Cincular 8525 stuck in Bootloader - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

I have a Cingular 8525 running WM5 that is stuck in bootloader screen. I have tried to soft and hard reset ... just boots back to the same screen, I can't turn it off once in the screen and when i sync via usb to the pc i get the message that the "usb device that is connected is malfunctioning" I have not done any upgrading at all and the phone worked perfectly right up till the time i powered it down and restarted into the bootloader screen.
Please can someone out there help me with this issue?

Zulu137 said:
I have a Cingular 8525 running WM5 that is stuck in bootloader screen. I have tried to soft and hard reset ... just boots back to the same screen, I can't turn it off once in the screen and when i sync via usb to the pc i get the message that the "usb device that is connected is malfunctioning" I have not done any upgrading at all and the phone worked perfectly right up till the time i powered it down and restarted into the bootloader screen.
Please can someone out there help me with this issue?
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same problems, run perfect before with schaps wm6 rom then flash to faria wm6.1... not feel good with faria. try to flash with other rom then the problem start ..
how to recover ....... please help

Asfarizal said:
same problems, run perfect before with schaps wm6 rom then flash to faria wm6.1... not feel good with faria. try to flash with other rom then the problem start ..
how to recover ....... please help
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Manage to solve the problem ...thanks WIKI !!
Go to Bootloader mode: Hold side OK and POWER buttons together and reset with stylus
Then Flash to any ROM you want !!

Thanks .... But
Thanks for the reply ... but i have no idea how to do what you tell me, I am new to all this phone "stuff" as a matter of fact this is the first time that i am ever using one of these forums. I have read till i am cross eyed but dont actually understand what you are talking about ... now don't let that scare you away as i am willing to learn and i am not braindead ... you all had to start sometime in this, not so. I get that i need to try and reflash my rom...
so is there some type of rom update software that i need? ... what is a hard SPL?? ... and who is Schaps?? .. sorry guys to do this to you but i would like to get into this game and i need some ( well maybe a lot ) of pointers.
Thanks for your time.

1. Search for "mr vanxs guide" so you have an idea on what you're doing.
2. OK, as Asfarizal said "Go to Bootloader mode: Hold side OK and POWER buttons together and reset with stylus". If you cant work out what the buttons are, go to the manual. it will tell you.
3. type in "hard SPL" in search on the forum & download the .zip or .rar file. this should have 2 files inside when opened,
a). RUUWrapper.exe and
b). RUU_signed.nbh
sync Hermes and double click .exe file. follow prompts.
4. find a rom that you want (would suggest TNT SE as a fairly good rom for noobs... good and stable, no problems...) Again download, then (and this is personel preference) format an sd card fat 32 and copy RUU_signed.nbh into root directory. Rename it Hermimg.nbh. Put into Phone and put into bootloader(make sure the battery is more than 50%) follow prompts. This should get you out of trouble. You can also sync your Phone and double click on the RUUWrapper.exe HOWEVER, if you should reset your computer, pull out the usb cable or have anything else happen to the computer that interrupts the flashm, you could end up with a worse brick than you have now. try to read up on flashing (search for "mr vanxs guide") and this should help you a lot if you have other questions. Good luck and happy flashing......

Thank You
I will follow the instructions you gave and try to get it going this weekend.
Thank you so much for your time

Zulu137 said:
Thanks for the reply ... but i have no idea how to do what you tell me, I am new to all this phone "stuff" as a matter of fact this is the first time that i am ever using one of these forums. I have read till i am cross eyed but dont actually understand what you are talking about ... now don't let that scare you away as i am willing to learn and i am not braindead ... you all had to start sometime in this, not so. I get that i need to try and reflash my rom...
so is there some type of rom update software that i need? ... what is a hard SPL?? ... and who is Schaps?? .. sorry guys to do this to you but i would like to get into this game and i need some ( well maybe a lot ) of pointers.
Thanks for your time.
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Looks like you've got a lot of reading to do, and a problem to sort out. Firstly a couple of answers...
Schaps is a Rom Cooking guru (makes custom versions of WM5, WM6 etc). When you get your phone sorted out I'd recommend trying one of his roms.
Hard SPL. The SPL is part of the bootloader which effectively dictates how a rom is flashed and what roms can be flashed. HardSPL is a custom version of this which allows you to flash any rom from any carrier. It also protects against a bad flash in many cases. It is recommended before you try flashing any new roms or radio roms. Use Hard-SPL-V7 at the bottom of the first post here.
The Rom upgrading software is contained in any of the cooked or carrier supplied roms. It is normally a .zip file which cotains 2 files: xxxxxRUU.exe and RUU_signed.nbh. You run the .exe file from your PC when connected to your phone via USB. More details of how to do this are in MrVanx's guides. Also other resources here.
Now to try to sort your phone out...
What is displayed on your screen when in bootloader mode? It should be something like this:
SPL-2.10.Olipro (This is HardSPL V7)
If you don't have an Olipro SPL then you need to get HardSPL onto your phone. If you haven't done any upgrading and have had the phone from new then I guess you don't have hardSPL.
Now you need to fix your USB Malfunctioning problem. I can't help too much here except to suggest trying a different cable, different USB port or different PC. Also, if you are running Vista try an XP maxhine. When you connect to the PC does your phone show Serial or USB on the screen? If you can't get a USB connection, all is not lost - you can re-flash your rom using an SD card, method here.
There is a thread about un-bricking phones which may help.
There are various diagnostic tools (which can also screw your phone if used incorrectly). The favourite of these is MTTY but you need a USB connection to use this.
If your phone is in warranty I'd recommend getting your supplier to sort it out, but if not I'd try to re-flash an ORIGINAL supplier rom (Cingular I guess). You can get links to the official supplier roms here.
I think (might be wrong) that sometimes when stuck in bootloader you need to flash an official rom, not a cooked one to recover your phone - then you can run HardSPL and then flash cooked roms again.

