Funny (and hardcore) S3 scratch test - Galaxy S III General

If you own an S3 you might want to see this, you will be much more relaxed about your S3

As fasr as I know crystal is harder than steel on the moss scale, he should test it woth sand

Hilarious!....poor cat! What impressed me was that he was hitting the screen quite hard with a very small contact point and quite heavy knives and it didn't break, and he dropped it from quite a height!

yeah gorilla glass 2 seems to be quite the thing :>

a lot of people moan about screen cracks when they drop phone, but if you drop a piece of glass it will break if it lands on a stone or something similar, the point of gg2 is scratch resistance, I think I'm going to try one of those tempered glass screen protectors when they iron out the small flaws in it....the customer service guy on the accessories thread is brilliant

Ive been running without screen protector for 1 month and I dont have a single scratch, not a single one. I do have a Diztronic case though

This video is great, but I still managed to put a 1cm scratch across mine at 2 days old, simply by placing it face down on my bedside table.
Knives vs bedside table, now I know which is more dangerous!

The magic is in the wipe lol. But i will be getting mine this week and its nice to know it will hold up to more abuse that he will get in my pocket ^^
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TimmyRaa said:
This video is great, but I still managed to put a 1cm scratch across mine at 2 days old, simply by placing it face down on my bedside table.
Knives vs bedside table, now I know which is more dangerous!
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Did you accidentally put it on your girlfriends diamond ring?
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Sand can scratch the screen very easily. I've learned it the hard way
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2

Better to have screen protector.

That guy sounds like guy on FPSrussia youtube videos

These screen test are crap who carries a large army knife around in there pocket with there phone if you do you must have big pockets and why don't they try it with sandpaper see what that does

got-petrol said:
These screen test are crap who carries a large army knife around in there pocket with there phone if you do you must have big pockets and why don't they try it with sandpaper see what that does
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Anger issue?

im not so impressed with the Go Rilla Glass2....i have no screen protector but have the Otterbox case with a lip so that the glass never rest on anything.....but i have plenty of micro scratches all over the screen.......From what?
the only thing that i clean it with a micro fiber cloth....WTF needless to say i will be braking it and getting a replacement for this super sensative ass screen.

bullerwins said:
Ive been running without screen protector for 1 month and I dont have a single scratch, not a single one. I do have a Diztronic case though
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I wear a screen protector but not for scratch reasons more for shock proofing.
That little bit of plastic on the screen is likely to absorb a little impact when it falls or gets bumped. Its a bit like those people that put a sticky tape x on their window during violent storms. This glass may be hard, but it can definitely be tougher.
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sabaramo said:
I wear a screen protector but not for scratch reasons more for shock proofing.
That little bit of plastic on the screen is likely to absorb a little impact when it falls or gets bumped. Its a bit like those people that put a sticky tape x on their window during violent storms. This glass may be hard, but it can definitely be tougher.
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Thats not to stop the glass from braking.......that to stop the glass from flying around in that violent storm. as its taped together giving it more weight as a whole instead of small shards everywhere.
so i dont think the protector helps the screen from shattering. just my OP

The glass on our phones are harder than carbon steel.. So it's a no brainer.
But would like to see him use a little rock or some sand, it will funk up the screen..
Get a screen protector, gorilla glass is over rated.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2

buljo said:
The glass on our phones are harder than carbon steel.. So it's a no brainer.
But would like to see him use a little rock or some sand, it will funk up the screen..
Get a screen protector, gorilla glass is over rated.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
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I think misunderstood is the correct term

jnr21 said:
That guy sounds like guy on FPSrussia youtube videos
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yes, he does


