Dorian's RedPill ROM **V4** - Atrix 4G General

Hey just thought I would post this, since I hadn't seen ANYONE post a link to this. I had to hunt and hunt for the download link, cause when I googled Redpill all I could come across was the v3 beta. But there is a NEW release, just released a few days ago. Check it out.'

Sweet. Do you happen to know if theres a changelog? Its been over a month since v3 so I'm going to assume there have been some big changes.

Beeboobop said:
Sweet. Do you happen to know if theres a changelog? Its been over a month since v3 so I'm going to assume there have been some big changes.
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+1 i looked on the atrixforums and he has not updated his post at all

thanks for the post but it would be nice if you could link the page where you got this from so that we could see the change log...otherwise this isnt verymuch use to most of us since we don't know if the rom we are all currently using is "better" if you will than this version of redpill...cheers

Shows RedPill beta 3 under build number. Looks nice though....haven't tried RedPill before because it didn't seem the dev was updating or involved as much as the other devs.

Links not working for me
Sent from my MB860 using xda premium

Broken link?

This is a renamed zip as far as the modification dates within the zips say and also according to posts above >__>

Although it says v3 in the build, it is actually v4, he's been very busy and hasn't posted a change log as of yet. He's also working on a service pack that will change a few things on the current build (v4)

Can anyone comment on how stable this ROM is in comparison to Aura, Alien or CM7??

I used v3 as a base for a customised rom and it was great. It still may be my favorite.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App

Bender B. Rodgriguez said:
Can anyone comment on how stable this ROM is in comparison to Aura, Alien or CM7??
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Very stable, I have not had any issues at all with this ROM, Dorian did a great job.
Probably the most stable of the ROM's I've tried, which is all of them practically.

FIRST OFF I'M SORRY guys lol I was tired when I posted it and forgot some details---first off this is version 4 of Dorian's Red Pill, even tho it says version 3 in the info after you install the ROM. It comes with the stock kernel and is very stable. Everything works to my knowledge, and it comes slightly themed. Here's a link to where he posted it ----it's about 3/4 of the way down the page---
I've used the first 3 versions and LOVE IT. I get great battery life and a snappy response. check it out =D

Edit: nevermind, found the altered files, including -

....uhh....Dude this is a 4th version. Go to the link I just linked above, Dorian is the one who POSTED the 4th version up. Not someone else. And he IS the dev. Not sure why yer so mad, we aren't the first to flash this. Others have already started flashing v4, and it IS different than v3. Read the replies and on the next page you can see some more.
edit: good. glad you caught that. =D

Phalanx7621 said:
....uhh....Dude this is a 4th version. Go to the link I just linked above, Dorian is the one who POSTED the 4th version up. Not someone else. And he IS the dev. Not sure why yer so mad, we aren't the first to flash this. Others have already started flashing v4, and it IS different than v3. Read the replies and on the next page you can see some more.
edit: good. glad you caught that. =D
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see my edit, I re-MD5d and caught the edited files, not sure why it came back 100% the same the first time, just been seeing reposts of other dev's work lately (well, for years) and I wanted to make sure

seargent007 said:
see my edit, I re-MD5d and caught the edited files, not sure why it came back 100% the same the first time.
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NP , yeh I'm sure everyone else was a little confused why he didn't update his main page as well. ALSO, for all those who flash this---just an fyi you can skip the blur setup by choosing GoLauncher instead of setup when the options first come up on your first bootup. The reason I mention this is cause there is no option built into the ROM to skip the blur setup, so this lets you do that. Then just freeze Accounts after yer done doing whatever account stuff you wanna do and adding your google account. Or don't freeze it, I just did cause i'm a freezeaholic.

I found it in this thread here:
What I did to fix my button problem, was:
1. Cleared defaults for my launcher, so upon reboot it would give me the choice to go to the motoblur setup I oh-so-hate again.
2. When the setup launched, I pressed the key combo (?123 - ALT - ABC - e - ?123 - ALT - ABC - e - b - l - u - r - o - f - f - ENTER/RETURN)
3. If the code didn't work, try again and hit return this time ;-)
4. The setup should now fc and you should never see it again =]
Enjoy =]

Would this be good for international versions?

ratatouille said:
Would this be good for international versions?
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I'm in the UK and I use it (with faux's 0.1.7 kernel mind).