Cingular 8525 stuck in bootloader
Thanks for the reply ... lots of great input.
Now to answer some of your questions.
1) When I power up the phone (only pushing the power button ) it goes straight into the bootloader screen without pushing any other buttons, and it displays
Then at the bottom in the white bar it says "Serial"
The only way that i have found to power it down again is to remove the battery, there is no response from any single buttons after it is in bootloader
the soft reset and hard reset work but it just goes right back to the bootloader screen after.
2) The USB malfunction. This only started after the phone "crashed" and before that it worked great ... well i only used it to sync up to my work pc for the contacts and to get pictures onto my hard drive.
all the PC's that i use are running XP. I have tried my home PC and my Laptop
and the work PC and all of them have their own cables and they all say the same thing ... "the USB device is malfunctioning"
I am sure that when i get the phone going again the USB will start to function again.
3) Phone warranty ... I bought the phone off e-bay from a store in new york about 10 months ago as a "new unlocked cingular 8525" it was new and unlocked, but i have no idea how they unlocked it. I would assume that there would be no warranty now and in any case i live in Canada and would have to ship it down to the states to an AT&T repair center and that sounds like a nightmare to me with the customs and so on.
I will give you a little more background on the problem. the phone worked like a charm without any problems at all for the 10 months that i had it, then the morning of the crash the phones alarm did not go off in the morning and i was almost late for work ... i did not pay it any further attention untill at 3:26pm
that afternoon the alarm went off ??????? (it was set for 6:05am) so i checked the main clock time, it was right. I then checked the alarm time, it was right ??? So i figured that something must have just got confused, so i powered down the phone with the power button to just restart it and while it was powered down i removed the battery to take the oportunity to to clean all those fuzzies and dust that collect in the battery compartment out and put it all together and powered it up again (just by pushing the power button) and this wierd red, green, blue and white screen appeared and that is all that i have seen since ???
I hope that answers your questions and i will start going through the links that you sent and get to reading ... will there be a pop quiz ... lol
Thanks again for your time and i very much appreciate all the time that all of you have spent on me and my phone ..... I know that you all just feel bad for me because i now have to use a Motorolla V551 ... lol

Great Work
ultramag69 said:
1. Search for "mr vanxs guide" so you have an idea on what you're doing.
2. OK, as Asfarizal said "Go to Bootloader mode: Hold side OK and POWER buttons together and reset with stylus". If you cant work out what the buttons are, go to the manual. it will tell you.
3. type in "hard SPL" in search on the forum & download the .zip or .rar file. this should have 2 files inside when opened,
a). RUUWrapper.exe and
b). RUU_signed.nbh
sync Hermes and double click .exe file. follow prompts.
4. find a rom that you want (would suggest TNT SE as a fairly good rom for noobs... good and stable, no problems...) Again download, then (and this is personel preference) format an sd card fat 32 and copy RUU_signed.nbh into root directory. Rename it Hermimg.nbh. Put into Phone and put into bootloader(make sure the battery is more than 50%) follow prompts. This should get you out of trouble. You can also sync your Phone and double click on the RUUWrapper.exe HOWEVER, if you should reset your computer, pull out the usb cable or have anything else happen to the computer that interrupts the flashm, you could end up with a worse brick than you have now. try to read up on flashing (search for "mr vanxs guide") and this should help you a lot if you have other questions. Good luck and happy flashing......
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Thanks a lot man & great work i unbricked my Herm100 with method u mention above thanks a lot & great job keep it up

I also have this problem.
I d/l Hard-SPL-V7
and when i run RUUWrapper.exe
I get an error saying the application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000135)
What's going on?
How do i fix this?
this happened when i was trying to unlock the phone.

need help
when i switch on my orange herm100 it shows On the bootloader screen is displayed:
I PL-1.01
history : i buy unlocked orange phone
fewdays back i found no imei ,
yesterday i try to flash by micro sd but in gsm stage its gets hang no progress after extrom stage
OS -
i tryed several time no action, i cant connect by mini usb.
PLEASE help me
tell me which it the right rom to chose? step by step procedure..
how to rectify imei?
thanks and regards

kirtibas, sorry it took so long to reply, 1st thing I'd do is upgrade to SPL 2.10 olipro. This is safer to use than others. then I'd suggest reflashing a stock rom to see if that works. After stock rom works then use a cooked rom as your heart desires... Cheers...


