So I have been trying to decide if the micro-stutter I get with my LG G2 V980 is just my hyper sensitivity or if my phone has more than other people's, since many people say it is super smooth. I rooted my phone the other day so that I could side load the tethering app and change the CPU governer from ondemand to interactive using Trickster MOD. I did not benchmark my phone before this, which I should have, but subjectively my does appear faster.
However, I still have some micro-stutter. Not too bad, but there none the less. This got me thinking of TRIM. I know that a new phone that has most of its memory free should not need to be trimmed yet. But for ****s and grins I downloaded lagfix and ran it anyway. It is really too early to tell if it made much difference, but the little I have used my phone since then have been promising.
And this got me thinking - what if some people had trim issues with the phones when they got them? We don't really know what LG has done with some of these phones before we got them, right? I downloaded AndroBench form the play store and ran a microbenchmark. From what I understand, the Random Write speeds are the ones that usually cause a ton of lag/micro stutter in phones. I did not run it before I ran lagfix, but I thought I would post my results now and ask others what they are getting. Especially people that think they have 'stutter' issues. Can you run an AndroBench micro benchmark and post your results?
Mine is attached. Verizon, stock cleanrom, rooted, interactive governor, daily scheduled lagfix.
Edit: Ran the test 2 more times, and got 7 MB/s and then 14 MB/s sequential write.
My results are terrible compared to yours :S but i have no stutter or lag problems, so im a bit confused here.
Btw im on g.lwarnes stock rom v1.06 and his 3.01 beta 2 kernel, also ive used the lagfix and it didnt matter at all.
Cant upload a screenshot so the results are seq read 85k seq write 9.79k random read 12.75 and random write 0.6
Sometimes g2 slow down a bit but nothing to worry about
My wife's phone runs quadrant standard really slow it takesb like 5 minutes to run with rooted vibrant and lag fix. Plus it's only registering about 750. Please help.
That's normal if you haven't installed a LagFix. Its not a bad thing either, the phone is still plenty fast.
and if you don't want to root and apply the fix, just wait until the froyo update comes out. your numbers then should drastically improve and of course, so should the overall speed.
chronos7 said:
My wife's phone runs quadrant standard really slow it takesb like 5 minutes to run with rooted vibrant and lag fix. Plus it's only registering about 750. Please help.
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If you're still getting that low of a score, clearly something went wrong with the fix. I would use odin and restore a stock image and then start over if it were me.
djgleebs said:
That's normal if you haven't installed a LagFix. Its not a bad thing either, the phone is still plenty fast.
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That's NOT normal... It never took my Vibrant or my wife's 5 minutes to run the Quadrant tests, before or after the fix.
chronos7 said:
My wife's phone runs quadrant standard really slow it takesb like 5 minutes to run with rooted vibrant and lag fix. Plus it's only registering about 750. Please help.
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Which lag fix did you perform cuz the one I performed has my Quadrant scores no lower the 2100? Something went wrong with whatever you did.
Here is what I did with mine and I am now at about 1400 quadrant. I didnt use any lag fix at all. I simply loaded a clean rom copy via oden and then loaded vibrant4. The only change I made was to replace the framework-res.apk file in vibrant4 with the stock one in order to stop the reboots caused by the battery fix.
Thats it been rock solid stable for days now.
I've got a rooted 2.1 stock Vibrant with ryan's lag fix. My quadrant score went from 876 to 2250 which is great. My linpak for android only went from 8.101 to 8.225 mflops. I would really like my mflops to be in the 10-15 range though. It also seems to be running much quicker. Would I see a bigger boost with voodoo or should I just keep ryans lag fix going. Is voodoo just as easy to install to. Also I've been dying for the Frodo OTA. Would both of these lag fixes work for 2.2
Huh. Huhuhuh. He said Frodo. Huhuhuh. Huhuh.
LOL, it's been a funny day today. This is almost as good as the guy who told the noob to put on three lag fixes, so it will be three time's as fast!!! LOL.
Let's all hope Frodo can get the One Ring to Mount Doom in time. Then him and the rest of Samsung dev team might get Froyo done soon. Only then can the world rest and our linpak score possibly rise!
I saw that post to and it was pretty funny. I just want to know the differences between the to lag fixes, and which one is better to have.
How about try them both and you be the judge of it? Results vary on people's setups. If I were you, I would wait for a more stable version of VooDoo.. I have applied it but many people have reported having problems detecting their SD card (external and internal). To fix this, you'd have to restore your apps using Titanium Backup etc etc.
