Is it possible!?!? - JAMin, XDA Neo, S200 General

Hi all!
I'd like to configure the std button to open contact and/or calendar in order to do some action (create new sms for example!) or open some app. when press and hold... is it possible?
Any simple app that make just that?

Markino: can you explain further? You want to open a particular contact, but in what screen? Contacts or calendar?
Or you want to press the contacts/calendar button and use it to send an sms etc?

Sorry, for my terrible English...
I'd like to press and hold the calender or contact button and associate the "press and hold" to do somethink like "create new sms"...
P.S: I'd like a easy way to create new sms.

VJPhoneTools will do this. There is another way, but they're both just as difficult.
You could also use the app on this forum, SmartKey or something, to give you a "new" menu on the Today screen, to create new sms etc. Very very good app.

yes it's possible. And much more:
- Run Application
- Emulate keypress of Enter (Action), Esc and up/down/left/right keys
- Emulate standard application buttons
- "Virtual Application Button": Being specified as keypress action, "Virtual button" appears in standard Start -> Settings -> Buttons setup dialog and may be assigned here.
- Volume up/down
- Emulate Soft Keys
- Close (terminate) active application
- Switch next application
- Task Manager with charge level / memory summary info. Task manager may be operated with directional pad (up/down - choose application, left/action - switch to, right - terminate) or finger/stylus. You may apply filters to hide annoying applications (e.g. Phone)
- Ok/Close
- Start Menu
- Switch Display Off/On. Once you switch display OFF you may turn it back ON by the same keypress event or simply pressing Power On button.
- Switch BlueTooth Off/On
- Switch WiFi Off/On
- Vibration mode Off/On (WM5 only)
- Turn Off PDA
- Soft-Reset PDA (Soft Reset)
- Screen rotation
- Drop DialUp connections
- Disable "Power Off device if not used..."
- Switch to Today screen
- Clipboard operations: Select All / Copy / Cut / Paste
- Memory Monitor
- Battery Monitor/Uptime Forecast. It will show battery voltage/current/temperature if corresponding sensors are available
- Current Date/Time
- Pop-up menu with important AEBPlus actions. This feature is available in activated version only
- Any built-in action may be initiated by shortcut calling aebplus.exe with corresponding command line parameter

Markino said:
Hi all!
I'd like to configure the std button to open contact and/or calendar in order to do some action (create new sms for example!) or open some app. when press and hold... is it possible?
Any simple app that make just that?
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Why not do it using voice activation i start my msgs excel and calender using voice activation


MDA PRO - How to change default assigned status bar function

By status bar functions I mean the functions that appear on the bottom line either side of the keybaord icon.
On my MDA PRO these are Messages and Calender.
I would prefer contacts.
Not found anywhere ,where this is set.
What would be nice is if the bar that displays these functions was transparant.
But you have a contacts button available. Why do you want two?
Here is a possible solution:
Open your registry
Change the (default) key from Messages to Contacts
Change the Open key from \windows\htcmessages.exe to \windows\start menu\contacts
Contacts button?
Well I have had a few too many glasses of wine this lunch time.
Just turned on my PDA (MDA PRO)
It screen out , eg folded with screen visible and keypad hidden.
Screen is on. Where is the contact button? I have to go into Phone to get to contacts?
I may re assign the camera button, but want to change the options at the bottom of the screen. I can reach them with my thumb.
FYI on the O2 XDA Exec I have the following keys:
Open "\windows\calendar.lnk"
OldOpen "Calendar.exe"
Default "Calendar"
Whic gives me left soft key 'Calendar'
Where does the right soft key 'Contacts' get set?
I think you have had one too many this lunch time.
Along the top of the keyboard you have:
button 1 - open phone
button 2 - messages
button 3 - contacts
button 4 - video phone
button 5 - calendar
button 6 - close phone
What keyboard, my phone is screen out, keyboard hidden.
As I highlighted, I want a fast button / task bar option for contacts , without twisting to reveal keyboard.
Sorry GDawes it must have been me that had one to many sherberts at lunch time:
Anyway here is what you need to do!
Open your registry
Change the (default) key from Messages to Contacts
Change the Open key from \windows\htcmessages.exe to \windows\Appbuttons\Contacts.lnk
Soft reset

Copy/paste under hardware key?

