rk-Sleep: Automatic phone switch off/on based on location. - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Ok, here is the (Cell Tower ID) location based Sleep Management software (earlier called phone switcher).
Saves your battery and works automatically without any manual action once configured
Application is not memory resident so it does not keep running in the background. Does not write anything to registry etc so can be uninstalled cleanly.
Application can run in one of the following modes
• Flight Mode: System automatically switches to flight mode when you are at predefined location (Say Home) based on the time you setup. So when you are at home, say from 10:00 PM to morning 6:00 AM your phone is really sleeping so no one can call your mobile. But if you are not home, then phone remains ON even at night.
• Run Command*: You can configure separate command line applications while ‘entering’ and ‘exiting’ your Sleep Location. So if you want to perform some other actions such as enabling the sounds/vibrations/forwarding etc you need to configure this feature
Run Command* Notes:
• Run command has two settings
o Entering sleep location​o Exiting sleep location.​• Either browse for the command line application or copy paste the short cuts on the file and any command line parameters
• Some programs require you to ‘Wake Up’ the device to run, so if needed use that option
• ‘Wait for completion’ is only for advanced configurations. Most of the time it will hang the application. So use if you absolutely need it.
• You can test your run commands from the ‘Test’ menu.
Update history
Update 1.0.3
• Bug Fixed : If you were out of sleep location and returned to sleep location after 12 mid night(with in the sleep period) application would skip the current sleep.
Update 1.0.2
• Better user friendly UI added
• Now the application supports running an external application on command line.
Update 1.0.1
• Multiple locations on the schedule: If you want to set more than one location as you 'Sleep Location' you can do it now.
• Now if you were not at home at set time, system will keep polling based on the poll time you specify. So as soon as you reach home your phone will be switched off.
• If you turned on your phone manually after the rk-Sleep set it to flight mode, then your phone remains on till next scheduled sleep session
It is working on Hermes(WM6), and I have tested it on WM5 emulators. Will NOT work on WM2003.
Setup Instructions:
• You need to be at ‘Sleep Location’ to setup the application.
• In the ‘Locations’ tab, the current location box shows some numbers corresponding to your location.
• Click the button ‘Set as Sleep location’ to add current location as your sleep location. You can add multiple locations as sleep locations.
• On the ‘Schedules’ tab configure the ‘From’ and ‘To’ time fields. (You need to specify time in military time format)
• From the tab ‘Action’ choose if you want to use flight mode or Run Command (you need to set up your enter and exit actions)
• Finally click ‘Enabled’ and click the ‘Save’ menu
That’s all now you are set for ‘Sleep’. You can safely exit rk-Sleep.
The status tab would show you the last action attempt log
Note: This application requires Compact Framework 2.0
You need compact framework 2.0 installed inorder to run this application. The compact framework is already part of WM6, so if your device is WM6 skip this step. But most of the WM5 devices do not have this update. So you must download here and run the installation on your desktop (then active sync to update your device). Only after completing this step install the application.
If you like the application please show your support by replies and or donation on paypal
Download from here

Update 1.0.1
Multiple location on the schedule: If you want to set more than one location as you 'Sleep Location' you can do it now. On the sleep location box bring the context menu up, and choose 'Append to location' now add the new location to the list. You can add any number of sleep locations!
Now if you were not at home at set time, system will keep polling based on the poll time you specify. So as soon as you reach home your phone will be switched off.
If you turned on your phone manually after the rk-Sleep set it to flight mode, then your phone remains on till next scheduled sleep session

With this program there would be still another interesting option which one to insert could.
It would thus not have to be possible the flight mode to activate automatically with enters a stored potition dependent on the time.
If someone works in a hospital, he needs to store only the position and every time it is in the hospital the flight mode switched on.
That one could not do also at others locates to use at those handys permitted or desired is I thinks there also of cemeteries.

Great idea!
Is it perhaps possible to tirgger an application (or better: mortscript) upon entering a given location?
(I use mortscript to change call profiles, by copying sound files to overwrite the soundfiles I assigned as ringtones for various contacts. So if I set a "work" profile, the ringtones for different people are overwritten with a soundfile that contains silence, while others are made more discrete. It would be great to be able to automate this!)

