[Q] Overclocked ROM - Vega General

I'm using viewcomb 3.2 which is overclocked to 1.2Ghz and it is perfect for video playback, but the browser crashes when it as flash on the webpages, tried different browsers and all the same. Tried vegaICS, but constants hangs on video playback, but browser works great.
What I want to know is, is there a more stable overclocked ROM? or another ROM that is also good on video playback.
Thanks guys...

I have the same issue. is help myself by overclocking only for video watching. for everything else the 1.0GHz is more than enough. There are widgets for oneclick overclocking. i think its acceptable this way.


[Q] Overclocking Question?

I have a general question I have been searching for on Google and the forum here. I am wondering if someone could tell me some areas that I will notice the benefits of overclocking. What I mean is, I understand it speeds up the CPU, but other than running a quadrant score (which means nothing to me really) where would you see the results to the naked eye?
Since flashing Lightspeed ROM and using Thor's Kernals it does appear that my internet pages load faster and the boot animations load faster. I think it seems like my thumb keyboards pop up a slight bit faster as well.
Are these the noticeable changes? Or are they just in my head since I am overclocking? (OR I think I am)
I am using SetCPU and have the Max set to about 1.5 and the Min set to 1.0 or 1.2 most of the time.
If someone could weigh in with some more knowledgeable information and possibly point me to a nice write up for Noobs like me who are interested in learning more about the benefits of Overclocking as well as maybe a guide for advice using SetCPU (or another App?) that is more recommended by those on here, I would appreciate it!
Mine's takes about 30 seconds to boot from vibrate to lock screen if that makes any difference. OC to 1.5 using taboonay 2.0 with HV 3.4 kernal.
Mine defiantly seems to boot up faster. I do not play a lot of game on the tab, mainly just internet and movies, so I am not sure I am doing anything that would require such an increase in graphics speed that I am noticing the major differences. Right now I have mine set to about 1.4 and it is very stable with no problems. If I go to 1.6 I notice things start FC'ing more often.
HD playback has definitely improved since overclocking on 3.1, some 720p videos that suffered from random slow downs now play flawlessly with setcpu at 1.5 on performance mode, temps always stay below 35°c hours after being set to performance.
The rest is minor improvements.
SoHaunted said:
HD playback has definitely improved since overclocking on 3.1, some 720p videos that suffered from random slow downs now play flawlessly with setcpu at 1.5 on performance mode, temps always stay below 35°c hours after being set to performance.
The rest is minor improvements.
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Thanks. I will have to take a look at that tomorrow when I am stuck on the plane for a few hours.

