Oleophobic Coating wearing off - Nexus 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I have my nexus 4 now for about a month, and I noticed that, starting from the top left edge of the front face the oleophobic coating looks like to wear off, it is noticeable because the fingerprints are much more visible in that spot!
does anyone else have this problem?

I find my screen gets 'sticky' after a few minutes use, where my finger no longer slides with ease.
But as far as finger prints my whole screen is permantly covered in them lol.

I just opened a thread in Q&A about this very thing. Mine's the same way. Was wondering if anybody has tried to use after-market coating sprays as a viable solution to this kind of thing. I've noticed that other phones in the past have had this problem too, so somebody here should have seen it before.

I've never used a coating spray but I highly recommend iKlear for cleaning. They claim it doesn't damage coatings, but it is a bit pricy. (Like all screen cleaners)

It's winter. Your hands are dry. Use lotion. Problem solved.

you need some Fusso SmartPhone drops, I have never had this issue as I have a screen protector, should last upto 3-6 months

A month on and mine is still slick but if I could tell the coating was giving out I would call google.

Yep I am definitely experiencing this at the top left and slightly at the bottom right. The glass is still slick it more that they look like blemishes. Not sure what I should do really...
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app

republicano said:
you need some Fusso SmartPhone drops, I have never had this issue as I have a screen protector, should last upto 3-6 months
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I was very close to buying this for my galaxy nexus but then i got the nexus 4, i wish some one would review it

Is this what you guys are seeing? I started noticing this a day or two ago, but I have no idea what it is. Is it the coating wearing off or is it a defect in the glass/screen itself?
(Smears were added intentionally to show the blemishes inside red box)

Yes that's it, at first glance it looks like it could just be a few finger prints but if you keep wiping, it doesn't go away. It looks like it's below the screen, but obviously it's not because it wasn't there before.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app

Yeah exactly. If the screen is clean then it doesn't look like it's there, but once there's dirt/oil again, then the blemishes come back. If it was the coating, wouldn't the glass feel different? Because my glass still feels really smooth all over, including that spot.

Sadly my glass feels really rough in the middle... Stupid coating! You can see the damage pretty well if you wipe a wet cloth over the screen. Will probably post a picture soonish

Has anyone tried to RMA their phone because of this? I've just discovered a ~1" x 1/8" streak right in the middle of my screen that just collects oil. No matter how well I clean it up with a microfiber and a dab of water it reappears once I use the screen again. I noticed when wiping the screen with the microfiber cloth it seems that the friction is higher in that patch.

Devo6273 said:
Has anyone tried to RMA their phone because of this? I've just discovered a ~1" x 1/8" streak right in the middle of my screen that just collects oil. No matter how well I clean it up with a microfiber and a dab of water it reappears once I use the screen again. I noticed when wiping the screen with the microfiber cloth it seems that the friction is higher in that patch.
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Strong bump. I've got a similar issue on my 5 days old Lumia 920, around the earpiece to be more more precise. I don't really care much about it because it's not on the screen so I don't know wether I should get it replaced or not.

DeusInvictus7 said:
Is this what you guys are seeing? I started noticing this a day or two ago, but I have no idea what it is. Is it the coating wearing off or is it a defect in the glass/screen itself?
(Smears were added intentionally to show the blemishes inside red box)
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aren't the smears not supposed to happen if it's oleophobic? I guess I'm wondering why I'm always having to wipe my screen off when I've only had this phone for like a month..

I used that lame screen protector that comes with my nexus 4 for a couple of weeks. After getting fed up with it I removed it. A couple of hours later I found a scratch on my nexus 4. I tought that the gorrila glass was just bull****. I also found out that if I rub the scratch with micro fiber it completely disapears. Maybe it was already scratched and I didnt notice it because of the screen protector? A month later and no other scratch has appeared. Seams weird to scratch the screen in a few minutes after removing the protector but 1 month later no other scratch has appeared. Also my corners (specially the top left) is getting some heavy wear. Has anyone RMA their phone because of this disapearing oleophobic layer?

