i9500 or i9505 - Galaxy S 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

hi guys. i am thinking of buying galaxy s4 having problem choosing between the lte and non lte model. 1st lemme tell you i live in bangladesh where so far only 3g is available. but i happen to travel other countries for my business purpose. i do not understand which model i should choose. so far i know performance wise there is almost no difference at all in this two model. only difference so far i found on net(gsmarena website) that the 9500 has better camera software with polished image, better than 9505. and 9505 has lte over 9500. i really do not understand why samsung release non 4g s4 in 2013. even my optimus g has lte connectivity. now about the price, i do not know about other countries buy here, i9500 cost 51,000 taka means 680 us dollars, where i9505 cost 55,000 taka means 735 us dollars.
i have another question. i used to often call my partners by video call. which i did not get in either optimus g or xperia z. but i did video call with s3 or note 2. so this forced me to think either 4g set has no 3g video call capability or its only samsung that support native video call. its somehow ok for now cause of tango and skype but i had to force my every partners and clients to install either on of them.
so here we are. please help me to decide to buy one. thanks a lot.

I'd gt the non LTE unless you travel more than 10 days a month to places with 4g.
Because by the time Bangladesh gets a nice spread out 4g coverage network, your s4 would be obsolete from a specs perspective.
Here in the uae we have 4g in all major cities but even then some niche spots don't have 4g. But that's only about 10 minutes of my day. Otherwise I have 4g the rest of the time and hence justified the 4g decision.

I think that 9500 users will say 9500/ and 9505 users will say 9505.
Get what they sell in your country. Looks like 9505 gets more support than 9500.
No its up to you, read more on forum about both.

i9505 seams to have longer battery life, better gpu performance, on par cpu performance and less overheating issues.
This is the clear conclusion I have come to after much searching the web, others will surely disagree though.

About the 9505 having more support is due to the fact at the moment is it's around 70% of those manufactured/shipped and also those being the only ones available in most western markets.
4G is not mature at the moment as it has to switch to 3G to make phone calls and also 4G coverage at the moment is not extensive - so in theory it's battery life should be worse than the 9500 - now if the other comparable issues with the 9505 is software related - I would go for the 9500 instead - if it is a design fault then you may better stay clear from the S4 altogether.
Personally I feel the S4 is a rushed product and samsung doesn't seem to have tested it properly - so the people who are using it at the moment are beta testers - only thing owners can hope at the moment these issues are software related and not a design/hardware faults.
The 9505 I had has been sent in for repairs for a heating/call issue - so these issues are common across both the version.

Why are we beta testers?
If anything, we're using an S3.2 beaus it's not thaaat different from the s3.
But defnitey not beta testing it. There are no major faults. I've actually found no faults.

Dean-xXx said:
I think that 9500 users will say 9500/ and 9505 users will say 9505.
Get what they sell in your country. Looks like 9505 gets more support than 9500.
No its up to you, read more on forum about both.
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thanks for your reply. i happen to read many of their pros and cons here and they are almost similar. that is why i confused. i will take 1 or 2 days more to decide.

MrQues said:
About the 9505 having more support is due to the fact at the moment is it's around 70% of those manufactured/shipped and also those being the only ones available in most western markets.
4G is not mature at the moment as it has to switch to 3G to make phone calls and also 4G coverage at the moment is not extensive - so in theory it's battery life should be worse than the 9500 - now if the other comparable issues with the 9505 is software related - I would go for the 9500 instead - if it is a design fault then you may better stay clear from the S4 altogether.
Personally I feel the S4 is a rushed product and samsung doesn't seem to have tested it properly - so the people who are using it at the moment are beta testers - only thing owners can hope at the moment these issues are software related and not a design/hardware faults.
The 9505 I had has been sent in for repairs for a heating/call issue - so these issues are common across both the version.
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From what is see the overheating problem is more common on 9500.
Last update improved a lot the 9505, including the crackling sound with some headphones.
I'm sure in the next update for 9500 will be also lot of improvement.
I'm just saying what i'm reading around. I don't have any of those issues, but they've been reported by other users.

MrQues said:
About the 9505 having more support is due to the fact at the moment is it's around 70% of those manufactured/shipped and also those being the only ones available in most western markets.
4G is not mature at the moment as it has to switch to 3G to make phone calls and also 4G coverage at the moment is not extensive - so in theory it's battery life should be worse than the 9500 - now if the other comparable issues with the 9505 is software related - I would go for the 9500 instead - if it is a design fault then you may better stay clear from the S4 altogether.
Personally I feel the S4 is a rushed product and samsung doesn't seem to have tested it properly - so the people who are using it at the moment are beta testers - only thing owners can hope at the moment these issues are software related and not a design/hardware faults.
The 9505 I had has been sent in for repairs for a heating/call issue - so these issues are common across both the version.
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i really do not understand. we are beta testers? sorry but i do not believe that. so far i did not found any major issues on net. but still i do not know it well since i do not have it. right now you have better experience then me. but i do not agree with beta testers thing. and suppose if we do, we still have warranty right? why they forced us to choose between these two?

and i do not know about other market but here we have both of them. though lte one costs a little higher than non lte version. so its harder to choose.

fahad2mail said:
and i do not know about other market but here we have both of them. though lte one costs a little higher than non lte version. so its harder to choose.
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Thing is that in performance you will not notice any difference between the 2 of them.
They will both get updates and will get better and better.
You take your time and read more about them around here and whatever you will choose, it will be good. You cannot go wrong with either of them.
My opinion is that 9505 will get updates faster and will have better developer's support. I might be wrong, but i don't think so.

