New chrome update - Epic 4G General

Im on cm9 and it looks like the new chrome update broke compatibility? Is this true for others?
Edit: just read the comments on the google chrome beta site and this was posted...
For you guys who are complaining about Google dropping custom ROMs support, that's not true.
I have a Samsung Galaxy S running CM9/Android 4.0.3, and also faced the "error" message when running the new version of Chrome. But when I looked a little bit deeper into the problem, I discovered that it is a ROM issue, not really Google's or Chrome's fault.
The problem was that the ROM had "Gingerbread" as a build ID + fingerprint, that's why Chrome wouldn't let me use it. Now I changed it to IML47K and everything is running fine, i.e. Chrome running on a CM9 custom ROM.
So if you have this issue, don't blame Google, instead, wait for a "fix" from your ROM developers.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App

Yea, Google disabled Chrome on custom roms... makes no sense. Short blurb about it on Engadget.
Same thing happened with my Touchpad running ICS, and user Foggytown posted a fix which worked for TP, may also work for Epic. I'm not running ICS for Epic so can't test myself.
Backup before doing this:
foggytown said:
HP Touchpad running CM9 Alpha 2
Here is how I fixed it: Back up your build.prop, and find the line for and change the value to IML74K. Reboot. Enjoy new Chrome update.
I haven't found that the change breaks anything.
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Chrome Fix ... Caveat
I wrote a detailed analysis of the Chrome Beta issue in this blog entry. Be sure to read the warning!

wtogami said:
I wrote a detailed analysis of the Chrome Beta issue in this blog entry. Be sure to read the warning!
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Works great.
Sent from my Cyanogenmodded Epic4g! Wanna fight about it?

wtogami said:
I wrote a detailed analysis of the Chrome Beta issue in this blog entry. Be sure to read the warning!
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You could also fix it through the terminal emulator (as root):
# mount -o remount,rw /system
# vi /system/build.prop (change relevant line to


Visual Voicemail

have we gotten any new updates for it???
there was only one update that I know of, maybe a month ago? anyway it sucked, had some extra adds or some crap I can't remember, so I went back to the old one, it still works fine.
Does the old one work with CM7?
I'm wondering if there's been any recent updates after the last one?.....
oohaylima said:
Does the old one work with CM7?
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Yes, theres instructions in the aospcm wiki.
sent from my hero, which no longer sucks ass
I know 99% of users have had success with wiki method #2 (install the apk, and use TB to restore data only) but for me that only worked for the 1st time I went to the vvm app. Subsequent attepts and reinstalls I get an error that simply states "cannot play message". I'm not too concerned and haven't really tried to find a solution. But I will try again after I flash the newest ROM update. I'm ashamed to admit I'm currently running AOSPCMod dated Feb 5. What can I say, I've been busy! Runs good though, after applying the GPS tweaks that were solved around Feb 18. But Ive got time now so I'm ready to see if the last month of updates will have me printing money...they did finally get that merged, right?!
Sent from my HTC Hero CDMA using XDA App
The Fer-Shiz-Nizzle said:
I know 99% of users have had success with wiki method #2 (install the apk, and use TB to restore data only) but for me that only worked for the 1st time I went to the vvm app. Subsequent attepts and reinstalls I get an error that simply states "cannot play message".