Instead of enabling flight mode, why not just disabling sound or enabling vibrate only mode?

V J said:
Great idea!
Is it perhaps possible to tirgger an application (or better: mortscript) upon entering a given location?
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I do not know about mortscripts, but if i make application to run some other exe(say with some command line, Will the mortscript be able to change sound settings, call forwarding etc?

tytnguy said:
... but if i make application to run some other exe(say with some command line, Will the mortscript be able to change sound settings, call forwarding etc?
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Yes, it should be able to do that. Also, maybe it is better to write it this way, and have your "flight mode application" written as a seperate program to be triggered by your tower-based software. In this way, others can contribute to write any other programs (as plugins) to yours. Anyway, AFAIK, Mortscript can do most of the job and or VJ (not the one above) has some nice collection that you can paired with yours.
Next you can write some scheduling software that will run an application whenever there is a 'Busy' (e.g. meeting) in your schedule (e.g. activate vibrate only mode). Then, with your tower-based software and your scheduling software, you can have a nested tower-schedule, while others can have a bluetooth-pairing based (e.g. execute software when near a paired bt device - change mode when inside your car), then you can stack all these together that will schedule your stuff based on tower-schedule-bt pairing.. WOW... too much software engineering makes you crazy.

Very nice software, but pls if You can, make a addon to change profile based on id, that would be nice. Something like: when i go to work (cell id: XX) phone change profile to vibrate/silent, but when i go back to home phone (cell id:YY) will change profile to loud.

drivex said:
Very nice software, but pls if You can, make a addon to change profile based on id, that would be nice. Something like: when i go to work (cell id: XX) phone change profile to vibrate/silent, but when i go back to home phone (cell id:YY) will change profile to loud.
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Yes I know that is where this software will lead to(Hopefully)
But to support multiple locations the progrma gets too complex. But I know that will be a perfect applicaton!

@VJ: I think using mortscript with the tool would defeat the purpose of the tool, because with mortscript you don't need the tool (The current tower, or BTS as I should refer to it to, is available in registry I think)
@tytnguy: kudos to you, great streak with so many useful programs.

Update 1.0.2
• Better user friendly UI added
• Now the application supports running an external application on command line.
• You can configure separate command line application while ‘entering’ and ‘exiting’ your Sleep Location
More info on the main thread.

Great Application that seems to work perfectly. I can see myself using it to help save on battery life.. and also when I enter work where I cant have the phone on.
Don't suppose you'd share how you get the tower information? I tried a method posted on the forums but it doesn't work for me and only works when the data/voice is not connected.
I tried to implement this into an application I use as a backup to give a rough location if GPS location isnt available but never managed to read a sensible string for the towers ID.
(If you'd rather not say I understand fully)

Great!, make a profile changer based on location also, that will be awesome

Update 1.0.3
• Bug Fixed : If you were out of sleep location and returned to sleep location after 12 mid night(with in the sleep period) application would skip the current sleep.

I LOVE it, actually I've been looking for something like this every since I switched from my Nokia communicator 9000
2 suggestions
1- would it be possible to "rename" locations to something more intuitive?
2- I'd like to be able to trigger an alarm on entering a location that way if u are on a train your phone can wake u up when you reach your destination

ArcticCat said:
I LOVE it, actually I've been looking for something like this every since I switched from my Nokia communicator 9000
2 suggestions
1- would it be possible to "rename" locations to something more intuitive?
2- I'd like to be able to trigger an alarm on entering a location that way if u are on a train your phone can wake u up when you reach your destination
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Thanks for the reply,
But right now the application just supports one location, So you are not able to do multiple locations. If you use the slot of managing only alarms its fine. But if you want to do alarm and also in some other location some other action you can not.
But i have that featrue in my list though
To do it, right now you have to set to 'Run Mode' and in the run mode specify any media file, On entering your location the media will be played.