it's official our screen is scratch proof

my phone is being replace by sprint on tuesday. With me knowing that I decided to put our screen through a test. Off came the screen protector, I scratched the screen with keys, coins and nails. I put it in my pocket. Placed it on dinner table face down and slid it across the table. To my surprise, the screen is brand new without a scratch or surface scratch. I've come to the conclusion, screen protectors are a waste of money.
I was thinking of doing a youtube video. But it's friday, and I have better things to do.
Well, it's very scratch resistant based on the stories here, however adding some sand to your tests and you'll probably be singing a different tune. Some jewelry can also scratch the screen.
There is a Korean-language demonstration of this on youtube. They tried it on the i9000. It's pretty impressive. I think you can find it if you search 'galaxy s scratch test' or something similar
Isira said:
Well, it's very scratch resistant based on the stories here, however adding some sand to your tests and you'll probably be singing a different tune. Some jewelry can also scratch the screen.
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I was trying to put it through the everyday use test. But hey you want sand, I'll give you sand.
i dont know how i did it, but mine is scratched. 2 very small thin scratches, but they are there. i rubbed it with a cloth thinking it was a smudge. no dice. its a scratch.
shook187 said:
I was trying to put it through the everyday use test. But hey you want sand, I'll give you sand.
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LOL, read around and you'll see what I mean about sand. (but please don't do it).
And besides, you cannot claim "scratch proof" until you've tested it in all conditions.
I've had two epics. The first one I left bare, and even though I babied it and never set it anywhere but on my pocket and it's rabbit fur charging bed, it still got a lil hair sized scratch in the middle of the screen.
I've put a screen protector on the second one.
I noticed the screen is very resistant to scratches myself. When I first got the phone I had a screen protector on it but then I took it off because it kinda ruins the brightness of the display.
Anyway, after having it off for about a month the screen has maybe 4 very small scratches and that's it. I've dropped it in the parking lot, floor and slid it across the table tons of times not to mention it being in my pocket with keys. I'm in the Army I've even had it with me at the range where we lay on the ground and get sandy dirt in our pockets and it still is doing really well. I'm impressed.
It is definitely NOT scratch proof!
It is very durable and scratch resistant though.
I've had it since launch day, I have a small, fine, but visible, scratch near the top left of my screen. It's as if there's a small, fine facial hair the screen I can't remove.
I don't know how it got there, I keep it out of the pocket that I put my keys/change in. I've never dropped it.
That said, I've been hesitant to get a protector because I like how smooth the screen is.
jnadke said:
It is definitely NOT scratch proof!
It is very durable and scratch resistant though.
I've had it since launch day, I have a small, fine, but visible, scratch near the top left of my screen. It's as if there's a small, fine facial hair the screen I can't remove.
I don't know how it got there, I keep it out of the pocket that I put my keys/change in. I've never dropped it.
That said, I've been hesitant to get a protector because I like how smooth the screen is.
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Exactly, resistant enough that I prefer no screen protection. I can live with hairline scratches if its the only thing is need to ware a screen protector for. I have I small hairline scratch and its so difficult to see, I have to have a bright light hit it just so and look really hard to find it because its so fine...
Sent from my Epic 4g using XDA App
Yes, its fairly scratch resistant but not scratch boils down to applying pressure at the right angle..
I work with alot of abrasive materials. Sometimes I'll have sand and diamond dust on my fingers when using my phone. My phone is scratched to hell from this. But nothing to deep to maker me warrant using a screen protector. The scratches are only visanle with the screen off
Sent from my Emotionless Beast of an Epic using the XDA App
Yep I read a review that our screens were made with corning-ware anti scratch technology... I droppeed my phone off my lap getting out of my truck, face down, no scratches, only chipped paint... did it again and it went skipping along the asphault, face down again.. NOT A SCRATCH!!! I LOVE THIS PHONE!!
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
I scratched my first Epic.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
After getting my Zagg on 100% perfect (second try) I still like the added security (even though I do hate screen protectors as much as you guys). If you don't think it will scratch, use sand, it will. Sand/dust/etc will be in your pocket or on your hand someday.
Found it..
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
AndrewZorn said:
After getting my Zagg on 100% perfect (second try) I still like the added security (even though I do hate screen protectors as much as you guys). If you don't think it will scratch, use sand, it will. Sand/dust/etc will be in your pocket or on your hand someday.
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I'm going to keep a eye on my sreen till I traded it in on Tuesday. Till then, I'm going to keep using my phone in a rugged fashion, just to see how the screen holds up.
I also had a Zagg screen protector on mine and did like the "added security" but the phone's screen just feels so much better without it.
Yah. It always feels better without protection.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
Ha, nice!
Sent with my 4G interwebs.
It's the same "gorilla glass" the iPhone 4 uses. Love it.

Getting rid of the oleophobic coating-How?