Memory Script: V6 Supercharger

I found this and its getting alot of praise across the forum and i wonder if anyone tried it with our Tab. I installed and it seem to have effect. Scrolling between screens seems much smoother. But there is alot of options and diffrent variation of tweaks to choose from, i installed number 9. i read in SGS2 forum about this and someone used number 9 and it was good for him, we have the same amount of memory so i thougt i would try it. heres the link to original thread . It seems to a good tweak because rom makers in SGS2 are puting it in there builds by default and it can by applied to any android device.
Check it out
I use it on my phone and it works great IdK about the tab as I have yet to root it...
Sent from my GT-P7510 using XDA Premium App
worked great on my transformer but haven't tried it yet on the tab.
mj0528 said:
worked great on my transformer but haven't tried it yet on the tab.
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Ok, what option did you set it to? Theres alot of options, i think 1-17. But i saw on Galaxy S2 they used option 9. Would be nice to hear if someone tried any of the other.
Will check it out.
@nick, are you using TW rom.
alphaola said:
@nick, are you using TW rom.
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Yes, i tested it on BroodComb GW9 , and it had some effect
nickwarn said:
Yes, i tested it on BroodComb GW9 , and it had some effect
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are you using update 8 or update 9 (beta)
I tested 8
That is possibly the most impenetrable post I've ever tried to read. How do you install the script? If it doesn't work, how do you remove it? Also, where do you get the most recently updated version?
Alpha, could you please post your opinion if decide to try it out. I dont have it installed right now, in the middle of flashing and setting up a new rom. So it would be nice when its time to try Supercharger again to have some opinions.
slack04 said:
That is possibly the most impenetrable post I've ever tried to read. How do you install the script? If it doesn't work, how do you remove it? Also, where do you get the most recently updated version?
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Que, just follow the install instructions or the linked guide with pictures
nickwarn said:
Alpha, could you please post your opinion if decide to try it out. I dont have it installed right now, in the middle of flashing and setting up a new rom. So it would be nice when its time to try Supercharger again to have some opinions.
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Will do,cant flash now until i finish work in th next 8hrs. You probably would have setup the new rom by then and tried the supercharge.Let us know the rom you using,the version of the supercharge,the kernel(stock or oc) and the performance after supercharge installed after few hrs of using it to make sure its not some smoothness/performance due to fresh installed.
^Here is the OP with the update 7 and 8 and the instructions
^This post contains the update 9 beta and a few other kernel tweaks and 3g booster
Might try it later.
Hey Nick, have installed will report lata about findings. I install v8
alphaola said:
Hey Nick, have installed will report lata about findings. I install v8
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Good, I'm running v8 also with option 9 installed. Been running it the whole day and its a little better. But this device is still laggy, imrunning the latest Task650 rom with Pershoot OC kernel.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
Nick try option 8, have got pershoot kernel oc 1.4 - 312 performance. Make sure you reboot after runing the script. It seems to be smoother.
Update : I confirm this script to be the real deal. Am using the above settings and its buttery smooth. A using option 8 in the settings.
This thread with instructions is easier to follow
mj0528 said:
This thread with instructions is easier to follow
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This is different from supercharged, have tried this before no too much improvement. Try out the supercharged.