Possible manufacturing defect
I've had my Nexus 4 (new design with the nub on back) for about a month and in the upper left corner also what appeared to be a smudge, and after some alcohol wiping and delicate cleaning is still there It shows up more when there are finger oils than when clean. I've owned many other smartphones before and this hasn't happened, I keep it in jeans pocket with nothing else, so the only thing it could've been rubbing against was cotton. I think either LG made the coating too thin or of a material that weakens easily maybe when in contact with some acids (like fingers that have just peeled an orange).
Really sad to see this, my older & cheaper LG Optimus S & LG G2x didn't have this problem.

Anyone tried Rainx? I have used it in the past and it works pretty well. Needs reapplication occasionally.

grubbster said:
Anyone tried Rainx? I have used it in the past and it works pretty well. Needs reapplication occasionally.
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I wanted to try what kind of phone did you try it on? I've seen other people in other forums try it before.. I think on Droids.. Does it work good?
Sent from my Nexus 4


Gorilla fail

Hi all,i just discovered some light scratches on my glass...they are on left side,mostly on "black part",luckily.
I always used a case,microfiber or the (very cheap) plastic case that samsung gave for free after presentation.
It never fell down,just a hit on the bedside table,but it's polished simple wood.
Anyway,is there a way to "fix" it? I hear people saying they put the phone in the pocket with keys and no case,and no scratches at all...that's so sad
I guess i have to deal with it,but still hope for some miracoulus fix...
I'll search for a better case too,it'better
°Dexter° said:
Hi all,i just discovered some light scratches on my glass...they are on left side,mostly on "black part",luckily.
I always used a case,microfiber or the (very cheap) plastic case that samsung gave for free after presentation.
It never fell down,just a hit on the bedside table,but it's polished simple wood.
Anyway,is there a way to "fix" it? I hear people saying they put the phone in the pocket with keys and no case,and no scratches at all...that's so sad
I guess i have to deal with it,but still hope for some miracoulus fix...
I'll search for a better case too,it'better
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It is too late for the scratches, but why don't you protect your screen with a film? There are some excellent products in the market that are almost invisible to the eye and the finger...
Let's don't forget that the SGS screen is scratch resistant, not scratch proof.
I'm not Gorilla glass spoke person, but it's still another plastic with higher durability.
basic physics law still applicable, as long as there is a sudden pressure apply on the glass, there are chances that the screen may cracked / scratched.
we all need to take care of it. I don't think there is any fix you can apply
Tried it once, can't say it worked for me, but probably more compatible with gorilla
Within a week of owning mine I found a nice big scratch down the middle of the screen. Really, really, annoying. I put it in a soft case all the time, only got it out when I used it, so I've no idea where it came from.
Strange thing is when I clean the screen with a microfibre cloth it disappears. Completely! Only to return once I touch it again with my grubby fingers.
There is no fix, and any you do attempt will put you at serious risk of making it worse. Heard nightmare situations where people have used repair kits or toothpaste and it's left a nice big scuff where there was once a tiny scratch.
Got a Martin Fields screen protector on at the moment. Does affect the display quality but not massively, and is a fingerprint and grease magnet, but at least it's protecting the screen, and the scratch is no longer visible.
Great guys, now I have to invest in a screenprotector as well. Doh....
thecresta said:
Within a week of owning mine I found a nice big scratch down the middle of the screen. Really, really, annoying. I put it in a soft case all the time, only got it out when I used it, so I've no idea where it came from.
Strange thing is when I clean the screen with a microfibre cloth it disappears. Completely! Only to return once I touch it again with my grubby fingers.
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You may find that it is from the case, not neccessarily scratching the screen but rubbing it more along that area than the rest. When you touch it the grease from your fingers 'sticks' more or less to that area than the rest, causing it to become visible.
I had a huge scratch on mine so I used the banana trick, 2 days later some ape stole it
^^ lol made my day
The screen is one of the best things abt the device imo! I dont use any screen protector nor case....and it still is spotless! Ive demonstrated to so many people by scratching the display with my car keys....nothing yet maybe i should tone down my demonstrations just a little bit
I abuse my phone unprotected. I already had my fair share of trouble with micro dust on a previous phone using a cover. Nowadays I just trie to remember to only put my sgs in my right pocket.
I guess that thecresta and i have the same scratch-type:it's light and becomes more visible when i swipe over it...the screen gets "dirty" due to skin "oil",the scratch remains clean :|
I'll keep it then,and think about protection...
dont trust gorilla glass, my motorola milestone also had scratches and it has gorilla glass
Soniboy84 said:
Great guys, now I have to invest in a screenprotector as well. Doh....
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Sorry to hear about your scratch. FWIW I have never used a screen protector on any of my iPhone's or the SGS. So far so good. Keep it away from ladies with diamond rings and keep it away from sand. Two biggies that will ruin your day.
opensourcefan said:
Sorry to hear about your scratch. FWIW I have never used a screen protector on any of my iPhone's or the SGS. So far so good. Keep it away from ladies with diamond rings and keep it away from sand. Two biggies that will ruin your day.
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but how do u stop sand from entering your pockets?
Chad_Petree said:
but how do u stop sand from entering your pockets?
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Well dont put you phone in a cloth that went in the sand ...... Still Gorilla glass is the strongest screen that you can find on a phone. Unless you want a crappy but really resistant phone http://www.sonimtech.com/features_xp3quest.php

