hours, I have slow upload speed. until then, just keep tinkering.
also, you should only be flashing nk.nbf. not the ms, or radio nbfs.
try that rom.
hey man.. Flashed the rom with Ranju's ROM of WM6.1.. it worked.. But I can get the phone to be turned on. i mean device turns on but I can't make or receive calls or text. Let me check the thread of that rom. Thanks a ton for your support. Really appreciate it.