Hey guys,as title says(kind of anyway),I've had enough of the oleophobic coating on the SGS2.Fingerprints stay on screen no matter(I have very oily skin,unfortunately) and it's not any better than my Desire HD for that matter.Not that it bothers me for that,but it SCRATCHES like hell.I already have more fine scrathces on my GS2 after 2 weeks than on my DHD after 7 months.So I want to remove the oleophobic coating.
Now,I know it's done somehow by cleaning the screen using certain cleaning stuff,but what cleaning stuff?Can I use a window cleaner or something?And should I wipe it with a fiber cloth?
Thanks guys!
tolis626 said:
Hey guys,as title says(kind of anyway),I've had enough of the oleophobic coating on the SGS2.Fingerprints stay on screen no matter(I have very oily skin,unfortunately) and it's not any better than my Desire HD for that matter.Not that it bothers me for that,but it SCRATCHES like hell.I already have more fine scrathces on my GS2 after 2 weeks than on my DHD after 7 months.So I want to remove the oleophobic coating.
Now,I know it's done somehow by cleaning the screen using certain cleaning stuff,but what cleaning stuff?Can I use a window cleaner or something?And should I wipe it with a fiber cloth?
Thanks guys!
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some one said he used polish liquids
i recommend liter fluid
OP, take my advice , do NOT do it! You think the coating is not helping, wait till you remove it! It will be 100 times worse, literally!
If you do decide to rid the screen of the coating - I succeeded (on SGS1) with Chlorine toilet bowl cleaning liquid, but be very careful to not get it inside speakers/mikes. All the scratches remained though, mine were in the glass, not the coating.
You want that coating on there. Just get a screen protector and maybe a matte one if the finger prints bother you.
Damn,I hate screen protectors...
KreoXDA,mine are most probably not on the glass itself.I can't feel them with my fingernail(And I have long fingernails on my right hand-classic guitar player anyone? ) like I could with such scratches on other phones.Anyway,I'll see if I can find some good screen protector.All I've used just crapped all over my touchscreen experience.I'd try Zaggs,but guess what!NOT available in Greece!I''m losing my patience here...
ZAGGS are the WORST for sensitivity!!, STAY AWAY
try an steinheil one? their ultrathin series is good
blickmanic said:
ZAGGS are the WORST for sensitivity!!, STAY AWAY
try an steinheil one? their ultrathin series is good
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Yeah...Well,I found Zaggs(they even came to Greece...Oh well!) but I cannot find Steinheils.What about Belkin?They have a matte overlay that I think would be nice.
Also,what do you mean that Zaggs are the worst for sensitivity?Is it harder to select something on the screen with a protector on?
Thanks anyway pal!
zaggs are the thickest screen protectors on the market!, they ruin the touchscreen experience, they DO block fingerprints well though. they also have the 'orange peel' effect on them.
woops, the SGP steinheil ones arent available *yet*
meanwhile, THIS should suit your needs...
blickmanic said:
zaggs are the thickest screen protectors on the market!, they ruin the touchscreen experience, they DO block fingerprints well though. they also have the 'orange peel' effect on them.
woops, the SGP steinheil ones arent available *yet*
meanwhile, THIS should suit your needs...
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Well,I'll see if I can find it in Greece or else...E-bay it is!I have never bought anything from e-bay though...Will buy a jig,that's for sure!
tolis626 said:
Hey guys,as title says(kind of anyway),I've had enough of the oleophobic coating on the SGS2.Fingerprints stay on screen no matter(I have very oily skin,unfortunately) and it's not any better than my Desire HD for that matter.Not that it bothers me for that,but it SCRATCHES like hell.I already have more fine scrathces on my GS2 after 2 weeks than on my DHD after 7 months.So I want to remove the oleophobic coating.
Now,I know it's done somehow by cleaning the screen using certain cleaning stuff,but what cleaning stuff?Can I use a window cleaner or something?And should I wipe it with a fiber cloth?
Thanks guys!
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When I got burgled the police said finger prints actually very difficult to pickup because finger tips don't have sweat glands. Relies on someone touching their face or hair or rubbing their palms together. This its not meant to be pointed comment but as you offered a reason, Try doing less of that