Youtube HD Stuttery

No matter what, Youtube videos HD stutter and lag intolerably. Running CM9 @ 1.5GHz, and on HC/ARHD HC it was perfectly smooth. It was also laggy on stock ICS. I believe this is an ICS issue, and was wondering if anyone has a fix.
Yes instal geuvors kernel test 13 and not 13b
Dont run from mobil site, click "desktop" in the lowest part of the site.
Or start videos in stick it player when browsing
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk
Got same stuttering here in browser and youtube app. Stock, latest revolver and Revolution HD roms with test kernel 14 and 15 on both. No difference. The cpu is through the roof when watching HD content. The "force gpu" setting on/off makes little difference to the overall framerate. Will try test13 and report back.
The youtube app played everything smooth in HD on Honeycomb, so I went back to HC to test if it ran smooth again. It did not for some reason. Don't know what to make of this..
It is perfectly smooth for me. Check what version of the YouTube app you are running in the Settings. The latest is 3.5.5. I found that for me cm9 did not identify itself correctly on the Market and the YouTube app would never update leaving me with an old version.
cholywell said:
It is perfectly smooth for me. Check what version of the YouTube app you are running in the Settings. The latest is 3.5.5. I found that for me cm9 did not identify itself correctly on the Market and the YouTube app would never update leaving me with an old version.
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Please watch This in youtube app and report back again.
Maybe with high overclock it is semi smooth, but I don't believe it is as smooth as on HC. Check on your PC how smooth it CAN play for reference....
I have tried your video in my Youtube app, fullscreen and HD enabled.
I do have some stuttering, but really not that much. It might be happening every minute or so : the screen seems to freeze before it catches up. The rest of the time, it plays perfectly fluid.
And TBH, it is really bearable.
Mercvtio said:
I have tried your video in my Youtube app, fullscreen and HD enabled.
I do have some stuttering, but really not that much. It might be happening every minute or so : the screen seems to freeze before it catches up. The rest of the time, it plays perfectly fluid.
And TBH, it is really bearable.
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Thanks for checking
What is your rom / kernel? What CPU speed?
PS yes between stuttering it is fluent, but the stuttering is quite annoying, I have it every 5-10 seconds or so in the beginning of the movie.
FF666 said:
Please watch This in youtube app and report back again.
Maybe with high overclock it is semi smooth, but I don't believe it is as smooth as on HC. Check on your PC how smooth it CAN play for reference....
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So i tried with youtube app, stutter not really watchible
Opened with stick it videoplayer and it was 100% lagless. Also it was floating over the screen so that was awsome
Edit: The quality was not the same, even if HD was enabled
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk
FF666 said:
Please watch This in youtube app and report back again.
Maybe with high overclock it is semi smooth, but I don't believe it is as smooth as on HC. Check on your PC how smooth it CAN play for reference....
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Edit: ignore me i accidentally clicked off HQ :X
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk
FF666 said:
Thanks for checking
What is your rom / kernel? What CPU speed?
PS yes between stuttering it is fluent, but the stuttering is quite annoying, I have it every 5-10 seconds or so in the beginning of the movie.
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Running the last Megatron rom, with Guevor15 OC'ed at 1,4. The stuttering definitely doesn't happen as often as what you're reporting, but it must have to do with my overclock.
I don't really remember how well it might have worked on HC, cause I usually don't watch much Youtube videos of that quality...
Overclocking isn't going to help mutch since YouTube uses the gpu to render the video's
same problem here. Never stuttered on HC.
Running latest Android Revolution HD 3.2.1 [email protected]
Still stuttering and lag when there's alot of movement. If I overclock to 1500mhz it goes a bit smoother, but HC had no stutter (without overclocking).
Youtube app version is 3.5.5. Guess it's the youtube app that doesn't take full advantage of the gpu in ICS, or some nvidia driver issue.
Just have to live with it I guess, until Asus comes out with a fix. If they still continue to support this old tablet
EDIT: Using Setcpu [email protected] and governor Interactive i managed to get a bit smoother performance (test16 kernel). Lags a bit at the start of a video, and some stutter when there's ALOT of action/movement.
Try this, download sempervidlink from google play, it enables you to send videolinks like youtube to any player (mxplayer) and choose which quality you want it in. Open a actionfilled video to see if it helps
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk
anarox said:
Try this, download sempervidlink from google play, it enables you to send videolinks like youtube to any player (mxplayer) and choose which quality you want it in. Open a actionfilled video to see if it helps
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk
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Thx! will try this later today.
I Actually went back to Revolver 3.11 Honeycomb with no OC. All videos run smooth without any stuttering (youtube app). I guess Honeycomb manages to use the GPU, while ICS uses the CPU. If you tick the "show cpu thingy" under dev options and play a HD video, the bars are through the roof. damn annoying! This is the only issue i've got with ICS. no deep sleep of death or random reboots hehe
I'll also have to try the above method, since I also get stuttering and clipping of the search bar (not sure if thats related)
Just use guevor's v20 kernel and he posted some NVIDIA codec updates. I think it will be included into v21.
I can (almost) confirm that the new codecs helps, it's not as smooth as on hc, I don't think, but it's certainly better.
The test video posted earlier is still choppy for me but other stuff that was choppy before is better.
Link to the codecs.
Guys. this is an ics issue. i can confirm on 4 different devices.
nexus s 4g gingerbread was all good, ics no
epic 4g touch gingerbread great, ics leaks, cm9, no good
stock galaxy nexus, no good.
now the transformer, hc good. ics no good.
i have almost 40mbps down at my house there is no reason it should stutter.
it seems to me the first 2 or 3 videos are fine, after that it lags. i have to shut it down and kill it for it to play right again.

Does this video lag for you???

