Simulate touchscreen tap, or add ShortCut key. - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

I have such a problem. But first I will explain why I have that problem.
In company we are using a PocketPC with Windows Mobile 2002. And have only one apllication for work.
When connecting to Server we need to tap the left bottom corner of the screen.
Many of workers tap with diferent objects like cutters, pens, not with Stylus, so the left bottom corner become bad in 1-2 months, till the time I can't do nothing, just changing the screen.
So. There is a posibility to implement somehow a ShortCut to that menu, to avoid taping that part of screen? (Because after that in program we use only buttons.)
(Note: I have no source code for tha app.)
Any kind of help will be apreciate.
Thank you much!

It's easy to simulate screen tap by code.
Do you have experience programming in C/C++?
If so all you have to do is write a little app that does the following:
HWND hWnd; //window handle
hWnd = FindWindow(L"BUTTON", L"Connect to server"); //this text is just an example
SendMessage(hWnd, WM_LBUTTONDOWN, 0, MAKELPARAM(5, 5)); //actually simulates the click
Then you can assign this app to a hardware button using device settings or put a shortcut to is in the start menu.
I don't know of any ready apps to just simulate a click, but there was a thread around here somewhere on a virtual mouse app for PPC. It's free so try searching for that. (Sorry, don't remember the link).
Good luck.

Thank you man.
I'll try this...

levenum said:
It's easy to simulate screen tap by code.
Do you have experience programming in C/C++?
If so all you have to do is write a little app that does the following:
HWND hWnd; //window handle
hWnd = FindWindow(L"BUTTON", L"Connect to server"); //this text is just an example
SendMessage(hWnd, WM_LBUTTONDOWN, 0, MAKELPARAM(5, 5)); //actually simulates the click
Then you can assign this app to a hardware button using device settings or put a shortcut to is in the start menu.
I don't know of any ready apps to just simulate a click, but there was a thread around here somewhere on a virtual mouse app for PPC. It's free so try searching for that. (Sorry, don't remember the link).
Good luck.
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So I have not so many experience in C++ and nor in Visual Studio.
Can you provide me with full c++ code for Visual Studio 2005?
Thank you in advance.

Here is another way. Just create a simple project in vis studio ( I am not using 2005 so I cant tell you what its called, if all else failes use the "hello world" option). Open the main .cpp file and after the includes delete everything. Paste this in....
int WINAPI WinMain( HINSTANCE hInstance,
HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
LPTSTR lpCmdLine,
int nCmdShow)
return 0;
Then build the exe. Make a shortcut to the exe on your device and place it in the windows\start menu folder. When the user taps the shortcut the cordinates specified will get a mouse down message, not all ppc programs will rspond to this message but most bought software I have do.
As it is, this will hit the close button on a 240*320 display. To vary the target location see this from the documentation:
If MOUSEEVENTF_ABSOLUTE value is specified, dx and dy contain normalized absolute coordinates between 0 and 65,535. The event procedure maps these coordinates onto the display surface. Coordinate (0,0) maps onto the upper-left corner of the display surface, (65535,65535) maps onto the lower-right corner.
...So you may need to play with it to hit the spot.
If that fails then just replace the
with levenum's code putting the name of the window you are talking about in instead of "Connect to server" to send the normal WM_LBUTTONDOWN message to that window.

OdeeanRDeathshead, your method seems to work. I did it and application works proprely on my Magician.
But now the question is: I need that program for a PocketPC 2002 platform. How to do this in VS2005, can explain me anyone?
Thank you in advance.

Actually, you can't write apps for WM2002 using VS2005.
You need eMbedded Visual C++ 3. It is available free from Microsoft, just search the site. You will also need to install Pocket PC 2002 SDK. (also free on MS site)

levenum said:
Actually, you can't write apps for WM2002 using VS2005.
You need eMbedded Visual C++ 3. It is available free from Microsoft, just search the site. You will also need to install Pocket PC 2002 SDK. (also free on MS site)
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Ok.. all this I installed.
I will try to do the program there. But problem become more complicated.
My PDA's are not HTC. They are modified by SYMBOL company. So.. I realized that i have no HARD BUTTON.
In start menu I can't let the application, only because START is not accessible. The only program is that for work and it's full screen.
The PDA have a keyboard.
The question is: it is possible to do in program a HOT_KEY combination, and run MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN only when HOT_KEY combination was pressed.
I understand that program must remain in memory to intercept that.

Do you mean that there are no buttons on your device, only a keyboard?
Doesn't matter really because as far as windows is concerned keystrokes from device buttons and full keyboard are handled the same.
Sorry I am not really familiar with setting up hot keys, I think your app window needs to have input focus for that to work.
There is a function called SetWindowsHookEx that lets you hook all keyboard events so they will pass through your function. You can then have a small app in background (without UI) that will monitor any key combination you want and simulate the tap when necessary.

levenum said:
Do you mean that there are no buttons on your device, only a keyboard?
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Yeah.... it looks like this

I do not know if you can throw some cash at your problem but SKScHeMa from can wait for an application to start then execute a script. In the script you can simulate both tap and tap and hold actions.
Hope that helps.
Regards cjb.

One of those buttons must correspond to the buttons on the normal ppc. It would be overkill too write an app to run constantly just to redirect one tap. Do you have the opportunity to ever start the unit without the fullscreen program running, if so you could experiment with the button assignments to find the correct one. If the author of the custom software on the thing was half good they could have disabled those buttons assignments while its running, but if they didn't thats the best solution.
If that fails perhaps a program to run after powerup and ask if the user wants to connect to the server could work. It could show for 10 seconds then end. There was a thread here somewhere about programs starting on powerup but I can't seem to find it now.
I read the specs and it has two "side scan keys", I bet they are your buttons waiting to be reassigned!

OdeeanRDeathshead said:
One of those buttons must correspond to the buttons on the normal ppc. It would be overkill too write an app to run constantly just to redirect one tap. Do you have the opportunity to ever start the unit without the fullscreen program running, if so you could experiment with the button assignments to find the correct one.
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No one of that buttons corespond to CALENDAR or CONTACTS or CAMERA or RECORD button.
I can start the device without work program. Also I don't need to simulate tap, because I own my PDA and have knoweledge how to use it.
Users don't know much... for that i disables all. Only Work program in fullscreen mode without START MENU.
I read the specs and it has two "side scan keys", I bet they are your buttons waiting to be reassigned!
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This is a PDA with barcode scanner. That 2 buttons named "side scan keys" are only for SCANNER and are not programable.
TO ALL: Thank you for your support![/quote]

cjb said:
I do not know if you can throw some cash at your problem but SKScHeMa from can wait for an application to start then execute a script. In the script you can simulate both tap and tap and hold actions.
Hope that helps.
Regards cjb.
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Thanks for help.
I can't do any investitions in that.
More of that it's not the same I need. I need to simulate this not only at start, also during work.