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I'm in the same boat. I used method two, and I can compose fine, but playing messages is a no go. The only time it worked fully was when the first batch of CM7's came out.
So when I try method 2, it does not give me an option to restore after I install vvm...Pretty new to all this jive so any help would be appreciated
Titanium backup works great
Sent from my HTC Hero CDMA using XDA App
Method # 2 worked for me...
just make sure to follow steps as indicated
Followed the directions on the wiki for method #2. I tested the functionality composing and sending a vvm to myself. Works flawlessly. However, when anyone else leaves a message I can see it but I get the error " Unable to play message."
MY problems ditto post # 9796 in [ROM] aospCMod | AOSP 2.3.3 / CM7 (Gingerbread) [03/10/2011] thread.
Guidance for a noob?
sponger1 said:
Followed the directions on the wiki for method #2. I tested the functionality composing and sending a vvm to myself. Works flawlessly. However, when anyone else leaves a message I can see it but I get the error " Unable to play message."
MY problems ditto post # 9796 in [ROM] aospCMod | AOSP 2.3.3 / CM7 (Gingerbread) [03/10/2011] thread.
Guidance for a noob?
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I don't know. I followed that wiki to the letter, and still get what you're getting. We may be the unlucky few that the voicemail refuses to work.
When on CM6 I flashed vvm apk and had no issues. Granted, going to GB is a big switch but WHY would a similar fix (such as in the AOSP wiki) not work? Can it be explained in a nutshell?
Thank you to anyone that can humor my curiosities.
sponger1 said:
Followed the directions on the wiki for method #2. I tested the functionality composing and sending a vvm to myself. Works flawlessly. However, when anyone else leaves a message I can see it but I get the error " Unable to play message."
MY problems ditto post # 9796 in [ROM] aospCMod | AOSP 2.3.3 / CM7 (Gingerbread) [03/10/2011] thread.
Guidance for a noob?
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oohaylima said:
I don't know. I followed that wiki to the letter, and still get what you're getting. We may be the unlucky few that the voicemail refuses to work.
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I haven't use aosp but i try method 2 on RC2 and currently running on Nightlies #17 is working fine with no problems.
might be an issue with the rom ? not sure.
"Unable to play message" work around
EL_G15 said:
I haven't use aosp but i try method 2 on RC2 and currently running on Nightlies #17 is working fine with no problems.
might be an issue with the rom ? not sure.
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Thanks for that.
See previous post, I get "Unable to play message" notification but have found this to work, although rather cumbersome to get a VM.
It's not clean and obviously not optimal for checking VM.
Open VM app > Menu > Settings > Personalize voicemail > OK > 1
Does this work for anyone else? If so, what can be done to alleviate pushing buttons monotonously?
Don't know. I'll give that a shot once I'm on break.
sponger1 said:
Thanks for that.
See previous post, I get "Unable to play message" notification but have found this to work, although rather cumbersome to get a VM.
It's not clean and obviously not optimal for checking VM.
Open VM app > Menu > Settings > Personalize voicemail > OK > 1
Does this work for anyone else? If so, what can be done to alleviate pushing buttons monotonously?
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Hey, I can check them now. Woohoo!! Yeah, it is a little rugged, but at least I can hear them now.
Just wanted to say that I flashed 17 today, and it finally worked!! Woohoo!!! I love the nightlies; always making my hero better, and better.