I am using the smartkey program to hold the softkeys to enter startscreen.
Now I am looking for an option or a program to copy/paste and to put it under the message button.
Or does anybody knows a program that only gives the option to cut/copy/paste.
With this my phone would be perfectly tunned.
aage said:
I am using the smartkey program to hold the softkeys to enter startscreen.
Now I am looking for an option or a program to copy/paste and to put it under the message button.
Or does anybody knows a program that only gives the option to cut/copy/paste.
With this my phone would be perfectly tunned.
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If the context menu of the program contains copy and paste, you can hold the center key of the 5-ways navigator to popup the context menu.
Hi Water,
Thanks, but not all programs have that option. That's why I like to have a program like that.
Right now i'm using Magicbutton but that doesn't have that function. GSMagic had it but I like Magicbutton better. So now I need the copy/past function.
You can try Xbar which is under the D-Pad. It opens up a screen in which you can select the running task but also shortcuts to programs of your liking and there are shortcuts ready for copy and paste and cut.
You can use PQz to map a hardware key (I use the Windows-key) to CTRL, so that you can use ctrl-c, ctrl-v etc.
I think... just speculating here.. that they are more looking for...
press button - it copies whatever is the active selection
press button again - it pastes whatever is on the clipboard
Not sure, though... ctrl+c / ctrl+v works with the SIP, with that tool it works with the hardware keyboard, and if you're working with the sip - and thus a stylus - you can often just tap-and-hold and choose copy from the context menu.
PHM Keys comes with cut copy paste.
Use a button mapper to do as ZeBoxx says, if it's what you need, and you'll have quick access to said functions.
I'm using PQZ now. With TAB as CTRL. WIN would not work together with smartkey, because hold button 1 is the same hex number as WIN.
But this program is realy good.
My Solution to this...
I have a slightly hacked up copy of PHM Keys (couldn't get it to install on my 8125, so I hacked it off of a WM2003 device) that I'm using to solve this problem.
In my Start Menu I have three icons - "Object Copy", "Object Cut", and "Object Paste" (PHM Keys) so whenever I have something highlighted I click my (smartskey modified) Start Menu soft button, scroll down a slot or three with the 5-way, and select the copy/cut/paste operation I need.
When the KB is open it's even quicker Start-o Start-b Start-j respectively. Another plus is this works in nearly EVERY situation where you can highlight something. Sometimes the other options (context menus, SIP kbds, etc.) don't work everywhere.
Now some may not want to waste three Start Menu slots, but I have Tray launch filled with my apps, still have 4 Start Menu slots available, and all my non-soft buttons are mapped to one app or another, so I'm cool with them.
Plus I have my SIP pop-up KB completely disabled (I hate it's "intrusiveness" and only use the HW KB in landscape mode) so in portrait mode I had *NO* way to copy/cut/paste and had to devise something.
Good Luck
I've updated VJKeyPress to add -cut, -copy, -paste.
On my website.

Custom events/profile manager - user interface design

As some of you already know, I'm working on a touch UI ( which will include an integrated profile manager. But it won't be a simple profile manager, it will allow you to create what I called "Custom Events", to execute predefined actions when a certain event occurs.
I would like to hear suggestions or advises from software design experts as well as end users about how should be designed user interface.
The principle is simple, each custom event is defined by:
A basic event (application changed, location changed, new message, new incoming call, battery charging, device cradled, headset connected, Wi-Fi network detected, internet connection detected, keyboard open,...)
Eventually some conditions (date/time, current application, current location, specific words in message, caller identity,...)
An action (launch application, display notification, enable flight mode, turn on Wi-Fi, change profile, send message,...)
There will be hundreds of events and actions, so possibilities are very large! Here are some examples:​
Enable flight mode during nights
Connect to Wi-Fi while battery is charging
Deactivate alarm when I turn my device face down
Put phone in silent mode at workplace
Remind me to buy bread when I’m near to the bakery
Events, conditions and actions may eventually need some additional info: specific time, application to launch, bluetooth mode (on/off/visible), active application title, message text,...
Also there may be an option to revert back some executed actions, for example:
If you defined a custom event to set max brightness in media player, it will set default brightness once active application changed
If you defined a custom event to turn on WiFi when device is charging, it will turn off WiFi when it's not charging anymore
There will be some predefined custom events that you can activate and customize (commonly used custom events, to be determined, in this way you don't have to create them from scratch).
Finally, you can create profiles and switch between different profiles in one touch. Each profile defines some system settings: volume, ringtones, connections, backlight brightness,...
The user interface should cover any type of usage, for novice or advanced users, so it must be simple but powerful. And of course, it must be finger-friendly!
Don't hesitate if you have any suggestion regarding user interface design or mechanism in general. Thank you!
just wifi
you are smarter than me.
your imagination is stronger than mine.
dreaming from empty is impossible for me.
i would be happy trying out what you offer, when you feel it is ready for that.
at least then i could have base line.
the events you describe when phone is in certain positions (orientation) is
is unbelievable to me.. Majic
when my phone detects wifi, it would be fine if it connects to prescribed known network. if none available, then the strongest Open one would be choice.
and so forth down the tree..
im sorry to start the clutter of useless posts here and you can delete if you want.
as thousands who know you better, i am very anxious for your release..
EDIT EDIT :: i do have one question.. with all these options, how many minutes will many battery last?
even 60min?
Nice idea!
I would love to have this app replace "phonealarm"! Will it be possible to have multiple alarms? I really would love it when my phone would ring every 5 minutes if I have an unread message/missed call. This is one of the most important features. Are You planning on implementing such an option?
This may be implemented in a future version.
Definitely some timed events ie:
From 9 am to 5 pm (typical US workday) the phone goes to vibrate.
From 11 pm to 6 am the phone goes silent for people sleeping.
Is it possible to program the sound to turn on 1 minute before an alarm so that you don't have to keep the sound on the whole time just for the alarm?
That's all I got so far.
- If a meeting is scheduled in the calendar, the phone should set itself to vibrate during the meeting and turn the ringer back on when the meeting is over.
- Activesync.exe can be killed as soon as the phone is unplugged from the USB cable.
- The interface can change its skin depending on the amount of light (Diamond's light sensor can be used) or time of day. (Darker environment = Darker skin so its easy on the eyes)
a few things
1. it is gorgeous! I have never seen an interface like that and I would love for it to be in any rom that comes out. That said
will this be released on legacy devices (titan specifically)
2. I assume also the menu will have scrolling elements
I have more technical questions though but this is a start