Yes, so make the prgram asking if a connect is needed run when the power button is pressed. If the user needs to connect they press off then on then the window comes up asking if a simulated tap is needed (I do not mean reset). If the full off is not desireable then dose your unit change the brightness when the power button is held down? If so, and if it is using the standard name for the named event to signal brigtness changes then you could make the tap simulate program run all the time in a loop but waiting for the brigtness change event. Waiting will take up almost no processor time and the program is so small it takes up almost no memory! The user just has to hold the power button for several seconds and the your window will pop up. The down side is that your app will also have to save then restore the brigtness settings so the user dose not need to manualy reset the brigtness level.


Remap Softkey and volume button

Here is my contribution. The program will remap the softkey buttons and volume buttons:
tap soft key = orginal soft key functions
tap and hold left soft key = start menu
tap and hold right soft key = close/ok button
volume slider at the left = page up/down
You can also use the DPAD to do some extra actions in phone app.
NOTE: If you got notification error, please run smartskey.exe and then run smartskey.exe to close the app. The program will now close all notification that relate to smartskey when it is closed.
0.60 (2007-08-23)
Fixed: Make DPAD function work on WM6
Fixed: Fix DPAD function not compatible with TomTom
0.56 (2006-11-17)
Fixed: Fix compatibility with CeleDial
0.55 (2006-11-15)
Fixed: Compatible with CeleDial
Fixed: DPAD function will call default Contacts/Text Messaging instead of calling original Contacts/Text Messaging directly. So if you have installed any third party replacement, it will be called when DPAD in Phone app is pressed.
0.54 (2006-11-06)
Fixed: Endless loop when using “OK” button of keyboard in Wizard.
0.53 (2006-06-23)
Fixed: DPAD on will not affect TomTom and calendar
Fixed: remove notification routine will remove all paths so that it will not prompt wrong notification path anymore when user change the location of the smartskey.exe
0.52 (2006-03-26)
Fixed: DPAD functions still apply in SmartDial dialog.
0.51 (2006-03-20)
Fixed: Can use volume key to switch to vibrate, off mode by volume slider
Fixed: Exception List will not check the classname of the window as well, so you can also put applications that will change title in the list.
Added: change the behavior of the dpad, and user can set the action for each direction using DUP, DDOWN, DLEFT, DRIGHT
0.5 (2006-03-19)
Add: DPAD, use dpad for additional action (call log, messaging, programs, contacts) in phone app.
Add: VOLUMEONTODAY, volume key will check the topmost app is today or not
Fxied: improve force closed function.
0.41 (2006-03-11)
Fixed: will not overwrite ini files
Fixed: make executable smaller
Added: PAGEONEXPLORE, use soft key to scroll page in “Programs”
0.4 (2006-02-25)
Fixed: rewrite force closed function again
Added: VOLUMEONPHONE, volume key will check the topmost app is phone or not
Added: REMOVEDUPSDDAEMON, automatically remove duplicated sddaemon events.
Added: OMAPCLOCK, omapclock wrapper to set clock automatically after wake up.
Added: STARTMENUMETHOD, provide alternate method to popup start menu.
Hi Water,
Great little program! Very useful!
very good. With your soft and with xbar I can use my wizard with one hand only...
does "close" function really close the app, or it is a standrad Windows "close"?
And... If you share the source code... ;-)
Now do exactly as pressing the OK button on the keyboard, so hide only. Actually close is much easiler in programming aspect
[feature request]
is there a chance then that at some stage of the development of the tool it would actually ok/close, and not ok/hide the apps?
[/feature request]
That is a nice idea (I just got my 8125 and I was thinking of that EXACT setup)
One thing I would ask for, if its not too much trouble...
Can you make another progy that does everything (start menu and ok/minimize) except the volume scroll? I like to change the volume while in a call and such.
Thanx and really nice job; Lew
EDIT: Better idea.
Include a config file for the program, here's an example.
LeftSoftKey = 1 // 0 = default 1 = hold for start menu
RightSoftKey = 1 // 0 = default 1 = hold for ok/minimize 2 = hold for ok/close
VolumeScroll = 0 // 0 = default (volume control) 1 = Scroll
I think that's a good idea. Let me know what you think?
Later; Lew
Is it easy to re-configure the tap and hold functions??
okay, add one more version without volume keys remap. For close button request, I may do it when I am free.
The program cannot be configured because actually no interface.
wow man. thanx for such a fast response . I was just in bed when I decided to check one last time (from my wizard of course)
So can the settings for the program be set by a config file? Can it read the the cfg file and use the settings in it as variables for how it will handle the different key press events?
Thanx again... awsome sauce man!
Later; Lew
Is it possible to automaticly switch beteween volume when using the telephone and prev/next page if the telephone is not used.
This would complete your program.
This is one of the mose useful bits of software I have come across for the Wizard. Simple but oh so effective Like others have said, one-handed operation is now much more simple.
Well done water
This is one of the mose useful bits of software I have come across for the Wizard. Simple but oh so effective Like others have said, one-handed operation is now much more simple.
Well done water
This is fantastic! Thank you very much water.
I have what I think is a simple question.
I have put the smartkey in my startup, now lets say I don't want it to start up any more. How can I get it out of start up?
I already tried deleting it it says access denied on the Wizard and if I try from PC.
Any thoughts?
Later; Lew
lewcamino said:
I have what I think is a simple question.
I have put the smartkey in my startup, now lets say I don't want it to start up any more. How can I get it out of start up?
I already tried deleting it it says access denied on the Wizard and if I try from PC.
Any thoughts?
Later; Lew
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delete the shortcut from startup, and then restart the phone.
Yeah... that means im an idiot...
I didn't put a shortcut in the startup folder... I put the exe int he startup folder. Go ahead... point an laugh, lol, I would.
So now knowing that, any other suggestions?
Later; Lew... the dork of the day.
lewcamino said:
Yeah... that means im an idiot...
I didn't put a shortcut in the startup folder... I put the exe int he startup folder. Go ahead... point an laugh, lol, I would.
So now knowing that, any other suggestions?
Later; Lew... the dork of the day.
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you can't delete it because it is running. stop the process (memory cp app) and then delete it.

