[Q] Screen coating already wearing down after a month? - Nexus 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hey guys,
I have my N4 for about a month. But I can already feel the screen getting a slightly rough feeling to it, in the middle, where I touch it most often. If I feel the sides that are not touched as often, they feel perfectly smooth. I never used any other cleaning agent as plain water or never anything else then a microfibre cloth to clean it.
Did anybody else notice the same?

Yeah happening to me too for sure. Its not a permanent coating so its expected :/.
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oleophobic coating has worn off, you need to get some drops for it. it only lasts for a few months and less if you clean thr display with cloth/ shirt.
Anti Fingerprint Coating Kit by fusso

How are you guys cleaning your screens?
I've never had an issue with the coatings in the past.

erikikaz said:
How are you guys cleaning your screens?
I've never had an issue with the coatings in the past.
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republicano said:
oleophobic coating has worn off, you need to get some drops for it. it only lasts for a few months and less if you clean thr display with cloth/ shirt.
Anti Fingerprint Coating Kit by fusso
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This is really interesting, yet I never had any coating wearing off in the past. Perhaps my defy did not have a coating at all?
BTW, I googled your coating kit and found instructions on ifixit, love how they show off the oleophobic (oil-hating) coating by dropping water on it

Is this normal in general for cell phones? I don't recall HTC phones having this problem.
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erikikaz said:
How are you guys cleaning your screens?
I've never had an issue with the coatings in the past.
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Sprinkle some water on it. Wipe with microfibre cloth.
Somehow I miss my defy, I would just apply soap to it and rinse with flowing water

It happened to me too, but on the curved edges on the side which are not covered by my screen protector but by my tpu case.
Strangely, there is a space from about 1 cm on both left and right side which seems okay.
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Getting rid of the oleophobic coating-How?