Hi tytnguy,
found a "mini minor" bug in latest version 1.0.3...
If you just append a new location and change nothin other
the Save function don't gets active and so if you just press
OK the new location won't saved and neither the window don't
pop up asking wether you want to save or not.
So you have always to tap any other function on/off additionally
to be able to save Hope you understand this
Next step in version profiles would be great
Best regards,

Olioaglio said:
Hi tytnguy,
If you just append a new location and change nothin other
the Save function don't gets active and so if you just press
OK the new location won't saved and neither the window don't
pop up asking wether you want to save or not.
So you have always to tap any other function on/off additionally
to be able to save Hope you understand this
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Understood, For now to enable the save button you can Uncheck and Check the 'Enable' checkbox as you suggested
Olioaglio said:
Next step in version profiles would be great
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I know others also requested it, but what type of 'Profile' you are asking for? Is it changes the sound profiles to change between different sound modes? Or change lot of options such as sound+wifi+bluetooth+backlight+....etc?

tytnguy said:
Understood, For now to enable the save button you can Uncheck and Check the 'Enable' checkbox as you suggested
I know others also requested it, but what type of 'Profile' you are asking for? Is it changes the sound profiles to change between different sound modes? Or change lot of options such as sound+wifi+bluetooth+backlight+....etc?
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I would like location based profiles with different schedule times,
so that you could e.g. install a "Home location" with flightmode from
11pm to 8am (like it is now) and a second profile maybe for work
with flightmode from 12am to 1pm. Or maybe a profile with 24/7 flightmode
on a certain location. Lets say you work in a hospital and while you
enter the lcation phone would turn to flightmode. If you leave phone would
switch on again.
The wifi+bluetooth+beam etc options would be also a geat thing to include
as an option with checkboxes, so one could save even more battery at night
and in sleep location would not be any electro smog.
But for now I can live very good with the program as the main function
works like it should now. One little thing: Found out, that if you reset the
phone within schedule time and phone was turned on (manually) rk-sleep
wont turn it off again. But this may be wanted as not to nag you if you
decide to manually turn on.

What is the Net Compact framework that it needs! I'm running WM5, and it doesn't work on my device and I supose it has got something to do with what I mencioned earlier. Thanks.


[new release] VJPhoneToggle

For those worried about the phone app using too much memory in the background:
WM2003 and WM5 compatible.
This program is used to toggle the phone.
Useful if assigned to a hardware key or a shortcut.
If the phone is open, it will be closed. If it is closed, it will be opened.
Please note, for VGA WM5 users use my VJBigPhone app instead.
This application supports international language versions. By default it will look for the "Phone" window.
If your phone is called something different, launch the application with command line parameters matching the name of the Phone.
eg In German
\program files\vijay555\vjphonetoggle\vjphonetoggle.exe Telefon
After installation you will find a shortcuts in StartMenu > Programs > Vijay555 > VJPhoneToggle.
Check it out on my website!
EDIT: guys I think I made the cab wrong. try the exe for tonight
Any1 got a screenshot how this looks like on a Qtek 9100
q-biq, it literally just closes the phone app. Or launches it. Nothing to see!
I didn't really understood the goal for this tool.
Phone dialer opens easly pressing the TALK button, and closes also easly by tapping on "X" or pressing END button.
For sure this tool is supposed to do something I didn't catch.
However VJ, I'd like to propose you a challenge, for another "similar" toggling tool.
The porpose is: I have a SIM Twincard to use with the mobile phone fixed in my car.
Whenever I power on the car, it is supposed to switch off the mobile phone to avoid SIMs interference. This is simple for a regular phone, but not so practical for a Windows PDA Phone.
You have to:
- switch device on
- tap on 'Radio signal icon'
- tap on 'Turn on flight mode'
And when leaving the car, repeat all again to activate phone.
My idea was a small program to assing to an hard button, which would toggle the 'filght mode' or just GSM radio.
So you have to press just on buuton like switchi.ng the on/off
What do you think?
Conchas: this application was made for mzaslam, under this thread:
He is concerned that the phone app uses quite a lot of memory in the background, even when not in use. Pressing ok just puts it in the background. So VJPhoneToggle fully unloads the phone app when you're finished with it, and loads it again when required.
Re the Flight mode thing: I will have to make this app, but I use a dual sim myself and also use the flightmode off > flightmode on trick to switch sims.
I use PhoneAlarm on my setup. This can be set up to launch from a shortcut to switch profiles, so for my setup I use a today screen shortcut on claunch to switch to flight mode, work, home etc. So for my setup I have three thumb friendly icons to activate profiles on PA. So I can switch easily from Today. Is that ok?
Yes it works.
... but I always hae been looking for a small toggling application, assignable to an hard button.
Conchas: I don't understand. What do you want your hardware button to do? Load/unload an app?
I want my hW button to toggle 'fligth mode' on/off.
Or more exactly the phone radio on/off as the wireless manager does. More precise, as nowadays allmost every PDA phone device supports BT and WiFi.
i.e. I would like to enable/disable the SIM ability to register into the GSM/3G network, in order to avoid interference with a second SIM (twin card), whenver required (e.g. using into a car).
It is not just a matter of the last phone switched on, because when travelling by car, as you move to other network cells, the first phone switched on most likely will take the handover.
Guys, this has been updated to not require an international parameter on the command line.
It should internally support all international versions. I hope!
Conchas, is this what you are looking for? Just copy the exe to your device and bind it to a hardware button.
Great, Koksie
It works!
I'm using it manually.
Can you tell, where to put the '.exe', so it gets visible to assign on the "Settings > Buttons"?
I 've added it to '\Windows', but didn't get it visible.
You don't have to put it in windows. Just make shortcuts to it in the start menu. Any startmenu shortcuts get picked up by the Buttons cpl.
Forget it.
I miss something. In fact it was possible to assign to the buttons, if copied the '.exe' to '\Windows.'
Thanks Koksie