Saw a video where the 9500 outscored the 9505 on every test

ok guys i want to know one more thing. so far i know only snapdragon 600 will support open gl es 3.0 which will come with android 4.3. does anyone know that exynos octa support it too?

fahad2mail said:
ok guys i want to know one more thing. so far i know only snapdragon 600 will support open gl es 3.0 which will come with android 4.3. does anyone know that exynos octa support it too?
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From what i know the 9505 has adreno320 gpu which supports opengl es3.0 and the 9500 has a powervr SGX 544MP3 which doesn't support it.
If anyone knows better, you're welcome to clear this out for us.

Dean-xXx said:
From what i know the 9505 has adreno320 gpu which supports opengl es3.0 and the 9500 has a powervr SGX 544MP3 which doesn't support it.
If anyone knows better, you're welcome to clear this out for us.
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yeah I would like to know also.!!

fugitiv3 said:
yeah I would like to know also.!!
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I found out this allready, the octa version doesn't support it.

The i9505 can be used for 2 years without being outdated as it supports 4g and gl es3.0 but the i9500 doesnt
also the big battery life difference
in theory the i9500 was supposed to have more life but the i9505 settled the case by a huge increase in batt
also u shud better dev support like u get cm10.1 and aosp and aokp
gsmarena also said that i9505 has better sound quality idk abt that but maybe
in the end go with the i9505 blinded

qazmed said:
The i9505 can be used for 2 years without being outdated as it supports 4g and gl es3.0 but the i9500 doesnt
also the big battery life difference
in theory the i9500 was supposed to have more life but the i9505 settled the case by a huge increase in batt
also u shud better dev support like u get cm10.1 and aosp and aokp
gsmarena also said that i9505 has better sound quality idk abt that but maybe
in the end go with the i9505 blinded
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No, 9500 is the one with better sound quality because it has a Wolfson DAC and also the 9500 has better camera, i chosed the 9500 for this 2 reasons. No regrets

0mega007 said:
No, 9500 is the one with better sound quality because it has a Wolfson DAC and also the 9500 has better camera, i chosed the 9500 for this 2 reasons. No regrets
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Ok congratulation

Thanks a lot guys. Its really a great set. Only difference I found so far is the sound. Its one or 2 bar lower than i9500 in earphone mode. But its ok for me.
Sent from my GT-I9505 using xda app-developers app


Galaxy S II or wait for Atrix ?!