I think it would be nice to have a List of Roms for S2. I found nothing so I start this one. I think this will help everyone who search for a Rom and it will help the Developers to see which Projects are there and see their Progress. My Problem is that I have not enough time to handle this alone because I work 60h a week. My idea is that we all work together.
That this works we have to follow some rules.
1. Only Roms no diskussions
2. Only one Rom per Post
3. Update your Post (new Version etc.)
4. Look if your Rom is allready there
[ROM][2.3.5][KI4] DlevROM2 Version 3.1: Bug Spray Edition
SIM_23 said:
[ROM][2.3.5][KI4] DlevROM2 Version 3.1: Bug Spray Edition
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---------- Post added at 01:14 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:13 AM ----------
and also this one.
SIM_23 said:
I think it would be nice to have a List of Roms for S2. I found nothing so I start this one. I think this will help everyone who search for a Rom and it will help the Developers to see which Projects are there and see their Progress. My Problem is that I have not enough time to handle this alone because I work 60h a week. My idea is that we all work together.
That this works we have to follow some rules.
1. Only Roms no diskussions
2. Only one Rom per Post
3. Update your Post (new Version etc.)
4. Look if your Rom is allready there
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There already is such a thread. Go here
This is a sticky thread in Galaxy S II General...kinda hard to miss.
*****, please :|
Guaranteed to be a fail. Threads like this deserve to have all the ROM's in one post instead of having to scour through pages and pages. Sorry for thread-bombing but it's true.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
@skelly - Right!
Since the list in the general forum got updated, we HAVE a really nice ROM list again!
Also, I kinda like the idea having such a thread maintained by several people, but... I just don't think it's gonna work
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
Symphony ROM
Version: 2.3.0
Date: 21NOV
Android version: 2.3.5 KJ3
Mods: JKAY v13.1
Rooted - Deodexed - Zipaligned
Siyah 2.1.1 kernel [Thank's to gokhanmoral]
init.d scripts folder support
BLN Support (MMS included)
Ads removed via hosts file (hosts file from cyanogenmod)
Boot sounds disabled
AppWidgetPicker (Widgets control, for those that [like me] are not using the TouchWiz)
Ok, I see...this will not work I thought it would be better if not only one Person have to do the work...
Someone that could spell would be better...
Guys, I'm the creator/owner of , I spent quite a lot of time to try to keep it up to date (although the updates are automatic, I need to add any new roms that are added).
Pls help me keep it up to date by sending me a message in case you see that something is missing or is not correct
ang1 said:
Guys, I'm the creator/owner of , I spent quite a lot of time to try to keep it up to date (although the updates are automatic, I need to add any new roms that are added).
Pls help me keep it up to date by sending me a message in case you see that something is missing or is not correct
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Turkbey Rom.
BigMrB said:
Someone that could spell would be better...
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Gotta love the trolls who have nothing better to do than to criticize others for their spelling errors. :rolls eyes:
Sent from my Samsung SGH-i777 using XDA Premium.

New CM9 Nightly Builds for TF101

Hello people,
I was looking through the nightly builds on
I saw a fresh build for TF101 dated for 2/27.
Check it out. I will flash it and see how it is.
Someone also needs to create an Official CM9 Nightly page in Dev section.
So who wants to be the Guinea pig? I'm already running that KANG that was posted up earlier this weekend. I may try it after I charge up.
yea...guinea pig here....goes through boot animation and then system ui and trebuchet (the launcher) fc...i would say stay away until some official announcement is made
Yeah. It doesn't even boot up probably. :-(... going back to stock
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using XDA App
You have to start somewhere.
Now at least we have an official CM9 branch, which means someone is working on it
brzgw said:
Hello people,
I was looking through the nightly builds on
I saw a fresh build for TF101 dated for 2/27.
Check it out. I will flash it and see how it is.
Someone also needs to create an Official CM9 Nightly page in Dev section.
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ehm where from?
Found IT ^_^
I got launcher force closes when i had an overclocked kernel with a stock rom. Gonna check this out a little later.
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk
I'm surprised that this news seems to be not generating much buzz here. Not knocking any of the other devs, because most of them do amazing work, but CM is the bee's knees. When those nightlies get semi-mature, I'll be running them and never look back. They've never done me wrong before. Any device I've ever had that was supported, was the best ROM available for my needs. YMMV, of course.
I think when its own thread is created youll see the buzz, cm rocks lol
Sent from my R800i using xda premium
I tried flashing it and got the same fc, the system ui and launcher. I tried it again but formatted system this time. Got the same results but was able to see the clock and tablet reboot options.
Guess it's not ready yet
shadrach47 said:
I tried flashing it and got the same fc, the system ui and launcher. I tried it again but formatted system this time. Got the same results but was able to see the clock and tablet reboot options.
Guess it's not ready yet
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Yep, same here, even with wipe dalvik and fix permissions, FC´s :S
Let us wait for a new update....
Alas, I ran across this on also. Got excited and then had the FC issues like everyone else. At least it is a step in the right direction.
Don´t know if its related,
lost my wifi hability after trying this, anyone else?
it just won´t turn on :S
Was just about to try flashing it until I saw how many people were unsuccessful. Oh well, guess I'll wait until an official release.
ferreinf said:
Don´t know if its related,
lost my wifi hability after trying this, anyone else?
it just won´t turn on :S
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Not sure if it's related or not but my wifi on a Kanged version of CM9 is acting weird, disconnecting and saying out of range.
I tried this one first but it could just be the ROM I'm on.
shadrach47 said:
Not sure if it's related or not but my wifi on a Kanged version of CM9 is acting weird, disconnecting and saying out of range.
I tried this one first but it could just be the ROM I'm on.
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Ok got it to work again, had to use Super Wipe Lite from
after running the script flashed latest revolver and got wifi backup....
Same here, will try your suggestion below.
Edit: Had to run the wipe zip, reflash and boot into current rom and the restore a backup to get it working again. PITA But it works.
ferreinf said:
Don´t know if its related,
lost my wifi hability after trying this, anyone else?
it just won´t turn on :S
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CM rocks
lollazzo said:
CM rocks
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i would like to see MIUI V4 on tab, as it will be easier to port than 2.x was ^_^
New official CM9 nightly on It boots!!! Gonna test it and report back in a bit.
EDIT1: Wifi works and was able to log into my Google account. Currently restoring my Titanium Backup and will test a bit more after that. Also, camera makes the tablet reboot on first launch, but works after that. Odd. More info to come.
EDIT2: Face unlock is there, but doesn't recognize my face, so I can't test it out. It couldn't recognize my face on my Nexus S 4G either. Maybe my face is just derped up. Anyway, there is nothing that I could tell that is broken. Even the MicroSD mounted with no issue. I don't have a keyboard dock to test it out, otherwise I would. Games and videos both work fine.