I would definitely say VooDoo, I have used RyanZA and VooDoo. But since you're a new user, I'd just wait for the more stable version.
Does Voodoo reformat the entire SD to ext4 or does it symlink like Ryan's?
If it changes the whole file system to ext4 then I would say it has to be faster.
thanks foe responses, I will wait until voovdoo goes stable an see the performance myself.
Droidicus said:
Huh. Huhuhuh. He said Frodo. Huhuhuh. Huhuh.
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you CANT get 10-15 mflops, if you read how the lagfixes work you would understand what you are measuring. i think with OC you might get mid 9's
Has anyone else noticed that when using NAND Desire HD/Z sense builds that their phone seems to run more smoothly after the 1st day or two running at stock speeds than it does when running overclocked?
I was getting a bit of lag here and there, and as expected after having streamed music literally all night via wifi the phone was a real dog first thing in the morning until the memory cleared out.
I noticed after a couple of days my phone would spontaneously reboot - I was overclocking to 1.5ghz using MDJ's 10.3OC kernel, so I figured that it was the overclock causing the reboot - sure enough the phone runs smooth as glass now that I've throttled it back to 1ghz (interactive governor).
Is it just my imagination?
It is hard to say really, as you will have different apps, widgets and syncs set up to me, plus we are running different builds, thus a direct comparison is very hard.
All that matters is what works for YOU.
FYI I don't find any meaningful benefit by overclocking. So I don't bother. I haven't really noticed a speed difference either way. If however it made a positive difference, I would.
Just for the record, benchmarking and Quadrant scores are nothing more than a waste of time and are only useful for arguments starting with the words "Mine is better than yours because...".
Curiousity always gets me to run Quadrant, but having seen varied phones with roller-coaster scores, I know the scores are not really any kind of valid gauge for real world performance.
I'm going to run my phone at stock speeds for the rest of the week and see how it does. I've got a feeling it will be running a lot smoother.
I have a general question I have been searching for on Google and the forum here. I am wondering if someone could tell me some areas that I will notice the benefits of overclocking. What I mean is, I understand it speeds up the CPU, but other than running a quadrant score (which means nothing to me really) where would you see the results to the naked eye?
Since flashing Lightspeed ROM and using Thor's Kernals it does appear that my internet pages load faster and the boot animations load faster. I think it seems like my thumb keyboards pop up a slight bit faster as well.
Are these the noticeable changes? Or are they just in my head since I am overclocking? (OR I think I am)
I am using SetCPU and have the Max set to about 1.5 and the Min set to 1.0 or 1.2 most of the time.
If someone could weigh in with some more knowledgeable information and possibly point me to a nice write up for Noobs like me who are interested in learning more about the benefits of Overclocking as well as maybe a guide for advice using SetCPU (or another App?) that is more recommended by those on here, I would appreciate it!
Mine's takes about 30 seconds to boot from vibrate to lock screen if that makes any difference. OC to 1.5 using taboonay 2.0 with HV 3.4 kernal.
Mine defiantly seems to boot up faster. I do not play a lot of game on the tab, mainly just internet and movies, so I am not sure I am doing anything that would require such an increase in graphics speed that I am noticing the major differences. Right now I have mine set to about 1.4 and it is very stable with no problems. If I go to 1.6 I notice things start FC'ing more often.
HD playback has definitely improved since overclocking on 3.1, some 720p videos that suffered from random slow downs now play flawlessly with setcpu at 1.5 on performance mode, temps always stay below 35°c hours after being set to performance.
The rest is minor improvements.
SoHaunted said:
HD playback has definitely improved since overclocking on 3.1, some 720p videos that suffered from random slow downs now play flawlessly with setcpu at 1.5 on performance mode, temps always stay below 35°c hours after being set to performance.
The rest is minor improvements.
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Thanks. I will have to take a look at that tomorrow when I am stuck on the plane for a few hours.
Hey guys,
I apologize if this has been asked over & over... but I'm a little frustrated here.
Basically I'm seeing absolutely horrible random write results on both of my nexus devices (VZ GNex toro & N10). Bascially the numbers I get don't even show up on the charts (1 or less MB/s on Random Write... around 40 IOPS).
I have done various factory resets, freshly installed my custom ROMs, etc. (I have also run the lagfix trim operation that is under discussion on these boards recently), and have not really seen much difference.
Should I chock these results up to something with my current ROM / kernel that the ROM is using? (I'm running Jelly Belly 12.1 on both devices atm for what its worth).
In general, things have been "ok" performance wise, but I'd really like to know why I'm getting such abysmal I/O performance...