Flash not loading in your WebView -- Android 3.0.1

Just in case anyone is looking for a fix to the same issue myself and a few other developers ran into with the new Android 3.0, I'm posting a link to the Question and Answer I posted myself on stackoverflow:
Basically I was trying to load a Flash enabled site into my WebView. Worked up to the point of me using Android 3.0 and testing a simple app on my Xoom. I ran through multiple attempts and techniques to correct the issue until the one line solved it all:
Add it to your <application> tag under the applications Manifest XML.
I tried emailing Dolphin HD/Mini devs to understand the fix after they updated to support the Xoom, but no one seemed to want to share the quick fix -- that or they just don't check email very often =P Either way, there it is! Pretty obvious after I figured it out, but well, not obvious enough!
Enjoy Flash in your WebView devs!

Dorian's RedPill ROM **V4**

Hey just thought I would post this, since I hadn't seen ANYONE post a link to this. I had to hunt and hunt for the download link, cause when I googled Redpill all I could come across was the v3 beta. But there is a NEW release, just released a few days ago. Check it out.'
Sweet. Do you happen to know if theres a changelog? Its been over a month since v3 so I'm going to assume there have been some big changes.
Beeboobop said:
Sweet. Do you happen to know if theres a changelog? Its been over a month since v3 so I'm going to assume there have been some big changes.
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+1 i looked on the atrixforums and he has not updated his post at all
thanks for the post but it would be nice if you could link the page where you got this from so that we could see the change log...otherwise this isnt verymuch use to most of us since we don't know if the rom we are all currently using is "better" if you will than this version of redpill...cheers
Shows RedPill beta 3 under build number. Looks nice though....haven't tried RedPill before because it didn't seem the dev was updating or involved as much as the other devs.
Links not working for me
Sent from my MB860 using xda premium
Broken link?
This is a renamed zip as far as the modification dates within the zips say and also according to posts above >__>
Although it says v3 in the build, it is actually v4, he's been very busy and hasn't posted a change log as of yet. He's also working on a service pack that will change a few things on the current build (v4)
Can anyone comment on how stable this ROM is in comparison to Aura, Alien or CM7??
I used v3 as a base for a customised rom and it was great. It still may be my favorite.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
Bender B. Rodgriguez said:
Can anyone comment on how stable this ROM is in comparison to Aura, Alien or CM7??
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Very stable, I have not had any issues at all with this ROM, Dorian did a great job.
Probably the most stable of the ROM's I've tried, which is all of them practically.
FIRST OFF I'M SORRY guys lol I was tired when I posted it and forgot some details---first off this is version 4 of Dorian's Red Pill, even tho it says version 3 in the info after you install the ROM. It comes with the stock kernel and is very stable. Everything works to my knowledge, and it comes slightly themed. Here's a link to where he posted it ----it's about 3/4 of the way down the page---
I've used the first 3 versions and LOVE IT. I get great battery life and a snappy response. check it out =D
Edit: nevermind, found the altered files, including -
....uhh....Dude this is a 4th version. Go to the link I just linked above, Dorian is the one who POSTED the 4th version up. Not someone else. And he IS the dev. Not sure why yer so mad, we aren't the first to flash this. Others have already started flashing v4, and it IS different than v3. Read the replies and on the next page you can see some more.
edit: good. glad you caught that. =D
Phalanx7621 said:
....uhh....Dude this is a 4th version. Go to the link I just linked above, Dorian is the one who POSTED the 4th version up. Not someone else. And he IS the dev. Not sure why yer so mad, we aren't the first to flash this. Others have already started flashing v4, and it IS different than v3. Read the replies and on the next page you can see some more.
edit: good. glad you caught that. =D
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see my edit, I re-MD5d and caught the edited files, not sure why it came back 100% the same the first time, just been seeing reposts of other dev's work lately (well, for years) and I wanted to make sure
seargent007 said:
see my edit, I re-MD5d and caught the edited files, not sure why it came back 100% the same the first time.
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NP , yeh I'm sure everyone else was a little confused why he didn't update his main page as well. ALSO, for all those who flash this---just an fyi you can skip the blur setup by choosing GoLauncher instead of setup when the options first come up on your first bootup. The reason I mention this is cause there is no option built into the ROM to skip the blur setup, so this lets you do that. Then just freeze Accounts after yer done doing whatever account stuff you wanna do and adding your google account. Or don't freeze it, I just did cause i'm a freezeaholic.
I found it in this thread here:
What I did to fix my button problem, was:
1. Cleared defaults for my launcher, so upon reboot it would give me the choice to go to the motoblur setup I oh-so-hate again.
2. When the setup launched, I pressed the key combo (?123 - ALT - ABC - e - ?123 - ALT - ABC - e - b - l - u - r - o - f - f - ENTER/RETURN)
3. If the code didn't work, try again and hit return this time ;-)
4. The setup should now fc and you should never see it again =]
Enjoy =]
Would this be good for international versions?
ratatouille said:
Would this be good for international versions?
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I'm in the UK and I use it (with faux's 0.1.7 kernel mind).

[sgt]-[discussion room] CyanogenMOD 9.0 by te4m[MTD][4.0.4]