ICS AOKP ROM for the u8800

This is an AOKP ROM for the u8800. It is ported from Huawei Honor B977 4.0.3. I'd like to know if anyone else has tried this and what they think. It's a chinese rom from the anzhi forums (original thread)
I flashed this ROM just now ( thanks fjsferreira for the mirror), this is my feedback:
- Fast, smooth (on par with Aurora).
- Wifi, mobile data, bluetooth, and the like work.
- No gapps, Play Store, camera, browser...(you pretty much have to install everything yourself).
- No strip unicode in the Mms.apk.
- Popup notification support in the Mms.apk.
- Cool AOKP tweaks (naturally...).
- No theme-chooser (meaning you'll have to stick with the mix of Touchwiz 5, ICS and lots of tranparency that is the UI).
- Long pressing the Home key doesn't show the multi-tasking interface and doesn't take you to the Homescreen.
- The SEARCH key is set to turn off the screen (to revert it to its normal function (searching!), check this post).
- I'll add more feedback information as more people try it and report.
Download link:
MtG92 said:
I found his AOKP ROM for our u8800, I'm about to try it, and when I do I'll post some feedback here. Also, I'd like to know if anyone else has tried this and what they think. It's a chinese rom from the anzhi forums (original thread)
Download link:
Btw, as soon as I finish downloading I'll put it up on mediafire or dropbox, but if someone else already has it feel free to post a link.
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when finished installing please let us know how it is diffetent from aurora.
MtG92 said:
I found his AOKP ROM for our u8800, I'm about to try it, and when I do I'll post some feedback here. Also, I'd like to know if anyone else has tried this and what they think. It's a chinese rom from the anzhi forums (original thread)
Download link:
Btw, as soon as I finish downloading I'll put it up on mediafire or dropbox, but if someone else already has it feel free to post a link.
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Make sure the system folder fits in your system partition. I think you need to chacge the partitions in order to flash this, but I'm not sure. Our phone's default system partition is 210 mb
Has anyone tried it? Or have mirror?
I would love to give a try, but download time shows me 18 hours...
I have tried the previous ver actually..... Partition is a must, otherwise phone wont pass Huawei logo. Its ported from Huawei Honor ...every thing works well but Home key does not work..... But be aware some time it happens that you cant return to stock partition and you wont be able to Flash official 2.3 or Froyo ROM back.
krish_nank said:
I have tried the previous ver actually..... Partition is a must, otherwise phone wont pass Huawei logo. Its ported from Huawei Honor ...every thing works well but Home key does not work..... But be aware some time it happens that you cant return to stock partition and you wont be able to Flash official 2.3 or Froyo ROM back.
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deleting files fron /system/app of zip file can work.
mittalmailbox said:
deleting files fron /system/app of zip file can work.
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I haven't tried that way, you can try once.... All 4.0 official ROM designed for U8800 PRO also officially they have made .app file for changing the partition to install ICS so i doubt it will work.
MtG92 said:
I found his AOKP ROM for our u8800, I'm about to try it, and when I do I'll post some feedback here. Also, I'd like to know if anyone else has tried this and what they think. It's a chinese rom from the anzhi forums (original thread)
Download link:
Btw, as soon as I finish downloading I'll put it up on mediafire or dropbox, but if someone else already has it feel free to post a link.
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Actually this version is much smaller (109MB) than the previous (180MB), so it may not need re-partitioning. It has a ".UP" suffix so maybe it is an update flashable only and you need the previous installed, but I can't know since I cannot download it. It just goes soooooo slowwww....
camera not working
spirosbond said:
Actually this version is much smaller (109MB) than the previous (180MB), so it may not need re-partitioning. It has a ".UP" suffix so maybe it is an update flashable only and you need the previous installed, but I can't know since I cannot download it. It just goes soooooo slowwww....