Im so scared...!!

I just bought a t-mobile wallaby from here in india, And i decided there was a update available after 3.14 or something. so i ran it. But it stopped in the middle. Said 20 min but waited an hour. Then i took the xda of its cradle and did a hard reset... Now all it does is switches on and show t-mobile and the light stay on...nothing after that. I think i really messed it up. Gave it to a guy who said he could fix it but now 4 days later says he cant. Really need help on how to do it myself Please. Please help me, cant throw money away like that......can some show me step by step instructions as i am stupid with upgraded or reinstalling this device.
why have you decided that you could upgrade your device if you don't understand anything to upgrading and its consequences.
Upgrading is *dangerous* for dummies.
You are the weak link[/list]
mananmistry said:
I just bought a t-mobile wallaby from here in india, And i decided there was a update available after 3.14 or something. so i ran it. But it stopped in the middle. Said 20 min but waited an hour. Then i took the xda of its cradle and did a hard reset... Now all it does is switches on and show t-mobile and the light stay on...nothing after that. I think i really messed it up. Gave it to a guy who said he could fix it but now 4 days later says he cant. Really need help on how to do it myself Please. Please help me, cant throw money away like that......can some show me step by step instructions as i am stupid with upgraded or reinstalling this device.
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:x Forget what this guest just said we are a community who help each other out :x
I am now using the XDAII but when i had the XDA1 i had a similar problem. Got stuck upgrading. Hang onto your horses dude your device isn't dead so breath a sigh of relief. If you have a SD/MMC Card reader then use it to burn the base Rom from and then install it through the boot loader(Hold the Power button and then press the soft reset button using the stylus(you will enter the boot loader mode and then follow the instructions on how to install the Rom.
Go to a shop or a friend who had similar device, make sure you have a SD/MMC card with you and then enter the bootloader mode as described above and then copy the ROM on the SD Card. Then insert the card in your device and again enter the Boot Loader mode and Copy the Rom from the SD Card to your device after you are done press the Hard reset button on your device to switch it off keep it off for atleast 60 sec before pressing the hard reset button again to switch it on. Your device will live again.
Don't touch the Radio Stack on either your device or the other one. Always select Rom only.
If you need further help with using the bootloader search these forums you'll come up with alot of info.
Let me know how it works out
one question
Thanks for the advice.....your must be the better part of the site.
what happens if i cannot get into the boot loader.
thanks again
Re: one question
mananmistry said:
Thanks for the advice.....your must be the better part of the site.
what happens if i cannot get into the boot loader.
thanks again
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I believe there's a way to go-back! Do a flush by pressing on the power button+the hard reset+the navigation button pressed. All at once and that's how you go-back to the original ROM. Let me know if it works and if you dare to do it anyways.. 8)
guest said:
why have you decided that you could upgrade your device if you don't understand anything to upgrading and its consequences.
Upgrading is *dangerous* for dummies.
You are the weak link[/list]
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Mr. Guest you are an idiot, many of us have been at this point one time our another. This is no way to respond to a forum member in need of help.
i'm no techie when it comes to these things but just out of curiousity WHAT causes the upgrade to stop? mananmistry said he was in the middle of upgrading already; is it the rom he used or is it the connection (power flux, cable, sync, etc)? just curious... :wink:
oh and its beers for the others and the loo for the guest
now the thing is i got the phone back. I have connected the usb but pc cannot find device and xdatools or the rom .exe files wont install. it says "xda not found via activesync", something like that. I went into the boot loader and it said GSM ERROR and stops. have to press calender key to get into sub-menus. what is the problem. does the rom kitchen .exe files need sactive sync to be present. please can some one tell me.
do i need a sd card reader. can i not just use someone phone to put my sd card and burn onto sd...??
You are now in serious trouble, the GSM error often proves fatal for the phone. You can still flash the rom though by following the previous instructions. After that is completed you will have to try flashing a radio stack. Please be prepared to be disappointed, I wish you the best of luck. The good news is that even if the phone doesnt work you should still have a working pda.
Where can i get a radio stack rom...???
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where can i get a radio stack rom....will try...
If my gf has a pda with sd card can i use the unit to see the sd card and write the rom on it???
Re: update
mananmistry said:
now the thing is i got the phone back.
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how did U get the phone back 2 work (bootloader)
get a radio stack from here

plz help

My heads spinning from all the information aka post and threads, but im still stuck like my wizard on the 2nd splash screen.
I wasnt trying to upgrade the rom jst clear storage but after everything ive read i would like to upgrade to wm6 but first i want to get my wizard working.
I tried backing up the rom to the sd card but I get "You didn't get the proper security level to download a specific image" So i take it my wizard is cid locked.
My IPL:1.01 and SPL:1.06 does that mean its a g3. My activesync 4.5 doesnt pick up my wizard is it because it cant boot, i tried with it in bootloader mode still doesnt pick it up.
So plz point me in the right direction to fix my wizard
ok i think the place where im stuck at is cid unlocking my wizard with out using that imei site. any help or is there another way to do this.
This helped me when I was stuck on the first screen. For some reason, the Radio file was gone. Follow this exactly, it works. In my case (sounds like yours also), at the end of this you will at least have access to the phone again.
After your done. You will have a RGB screen, then follow these directions to load a base rom and unlock so you can keep going until you ca load WM6.1. Windows Mobile 6 for newbies
I've had many, many problems over the last 3 days trying to do this. I completed it all in less than a day, but when I used the phone it had terrible reception. I completely downgraded everything back to square one. Still bad phone reception. I was about to through it out the window, when someone called my wife's cell phone and she also had bad reception. I then put my sim in another phone, same problem. Well, at&t has a tower down for the last 3 days. What timing, it seems to work when not at home, but hard to test that way Anyway, moral of the story is. Don't give up, keep plugging along.
Good luck.
I'm pretty sure imei checker is for SIM unlocking.
For G3 CID unlocking and upgrading read the stickies in
If you can start your Wizard in bootloader, and it says "usb" in the lower-left, you can flash your original ROM. An active sync connection is not needed. Search for your carrier's ROM if you don't have it and I'd recommend the "no carrier ID" version of the RUU.
Have you tried a 'Hard Reset',hope it'll work,if it boots up into working OS and it already has IPL/SPL 1.xx,use lokiwiz02b tool to SIM/CID unlock the phone and than upgrade.
If it doesn't work still after Hard Reset,most probably,its Extended_Rom is corrupted,its required to reflash a new rom.
Activesync doesn't work in absence of a working OS and in Bootloaders mode.Its not required for flashing a rom.Just get the phone into Bootloaders and hook the phone with pc via usb cable and watch small usb appear at the bottom of the bootloader screen,if its there,it good to go and flash the rom.
ok so i downloaded the button rom finally but how do i flash it to my wizard.
Get your phone in Bootloaders,hook up the phone with pc via usb,watch small usb appear at the bottom of the Bootloader screen,if its there run the 'RUU' application,it'll start to flash,it stops at a certain percentage,don't get worried and do anything,after a couple of minutes it starts again,let it complete 100%,the phone'll restart and boot up in new OS.
which ruu application. I jst downloaded 1 which comes in the form of a rar file saying ruuwrapper. is that the right 1
So after lots and lots and lots more reading i realized i dont need a ruu. all i need to do is get into bootloader mode plug in the usb and run the wizard button rom. It worked perfectly my wizard is back to life yip pee.
Anyway i wud jst like to thank u guys for all the help and compliment u guys on a gr8 forum.
Now my next challenge is wm6 with touch flo.

[SOLVED] Connection Error [262]. Stuck in bootloader (tri color) mode.

I'm new in these forums as well I'm new with flashing ROMs so obviously I messed up flash process and my device stuck in bootloader (tri-color) mode. This post I address to those unfortunate like me .
# Symptoms #
- ROM flash started and stopped at 17%. After recovery flash process stucks at 0% and pops Connection Error 262. Device is stuck in bootloader mode not possible to flash anything, hard reset does not help, flash from SD card does not help either.
# Possible cause for that #
1. In bootloader mode device shows:
means that Hard SPL was not flashed before flashing ROM file (if Hard SPL was flashed then in second line will be written SPL-2.20.Olinex.).
2. Connection between ActiveSync and device was not established when flashing ROM file.
Before to go any further please take your time and read Polaris Wiki to get familiar with glossary and acronyms used here.
PROCEED ONLY if flashing original ROM does not help, hard reset does not help and flash from SD card does not work.
# Solution #
1. Download MTTY software.
2. Kill ActiveSync (Press Ctrl-Alt-Del and stop rapimgr.exe and wcescomm.exe processes).
3. Plug Polaris into usb port (Plug directly not through hubs).
4. Start MTTY after chose USB from PORT dropdown list (if it is not listed there then ActiveSync processes were not stopped).
5. in window type: set 16 0 (enter cmd mode)
6. after type: task 8 (this will format phone)
7. after type: task 0 (this will restart phone. Not always necessary)
8. soft reset
This procedure can damage your phone. Use it as last resort.
Official source in french here.
Now before flashing any ROMs read carefully how to flash (not install!) Hard SPL.
# P.S. about install and flash termins #
This error with flashing happened to my due misunderstanding between notions of installing something on your device and flashing. In my opinion those are completely two different things. As for first I understand of running some cab or exe directly on device. So problem comes when people sees install Hard SPL en device as they try to find some cabs or exes to install directly on device or they just copy all files to device. To make things clear Hard SPL "installation" actually is ROM flash process which must be done with maximum caution, but those who did not read Wiki won't understand it.
Cheers, whitealien
BiG THX @ Whitealien.
works to 100% on my Touch Cruise.
I flashed under Vista Ultimate...
# Solution # ... addition from me for Vista users!
2. Start Windows Mobile Device Center and Deaktivate USB Connection and then start Task manager end kill
Process wmdc.exe.
Rest of whitealien. and have fun!
Thank you!!!!
I had given up on this, and was sure my only option was a warranty repair :O
always welcome
Thanks, you've saved my Polaris.
Mine didn't want to react anymore to the soft reset, so I replaced your instruction 8 with:
and that did the trick.
whitealien said:
1. In bootloader mode device shows:
means that Hard SPL was not flashed before flashing ROM file (if Hard SPL was flashed then in second line will be written SPL-2.20.Olinex.).
Cheers, whitealien
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I had exactly the same problem, for whatever reason went back to original SPL before HARD SPL.
I solved my issue by using back the original original HTC RUU_signed.nbh and flash it using the CustomRUU.
Thereafter, repeat the entire HARD SPL and flash the home cooked ROM.
For unbricking your HTC Polaris, you can try also a hard-reset (if it is related to a software error):
Thank you very much
you really helped
thank you again
mrfone2003 said:
Thank you very much
you really helped
thank you again
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you are welcome.
Seems people are still falling for this error.
I'm has this error.
Solution (with SPL-2.20):
- kill ActiveSync (process, not uninstall)
- cable to USB on motherboard
- hard reset on phone
- connect to cable
- flash OFFICIAL rom
Two time I revive my Polaris.
help me please
hi.I have a big problem with my htc touch cruise when I installed a hard spl htc dedicate a Diamond.donc I had a white encrant after I did a hard reset since my htc no longer I have a black encrant are neither green nor orange but when I connect with the pc I am data interface and it does not recognized my htc. In my pay is not qualified repairman three non réparé.aidé unable to please me I tried the commands mtty.exe but does not c I do not really know how it works.
thank you for your patience and for help
thanks for the support
Thanks dudes for the great help you gave to recover my htc dual from bootloader screen. I am very happy to have my phone back. Thanks for everybody for the help they have provided generously. I appreciate alot. infact thousands times.
I think i have really messed up my phone. When opening mtty i select USB and press ok, then it says "can not open USB Port"
please help me, i have all the symptoms you explain. Stuck in bootloader, POLA200 SPL-1.25.0000 CPLD-2
i cant flash any roms and the original rom stops at 39%, i have redownloaded it countless times so its not the rom.
aaront1988 said:
I think i have really messed up my phone. When opening mtty i select USB and press ok, then it says "can not open USB Port"
please help me, i have all the symptoms you explain. Stuck in bootloader, POLA200 SPL-1.25.0000 CPLD-2
i cant flash any roms and the original rom stops at 39%, i have redownloaded it countless times so its not the rom.
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Did you follow all steps from 1st post?
Did you kill all running ActiveSync processes?
I did indeed, i'm on vista so didnt have those particular processes going but followed the step from Aeroman and it still doesn't want to play. Any ideas?
managed to find a working XP machine and it worked a treat. Thank you so much.
thanks,this solved my pb
please help
Im having the same problem, im stuck in the bootloader but i didnt do anything for that to happen....this happened all alone withount any try to flash or do anything
it is saying
when this happened i tried sodt reset and unpluging the battery b4 reading and searching here.
now i tried the steps showing in the first post and step by step .... the devise restart to the same bootloader like i did nothing ((( oh god im so upset please help me .... what to do ((((
wesram said:
Im having the same problem, im stuck in the bootloader but i didnt do anything for that to happen....this happened all alone withount any try to flash or do anything
it is saying
when this happened i tried sodt reset and unpluging the battery b4 reading and searching here.
now i tried the steps showing in the first post and step by step .... the devise restart to the same bootloader like i did nothing ((( oh god im so upset please help me .... what to do ((((
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What did you do to get there?
whitealien said:
What did you do to get there?
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hey, im sorry for the late reply. it didnt notify me and now after posting several times asking for help in many threads by accident i bumped into this thread again to see that u answered and thank you so much.
now, what i did? this is the wierd thing, i didnt do anything, i went and back to see my phone stuck in bootload .... after this i tried almost everything i can find. from ur solution to flashing original rom to hrd spl to .........
now all gave an error except the original rom (polaris.1.28.415.2), it did went to 100% and device restarted to take me to my nightmare .... another bootloader screen am i suppose to search for polaris 1.28.0000?
i still have now the same writing shown.
please help me with this, its a nightmare .... is it totaly dead???
i managed to catch what it is saying b4 bootload screen (only when SD card is in place) it says no image file was found!!! in a very fast way and go to bootloader. in case the sd is not in place nothing happens and it goes straight to the bootloader

Well i've sorta given up now :(

does anyone know of a company or repair service that will unbrick my hermes?
Whats wrong, maybe we can help...
Give us a brief rundown on whats wrong, and what you did to fix...
Well first of all,
the phone was bricked through unable to flash a rom
i didn't get a chance to check the SPL and IPL before the phone was bricked
the phone is only showing bootloader and the ok+power+soft reset doesn't work
ive tried the micro sd method and didn't work
i had just barely got the phone and was a noob at it so like every other person who doesn't take the time to read, didn't put the Hard SPL on the device.
i don't know what else to do now.
thanks for replying
Download the original SHIPPED rom.
Untick "allow usb connection" in activesync on your PC.
Reset into bootloader - hold power, OK button above flywheel and rset with stylus. This should bring you to thr tri-colour screen wher your IPL and SPL are shown. This is true bootloader, not a screwed up version. DO THIS...
Connect Hermes to pc.
Run RUU-Wrapper.exe of original rom.
This may or may not woirk, Good luck...
IF this works, go here -
Download Hard SPL V7 & install it. Then you can use sd card method to flash roms, I find it safer...
ultramag69 said:
Download the original SHIPPED rom.
Untick "allow usb connection" in activesync on your PC.
Reset into bootloader - hold power, OK button above flywheel and rset with stylus. This should bring you to thr tri-colour screen wher your IPL and SPL are shown. This is true bootloader, not a screwed up version. DO THIS...
Connect Hermes to pc.
Run RUU-Wrapper.exe of original rom.
This may or may not woirk, Good luck...
IF this works, go here -
Download Hard SPL V7 & install it. Then you can use sd card method to flash roms, I find it safer...
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dude, thanks a lot!
last time my PPC was stuck at bootloading ( I guess my Hermes 100 can't support M2d due to lack of RAM ). Then I do the step as u mention, n it work!
Thank God. I'm feel relief now, knowing my PPC is revive.
ultramag69 said:
Download the original SHIPPED rom.
Untick "allow usb connection" in activesync on your PC.
Reset into bootloader - hold power, OK button above flywheel and rset with stylus. This should bring you to thr tri-colour screen wher your IPL and SPL are shown. This is true bootloader, not a screwed up version. DO THIS...
Connect Hermes to pc.
Run RUU-Wrapper.exe of original rom.
This may or may not woirk, Good luck...
IF this works, go here -
Download Hard SPL V7 & install it. Then you can use sd card method to flash roms, I find it safer...
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See the problem that i have with that is the fact that i don't know what my original rom was, all i know was that it was an htc windows mobile 5 rom, but i don't know what version..
could it help if i told you that it is a qtek 9600 (herm100)?
Owh, forgot to mention.
I already applied hardSPL. I guess thats why the process of recovering it quite simple. N I directly flash the ROM to WM6.1 v13.3 Cooked Rom. It works like a charm.
Bo0mcxh402 : sorry mate. I didn't know the original version of ur ROM. Maybe u can try to ask around. I'm sure there've lot of users out there also using the same phone as yours,
Try the HTC stock WM06 rom which you should be able to find somewhere on here... May work...
Bo0mcxh402 said:
See the problem that i have with that is the fact that i don't know what my original rom was, all i know was that it was an htc windows mobile 5 rom, but i don't know what version..
could it help if i told you that it is a qtek 9600 (herm100)?
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It's irrelevant what your original ROM was/is. Follow these directions and use the T-Mobile ROM.
The T-Mobile ROM won't install. It will go thru a couple of steps (one of which is "Erasing" which is critical to get through) and then it will "Error" out. After the T-Mobile ROM "erases", your Hermes should be back to a state where you can flash any ROM you prefer.
Timtown said:
It's irrelevant what your original ROM was/is. Follow these directions and use the T-Mobile ROM.
The T-Mobile ROM won't install. It will go thru a couple of steps (one of which is "Erasing" which is critical to get through) and then it will "Error" out. After the T-Mobile ROM "erases", your Hermes should be back to a state where you can flash any ROM you prefer.
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Well i Tried the method, but i can't even get the phone to sync even after i unticked the "Allowed USB connections," the phone is recognized as "HTC usb connection" but when i run the t-mobile rom, it says error 264, (USB Connection)
The reason I said to use the shipped rom is because Bo0mcxh402's device ISN'T supercid... If it was it could take ANY rom you want to throw at it BUT because its not you HAVE to have the STOCK CARRIER ROM it was shipped with (later update may work too as the cid should be recognised)...
Bo0mcxh402 said:
Well i Tried the method, but i can't even get the phone to sync even after i unticked the "Allowed USB connections," the phone is recognized as "HTC usb connection" but when i run the t-mobile rom, it says error 264, (USB Connection)
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Did the T-Mobile ROM do *anything* or just immediately error out?
Timtown said:
Did the T-Mobile ROM do *anything* or just immediately error out?
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I couldn't do anything because the t-mobile rom didn't recognize my hermes even though my computer did
That pesky CID again as stated so many times before. You need to find your stock carrier rom. The upgrade to WM06 will work as well as it has the same CID as the shipped rom.
ultramag69 said:
That pesky CID again as stated so many times before. You need to find your stock carrier rom. The upgrade to WM06 will work as well as it has the same CID as the shipped rom.
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well i ended up trying that and nothing happened... the usb connection didn't work for the hermes, i know that there is nothing wrong with the usb connection because i used it on my t-mobile dash.
On the PC - Untick "Allow usb connections" in activesync settings.
On Hermes - Hold OK button, power button and reset with stylus. This will bring you back to bootloader BUT it won't be the screwy bad flash bootloader.
Connect the Hermes to the PC via usb. Run the RUU_Wrapper.exe of the stock rom.
This should work, if it doesn't then there may be no help available. You don't want activesync trying to connect to the Hermes so its better to disable the usb connection settings, You might be able to get a successful flash this way without activesync screwing it up.
Can't say about any unbrick service. Don't think they could help, only thing they might do is replace the mainboard (if they can find) and that would be expensive.

$100 Reward if can fix my T8285

Long story short my phone worked fine for months. Went to a 1.56 Rom active sync stopped working. I have already tried everything associated with AS problem, everything. Went to get it repaired at HTC America in Houston, TX there gay and dont support T8285. I have tried flashing via memory card but I seem to be retarded doing it that way. Engineer said mini usb slot works fine, cooked rom may have corrupted AS. Customer service would not let him fix my phone because it was an "aussie version". I just want the phone to sync is that too much to ask? Anyway $100 bucks to anyone that can make it work paid via paypal immediately.
moved out of development
Personally I think your mad offering $100. I'm sure most people would have hepled you for free, including myself. I'm not after your money but offer my assistance.
Have you tried doing a hard reset? uninstalling activesync & reinstalling it?
Flashing different rom. If you can't flash through SD Card, have you tried flashing again via usb. You don't need phone sync'd
Put your phone into bootloader and then connect to pc via usb. At bottom of screen the text should change from 'serial' to 'usb'. Now flash phone by running rom (cooked or stock etc) you downloaded. Put .nbh and ruu file into same folder and then open ruu file and follow instructions.
I severely doubt cooked rom affected activesync.
As bonesy said below, you'll need either USPL or HSPL to flash 1.56+ based rom.
Full tutorial or dummies guide to flashing 1.56+ based roms can be found in cRaCKwHoRe's guide. See my signature
Turn off your phone, Take out your memory card, Plug the miniUSB in then power on (Hold volume down press power holding volume down still) This will bring up a coloured screen. Run the ROM Wrapper package exe (BlackstoneRUUWrapper) This SHOULD now install the right ROM.
Please make sure you are using a 1.56 rom with the HSPL or i think it has problems with GFX.
When windows loads go to start>settings>connections>USBtoPC
this is on 6.5 rom not sure about 6.1 :/
Untick Enable faster data synchronizaion, I had to do all this on works computer to update a ROM god knows why but this was my fix.
ROM Should load as should activesync now.
Please let me know if this helps
Tried to post in ure original threads but mods were moving to trash each time BAH!
Thanks to both of you guys for your suggestions. I thought I was not a noob when it came to flashing roms but once I could not do it via usb I was a whole different story. Yeah I am offering the $100 just to get people to help. I know you get slammed if you ask a question so I figured I would make it worth someone's time. I am going right now to pick it up from the repair center so I will try during my lunch in about an hour.
Fallen Spartan said:
Personally I think your mad offering $100. I'm sure most people would have hepled you for free, including myself. I'm not after your money but offer my assistance.
Have you tried doing a hard reset? uninstalling activesync & reinstalling it?
Flashing different rom. If you can't flash through SD Card, have you tried flashing again via usb. You don't need phone sync'd
Put your phone into bootloader and then connect to pc via usb. At bottom of screen the text should change from 'serial' to 'usb'. Now flash phone by running rom (cooked or stock etc) you downloaded. Put .nbh and ruu file into same folder and then open ruu file and follow instructions.
I severely doubt cooked rom affected activesync.
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I tried uninstalling and reinstalling active sync. Different cables, different computers, xp and vista, everything, checked usb enhanced, etc ,etc.
bonesy said:
Turn off your phone, Take out your memory card, Plug the miniUSB in then power on (Hold volume down press power holding volume down still) This will bring up a coloured screen. Run the ROM Wrapper package exe (BlackstoneRUUWrapper) This SHOULD now install the right ROM.
Please make sure you are using a 1.56 rom with the HSPL or i think it has problems with GFX.
When windows loads go to start>settings>connections>USBtoPC
this is on 6.5 rom not sure about 6.1 :/
Untick Enable faster data synchronizaion, I had to do all this on works computer to update a ROM god knows why but this was my fix.
ROM Should load as should activesync now.
Please let me know if this helps
Tried to post in ure original threads but mods were moving to trash each time BAH!
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Thanks for breaking it down barney style for me. I will try this very soon. If it works my friend you got $100 smackers.
no worries, Glad to help (if it does lol)
bonesy said:
Turn off your phone, Take out your memory card, Plug the miniUSB in then power on (Hold volume down press power holding volume down still) This will bring up a coloured screen. Run the ROM Wrapper package exe (BlackstoneRUUWrapper) This SHOULD now install the right ROM.
Please make sure you are using a 1.56 rom with the HSPL or i think it has problems with GFX.
When windows loads go to start>settings>connections>USBtoPC
this is on 6.5 rom not sure about 6.1 :/
Untick Enable faster data synchronizaion, I had to do all this on works computer to update a ROM god knows why but this was my fix.
ROM Should load as should activesync now.
Please let me know if this helps
Tried to post in ure original threads but mods were moving to trash each time BAH!
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So I got my phone and this is what it says.
BLAC120 32M
MicroP-Blackstone (LED) v6
and it's just red green blue and white no word on the bottom. Ran BlackstoneRUUWrapper with the nbh file that I wanted and it gave me a connection error. Now it says Seiral in the white.
Fallen Spartan said:
Personally I think your mad offering $100. I'm sure most people would have hepled you for free, including myself. I'm not after your money but offer my assistance.
Have you tried doing a hard reset? uninstalling activesync & reinstalling it?
Flashing different rom. If you can't flash through SD Card, have you tried flashing again via usb. You don't need phone sync'd
Put your phone into bootloader and then connect to pc via usb. At bottom of screen the text should change from 'serial' to 'usb'. Now flash phone by running rom (cooked or stock etc) you downloaded. Put .nbh and ruu file into same folder and then open ruu file and follow instructions.
I severely doubt cooked rom affected activesync.
As bonesy said below, you'll need either USPL or HSPL to flash 1.56+ based rom.
Full tutorial or dummies guide to flashing 1.56+ based roms can be found in cRaCKwHoRe's guide. See my signature
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Well I get it into bootloader no problem but then plug in the usb cable and nada, it says serial. So then I tried starting bootloader mode with the cabe and still nada, it does not even say serial. If I unplug it then it says serial. I have tried both ways to run the RUU Wrapper and I keep getting the usb conncetion error
Hi, please can you post a screen shot of where it says serial at boot screen?
stoolzo said:
Hi, please can you post a screen shot of where it says serial at boot screen?
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I cant because I cant use my software that would do that since it wont sync to my computer.
snap shot
just take a snap shot with a webcam or digital camera if you have one.
stoolzo said:
just take a snap shot with a webcam or digital camera if you have one.
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let me see if this comes thru ok.
turcomora said:
let me see if this comes thru ok.
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Here yo go. This picture is with me having the device plugged in it charging fine. Then entering bootloader mode. If I unplug then it will say serial. If I dont plug in before then enter bootloader it will say serial still.
ok, that looks pretty normal,so to recap you fully powerdown the phone by taking the battery out, put the cable into both the phone and pc and the turn on holding volume down and it just sits there?, what happens when you press volume up at this point?
stoolzo said:
ok, that looks pretty normal,so to recap you fully powerdown the phone by taking the battery out, put the cable into both the phone and pc and the turn on holding volume down and it just sits there?, what happens when you press volume up at this point?
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Only thing I was not doing was taking out the battery. Just tried that and still same screen. Nothing happens when I press the volume up button just stays there.
do you have another pc to try this on to rule out an actual active sync problem?
stoolzo said:
do you have another pc to try this on to rule out an actual active sync problem?
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Yeah I have been trying on my latop, home pc, and work pc and nothing same result. I have tried different usb cables, os, reinstalling, everything. Only thing I have not tried is flashing via sd card yet.
its sounds like you have a corrupt spl, it is definately worth trying the sd card as it may allow you to activesync but it may then fallover when it reboots and goes into boot mode. This i where user viperbjk (see android dev thread) may be able to help as he has successfully managed to unbrick a phone.
I had this same problem but powering down and simply triggering the and spl reflash resolved it. your problem sounds different though.