[v1.53][23-Mar-08] ShantzTodayChanger - Timed Wallpaper\THEME Cycler\App Launcher

I've not been getting enough time to work on ShantzTodayChanger anymore (and couple that with the irritation of having to boot into windows just to work into this). The motivation levels are simply not there. I'm trying to see if there is someone willing to take up and continue development for this, so that I can release the source code. If anyone is interested, please drop me a word at the project's home page: Shantz Today Changer Home Page
For queries, bug reports, feature requests, updates and downloads, visit ShantzTodayChanger Home Page
If you like this program, then you can
:: DONATE ::
This small tool will cycle ur today background or theme after a set interval of time.
1. Make a folder on ur device (preferably not on storage card.) and extract all the files (mainly ShantzTodayChanger.exe, TdyChangerCfg.exe, gsgetfile.dll (might not be visible to u depending on ur explorer settings) and Readme.htm) to this folder.
2. IMP: Do not rename any files.
3. Run the TdyChangerCfg.exe.
4. Set options through the dialog that opens and press apply button (Pressing the native WM OK button will discard all your changes)
5. Options:
i)Choose image type (.gif\.jpg\.png) or theme(.tsk) to be cycled.
ii)If the input files (images or themes) are not in the folder where exes are kept, then you can check the box (underneath the .gif option) and give the "FULL and ABSOLUTE" path of where the files are kept. You can either input the path thru keyboard or choose it graphically by pressing the button (...) next to it.
iii)If you want to run a file after every cycle interval, check the corresponding box and provide the "FULL and ABSOLUTE" path of the file to be run. You can either input the path thru keyboard or choose it graphically by pressing the button (...) next to it.
iv) If you want some files to be avoided during cycling, put a file mask. The program will look for this mask to appear anywhere in the name of the files and will avoid it if found. (Wildcards are not supported. Choose time option has to be checked for this to work)
v) Choose the period for which mask option has to be used. If you choose a time period and leave mask as empty, then during that time no cycling will be done. If you want to avoid some files all the time, then time period should be chosen to cover all 24 hrs of the day.
vi)enter the desired interval between cycling of images\themes.
vii)If you choose a period for the mask, another check box (Consider mask period for exe also) will be enabled. Checking this box will mean that the specified exe will be run only if an image\theme is changed during that cycle. If you dont check this, then exe will be run after every cycle even if there is no change in the image\theme.
6. When you want to stop the cycling, press "STOP Cycling" button.
Additional Notes:
1. I've tested it only on my WM6 HTC Wizard and WM5 emulator. Might work with other devices/OS's but not sure...
2. Doesnt have to be running constantly. So saves resources when not active.
3. Survives soft resets as well.
4. Even takes care of the situation if your phone is off when the time to cycle is reached. Will cycle as soon as ur phone comes back on in this situation.
Planned Updates:
i) Suggestions invited. I have a lot of updates in mind but will incorporate those only which are requested by you.
Known Issues:
i) If the mask option is selected, then in a very particular situation, the app will miss a cycle.
This can be taken care of but not in my priority list because this can be fixed only by rewriting the complete cycling code which is quite a bit. So, will fix it if I get some time from my other projects.
ii) If after maknig the configuration, you see the screen flash for a second at the right times, but the backfround doesn't change, then do this:
- Go to : Settings...today....appearance
- un-check "Use this picture as background"
- start the program using "startTodayChanger.lnk" or TdyChangerCfg (Apply button)
(Thnx to CWKJ for reporting this bug and fix, and to eric for reminding me about it)
End Note:
Like every software, this one is also bound to have bugs, please report it asap.
Though ShantzTodayChanger does not run continuously but sometimes some apps that close all processes automatically (like SPB backup) might clash in schedule with ShantzTodayChanger and close it when it starts to run. In such a case (which is quite unlikely), the app might not be able to set a notification for next cycle, so if u face this situation, then run the config again.
Version History:
1.53 - 23-March-08 -> RECOMMENDED UPDATE
i)Theme Color Detection has been improved a lot. Should work much more accurately now.
1.52 - 11-Aug-07 ->
i) Fixed another bug for the "time period" option.
ii) Made a little optimization in the code.
1.51 - 05-Aug-07 ->
i) Fixed a bug which prevented the "time period" option from working properly.
ii) Fixed a bug where wallpapers might not change if certain particular themes were installed before change cycle happens
iii) Fixed a bug where the time period option was not remembered properly by the GUI.
iv) Added option to allow user to choose whether to run the user specified file (exe\lnk) after every cycle interval only if there was a change in image\theme during that cycle.
v) Made a few small changes to the GUI to prevent users from making incorrect settings.
1.50 - 29-July-07 ->MAJOR UPDATE
i) Added option to specify a mask to avoid files having that mask
ii) Added option to specify the time period during which the mask has to be considered
iii) Added code to ensure that if mask is empty and a period is chosen, then no rotation is done during that period.
iv) Added option to run a user specified file after every cycle interval.
v) Fixed bug where the jpg and png options were not working earlier.
vi) Clicking help button now opens help in Pocket Internet Explorer.
vii) Fixed many more subtle bugs that manifest themselves and very peculiar situations.
viii) Optimized the code a bit at a few places.
ix) Also see "Known Issues" section above.
x) Removed the "append to previous info" box as now the app remembers old info correctly.
1.33 - 18-July-07 ->
i)Added code to select the input path graphically. It is a bit of workaround though. To select an input folder, just select any file inside it in the select folder dialog.
ii)TdyChgrCfg now shows you the previous settings.
1.32 - 21-Jun-07 ->
i) Fixed a bug where sometimes on cycling themes, colors change but images do not change.
ii) Added a measure to avoid running multiple instances (just as a precaution)
iii)Added code to avoid losing notifications if phone is reset too early after running the program
1.31 - 20-Jun-07 ->Fixed 2 bugs:
i) A notification bug where old notification is not deleted
ii) A bug where cycle interval value is not correctly read from the GUI
1.3 - 19-Jun-07 ->
i)Added option to make partial changes to previously entered information.
ii)Fine-Tuned the Theme Color support algo. Now, theme colors should be almost 95% same as calculated by windows mobile while applying theme.
iii)Did some code optimization
1.2 - 19-Jun-07 ->Major Update:
i)Added Theme Support. Changing of system colors as per theme is also supported (which is not done by any other program IIRC)
ii)Added option to keep input images\themes in a separate folder
iii)Provided a GUI Configuration module
iv)Provided option to choose between gif\jpg\png\tsk to be cycled.
1.11 - 12-Jun-07->Fixed another bug with notification queue
1.1 - 12-Jun-07 -> Fixed the bug that causes WM5/WM6 devices not to cycle wallpapers in certain conditions
1.0 - 10-Jun-07 -> Initial Release
daxliniere/wacky.banana -> For asking to make the tool and their inputs
SeanFromSoCal/200mpx -> For their inputs
If you like this program, then you can :: DONATE ::
Latest Downloads can now be found at http://tech.shantanugoel.com
For queries, bug reports, feature requests, updates and downloads, visit ShantzTodayChanger Home Page
it may be interesting
nice release...will try it soon
Hey Shantz! thanks so much for this, unfortunatley it doesn't run on my Hermes!
And I don't know how to debug it so you can take a look at it.
Feature request: JPG or PNG support would be great. Also, a way to specify where the files reside, maybe command line? If argument is not present at command line, then default to install directory (program root)
Thanks Shantz!!
@dax: well, I'll add a config module soon for the image paths etc.
Will see if jpg/png support is feasible enuff...
About the hermes, i'll send you a debug build and try to run that. But first of all, tell me whether you can find a registry entry "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ShantzTodayChanger" and if its there then can you tell me the objects present inside it along with their values...
shantzg001 said:
Just made this. This small tool will cycle ur today background / wallpaper after a set interval of time.
1. Make a folder on ur device (preferably not on storage card. Its just 8KB anyways) and extract the ShantzTodayChanger.exe to this folder.