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I know, right? I left the computer on and went to the beach but when I came back the file only had 86mb out of the 109mb...I'll have to try again tomorrow, since it will probably take some 4 hours to download.
Sent from my u8800 using xda premium
MtG92 said:
I know, right? I left the computer on and went to the beach but when I came back the file only had 86mb out of the 109mb...I'll have to try again tomorrow, since it will probably take some 4 hours to download.
Sent from my u8800 using xda premium
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If you guys use something to stabilize the download, like free download manager, speed is always above 800 KB/s (I've just finished my download, took less than 3mins)
EDIT: anyway, here it is
(I didn't try this ROM yet, and probably won't, Aurora is completely stable for me right now)
Well, just went ahead and tried the ROM. From my 10 minutes playing with it, everything seems to work, wifi, mobile data, bluetooth and camera (camera isn't included by default, you have to install one).
Also, no market by default, you have to manually edit the zip file and include the market apk in it.
Sadly I had to uninstall it after 10 mins because, and I'm seeing this more and more, the dev completely screwed up the UI... it's simply horrible, it's not default AOKP at all... He made a complete mess with icons from samsung, an horrible background in every app, horrible popups and menus, etc... I didn't like that at all. I didn't even took the time to create screenshots, I'm sorry, because it was burning my eyes...
There are some stuff completely in chinese, in the ROM control area of the settings, but overall, you can choose any language that Android includes. Note, while the theme of the UI isn't AOKP, the ROM itself is, with the usual settings AOKP provides,
Performance wise, I saw no difference than with aurora...
OP updated with working/ not working features.
Sent from my u8800 using xda premium
MtG92 said:
OP updated with working/ not working features.
Sent from my u8800 using xda premium
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You can include this too... Its ported from Huawei Honor 4.0 977 ver ROM and home key doesn't show recent apps opened and doesn't take you to home either.
theres an update that i still haven't figured out what has changed exempt a few framework-res changes but heres the link to the original forum anyway:
and the download to the rom:
EDIT: I have fixed the home key not working so now that works 100%!!!
I will try fix a couple of other things then i will upload the rom for everyone to enjoy.
dc959 said:
theres an update that i still haven't figured out what has changed exempt a few framework-res changes but heres the link to the original forum anyway:
and the download to the rom:
EDIT: I have fixed the home key not working so now that works 100%!!!
I will try fix a couple of other things then i will upload the rom for everyone to enjoy.
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Thanks. I reverted to the good old .32 kernel yesterday, so I won't be testing this one for now. However, I'll still update the OP with the links to the latest version and the features/bugs list.
dc959 said:
theres an update that i still haven't figured out what has changed exempt a few framework-res changes but heres the link to the original forum anyway:
and the download to the rom:
EDIT: I have fixed the home key not working so now that works 100%!!!
I will try fix a couple of other things then i will upload the rom for everyone to enjoy.
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Thank you.
Can you also get rid of the wannabe Touchwiz UI?
Davoss said:
Thank you.
Can you also get rid of the wannabe Touchwiz UI?
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That Is something that I'd on my to do list but right now I'd rather be able to use the rom for longer then 16 hours and I also want to fix some ui isuess.
Is auto brightness working for you guys ?
Sent from my u8800
spirosbond said:
Is auto brightness working for you guys ?
Sent from my u8800
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no it isn't working but i am going to try get it working in my release but first i want to get the battery drain issue solved