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
Oh and I ordered sgp ones from the place recommended on the accessories thread. delivered from korea to uk, good stuff.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
crypticc said:
When I got burgled the police said finger prints actually very difficult to pickup because finger tips don't have sweat glands. Relies on someone touching their face or hair or rubbing their palms together. This its not meant to be pointed comment but as you offered a reason, Try doing less of that
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
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Oh sh!t,I didn't know that.And I was blaming my fingers for nothing?
Well,I'll try and touch my face less.When I sweat(especially now in the summer with the high temperatures) it gets oily like hell.It will get better with time(It's a puberty thing partially like acme),but for now it's killing me.
Thank you for the heads up though.Finally I found cops usefull!
My advice: polish your face often .
What i do is clean the screen with my shirt so now and then. Some days its worse then others...
Can I ask how you guys manage to scratch your screen? I've got *very* long nails (I'm a girl ), never bother with screen protectors and I've yet to scratch a screen (HD2 stayed pristine for over 18 months, so is the S2 after a month) and shock horror, I don't always put my phone in a case before flinging it in my handbag though it's usually in a separate pocket... As for fingerprints, well a wipe on my jeans or t-shirt usually takes care of that.
Isadora said:
Can I ask how you guys manage to scratch your screen? I've got *very* long nails (I'm a girl ), never bother with screen protectors and I've yet to scratch a screen (HD2 stayed pristine for over 18 months, so is the S2 after a month) and shock horror, I don't always put my phone in a case before flinging it in my handbag though it's usually in a separate pocket... As for fingerprints, well a wipe on my jeans or t-shirt usually takes care of that.
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A girl around here?I'm impressed!
Anyway,I too have long fingernails on my right hand because I play the guitar,but they don't damage the screen.I go to the beach very often and sand particles find their way everywhere.Now THEY do damage. ;-)
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA Premium App
Isadora said:
Can I ask how you guys manage to scratch your screen? I've got *very* long nails (I'm a girl ), never bother with screen protectors and I've yet to scratch a screen (HD2 stayed pristine for over 18 months, so is the S2 after a month) and shock horror, I don't always put my phone in a case before flinging it in my handbag though it's usually in a separate pocket... As for fingerprints, well a wipe on my jeans or t-shirt usually takes care of that.
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Guys hands tend to have more dirt (from putting their hands on the bench, on the ground or at the beach). As a result, there will be one or two tiny sand particles which then scratches the screen when they use the phone.
here is links to Steinheil protectors..enjoy..
did you try alcohol and windex?
alcohol will remove the oleophobic coating, but very slowly. you'll end up with a haze.
i used meguiar's scratchx 2.0 to remove a scratch, not realizing there was a coating. result was a hazy ring where i had removed the coating.
tried rainx, with improved the slick feel but also caused more of the haze effect (alcohol). ended up using scratchx to remove the whole coating, using a flashlight to check, and putting a realook protector on. luckily the result is fantastic.
that said, don't remove any coating unless you really really have to. it doesn't seem like it but it is way better at preventing smudges than just glass.
crypticc said:
When I got burgled the police said finger prints actually very difficult to pickup because finger tips don't have sweat glands.
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A good friend of mine is a dermatologist. You and/or the cops are wrong. Maybe they tell that story to everybody so they don't get their hopes to high.
You can test for youself though. Wash you hands with antibacterial soap and dry them with and air handdryer. Hold your hand steady for 10 minutes without touching anything and then see i you'll leave prints on you phone