As all of you know the Atrix is only available in US & Canada and most of the rumors point to may/june release date .
Today i read at gsmarena that the Galaxy S II will be supporting a 1.2 Ghz dual-core processor ! .Then i looked at the specifications and they were pretty much attractive like the 4.3 SAMOLED+ screen , the 32 GB memory and the 8 MP camera !
What really made me go through the phase of confusion is that the Galaxy S II is coming to europe this month or the beginning of may
My question is if you were in my situation what will you choose and does the atrix deserve all the waiting ?
The atrix is good, and has its quirks, but so does every phone. All the problems of the atrix are well-known.
As for the galaxy s2, may I remind you of a little incident with the last generation? Specifically something pertaining to GPS?
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
I do remember it , actually my sister is suffering from this problem right now along with some other problems like the filing system .
The problem is that i'm waiting for the atrix for a pretty long time and i read a lot of articles about impressions and reviews for the device so you know that a man in my position well have his doubts , especially when i still haven't got a try of the device.
Dark Sector said:
As all of you know the Atrix is only available in US & Canada and most of the rumors point to may/june release date .
Today i read at gsmarena that the Galaxy S II will be supporting a 1.2 Ghz dual-core processor ! .Then i looked at the specifications and they were pretty much attractive like the 4.3 SAMOLED+ screen , the 32 GB memory and the 8 MP camera !
What really made me go through the phase of confusion is that the Galaxy S II is coming to europe this month or the beginning of may
My question is if you were in my situation what will you choose and does the atrix deserve all the waiting ?
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Dude.. I think the Samoled screens are incredible when it comes to color *but the reality is they look all nice just because all the color is oversaturated*.
Resolution will be same old crap, phone will be thin but with a crappy finish.
Now the the real real real thing you must think about... Samsung has crappy quality control. Guaranteed. I urge everyone who reads this to look up i9000m corrupt SD in google and you will find the polls here on XDA on the ridiculousness of the lack of interest from Samsung to do anything and even admit a mistake... and B, their way of addressing this so called "issue" after 7 months post release.
If you want to know the horror stories i had to live with the i9000 and how finally after my 3rd phone died, i simply decided to go out and buy a new one... just ask and I'll tell you more
500 bucks down the drain and eventually, I managed to get it to boot a semi working filesystem. It chewed up one brand new SD card, gg.. and now i gave it to my wife because all it does is look pretty and make calls.. also lets not even mention their horrible commitment to updates and more importantly their crappy choice in filesystems (related specifically to the i9000).
By the way, in case you do not know. The i9000 is the Original Galaxy S..
Yeah, people can ***** about motorola all they want, I'll NEVER be buying samsung again..
PS: Most people say the Nexus S redeemed samsung, but its a pretty known fact, google set the spec sheet and phone workes great because its an i9000 with all the quirks already ironed out and of course running AOSP gingerbread.
yeah... GG
I enjoy my atrix very much. Even with the locked bootloader the psuedo roms are working fine until we get that bad boy decrypted!
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
it really depends if the galaxy s2 will have the same problems as the original. the two main problems i had with the phone that made me sold it was the gps never working right and not very accurate when it does. The other is reception/deathgrip i mostly use my phone in a low reception area, 2-3 bars at best, and every time i pick it up it would always drop down to 1 bar or edge and would constantly drop calls. I couldn;t make a call longer than 5 mins before it would be dropped if im in a low reception area.
all the problems with teh atrix is pretty minor compared to these imo. if samsung fixed these problems and super amoled plus screen is as good and some are saying then i will consider it, it was nice to have all those roms and mods(assuming the bootloader can be cracked)
im also skeptical on the build quality. all teh galaxy s phones felt pretty cheap with teh captivate being the best of the worst...
I suggest you Galaxy S2 while Atrix is now a troubles maker by many issues.
gachiennuocmam said:
I suggest you Galaxy S2 while Atrix is now a troubles maker by many issues.
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"Troubles" Like what?
I see a couple of Wifi posts and the lag seems to be fixed by launcher pro?
What other troubles?...
My Atrix is being returned to AT&T in about 10 days. I'm hoping to get a SGSII.
If I was in your position, I would wait till I could play with both of them. Because I like to do a lot of web browsing and text related stuff, I almost always choose the phone that has the higher pixel density and/or higher resolution. It just makes reading small text so much more pleasant.
I guess this only matters to people with sharp eyes, who like reading small text though.
gachiennuocmam said:
I suggest you Galaxy S2 while Atrix is now a troubles maker by many issues.
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I thank you there, for our daily lesson in grammer.
Stay away from samsung android phones. Samsung can help very screw up the os. I had a galaxy s and bought an atrix out of pocket, best thing i ever did.
Samsung lured to us about when they would update to 2.2 for 6 months. And their android ui is very ham fisted. Don't go samsung.
Does the Galaxy S ll have a Nvidia Tegra dualcore processor? No. LOL. But Cyanogenmod would be really nice to have. And I know it will get it. Oh well.
gachiennuocmam said:
I suggest you Galaxy S2 while Atrix is now a troubles maker by many issues.
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This post is an example of a fail Chinese to English translation.
It won't be long after release for us to know whether GPS works well on the SGS2 or not, and whether the phone has any other quirks. Things like this, such as Atrix touch and other issues only take days to come to light on XDA. (The touch issue would really piss me off, I hope they fix that for Atrix owners soon, too bad Bell will delay any fix for months like they do any update).
I'm satisfied with resolution of the i9000m SD defect in my case. They repaired it, it works now end of story. I have doubts about how you managed to kill 3 i9000's that don't even really have reported hardware issues...(or did you you say the $500 was down the drain but you managed to get it working again?) With an unlocked bootloader comes great responsibility.
The major upgrade with samoled+ on SGSII is that it is RGB, no longer pentile. Hardly 'same old resolution' when it will now have double the Red/Blue subpixels with full 800x480. Compared to qHD RGBW pentile it will have ~10% more total subpixels and 48% more R/G/B subpixels (since it only has 480x270).
The thing that will keep my away from pentile in the future is how crappy solid primary or almost-primary colours (just R/B in SGS case) look with effectively half the resolution.
Dark Sector said:
As all of you know the Atrix is only available in US & Canada and most of the rumors point to may/june release date .
Today i read at gsmarena that the Galaxy S II will be supporting a 1.2 Ghz dual-core processor ! .Then i looked at the specifications and they were pretty much attractive like the 4.3 SAMOLED+ screen , the 32 GB memory and the 8 MP camera !
What really made me go through the phase of confusion is that the Galaxy S II is coming to europe this month or the beginning of may
My question is if you were in my situation what will you choose and does the atrix deserve all the waiting ?
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If the Galaxy S II comes to AT&T then why the hell would you get the Atrix??? lol
well unless you don't want to wait.
I wanted a SGS II, but couldn't wait so I bought the Atrix.. I like the fingerprint scanner, plus when a dual core optimized update drops it shouldn't really matter too much... IMHO...
I want to thank all of you guys for telling me about your opinions .
I guess i'll follow the GS2 forum to see if the GS2 have technical flaws like GS did .
The more the technical flaws decreases the more the possibility of me buying it increases .
BravoMotorola said:
Does the Galaxy S ll have a Nvidia Tegra dualcore processor? No. LOL. But Cyanogenmod would be really nice to have. And I know it will get it. Oh well.
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The GS2 will come in 2 versions . One with Nvidia processor and the other with Exynose processor .

How bad is the AOKP/CM9 dev for ATT Galaxy Note? Making final decision now

So I was almost ready to buy the Note yesterday when I read that the International is getting CM9 nightlies while the ATT version is not.
So is the custom rom situation for the ATT version really that bad? As you can tell by my sig, I love tweaknig so maybe I am better off saving and buying the international one?
shaolin95 said:
So I was almost ready to buy the Note yesterday when I read that the International is getting CM9 nightlies while the ATT version is not.
So is the custom rom situation for the ATT version really that bad? As you can tell by my sig, I love tweaknig so maybe I am better off saving and buying the international one?
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International version has been having a lot of bricking problems related to CWM/Kernel. We have some great AOSP/AOKP roms and devs, but a few are currently out of the picture due to bricked phones. Somewhat concerning for us USA users as there is no way initiate warranty repairs on international phones. (I've tried, no bueno)
Our CM9 version is also somewhat lacking, in my opinion. The kernel being used needs a lot of work and the phone is no where near as responsive as the other i9220 & XXLPY based roms. Unfortunately, it is the only "safe" version of ICS that we can run, currently.
AT&T version may not be a bad decision purely based on warranty. Would certainly hate to give up my exynos chip though!
Goronok said:
International version has been having a lot of bricking problems related to CWM/Kernel. We have some great AOSP/AOKP roms and devs, but a few are currently out of the picture due to bricked phones. Somewhat concerning for us USA users as there is no way initiate warranty repairs on international phones. (I've tried, no bueno)
Our CM9 version is also somewhat lacking, in my opinion. The kernel being used needs a lot of work and the phone is no where near as responsive as the other i9220 & XXLPY based roms. Unfortunately, it is the only "safe" version of ICS that we can run, currently.
AT&T version may not be a bad decision purely based on warranty. Would certainly hate to give up my exynos chip though!
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hahahah all was sounding good towards going with ATT until you dropped that last statement!
So I see , its a bit of a risky device to play with compared to my Captivate.
I wonder how bad stock ICS is...at least if I can overclock it I wont feel too bad.
Is that feasible?
shaolin95 said:
hahahah all was sounding good towards going with ATT until you dropped that last statement!
So I see , its a bit of a risky device to play with compared to my Captivate.
I wonder how bad stock ICS is...at least if I can overclock it I wont feel too bad.
Is that feasible?
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I'd say so I had to swap my note 3 times before i found a screen I was happy with - turned out to be an expensive endeavor. With AT&T you could just swap it under the 30 day return policy (or whatever it currently is) until you get one your happy with.
Screen you were happy with? Is there a problem with screens too? Is it something about black level issues I think I read?
Gosh, my captivate looks so small but I am used to it so now I am getting scared
Basically I was going to get a tablet but I was like..in reality a tablet is something ELSE to carry...a Note...is a phone that I ALWAYS bring with me but happens to be BIG and can act as a small tablet bring a lot of joy
shaolin95 said:
Screen you were happy with? Is there a problem with screens too? Is it something about black level issues I think I read?
Gosh, my captivate looks so small but I am used to it so now I am getting scared
Basically I was going to get a tablet but I was like..in reality a tablet is something ELSE to carry...a Note...is a phone that I ALWAYS bring with me but happens to be BIG and can act as a small tablet bring a lot of joy
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Yeah, I run tablet UI on my note and it is crazy awesome.
My first screen had a few dead & unlit pixels (not super common with these phones) and the second had super bad banding. (which is common) Both may have been fine for some, but drove me bonkers.
If you do sway for the international version, id recommend purchasing a 3rd party warranty. I should have done this with my first note, but didn't know that these services existed. My current note is covered by CPS (http://www.cpscentral.com/) and was not very expensive.
Thanks for the idea mate. I will indeed do that but now I have to look for that banding because I always drool about the black levels of my Captivate so banding in anyway will make me go crazy
shaolin95 said:
So I was almost ready to buy the Note yesterday when I read that the International is getting CM9 nightlies while the ATT version is not.
So is the custom rom situation for the ATT version really that bad? As you can tell by my sig, I love tweaknig so maybe I am better off saving and buying the international one?
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You're in the wrong forums, these are not the forums for the AT&T Note, being a COMPLETELY different device they have their own forums.
Personally, I would not go with any AT&T-mangled device - the I777 was the last device to receive decent development due to commonality with international devices. All subsequent devices have been severely mangled.
Well at least the captivate has been nice to me. I will look for its forum to see what the deal is with it.
Why is always the USA messing up the phones damn it.
Also, the ATT Note has LTE. That might be something you want/like if you are in an area that has LTE. I am not so I am perfectly happy with my international note.
I do feel like this thread is kind of relevant though because you are comparing the two Notes and asking about the international note.
shaolin95 said:
Well at least the captivate has been nice to me. I will look for its forum to see what the deal is with it.
Why is always the USA messing up the phones damn it.
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Mr shaolin! I remember you from my captivate days if you're gonna pick up a Note then definitely get the international, man I am straight up in love with this device
Sent from my GT-N7000 using XDA Premium HD app
Reynaldinho111 said:
Mr shaolin! I remember you from my captivate days if you're gonna pick up a Note then definitely get the international, man I am straight up in love with this device
Sent from my GT-N7000 using XDA Premium HD app
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Sup mate
yeah it looks like the International is the riskier one but with lots more chances of tweaking and roms
shaolin95 said:
Sup mate
yeah it looks like the International is the riskier one but with lots more chances of tweaking and roms
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Better user experience trumps everything, and it is better on the international Note. I played with the AT&T models but they were just so slow!
Sent from my GT-N7000 using XDA
I was so set on the GS3 but then I see the monster in person and and compared them and I was like...if the GS3 will end up being a dual core in the states..or even at quadcore..I think I will get more use out of the bigger screen than quadcores except for benching lol
FWIW, I was considering a tablet previous to buying a note. The note has fulfilled that role for me as well as that of a phone. Real dual purpose device unless you have strong needs for a tiny phone or large tablet.
Thanks. That is exactly why I got so interested in it after dreaming about a GS3 for so long LOL
This should interest you:
shaolin95 said:
Sup mate
yeah it looks like the International is the riskier one but with lots more chances of tweaking and roms
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The N7000 is not risky at all, just DON'T do what you are NOT supposed to do. Like use a kernel with I/O bug (ICS leaks). If you want to CM9 then there is no problems with that kernel. We also have a very good MIUI port.
About the screen, no problems with mine at all, its a beautiful amoled screen.
Forget about crappy AT&T Frankensteins, and go for the Oficial Note (N7000) and enjoy what samsung design for you (Exynos )

[Q] Which version is best, quad 1.9ghz or octa ?

can you describe about the quad 1.9ghz and octa versions of Samsung Galaxy S 4 ?
I would suggest you to search within the forum, it has been explained on many occasions.
Sent from my GT-I9505 using xda premium
i9505 if you ever wanna run a good aosp rom.
Quad for lte and cyanogem, octa for the rest.
Sent from my GT-I9500 using xda app-developers app
Quad for,
Community support
Better video recording
Octa for,
Better phone spec
Better photos
Everything else
Sent from my GT-I9505 using xda app-developers app
As the others.....GT-I9505 FTW
I don't really understand the 'everything else' comments regarding the I9500 over the I9505. Other than a tiny advantage in photo quality and a small advantage in CPU speed which will never be noticed in everyday use, I really can't see what these claims refer to.
From what I can see the I9505 holds all the cards, especially when you consider it's the hardware Google themselves are basing their S4 Nexus on. Faryaab has already said developers will get Google S4 Nexus updates working on the I9505 which will mean official AOSP Android updates pretty much as soon as they're released. The I9500 is stuck with Touchwiz and that's unlikely to change any time soon given that no one appears to be developing for it.
Both lovely phones, but only one winner when all aspects are taken into account. Put it this way, now the development limitations of the Exynos are becoming more and more clear, I would put good money on there being a lot more I9500 owners out there who would swap their device for an I9505 right now than vice-versa. Or at least if they're honest with themselves.
But the first reply is correct, there are already numerous threads on this subject.
Pagnell said:
I don't really understand the 'everything else' comments regarding the I9500 over the I9505. Other than a tiny advantage in photo quality and a small advantage in CPU speed which will never be noticed in everyday use, I really can't see what these claims refer to.
From what I can see the I9505 holds all the cards, especially when you consider it's the hardware Google themselves are basing their S4 Nexus on. Faryaab has already said developers will get Google S4 Nexus updates working on the I9505 which will mean official AOSP Android updates pretty much as soon as they're released. The I9500 is stuck with Touchwiz and that's unlikely to change any time soon given that no one appears to be developing for it.
Both lovely phones, but only one winner when all aspects are taken into account. Put it this way, now the development limitations of the Exynos are becoming more and more clear, I would put good money on there being a lot more I9500 owners out there who would swap their device for an I9505 right now than vice-versa. Or at least if they're honest with themselves.
But the first reply is correct, there are already numerous threads on this subject.
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im one of those, i have the octa because its the one being sold in my region but i would love to have the quad version
i still love my s4 anyways, best phone ever but the development drought kinda sucks
Sent from my GT-I9500 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
negrobembon said:
im one of those, i have the octa because its the one being sold in my region but i would love to have the quad version
i still love my s4 anyways, best phone ever but the development drought kinda sucks
Sent from my GT-I9500 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
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because its the one being sold in my region
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Lol, you do know there's a thing called importing, yeah?

Choosing between the 2

Hello guys...I know this thread has come up tens of times but after reading every single one I havent reach to a conclusion and this becomes very frustrating;/ [want to mention that I was an iPhone user from the first day. This is my first time with Android...wanted to give it a try cause I was sick of iPhones small screen]
So i have ordered the case and the memory card .. but yet I have chosen which phone to buy.
In my country I have the choice between the 2. Basically only one store in the whole country sells the "OCTA" version.
So let me tell you how I am going to use my device and please advise accordingly.
1. Facebook
2. Browsing
3. Music
4. GPS
5. Some normal gaming (Not Hardcore)
I want to use my device for long term 2+. I dont want in one year to experience lag because of a newer firmware etc etc. You got the point right?
Also my country does not support LTE. I am not using 3g because is SO SLOW and expensive...
I have read many Pros and Cons. For example:
i9500 - does not support OpenGL ES 3.0 + Not so good Battery Life + Not so much developer support + in a lot cases overheating
i9505 - Audio issues (crackling) + not so good audio and camera chip somthing like that...
Anws I think you got the point. Any suggestions will highly appreciated from both users (i9500 + i9505)
Thanks a lot!
no one? I know guys that this has been answered hundred of times but come on help one new android user
I would suggest i9505. I'm not a fan of samsung phones because were using lately most of the time nexus devices. And I can tell you if you want a stability of an iphone(not trolling ) and all the goodies from android go with 9505 put the Google version of Android on this phone and you'll be good to go.
First thing when I heard that this Samsung will be available with vanilla android I went to the shop and bought it.
Sent from my GT-I9505G using Tapatalk 2
kluzik1 said:
I would suggest i9505. I'm not a fan of samsung phones because were using lately most of the time nexus devices. And I can tell you if you want a stability of an iphone(not trolling ) and all the goodies from android go with 9505 put the Google version of Android on this phone and you'll be good to go.
First thing when I heard that this Samsung will be available with vanilla android I went to the shop and bought it.
Sent from my GT-I9505G using Tapatalk 2
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As I am new to this world I dont have a clue about rooting...google version...etc etc but thanks for the info anws!
You'll be ok just go with 9505 version then read about on this forum and you'll be good
Sent from my GT-I9505G using Tapatalk 2
any other suggestions guys??? thanks!
fugitiv3 said:
no one? I know guys that this has been answered hundred of times but come on help one new android user
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Hi mate,
I also changed to the S4 for the same reasons (previously had iphone). At the time I actually wanted to get the i9500 but they hadn't hit the shelves yet. So I ended up with the i9505.
I find it a bit confusing that your country doesn't support 4G and you aren't going to have 3G. So you won't have mobile data? But perhaps you plan to use the internet over wifi? Maybe I didn't read your original post properly.
If I was you I would buy the i9505 (which is what I have). Primarily because there seem to be less issues and the performance isn't *that* much worse than the i9500. I use my phone for exactly what you have listed and its been great.
Now that i've got the i9505 i've never looked back
Robert_89 said:
Hi mate,
I also changed to the S4 for the same reasons (previously had iphone). At the time I actually wanted to get the i9500 but they hadn't hit the shelves yet. So I ended up with the i9505.
I find it a bit confusing that your country doesn't support 4G and you aren't going to have 3G. So you won't have mobile data? But perhaps you plan to use the internet over wifi? Maybe I didn't read your original post properly.
If I was you I would buy the i9505 (which is what I have). Primarily because there seem to be less issues and the performance isn't *that* much worse than the i9500. I use my phone for exactly what you have listed and its been great.
Now that i've got the i9505 i've never looked back
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Thanks for your info mate... Basically in my country 3G mobile data is expensive and SLOW... so I prefer using WIFI...
Thanks again!
Man, take 9505 for sure. Audio is very good and camera is the best I've ever seen in my life. Photos are sharp and beautiful, no pink spots (as there were on GS2), video is superb. Shutter speed could be something better but taking photo in about half of a second will suffice and I'm sure Samsung will improve it even further. CPU is just insane. It's so powerfull that even in few years it'll still overrank most phones (as GS2 does now).
Go to sammobile.com and look in how many countries 9505 is available comparing to 9500. Also Google have choosen 9505 - that means something - why not Exynos or Exynos with LTE. Look like Exynos version is best for benchmarks and Qualcomm best to use. I would definitely not exchange my 9505 for any other device available today as it meets all my needs and prove to be the very best phone I've ever have. There are some theoretical cons as shutter speed but from I can say - if You don't read about them You will not notice them Interface lags were eliminated with MEA rom. Check if it's already available for You region. This is obvious that there will be much more issues described with 9505 on forums as great majority of GS4s are 9505.
The only problem with buying any Galaxy S device is that You cannot check the screen before buy as it's covered with black foil. My GS2 had some visible flaws on it. I got used to them as many ppl said that it's very common. Luckily my GS4 screen is almost perfect with just some markings characteristic to amoled.
slig said:
Man, take 9505 for sure. Audio is very good and camera is the best I've ever seen in my life. Photos are sharp and beautiful, no pink spots (as there were on GS2), video is superb. Shutter speed could be something better but taking photo in about half of a second will suffice and I'm sure Samsung will improve it even further. CPU is just insane. It's so powerfull that even in few years it'll still overrank most phones (as GS2 does now).
Go to sammobile.com and look in how many countries 9505 is available comparing to 9500. Also Google have choosen 9505 - that means something - why not Exynos or Exynos with LTE. Look like Exynos version is best for benchmarks and Qualcomm best to use. I would definitely not exchange my 9505 for any other device available today as it meets all my needs and prove to be the very best phone I've ever have. There are some theoretical cons as shutter speed but from I can say - if You don't read about them You will not notice them Interface lags were eliminated with MEA rom. Check if it's already available for You region.
The only problem with buying any Galaxy S device is that You cannot check the screen before buy as it's covered with black foil. My GS2 had some visible flaws on it. I got used to them as many ppl said that it's very common. Luckily my GS4 screen is almost perfect with just some markings characteristic to amoled.
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Thanks for your reply also... until now only i9505 answered back to this thread... lets see if any i9500 will give me his own opinion...
With new updates 9500 never heats up, im happy with battery life, not even one issue is on my phone. We have both here in my country, and i chosed the octa version. I know we have less support by devs but personally i don use stock android, i hope it will be for people who like aosp roms. But for me 9500 is really beast.
Sent from my GT-I9500 using xda premium
xhaniGS2 said:
With new updates 9500 never heats up, im happy with battery life, not even one issue is on my phone. We have both here in my country, and i chosed the octa version. I know we have less support by devs but personally i don use stock android, i hope it will be for people who like aosp roms. But for me 9500 is really beast.
Sent from my GT-I9500 using xda premium
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thanks mate!! need more info though
any other suggestions guys? Thanks a lot!
Mate, people who own an i9500 will tell you to buy an i9500, and people who own an i9505 will tell you to buy an i9505. They will both list what it does well, what it doesn't do so well, and what has been fixed and so on. Ultimately, the only person you should be listening to is yourself. If you want LTE and more developer support, go for the i9505. If you want 8 cores to boast about, and perhaps a tiny bit faster processing, go for the i9500. Both phones are identical for what you get (excluding what's under the hood) and if you are only going to be using the phone like an average person, there is absolutely nothing wrong with the i9505, and no reason for you to have that extra processing power (not that the i9505 can't handle it anyway). Anyway what I'm saying is, the choice is yours, and letting other people tell you what to buy is a bad thing, the information is there about both phones, you must study this carefully, understand all, and then make your decision.
And just to clarify, my camera performs perfectly, and this is with my phone being on an older firmware as my carrier is useless at pushing updates. Also, the audio quality is great on my i9505, I use Beyerdynamics in-ear headphones, and there is no problem with them whatsoever. I guess the problems people suffer from their phones are luck of the draw, and I must be one of the lucky ones. If you have any problems, return the phone within the 2 weeks most carriers allow you.
Sent from my GT-I9505
themadba said:
Mate, people who own an i9500 will tell you to buy an i9500, and people who own an i9505 will tell you to buy an i9505. They will both list what it does well, what it doesn't do so well, and what has been fixed and so on. Ultimately, the only person you should be listening to is yourself. If you want LTE and more developer support, go for the i9505. If you want 8 cores to boast about, and perhaps a tiny bit faster processing, go for the i9500. Both phones are identical for what you get (excluding what's under the hood) and if you are only going to be using the phone like an average person, there is absolutely nothing wrong with the i9505, and no reason for you to have that extra processing power (not that the i9505 can't handle it anyway). Anyway what I'm saying is, the choice is yours, and letting other people tell you what to buy is a bad thing, the information is there about both phones, you must study this carefully, understand all, and then make your decision.
Sent from my GT-I9505
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Noted. thanks!
No big difference in performance.
But i9505 have better developer support. My modest guess is that i9500 owners have to wait some time (or ever?) to get same support that i9505 will have.
BTW I don't want to use LTE/4G because of big battery drain. Sometimes I even turn off 3G and that makes a HUGE difference compared to 2G.
Mittaa said:
No big difference in performance.
But i9505 have better developer support. My modest guess is that i9500 owners have to wait some time (or ever?) to get same support that i9505 will have.
BTW I don't want to use LTE/4G because of big battery drain. Sometimes I even turn off 3G and that makes a HUGE difference compared to 2G.
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That is true..also I will nener use 4G or 3G only WIFI.
I had hard time choosing between the 2 but i choosed 9500 because the camera is a bit better and better music playback because of the Wolfson DAC.
I have no regrets, i love it, im using XXUBMF8 firmware.
0mega007 said:
I had hard time choosing between the 2 but i choosed 9500 because the camera is a bit better and better music playback because of the Wolfson DAC.
I have no regrets, i love it, im using XXUBMF8 firmware.
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I am feeling the same way .... hard time choosing... it s.ck.s
Unless camera is your top priority just go with i9505. It has better battery life, more developer support, better support in games.
I won't say that I am not satisfied with my i9500 but its not worth paying any premium compared to i9505.
Right now and most probably in the future, the i9500 is not utilizing its 8 cores. Not even does well with battery life compared to i9505.
Sent from my GT-I9500 using xda premium

[Q] S3 or S4? help me decide

Hi guys and gals I'm currently want to upgrade my S2 (finally) to either a S3 or S4, reason why I'm still considering the S3 is that I haven't really heard anything bad about them. But for the S4 however..... things like, camera failing, sim card failure etc... But I'm an android developer so the main reason why im getting it in the first place is to have a big screen and a higher end processor since I've already got a S2 for a sort of low end kind of thing.
So if you dont mind giving me your thoughts on both products
and I do intend on getting extended warranty just because of the issues lol
I've never heard of camera or sim card failure
I went from the s2 to the s4 and don't regret it. Just make sure you know which version to get as there is quite a few
Sent from my GT-I9505 using xda app-developers app
imlgl said:
I've never heard of camera or sim card failure
I went from the s2 to the s4 and don't regret it. Just make sure you know which version to get as there is quite a few
Sent from my GT-I9505 using xda app-developers app
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Sim card thing is a bit rare I guess if you cut out a piece of paper and slide in with it, it will fix it lol if not then its the connectors inside. Camera problem is common it black screens when you open it and their is another thing but cant recall. What do you mean versions? Build versions? or model version? if its model is their model's I should avoid?
Carl Blance said:
Sim card thing is a bit rare I guess if you cut out a piece of paper and slide in with it, it will fix it lol if not then its the connectors inside. Camera problem is common it black screens when you open it and their is another thing but cant recall. What do you mean versions? Build versions? or model version? if its model is their model's I should avoid?
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there are mainly 3 models of s4.. 9505 ( quad core) 9500 ( exinos octacore) and the GE (google experiance) but i would consider more an s3... i had it and it's almoust the same... except for ram... you will not have any problem with knox eccc....
if you want an s4 buy the quad core lte version.... the 9505
of course is only my opinion
Actually the galaxy s3 will receive knox in future updates , if I were you I would stick with the s2 it was the best phone ever made by Samsung .
If you really want to upgrade, I think it’s better to wait a little bit longer , as the galaxy s5 should be released in January according to Samsung , also consider getting a nexus 5 , it’s priced around 350 and it should come with a faster processor .
Good luck
I went from the S3 to the S4 and found it to be noticeably smoother, has a much better battery, and the extra ram is also a big plus.
Sent from my GT-I9505 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
difyel said:
Actually the galaxy s3 will receive knox in future updates , if I were you I would stick with the s2 it was the best phone ever made by Samsung .
If you really want to upgrade, I think it’s better to wait a little bit longer , as the galaxy s5 should be released in January according to Samsung , also consider getting a nexus 5 , it’s priced around 350 and it should come with a faster processor .
Good luck
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really?? s3 has the knox counter built in it??
i thought it was only in more recent models!!
it's a shame.. i sold the s2 and keept s3... grrrrrrr
difyel said:
Actually the galaxy s3 will receive knox in future updates , if I were you I would stick with the s2 it was the best phone ever made by Samsung .
If you really want to upgrade, I think it’s better to wait a little bit longer , as the galaxy s5 should be released in January according to Samsung , also consider getting a nexus 5 , it’s priced around 350 and it should come with a faster processor .
Good luck
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I am keeping the S2, that phone is so well built, when i was doing truck tyres I'd smack it around etc (not on purpose) and not a crack or signs of damage. I'm not too fussed about the S5 I'd never get anything on release as their will be likely problems with it... just look at GTA 5 lol...
Wuby986 said:
there are mainly 3 models of s4.. 9505 ( quad core) 9500 ( exinos octacore) and the GE (google experiance) but i would consider more an s3... i had it and it's almoust the same... except for ram... you will not have any problem with knox eccc....
if you want an s4 buy the quad core lte version.... the 9505
of course is only my opinion
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Yeah I was doing a bit of research on them today, played around with my mates S3 their both wonderful devices but S3 is pretty good apart from how the screen is weak as an iphones screen lol.
Anyway I've decided to go with the S4, and have ordered one
Carl Blance said:
I am keeping the S2, that phone is so well built, when i was doing truck tyres I'd smack it around etc (not on purpose) and not a crack or signs of damage. I'm not too fussed about the S5 I'd never get anything on release as their will be likely problems with it... just look at GTA 5 lol...
Yeah I was doing a bit of research on them today, played around with my mates S3 their both wonderful devices but S3 is pretty good apart from how the screen is weak as an iphones screen lol.
Anyway I've decided to go with the S4, and have ordered one
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Anyway it' s a good choice