Some developers prefer that questions remain separate from their main development thread to help keep things organized. Placing your question within this thread will increase its chances of being answered by a member of the community or by the developer. Thanks for understanding and for helping to keep XDA neat and tidy! :smile:
Hi all. Is 2.1 using Android 4.4.4? Why isn't it using NE9? (Diff between that and NI2?) Are there any known bugs to this release? If so, could we expect a 2.5 release semi-soon? I'm scared to flash due to other people's troubles so far but have been eagerly waiting an update! This has been a near-perfect ROM for me who likes minimal and stripped down. Making it even more stripped down starts to make me worry though. Haven't any experience with mods other than viper4android. Is that HX camera mod better than the included camera in ExtremeSyndicate 1.5?
Sorry for newb post.
there isnt much dif in ni2.. just a newer version.. it is more debloated but you dont really need to mod anything.. just simply install/push what you want to the phone
Sent from my SM-G900V using XDA Free mobile app
elliwigy said:
there isnt much dif in ni2.. just a newer version.. it is more debloated but you dont really need to mod anything.. just simply install/push what you want to the phone
Sent from my SM-G900V using XDA Free mobile app
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I got the message from other post, so I need to flash a keyboard apk (Android L keyboard is fine) after I install the ROM?
BSAVAG3 said:
I got the message from other post, so I need to flash a keyboard apk (Android L keyboard is fine) after I install the ROM?
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That is correct. Find a Android keyboard apk and place it in internal storage or on sdcard. After you have flashed the ROM use the "My Files" app included in the ROM to install the keyboard apk. That is how I understand the process. I'm not sure, but trying to install the "L" keyboard might not be a simple as installing an apk. I think, but not sure, there are some supporting files that you need for the "L" keyboard to properly function. A simple, no frills keyboard may be a better option until you're up and running and then try installing the "L" keyboard or other keyboard from the play store.
jpcalhoun said:
That is correct. Find a Android keyboard apk and place it in internal storage or on sdcard. After you have flashed the ROM use the "My Files" app included in the ROM to install the keyboard apk. That is how I understand the process. I'm not sure, but trying to install the "L" keyboard might not be a simple as installing an apk. I think, but not sure, there are some supporting files that you need for the "L" keyboard to properly function. A simple, no frills keyboard may be a better option until you're up and running and then try installing the "L" keyboard or other keyboard from the play store.
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yea I got it installed, yet as someone said earlier. I installed google calendar and it does not sync for some reason. Hopefully can find out why. Also any chance of the black theme coming back?
BSAVAG3 said:
yea I got it installed, yet as someone said earlier. I installed google calendar and it does not sync for some reason. Hopefully can find out why. Also any chance of the black theme coming back?
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Good to hear. I'm not sure about the dark theme, we'll have to ask elliwigy. As far as Google Calendar not syncing, elliwigy removed more "stuff" for this build, he may have eliminated a file needed for sync.
jpcalhoun said:
Good to hear. I'm not sure about the dark theme, we'll have to ask elliwigy. As far as Google Calendar not syncing, elliwigy removed more "stuff" for this build, he may have eliminated a file needed for sync.
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i have a keyboard apk android L that installs just fine as a regular apk.. i will post hopefully tomorrow when i get home.. wifi hopefully gets fixed tomorrow..
as for the theme, its possible.. i will hafta use the themeable apks from the theme section but i might b able to get er done.. no eta tho
as far as the sync i am not sure lol. i did remove the splanner stuff and all samsung stuff but google stuff should b there.. best bet is to compare it to a stock rom n see what apks were removed
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How would I get the factory camera work?
I refuse to flash without the black & white theme!!! So good!!! Can't live with Samsung theme. Thanks for all your hard work on this ROM though Elliwigy!! I'll stick with 1.5 until this is updated!
ccic2491 said:
How would I get the factory camera work?
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Flash this in recovery:
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So does the closing of the original thread mean that their will not be anymore updates?