HButton for smartphone

I created HButton for smartphones. BUT I have no smartphone so I developed it on smartphone emulator.
I will be very gladly, if there is someone who can test it.
Please note: Test it on your own risk - never been run on real smartphone.
Great! While I have no time to test it right now, I'll frontpage the news if it turns out to be working!
when i get to the assign window, i get stuck there, don't know what's the next step
oldsap said:
when i get to the assign window, i get stuck there, don't know what's the next step
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I created it little messy. It has to be changed before official release.
* Using * assign it to any HW button. I don't know if there will be name and icon of selected button or just something like "unknown 40C1".
* Create list of applciations
* Left and right button select preferred application​* enter to add it to list​* Press OK.
thats all. Now you should be able to start application using HButton....
What now?
I managed to do almost everything:
I assigned applications to the list of button1,
I clicked on '*', and so
Assigned to (*) displays "Unknown 40C1"
When I run the application Button1 manually, the application I chose for Button1 is run.
But what now? What do I have to press to make the application run? What is button1? I tried all buttons, pressing for various lengths of time, but I can't get it to run.
Do I need to edit the registry so that the application "Button1" is assigned to some button?
at first thanks for help.
"Unknown 40C1" means - there are registry part about this button. In SPh, there's missing names of buttons - so name is unknown.
I has no SPh, only emulator. I checked registry and there is all ok - only names are missing. All flags and path to applications that should be started are similar to pocketpc.
These registry settings are altered by my program so HButton1 should be started by button with code "40C1". What button it is - I really don't know. That's what I need to test.
But as you describe it, it looks like that these settings are ignored.... So Where is settings of button's behavior on smartphone?!?!
ghostwheel said:
I managed to do almost everything:
I assigned applications to the list of button1,
I clicked on '*', and so
Assigned to (*) displays "Unknown 40C1"
When I run the application Button1 manually, the application I chose for Button1 is run.
But what now? What do I have to press to make the application run? What is button1? I tried all buttons, pressing for various lengths of time, but I can't get it to run.
Do I need to edit the registry so that the application "Button1" is assigned to some button?
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not totally sure
I'm no expert in this.
If I understand correctly, one way to do it is through links in the \windows directory,
is a link to the program called when the message button is pressed
\windows\short_Camera, and short_IE
are for camera and explorer button.
But I think there are also other places to set these. And some phones allow long_MSG,IE,Camera links for long button press - not mine.
I tried to copy the Button1 link to short_MSG, and that managed to run the first command in the list for button1, but not the next on a longer press. (And it still launched the message program first, so there must be a second place that determines what is launched...)
Maybe people in the smartphone forum will have more info...
All this was on an s620 WM6.1
just a few more comments
Now that I can get HButton to partially run, I have a few comments:
I'm not exactly sure why, but going from HBSetup to configure buttons 1 and 2 takes a really long time. HButtonTask is much shorter. Maybe it is because a list of all programs is generated, and this takes time? In any case, maybe one could display a message "please wait..." - the first time I thought the program had crashed.
Pressing left (instead of right) when the bottom selector in HButton1 setup shows <None> crashes the program (ArgumentOutOfRangeException)
In HButtonTask setup there are two arrows below Custom delay (I think to chose the delay), but no number is displayed, and pressing left-right only toggles the boxes.
<Start Menu> doesn't work. <Clock>, <Toggle BT>, <Quit>, <Today> do work. <Back> behaves a bit differently than the Back key - it switches between tasks, instead of screens - but that's ok and can be useful!
In the HButton1/2 setup screens, I would change the left softkey to "save" instead of "ok". Too often I pressed that button instead of the center/enter button to change the action on the list. Because it takes ~10 seconds to enter the screen again, it is quite annoying....
I am really interested in this project if is still under developement

[APP][Feb 12, 2009] X1BC (X1 Button Controller) v1.1 Released

X1BC v1.1
X1 Button Controller
Feb 12, 2009
By Jonathan King​
This program is released open source. Contact me if you would like a copy of the source. The program is capable of capturing both short and long presses of panel key, ok key, L/R softkeys, up/down volume keys, and the win key on the slide out KB. The camera half and full press can also be captured and fully configured for short and long half press, as well as short and long full press. Also, the camera key will be ignored while the camera program is open. Capturing each key is all optional. They can be switched by the registry keys detailed in the next post. By default, if the reg keys are not there, none are captured. You can capture the long press only, short and long press, or leave the key alone. Fn key presses are also detected for A, S, D, F, G, Z, X, C, and V keys. Registry strings are used to specify what happens when the key is pressed. You can choose to open execute anything from a program exe to a mortscript to an mp3. You may also configure it to send a character or special key. This allows maximum flexibility.
The program can also make the win key or tab key a ctrl key. There are two modes of operation for each key. For the win key: Short press mode (short press to enable ctrl then press a letter), Long press mode (press letter while holding ctrl). With the tab key, it is still possible to send a tab character: Short press mode (short press to enable ctrl then press a letter; long press sends tab chr), Long press mode (press letter while holding ctrl; short press sends tab chr).
The program also supports vibrate feedback for a press and hold event. The duration is configurable or this can be disabled. Also configurable is the duration you must hold a key for the long press to occur.
To start the key hook, just launch X1BC.exe. If it is already running, launching X1BC.exe again will end the program and restore the keys to default.
While the panel key is captured, on the ROM I run with no panels installed I still get a popup saying could not find panelmanager.exe. I am not sure what would happen on a ROM with panels installed. To prevent this all together delete the whole registry key HKLM\Software\Sony Ericsson\PanelManager. You may want to back it up first but there is not harm in deleting it. You do need this key if you want to use panels though. But if you do use panels you dont want to remap the panel key anyway.
Capturing the win key on the slide out KB is tricky, but I think I have done it in a way that wont cause problems. It works well as a ctrl key and I havent had problems with it, but I still think the tab key makes a better ctrl key because it behaves like a regular key and is therefore easier to manipulate.
Disclaimer, use at your own risk. I have tested and debugged in the emulator and on my X1. I dont do anything that I think could really cause any harm or data loss. Has never crashed on me at any point during dev. The program does not make any changes to the system. It just runs in the background. If terminated everything works as it did before the program was started. Try it out.
Registry settings:
The following are DWORD values:
Here are the possible choices:
0 - Leave the key alone
1 - Capture long press only
3 - Capture long and short press
The default if the value does not exists is 0
The following is also a DWORD but the format is different:
The possible choices are:
0 - Leave the key alone
1 - Capture long and short for half press only
2 - Capture long and short for full press only
3 - Capture long and short for both half and full press
The default if the value does not exists is 0
The following are string values:
Each action key can be one of three types: Execution of a file, sending of a character, or sending of a special key.
To execute a file, the string should contain the full pathname of the file to run. This can be an exe, mscr, lnk, mp3, doc, whatever. Enclose the path and file name in quotes, followed by a space, then any parameters if you desire if it is an executable. For instance:
"\Program Files\App\My App.exe" -p
To send a character, the string must begin with a # symbol followed by the character to send. For instance, to send a "$" character, they value of the string should be:
To send a special key, the string must begin with a & symbol followed by the identifier of the special key to send. Here are the special keys:
W - Windows key
R - Rotate screen
Q - Send left softkey event
E - Send right softkey event
What other special keys would you like?
For instance, to send a windows key event, they value of the string should be:
The following are DWORD values:
Delay for long key press in milliseconds. The default if the value does not exists is 500.
Here are the possible choices:
0 - Do not use as ctrl
1 - Short press mode (short press to enable ctrl then press a letter)
2 - Long press mode (press letter while holding ctrl)
Here are the possible choices:
0 - Do not use as ctrl
1 - Short press mode (short press to enable ctrl then press a letter; long press sends tab chr)
2 - Long press mode (press letter while holding ctrl; short press sends tab chr)
(Note, you may use either LWIN or TAB for ctrl. Not both at the same time. If both of these keys are non zero, the tab key will be used. I recommend the tab key. It is more reliable.)
Here are the possible choices:
0 - OFF
1 - ON
The default if the value does not exists is 0. (Please leave as 0 for now. It does not work.)
Duration of vibration feedback for a long key press. Set to zero to disable. The default if the value does not exists is 35.
Set which landscape orientation the "R" special key will switch to. Choices:
0 - Left handed (correct orientation for the keyboard)
1 - Right handed
The default if the value does not exists is 0.
Known Issues:
-Does not support multiple key hooks (not really a problem as this is an OS limitation but see this post for details)
-LWIN long ctrl mode does not work
v1.1 [2/12/09]
-Added special key (&R) for screen rotation
-Added special keys (&Q and &E) for left and right softkeys
-Fixed bug that cause crash if Fn key was assigned to non existent file
-Will now prevent camera app from opening if you reassign camera button
-Changed format of reg settings for camera button
v1.0 [2/11/09]
-Improved WIN ctrl key support
-Added tab key short and long ctrl modes and registry setting
-Added key hold vibration feedback and registry duration setting
-Added capability to capture fn keys. Registry settings added
-Added capability to send character strokes and special keys
-Added capability to capture half and full camera button press. Registry settings added
-Changed default registry values to reflect correct installation directory for other languages
v0.4 [1/10/09]
-Fixed bug that caused extra long key press in one circumstance
-Fixed bug that caused crash during startup if registry strings were not formatted correctly
-Added option and registry value to change long press timeout
-Added short ctrl key feature and registry option for feature
-Added option to allow other key hooks (doesnt yet actually work)
-Now released in CAB format; CAB presets all reg values and creates shortcuts in startup and start menu
-X1BC now ignores keys by default if reg values do not exist, rather than capturing by default
v0.3 [1/07/09]
-Added registry keys for key actions
-Program now performs key actions from settings
v0.2 [1/06/09]
-Simplified reg settings
-Removed all but "exiting" popup during startup and shutdown
-Rewrote key hook algorithm for better reliability
-Unwanted keys now released to system as set by preferences
Todo List:
-Support multiple key hooks
Downloads below. Please note, the cabs will overwrite existing registry settings. If you want to upgrade from previous version, back up the settings first or just replace the exe. The cabs also place a shortcut in startup and in the start menu.
would look forward for the program when it's officially released
Heh, nice one Jking. I think the best way to go is to somehow "merge" your app with Dande's. Dande doesn't want to create a UI and uses mortscript, where you use the - in my opinion easier - registry. From what I see so far, you both have the same app, written in a different way, with the biggest change being you using the winkey (which I like), and Dande using the tab key.
I'd like to see where this goes, keep up the good work!
All the Best JKingDev, sorry I can't help. I don't know programming.
The biggest shortcoming of the X1 is the lack of buttons for mapping to apps and task manager. I miss the ease of button mapping on my previous i780.
Looking forward to your end product!
Good idea. Looking forward to this app.
I would love to see an option that would allow these button's to be exposed in the list of assignable buttons in the Buttons Settings control panel (similar to how Tilt developers were able to add the PTT button to it) to allow regular action assignments to those buttons.
Very interested to see how this application turns out!
millercentral said:
I would love to see an option that would allow these button's to be exposed in the list of assignable buttons in the Buttons Settings control panel (similar to how Tilt developers were able to add the PTT button to it) to allow regular action assignments to those buttons.
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Yeah, me too! But I guess this is on driver level, not sure though!
Edit: I take that back, I remember that AEButtonPlus is able to add virtual keys to that list. But I think you still have to run your application at all time in the background, not really giving an advantage to this. I might be wrong again though.
I was sending you my code. Didn't expect you to be this impatient
From what I have experienced, using the keyboard hook, it is not possible to remap the panel and the symbol button. Usually you can stop their original functionality to work by returning -1 in the hook, but that doesn't work with panel and symbol. So, at least at first sight, it seems to be not possible to remap these buttons.
You could consider also using RegisterHotKey, which is officially supported by the SDK. Mort told me that he uses it with MortPlayer and it seems to be quite powerful too. Maybe the hook and RegisterHotKey together allow you to do more than just with the hook. I thought that, when you can't do it with the low level hook, there is no other way at all to do it, that's why I didn't even bother trying.
Since you already started a thread in the development phase, maybe you should tell us what you actually plan to implement so that people can tell you in advance what they like about your concept and what they don't. Kind of collecting requirements before coding - like software engineering should be (and not like I did it )
Edit: By the way, in the zip file I sent to you by mail, you can also find a text file which documents the button sequences I was interested in. Helped me a lot while implementing.
Angelusz said:
Dande doesn't want to create a UI and uses mortscript, where you use the - in my opinion easier - registry.
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First of all, the registry is only some kind of global application configuration database (and a bad idea from microsoft if you ask me). The registry can only enable functionality that is implemented in an application. In contrary to that, MortScript allows you to implement functionality that my application doesn't.
Despite of being completely different things, I don't find fiddling in the registry easy nor secure, but that's another topic.
Ah, and no offense intended, alright
THANKS for this great idea !!
X1 is missing a dedicated REC key
I desperately need this function
One-touch key press to automatically start recording a voice note
Maybe your software will finally let me use my Xperia as a voice recorder
Thank you for all the support! I am glad there is interest in this. It is nice to give back to this great community. New test version. I rewrote the key hook algorithm to handle the win and softkeys in a smoother way. Shouldnt have any prolems now. Now, if you put in settings to not capture a it should be released to the system like normal. Also changed up the registry settings a little bit to streamline the code. Made note of the new format in the second post. Next step will be to actually perform user specified actions when keys are pressed. It will actually become useful.
For some reason, when I set the grab volume key settings to 0 and completely ignore them, they still dont do anything while X1BC.exe is running. I am not sure if this is my app doing this or AEBP screwing with me since I still have it installed. Does anyone else get this problem?
millercentral said:
I would love to see an option that would allow these button's to be exposed in the list of assignable buttons in the Buttons Settings control panel (similar to how Tilt developers were able to add the PTT button to it) to allow regular action assignments to those buttons.
Very interested to see how this application turns out!
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I believe this can be done since AEBP does it but I am not sure how. I have a slight idea of what I think it does. It involves adding some registry keys then sending custom key codes. I will look into this after I have accomplished everything else I want with this app. Can't make any promises but I will try.
Dandie said:
Yeah, me too! But I guess this is on driver level, not sure though!
Edit: I take that back, I remember that AEButtonPlus is able to add virtual keys to that list. But I think you still have to run your application at all time in the background, not really giving an advantage to this. I might be wrong again though.
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Yes I think you are correct on this. The only advantage is assigning special keys like <rotate screen> ect. Most of those things you can find exe's for or use a mortscript anyway though, and my app will allow you to specify any exe/mortscript/file to run/open anyway.
Dandie said:
I was sending you my code. Didn't expect you to be this impatient
From what I have experienced, using the keyboard hook, it is not possible to remap the panel and the symbol button. Usually you can stop their original functionality to work by returning -1 in the hook, but that doesn't work with panel and symbol. So, at least at first sight, it seems to be not possible to remap these buttons.
You could consider also using RegisterHotKey, which is officially supported by the SDK. Mort told me that he uses it with MortPlayer and it seems to be quite powerful too. Maybe the hook and RegisterHotKey together allow you to do more than just with the hook. I thought that, when you can't do it with the low level hook, there is no other way at all to do it, that's why I didn't even bother trying.
Since you already started a thread in the development phase, maybe you should tell us what you actually plan to implement so that people can tell you in advance what they like about your concept and what they don't. Kind of collecting requirements before coding - like software engineering should be (and not like I did it )
Edit: By the way, in the zip file I sent to you by mail, you can also find a text file which documents the button sequences I was interested in. Helped me a lot while implementing.
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Sorry for my impatience. I had lots of free time and was itching to put my coding skills to work. I have wanted to write a button mapper since I owned a mogul (on my 6700 i used pqzII to make the win key a ctrl mey; i missed this functionality) but I never got around to it.
About the panel key, a key hook is able to detect the panel key presses, but for some reason it is unable to prevent the system from detecting it too like it can for other keys. This is why the work around to delete the panel manager registry key is necessary. Once you do that, the system ignores the key. Hotkeys sounds like a good idea. As it is, it works for me. I can try hotkey later though to see if that works out better. Deleting the panel manager key is an easy work around though if you dont use panels.
Well as far as key functions, you will specify via registry key what file/program to open/run. It could be and exe, mortscript, mp3, whatever. I think that allows max flexibility. Run a program directly, or run a mortscript if you have something more complex you want the key to do. The same functionality as yours, the only difference is that this can also run an exe directly as opposed to writing a script to run the exe.
After that, I want to implement the win key as a ctrl ley. There will be four modes. 1.) Disable ctrl key: allow the ctrl key to be assigned for short and long presses like it is now. 2.) Short ctrl key: Short press + letter sends ctrl key while a long press is mappable like it is now. 3.) Hold ctrl key: Hold + press letter then release sends ctrl key, while short press is assignable to something else. 4.) Full ctrl key: both short and hold methods send ctrl key.
Next I will add FN+key combinations to be assignable the way the other keys are (run exe/script/open file).
After that it will be looking into the suggestions of others such as virtual app keys.
Dandie said:
First of all, the registry is only some kind of global application configuration database (and a bad idea from microsoft if you ask me). The registry can only enable functionality that is implemented in an application. In contrary to that, MortScript allows you to implement functionality that my application doesn't.
Despite of being completely different things, I don't find fiddling in the registry easy nor secure, but that's another topic.
Ah, and no offense intended, alright
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The purpose of using the registry is not really to make things easier, it is just to make things configurable. You may choose what keys to trap and turn the ctrl key on or off. Mortscripts are very powerful and easy and I still give you the option of using them. But if all you want the key to do is launch a program, why launch a script just just launches a program? I give you the option to just launch that program directly.
New version 0.3. Now the keys are fully functional. The program is actually useful now. The registry keys to set for the key actions are detailed in the second post. All fully functional. I have stopped using AEButton plus now as X1BC does everything AEBP was doing. No more AEBP splash on boot. Now on to what AEBP doesnt do, ctrl key, fn keys, ect.
One caveat though. I figured out what the problem was with the volume keys. I use the HTC Blackstone volume control. It seems certain that HTC volume control as well as you tube, radio, ect use key hooks. Even if I tell my program to ignore the volume keys, pressing volume up will bring up the volume control but after that the volume keys wont change it. The reason why is that once HTC volume control pops up it sets a key hook to control the keys. If my app already has a key hook set, HTC VC will be unable to install its own hook, thus cannot grab the keys. I proved that HTC VC uses a key hook by closing X1BC, launching the VC, then trying to launch X1BC. My app reported as expected that it could not install the hook.
I noticed something very interesting a while ago though. I can launch X1BC even while AEBP is running and it will work. I didnt think much of it but now I realize that this is important. HTC VC works fine even if AEBP is running. AEBP certainly uses a key hook. I can launch AEBP first then launch X1BC. If I first launch X1BC then launch AEBP, AEBP wont work. I think this means that AEBP has some mechanism of supporting a second key hook. Probably the same way hookmgr works. I will try installing that and seeing if it makes the HTC programs and X1BC work together peacefully. Ultimately though, I want to give X1BC the capability to support another program setting a key hook. Not a big deal though. The HTC programs still work. Pressing a volume key brings up the volume control then you can control with your finger.
It is fully functional for mapping the hard keys now! Try it!
I would still like to know what exactly you plan to build as the application, I mean featurewise. What features and maybe layout do you want the final application to have? It does really make sense to gather feature requests before starting the development of a complex software, otherwise people will always tell you what they would like to have changed. I think you would save quite a lot of implementation effort that way and you also could arrange your architecture a bit to the "final" structure of the application.
Dandie said:
First of all, the registry is only some kind of global application configuration database (and a bad idea from microsoft if you ask me). The registry can only enable functionality that is implemented in an application. In contrary to that, MortScript allows you to implement functionality that my application doesn't.
Despite of being completely different things, I don't find fiddling in the registry easy nor secure, but that's another topic.
Ah, and no offense intended, alright
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None taken. I'm just trying to add some perspective here. This is a developers site - true. So you can expect some people to be able to work with mortscript - true. But, regardless of any other arguments, there's a lot of users who just don't grasp scripting like with mort's and/or cba to learn yet another language. It's really good to support mortscript, all I'm saying it's nice to have the "easier" and simpler options as well. I will probably get into mortscript soon, too - as soon as university loosens up.
Now, on this application itself - it's looking really good Jking, it would be lovely to have it support multiple keyhooks. Another feature I'd like to see is grasping software keys, like for instance when tapping the clock in TF3D. I'd like to be able to set what that does as well; e.g. remap it to an application or something. Same goes for calender etc. - is your current code able to support that too?
Keep up the great work, this one is starting to look like a keeper!!
(Although I like AEbuttonplus, I read/noticed some downsides about it and would rather replace it.)
Dandie said:
I would still like to know what exactly you plan to build as the application, I mean featurewise. What features and maybe layout do you want the final application to have? It does really make sense to gather feature requests before starting the development of a complex software, otherwise people will always tell you what they would like to have changed. I think you would save quite a lot of implementation effort that way and you also could arrange your architecture a bit to the "final" structure of the application.
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Dandie, I am not sure quite what you mean by this. I outlined all the features I plan to implement. The application is in its final structure, I am just still adding features. What more details did you want to know?
Angelusz said:
Now, on this application itself - it's looking really good Jking, it would be lovely to have it support multiple keyhooks. Another feature I'd like to see is grasping software keys, like for instance when tapping the clock in TF3D. I'd like to be able to set what that does as well; e.g. remap it to an application or something. Same goes for calender etc. - is your current code able to support that too?
Keep up the great work, this one is starting to look like a keeper!!
(Although I like AEbuttonplus, I read/noticed some downsides about it and would rather replace it.)
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Thanks Angelusz. I don't believe that capturing things like tapping the clock in TF3D is possible though. Tapping software buttons does not generate a keyboard event. Only actual keys do. Therefore unless TF3D sends key events for some reason this would not be possible.
JKingDev said:
Dandie, I am not sure quite what you mean by this. I outlined all the features I plan to implement. The application is in its final structure, I am just still adding features. What more details did you want to know?
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Oh, then I must have overlooked something. What configuration possibilities do you want to offer in your UI, what do you want to offer via registry configuration and what must be done via scripts or additional programs. E.g. what do you want to implement what a powerful program like AEButtonsPlus offers, what do you don't want to offer and what do you want to add to it to make it better. Starting a discussion like this would pop up many good ideas for a somewhat perfect application, you will see.
By the way, a software never is final - unless you declare it final, which basically means you stop the development.
JKingDev said:
Dandie, I am not sure quite what you mean by this. I outlined all the features I plan to implement. The application is in its final structure, I am just still adding features. What more details did you want to know?
Thanks Angelusz. I don't believe that capturing things like tapping the clock in TF3D is possible though. Tapping software buttons does not generate a keyboard event. Only actual keys do. Therefore unless TF3D sends key events for some reason this would not be possible.
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I think you're right, I have however found a tool that allows me to remap the paths!
Dandie said:
Oh, then I must have overlooked something. What configuration possibilities do you want to offer in your UI, what do you want to offer via registry configuration and what must be done via scripts or additional programs. E.g. what do you want to implement what a powerful program like AEButtonsPlus offers, what do you don't want to offer and what do you want to add to it to make it better. Starting a discussion like this would pop up many good ideas for a somewhat perfect application, you will see.
By the way, a software never is final - unless you declare it final, which basically means you stop the development.
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Well I wasnt planning on making a UI unless people absolutely want to. All my settings are easily changeable in the registry. The second post outlines all the available options. When I add the ctrl key and fn keys there will be options for these too. There will also be an option to allow other key hooks if I get that working. Nothing must be done via scripts or other programs. Simply enter in the registry what file to run or open when the key is pressed. Everyone is free to make requests. There is one request to emulate virtual hard keys and I will try addressing that later. I am not trying to match AEBP. I did this a.) becausse AEBP is a bloated all purpose app; mine is tailor made for the X1, and much smaller and lighter; b.) AEBP costs money; c.) AEBP cannot create a ctrl key or grab FN keys; AEKM does, meaning purchasing another application. If there is something more you would like to see the app do let me know. Otherwise, I have laid out everything that is in the plan already.
Angelusz said:
I think you're right, I have however found a tool that allows me to remap the paths!
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Glad you got that worked out. I thought there would be something of this nature.
Hi JKingDev,
I have tired X1BC for only one button so far (long press ok button to switch to 2nd today). So far everything is working quite nicely.
With AEBP I was facing a significant battery capacity drainage this was for me the main reason to look out for another button mapper. At least in my configuration I was able to reproduce this battery problem (I had 3 buttons asigned with a double click function and the action menue). But this is reported allready (Touch HD forum, because it happens on the Touch HD as well). It is realy a pity, because AEBP is a great application and was the very 1st I was installing on a WM phone.
As long as there is no UI maybe you could do a presetting of all those reg key with a samll cab file? And fill the dword with "0" - I understand that than the key has just its standard behaviour.
Because than I just have to type "only" my individual settings (I am lazy - I know).
For making program starting easier I have the idea to create in the reg keys a path name to a standard link such as
"\Program Files\X1BC\OKLongAction.lnk"
Than I create a new link for the program I want to start, rename it to "OKLongAction.lnk" and overwrite with this new link the one in the standard directory.
This would allow to make changes without playing arround in the regestry all the time.
Best regards & Many thanks for this great tool!
Registry settings:
The following are DWORD values:
Here are the possible choices:
0 - Leave the key alone
1 - Capture long press only
3 - Capture long and short press
The following are string values:

[APP][Updt 08/09/2009] DredSensor v1.3a - Allow you to personalize Hard Key Actions

DredSensor v1.3a:
Now DredSensor should be compatible with other device than HTC Touch Diamond.
Historically, if you have tried to play a game needing left and right key on an HTC Touch Diamond, you noticed that they are 2mm wide and if you click next to it, you get back to home page or to dialing menu etc...
So I've written a prog allowing you to lock these 4 keys actions and replace it by classical key event (VK_LEFT, VK_RIGHT, ...).
In that way you can play tetris, and use "Pick-Up" and "Hang-Up" keys for going left and right.
I extended it to let you configure each app independantly, and choose between four (five) mode:
"HardKeySimul": replace the 4 keyz by classical key event
"Launcher": allow you to quicklaunch 4 app (that you define in the config wnd) when you double tap (not click, just tap) on one of those 4 keyz
"Scroll": allow you to scroll the current window by tapping those 4 keyz panel
"KeySimul": allow you to send left/right/up/down events by tapping those 4 keyz panel
"--- Disabled ---": Disable specific HTC Touch Diamond Sensor functionalities.
Now, i've added an alternative Key Mapping, that let you map an action (or another key) on normal click and long click event on any other key that the up-described four.
So if you don't have an HTC Touch Diamond, the only mode you can choose is "--- Disabled ---" but you can define "other key mapping".
Link ->: DredSensor-v1.3a
To use it, you need:
1) A Windows Mobile SmartPhone
2) Install the .cab
3) Reboot your SmartPhone
4) Run a game (or app or ...)
5) Get your stylus out and back-in, in less than 1 second
6) Click "Yes"
----- A config window opens:
7) Choose the Type you want.
8) Reassign the actions to the events, if needed.
9) Assign "other key mapping", if needed.
10) Click "Ok"
Other Key Mapping:
To add a key mapping, a popup opens and ask you to press a key.
If you want to assign an action to normal clic, just clic on the choosen key.
If you want to assign an action to long clic, clic more thant 1 sec on the choosen key.
Then you have to choose the action, and it's done.
If you only assign an action to a long clic on a key, a short clic on this key should work transparently.
Have fun.
If you like this program, feel free to donate:
Version history:
New features in v1.3a:
Added an alternative key mapping that Should be compatible with any Windows Mobile device.
Added the "KeepAlive" option. Check this if you want DredSensor to prevent the smartphone to sleep when this application is loaded.
Added possibility to Enable/Disable DredSensor:
Exemple of C++ code to do this:
HWND m_hDredSensorWnd=FindWindow(_T("DredSensorWnd"),NULL);
New features in v1.2g:
Fixes a few bugs
Fix the bug in config window when loading prog list
Added a debug mode:
For activating it, just launch DredSensorDebug.exe (in /Program Files/DredSensor).
First it will tell you if DredSensor is running or not.
If it's running, it will activate/deactivate the debug mode so you will find a log in /Program Files/DredSensor/Log
If you have trouble with DredSensor:
Restart your HTC
Launch DredSensorDebug (to activate log)
Wait for DredSensor to stop working
Launch DredSensorDebug to know if it's still runing or not.
PM me the log, the config.ini and a description of the problem.
New features in v1.2b:
Tried to fix the conflicts with TouchLockPro and similar, hope it works (thanks for those who can check this out)
New features in v1.2:
Fix "not working bug" with new ROMs
Allow you to choose wether you block the scrolling wheel or not
Allow you to disable the vibrator effect.
Allow you to delete configs.
If you upgrade to this version, you can keep your config file.
To define a profile that applies on every applications, launch config tool and edit "Default" config.
If the key you want to affect is not listed, you can define it manually:
Type "Key:[email protected]@", with @@ = VKey code of the key you want to affect.
You can find VKey code list on :
DredSensor v1.1d:
Link ->: DredSensor-v1.1d
New features in v1.1d:
Let you choose which Key/Action you affect to each key.
Launcher Mode let you affect an Action for:
Double Tap event
Click event
Long click event
An icon for config tool is created in Program list.
Cache Program List for quick loading in Config window.
Fixes a few bug from v1.1, v1.1b and v1.1c
If you upgrade to this version, your config file will be cleared (sorry ).
To define a profile that applies on every applications, launch config tool and edit "Default" config.
If the key you want to affect is not listed, you can define it manually:
Type "Key:[email protected]@", with @@ = VKey code of the key you want to affect.
You can find VKey code list on :
the app is working good for me now! I just love the scrolling with only a touch on the d-pad
Thank you!!
I suggest you stop making a new thread for every new version and instead update your original thread and post that you've updated it.
After installing and lunch program .... i cannot see any of EVENTS on Events tab. Windows "wait gif" is rolling all the time and nothing happen :/ (i talk about mapping under HardKeySimul
Kraize said:
I suggest you stop making a new thread for every new version and instead update your original thread and post that you've updated it.
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That's what i wanted to do but i didn't found a way to update the post title...
Is there one?
thanx for the update I'll try it and report
Thanks for the new version! And thanks for adding the OK button command!
Seems to be working better than the last version although pressing the back key (which I have mapped to click right) a few times in quick succession does seem to send a back command. Pressing the home key in quick succession doesn't have this problem.
Also, I can't get the scroll wheel to work despite leaving the "Block scrolling wheel" box unchecked. Am I doing something wrong?
antlane said:
Thanks for the new version! And thanks for adding the OK button command!
Seems to be working better than the last version although pressing the back key (which I have mapped to click right) a few times in quick succession does seem to send a back command. Pressing the home key in quick succession doesn't have this problem.
Also, I can't get the scroll wheel to work despite leaving the "Block scrolling wheel" box unchecked. Am I doing something wrong?
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Hmm.. For the scrolling wheel, i use a tricky solution that works on my HTC touch diamond. May be it doesn't work on your model or on your rom version...
If someone have an idea on how to send a "ZoomIn" or "ZoomOut" event to a window (or how to develop an application that catch ZoomIn and ZoomOut events), that would help a lot...
As far as i studied the problem, it seems that ZoomIn and ZoomOut events are equal to Up and Down keys, but comming from a "rocker" .. so I can send those Up/Down key events, but no idea of how to tell that this comes from a "rocker" (and i don't even have an idea of what a "rocker" is...)
Wow, this is great! I am still loving the ability to remap my home key (and the others), and I really like the new scroll wheel feature. Actually, for me, instead of zooming in some apps, it now seems to scroll just about everywhere -- which is perfect, I like that more anyway.
Is there any way to donate or buy you a cup of coffee? I'd like to as a thank-you.
What an absolutely brilliant program!
Thank you very much Dredger97!
ldrn said:
Wow, this is great! I am still loving the ability to remap my home key (and the others), and I really like the new scroll wheel feature. Actually, for me, instead of zooming in some apps, it now seems to scroll just about everywhere -- which is perfect, I like that more anyway.
Is there any way to donate or buy you a cup of coffee? I'd like to as a thank-you.
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Well if you insist , i've added a donate link in the first post...
Big thanks to all for your positive and constructive comments
TF3D and DredSensor don't play nice together
This program is awesome! You can do so much with it! However, I am having one small issue with it. It appears that if I use it on Manilla [TF3D], that it works initially, but over time it seems to stop working and ends up freezing Manilla. The start icon still works, all the unmapped hardware keys still work and the task bar is still live. Only Manilla is frozen. If I don't map any keys on Manilla, it works fine for hours. But it only takes about 1 or 2 hours before there is a freeze on Manilla.
Any thoughts on how to correct this? I would love to use this program from my Home screen on Manilla.
Long click event → vibrate/nomal
i want "Long click event" of Endkey to set vibrate/nomal.
how edit setting?
sorry for my english!
downloaded v1.2, opened resco picture viewer,Got stylus out and back-in, in less than 1 second, tapped yes.
than for type i choosed disabled, but nothing, every time i press any hw key it does what it need to do(home to home, back for back, hangup close..)
what am i doing wrong??
intel286 said:
downloaded v1.2, opened resco picture viewer,Got stylus out and back-in, in less than 1 second, tapped yes.
than for type i choosed disabled, but nothing, every time i press any hw key it does what it need to do(home to home, back for back, hangup close..)
what am i doing wrong??
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Well, disabled means "DredSensor is disabled" so it's normal that your hw key do what it's supposed to.
If you want to disable the hard key, you can:
- set Type: Launcher
- set "Click" action = "Misc:Nothing" on one of the keys.
So it will catch the hard key action, and do nothing when you click on it.
For me it doesn`t work :/ windows "Wait" gif is always apperaing when i want to add new Event. :/ And there is no Events on the list ...
tried that but same when i press home it goes to home
i have tried that on wmp.
is this program always turned on,now when i remove and than get back in stylus no menu pops up?!?
Great Job!
the app finally works on my pda! so glad you solved this bug!
But I still have a little problem...the app runs fine, when I start the buttons work with the function that I chose, but after the first time I use it it crashes and stops to work. Am I the only one with this problem?
Dredger, I asked in the last thread, but didn't get a response.
As far as mapping other buttons goes, could you post a quick example of what I would type in the config.ini to map the center D-pad button to act as the "left" button.
I realize the buttons commands are listed in the link you provided in your first post, but I'm having a little bit of trouble figuring this out.
Great app btw.
I'm gonna have to have another go at this... For some reason I just can't wrap my head around the setup of the program.

VJ KeyPress - Send a '1' to the phone.

Okay, so I'm using Google Voice with call presentation on, and I want to setup a shortcut to send a '1' to the phone to accept an incoming call. I just got a bluetooth watch and I want to be able to have the watch send the key so I don't need to dig out my phone when I'm in the car.
So, to test this a little bit I installed KeyPress and I setup that if I double press my start button in AE Buttons, it runs KeyPress with the parameter of 97. This works perfectly. No issues at all.
But when I try to create a short cut, everything fails. If I just press tap VJKeyPress, I get the little "help" screen. If I create a shortcut, and tap it, I also get the help screen. But when I try to modify the shortcut to pass the '97', then it fails.
I'm guessing that I'm missing something in the syntax, but I can't figure it out.
I have the path, in quotes:
"\P F\vijay555\VJKeyPress\VJKeyPress.exe"
Then I've put 97 at the end just plain, in quotes, in <>, I've put in right behind the .exe inside the quotes... Nothing seems to work at all. I'm at a total loss.
Anyone have a suggestion?
Could you send me a screenshot of the configuration screen in AE Buttons.
I can't think why it wouldn't work, but what you could do is create a normal shortcut that launches VJKeypress with the required parameters, and then use AE Button to launch that .lnk shortcut itself, rather than VJKeyPress.exe
Should you get really stuck, VJBrisk might be able to help you, but I think the above should be adequate.
Drop me a PM (and post in the thread) again if you get stuck.
Oops... I didn't think I explained myself properly.
The AE Buttons is WORKING. It's the normal shortcut link that I can't get to work... and that's the thing I really need to get working.
Sorry, my bad, didn't read it properly.
I normally put example shortcuts in my cabs, but curiously I've got none in the cab on my phone. Can't believe the app is nearly 5 years old! Wow.
Anyway, I just tried making a shortcut.
If you paste the following:
55#"\Program Files\Vijay555\VJKeyPress\VJKeyPress.exe" 133
into a text document, and rename it Test.lnk, and copy that over to your phone, it should create a shortcut that locks your phone.
If that works, just change the parameter to do what you want.
What app are you using to create shortcuts?
And what's the significance of the \p\f in your first post?
A bit more information...
I tried to write a simple MortScript to run this as well. According to the MortScript manual, to run an app, you use this command:
Run ( "\path\AppName" [,"Parameter"] )
In other words, the path and the command first, and then put in the optional parameter. When I put in just the app name:
Run( "\Program Files\vijay555\VJKeyPress\VJKeyPress.exe" )
And run the script, I get the little help popup as I would expect. When I put in the parameter:
Run( "\Program Files\vijay555\VJKeyPress\VJKeyPress.exe" , "97" )
Nothing happens.
vijay555 said:
If you paste the following:
55#"\Program Files\Vijay555\VJKeyPress\VJKeyPress.exe" 133
into a text document, and rename it Test.lnk, and copy that over to your phone, it should create a shortcut that locks your phone.
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Okay... well that locked the phone fine.
If that works, just change the parameter to do what you want.
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I'm using both the text editor on Windows and Word on my PPC (not saving it in Word Format when prompted).
What app are you using to create shortcuts?
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Just Copy the original file and then paste as shortcut.
And what's the significance of the \p\f in your first post?
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Didn't feel like typing out \Program Files\.
Okay, so using the '133' definitely worked, but when I change it to 97 (the code to send NumPad1), it doesn't work.
But it DOES work when I tell AE Buttons to run VJKeyPress with the parameter of 97. Ugh... very odd.
Just for the fun of it, I also tried setting up a button in AE Buttons to run the shortcut that has '97' in it. That didn't work. I'm at a complete loss to figure out what's going on.
It may be that the keypress is occurring, but it's being fed into AE Buttons rather than the Phone Dialler, ie if when you press the required button, AE Button becomes active, which launches VJKeyPress, which presses 1 <b>within</b> AE Button, not the phone dialler.
You could test this by trying other keys and seeing what happens.
Also try activating Word or something else on your phone and launch the shortcut - see if the desired key gets pressed.
Also, you said NumPad1 - this is the number pad on a pc keyboard.
Try 49, which is just key 1.