Strange Spots on glass

After some day of using I've noticed that some areas of the glass seemed to get dirty more than other and always with the same shapes.
If you clean the glass they almost disappear, to return back when you touch the screen.
Someone sayd that can be a problem of the oilophobic protection that doesn't work fine in all the glass, does anyone know anything about?
Here a photo:
Add a p to http, I'm a new member and I haven't the permissions to post urls..
Might be the anti-fingerprint coating rubbing off. I've read of that happening to people.
The oleophobic coating does wear off - some sooner than others.. Same issues as the iphone 3GS and 4
Best idea is just to clean it, get a screen protector, and be done with it
I had that problem like 3-4 days after getting my device, they where not in the same area like yours , but I went to Best Buy and got it replaced.
That happened to mines too, I was wondering what the hell it might be. I had my spots in all four corners of the display.
The general consensus, to my knowledge, is just that the oleophobic coating used to help prevent finger oils from smudging the screen is just plain ****ty and has a tendancy to wear off rather quickly.
that sucks. screen protector time.
leyvatron said:
that sucks. screen protector time.
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Maybe you're right, although it's not the way i planned to solve it. :\
Thank you all, anyway.
mines messed up to. I just try not to think about it.
One tip, don't apply any pressure when wiping your phone... it will mess up the coating easily, and then that spot will always show up when you get finger oils on it.
is this issue covered under the warranty?

Screen chipped after 6 days of ownership!

As per the title.
I wouldn't mind, but I haven't been abusing the phone in any way. It has not been dropped, bumped in to or had anything placed or dropped on the screen. It has always been placed in a pouch after use and there is nothing inside the pouch that could scratch or chip it. But there it is, 1cm below the 'S' in Samsung - a 1mm diameter chip on the screen. It wasn't there yesterday, but it's there today.
I phoned Orange and told them, expecting to be told to take a running jump, but they are delivering a replacement handset to me tomorrow, so that is one bit of good news for me. A screen protector will then be applied ASAP!
Is this screen, purportedly made from Gorilla Glass, generally just ridiculously easy to chip and/or scratch? Or have I just been very unlucky? Or is Gorilla Glass just generally **** (which is the conclusion I am being drawn to after hearing plenty of scare stories regarding the latest HTC phones, and seeing a colleagues Desire S which is absolutely chipped and scratched to buggery)?
It's strange, but I've come from a HTC Desire after 18 months with no screen protector having ever been applied and being kept in a similar pouch to my GS2, and there isn't a mark on the screen...
Bizzare, i have mine a good few months now and have dropped it twice and it's fine, granted i have a case and a screen protector but i was hammered drunk the weekend and took my phone out of my pocket to answer a call in a crowded bar and someone barged by and the phone went out of my hand onto the floor face down, cue me picked it up and not a scratch on it so i have no idea what happened to yours mate for a phone so slim it's amazing, one only has to look at this video.
That can only be unlucky, I dropped mine down a flight of stairs in a pub and watched as it went like a £400 slinky with only a £3 ebay case to protect it and it was fine. The screen is pretty tough.
I've beat mind to death since release and nothing noticeable.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
Sounds like a manufacturing defect in the glass more than anything else.
Its probably a good idea to use screen protectors and some form of a case to anyone else reading this that hasn't bottom one yet.
I'm not trying to be the "I told you so guy" (I hate people like that) but I was in the same situation as OP myself using a different phone, and I'd like to save someone else from suffering the same fate...
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donalgodon said:
Sounds like a manufacturing defect in the glass more than anything else.
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I'm inclined to agree. The phone certainly hasn't been mistreated in any way, so I can't think of any other reason for it to appear.
Dropped my phone yesterday onto solid flooring tiles at work and it just bounced a few times and not an issue.
It's a plus of the plastic used IMO. Yes it feels tacky but it's damn strong and absorbs force extremely well. Weight also helps.
I had my Galaxy Ace get a scratch in the top-left corner about .8cm long. Sure, Gorilla Glass seems more resistant to minor scratches you get from being in a pocket, but it's by no means invincible.
I scratched my screen on the 2nd day of having it just by it being in my jean pocket on its own. Since that I always put it in a soft case if I'm wearing jeans, but still managed to get another one in roughly the same place... I had my Desire for about 16 months and dropped it many times and no scratches on the screen lol typical. Can only see the scratches if I look for them though so not too bad.
defected glass is the biggest possibility. My GS2 unknownly got out of my pocket when I was sitting, but no scratch at all
Gorilla glass should have a somewhat higher surface hardness, that's all. Nothing magical about it, except the hype.
And increasing surface hardness usually makes a material more brittle, meaning it chips and cracks more easily (and dramatically).
You can't have it all...
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
Whether or not a gorilla glass, i always prefer to apply an invisible shield by zagg, as soon as i take out the phone off its box. I have seen the result and its tremendous.
One phone had shattered glass but because invisible shield was applied, touch screen was still usable and one phone fell off from about 10 feet hight and nothing happened to it as because of the same.
Just my two cents.
my phones bn gud past 3 months.. i think u r "careless" bro
I also chipped my screen.. I had a bottle opener on my car keys and forgot which pocket 2 put them in. So they can get scratched quite easily although the chip is tiny. I think a pocket pouch would probably have prevented this. I love the slipperyness of the screen and will never cover it.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
i actually have had the same thing happen to mine.mine cracked above the ear piece to the out side edge where the glass is at its thinnest point.i have a case and it hasnt been dropped.almost as if it was point loaded from underside of glass.pissed me off as i imported my phone on release.just learnt to live with it

Nexus 4 Front Screen Scratch Question

I'll keep the question brief. The screen on my Samsung Galaxy Nexus got a scratch right away after opening whereas the Nexus 7 16gb that I bought back in July has been outstanding without a single scratch. Has anyone who received the phone and has been using it without a screen protector noticed any scratches (given that you keep it in a pocket by itself, so no keys, etc)? Ideally it shouldn't because my Nexus 7 didnt and I have put it through its paces. Thank you.
Ya know... the most common source of scratches are grains of dirt or sand, which has a tendency to collect in pockets. If and when you feel any, turn your pocket inside-out and slap it a couple of times to get rid of it.
Solutions Etcetera said:
Ya know... the most common source of scratches are grains of dirt or sand, which has a tendency to collect in pockets. If and when you feel any, turn your pocket inside-out and slap it a couple of times to get rid of it.
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I agree with that. But I'm trying to gauge whether I need preventative measures. If its like the Nexus 7, there wont be any scratches from my own experiences.
Solutions Etcetera said:
Ya know... the most common source of scratches are grains of dirt or sand, which has a tendency to collect in pockets. If and when you feel any, turn your pocket inside-out and slap it a couple of times to get rid of it.
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Every morning, no matter what pants I put on, I always flip the phone pocket inside out and get every piece of dirt/lint out before starting my day.
badsubby said:
I agree with that. But I'm trying to gauge whether I need preventative measures. If its like the Nexus 7, there wont be any scratches from my own experiences.
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With all my previous phones (HTC Sensation, Galaxy SII, Galaxy Nexus, Galaxy SIII) I always went with screen protectors right away. However, I found that they never looked perfect and in my opinion they always looked worse than a couple scratches would if I left the screen bare. With this phone I decided to just go without a screen protector altogether. The way I see it now is that the glass IS the screen protector designed to protect the digitizer.
And for reference, my first N4 was defective out of the box so I immediately ordered an RMA unit. I used that time with the first N4 to really utilize it in daily use without babying it or caring about scratches. I've placed it on its face on all sorts of counter tops, slid it across tables, and accidentally banged it on random objects. Today my RMA unit came and I inspected the first N4 before packaging it up to send it off. And I am happy to report that the phone had absolutely NO scratches or scuffs. This thing is more durable than my Galaxy Nexus was, that I am sure of.
sn0warmy said:
Every morning, no matter what pants I put on, I always flip the phone pocket inside out and get every piece of dirt/lint out before starting my day.
With all my previous phones (HTC Sensation, Galaxy SII, Galaxy Nexus, Galaxy SIII) I always went with screen protectors right away. However, I found that they never looked perfect and in my opinion they always looked worse than a couple scratches would if I left the screen bare. With this phone I decided to just go without a screen protector altogether. The way I see it now is that the glass IS the screen protector designed to protect the digitizer.
And for reference, my first N4 was defective out of the box so I immediately ordered an RMA unit. I used that time with the first N4 to really utilize it in daily use without babying it or caring about scratches. I've placed it on its face on all sorts of counter tops, slid it across tables, and accidentally banged it on random objects. Today my RMA unit came and I inspected the first N4 before packaging it up to send it off. And I am happy to report that the phone had absolutely NO scratches or scuffs. This thing is more durable than my Galaxy Nexus was, that I am sure of.
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So the one that you put through its paces, what happened with that in terms of scratches?
badsubby said:
So the one that you put through its paces, what happened with that in terms of scratches?
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That's what I was saying. The one I "abused" had absolutely no scratches or scuffs on it when I packaged it up today to send back to Google.
Also, keep in mind many people are reporting that screen protectors are really affecting the sensitivity of the N4's screen more than other phones. In my opinion, it would be rather silly to put something on the screen that makes the phone less usable just for the sake of protecting it.
sn0warmy said:
That's what I was saying. The one I "abused" had absolutely no scratches or scuffs on it when I packaged it up today to send back to Google.
Also, keep in mind many people are reporting that screen protectors are really affecting the sensitivity of the N4's screen more than other phones. In my opinion, it would be rather silly to put something on the screen that makes the phone less usable just for the sake of protecting it.
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You've been very helpful and I will use the device without any protector. I will put on a case given the cracking of the back glass and what not. Got my nexus 4 16gb today so about to unwrap that baby Thanks again for all the advice.
badsubby said:
You've been very helpful and I will use the device without any protector. I will put on a case given the cracking of the back glass and what not. Got my nexus 4 16gb today so about to unwrap that baby Thanks again for all the advice.
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No problem. Congrats! You'll love the phone. :highfive:
Same here. The screen is so beautiful and smooth, why convert it up with a screen protector? I'm goin' full-on naked with this baby.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
Ever since Google authorized an RMA for me, I've been sorta "abusing" the phone. No problem at all. Whereas, I got scratches here and there on my Galaxy Nexus when I used the same way now.
But, in my opinion, having a few scratches here and there looks much better than when it is covered with a screen protector that is more prone to scratches than the screen itself.
Changing the direction of the thread since it is related to the screen. So I opened it today. The screen from what I had seen on YouTube and read was that the screen was superior to galaxy nexus.
On using it I see striations of lines like 1366*768 on my 15.6 laptop. I think that there is something wrong because every background including the virtual buttons other than white have vertical lines that I can distinguish. Can someone please confirm or deny these vertical lines on grey, blue backgrounds. Is this the screen technology or just this specific phone that I received? I have nexus 7 and this had been perfect in every sense. Its not as high resolution as nexus 4 but the pixels are a result of both horizontal and vertical lines colliding resulting in no vertical striations.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
I think there was a grain of sand in my pocket or something because today I noticed what I first assumed was a smudge on the screen, however my heart sank when I polished it and realised it was a scratch, huge bummer for me, I dont know what to do, I dont think I will be able to stand a scratch sitting there :crying:
kerodean said:
I think there was a grain of sand in my pocket or something because today I noticed what I first assumed was a smudge on the screen, however my heart sank when I polished it and realised it was a scratch, huge bummer for me, I dont know what to do, I dont think I will be able to stand a scratch sitting there :crying:
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Yeah my heart just sank too--the front appeared more scratch resistant than the back to me. The back of mine had a deep scrape within the first day of use just from being in my purse. Now I see MANY very fine scrapes on the front. WTH! It's not even two weeks old!
nikonjunkie said:
Yeah my heart just sank too--the front appeared more scratch resistant than the back to me. The back of mine had a deep scrape within the first day of use just from being in my purse. Now I see MANY very fine scrapes on the front. WTH! It's not even two weeks old!
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my nexus 4 also got a deep scratch on the back, lots of very thin scratches on the front
and I just noticed it that there's a new scratch on the front, a deep one this time.
this phone is less than a month old and stays in my pocket or over a glass table all day long!
I should have bought an xperia T, that thing is unbreakable
Yeah, I have been babying the mess out of my N4, but what I thought was a hair turned out to be a scratch deep enough to be felt by a fingernail running across it. The upsetting part is that the back of my device is fine, but the scratch is on the screen. I don't understand how my GNex only has a few scuffs on it, and it's been treated much worse than the N4, but the N4 just somehow managed to get "lucky" and find that somewhat sharp particle that sliced it up good. Starting to make me dislike Corning a bit.
kerodean said:
I think there was a grain of sand in my pocket or something because today I noticed what I first assumed was a smudge on the screen, however my heart sank when I polished it and realised it was a scratch, huge bummer for me, I dont know what to do, I dont think I will be able to stand a scratch sitting there :crying:
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I looked at my phone this morning and noticed 3 fine scratches near the top right hand corner of my phone. I also had that heart sinking feeling. I have a Galaxy Nexus prior and i didn't have a single scratch on the screen .
with the screen on that scratch doesn't affect the display at all only when i try to look for it. i still don't know how it got them =(
I have only had my Nexus 4 for 5 days and although I have left the screen protector that came with the phone on the back side, I have no screen protector on the front side.
So far no scratches whatsoever on the front screen and I keep the phone in my pockets.
My previous phone (Galaxy S2), which I had used for a year has a few small (hair like) scratches on its screen but its almost invisible when using the phone.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
kerodean said:
I think there was a grain of sand in my pocket or something because today I noticed what I first assumed was a smudge on the screen, however my heart sank when I polished it and realised it was a scratch, huge bummer for me, I dont know what to do, I dont think I will be able to stand a scratch sitting there :crying:
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I have one scratch too bro ;(
slippery back side glass
I have a Nexus 4 about 1 month, but I am much more afraid about scratches on the back. This phone is very slippery when I put it on the back and surface is not completely flat, even a very small angle and Nexus 4 starts moving down the hill. IT already fell down on the ground when it was on the book on the table. But no damage yet.
I've been keeping the phone in my pocket without screen protectors (now in a microfiber sunglasses pouch) and don't have the slightest scratch on the front, it seems very strong. The back is a different story, I would say it is definitely not the same material as the front glass.

Discussion about Gorilla Glass 3.0 on the HTC One (M8)

Got my gray HTC M8 (UK, contract on 3 Mobile) on Thursday, been treating it like a baby since - keeping it in the rubbery case that came with it; putting it down gently; and when carrying it with me in a pocket, making sure to put it in one that is completely empty of anything else.
I haven't bought a screen protector yet because the one I have my eye on on Amazon doesn't seem to be available at the moment, but figured I'd be ok for a few days. I was wrong.
Today I noticed two hairline scratches, one about 1cm long, the other around 2cm, in the bottom left quarter of the screen. What I don't understand is how - every single time I get a new device that boasts Gorilla Glass, I think "well, hopefully it won't be quite so hopelessly fragile as the last" only to be let down time and time again.
So, anybody else with the new M8 noticed scratches on their screen yet?
Official HTC Screen Protectors 2 pack £9.99 in Carphone Warehouse.
Don't forget the 6 months free screen replacement
Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk
biggles1000 said:
Got my gray HTC M8 (UK, contract on 3 Mobile) on Thursday, been treating it like a baby since - keeping it in the rubbery case that came with it; putting it down gently; and when carrying it with me in a pocket, making sure to put it in one that is completely empty of anything else.
I haven't bought a screen protector yet because the one I have my eye on on Amazon doesn't seem to be available at the moment, but figured I'd be ok for a few days. I was wrong.
Today I noticed two hairline scratches, one about 1cm long, the other around 2cm, in the bottom left quarter of the screen. What I don't understand is how - every single time I get a new device that boasts Gorilla Glass, I think "well, hopefully it won't be quite so hopelessly fragile as the last" only to be let down time and time again.
So, anybody else with the new M8 noticed scratches on their screen yet?
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I still have my m7 for a couple weeks. Same glass, never had a screen protector on it, never had an issue. I don't baby it, but I do make sure nothing else is in my pocket. These things are so tough, can't even imagine what you are doing to it.
Sent from my HTC One using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
biggles1000 said:
Got my gray HTC M8 (UK, contract on 3 Mobile) on Thursday, been treating it like a baby since - keeping it in the rubbery case that came with it; putting it down gently; and when carrying it with me in a pocket, making sure to put it in one that is completely empty of anything else.
I haven't bought a screen protector yet because the one I have my eye on on Amazon doesn't seem to be available at the moment, but figured I'd be ok for a few days. I was wrong.
Today I noticed two hairline scratches, one about 1cm long, the other around 2cm, in the bottom left quarter of the screen. What I don't understand is how - every single time I get a new device that boasts Gorilla Glass, I think "well, hopefully it won't be quite so hopelessly fragile as the last" only to be let down time and time again.
So, anybody else with the new M8 noticed scratches on their screen yet?
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It's quite possible there was a tiny bit of sand in your pocket, and that's really all it takes to scratch these glass screens my man :/
I haven't used a screen protector in almost three years. Do you lay the phone face down on tables, rub the phone on your shirt or pants to clean the screen, or use paper towels on it? I don't baby my phones at all and never get scratches. Sorry you scratched yours.
I'm just as unlucky as the OP, so I always exercise caution when having a new phone. Before even receiving it, I have a cheap case and screen protector just to hold me over until something better comes out. It's very important to keep my devices flawless because I always sell them to subsidize the cost of a newer phone. There are some people who will boast about Gorilla Glass being the greatest thing ever, but I've still experienced scratches on the few devices I haven't protected so well. Maybe I'm doing something wrong. Maybe I'm just unlucky. Either way, I'll probably never stop using screen protectors.
I put a screen protector on the minute I got mine. However, if u were to believe the video on line then its practically impossible to scratch the m8 screen.
It's always the laying face down on the table that does it. I bet 70%+ of accounts of scratched screens is that.
Same scenario with 2 M7 I had, hairline scratches while I am very careful, though M7 is Gorilla glass 2 and M8 glass 3 so I was expecting to be better.
Perhaps HTC is using another coating above the Gorilla glass which is pretty scratchable
The double flip case was a good protection on M7 and the Dot cover will on M8
Something like grit in my pocket is the only possibility, as I've been using clean spectacle cloths to wipe the screen with and haven't even once placed it face down on anything because I wanted to avoid it scratching. I'm not sure how HTC Advantage works (if at all) outside the US, but I allegedly signed up for Three Rescue (don't seem to be able to access it at the moment) when getting the phone so if the scratches become unbearable then I guess I can swap it.
My previous phone was the black HTC One S, which, you know, had the whole "you don't need a case" claim by HTC, followed by many disgruntled customers such as myself being dismayed at the appalling transformation of the outer shell. Since then I trust HTC's durability claims a lot less, and I've never had a device with Gorilla Glass not get scratched in some way or another, despite being very careful with my devices. I just wish I had bought some form of screen protector beforehand...
Gorilla Glass doesnt mean the screen isnt scratchable. its hard to have a big scratch on it but its easy to do some tiny scratches... its always been like this..
mushages said:
Gorilla Glass doesnt mean the screen isnt scratchable. its hard to have a big scratch on it but its easy to do some tiny scratches... its always been like this..
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Thats not how hardness works.
If you have something hard enough (compared to the gorilla glass) then it'll be just as easy to make a big scratch as it is to make a small scratch.