BSAVAG3 said:
So does the closing of the original thread mean that their will not be anymore updates?
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for extreme syndicate i think not.. if i make a new rom (wink) i will create a new thread.. i just got tired if debloating n being asked every day to add stuff back in and being trolled cuz it was "too light"
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its a lonnng shot but Im going to dive into a aosp looking rom
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elliwigy said:
for extreme syndicate i think not.. if i make a new rom (wink) i will create a new thread.. i just got tired if debloating n being asked every day to add stuff back in and being trolled cuz it was "too light"
Sent from my SM-G900V using XDA Free mobile app
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Gotta stick to your guns man! Ignore the special requests that fall out of your scope of support and if they don't like it, then oh well. Good to see you're still around :good:
BigBot96 said:
Gotta stick to your guns man! Ignore the special requests that fall out of your scope of support and if they don't like it, then oh well. Good to see you're still around :good:
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+1 on what BigBot96 said. Your ROM is exactly what I had been wanting for years. A lean, fast, great battery ROM that provided all the basic functions of a smartphone without all the BS bells and whistles. No matter what you do, there will always be someone who wants something different than what YOU want. Let potential users of your ROM know up front what you offer and if that doesn't "float their boat" they can either not flash your ROM or they can add what they want. Let them know up front that you don't offer or support a "buffet line of options". They can like it or, well, leave it and go flash something else.
I miss this rom! For all my devices, with all the roms I tried, this was my favorite. If I could build a rom (which I can't), I would have built something almost identical to this one. You stated you stopped developing because you were busy, tired of trying to debloat more and tired of getting flamed. I accept your stopping as version 1 was to me perfection, and I agree, it would have been so hard to improve upon it.
I tried a couple of other roms. While good, they were not nearly as perfect as this one. I think I'll go back to version 1 to see if I can figure out what is missing from version 2. Then it's back to glory for me. Thanks for all your hard work. I've been busy traveling that I didn't take the time to tell you thanks man. Happy holidays. If you build another rom, can you post a notice here. All the best.
version 2.1 was updated to ni2 but before i could theme n work out some kinks i shut it down.. i was working on the opposite but ran into some issues with 5.0 apks not working.. I will be posting a new rom as soon as we get 5.0! i already have a working list of what to debloat (based on disecting the g900f build) so you will see me again! In the meantime, I have been learning to code since ultimately I want to create apks for various things
elliwigy said:
i just got tired if debloating n being asked every day to add stuff back in and being trolled cuz it was "too light"
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I never did understand why people expected stuff to be added back into a ROM when it's main purpose was to be "lighter" with each update makes no sense to me lol. Anyway, I'm running V1 and it's simply awesome! I just rooted and installed V1 on my wife's phone today (she actually ASKED me to root it lmao, I about fell over) but I would really like to have the flashlight toggle that appears to be included in V1.5. Is there an easy way to get the flashlight toggle? Is there a link somewhere for V1.5 (I haven't found one yet)? Can I dirty flash it over V1?
---------- Post added at 06:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:06 PM ----------
o-o said:
I never did understand why people expected stuff to be added back into a ROM when it's main purpose was to be "lighter" with each update makes no sense to me lol. Anyway, I'm running V1 and it's simply awesome! I just rooted and installed V1 on my wife's phone today (she actually ASKED me to root it lmao, I about fell over) but I would really like to have the flashlight toggle that appears to be included in V1.5. Is there an easy way to get the flashlight toggle? Is there a link somewhere for V1.5 (I haven't found one yet)? Can I dirty flash it over V1?
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Nevermind, I found the older builds in your ROM thread. Thanks for all you do! I'd rather use an iPh0ne than a stock Veriz0n S5. Not really, but close lol.
I will be updating rom to L hopefully by end of tonight!
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