Good to see you're taking suggestions from everyone from designers, engineers and everyday users to advanced users. I have some suggestions which I'll just throw out there [some may be stupid but brainstorming works wonders with intuition and innovation]
Rotate to Activate Camera
- Event: Rotate device to landscape (whatever degree it is)
- Condition: Whilst in Home screen (or in any other screen in TF3D - not limited to just Home and which can be customized by the user as to which screens this will be enabled)
- Execute: Camera Application
Stylus Retrieval Activates Notepad:
- Event: Remove stylus from device
- Conditions: Only when in stand-by mode
- Execute: Unlock device > Open Notepad application
Alternative means of unlocking device
- Event: Double tap screen OR Long pressure hold of thumb/finger on screen - amount of pressure to be defined by user and being able to define this will ensure that accidental unlocks do not occur (e.g. whilst in pocket)
- Condition: Device locked AND Double taps/long holds on screen must be in a certain area of the screen - also definable by user
- Event: Unlock device
Inserting wired Headset opens menu for Phone/Music/Radio selection
- Event: Insert wired headset into phone
- Conditions: Wireless headset is not already paired AND Phone/Music/Radio applications are not already running [in relation to TF3D tab - music is not already playing]
- Action: Open up a dialogue menu for user to select either Phone, Music (user definable music application whether it goes to TF3D Music tab or opens another application like WMP), or Radio application
If I can come up with more suggestions, I will let you know.
hey i think the best thing for you to indigrate into your beautiful ui would be the lock and unlock screen of the Android OS (if possible)
here is the link
Great idea! I've been playing with automatically switching to silent mode when I'm in the vicinity of some cellular towers since 2001, never got it to work though
From a technical design perspective: I would strongly suggest that your application only registers itself to those events the user specified in some configuration. If your program is going to listen to all possible types of events at all times, it will become slow and battery draining. Your program should hook to events as necessary. You could check which events to hook to as soon as configuration changes. You could disable a hook to a specific event once all occurrences of actions listening for that event are done (to check on the moment the event action is executed), such as a one-time alarm.
Keep up the good word, I'm curious about the results in the future
- Daan
Edit: oops, you're asking for user interface design comments. Ghe, look at Apple? Nah, what I've seen from the videos the new interface looks very promising. For the profiles, you might consider letting the user configure some events very user friendly, like enabling some default often-used actions, and let specific events (such as defining the location of the bakery store) be entered by having to draw a stylus (if much user input is required).
Noooo!!! Schaps this is awesome! I hope I'm within 30 days to get a refund on Spb Phone Suite !
Hi Schaps,
Here is my idea: Add function key + shake to do more. Like:
1) Hold Down the Vol Down Key + shake horizontal = Play Next Music/SMS/Email/Photo (As user config)
2) Hold Down the Vol Up Key + shake horizontal = Play Previous Music/SMS/Email/Photo (As user config)
3) Hold Down the Action Key [The Round Button] + shake to Right = Move the TouchFLO3D Tab to Next Right Tap
4) Hold Down the Action Key [The Round Button] + shake to Left = Move the TouchFLO3D Tab to Next Left Tap
5) Hold Down the End Key + shake = Close all application
6) Hold Down the Phone Key + shake = Open the Contacts List
7) Hold Down the Back Key [←] + shake = Switch to Next Running application
8) Hold Down the Home Key + shake = Open your favorite application
9) Hold Down the Power Key + shake = Turn the LCD in WHITE and MAX the Backlight, So Diamond become a supper flashlight!
10) When not press any key + Rotation = Auto-Rotation just like GSen
See the Diamond can do a lot of things and iPhone can go back to home
What did you think?
Can you make it so that the phone can be set to turn on and off automatically like a blackberry?
Backwards compatibility and another idea
Will this be backwards compatible in any way in order to use on the Wing/Herald, until I can convince the wife that the HTC Diamond is the way to go...not the idrone?
Second, how about the ability for the phone to activate a specific program or two when it detects my bluetooth gps in the vicinity? Or to go to a specific mode when my bluetooth headset connects and to port all audio to the headset (another program activation)?