My S3 does NOT have gorilla glass

ok guys i really need some advice, i have had my phone for 4 days i have been very careful with it waiting for my otterbox case to be sent out. i have not dropped it one time and it has about 6 small scratches on it in which 1 is deep enough to actually feel with my finger nail. i dont keep it near my keys at all and it kept in my side pocket with nothing else touching it. please help
Contacted best buy (where i bought the phone) i was told by a best buy rep that i could exchange the phone for another one within the 30 day period
If you have a Ghost Armor kiosk by you, i would get their screen protector. I had hairline scratches on my One X, and the Ghost Armor fills in the scratches when they put it on. That should mask it for you.
Maybe you have a ghost that prefers HTC. Yup, like he said, get some ghost armor.
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
thats not the point though, gorilla glass is scratch resistant meaning it cant be scratched. there is videos of people on youtube stabbing their s3 with a knife and it not scratching
maybe its suicidal and was trying to cut itself.
Phone has gorilla glass, you came into contact with something to scratch it...even old school screens weren't THAT easy to scratch.
sucks, but be more careful and maybe get a screen protector before making wild accusations.
and since when does scratch resistant mean scratch PROOF ?
curtiscr87 said:
thats not the point though, gorilla glass is scratch resistant meaning it cant be scratched. there is videos of people on youtube stabbing their s3 with a knife and it not scratching
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Scratch resistant does not mean scratch PROOF. Sand will reek havoc on glass screens, gorilla glass included.
Scratch resistant is not scratch proof. Drag anything harder than it across and it will scratch.
its been in my pocket all day..... i dont even live near sand hahaha. i mean should i demand a new one? or just enjoy the scratch for the next 2 years.....
curtiscr87 said:
thats not the point though, gorilla glass is scratch resistant meaning it cant be scratched. there is videos of people on youtube stabbing their s3 with a knife and it not scratching
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So you're saying out of the millions of devices produced, you got the ONE device without gorilla glass? I'd say it's much more likely it came into contact with sand or something similar.
And no, scratch resistant doesn't mean it can't be scratched. It means it's resistant to scratches, not impervious.
edit: wow, beat to the punch super fast lol.
pizz0wn3d said:
So you're saying out of the millions of devices produced, you got the ONE device without gorilla glass? I'd say it's much more likely it came into contact with sand or something similar.
And no, scratch resistant doesn't mean it can't be scratched. It means it's resistant to scratches, not impervious.
edit: wow, beat to the punch super fast lol.
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Sometimes it can be faulty. My Asus Transformer Prime had faulty gorilla glass, even the cleaning cloth that came with it caused scratches. Took it to Best Buy and the CSR who was trying to teach me to use a cleaning cloth scratched the screen. Got it rma'd and not a single scratch after 5 months. Worth the effort to see if you can get it replaced.
Sent from my SGH-I747M using xda premium
Awesome, so i just got off the phone with samsung and they said they havent had any known issues about this but they have had faulty gorilla glass in the past. She wanted me to send the phone in they would replace it. but i really dont want to not have a phone for 10 business days. im going to contact best buy and see what they can do for me
How the hell could we help?
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
I carry my phone in my pocket. I've carried it in my pocket wrapped in a microfiber towel since I got in last Friday. My wife laughed at me as she knows how I am with my electronics. Luckily, my SGP screen protectors showed up today. I got it installed and am glad I was able to make it without any scratches. I know, sick dude.
I'm in the same boat as you. The first day I got my phone I got a scratch about an inch long and I wasn't carrying it around with me or anything cause I didn't activate it. I wanted to get a screen saver before I got it activated. So as soon as sprint gets some in stock I'm gonna take it in and see what they can do for me.
I never used a screen protector with my infuse , I would shove tools in the same pocket , screw drivers , pliers etc... not a single scratch. Though the infuse had gg1. I won't be as careless with my sgs 3 for a while though.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using xda premium
If you carry a phone in your pocket without protection, you're asking for trouble. You might go a long period of time with no problems, but all it takes is for one day, you have a grain of sand in your pocket and voila...a scratch.
curtiscr87 said:
thats not the point though, gorilla glass is scratch resistant meaning it cant be scratched. there is videos of people on youtube stabbing their s3 with a knife and it not scratching
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I must have not paid attention to English class, cause I swear that being resistant to something doesn't mean it's immune to something...
djkinetic said:
I must have not paid attention to English class, cause I swear that being resistant to something doesn't mean it's immune to something...
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Must have failed Earth Science class/science class as well.
If a object is harder it won't be scratched by a softer object EVER.. But silca in sand is harder then the glass and will scratch it.
Pictures or it didn't happen
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Randomacts said:
Must have failed Earth Science class/science class as well.
If a object is harder it won't be scratched by a softer object EVER.. But silca in sand is harder then the glass and will scratch it.
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but doesnt melted silica make glass?????????????
Mind = blown.... :cyclops::good:

Careful putting your phones in your pockets! Updated w/pic of scratch

I always take good care of my phones. I have yet to break one, or lose one.
Today I did something I've done thousands of times, slide my phone into my pocket, and it put a nasty scratch in my screen. I always slide it in screen to my leg, to protect the screen in case I bump into something. The little rivet on the condom pocket of my jeans barely made contact and it scratched it.
Attached an image of the offending jeans so you can avoid the same fate.
Also to all the haters, these are far from skinny jeans which I don't own a single pair of.
I have no problem fitting my phone and hand in my pocket at the same time.
To all of you that wear jeans that are excessively baggy in the thigh area; you either don't have enough thigh, or don't have enough weiner. I suggest hitting the squat rack, or your parents for the latter.
Yeah its a bugger when it happens. I'm guessing that's where the S4s gorilla glass 3 might be better
Sent from my XT910 using xda premium
On the plus side, the picture of the offending jeans looks pretty slick! :good:
teiva said:
Yeah its a bugger when it happens. I'm guessing that's where the S4s gorilla glass 3 might be better
Sent from my XT910 using xda premium
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That's what people said about original Gorilla Glass and then about Gorilla Glass 2 when are people going to learn if you don't want scratches get a screen protector. I have many watches with sapphire lenses much harder and more durable than gorilla anything and I have scratched them so...
To the OP sorry about that! And thanks for the heads up I have done that one myself but I have more zagg than any sane person should
That's true too
Sent from my XT910 using xda premium
nullkill said:
That's what people said about original Gorilla Glass and then about Gorilla Glass 2 when are people going to learn if you don't want scratches get a screen protector. I have many watches with sapphire lenses much harder and more durable than gorilla anything and I have scratched them so...
To the OP sorry about that! And thanks for the heads up I have done that one myself but I have more zagg than any sane person should
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Zagg is in the mail too
This could have happened to any screen, this post is simply a heads up to be careful with something as simple as putting your phone away in your pocket. Had I seen a similar post I'd have switched to my left pocket to avoid such a tragedy.
teiva said:
Yeah its a bugger when it happens. I'm guessing that's where the S4s gorilla glass 3 might be better
Sent from my XT910 using xda premium
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Gg3 has the same scratch resistance as gg2.
Sent from my HTC One using xda app-developers app
xttc2000 said:
Zagg is in the mail too
This could have happened to any screen, this post is simply a heads up to be careful with something as simple as putting your phone away in your pocket. Had I seen a similar post I'd have switched to my left pocket to avoid such a tragedy.
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Oh man that is horrible! Little salt on the wound. Really am sorry to hear that. On the plus side I have gotten some used phones that had some scratches and used a zagg and they disappear so you can't see them at all.
xttc2000 said:
Zagg is in the mail too
This could have happened to any screen, this post is simply a heads up to be careful with something as simple as putting your phone away in your pocket. Had I seen a similar post I'd have switched to my left pocket to avoid such a tragedy.
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I ordered iSheldz.
The gorilla glass screen is hype. It's nice to have but it's not scratch proof, it's scratch resistant. I won't even use my HTC One yet (still in it's protector sleeve in box) until I have all the protections I need. The only thing I have done was to inspect it to see if I had a good batch.
Sango2 said:
I ordered iSheldz.
The gorilla glass screen is hype. It's nice to have but it's not scratch proof, it's scratch resistant. I won't even use my HTC One yet (still in it's protector sleeve in box) until I have all the protections I need. The only thing I have done was to inspect it to see if I had a good batch.
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Have you used an Ishield before? how does it feel?
I've tried so many screen protectors and have yet to find one I really like.
xttc2000 said:
Have you used an Ishield before? how does it feel?
I've tried so many screen protectors and have yet to find one I really like.
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Yes, I currently have iShieldz on my Galaxy Nexus and Galaxy S3.
It feel quite good smooth feel, with subtle like rubber effect. The film texture is clear in comparison to the Zagg which appear to have a orange peal look.
xttc2000 said:
I always take good care of my phones. I have yet to break one, or lose one.
Today I did something I've done thousands of times, slide my phone into my pocket, and it put a nasty scratch in my screen. I always slide it in screen to my leg, to protect the screen in case I bump into something. The little rivet on the condom pocket of my jeans barely made contact and it scratched it.
Attached an image of the offending jeans so you can avoid the same fate.
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Left pocket, no keys, no coins with phone. Never got a single pants-related scratch on my phones.
Wow that sucks. Have no scratches on my phone screen from putting in my pocket. though I do have nicks in the aluminum edges at the bottom panels on the front of the device from putting it in my pocket and walking around. Never have anything in the pocket with my phone and I make sure there is no lint or sand or anything of the sort to hurt my phone. But I wear skinny jeans so having it pressed tightly when walking has got little marks in it. Must have had extremely tiny particles of in my pockets that did it. Really disappointing. Was hoping to keep this thing perfect. Gonna get the siedo surface to protect the aluminum panels at the bottom and top.
It's obvious that something in my pockets did it since the top aluminum panel has no nicks in it.
Sent from my HTC One using xda premium
Just steer clear of the gay skinny jeans and all will be well.
Sent from my HTC One using xda premium
xttc2000 said:
I always take good care of my phones. I have yet to break one, or lose one.
Today I did something I've done thousands of times, slide my phone into my pocket, and it put a nasty scratch in my screen. I always slide it in screen to my leg, to protect the screen in case I bump into something. The little rivet on the condom pocket of my jeans barely made contact and it scratched it.
Attached an image of the offending jeans so you can avoid the same fate.
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pic of scratch?
jeeptrash said:
Just steer clear of the gay skinny jeans and all will be well.
Sent from my HTC One using xda premium
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jeeptrash said:
Just steer clear of the gay skinny jeans and all will be well.
Sent from my HTC One using xda premium
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That's not a very nice thing to say. Though I wear skinny jeans me and my girl have been together for 2 and a half years. Pretty sure I'm not gay.
Sent from my HTC One using xda premium
That thing is called.... a condom pocket...??
I would rather see a pic of the scratch than some jeans. IMO
Any pics of scratch?
Send from HTC ONE
ArmedandDangerous said:
That thing is called.... a condom pocket...??
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^ This
To OP, thanks for the heads up
Sent from my HTC One X using xda premium

Screen scratches super easy gorilla glass is a lie!

Haven't dropped my phone and handle it as if it were my child. I have three hairline scratches on the screen from setting it on a counter[face down]and picking it up to see activenotifications. Disappointed with the build quality moto!
Sent from an impatiently bought moto x
joshpersaud said:
Haven't dropped my phone and handle it as if it were my child. I have three hairline scratches on the screen from setting it on a counter[face down]and picking it up to see activenotifications. Disappointed with the build quality moto!
Sent from an impatiently bought moto x
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Are the scratches on the actual screen surface or on the front lip of the phone? From my experience the front lip area is very sensitive to fine scratches (though not very noticeable) but the screen itself is pretty resistant. This is a bit extreme, but worth checking out too --
joshpersaud said:
Haven't dropped my phone and handle it as if it were my child. I have three hairline scratches on the screen from setting it on a counter[face down]and picking it up to see activenotifications. Disappointed with the build quality moto!
Sent from an impatiently bought moto x
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That's odd considering the screen doesn't touch a surface when you lay it face down. There are small lips at the top and bottom of the phone to keep the screen slightly elevated. Are you sure it wasn't caused by dust/sand/grit in your pocket?
Usually use a screen protector but haven't found a nice one yet. Its on the actual screen. Goes right through my keyboard. Will take pics soon
Sent from an impatiently bought moto x
_MetalHead_ said:
That's odd considering the screen doesn't touch a surface when you lay it face down. There are small lips at the top and bottom of the phone to keep the screen slightly elevated. Are you sure it wasn't caused by dust/sand/grit in your pocket?
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Usually I'd mark it down to pocket sand but it happened while on a desk. Set it down, went to bathroom and came back it was scratched.
It sits like a nexus in a desk but I think it might have been from the mouse pad I had it on.
Sent from an impatiently bought moto x
Gorilla glass scratches all the time, something like a grain of sand can scratch it.
eallan said:
Gorilla glass scratches all the time, something like a grain of sand can scratch it.
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That's because sand is one of the toughest materials. Yes, tougher than a steel knife.
It will be a great day on xda when people stop buying into the false info regarding gorilla glass and scratching....
Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 4
If it was a stone based countertop, then it may be hard enough to scratch gorilla glass.
Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk 4
I too scratched it by putting it face down on a table. The center of the screen touches the surface and it even spins. I got semi-circular scratches on my phone. I never once got scratches on my GS2, so the only explanation is the fact that there is no lip. Today I received a replacement device and sent back the scratched one (Moto has a 14 day exchange policy). Now we know not to put it face down.
I learned my lesson with my Note 2. It was the first phone I didn't put a screen protector on and it was also the last one. I put one on my X before I even powered it on.
Ivan Fuentes Hagar said:
That's because sand is one of the toughest materials. Yes, tougher than a steel knife.
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I know.
Well, "sand" can be many different things, some of which have quartz which is very expensive.
jlambeth1 said:
I learned my lesson with my Note 2. It was the first phone I didn't put a screen protector on and it was also the last one. I put one on my X before I even powered it on.
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This? No offense but it is 2013 and people have not learned to put screen protectors on the smartphones?
Sent from my XT1060 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
bobbysteels216 said:
This? No offense but it is 2013 and people have not learned to put screen protectors on the smartphones?