I dont understand how a phone like this can skip frames with a simple video.... I want to know if only happens to me or it happens for all
This is the link:
And of course i clicked hd version
Think it's just you works fine for me lol
ssnr said:
Think it's just you works fine for me lol
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Please, tell me what rom and kernel are you using, did you underclock or overclock?
Have you disable system apps?
Have you applied any tweak?
Rooted stock rom, Matr1x kernal I under clocked min 348 and max 1.1Ghz. I didn't disable anything i just clicked on your link and it played .... Used google chrome
Works great for me. Man, I remember when I practice bmx a little.. :/ never stood committed though like my brother and his skating.. Now he's sponsored by Active . I have stock rooted 4.2.1 with apps deleted such as books, currents, earth, video editor, magazine and such like those. Not disable, uninstalled with root explorer..
Sent from my Nexus 4
ssnr said:
Rooted stock rom, Matr1x kernal I under clocked min 348 and max 1.1Ghz. I didn't disable anything i just clicked on your link and it played .... Used google chrome
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Thanks for reply, i am using stock deodex rom, but with motley kernel.... I will try matr1x kernel, and will report results later
Stock everything, rooted, latest mx player I saw a few choppy frames in h/w decoder. Silky smooth with no quality loss in s/w decoder mode.
All stock, played perfectly fine in chrome
Okay, I guess that it was the kernel.... I was using motley kernel.... But changed to franco kernel and disappeared most of the frameskips.
It plays very smooth now

Which kernel doesn't have stutters?

I've been reading up on kernels like franco and glados but they seem to have stuttering in videos and such. Which kernels aren't affected by this?
I"m using PA3.5 4.2.2 . Also please quote this if you're replying so I get a notification thank you
iXanza said:
I've been reading up on kernels like franco and glados but they seem to have stuttering in videos and such. Which kernels aren't affected by this?
I"m using PA3.5 4.2.2 . Also please quote this if you're replying so I get a notification thank you
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i think it is a part of the GPU kernel which enables some nvidia battery saving features while watching videos that aren't very demanding like youtube.
Try them all and see for yourself.
Stock kernel doesn't have video stuttering.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
iXanza said:
I've been reading up on kernels like franco and glados but they seem to have stuttering in videos and such. Which kernels aren't affected by this?
I"m using PA3.5 4.2.2 . Also please quote this if you're replying so I get a notification thank you
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I am using Trinity Kernel and have no stuttering.
I have been able to play anything thrown at it.
The problem might also be your video player. Try MX Player or Dice Player
None of them.
An elixer to remove resource limits from finite hardware does not exist.
Sm0k3d 0uT said:
I am using Trinity Kernel and have no stuttering.
I have been able to play anything thrown at it.
The problem might also be your video player. Try MX Player or Dice Player
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Well I was on the stock kernel, while it doesn't have stutters some games were lagging. I flashed Trinity and OC to 1500 max and GPU oc to 484. 1 round of Ironman 3 without lag and I was happy. YouTube playback is fine aswell
bftb0 said:
None of them.
An elixer to remove resource limits from finite hardware does not exist.
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I was talking about video stutters like YouTube. Anyways this thread is solved

[Q] Which ROM for performance on LG P700

Hello there, community!
This is my first post on xda forums and I will try to make it quick.
I'm looking for a fast ROM that will run smoothly sacrificing more unneeded features and options. I found stock 4.0.3 rom stuttering and lagging from time to time, even in Contacts section.
With no work in the background, my LG has around 80-100 RAM left, which I'd like to increase. I also plan on running some more advanced 3d games, so a little overclock would also be nice - I know this CPU is already oc'd from 800 to 1000 mhz but maybe it's worth trying to push it a bit more and take the weight off by disabling CPU rendering in favor of the GPU (I mean this great performance boost everyone is talking about when you force GPU rendering). If it works the way I think and with the GPU taking care of all the rendering, maybe processor won't heat so much and could be overclocked above 1 Ghz. What do you guys think?
In short, I'm looking for a fast ROM with a gaming and overclocking potential. Thanks in advance for the replies!
I use Slimbean 4.1.2 and it's really smooth and fast!
It's also perfect for my gaming needs but I don't really know what games you're after though!
Give it a try, you will certainly like it!
Sent from my LG-P700 using xda app-developers app
Well, I'm looking for overall better performance. For example on this stock rom, in the game Galaxy on Fire sound and interface lags etc. I found it odd that some simple games like Jetpack Joyride often stutter during gameplay, but Rayman Jungle Run with much better sound and graphics runs smoothly.
I'll check the rom you mentioned. Any more sugestions?
You should give a try to PAC ROM 4.3.Even it has some bugs,I found it smoother than I thought.After it will become stable,it will be one of the best or even the best ROM as performances.