Maybe to activate a program, like a mapping program when the gps is active and moving over 20 mph... like an automatic navigation system.
The biggest feature is the automatic profile changes... screen brightness, volume, ringtone, maybe a program, based on time of day or location.
It must also never interfere with the regular operation : Phonealarm would make my screen go blank when I looked at incoming messages. It would then interfere with the solid orange "charging" light quite often, making me wonder if my cord was bad.
Huey85 said:
Good to see you're taking suggestions from everyone from designers, engineers and everyday users to advanced users. I have some suggestions which I'll just throw out there [some may be stupid but brainstorming works wonders with intuition and innovation]
Rotate to Activate Camera
- Event: Rotate device to landscape (whatever degree it is)
- Condition: Whilst in Home screen (or in any other screen in TF3D - not limited to just Home and which can be customized by the user as to which screens this will be enabled)
- Execute: Camera Application
Stylus Retrieval Activates Notepad:
- Event: Remove stylus from device
- Conditions: Only when in stand-by mode
- Execute: Unlock device > Open Notepad application
Alternative means of unlocking device
- Event: Double tap screen OR Long pressure hold of thumb/finger on screen - amount of pressure to be defined by user and being able to define this will ensure that accidental unlocks do not occur (e.g. whilst in pocket)
- Condition: Device locked AND Double taps/long holds on screen must be in a certain area of the screen - also definable by user
- Event: Unlock device
Inserting wired Headset opens menu for Phone/Music/Radio selection
- Event: Insert wired headset into phone
- Conditions: Wireless headset is not already paired AND Phone/Music/Radio applications are not already running [in relation to TF3D tab - music is not already playing]
- Action: Open up a dialogue menu for user to select either Phone, Music (user definable music application whether it goes to TF3D Music tab or opens another application like WMP), or Radio application
If I can come up with more suggestions, I will let you know.
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You understood good custom events mechanism, this some examples of actions which will be possible. Now the challenge is to design a clear user interface to manage custom events.
Wolfblood said:
Hi Schaps,
Here is my idea: Add function key + shake to do more. Like:
1) Hold Down the Vol Down Key + shake horizontal = Play Next Music/SMS/Email/Photo (As user config)
2) Hold Down the Vol Up Key + shake horizontal = Play Previous Music/SMS/Email/Photo (As user config)
3) Hold Down the Action Key [The Round Button] + shake to Right = Move the TouchFLO3D Tab to Next Right Tap
4) Hold Down the Action Key [The Round Button] + shake to Left = Move the TouchFLO3D Tab to Next Left Tap
5) Hold Down the End Key + shake = Close all application
6) Hold Down the Phone Key + shake = Open the Contacts List
7) Hold Down the Back Key [←] + shake = Switch to Next Running application
8) Hold Down the Home Key + shake = Open your favorite application
9) Hold Down the Power Key + shake = Turn the LCD in WHITE and MAX the Backlight, So Diamond become a supper flashlight!
10) When not press any key + Rotation = Auto-Rotation just like GSen
See the Diamond can do a lot of things and iPhone can go back to home
What did you think?
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I have been working on it, but it's still experimental.
Hi Schaps,
One more things, At point 10) maybe the TouchXperience UI should be have a config manual to list out all installed application in Diamond (Listed on \Windows\Start Menu\Programs\ & \Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Games) Let user choose (Make a tick box?) what application have Auto-Rotation function or not. Because as I try some application is not good or not support Auto-Rotation like below:
- Manila
- Teeter (Game)
- Opera
- htcalbum
- cprog.exe
See you later
Is it possible to skin your interface? If not, would it be possible to make a skin section like ThrottleLauncher has so all you have to do is copy files/install a cab and go to that section and change the skins. Or is all the skining part hardcoded?
schaps thank's for your nice work
i attend the your program
but work on htc elf?
Kraize92 said:
Is it possible to skin your interface? If not, would it be possible to make a skin section like ThrottleLauncher has so all you have to do is copy files/install a cab and go to that section and change the skins. Or is all the skining part hardcoded?
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That'd be quite a treat for users to be able to customize skins. +1 for skinnable interface!