Sent from my XT1060 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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I choose not to use a screen protector. What's the point of protecting the glass if you never get to feel how nice it is? There are no screen protectors that offer the same feel as glass with the exception of the steinheil glas.t ones but they have their own set of issues. I haven't used a screen protector on any phone since the EVO 4G and have never gotten any serious scratches. Superficial swirls, yes, but who gives a crap about those? Not I. These are glass screens not plastic, and as such they are very hard to scratch. They don't need screen protectors.
_MetalHead_ said:
I choose not to use a screen protector. What's the point of protecting the glass if you never get to feel how nice it is?
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Because who doesn't prefer to have scratches on their screens right? It is not like scratches decrease the value of a phone or anything like that, in fact it makes it look better. And who does not like sliding their fingers across scratched Corning Gorilla Glass to get that reddish hue and that stiffness on the tip of their thumbs and index fingers when they scroll and play games?
Sent from my XT1060 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
bobbysteels216 said:
This? No offense but it is 2013 and people have not learned to put screen protectors on the smartphones?
I knew better but figured I would chance it and if I got a scratch that pissed me off enough I would just do an insurance claim. Oh well, it's my son's problem now that nice I gave him my Note 2.
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bobbysteels216 said:
Because who doesn't prefer to have scratches on their screens right? It is not like scratches decrease the value of a phone or anything like that, in fact it makes it look better. And who does not like sliding their fingers across scratched Corning Gorilla Glass to get that reddish hue and that stiffness on the tip of their thumbs and index fingers when they scroll and play games?
Sent from my XT1060 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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Right, so use a crappy protector so the next guy gets to use a perfect screen. I sell all my old devices so I am well aware of how it affects resale value. Are you really going to ugly up your phone for a year or so with a protector just so you can make an extra $50 later on down the road? Or drag your fingers across a ****ty plastic protector vs. nice smooth glass when gaming? Doesn't make any sense to me. It boggles my mind how people scratch their screens so easily. I work in the trades and I always toss my phone in my tool bag with tons of sharp, jagged tools and I don't get any scratches ever. On any phone.
bobbysteels216 said:
Because who doesn't prefer to have scratches on their screens right? It is not like scratches decrease the value of a phone or anything like that, in fact it makes it look better.
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Hint: not everybody considers buying a phone for resale after the new hotness comes along. People who do? Of course they should consider putting on a screen protector and an otterbox.
But people who value ergonomics? Not so much.
FWIW, my last two phones have been case and screen protector free. They've picked up the odd cosmetic ding, but the gorilla glass has been flawless after two years of usage. YMMV.
thedosbox said:
Hint: not everybody considers buying a phone for resale after the new hotness comes along. People who do? Of course they should consider putting on a screen protector and an otterbox.
But people who value ergonomics? Not so much.
FWIW, my last two phones have been case and screen protector free. They've picked up the odd cosmetic ding, but the gorilla glass has been flawless after two years of usage. YMMV.
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Agreed 100%.
thedosbox said:
FWIW, my last two phones have been case and screen protector free. They've picked up the odd cosmetic ding, but the gorilla glass been flawless after two years of usage. YMMV.
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Hint: Everyone cannot have a smartphone for two years and not use screen protectors without having a scratched up screen. There are no ergonomics to value on a scratched up screen unless one appreciates having their fingers get red or irritated from rubbing it while scrolling, swiping, or playing games.
Sent from my XT1060 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app