Hey guys,as title says(kind of anyway),I've had enough of the oleophobic coating on the SGS2.Fingerprints stay on screen no matter(I have very oily skin,unfortunately) and it's not any better than my Desire HD for that matter.Not that it bothers me for that,but it SCRATCHES like hell.I already have more fine scrathces on my GS2 after 2 weeks than on my DHD after 7 months.So I want to remove the oleophobic coating.
Now,I know it's done somehow by cleaning the screen using certain cleaning stuff,but what cleaning stuff?Can I use a window cleaner or something?And should I wipe it with a fiber cloth?
Thanks guys!
tolis626 said:
Hey guys,as title says(kind of anyway),I've had enough of the oleophobic coating on the SGS2.Fingerprints stay on screen no matter(I have very oily skin,unfortunately) and it's not any better than my Desire HD for that matter.Not that it bothers me for that,but it SCRATCHES like hell.I already have more fine scrathces on my GS2 after 2 weeks than on my DHD after 7 months.So I want to remove the oleophobic coating.
Now,I know it's done somehow by cleaning the screen using certain cleaning stuff,but what cleaning stuff?Can I use a window cleaner or something?And should I wipe it with a fiber cloth?
Thanks guys!
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some one said he used polish liquids
i recommend liter fluid
OP, take my advice , do NOT do it! You think the coating is not helping, wait till you remove it! It will be 100 times worse, literally!
If you do decide to rid the screen of the coating - I succeeded (on SGS1) with Chlorine toilet bowl cleaning liquid, but be very careful to not get it inside speakers/mikes. All the scratches remained though, mine were in the glass, not the coating.
You want that coating on there. Just get a screen protector and maybe a matte one if the finger prints bother you.
Damn,I hate screen protectors...
KreoXDA,mine are most probably not on the glass itself.I can't feel them with my fingernail(And I have long fingernails on my right hand-classic guitar player anyone? ) like I could with such scratches on other phones.Anyway,I'll see if I can find some good screen protector.All I've used just crapped all over my touchscreen experience.I'd try Zaggs,but guess what!NOT available in Greece!I''m losing my patience here...
ZAGGS are the WORST for sensitivity!!, STAY AWAY
try an steinheil one? their ultrathin series is good
blickmanic said:
ZAGGS are the WORST for sensitivity!!, STAY AWAY
try an steinheil one? their ultrathin series is good
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Yeah...Well,I found Zaggs(they even came to Greece...Oh well!) but I cannot find Steinheils.What about Belkin?They have a matte overlay that I think would be nice.
Also,what do you mean that Zaggs are the worst for sensitivity?Is it harder to select something on the screen with a protector on?
Thanks anyway pal!
zaggs are the thickest screen protectors on the market!, they ruin the touchscreen experience, they DO block fingerprints well though. they also have the 'orange peel' effect on them.
woops, the SGP steinheil ones arent available *yet*
meanwhile, THIS should suit your needs...
blickmanic said:
zaggs are the thickest screen protectors on the market!, they ruin the touchscreen experience, they DO block fingerprints well though. they also have the 'orange peel' effect on them.
woops, the SGP steinheil ones arent available *yet*
meanwhile, THIS should suit your needs...
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Well,I'll see if I can find it in Greece or else...E-bay it is!I have never bought anything from e-bay though...Will buy a jig,that's for sure!
tolis626 said:
Hey guys,as title says(kind of anyway),I've had enough of the oleophobic coating on the SGS2.Fingerprints stay on screen no matter(I have very oily skin,unfortunately) and it's not any better than my Desire HD for that matter.Not that it bothers me for that,but it SCRATCHES like hell.I already have more fine scrathces on my GS2 after 2 weeks than on my DHD after 7 months.So I want to remove the oleophobic coating.
Now,I know it's done somehow by cleaning the screen using certain cleaning stuff,but what cleaning stuff?Can I use a window cleaner or something?And should I wipe it with a fiber cloth?
Thanks guys!
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When I got burgled the police said finger prints actually very difficult to pickup because finger tips don't have sweat glands. Relies on someone touching their face or hair or rubbing their palms together. This its not meant to be pointed comment but as you offered a reason, Try doing less of that
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Oh and I ordered sgp ones from the place recommended on the accessories thread. delivered from korea to uk, good stuff.
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crypticc said:
When I got burgled the police said finger prints actually very difficult to pickup because finger tips don't have sweat glands. Relies on someone touching their face or hair or rubbing their palms together. This its not meant to be pointed comment but as you offered a reason, Try doing less of that
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Oh sh!t,I didn't know that.And I was blaming my fingers for nothing?
Well,I'll try and touch my face less.When I sweat(especially now in the summer with the high temperatures) it gets oily like hell.It will get better with time(It's a puberty thing partially like acme),but for now it's killing me.
Thank you for the heads up though.Finally I found cops usefull!
My advice: polish your face often .
What i do is clean the screen with my shirt so now and then. Some days its worse then others...
Can I ask how you guys manage to scratch your screen? I've got *very* long nails (I'm a girl ), never bother with screen protectors and I've yet to scratch a screen (HD2 stayed pristine for over 18 months, so is the S2 after a month) and shock horror, I don't always put my phone in a case before flinging it in my handbag though it's usually in a separate pocket... As for fingerprints, well a wipe on my jeans or t-shirt usually takes care of that.
Isadora said:
Can I ask how you guys manage to scratch your screen? I've got *very* long nails (I'm a girl ), never bother with screen protectors and I've yet to scratch a screen (HD2 stayed pristine for over 18 months, so is the S2 after a month) and shock horror, I don't always put my phone in a case before flinging it in my handbag though it's usually in a separate pocket... As for fingerprints, well a wipe on my jeans or t-shirt usually takes care of that.
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A girl around here?I'm impressed!
Anyway,I too have long fingernails on my right hand because I play the guitar,but they don't damage the screen.I go to the beach very often and sand particles find their way everywhere.Now THEY do damage. ;-)
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Isadora said:
Can I ask how you guys manage to scratch your screen? I've got *very* long nails (I'm a girl ), never bother with screen protectors and I've yet to scratch a screen (HD2 stayed pristine for over 18 months, so is the S2 after a month) and shock horror, I don't always put my phone in a case before flinging it in my handbag though it's usually in a separate pocket... As for fingerprints, well a wipe on my jeans or t-shirt usually takes care of that.
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Guys hands tend to have more dirt (from putting their hands on the bench, on the ground or at the beach). As a result, there will be one or two tiny sand particles which then scratches the screen when they use the phone.
here is links to Steinheil protectors..enjoy..
did you try alcohol and windex?
alcohol will remove the oleophobic coating, but very slowly. you'll end up with a haze.
i used meguiar's scratchx 2.0 to remove a scratch, not realizing there was a coating. result was a hazy ring where i had removed the coating.
tried rainx, with improved the slick feel but also caused more of the haze effect (alcohol). ended up using scratchx to remove the whole coating, using a flashlight to check, and putting a realook protector on. luckily the result is fantastic.
that said, don't remove any coating unless you really really have to. it doesn't seem like it but it is way better at preventing smudges than just glass.
crypticc said:
When I got burgled the police said finger prints actually very difficult to pickup because finger tips don't have sweat glands.
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A good friend of mine is a dermatologist. You and/or the cops are wrong. Maybe they tell that story to everybody so they don't get their hopes to high.
You can test for youself though. Wash you hands with antibacterial soap and dry them with and air handdryer. Hold your hand steady for 10 minutes without touching anything and then see i you'll leave prints on you phone

Funny (and hardcore) S3 scratch test

If you own an S3 you might want to see this, you will be much more relaxed about your S3
As fasr as I know crystal is harder than steel on the moss scale, he should test it woth sand
Hilarious!....poor cat! What impressed me was that he was hitting the screen quite hard with a very small contact point and quite heavy knives and it didn't break, and he dropped it from quite a height!
yeah gorilla glass 2 seems to be quite the thing :>
a lot of people moan about screen cracks when they drop phone, but if you drop a piece of glass it will break if it lands on a stone or something similar, the point of gg2 is scratch resistance, I think I'm going to try one of those tempered glass screen protectors when they iron out the small flaws in it....the customer service guy on the accessories thread is brilliant
Ive been running without screen protector for 1 month and I dont have a single scratch, not a single one. I do have a Diztronic case though
This video is great, but I still managed to put a 1cm scratch across mine at 2 days old, simply by placing it face down on my bedside table.
Knives vs bedside table, now I know which is more dangerous!
The magic is in the wipe lol. But i will be getting mine this week and its nice to know it will hold up to more abuse that he will get in my pocket ^^
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TimmyRaa said:
This video is great, but I still managed to put a 1cm scratch across mine at 2 days old, simply by placing it face down on my bedside table.
Knives vs bedside table, now I know which is more dangerous!
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Did you accidentally put it on your girlfriends diamond ring?
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Sand can scratch the screen very easily. I've learned it the hard way
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Better to have screen protector.
That guy sounds like guy on FPSrussia youtube videos
These screen test are crap who carries a large army knife around in there pocket with there phone if you do you must have big pockets and why don't they try it with sandpaper see what that does
got-petrol said:
These screen test are crap who carries a large army knife around in there pocket with there phone if you do you must have big pockets and why don't they try it with sandpaper see what that does
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Anger issue?
im not so impressed with the Go Rilla Glass2....i have no screen protector but have the Otterbox case with a lip so that the glass never rest on anything.....but i have plenty of micro scratches all over the screen.......From what?
the only thing that i clean it with a micro fiber cloth....WTF needless to say i will be braking it and getting a replacement for this super sensative ass screen.
bullerwins said:
Ive been running without screen protector for 1 month and I dont have a single scratch, not a single one. I do have a Diztronic case though
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I wear a screen protector but not for scratch reasons more for shock proofing.
That little bit of plastic on the screen is likely to absorb a little impact when it falls or gets bumped. Its a bit like those people that put a sticky tape x on their window during violent storms. This glass may be hard, but it can definitely be tougher.
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sabaramo said:
I wear a screen protector but not for scratch reasons more for shock proofing.
That little bit of plastic on the screen is likely to absorb a little impact when it falls or gets bumped. Its a bit like those people that put a sticky tape x on their window during violent storms. This glass may be hard, but it can definitely be tougher.
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Thats not to stop the glass from braking.......that to stop the glass from flying around in that violent storm. as its taped together giving it more weight as a whole instead of small shards everywhere.
so i dont think the protector helps the screen from shattering. just my OP
The glass on our phones are harder than carbon steel.. So it's a no brainer.
But would like to see him use a little rock or some sand, it will funk up the screen..
Get a screen protector, gorilla glass is over rated.
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buljo said:
The glass on our phones are harder than carbon steel.. So it's a no brainer.
But would like to see him use a little rock or some sand, it will funk up the screen..
Get a screen protector, gorilla glass is over rated.
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I think misunderstood is the correct term
jnr21 said:
That guy sounds like guy on FPSrussia youtube videos
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yes, he does

Weird half moon shape on bezel?