[APP][Updt 08/09/2009] DredSensor v1.3a - Allow you to personalize Hard Key Actions

DredSensor v1.3a:
Now DredSensor should be compatible with other device than HTC Touch Diamond.
Historically, if you have tried to play a game needing left and right key on an HTC Touch Diamond, you noticed that they are 2mm wide and if you click next to it, you get back to home page or to dialing menu etc...
So I've written a prog allowing you to lock these 4 keys actions and replace it by classical key event (VK_LEFT, VK_RIGHT, ...).
In that way you can play tetris, and use "Pick-Up" and "Hang-Up" keys for going left and right.
I extended it to let you configure each app independantly, and choose between four (five) mode:
"HardKeySimul": replace the 4 keyz by classical key event
"Launcher": allow you to quicklaunch 4 app (that you define in the config wnd) when you double tap (not click, just tap) on one of those 4 keyz
"Scroll": allow you to scroll the current window by tapping those 4 keyz panel
"KeySimul": allow you to send left/right/up/down events by tapping those 4 keyz panel
"--- Disabled ---": Disable specific HTC Touch Diamond Sensor functionalities.
Now, i've added an alternative Key Mapping, that let you map an action (or another key) on normal click and long click event on any other key that the up-described four.
So if you don't have an HTC Touch Diamond, the only mode you can choose is "--- Disabled ---" but you can define "other key mapping".
Link ->: DredSensor-v1.3a
To use it, you need:
1) A Windows Mobile SmartPhone
2) Install the .cab
3) Reboot your SmartPhone
4) Run a game (or app or ...)
5) Get your stylus out and back-in, in less than 1 second
6) Click "Yes"
----- A config window opens:
7) Choose the Type you want.
8) Reassign the actions to the events, if needed.
9) Assign "other key mapping", if needed.
10) Click "Ok"
Other Key Mapping:
To add a key mapping, a popup opens and ask you to press a key.
If you want to assign an action to normal clic, just clic on the choosen key.
If you want to assign an action to long clic, clic more thant 1 sec on the choosen key.
Then you have to choose the action, and it's done.
If you only assign an action to a long clic on a key, a short clic on this key should work transparently.
Have fun.
If you like this program, feel free to donate:
Version history:
New features in v1.3a:
Added an alternative key mapping that Should be compatible with any Windows Mobile device.
Added the "KeepAlive" option. Check this if you want DredSensor to prevent the smartphone to sleep when this application is loaded.
Added possibility to Enable/Disable DredSensor:
Exemple of C++ code to do this:
HWND m_hDredSensorWnd=FindWindow(_T("DredSensorWnd"),NULL);
New features in v1.2g:
Fixes a few bugs
Fix the bug in config window when loading prog list
Added a debug mode:
For activating it, just launch DredSensorDebug.exe (in /Program Files/DredSensor).
First it will tell you if DredSensor is running or not.
If it's running, it will activate/deactivate the debug mode so you will find a log in /Program Files/DredSensor/Log
If you have trouble with DredSensor:
Restart your HTC
Launch DredSensorDebug (to activate log)
Wait for DredSensor to stop working
Launch DredSensorDebug to know if it's still runing or not.
PM me the log, the config.ini and a description of the problem.
New features in v1.2b:
Tried to fix the conflicts with TouchLockPro and similar, hope it works (thanks for those who can check this out)
New features in v1.2:
Fix "not working bug" with new ROMs
Allow you to choose wether you block the scrolling wheel or not
Allow you to disable the vibrator effect.
Allow you to delete configs.
If you upgrade to this version, you can keep your config file.
To define a profile that applies on every applications, launch config tool and edit "Default" config.
If the key you want to affect is not listed, you can define it manually:
Type "Key:[email protected]@", with @@ = VKey code of the key you want to affect.
You can find VKey code list on :
DredSensor v1.1d:
Link ->: DredSensor-v1.1d
New features in v1.1d:
Let you choose which Key/Action you affect to each key.
Launcher Mode let you affect an Action for:
Double Tap event
Click event
Long click event
An icon for config tool is created in Program list.
Cache Program List for quick loading in Config window.
Fixes a few bug from v1.1, v1.1b and v1.1c
If you upgrade to this version, your config file will be cleared (sorry ).
To define a profile that applies on every applications, launch config tool and edit "Default" config.
If the key you want to affect is not listed, you can define it manually:
Type "Key:[email protected]@", with @@ = VKey code of the key you want to affect.
You can find VKey code list on :
the app is working good for me now! I just love the scrolling with only a touch on the d-pad
Thank you!!
I suggest you stop making a new thread for every new version and instead update your original thread and post that you've updated it.
After installing and lunch program .... i cannot see any of EVENTS on Events tab. Windows "wait gif" is rolling all the time and nothing happen :/ (i talk about mapping under HardKeySimul
Kraize said:
I suggest you stop making a new thread for every new version and instead update your original thread and post that you've updated it.
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That's what i wanted to do but i didn't found a way to update the post title...
Is there one?
thanx for the update I'll try it and report
Thanks for the new version! And thanks for adding the OK button command!
Seems to be working better than the last version although pressing the back key (which I have mapped to click right) a few times in quick succession does seem to send a back command. Pressing the home key in quick succession doesn't have this problem.
Also, I can't get the scroll wheel to work despite leaving the "Block scrolling wheel" box unchecked. Am I doing something wrong?
antlane said:
Thanks for the new version! And thanks for adding the OK button command!
Seems to be working better than the last version although pressing the back key (which I have mapped to click right) a few times in quick succession does seem to send a back command. Pressing the home key in quick succession doesn't have this problem.
Also, I can't get the scroll wheel to work despite leaving the "Block scrolling wheel" box unchecked. Am I doing something wrong?
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Hmm.. For the scrolling wheel, i use a tricky solution that works on my HTC touch diamond. May be it doesn't work on your model or on your rom version...
If someone have an idea on how to send a "ZoomIn" or "ZoomOut" event to a window (or how to develop an application that catch ZoomIn and ZoomOut events), that would help a lot...
As far as i studied the problem, it seems that ZoomIn and ZoomOut events are equal to Up and Down keys, but comming from a "rocker" .. so I can send those Up/Down key events, but no idea of how to tell that this comes from a "rocker" (and i don't even have an idea of what a "rocker" is...)
Wow, this is great! I am still loving the ability to remap my home key (and the others), and I really like the new scroll wheel feature. Actually, for me, instead of zooming in some apps, it now seems to scroll just about everywhere -- which is perfect, I like that more anyway.
Is there any way to donate or buy you a cup of coffee? I'd like to as a thank-you.
What an absolutely brilliant program!
Thank you very much Dredger97!
ldrn said:
Wow, this is great! I am still loving the ability to remap my home key (and the others), and I really like the new scroll wheel feature. Actually, for me, instead of zooming in some apps, it now seems to scroll just about everywhere -- which is perfect, I like that more anyway.
Is there any way to donate or buy you a cup of coffee? I'd like to as a thank-you.
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Well if you insist , i've added a donate link in the first post...
Big thanks to all for your positive and constructive comments
TF3D and DredSensor don't play nice together
This program is awesome! You can do so much with it! However, I am having one small issue with it. It appears that if I use it on Manilla [TF3D], that it works initially, but over time it seems to stop working and ends up freezing Manilla. The start icon still works, all the unmapped hardware keys still work and the task bar is still live. Only Manilla is frozen. If I don't map any keys on Manilla, it works fine for hours. But it only takes about 1 or 2 hours before there is a freeze on Manilla.
Any thoughts on how to correct this? I would love to use this program from my Home screen on Manilla.
Long click event → vibrate/nomal
i want "Long click event" of Endkey to set vibrate/nomal.
how edit setting?
sorry for my english!
downloaded v1.2, opened resco picture viewer,Got stylus out and back-in, in less than 1 second, tapped yes.
than for type i choosed disabled, but nothing, every time i press any hw key it does what it need to do(home to home, back for back, hangup close..)
what am i doing wrong??
intel286 said:
downloaded v1.2, opened resco picture viewer,Got stylus out and back-in, in less than 1 second, tapped yes.
than for type i choosed disabled, but nothing, every time i press any hw key it does what it need to do(home to home, back for back, hangup close..)
what am i doing wrong??
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Well, disabled means "DredSensor is disabled" so it's normal that your hw key do what it's supposed to.
If you want to disable the hard key, you can:
- set Type: Launcher
- set "Click" action = "Misc:Nothing" on one of the keys.
So it will catch the hard key action, and do nothing when you click on it.
For me it doesn`t work :/ windows "Wait" gif is always apperaing when i want to add new Event. :/ And there is no Events on the list ...
tried that but same when i press home it goes to home
i have tried that on wmp.
is this program always turned on,now when i remove and than get back in stylus no menu pops up?!?
Great Job!
the app finally works on my pda! so glad you solved this bug!
But I still have a little problem...the app runs fine, when I start the buttons work with the function that I chose, but after the first time I use it it crashes and stops to work. Am I the only one with this problem?
Dredger, I asked in the last thread, but didn't get a response.
As far as mapping other buttons goes, could you post a quick example of what I would type in the config.ini to map the center D-pad button to act as the "left" button.
I realize the buttons commands are listed in the link you provided in your first post, but I'm having a little bit of trouble figuring this out.
Great app btw.
I'm gonna have to have another go at this... For some reason I just can't wrap my head around the setup of the program.

[ROM 1.48] Button assginment?!

Hi people,
I'm using the 1.48 ROM and was trying to assign the handsets buttons to
applications via the windows native settings application (i.e. Start -> Settings
-> Personal -> Buttons).
Unfortuanely, the list with buttons is empty, so I cannot assign any application
(would want to use the voicecmd app). Is there a workaround to make the
volume control buttons appear in the list or assign the volume down button to
any desired .exe on the device?
Thanks. mc7
mcseven said:
Hi people,
I'm using the 1.48 ROM and was trying to assign the handsets buttons to
applications via the windows native settings application (i.e. Start -> Settings
-> Personal -> Buttons).
Unfortuanely, the list with buttons is empty, so I cannot assign any application
(would want to use the voicecmd app). Is there a workaround to make the
volume control buttons appear in the list or assign the volume down button to
any desired .exe on the device?
Thanks. mc7
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You can try to use AEButtons or SPB Pocket Plus..... but I think that in 1.48 ROMs voicecmd isn't included.
OR if you update to 1.61 voicecmd is already assigned to SEND button!