2. Copy the image files that you want to set as ur today background to this folder.
[bold]IMP:The files should be gif and moreover, the size (widthxheight) of the images should be taken care of by you in advanced, otherwise they might be stretched or cropped[/bold]
3. Run the ShantzTodayChanger.exe.
4. This will create two shortcuts in ur folder. startTdyChngr.lnk and stopTdyChngr.lnk.
5. Now just run startTdyChngr.lnk. The default time gap between cycling is 600sec. You can modify the shortcut to choose ur own time (in sec).
6. When you want to stop the cycling, just run stopTdyChngr.lnk.
Additional Notes:
1. You can create your own shortcuts if you want. Basically the ShantzTodayChanger.exe works on following command line arguments (without the quotes):
i) "-g 600" - start cycling images. replace 600 by ur own time in seconds. Keep it more than 1 minute preferably.
ii) "-s" - stop cycling.
iii) "-c" - cycle immediately. DONT USE THIS OPTION. MIGHT CREATE PROBLEMS.
2. I've tested it only on my WM6 HTC Wizard and WM5 emulator. Might work with other devices/OS's but not sure...
3. It runs only when wallpaper has to be changed. So saves resources when not active.
4. Survives soft resets as well.
5. Even takes care of the situation if your phone is off when the time to cycle is reached. Will cycle as soon as ur phone comes back on in this situation.
Planned Updated:
i) Suggestions invited. I have a lot of updates in mind but will incorporate those only which are requested by you.
End Note:
Like every software, this one is also bound to have bugs, please report it asap.
Version History:
1.0 - 10-Jun-07 -> Initial Release
daxliniere/wacky.banana -> For asking to make the tool
RapidShare Mirror->http://rapidshare.com/files/36281282/ShantzTodayChanger.zip
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i was actually thinking of something like this...
feature request????
how about changing the entire theme....
(what i am planning here is having different themes during different times of the day)
along with it say can you make it check the time (say instead of 600s i would like to change it at 12, 3, 6 and 9...)
whole theme changer(tsk), which will change system solors would be WROBG
@fallenCzar: Whole Theme Changer isn't on the list right now...Maybe I can work on it when I get a few other things together first..
along with it say can you make it check the time (say instead of 600s i would like to change it at 12, 3, 6 and 9...)
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Do you mean, you want to change it at a specific time of the day? Hmmm, I may try to include an option to specify the "cycle start time" along with the gap, which should take care of this...
not working on my o2 XDA II mini win 2003SE.it says not a valid pocket pc....
@Sathya: It works only on WM5 and WM6. I'll see if just a simple compilation for the WM2003 platform will work and let you know...
@ALL: Those who have tried it on their WM5/WM6 devices, please let me know if its working ok for you or not.
BTW, i've started working on a few updates, check in Post #1..I think I'll make two versions for this, a normal one and an extended one, so that those who want a smaller footprint can use the normal version...
Hey seem to be a nice work shantzg001, checking it out soon ...
Thnx Shailesh, did u get time to run it??
do not work on my Trinity
Just seen this. Many many thanks for your efforts here, most appreciated.
Not had chance to try it yet but most reports sem to be coming back that it doesn't seem to work on a Tytn/WM5 machine? What's your take on that?
Hmmm, it works perfectly on my WM6 HTC Wizard and the WM5 emulator as well...Not getting any time right now to look more..Will post a debug build tonight..But can someone please check the registry. I had said earlier also to check under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ShantzTodayChanger, to report back what all settings exist there, after you have completed all the process...
Found some problems with the code...Have removed the utility till further notice...
Found out part of the problem by inspecting a colleague's device...Its because of how some devices behave to background change if themes are installed..
Will make the change when i go back home tonight and also see if there is any other problem...
Fixed the bug...It should be ok now for all WM5/WM6 devices..
With 1.11 it now works fine!
Is it possible to make it work not only with gif files but with tsk too