CyanogenMOD 9.0 by TE4M NOW MTD!!!!!![4.0.4]
dear all,
this thread is created to seperate non development post inside the cm9 development thread and to keep it clean.
-Related to cm9.0
-problems during installation
-Possibilities of bugs
-All the noob questions
WHAT should not be posted?
-thanks,thank you....
-please do not report SAME BUG
-Do not report if you are downloading new release (just download it and report bugs only)
hit thanks if i helped you
Installation guide
1)RESTOCK to gingerbread by following overcome method
2)flash the overcome kernel 4.0 to convert the system to ext4 from the above website
4)copy the zip to tab and then reboot into recovery
5)wipe data,cache and dalvik cache
6) a) if MTD build once u flash them mtd zip it boots into mtd recovery and U HAVE TO FLASH THE ZIP AGAIN
b) if NON MTD just flash the zip
What doesnt work (19-04-2012-build)mtd
tv out
external sd as sd-ext
gps (unconfirmed)
Any chance of p1000l owners can have the TV mobile apk working? I've been trying to restore it with titanium and I have not been able to restore it.
By the way, anyone having low battery time?
Hatori28 said:
Any chance of p1000l owners can have the TV mobile apk working? I've been trying to restore it with titanium and I have not been able to restore it.
By the way, anyone having low battery time?
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titanium backup not working on the build
The new update seems to eliminate the software keys; is there a way to reenable them?
Don t agree just wipe everything and restore user app with Tb. Works fine however i think it s a bad idea do such about system/data.
Sent from my GT-P1000 using XDA App
ronak.super said:
titanium backup not working on the build
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If you haven't already done that, update your TB, the last version works on ICS.
I've been really enjoying this build. Thanks alot for the whole team!
UI runs very smooth and basicly no log at all.
Almost everything works better compared to the orginal 2.3.3 stock rom I used before.
Few things I noticed, the battery life seems to be somewhat worse.
Also a question about the multitasking in ICS. I cant find a way to open the thumbnails? Long pressing home doesnt seem to work and since theres no software based keys (which I think is a good thing) I'm not sure what to do.
Tab P1000 and I'm using the latest kerned (30.1) with bt fix and rom.
Medikay said:
The new update seems to eliminate the software keys; is there a way to reenable them?
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in build prop set
setprop persist.tablet.hidehome 0
setprop persist.tablet.hiderecent 0
setprop persist.tablet.hideback 0
Graven-eof said:
I've been really enjoying this build. Thanks alot for the whole team!
UI runs very smooth and basicly no log at all.
Almost everything works better compared to the orginal 2.3.3 stock rom I used before.
Few things I noticed, the battery life seems to be somewhat worse.
Also a question about the multitasking in ICS. I cant find a way to open the thumbnails? Long pressing home doesnt seem to work and since theres no software based keys (which I think is a good thing) I'm not sure what to do.
Tab P1000 and I'm using the latest kerned (30.1) with bt fix and rom.
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dude undervolt your settings using voltage control for better battery im getting the same battery which i used to get in gingerbread
ronak.super said:
in build prop set
setprop persist.tablet.hidehome 0
setprop persist.tablet.hiderecent 0
setprop persist.tablet.hideback 0
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Sorry for the noob question...but how do you access that?
build.prop file /system/buil.prop
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
Medikay said:
Sorry for the noob question...but how do you access that?
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use root explorer go to system and then hold the build.prop and open in text editor
hit thanks
Hi all, this thread is a good idea, it mostly works on the galaxy s 2 cm9 forum but their are still idiots posting in the development area. Codeworx (the developer on s2 cm9 thread) has really bought into it and tells people to post in the discussion thread if they post noob stuff in the dev thread. If the devs here (cdesai, humberOS etc) buy into this discussion thread then maybe more people will use it
Anyways, i tried changing lcd density to 120 to check out more tablet apps on the market but when I do the keyboard zooms and I can only see half of it, so I can't type properly... Any ideas?
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
biffroy said:
Hi all, this thread is a good idea, it mostly works on the galaxy s 2 cm9 forum but their are still idiots posting in the development area. Codeworx (the developer on s2 cm9 thread) has really bought into it and tells people to post in the discussion thread if they post noob stuff in the dev thread. If the devs here (cdesai, humberOS etc) buy into this discussion thread then maybe more people will use it
Anyways, i tried changing lcd density to 120 to check out more tablet apps on the market but when I do the keyboard zooms and I can only see half of it, so I can't type properly... Any ideas?
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
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set density to 160 it works fine becoz in 120 it becomes damn small and same the market page bcomes small when oriented horizontal
ronak.super said:
set density to 160 it works fine becoz in 120 it becomes damn small
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I know that I used the honeycomb alpha at 120 and liked it that small. But my question isn't about the best density to have, it's about the keyboard at 120 and if anyone knows how to fix it or has any suggestions.
This is my GalaxyTab. There are many like it but this one is mine.
If, by some kind of freak occurrence I helped you, please hit THANKS!
my keyboard work fine on 120 check the attachment
It would be awsome if there is such way to force apps to start in tablet UI with 160 LCD density coz 120 is very small for 7" displays
CM9 on P1000
Hey guys, I tried to flash the latest ICS build for the P1000, but my tablet wont leave the start up screen...
I downloaded both files, replaced the kernel part of the zip with the one specific for the P1000, wiped cache, davik and reset user settings.
Then I flashed the zip file, but at reboot it won't leave the start up screen.
Any idea on what I may have done wrong?