I just noticed this today. This is my 3rd nexus 7 and was hoping it was a keeper but im not too sure now. Its a 32gb c90. Just wondering if anybody else has this same issue. Its not water and does not appear to move. I've tried cleaning it off but it seams to be missing the coating in that area as if someone had touched it while it was drying. Any suggestions of what it might be?
allyman90 said:
I just noticed this today. This is my 3rd nexus 7 and was hoping it was a keeper but im not too sure now. Its a 32gb c90. Just wondering if anybody else has this same issue. Its not water and does not appear to move. I've tried cleaning it off but it seams to be missing the coating in that area as if someone had touched it while it was drying. Any suggestions of what it might be?
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It looks to me like the black coating of the bezel de-laminating from the underside of the glass, maybe down to a less than perfectly clean patch on the glass when the bezel coating was applied in manufacture.
Do you have a screen protector on it.. It looks like its under that and not between the glass.
looks like you spilled water or something.
hundred_miles_high said:
It looks to me like the black coating of the bezel de-laminating from the underside of the glass, maybe down to a less than perfectly clean patch on the glass when the bezel coating was applied in manufacture.
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The reason I thought it might be the coating on the glass is because if I wipe all of the finger prints off its barley visible but if I swipe over it it reappears. Ill post some pics of what I mean.
See how the skin oil gets "stuck" on the shape.
Anyways I think Im going to return it in case it decides to do more of what it is doing whatever that maybe.
erica_renee said:
Do you have a screen protector on it.. It looks like its under that and not between the glass.
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No I do not have a screen protector on it.
smirkis said:
looks like you spilled water or something.
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That's what I first thought but it hasn't been near water and didn't "move" like water when I pushed on it. Also, if you look at the reply below I posted another pic of it. It seems that it may be on top of the glass but I've tried cleaning it with a micro fiber cloth but it stays there. I tried an alcohol swab and it seemed that the alcohol dried faster on that spot than the rest of the screen (I don't usually clean my screens with alcohol unless I cant get something off because I had read that it can destroy the coating on these "new" types of glasses)
Well then its just a defect in the glass or the coating they put on the surface to make it more smooth. Has it always been there.. anyway send it back i would
If you clean the screen then you can't see it?
Then clean the screen and apply a screen protector. That should solve it. I use an SGP Matte and its great.
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player911 said:
If you clean the screen then you can't see it?
Then clean the screen and apply a screen protector. That should solve it. I use an SGP Matte and its great.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using XDA Premium HD app
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I guess I could do that but I just don't want it to continue to deteriorate and end up having a pos outside of my return window. I think I'll just exchange it and continue the cycle.

Oleophobic Coating wearing off

I have my nexus 4 now for about a month, and I noticed that, starting from the top left edge of the front face the oleophobic coating looks like to wear off, it is noticeable because the fingerprints are much more visible in that spot!
does anyone else have this problem?
I find my screen gets 'sticky' after a few minutes use, where my finger no longer slides with ease.
But as far as finger prints my whole screen is permantly covered in them lol.
I just opened a thread in Q&A about this very thing. Mine's the same way. Was wondering if anybody has tried to use after-market coating sprays as a viable solution to this kind of thing. I've noticed that other phones in the past have had this problem too, so somebody here should have seen it before.
I've never used a coating spray but I highly recommend iKlear for cleaning. They claim it doesn't damage coatings, but it is a bit pricy. (Like all screen cleaners)
It's winter. Your hands are dry. Use lotion. Problem solved.
you need some Fusso SmartPhone drops, I have never had this issue as I have a screen protector, should last upto 3-6 months
A month on and mine is still slick but if I could tell the coating was giving out I would call google.
Yep I am definitely experiencing this at the top left and slightly at the bottom right. The glass is still slick it more that they look like blemishes. Not sure what I should do really...
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republicano said:
you need some Fusso SmartPhone drops, I have never had this issue as I have a screen protector, should last upto 3-6 months
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I was very close to buying this for my galaxy nexus but then i got the nexus 4, i wish some one would review it
Is this what you guys are seeing? I started noticing this a day or two ago, but I have no idea what it is. Is it the coating wearing off or is it a defect in the glass/screen itself?
(Smears were added intentionally to show the blemishes inside red box)
Yes that's it, at first glance it looks like it could just be a few finger prints but if you keep wiping, it doesn't go away. It looks like it's below the screen, but obviously it's not because it wasn't there before.
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Yeah exactly. If the screen is clean then it doesn't look like it's there, but once there's dirt/oil again, then the blemishes come back. If it was the coating, wouldn't the glass feel different? Because my glass still feels really smooth all over, including that spot.
Sadly my glass feels really rough in the middle... Stupid coating! You can see the damage pretty well if you wipe a wet cloth over the screen. Will probably post a picture soonish
Has anyone tried to RMA their phone because of this? I've just discovered a ~1" x 1/8" streak right in the middle of my screen that just collects oil. No matter how well I clean it up with a microfiber and a dab of water it reappears once I use the screen again. I noticed when wiping the screen with the microfiber cloth it seems that the friction is higher in that patch.
Devo6273 said:
Has anyone tried to RMA their phone because of this? I've just discovered a ~1" x 1/8" streak right in the middle of my screen that just collects oil. No matter how well I clean it up with a microfiber and a dab of water it reappears once I use the screen again. I noticed when wiping the screen with the microfiber cloth it seems that the friction is higher in that patch.
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Strong bump. I've got a similar issue on my 5 days old Lumia 920, around the earpiece to be more more precise. I don't really care much about it because it's not on the screen so I don't know wether I should get it replaced or not.
DeusInvictus7 said:
Is this what you guys are seeing? I started noticing this a day or two ago, but I have no idea what it is. Is it the coating wearing off or is it a defect in the glass/screen itself?
(Smears were added intentionally to show the blemishes inside red box)
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aren't the smears not supposed to happen if it's oleophobic? I guess I'm wondering why I'm always having to wipe my screen off when I've only had this phone for like a month..
I used that lame screen protector that comes with my nexus 4 for a couple of weeks. After getting fed up with it I removed it. A couple of hours later I found a scratch on my nexus 4. I tought that the gorrila glass was just bull****. I also found out that if I rub the scratch with micro fiber it completely disapears. Maybe it was already scratched and I didnt notice it because of the screen protector? A month later and no other scratch has appeared. Seams weird to scratch the screen in a few minutes after removing the protector but 1 month later no other scratch has appeared. Also my corners (specially the top left) is getting some heavy wear. Has anyone RMA their phone because of this disapearing oleophobic layer?
Possible manufacturing defect
I've had my Nexus 4 (new design with the nub on back) for about a month and in the upper left corner also what appeared to be a smudge, and after some alcohol wiping and delicate cleaning is still there It shows up more when there are finger oils than when clean. I've owned many other smartphones before and this hasn't happened, I keep it in jeans pocket with nothing else, so the only thing it could've been rubbing against was cotton. I think either LG made the coating too thin or of a material that weakens easily maybe when in contact with some acids (like fingers that have just peeled an orange).
Really sad to see this, my older & cheaper LG Optimus S & LG G2x didn't have this problem.
Anyone tried Rainx? I have used it in the past and it works pretty well. Needs reapplication occasionally.
grubbster said:
Anyone tried Rainx? I have used it in the past and it works pretty well. Needs reapplication occasionally.
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I wanted to try what kind of phone did you try it on? I've seen other people in other forums try it before.. I think on Droids.. Does it work good?
Sent from my Nexus 4

[Q] Left pattern after removing screen protector

Hey Guys! Just wanna share this problem. After removing a cheap screen protector on my nexus 4 i still have this pattern - the cutout on proximity sensor and on the camera. I tried scratching it with my nails but there is really no more residue, the surface is flat but the feel on the screen is different on the sensor or the actual glass. Did I remove a coating or something after removing the protector? I also dropped a small amount of alcohol trying to clean it and observed that it follows the pattern. Check out the pictures please. Thank you very much.
What does this mark feel like and how hard is it?
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andyabc said:
What does this mark feel like and how hard is it?
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I couldn't describe it but you could barely feel the difference between the real glass (proximity or camera or edges) and the area covered by the screen protector. It seems It'd never be removed. I tried tape, alcohol, scratching it, none worked.
slashred said:
I couldn't describe it but you could barely feel the difference between the real glass (proximity or camera or edges) and the area covered by the screen protector. It seems It'd never be removed. I tried tape, alcohol, scratching it, none worked.
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Mmmm, I assume that the residue has absorbed into the Gorilla Glass which is really bad in many ways...
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andyabc said:
Mmmm, I assume that the residue has absorbed into the Gorilla Glass which is really bad in many ways...
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Either that, OR it has peeled off the oleophobic coating with it. OP, Do finger prints stick more than usual?
jcmaddox1 said:
Either that, OR it has peeled off the oleophobic coating with it. OP, Do finger prints stick more than usual?
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I thought the term oleophobic is for the steinheil SPs only. Is it really possible? What could possibly happen? Well I cant say, I immediately put a screen protector on the device right after I got it.
i'd say the oleophobic coating just rubbed off completely around the screen protector, mine has a slight problem around the sensor and front camera cut-out but it can only be seen if there are fingerprints on the screen and you know what you are looking for. i think it happens because of sweat/skin oils.

