Heed Help, How make simple blootooth?? - Java for Android App Development

hello, I am a student, I and my friend has the task of the teacher to create a tool that can be controlled by handpone android via bluetooth.
I made ​​a tool with ATMEGA microcontroller to turn off and turn on the electronic device.
tools and microcontroller has been completed. but I do not know how Constructing android app using bluetooth.:crying::crying::crying:
I have downloaded all the required programs eclipse, android SDK, ADT, Android SDK and AVD Manager to download all done.
I made the first Android Application Project
I enter 1 textview, 3 Button, and 2 toggle inside layout.
Here's a function of the layout :
1. button1, to connect bluetooth & pair bluetooth
2.1. Toggle Button1, if i press toggle1 to "ON" android send data "1ON" to my device for switch ON power suplay, if i press toggle1 to "OFF" android send data "1OFF" to my device for switch OFF power suplay.
2.2 Toggle Button2, if i press toggle2 to "ON" android send data "2ON" to my device for switch ON power suplay, if i press toggle2 to "OFF" android send data "2OFF" to my device for switch OFF power suplay.
why 1ON, 1OFF, 2ON, 2OFF? because I write such a program dimicrocontroler.
sample: if buffer = "1ON" then, if buffer = "2ON" then ......
3. button2, to disconnect bluetooth
4. button3, to show messagebox my name
5. textview = "Bluetooth Comm"
every body can help me? can you sample tutorial for my problem?
sorry i dont speak english with perfect.

buayagurun said:
hello, I am a student, I and my friend has the task of the teacher to create a tool that can be controlled by handpone android via bluetooth.
I made ​​a tool with ATMEGA microcontroller to turn off and turn on the electronic device.
tools and microcontroller has been completed. but I do not know how Constructing android app using bluetooth.:crying::crying::crying:
I have downloaded all the required programs eclipse, android SDK, ADT, Android SDK and AVD Manager to download all done.
I made the first Android Application Project
I enter 1 textview, 3 Button, and 2 toggle inside layout.
Here's a function of the layout :
1. button1, to connect bluetooth & pair bluetooth
2.1. Toggle Button1, if i press toggle1 to "ON" android send data "1ON" to my device for switch ON power suplay, if i press toggle1 to "OFF" android send data "1OFF" to my device for switch OFF power suplay.
2.2 Toggle Button2, if i press toggle2 to "ON" android send data "2ON" to my device for switch ON power suplay, if i press toggle2 to "OFF" android send data "2OFF" to my device for switch OFF power suplay.
why 1ON, 1OFF, 2ON, 2OFF? because I write such a program dimicrocontroler.
sample: if buffer = "1ON" then, if buffer = "2ON" then ......
3. button2, to disconnect bluetooth
4. button3, to show messagebox my name
5. textview = "Bluetooth Comm"
every body can help me? can you sample tutorial for my problem?
sorry i dont speak english with perfect.
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This is simple.go through the bluetooth chat example in android sdk.modify it for making a serial connetion to a bluetooth module. Interface bluetooth module to controller. I have done this once. Its not that difficult
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk


[new release] VJPhoneToggle

For those worried about the phone app using too much memory in the background:
WM2003 and WM5 compatible.
This program is used to toggle the phone.
Useful if assigned to a hardware key or a shortcut.
If the phone is open, it will be closed. If it is closed, it will be opened.
Please note, for VGA WM5 users use my VJBigPhone app instead.
This application supports international language versions. By default it will look for the "Phone" window.
If your phone is called something different, launch the application with command line parameters matching the name of the Phone.
eg In German
\program files\vijay555\vjphonetoggle\vjphonetoggle.exe Telefon
After installation you will find a shortcuts in StartMenu > Programs > Vijay555 > VJPhoneToggle.
Check it out on my website!
EDIT: guys I think I made the cab wrong. try the exe for tonight
Any1 got a screenshot how this looks like on a Qtek 9100
q-biq, it literally just closes the phone app. Or launches it. Nothing to see!
I didn't really understood the goal for this tool.
Phone dialer opens easly pressing the TALK button, and closes also easly by tapping on "X" or pressing END button.
For sure this tool is supposed to do something I didn't catch.
However VJ, I'd like to propose you a challenge, for another "similar" toggling tool.
The porpose is: I have a SIM Twincard to use with the mobile phone fixed in my car.
Whenever I power on the car, it is supposed to switch off the mobile phone to avoid SIMs interference. This is simple for a regular phone, but not so practical for a Windows PDA Phone.
You have to:
- switch device on
- tap on 'Radio signal icon'
- tap on 'Turn on flight mode'
And when leaving the car, repeat all again to activate phone.
My idea was a small program to assing to an hard button, which would toggle the 'filght mode' or just GSM radio.
So you have to press just on buuton like switchi.ng the on/off
What do you think?
Conchas: this application was made for mzaslam, under this thread:
He is concerned that the phone app uses quite a lot of memory in the background, even when not in use. Pressing ok just puts it in the background. So VJPhoneToggle fully unloads the phone app when you're finished with it, and loads it again when required.
Re the Flight mode thing: I will have to make this app, but I use a dual sim myself and also use the flightmode off > flightmode on trick to switch sims.
I use PhoneAlarm on my setup. This can be set up to launch from a shortcut to switch profiles, so for my setup I use a today screen shortcut on claunch to switch to flight mode, work, home etc. So for my setup I have three thumb friendly icons to activate profiles on PA. So I can switch easily from Today. Is that ok?
Yes it works.
... but I always hae been looking for a small toggling application, assignable to an hard button.
Conchas: I don't understand. What do you want your hardware button to do? Load/unload an app?
I want my hW button to toggle 'fligth mode' on/off.
Or more exactly the phone radio on/off as the wireless manager does. More precise, as nowadays allmost every PDA phone device supports BT and WiFi.
i.e. I would like to enable/disable the SIM ability to register into the GSM/3G network, in order to avoid interference with a second SIM (twin card), whenver required (e.g. using into a car).
It is not just a matter of the last phone switched on, because when travelling by car, as you move to other network cells, the first phone switched on most likely will take the handover.
Guys, this has been updated to not require an international parameter on the command line.
It should internally support all international versions. I hope!
Conchas, is this what you are looking for? Just copy the exe to your device and bind it to a hardware button.
Great, Koksie
It works!
I'm using it manually.
Can you tell, where to put the '.exe', so it gets visible to assign on the "Settings > Buttons"?
I 've added it to '\Windows', but didn't get it visible.
You don't have to put it in windows. Just make shortcuts to it in the start menu. Any startmenu shortcuts get picked up by the Buttons cpl.
Forget it.
I miss something. In fact it was possible to assign to the buttons, if copied the '.exe' to '\Windows.'
Thanks Koksie

Is it possible!?!?

Hi all!
I'd like to configure the std button to open contact and/or calendar in order to do some action (create new sms for example!) or open some app. when press and hold... is it possible?
Any simple app that make just that?
Markino: can you explain further? You want to open a particular contact, but in what screen? Contacts or calendar?
Or you want to press the contacts/calendar button and use it to send an sms etc?
Sorry, for my terrible English...
I'd like to press and hold the calender or contact button and associate the "press and hold" to do somethink like "create new sms"...
P.S: I'd like a easy way to create new sms.
VJPhoneTools will do this. There is another way, but they're both just as difficult.
You could also use the app on this forum, SmartKey or something, to give you a "new" menu on the Today screen, to create new sms etc. Very very good app.
yes it's possible. And much more: http://ae.inc.ru/aebplus.php
- Run Application
- Emulate keypress of Enter (Action), Esc and up/down/left/right keys
- Emulate standard application buttons
- "Virtual Application Button": Being specified as keypress action, "Virtual button" appears in standard Start -> Settings -> Buttons setup dialog and may be assigned here.
- Volume up/down
- Emulate Soft Keys
- Close (terminate) active application
- Switch next application
- Task Manager with charge level / memory summary info. Task manager may be operated with directional pad (up/down - choose application, left/action - switch to, right - terminate) or finger/stylus. You may apply filters to hide annoying applications (e.g. Phone)
- Ok/Close
- Start Menu
- Switch Display Off/On. Once you switch display OFF you may turn it back ON by the same keypress event or simply pressing Power On button.
- Switch BlueTooth Off/On
- Switch WiFi Off/On
- Vibration mode Off/On (WM5 only)
- Turn Off PDA
- Soft-Reset PDA (Soft Reset)
- Screen rotation
- Drop DialUp connections
- Disable "Power Off device if not used..."
- Switch to Today screen
- Clipboard operations: Select All / Copy / Cut / Paste
- Memory Monitor
- Battery Monitor/Uptime Forecast. It will show battery voltage/current/temperature if corresponding sensors are available
- Current Date/Time
- Pop-up menu with important AEBPlus actions. This feature is available in activated version only
- Any built-in action may be initiated by shortcut calling aebplus.exe with corresponding command line parameter
Markino said:
Hi all!
I'd like to configure the std button to open contact and/or calendar in order to do some action (create new sms for example!) or open some app. when press and hold... is it possible?
Any simple app that make just that?
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Why not do it using voice activation i start my msgs excel and calender using voice activation

Simulate touchscreen tap, or add ShortCut key.

I have such a problem. But first I will explain why I have that problem.
In company we are using a PocketPC with Windows Mobile 2002. And have only one apllication for work.
When connecting to Server we need to tap the left bottom corner of the screen.
Many of workers tap with diferent objects like cutters, pens, not with Stylus, so the left bottom corner become bad in 1-2 months, till the time I can't do nothing, just changing the screen.
So. There is a posibility to implement somehow a ShortCut to that menu, to avoid taping that part of screen? (Because after that in program we use only buttons.)
(Note: I have no source code for tha app.)
Any kind of help will be apreciate.
Thank you much!
It's easy to simulate screen tap by code.
Do you have experience programming in C/C++?
If so all you have to do is write a little app that does the following:
HWND hWnd; //window handle
hWnd = FindWindow(L"BUTTON", L"Connect to server"); //this text is just an example
SendMessage(hWnd, WM_LBUTTONDOWN, 0, MAKELPARAM(5, 5)); //actually simulates the click
Then you can assign this app to a hardware button using device settings or put a shortcut to is in the start menu.
I don't know of any ready apps to just simulate a click, but there was a thread around here somewhere on a virtual mouse app for PPC. It's free so try searching for that. (Sorry, don't remember the link).
Good luck.
Thank you man.
I'll try this...
levenum said:
It's easy to simulate screen tap by code.
Do you have experience programming in C/C++?
If so all you have to do is write a little app that does the following:
HWND hWnd; //window handle
hWnd = FindWindow(L"BUTTON", L"Connect to server"); //this text is just an example
SendMessage(hWnd, WM_LBUTTONDOWN, 0, MAKELPARAM(5, 5)); //actually simulates the click
Then you can assign this app to a hardware button using device settings or put a shortcut to is in the start menu.
I don't know of any ready apps to just simulate a click, but there was a thread around here somewhere on a virtual mouse app for PPC. It's free so try searching for that. (Sorry, don't remember the link).
Good luck.
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So I have not so many experience in C++ and nor in Visual Studio.
Can you provide me with full c++ code for Visual Studio 2005?
Thank you in advance.
Here is another way. Just create a simple project in vis studio ( I am not using 2005 so I cant tell you what its called, if all else failes use the "hello world" option). Open the main .cpp file and after the includes delete everything. Paste this in....
int WINAPI WinMain( HINSTANCE hInstance,
HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
LPTSTR lpCmdLine,
int nCmdShow)
return 0;
Then build the exe. Make a shortcut to the exe on your device and place it in the windows\start menu folder. When the user taps the shortcut the cordinates specified will get a mouse down message, not all ppc programs will rspond to this message but most bought software I have do.
As it is, this will hit the close button on a 240*320 display. To vary the target location see this from the documentation:
If MOUSEEVENTF_ABSOLUTE value is specified, dx and dy contain normalized absolute coordinates between 0 and 65,535. The event procedure maps these coordinates onto the display surface. Coordinate (0,0) maps onto the upper-left corner of the display surface, (65535,65535) maps onto the lower-right corner.
...So you may need to play with it to hit the spot.
If that fails then just replace the
with levenum's code putting the name of the window you are talking about in instead of "Connect to server" to send the normal WM_LBUTTONDOWN message to that window.
OdeeanRDeathshead, your method seems to work. I did it and application works proprely on my Magician.
But now the question is: I need that program for a PocketPC 2002 platform. How to do this in VS2005, can explain me anyone?
Thank you in advance.
Actually, you can't write apps for WM2002 using VS2005.
You need eMbedded Visual C++ 3. It is available free from Microsoft, just search the site. You will also need to install Pocket PC 2002 SDK. (also free on MS site)
levenum said:
Actually, you can't write apps for WM2002 using VS2005.
You need eMbedded Visual C++ 3. It is available free from Microsoft, just search the site. You will also need to install Pocket PC 2002 SDK. (also free on MS site)
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Ok.. all this I installed.
I will try to do the program there. But problem become more complicated.
My PDA's are not HTC. They are modified by SYMBOL company. So.. I realized that i have no HARD BUTTON.
In start menu I can't let the application, only because START is not accessible. The only program is that for work and it's full screen.
The PDA have a keyboard.
The question is: it is possible to do in program a HOT_KEY combination, and run MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN only when HOT_KEY combination was pressed.
I understand that program must remain in memory to intercept that.
Do you mean that there are no buttons on your device, only a keyboard?
Doesn't matter really because as far as windows is concerned keystrokes from device buttons and full keyboard are handled the same.
Sorry I am not really familiar with setting up hot keys, I think your app window needs to have input focus for that to work.
There is a function called SetWindowsHookEx that lets you hook all keyboard events so they will pass through your function. You can then have a small app in background (without UI) that will monitor any key combination you want and simulate the tap when necessary.
levenum said:
Do you mean that there are no buttons on your device, only a keyboard?
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Yeah.... it looks like this http://www.symbol.com/PDT8100
I do not know if you can throw some cash at your problem but SKScHeMa from www.s-k-tools.com can wait for an application to start then execute a script. In the script you can simulate both tap and tap and hold actions.
Hope that helps.
Regards cjb.
One of those buttons must correspond to the buttons on the normal ppc. It would be overkill too write an app to run constantly just to redirect one tap. Do you have the opportunity to ever start the unit without the fullscreen program running, if so you could experiment with the button assignments to find the correct one. If the author of the custom software on the thing was half good they could have disabled those buttons assignments while its running, but if they didn't thats the best solution.
If that fails perhaps a program to run after powerup and ask if the user wants to connect to the server could work. It could show for 10 seconds then end. There was a thread here somewhere about programs starting on powerup but I can't seem to find it now.
I read the specs and it has two "side scan keys", I bet they are your buttons waiting to be reassigned!
OdeeanRDeathshead said:
One of those buttons must correspond to the buttons on the normal ppc. It would be overkill too write an app to run constantly just to redirect one tap. Do you have the opportunity to ever start the unit without the fullscreen program running, if so you could experiment with the button assignments to find the correct one.
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No one of that buttons corespond to CALENDAR or CONTACTS or CAMERA or RECORD button.
I can start the device without work program. Also I don't need to simulate tap, because I own my PDA and have knoweledge how to use it.
Users don't know much... for that i disables all. Only Work program in fullscreen mode without START MENU.
I read the specs and it has two "side scan keys", I bet they are your buttons waiting to be reassigned!
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This is a PDA with barcode scanner. That 2 buttons named "side scan keys" are only for SCANNER and are not programable.
TO ALL: Thank you for your support![/quote]
cjb said:
I do not know if you can throw some cash at your problem but SKScHeMa from www.s-k-tools.com can wait for an application to start then execute a script. In the script you can simulate both tap and tap and hold actions.
Hope that helps.
Regards cjb.
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Thanks for help.
I can't do any investitions in that.
More of that it's not the same I need. I need to simulate this not only at start, also during work.
Yes, so make the prgram asking if a connect is needed run when the power button is pressed. If the user needs to connect they press off then on then the window comes up asking if a simulated tap is needed (I do not mean reset). If the full off is not desireable then dose your unit change the brightness when the power button is held down? If so, and if it is using the standard name for the named event to signal brigtness changes then you could make the tap simulate program run all the time in a loop but waiting for the brigtness change event. Waiting will take up almost no processor time and the program is so small it takes up almost no memory! The user just has to hold the power button for several seconds and the your window will pop up. The down side is that your app will also have to save then restore the brigtness settings so the user dose not need to manualy reset the brigtness level.

rk-Sleep: Automatic phone switch off/on based on location.

Ok, here is the (Cell Tower ID) location based Sleep Management software (earlier called phone switcher).
Saves your battery and works automatically without any manual action once configured
Application is not memory resident so it does not keep running in the background. Does not write anything to registry etc so can be uninstalled cleanly.
Application can run in one of the following modes
• Flight Mode: System automatically switches to flight mode when you are at predefined location (Say Home) based on the time you setup. So when you are at home, say from 10:00 PM to morning 6:00 AM your phone is really sleeping so no one can call your mobile. But if you are not home, then phone remains ON even at night.
• Run Command*: You can configure separate command line applications while ‘entering’ and ‘exiting’ your Sleep Location. So if you want to perform some other actions such as enabling the sounds/vibrations/forwarding etc you need to configure this feature
Run Command* Notes:
• Run command has two settings
o Entering sleep location​o Exiting sleep location.​• Either browse for the command line application or copy paste the short cuts on the file and any command line parameters
• Some programs require you to ‘Wake Up’ the device to run, so if needed use that option
• ‘Wait for completion’ is only for advanced configurations. Most of the time it will hang the application. So use if you absolutely need it.
• You can test your run commands from the ‘Test’ menu.
Update history
Update 1.0.3
• Bug Fixed : If you were out of sleep location and returned to sleep location after 12 mid night(with in the sleep period) application would skip the current sleep.
Update 1.0.2
• Better user friendly UI added
• Now the application supports running an external application on command line.
Update 1.0.1
• Multiple locations on the schedule: If you want to set more than one location as you 'Sleep Location' you can do it now.
• Now if you were not at home at set time, system will keep polling based on the poll time you specify. So as soon as you reach home your phone will be switched off.
• If you turned on your phone manually after the rk-Sleep set it to flight mode, then your phone remains on till next scheduled sleep session
It is working on Hermes(WM6), and I have tested it on WM5 emulators. Will NOT work on WM2003.
Setup Instructions:
• You need to be at ‘Sleep Location’ to setup the application.
• In the ‘Locations’ tab, the current location box shows some numbers corresponding to your location.
• Click the button ‘Set as Sleep location’ to add current location as your sleep location. You can add multiple locations as sleep locations.
• On the ‘Schedules’ tab configure the ‘From’ and ‘To’ time fields. (You need to specify time in military time format)
• From the tab ‘Action’ choose if you want to use flight mode or Run Command (you need to set up your enter and exit actions)
• Finally click ‘Enabled’ and click the ‘Save’ menu
That’s all now you are set for ‘Sleep’. You can safely exit rk-Sleep.
The status tab would show you the last action attempt log
Note: This application requires Compact Framework 2.0
You need compact framework 2.0 installed inorder to run this application. The compact framework is already part of WM6, so if your device is WM6 skip this step. But most of the WM5 devices do not have this update. So you must download here and run the installation on your desktop (then active sync to update your device). Only after completing this step install the application.
If you like the application please show your support by replies and or donation on paypal
Download from here
Update 1.0.1
Multiple location on the schedule: If you want to set more than one location as you 'Sleep Location' you can do it now. On the sleep location box bring the context menu up, and choose 'Append to location' now add the new location to the list. You can add any number of sleep locations!
Now if you were not at home at set time, system will keep polling based on the poll time you specify. So as soon as you reach home your phone will be switched off.
If you turned on your phone manually after the rk-Sleep set it to flight mode, then your phone remains on till next scheduled sleep session
With this program there would be still another interesting option which one to insert could.
It would thus not have to be possible the flight mode to activate automatically with enters a stored potition dependent on the time.
If someone works in a hospital, he needs to store only the position and every time it is in the hospital the flight mode switched on.
That one could not do also at others locates to use at those handys permitted or desired is I thinks there also of cemeteries.
Great idea!
Is it perhaps possible to tirgger an application (or better: mortscript) upon entering a given location?
(I use mortscript to change call profiles, by copying sound files to overwrite the soundfiles I assigned as ringtones for various contacts. So if I set a "work" profile, the ringtones for different people are overwritten with a soundfile that contains silence, while others are made more discrete. It would be great to be able to automate this!)
Instead of enabling flight mode, why not just disabling sound or enabling vibrate only mode?
V J said:
Great idea!
Is it perhaps possible to tirgger an application (or better: mortscript) upon entering a given location?
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I do not know about mortscripts, but if i make application to run some other exe(say with some command line, Will the mortscript be able to change sound settings, call forwarding etc?
tytnguy said:
... but if i make application to run some other exe(say with some command line, Will the mortscript be able to change sound settings, call forwarding etc?
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Yes, it should be able to do that. Also, maybe it is better to write it this way, and have your "flight mode application" written as a seperate program to be triggered by your tower-based software. In this way, others can contribute to write any other programs (as plugins) to yours. Anyway, AFAIK, Mortscript can do most of the job and or VJ (not the one above) has some nice collection that you can paired with yours.
Next you can write some scheduling software that will run an application whenever there is a 'Busy' (e.g. meeting) in your schedule (e.g. activate vibrate only mode). Then, with your tower-based software and your scheduling software, you can have a nested tower-schedule, while others can have a bluetooth-pairing based (e.g. execute software when near a paired bt device - change mode when inside your car), then you can stack all these together that will schedule your stuff based on tower-schedule-bt pairing.. WOW... too much software engineering makes you crazy.
Very nice software, but pls if You can, make a addon to change profile based on id, that would be nice. Something like: when i go to work (cell id: XX) phone change profile to vibrate/silent, but when i go back to home phone (cell id:YY) will change profile to loud.
drivex said:
Very nice software, but pls if You can, make a addon to change profile based on id, that would be nice. Something like: when i go to work (cell id: XX) phone change profile to vibrate/silent, but when i go back to home phone (cell id:YY) will change profile to loud.
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Yes I know that is where this software will lead to(Hopefully)
But to support multiple locations the progrma gets too complex. But I know that will be a perfect applicaton!
@VJ: I think using mortscript with the tool would defeat the purpose of the tool, because with mortscript you don't need the tool (The current tower, or BTS as I should refer to it to, is available in registry I think)
@tytnguy: kudos to you, great streak with so many useful programs.
Update 1.0.2
• Better user friendly UI added
• Now the application supports running an external application on command line.
• You can configure separate command line application while ‘entering’ and ‘exiting’ your Sleep Location
More info on the main thread.
Great Application that seems to work perfectly. I can see myself using it to help save on battery life.. and also when I enter work where I cant have the phone on.
Don't suppose you'd share how you get the tower information? I tried a method posted on the forums but it doesn't work for me and only works when the data/voice is not connected.
I tried to implement this into an application I use as a backup to give a rough location if GPS location isnt available but never managed to read a sensible string for the towers ID.
(If you'd rather not say I understand fully)
Great!, make a profile changer based on location also, that will be awesome
Update 1.0.3
• Bug Fixed : If you were out of sleep location and returned to sleep location after 12 mid night(with in the sleep period) application would skip the current sleep.
I LOVE it, actually I've been looking for something like this every since I switched from my Nokia communicator 9000
2 suggestions
1- would it be possible to "rename" locations to something more intuitive?
2- I'd like to be able to trigger an alarm on entering a location that way if u are on a train your phone can wake u up when you reach your destination
ArcticCat said:
I LOVE it, actually I've been looking for something like this every since I switched from my Nokia communicator 9000
2 suggestions
1- would it be possible to "rename" locations to something more intuitive?
2- I'd like to be able to trigger an alarm on entering a location that way if u are on a train your phone can wake u up when you reach your destination
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Thanks for the reply,
But right now the application just supports one location, So you are not able to do multiple locations. If you use the slot of managing only alarms its fine. But if you want to do alarm and also in some other location some other action you can not.
But i have that featrue in my list though
To do it, right now you have to set to 'Run Mode' and in the run mode specify any media file, On entering your location the media will be played.
Hi tytnguy,
found a "mini minor" bug in latest version 1.0.3...
If you just append a new location and change nothin other
the Save function don't gets active and so if you just press
OK the new location won't saved and neither the window don't
pop up asking wether you want to save or not.
So you have always to tap any other function on/off additionally
to be able to save Hope you understand this
Next step in version profiles would be great
Best regards,
Olioaglio said:
Hi tytnguy,
If you just append a new location and change nothin other
the Save function don't gets active and so if you just press
OK the new location won't saved and neither the window don't
pop up asking wether you want to save or not.
So you have always to tap any other function on/off additionally
to be able to save Hope you understand this
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Understood, For now to enable the save button you can Uncheck and Check the 'Enable' checkbox as you suggested
Olioaglio said:
Next step in version profiles would be great
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I know others also requested it, but what type of 'Profile' you are asking for? Is it changes the sound profiles to change between different sound modes? Or change lot of options such as sound+wifi+bluetooth+backlight+....etc?
tytnguy said:
Understood, For now to enable the save button you can Uncheck and Check the 'Enable' checkbox as you suggested
I know others also requested it, but what type of 'Profile' you are asking for? Is it changes the sound profiles to change between different sound modes? Or change lot of options such as sound+wifi+bluetooth+backlight+....etc?
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I would like location based profiles with different schedule times,
so that you could e.g. install a "Home location" with flightmode from
11pm to 8am (like it is now) and a second profile maybe for work
with flightmode from 12am to 1pm. Or maybe a profile with 24/7 flightmode
on a certain location. Lets say you work in a hospital and while you
enter the lcation phone would turn to flightmode. If you leave phone would
switch on again.
The wifi+bluetooth+beam etc options would be also a geat thing to include
as an option with checkboxes, so one could save even more battery at night
and in sleep location would not be any electro smog.
But for now I can live very good with the program as the main function
works like it should now. One little thing: Found out, that if you reset the
phone within schedule time and phone was turned on (manually) rk-sleep
wont turn it off again. But this may be wanted as not to nag you if you
decide to manually turn on.
What is the Net Compact framework that it needs! I'm running WM5, and it doesn't work on my device and I supose it has got something to do with what I mencioned earlier. Thanks.

Custom events/profile manager - user interface design

As some of you already know, I'm working on a touch UI (www.touchxperience.com) which will include an integrated profile manager. But it won't be a simple profile manager, it will allow you to create what I called "Custom Events", to execute predefined actions when a certain event occurs.
I would like to hear suggestions or advises from software design experts as well as end users about how should be designed user interface.
The principle is simple, each custom event is defined by:
A basic event (application changed, location changed, new message, new incoming call, battery charging, device cradled, headset connected, Wi-Fi network detected, internet connection detected, keyboard open,...)
Eventually some conditions (date/time, current application, current location, specific words in message, caller identity,...)
An action (launch application, display notification, enable flight mode, turn on Wi-Fi, change profile, send message,...)
There will be hundreds of events and actions, so possibilities are very large! Here are some examples:​
Enable flight mode during nights
Connect to Wi-Fi while battery is charging
Deactivate alarm when I turn my device face down
Put phone in silent mode at workplace
Remind me to buy bread when I’m near to the bakery
Events, conditions and actions may eventually need some additional info: specific time, application to launch, bluetooth mode (on/off/visible), active application title, message text,...
Also there may be an option to revert back some executed actions, for example:
If you defined a custom event to set max brightness in media player, it will set default brightness once active application changed
If you defined a custom event to turn on WiFi when device is charging, it will turn off WiFi when it's not charging anymore
There will be some predefined custom events that you can activate and customize (commonly used custom events, to be determined, in this way you don't have to create them from scratch).
Finally, you can create profiles and switch between different profiles in one touch. Each profile defines some system settings: volume, ringtones, connections, backlight brightness,...
The user interface should cover any type of usage, for novice or advanced users, so it must be simple but powerful. And of course, it must be finger-friendly!
Don't hesitate if you have any suggestion regarding user interface design or mechanism in general. Thank you!
just wifi
you are smarter than me.
your imagination is stronger than mine.
dreaming from empty is impossible for me.
i would be happy trying out what you offer, when you feel it is ready for that.
at least then i could have base line.
the events you describe when phone is in certain positions (orientation) is
is unbelievable to me.. Majic
when my phone detects wifi, it would be fine if it connects to prescribed known network. if none available, then the strongest Open one would be choice.
and so forth down the tree..
im sorry to start the clutter of useless posts here and you can delete if you want.
as thousands who know you better, i am very anxious for your release..
EDIT EDIT :: i do have one question.. with all these options, how many minutes will many battery last?
even 60min?
Nice idea!
I would love to have this app replace "phonealarm"! Will it be possible to have multiple alarms? I really would love it when my phone would ring every 5 minutes if I have an unread message/missed call. This is one of the most important features. Are You planning on implementing such an option?
This may be implemented in a future version.
Definitely some timed events ie:
From 9 am to 5 pm (typical US workday) the phone goes to vibrate.
From 11 pm to 6 am the phone goes silent for people sleeping.
Is it possible to program the sound to turn on 1 minute before an alarm so that you don't have to keep the sound on the whole time just for the alarm?
That's all I got so far.
- If a meeting is scheduled in the calendar, the phone should set itself to vibrate during the meeting and turn the ringer back on when the meeting is over.
- Activesync.exe can be killed as soon as the phone is unplugged from the USB cable.
- The interface can change its skin depending on the amount of light (Diamond's light sensor can be used) or time of day. (Darker environment = Darker skin so its easy on the eyes)
a few things
1. it is gorgeous! I have never seen an interface like that and I would love for it to be in any rom that comes out. That said
will this be released on legacy devices (titan specifically)
2. I assume also the menu will have scrolling elements
I have more technical questions though but this is a start
Good to see you're taking suggestions from everyone from designers, engineers and everyday users to advanced users. I have some suggestions which I'll just throw out there [some may be stupid but brainstorming works wonders with intuition and innovation]
Rotate to Activate Camera
- Event: Rotate device to landscape (whatever degree it is)
- Condition: Whilst in Home screen (or in any other screen in TF3D - not limited to just Home and which can be customized by the user as to which screens this will be enabled)
- Execute: Camera Application
Stylus Retrieval Activates Notepad:
- Event: Remove stylus from device
- Conditions: Only when in stand-by mode
- Execute: Unlock device > Open Notepad application
Alternative means of unlocking device
- Event: Double tap screen OR Long pressure hold of thumb/finger on screen - amount of pressure to be defined by user and being able to define this will ensure that accidental unlocks do not occur (e.g. whilst in pocket)
- Condition: Device locked AND Double taps/long holds on screen must be in a certain area of the screen - also definable by user
- Event: Unlock device
Inserting wired Headset opens menu for Phone/Music/Radio selection
- Event: Insert wired headset into phone
- Conditions: Wireless headset is not already paired AND Phone/Music/Radio applications are not already running [in relation to TF3D tab - music is not already playing]
- Action: Open up a dialogue menu for user to select either Phone, Music (user definable music application whether it goes to TF3D Music tab or opens another application like WMP), or Radio application
If I can come up with more suggestions, I will let you know.
hey i think the best thing for you to indigrate into your beautiful ui would be the lock and unlock screen of the Android OS (if possible)
here is the link
Great idea! I've been playing with automatically switching to silent mode when I'm in the vicinity of some cellular towers since 2001, never got it to work though
From a technical design perspective: I would strongly suggest that your application only registers itself to those events the user specified in some configuration. If your program is going to listen to all possible types of events at all times, it will become slow and battery draining. Your program should hook to events as necessary. You could check which events to hook to as soon as configuration changes. You could disable a hook to a specific event once all occurrences of actions listening for that event are done (to check on the moment the event action is executed), such as a one-time alarm.
Keep up the good word, I'm curious about the results in the future
- Daan
Edit: oops, you're asking for user interface design comments. Ghe, look at Apple? Nah, what I've seen from the videos the new interface looks very promising. For the profiles, you might consider letting the user configure some events very user friendly, like enabling some default often-used actions, and let specific events (such as defining the location of the bakery store) be entered by having to draw a stylus (if much user input is required).
Noooo!!! Schaps this is awesome! I hope I'm within 30 days to get a refund on Spb Phone Suite !
Hi Schaps,
Here is my idea: Add function key + shake to do more. Like:
1) Hold Down the Vol Down Key + shake horizontal = Play Next Music/SMS/Email/Photo (As user config)
2) Hold Down the Vol Up Key + shake horizontal = Play Previous Music/SMS/Email/Photo (As user config)
3) Hold Down the Action Key [The Round Button] + shake to Right = Move the TouchFLO3D Tab to Next Right Tap
4) Hold Down the Action Key [The Round Button] + shake to Left = Move the TouchFLO3D Tab to Next Left Tap
5) Hold Down the End Key + shake = Close all application
6) Hold Down the Phone Key + shake = Open the Contacts List
7) Hold Down the Back Key [←] + shake = Switch to Next Running application
8) Hold Down the Home Key + shake = Open your favorite application
9) Hold Down the Power Key + shake = Turn the LCD in WHITE and MAX the Backlight, So Diamond become a supper flashlight!
10) When not press any key + Rotation = Auto-Rotation just like GSen
See the Diamond can do a lot of things and iPhone can go back to home
What did you think?
Can you make it so that the phone can be set to turn on and off automatically like a blackberry?
Backwards compatibility and another idea
Will this be backwards compatible in any way in order to use on the Wing/Herald, until I can convince the wife that the HTC Diamond is the way to go...not the idrone?
Second, how about the ability for the phone to activate a specific program or two when it detects my bluetooth gps in the vicinity? Or to go to a specific mode when my bluetooth headset connects and to port all audio to the headset (another program activation)?
Maybe to activate a program, like a mapping program when the gps is active and moving over 20 mph... like an automatic navigation system.
The biggest feature is the automatic profile changes... screen brightness, volume, ringtone, maybe a program, based on time of day or location.
It must also never interfere with the regular operation : Phonealarm would make my screen go blank when I looked at incoming messages. It would then interfere with the solid orange "charging" light quite often, making me wonder if my cord was bad.
Huey85 said:
Good to see you're taking suggestions from everyone from designers, engineers and everyday users to advanced users. I have some suggestions which I'll just throw out there [some may be stupid but brainstorming works wonders with intuition and innovation]
Rotate to Activate Camera
- Event: Rotate device to landscape (whatever degree it is)
- Condition: Whilst in Home screen (or in any other screen in TF3D - not limited to just Home and which can be customized by the user as to which screens this will be enabled)
- Execute: Camera Application
Stylus Retrieval Activates Notepad:
- Event: Remove stylus from device
- Conditions: Only when in stand-by mode
- Execute: Unlock device > Open Notepad application
Alternative means of unlocking device
- Event: Double tap screen OR Long pressure hold of thumb/finger on screen - amount of pressure to be defined by user and being able to define this will ensure that accidental unlocks do not occur (e.g. whilst in pocket)
- Condition: Device locked AND Double taps/long holds on screen must be in a certain area of the screen - also definable by user
- Event: Unlock device
Inserting wired Headset opens menu for Phone/Music/Radio selection
- Event: Insert wired headset into phone
- Conditions: Wireless headset is not already paired AND Phone/Music/Radio applications are not already running [in relation to TF3D tab - music is not already playing]
- Action: Open up a dialogue menu for user to select either Phone, Music (user definable music application whether it goes to TF3D Music tab or opens another application like WMP), or Radio application
If I can come up with more suggestions, I will let you know.
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Click to collapse
You understood good custom events mechanism, this some examples of actions which will be possible. Now the challenge is to design a clear user interface to manage custom events.
Wolfblood said:
Hi Schaps,
Here is my idea: Add function key + shake to do more. Like:
1) Hold Down the Vol Down Key + shake horizontal = Play Next Music/SMS/Email/Photo (As user config)
2) Hold Down the Vol Up Key + shake horizontal = Play Previous Music/SMS/Email/Photo (As user config)
3) Hold Down the Action Key [The Round Button] + shake to Right = Move the TouchFLO3D Tab to Next Right Tap
4) Hold Down the Action Key [The Round Button] + shake to Left = Move the TouchFLO3D Tab to Next Left Tap
5) Hold Down the End Key + shake = Close all application
6) Hold Down the Phone Key + shake = Open the Contacts List
7) Hold Down the Back Key [←] + shake = Switch to Next Running application
8) Hold Down the Home Key + shake = Open your favorite application
9) Hold Down the Power Key + shake = Turn the LCD in WHITE and MAX the Backlight, So Diamond become a supper flashlight!
10) When not press any key + Rotation = Auto-Rotation just like GSen
See the Diamond can do a lot of things and iPhone can go back to home
What did you think?
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Click to collapse
I have been working on it, but it's still experimental.
Hi Schaps,
One more things, At point 10) maybe the TouchXperience UI should be have a config manual to list out all installed application in Diamond (Listed on \Windows\Start Menu\Programs\ & \Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Games) Let user choose (Make a tick box?) what application have Auto-Rotation function or not. Because as I try some application is not good or not support Auto-Rotation like below:
- Manila
- Teeter (Game)
- Opera
- htcalbum
- cprog.exe
See you later
Is it possible to skin your interface? If not, would it be possible to make a skin section like ThrottleLauncher has so all you have to do is copy files/install a cab and go to that section and change the skins. Or is all the skining part hardcoded?
schaps thank's for your nice work
i attend the your program
but work on htc elf?
Kraize92 said:
Is it possible to skin your interface? If not, would it be possible to make a skin section like ThrottleLauncher has so all you have to do is copy files/install a cab and go to that section and change the skins. Or is all the skining part hardcoded?
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Click to collapse
That'd be quite a treat for users to be able to customize skins. +1 for skinnable interface!