iLock like application for the standard keylock

Just wondering..
Is there an iLock (from Slide2Unlock) like application available that will use the standard keylock feature rather than the slide.exe..
I tried using vjdevicelock with the -pwfoff flag and it works great... but I can't assign that to the power button on my hermes..
What I'm after is a way to have the standard keylock come on automatically as soon as I press the power button to send the phone to sleep. I realise this has probably been done before but all the apps i've tried dont work exactly as ilock does.. (ie sitting in the background and activating on power button tap - this is perfect)
Im thinking that I can probably create my own slide.exe to trick ilock.exe into running it and have that call vj's util with the right shortcut.. but thats a hassle when i'm sure its already been done.. (if it hasnt and anyone wants it ill make one though as id love this feature)
All sounds wrong to me - you want to just use something like SK Tools or basically anything that lets you create notifications (or use code!).
Create a notification that loads whatever.exe on power on, so as soon as the system powers on (ie after you've powered it off previously), notification is received and whatever.exe is launched.
You don't need to spoof VJDeviceLock etc.
PS Maybe I read wrong. VJDeviceLock works on my Hermes. I use v0.3 and use the -install command line option to install the above notification. It automagically locks my hermes on power on.
Check out Device Lock.
I am at work so I can't really take a look at it, but I second the idea of keeping the issue simple. Just just SK Tools, and do a bit of searching in the \windows folder.
There should be a *.exe that activates the lock feature. Then you can map it to a button. That is how I have setup the Memory Manager to a key so that way I do not need to download a task manager per se, or what I do not is that I have the task mananer.exe that comes with Black Shadow... etc.
The point is that it should be able to be done. Just take a look.
I don't think there is a specific .exe to active keylock - some phones do have one, but I can't remember if HTCs do.
It's technically an API call, but there are other ways to activate it too.

GPS toggle on/off for HTC HD2

I am looking for an app to toggle my gps on/off. Can anyone help me with this?
I have the issue that when I have my phone in flight modus and am out of the country both GSM and GPS are disabled. I would like the GSM to be disabled in favor of GPS to be enabled. I wan't this option for my Tom Tom navigation when out of the country,so it does not get interrupted by phone calls or smsses.
Kind regards
Im also looking for a simple on/off toggle button for the gps.
Since you can have that in android i figure it should exist something similar created for wm.
I have only found wm homescreen plugins so far but since thats no use when you running manila or CHT it not even worth downloading.
Looks like ill have to keep searching....
p00ltergeist said:
Im also looking for a simple on/off toggle button for the gps.
Since you can have that in android i figure it should exist something similar created for wm.
I have only found wm homescreen plugins so far but since thats no use when you running manila or CHT it not even worth downloading.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
You're right.
I'll test it under pure WM and check the registry while toggling on opr off : maybe I'll be able to detect what keys to change to get the same results directly, and possibly make a CHT widget.
Edit :
Found this one here :
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\GPS Intermediate Driver]
-> change to 0 to toggle off ?
I'll check if it works... And if it actually saves battery life.
A Possible Work Around
I could not get the app from the link above to work on my HD2. It said it installed successfully, but I could find no exe or shortcut for it anywhere on my HD2. I searched a couple of app forums here and found nothing else.
Here is a possible solution although it is not a one-click solution like most toggles. It is based on this post:
Using a text editor, paste this into a new file:
30#ctlpnl.exe AGPSSettingsCPL.cpl - location services settings
Save the file with the name such as GPS Toggle.lnk (that's a small "L" in lnk).
Copy the shortcut file to the Windows/Start Menu/Programs folder. From there you can access it using the Start button/menu. Also, depending on the UI, you may be able to create a button on your main screen. I have Co0kie's Home Tab which provides the ability to create buttons on the home screen. (Co0kie's Home Tab has a number of toggle switches, but not one for GPS.)
This shortcut will bring up the Location screen from Settings. This may or may not be what you want. To be honest, I could not find a place that says "turn on/off GPS."
AGPS only allows to use available data network to update the satellites positions database in order to speed up satellites location.
It should have nothing to do with having the GPS receiver actually turned on or off...
In fact, it's turned off on my HD2, and I'm still able to use the GPS.
I'm currently trying to evaluate the effect the above registry value change has on battery lifetime...
Edit :
OK, at least your post put me on a track :
The registry tweak actually switches on or off the "Automatic GPS management" checkbox in the "Access" panel from the "External GPS" applet in WM "System" settings.
You can still use a shortcut as the one you posted, but it should contain 25#ctlpnl.exe cplmain.cpl,25,2 instead (GPS settings - Access).
Now the registry trick has strictly the same effect, and can be made out of a simple MortScript - then a CHT switch, too.
The only problem is I couldn't notice a better battery consumption, actually...

[Q] NFC Phone Unlock - Stock, no root

Moderators - I tried searching for a thread, I couldn't find a way to do this on a stock ROM without root. Post a link to the thread if there exists one please? Thanks in advance.
Everybody else: if you have an idea how to get this working, please help out. I've wracked my brains to no avail. If anyone has tried this out, let me know if this works for you as well.
Edit: I've added the XML file below
My Phone:
Nexus 4, stock ROM, no root.
Use an NFC tag to unlock my phone, ensure no one else can access the phone without the tag/password.
Work-in-progress, here's how.
Phone: I almost got locked out of my phone. I'm not responsible if you get locked out of your phone. Please use some caution (and don't set the time delay for less than 10-20s before you nail it)
Security: Till the lock engages, your phone is insecure. If this is not acceptable, please don't try this.
1. Install Tasker - device admin
2. Install Secure Settings - device admin
1. Uncheck "Beginner Mode" under the UI tab in preferences
2. Create a variable: (I used, a variable name "%NFC")
3. Create a task - Set variable %NFC to 1 (I used "NFC YES")
4. Create a task with the following actions - Clear password using secure settings, disable keyguard using secure settings (I named mine "Phone Unlock")
5. Create a task with the following actions - wait for 10s (This is my problem area, keep this high or you will be locked out of your phone!!),Enter If condition (if %NFC=0) - set pin using secure settings, enable keyguard using secure settings, system lock (you can use the action built into tasker for this) - (I named mine "Phone Lock")
1. Display on --> Run Task --> Phone Lock
2. Display off --> Run Task --> Phone unlock
Use an NFC Tag Writer to configure a tag (I used AnyTAG NFC Launcher) - Run a tasker task to change the tasker variable to 1 (Run "NFC YES" in my case)
You should be done.
This is how it should work - You turn your display on and place the tag under your phone. This will make Tasker change your variable "%NFC" to 1. As long as your variable value is not "0", your phone will remain unlocked. If you do not bring your tag close to your phone, your phone will lock after (10s or 20 or however long you've set the timer)
The Problem:
This works like a charm if I use the NFC tag every single time (i.e. never allow my screen to lock). If I don't use the tag even once, the tag doesn't get read, the variable doesn't change, my phone locks after the time expires.
If anyone can help me with this, that would be great!
Thanks in advance
I don't know if you've figured this out yet or not, but you might want to try having it check if NFC = 1, if it doesn't, re-enable the keyguard / pin and lock / unlock the screen so it shows up. This would make it so that if you used NFC, it would stay open, but if you didn't, you would still be able to unlock your phone with the pin.
You might have to throw a few ms of wait time in there somewhere for it to pick up on the setting changes before locking / unlocking or something.
Just an idea. I'll try it out later if I have time.