My M7 has a bunch of lil scratches on it, mostly from me putting it face down on tables, and one time I kept it in the same tight jeans pocket as my Anker battery pack (it was charging the phone) and somehow the battery pack left a rub mark on the screen =.=
Will be putting a screen protector on my M8 probably.. not sure.. meh
I have a cheap one ordered for now.
Nippero said:
Thats not how hardness works.
If you have something hard enough (compared to the gorilla glass) then it'll be just as easy to make a big scratch as it is to make a small scratch.
My M7 has a bunch of lil scratches on it, mostly from me putting it face down on tables, and one time I kept it in the same tight jeans pocket as my Anker battery pack (it was charging the phone) and somehow the battery pack left a rub mark on the screen =.=
Will be putting a screen protector on my M8 probably.. not sure.. meh
I have a cheap one ordered for now.
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thats the best way around. and I prefer http://www.clear-coat.com/ as i tried it on my Butterfly S and loved it! very thin smooth and you dont feel like you even applied any sort of protection + i got life time warranty on it.
jspradling7 said:
I haven't used a screen protector in almost three years. Do you lay the phone face down on tables, rub the phone on your shirt or pants to clean the screen, or use paper towels on it? I don't baby my phones at all and never get scratches. Sorry you scratched yours.
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This x 100. I think this every time I see someone say something like the OP. I have never used Screen protectors or Cases on any of my phones, and I have never damaged a single phone. Sure light scratches on the back from setting it on tables/desks, but never the screen.
Biggest reasons I see people scratch screens are setting it face down, putting it in pockets/bags with change/keys, or dry wiping the screen (using a cloth/shirt/etc to wipe off the screen... rubbing sand/etc in to glass)
crawlgsx said:
This x 100. I think this every time I see someone say something like the OP. I have never used Screen protectors or Cases on any of my phones, and I have never damaged a single phone. Sure light scratches on the back from setting it on tables/desks, but never the screen.
Biggest reasons I see people scratch screens are setting it face down, putting it in pockets/bags with change/keys, or dry wiping the screen (using a cloth/shirt/etc to wipe off the screen... rubbing sand/etc in to glass)
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As true as that is with other people, I've done nothing but treat the M8 with care. Never face down on a surface, always resting fully on a surface rather than hanging off, always carried in a pocket with no other items, regular cleaning all over,... other than the possibility of grit I still don't see how this could have happened as it's been treated with the utmost care. Even when plugging the micro USB cable in I've done it carefully and properly so as to avoid any markings around the port as happened on the One S. Yes, when my devices reach the end of their tenure they tend to look sub-par, but I never mistreat them. Other than my old Qtek and Touch Pro2, I've yet to have a device live out its period of usage and come out the other end with an unmarked screen.
Personally I always end up with little scratches on my Screen. My M7 was no exception. That had quite a few small scratches on the screen, but I never kept a screen protector on.
My M8 now has a screen protector and I will probably keep it that way. The ones I picked up are brilliant and I can't even tell it's on there without squinting my eyes!
I haven't used a screen protector since I had my HTC Hero and I never have scratched screens. The Captivate has some hairline scratches but it also went flying out of a moving vehicle so its amazing the glass isn't shattered entirely.
I've been using the original Desire since 2010 without a protector and maybe half of that was without a case. I can only find 2 or 3 hairline scratches which I can't even see unless I turn off the screen and reflect some light over them. I've slipped on some ice once and fell directly onto my phone without a case and it only cracked my camera lens cover. If my 4+ year old phone can handle that without gorilla glass, then I can only imagine that any new phone I buy should be near invincible.
I used to hate screen protectors until I started using Spigen ones. I get them for all my phones and most folks have no idea there's a screen protector when I sell the phone. They are very good quality, and the fit is always perfect if you take your time to do it right. NEVER buy those junk screen protectors that the carrier stores sell. Those are the ones that make people hate screen protectors.
biggles1000 said:
As true as that is with other people, I've done nothing but treat the M8 with care. Never face down on a surface, always resting fully on a surface rather than hanging off, always carried in a pocket with no other items, regular cleaning all over,... other than the possibility of grit I still don't see how this could have happened as it's been treated with the utmost care. Even when plugging the micro USB cable in I've done it carefully and properly so as to avoid any markings around the port as happened on the One S. Yes, when my devices reach the end of their tenure they tend to look sub-par, but I never mistreat them. Other than my old Qtek and Touch Pro2, I've yet to have a device live out its period of usage and come out the other end with an unmarked screen.
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a google search brought me to this forum and I just wanted to post to help get the word out there: I've had the same experience with my M8. this is my fifth smartphone total and I haven't used any kind of screen protector since the early days. I've never needed them, never had any issues with scratches until this one. I've only had it for two weeks and have treated it with the same level of care I have all the others but somehow it's gotten several in that time. it's like there's some sort of extra layer over top or something, but so far I haven't found any info supporting this. I tried taking it back but of course t mobile won't give me the time of day. so it looks like I'm stuck with it for the next six months at least.
excellent phone otherwise.