[Q&A] MIUI V5 Question and Answer thread

The purpose of this thread is to help people to solve their problems using the new MIUI ROM. By using this thread, we will keep the other thread clean and let developers work calmly, and more efectively.
So let's go, I will try to stay here, to see if I can help people solving their MIUI related problems.
Thank u everybody!!!
The pin bug
Any helper could verify that this bug is solved with:
adb shell
cd data/system
rm password.key
I understand that Franco's kernel was adapted to work with MIUI. Would you mind telling me how this was done? I would like to use these Franco kernel builds: as well as (possibly) bricked kernel, and trinity kernel.
Thank you for your time,
Connor Baker
Connor Baker said:
I understand that Franco's kernel was adapted to work with MIUI. Would you mind telling me how this was done? I would like to use these Franco kernel builds: as well as (possibly) bricked kernel, and trinity kernel.
Thank you for your time,
Connor Baker
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I did not port it, dude, I am really sorry, I don't know how to do it..
Connor Baker said:
I understand that Franco's kernel was adapted to work with MIUI. Would you mind telling me how this was done? I would like to use these Franco kernel builds: as well as (possibly) bricked kernel, and trinity kernel.
Thank you for your time,
Connor Baker
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need edit boot.img, bricked kernel, moley kernel, faux kernel can use miui, i using faux kernel
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
luiseteyo said:
The pin bug
Any helper could verify that this bug is solved with:
adb shell
cd data/system
rm password.key
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I can't confirm if this works or not but if you want to shorten it down you can run the single line to get the same effect
adb shell rm /data/system/password.key
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
tathanhlam66 said:
need edit boot.img, bricked kernel, moley kernel, faux kernel can use miui, i using faux kernel
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
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So they naturally have support for MIUI? Or do you still have to edit the boot.img to get them to work? If so, do you know of a guide that I could use?
Connor Baker
Any kernel that is modded to work with MIUI needs to have a link to the source code posted with all changes properly documented,
I've been messing with it for a bit now and here are some glaring issues I see off the bat that I haven't solved yet.
1) Gallery issues. Not only are there two of them, but neither of them is reading my old pictures.
2) The popular browser bug. FCs every time you open it, even if you follow a link.
3) Does not properly mount as storage when connected via USB.
Other than that the battery life seems to be alright, not a whole lot that isn't working that they already don't know about either.
EDIT: So just to give an update.
1) I'm able to remove the extra gallery via root uninstall. And by manually initiating the media scanner you can get your pictures to reappear. There is an app called rescan media in the market that will do this for you.
2) Other browsers from the market work fine. So not a huge deal to work around while they fix it.
3) Still can't solve the mounting problem. I couldn't mess with it too much because it wasnt my PC.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using XDA Premium HD app
Chomanator said:
I've been messing with it for a bit now and here are some glaring issues I see off the bat that I haven't solved yet.
1) Gallery issues. Not only are there two of them, but neither of them is reading my old pictures.
2) The popular browser bug. FCs every time you open it, even if you follow a link.
3) Does not properly mount as storage when connected via USB.
Other than that the battery life seems to be alright, not a whole lot that isn't working that they already don't know about either.
EDIT: So just to give an update.
1) I'm able to remove the extra gallery via root uninstall. And by manually initiating the media scanner you can get your pictures to reappear. There is an app called rescan media in the market that will do this for you.
2) Other browsers from the market work fine. So not a huge deal to work around while they fix it.
3) Still can't solve the mounting problem. I couldn't mess with it too much because it wasnt my PC.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using XDA Premium HD app
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1. Install gapps.Both gallery working fine for me
2. Use some other browser
3.Again working absolutely fine for me
I flashed the russian MIUI Rom yesterday and let it charge whole night but now my n4 has only 25% battery and is extremely hot, Battery solo widget says 39°C.
anyone knows about any wake locks in this rom?
How i can change chrome's icon and how can i set chrome as default browser
Sorry for bad English
safademirel said:
How i can change chrome's icon and how can i set chrome as default browser
Sorry for bad English
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I just deleted the miui browser apk
Sent from my Nexus⁴
Any one have any luck changing launcher DPI
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
Re : Miui rom
So far just having minor bug only..
Browser FC, hopefully next update Fix ..
PlayStore old version but can manually install new version..
About phone show 1.2 quad core , it should be 1.5 quad core..
Anyway pretty like MIUI rom.. Using stock MIUI kernel so far no problem with battery life..
1st release sure have a bit bug..
so we just waiting for better relase in feature..
I'm using the miui android version with there slim gapps and so far everything I use has worked. No FC's of any kind.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium

