usb flash mode??? - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

could anybody explain me how the USB FLASH MODE function in the bootloader works??
when i boot up in bootloader mode (5.15) and press the rec-key the USB FLASH MODE shows up?? how can i use this??

Anyone do not know how to do a USB FLASH MODE upgrade ??????
pleasee !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
look and thou shall find

Rudegar said:
look and thou shall find
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Thanks a lot for you answer, but I need to know how to do a USB FLASHING, my SD card slot is probably broken so I cannot use SD card....
I read, that it is possible to flash MDA with BIN file (mtty.exe program). Does anybody have experience with this type of flashing?
Where can I find BIN versions of ROMs?

my bad
make a rom
put the xda in the cradle
run the exe file

Rudegar said:
my bad
make a rom
put the xda in the cradle
run the exe file
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I cannot upgrade with exe, because it needs ActiveSync and WM200X installed..... i think.
:-( My 2003ROM is broken.
Thanks for your replies, I'm trying to solv this problem nonstop since sunday.
Maybe just throw MDA in garbage could solv my problem...
Bootloader 5.15 works and GSM OK. Thats all....

So, why do you think your SD-Slot is broken?
Have you tried to insert a empty SD-Card in your devuce, enter bootloader, making a backup of your exisiting ROM to your SD-Card and the reenter the bootloader?

LumpiStefan said:
So, why do you think your SD-Slot is broken?
Have you tried to insert a empty SD-Card in your devuce, enter bootloader, making a backup of your exisiting ROM to your SD-Card and the reenter the bootloader?
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Thanks for reply..... I tried to backup and load the ROM back, but
1) after download to the MDA, everytime bad checksum and cannot start win.
2) I tried SD card test in bootloader and everytime test said "TEST ERROR"
3) I tried 4 different SD cards with same results
4) I tried many ROMs (2002 and 2003) - same problem "Checksum is not correct"

mikulkajan said:
Thanks for reply..... I tried to backup and load the ROM back, but
1) after download to the MDA, everytime bad checksum and cannot start win.
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Explain this a little bit more....
When you have backup the ROM via bootloader to the SD. You get there a checksum error?
What happens when you soft reset the device after backup and then reenter the bootloader?
When you're trying to install a new ROM on your device, what for SD-Card Writer are you using? Internaly build or external device?

LumpiStefan said:
mikulkajan said:
Thanks for reply..... I tried to backup and load the ROM back, but
1) after download to the MDA, everytime bad checksum and cannot start win.
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Explain this a little bit more....
When you have backup the ROM via bootloader to the SD. You get there a checksum error?
What happens when you soft reset the device after backup and then reenter the bootloader?
When you're trying to install a new ROM on your device, what for SD-Card Writer are you using? Internaly build or external device?
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I'm using external SD reader (USB) - I was not able to do it with internal PCMCIA reader, so I borrow one.
When I try to do backup ROM to SD via bootloader it is fine, but when I try to give the ROM back to the MDA, everything seems to be allright, but after download from SD to MDA I get Download OK,but Checksum is not correct.
I also tried to test my 4 SD cards in the "bootloader SD card test" and everytime it says TEST ERROR. This is why I think my SD card slot is bad :-(.
I am really desperat and do not know what to do :-(.......
Any help appreciated
I think that only way for me is to load the ROM to the MDA through USB, but not the ActiveSync way. I read somewhere, that it is possible with "bin" file by mtty.exe program, but I cannot find any bin ROM.

hard reset your device by taping and handling the top off button and reseting, the bootloader will invite you to wait. do so, wait untill you'll see the message '' gsm error'' then tap the sound button on your left, put the device back on the craddle.
Do this if you had already enabled the usb for dos in the bios of your computer.
this shall work


Help please.. SD Card flashing

My PC's activesync crashed and hanged while flashing the ROM. Now the xda is stuck with Updating screen.
Can someone please tell me which file to download from Jeff's kitchen (nk.nb1 or nk.nbf or anything else) and how to write it to SD card for flashing.
I tried to write nb1 and nbf both, using xda-tools, but it is not copied in the format required by the bootloader. In fact, in either case it is copied as a file which is not identified by the bootloader (my version is 5.15). boootloader starts with GSM OK message, and does not give me option to flash the ROM.
Can someone please please tell me how to do it?
you need SD card writer or a SD backup from another XDA.
cgigate said:
you need SD card writer or a SD backup from another XDA.
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I was about to go to the service centre for rom image from another xda, but I decided to give it a try using usb cradle, and ran the original upgrade program. It came out with error and asked me to soft reset the device and try again, which I did, and it worked. I now have a working xda!


I have tried everything under the sun to upgrade my T-Mob PPPC/PE with Yorch's T-Mobile unofficial Upgrade to WM2003. I can't get it to work. Tried: loading ROM to SD card and soft reset, using XDATools OSImagetool, etc... :x
I believe it is tough for any one to advice if you don't state what exactly you did and what error messages you got .....
Are you trying bootloader method. or other method. Please present more detail regarding your problem including current rom/radio etc and things that you have tried already.
Sorry. First, loaded the file, NK.NBF onto my SD card using OSImagetool.exe. Then per instructions that were given to me, did a soft boot on the device. It simply rebooted and after it came up, there was a message on the screen asking my if I wanted to format the SD card for use with the device and telling me that if I hit "yes", the card would be erased and all data lost on the card.
The next thing I tried was to use OSImagetool.exe directly. Source- nk.nbf (on my desktop) and Destination: Device memory (via Programme A). The error I got was "Programme A not found - run with "--register" error opening target device.
I even tried to run OSImagetool.exe from the command prompt using --register as an argument and got the same exact error.
Then, I loaded the NK.NBF file to the SD card then ran OSImagetool with source: SD card, destination: Device memory. Then got the same error: "Programme A not found - run with "--register" error opening target device."
Hope that helps.
i dont know the program OSImagetool
but when i updated my xda to 2003 i used xdatools to transfer the rom to the sdcard and then i DIDENT! softreset but went into the bootloader and it started to update
Rudegar said:
i don't know the program OSImagetool
but when i updated my xda to 2003 i used xdatools to transfer the rom to the sdcard and then i DIDENT! softreset but went into the bootloader and it started to update
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They are the same program OSImagetool is just the name of the .exe file.
@jhug whats your bootloader version? Sounds like it might be 5.17 or newer!
When the xda asked you if you wanted to format the sd card you should answer no, it means the rom has in fact been written to the card, you then need to enter bootloader mode, a soft reset is no good, just push the stylus in the reset hole while holding down the power button, it will then ask you to push the action button which is the centre of the 4 way pad, your rom will then be programmed, make sure the battery is charged also. When the process is complete, unscrew your stylus, then insert the top half of the stylus in the hole on the bottom right of your xda, just push once, after one minute push again, this turns the battery off, then on again, you should then have a working system.
my bootloader is 5.22 btw
I wanted to check and see if the ROM was in fact on the SD card, so I did a soft reset and the notification came up and asked me if I wanted to format the SD card. I clicked no and assumed the nk.nbf file was on the card. I then did a soft reset while pressing the power button and went into bootloader mode. It did not ask me to push the action button, so I did anyways and it went into diagnostics mode. Ideas???
I'll try reloading the ROM on the SD card and try it again. I'll keep everyone posted. Thanks for your help! BTW, bootloader version is 5.15.
Rudegar said:
my boot loader is 5.22 btw
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Consider yourself luck if you haven't had any problems upgrading
using the SD card boot loader method then!
Also most of the RS upgrade failures that I seen / fixed and tried to fix had boot loader 5.17 or higher, so keep that in mind. :wink: Lucky, Lucky you!
jhug said:
I'll try reloading the ROM on the SD card and try it again. I'll keep everyone posted. Thanks for your help! BTW, bootloader version is 5.15.
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Please do!
Also whats the size and make of your SD card?
Well, I tried it again and the same thing happened. It went into bootloader mode and did not ask me if I wanted to install the new OS. I tried pressing the volume button and it said to connect the USB cable. I also pressed the contacts button and it went into Diagnostic mode. Aaaaaarrrrrgh!
BTW, it's a 256MB Sandisk card. (Great for holding about 200 songs! :lol: )
jhug said:
BTW, it's a 256MB Sandisk card. (Great for holding about 200 songs! :lol: )
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Some how I knew you where going to say a "256MB Sandisk"!
For some unknown reason had the same problem using the same card,
if you can try using a 64MB or a 128MB card and see what happens. :wink:
It finally worked! I loaded the ROM to the 256mb Sandisk SD card while in the unit, removed the SD card, inserted the SD card, then did a warm boot while pressing the power button and the ROM image loaded! I did the usual battery cutoff and then rebooted it and it works fine. Thanks everyone who gave me advice with this. :lol: :lol:
Where there is a well there is a way, great job!
But how in the hell did you figure that one though? :wink:
I decided to get creative. Dangerous when you're working in Wallaby, but it worked! :shock:

How to fix failure during upgrading ROM

I have a siemens sx56 with AT&T. I was trying to upgrade the ROM version to unlock it. Using XDA developer software and during this process, somehow the connection between the computer and the phone stopped (active Sync). Now the phone is not responding and the screen still displaying the upgrading process. I tried to reconnect but the Active sync does not recognize the devise. I read in this forum that you can solve this problem by using SD card with a good ROM version. Here is what I did. I copied the NK.nbf to the SD card using my computer SD read/write slot. I inserted the SD card in the phone and did the boot loader mode. What I got is "Wallaby boot loader v5.22 GSM OK" that set. Does the phone will automatically ask to press action to start flashing or I have to press a certain key. I tryed all the keys but they give me different tests that they work fine. So far I am not able to find the key that will install the the cooked rom. After that, when I tried to use the SD card in the computer, it did not recognize the card and ask me to format the SD card. I tried the fat and the fat 32 format and download NK.nb1 and/or NK.nbf and again I got the samething. Do I need to down load the ROM file using the XDAtool or just copying the file from the computer to sd directory will do it. I would really appreciate it if someone points out the best way of handling this problem (i.e. get the phone to work with the appropriate ROM and unlocking it) thanks.
Seif said:
I have a siemens sx56 with AT&T. I was trying to upgrade the ROM version to unlock it. Using XDA developer software and during this process, somehow the connection between the computer and the phone stopped (active Sync). Now the phone is not responding and the screen still displaying the upgrading process. I tried to reconnect but the Active sync does not recognize the devise. I read in this forum that you can solve this problem by using SD card with a good ROM version. Here is what I did. I copied the NK.nbf to the SD card using my computer SD read/write slot. I inserted the SD card in the phone and did the boot loader mode. What I got is "Wallaby boot loader v5.22 GSM OK" that set. Does the phone will automatically ask to press action to start flashing or I have to press a certain key. I tryed all the keys but they give me different tests that they work fine. So far I am not able to find the key that will install the the cooked rom. After that, when I tried to use the SD card in the computer, it did not recognize the card and ask me to format the SD card. I tried the fat and the fat 32 format and download NK.nb1 and/or NK.nbf and again I got the samething. Do I need to down load the ROM file using the XDAtool or just copying the file from the computer to sd directory will do it. I would really appreciate it if someone points out the best way of handling this problem (i.e. get the phone to work with the appropriate ROM and unlocking it) thanks.
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Bro, you shouldn't change the Sd fat you erased what's written on it anyway your unit is still on the safe side and you can bring it to normal.
First of all downgrade your bootloader to 5.15 >>>
goto this
I also have exactly the same problem with my Siemens SX56 as those of Seif's. My Wallaby's boot loader version is 5.22. Ramram said that the first thing to do is to downgrage bootloader. But I couldn't understand how to downgrade the bootloader because I do not have a copy of old bootloader. Should I use 'OSImageTools' or 'XDArit' to write backed up CE image to SD card?
Seif, how did you solve your problem?
Best Regards
rafia said:
I also have exactly the same problem with my Siemens SX56 as those of Seif's. My Wallaby's boot loader version is 5.22. Ramram said that the first thing to do is to downgrage bootloader. But I couldn't understand how to downgrade the bootloader because I do not have a copy of old bootloader. Should I use 'OSImageTools' or 'XDArit' to write backed up CE image to SD card?
Seif, how did you solve your problem?
Best Regards
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You need XDArit to write the rom to your SD read the past post on how to copy rom to your SD which is the safest way of installing the rom into the device, by using XDAtools press on FIX BROKEN BOOTLOADER this will downgrade you bootloader to 5.15 don't forget to connect your unit to the cradle when you want to downgrade.
I recommend 1rst of all to make a quick search in threads to be totaly ready for this
this would help :
Good Luck now.
Update : How to fix failure during upgrading ROM
The problem was solved. Here is what I did. I copied the NK.nbf file to the SD card using the XDAtools. It seems that the XDAtools uses special format for the bootloader that well recognize the ROM file on the SD card. Rafia your bootloader (v5.22) is fine you do not need to downgrade it.
You should follow this procedure:
1. Install ActiveSync that comes with the device.
2. download XDAtools from this site and install it in your computer.
3. Cook the ROM ( or get it by extracting the zip file from the XDA developers special edition ROM.)
4. Use the XDAtools to copy the cooked NK.nbf file from your computer to the directory of the SD card
5. Insert the SD card in the dead device and go to the bootloader mode (soft reset while pressing power key). Make sure it has more than 80% battery before starting.
6. If it is still working and the bootloader ver. is older than 6.22, it will ask you to press action to start flasing.
7. Once finished, remove the SD card and hard reset, wait 60 sec and hard reset again.
Good Luck and special thanks to Biso for his help.
Re: Update : How to fix failure during upgrading ROM
Seif said:
The problem was solved. Here is what I did. I copied the NK.nbf file to the SD card using the XDAtools. It seems that the XDAtools uses special format for the bootloader that well recognize the ROM file on the SD card. Rafia your bootloader (v5.22) is fine you do not need to downgrade it.
You should follow this procedure:
1. Install ActiveSync that comes with the device.
2. download XDAtools from this site and install it in your computer.
3. Cook the ROM ( or get it by extracting the zip file from the XDA developers special edition ROM.)
4. Use the XDAtools to copy the cooked NK.nbf file from your computer to the directory of the SD card
5. Insert the SD card in the dead device and go to the bootloader mode (soft reset while pressing power key). Make sure it has more than 80% battery before starting.
6. If it is still working and the bootloader ver. is older than 6.22, it will ask you to press action to start flasing.
7. Once finished, remove the SD card and hard reset, wait 60 sec and hard reset again.
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Thanks a MILLION for this info. I'm in the same boat, with bootloader 5.22. One question though, when I'm in bootloader mode, which option do I choose from the menu to transfer the ROM to my device from the SD card? Will there be something automatically coming up? Or will I use one of the options listed below:
By the way, so I never do anything to ruin my device again, can someone please explain what each option does?? I really don't have a clue.
as you can read from the menu you type in all these options are to the SD card
and they are to backup i suppose
rom upgrading should start automatic when a sd card with valid rom is in the sdport
and you are in the bootloader
maybe it ask you i forget but it's not something you have to find browsing
the menu's
Rudegar said:
as you can read from the menu you type in all these options are to the SD card
and they are to backup i suppose
rom upgrading should start automatic when a sd card with valid rom is in the sdport
and you are in the bootloader
maybe it ask you i forget but it's not something you have to find browsing
the menu's
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Thanks for answering my question. Now I simply need to find a really good ROM to use to load back onto my device. What I would like to do is end up with Windows Mobile 2003, but the device is locked at the moment.
Can someone recommend a ROM for me to load onto the device so that I can then unlock it and THEN upgrade to 2003? Or is there a 2003 ROM out there that will also unlock? Originally, I ended up in this predicament by upgrading to the 2003 upgrade from Rogers AT&T, but that locked the device on me. I then tried to use a cooked 2003 ROM, and that's where I am now, without a useable device.
Thanks for all replies!
Linger1974 said:
Rudegar said:
as you can read from the menu you type in all these options are to the SD card
and they are to backup i suppose
rom upgrading should start automatic when a sd card with valid rom is in the sdport
and you are in the bootloader
maybe it ask you i forget but it's not something you have to find browsing
the menu's
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Thanks for answering my question. Now I simply need to find a really good ROM to use to load back onto my device. What I would like to do is end up with Windows Mobile 2003, but the device is locked at the moment.
Can someone recommend a ROM for me to load onto the device so that I can then unlock it and THEN upgrade to 2003? Or is there a 2003 ROM out there that will also unlock? Originally, I ended up in this predicament by upgrading to the 2003 upgrade from Rogers AT&T, but that locked the device on me. I then tried to use a cooked 2003 ROM, and that's where I am now, without a useable device.
Thanks for all replies!
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First of all get the "Special Edition Rom" to your device Unlock it then cook any other Rom you prefer
Special Edition Rom at
Good luck
First of all get the "Special Edition Rom" to your device Unlock it then cook any other Rom you prefer
Special Edition Rom at
Good luck[/quote]
Thanks, Ramram. I'm sure I'll have more success this time, but it's just odd that I went from a 2002 ROM, which was unlocked, to the Rogers 2003 ROM, and the phone was locked after that.
I guess I should stay away from that Rogers ROM then?
Linger1974 said:
First of all get the "Special Edition Rom" to your device Unlock it then cook any other Rom you prefer
Special Edition Rom at
Good luck
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Thanks, Ramram. I'm sure I'll have more success this time, but it's just odd that I went from a 2002 ROM, which was unlocked, to the Rogers 2003 ROM, and the phone was locked after that.
I guess I should stay away from that Rogers ROM then?[/quote]
Why to worry about the Rogers Rom you know now a way to unlock your phone.
I assume the Rogers rom is based like the At&t rom which it has the sound clipping bug , so I'd rather say that you could cook a T-mobile rom 4.01.16 WM2003 and try it it does not have the sound clipping bug..

Help me fix my paper weight

My Imate JAMin is dead after trying to flash the ROM with the QTEK S200 ROM using awizard. Anyways my phone will not connect to PC when I try to downgrade to the original ROM file (the JAM_WWE...exe). The problem is my PC wont connect to my phone, I get error 240 or something similar (cannot connect to phone message). So what I am asking is if anyone can backup their Imate JAMin ROM to a SD card and upload the image for me. I figure somebody here has got to have an extra SD card lying around somewhere. It would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
If you tell me how to make a SD image I will make one for you.
thanks for offering help. I am out right now, when i get home i will do a search and find out how to do it. In the meantime if anyone has any links for backup rom image to sd for wm5 and how to save this image to a file and then to write the image file to sd card again. thanks again.
thanks for offering help. I am out right now, when i get home i will do a search and find out how to do it. In the meantime if anyone has any links for backup rom image to sd for wm5 and how to save this image to a file and then to write the image file to sd card again. thanks again.
ok got some links for backing up to sd card and writing the image to file:
There are instructions on the 7th post in this thread.
This one has instructions on the 8th post.
jeeb75 said:
My Imate JAMin is dead after trying to flash the ROM with the QTEK S200 ROM using awizard. Anyways my phone will not connect to PC when I try to downgrade to the original ROM file (the JAM_WWE...exe). The problem is my PC wont connect to my phone, I get error 240 or something similar (cannot connect to phone message). So what I am asking is if anyone can backup their Imate JAMin ROM to a SD card and upload the image for me. I figure somebody here has got to have an extra SD card lying around somewhere. It would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
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1. Put the phone in bootloader mode (make sure battery is over 50% charged).
To do this, press the Camera button down, hold it there, and press soft reset. Let off the soft reset button BUT continue to hold the camera button down until you see 4 color bands on the screen. Let go of the camera button when they appear.
2. Connect USB cable to PC.
3. Re-run imate JAMin full flash .EXE file. Should work fine and get you back to normal.
jaxf250 said:
jeeb75 said:
My Imate JAMin is dead after trying to flash the ROM with the QTEK S200 ROM using awizard. Anyways my phone will not connect to PC when I try to downgrade to the original ROM file (the JAM_WWE...exe). The problem is my PC wont connect to my phone, I get error 240 or something similar (cannot connect to phone message). So what I am asking is if anyone can backup their Imate JAMin ROM to a SD card and upload the image for me. I figure somebody here has got to have an extra SD card lying around somewhere. It would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
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1. Put the phone in bootloader mode (make sure battery is over 50% charged).
To do this, press the Camera button down, hold it there, and press soft reset. Let off the soft reset button BUT continue to hold the camera button down until you see 4 color bands on the screen. Let go of the camera button when they appear.
2. Connect USB cable to PC.
3. Re-run imate JAMin full flash .EXE file. Should work fine and get you back to normal.
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Thanks for your help. I tried that before 5 times and the phone would get stuck on the boot splash screen. Now I cannot even get the phone into bootloader mode anymore unless it is plugged directly into the outlet. I do not know why it is doing this. I have charged the battery all the way. I also have a magician so I have tried 2 different batteries charged all the way. Since I can only get the bootloader mode while it is plugged directly to the wall, I cannot connect it to the pc. I have no idea why it is doing this. I just want to try restoring from an SD card rom backup before I send it in to imate.
I have made a sd image from my ROM and uploading it now. It's about 54 MB. I also tested to flash my Imate with this card and it works good. When you enter bootmode with the sdcard inserted it asks if it should restore from card. At this point press the comm manager button (the button under the volume control).
It's a image on a 128 MB SD card. You just have to write the image to your card with ntrw.
Good luck and let us know the results!
swartb said:
I have made a sd image from my ROM and uploading it now. It's about 54 MB. I also tested to flash my Imate with this card and it works good. When you enter bootmode with the sdcard inserted it asks if it should restore from card. At this point press the comm manager button (the button under the volume control).
It's a image on a 128 MB SD card. You just have to write the image to your card with ntrw.
Good luck and let us know the results!
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Thank you so much!!!! I really appreciate it. I just hope it works. If it does not work for me at least others can get this sd image to fix their prophets in the future if they cannot get it to connect to their PCs. I will let you know my results.
Do you know if the device has to be unlocked already or can you use this to get around the CID lock?
The SD card flash did not work for me. I was hoping the RGB color screen was the bootloader but it was not. I guess there is something wrong with my JAMin so I am sending it in to imate in the middle east. I would like to thank Swartb for taking the time to get the ROM image on SD card.
To answer the CID lock question, I think it does not bypass it so if you want to use the SD card to restore it has to be the same phone model so in this case the JAMin.
Hi!!!! could you tell me where is that SD copy of your ROM????

Storage card flashing problem.. "No image file!"

Hello everybody,
2 days ago i flashed the dutty r5 NOR by accident, should have been NLD.
I cannot understand NOR whatsoever so i tried to re-flash my phone with the NLD version, but when i go into bootloader mode it cant find the image file. Im sitting at 90% battery charge.
What i do:
1) USB connection between phone and pc.
2) Copy + Paste the TOPAIMG.NHB in my storage card.
3) Disconnect USB between phone and pc.
4) Power off the phone (by holding the power button and press yes)
5) Press and hold volume down button and the power button
6) I see a rainbowscreen with the specs i persume from my phone
7) for 0,5 sec, i see the following:
No image file!
8) Rainbowscreen again, and on the bottem 'serial' in the white color.
What did i do wrong? It should work..
Its very annoying to have a phone in a language you dont understand
Thanks in advance
Currently i cant flash through my pc with active synch connection because my laptop is back to the factory for repair.
Cant find the Cd that came with the phone to install windows mobile device center, which is for vista+ , and this pc is xp professional. :\
2) Copy + Paste the TOPAIMG.NBH in my storage card.
Further try formatting your SD-card with FAT32. That in combination with renaming your file to the right extension, should work.
Thanks for the response.
I made a typo in the openingspost.
The image file on the storagecard is TOPAIMG.NBH.
I flashed the current ROM via the storagecard so it should
be fat32. I'll try to reformat the storagecard and see what happens.
*thumbs up*
It didnt work, any other ideas ?
my original rom was in another language, maybe that aint allowed? to flash a new rom in a different language.
True, unless you have HSPL this won't work.
Yes i am aware of that. I already have HSPL installed on my phone, as i've done phone flashing on via my storage card before.
I re-installed HSPL, just to try , but it still doesnt work
J-r0en said:
Yes i am aware of that. I already have HSPL installed on my phone, as i've done phone flashing on via my storage card before.
I re-installed HSPL, just to try , but it still doesnt work
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No typo? All capitals? Sorry, just making sure...
BumAround said:
No typo? All capitals? Sorry, just making sure...
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Nope, no typo's, "TOPAIMG.NBH" just like that =p
Have you tried TOPAIMG.nbh (lower case .nbh)?
I had the same issue flashing the original 6.5 OEM flash and Dutty's.
I have a 16GB card. I think that may be the issue. Perhaps 8GB or less will be recognised.
Anyway. All I did was use the wrapper method.
I booted to HardSPL and then connected it to the PC, ran the wrapper file included with the firmware and went through the modified firmware wizard on the PC and all sorted
- Geoff
In case anyone else comes across this thread while having this problem...
I had the same problem with my Rhodium. The problem disappeared when I switched from formatting that particular SD card with FAT to FAT32.
So, try FAT32 and see if that helps!
Finally!!!! took me forever to fix this. So my problem was the same, after flashing a custom ROM thru RUU, I got stuck in the splashing screen and kept getting "No image file" in HardSPL. So my solution was "SWITCH my FAT32 8GB microSD with a FAT32 4GB microSD". That's all! hope this will help someone else too.
Happy New Year!!!
Well i didnt fix it, still didnt flashed the rom that i wanted (in dutch) but i went back to WWE, that díd work.. eventually

