[sgt]-[discussion room] CyanogenMOD 9.0 by te4m[MTD][4.0.4] - Galaxy Tab General

CyanogenMOD 9.0 by TE4M NOW MTD!!!!!![4.0.4]
dear all,
this thread is created to seperate non development post inside the cm9 development thread and to keep it clean.
-Related to cm9.0
-problems during installation
-Possibilities of bugs
-All the noob questions
WHAT should not be posted?
-thanks,thank you....
-please do not report SAME BUG
-Do not report if you are downloading new release (just download it and report bugs only)
GSM- http://get.cm/?device=p1
CDMA- http://get.cm/?device=p1c
hit thanks if i helped you

Installation guide
1)RESTOCK to gingerbread by following overcome method
2)flash the overcome kernel 4.0 to convert the system to ext4 from the above website
4)copy the zip to tab and then reboot into recovery
5)wipe data,cache and dalvik cache
6) a) if MTD build once u flash them mtd zip it boots into mtd recovery and U HAVE TO FLASH THE ZIP AGAIN
b) if NON MTD just flash the zip

What doesnt work (19-04-2012-build)mtd
tv out
external sd as sd-ext
gps (unconfirmed)

Any chance of p1000l owners can have the TV mobile apk working? I've been trying to restore it with titanium and I have not been able to restore it.
By the way, anyone having low battery time?

Hatori28 said:
Any chance of p1000l owners can have the TV mobile apk working? I've been trying to restore it with titanium and I have not been able to restore it.
By the way, anyone having low battery time?
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titanium backup not working on the build

The new update seems to eliminate the software keys; is there a way to reenable them?

Don t agree just wipe everything and restore user app with Tb. Works fine however i think it s a bad idea do such about system/data.
Sent from my GT-P1000 using XDA App

ronak.super said:
titanium backup not working on the build
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If you haven't already done that, update your TB, the last version works on ICS.

I've been really enjoying this build. Thanks alot for the whole team!
UI runs very smooth and basicly no log at all.
Almost everything works better compared to the orginal 2.3.3 stock rom I used before.
Few things I noticed, the battery life seems to be somewhat worse.
Also a question about the multitasking in ICS. I cant find a way to open the thumbnails? Long pressing home doesnt seem to work and since theres no software based keys (which I think is a good thing) I'm not sure what to do.
Tab P1000 and I'm using the latest kerned (30.1) with bt fix and rom.

Medikay said:
The new update seems to eliminate the software keys; is there a way to reenable them?
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in build prop set
setprop persist.tablet.hidehome 0
setprop persist.tablet.hiderecent 0
setprop persist.tablet.hideback 0

Graven-eof said:
I've been really enjoying this build. Thanks alot for the whole team!
UI runs very smooth and basicly no log at all.
Almost everything works better compared to the orginal 2.3.3 stock rom I used before.
Few things I noticed, the battery life seems to be somewhat worse.
Also a question about the multitasking in ICS. I cant find a way to open the thumbnails? Long pressing home doesnt seem to work and since theres no software based keys (which I think is a good thing) I'm not sure what to do.
Tab P1000 and I'm using the latest kerned (30.1) with bt fix and rom.
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dude undervolt your settings using voltage control for better battery im getting the same battery which i used to get in gingerbread

ronak.super said:
in build prop set
setprop persist.tablet.hidehome 0
setprop persist.tablet.hiderecent 0
setprop persist.tablet.hideback 0
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Sorry for the noob question...but how do you access that?

build.prop file /system/buil.prop
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App

Medikay said:
Sorry for the noob question...but how do you access that?
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use root explorer go to system and then hold the build.prop and open in text editor
hit thanks

Hi all, this thread is a good idea, it mostly works on the galaxy s 2 cm9 forum but their are still idiots posting in the development area. Codeworx (the developer on s2 cm9 thread) has really bought into it and tells people to post in the discussion thread if they post noob stuff in the dev thread. If the devs here (cdesai, humberOS etc) buy into this discussion thread then maybe more people will use it
Anyways, i tried changing lcd density to 120 to check out more tablet apps on the market but when I do the keyboard zooms and I can only see half of it, so I can't type properly... Any ideas?
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk

biffroy said:
Hi all, this thread is a good idea, it mostly works on the galaxy s 2 cm9 forum but their are still idiots posting in the development area. Codeworx (the developer on s2 cm9 thread) has really bought into it and tells people to post in the discussion thread if they post noob stuff in the dev thread. If the devs here (cdesai, humberOS etc) buy into this discussion thread then maybe more people will use it
Anyways, i tried changing lcd density to 120 to check out more tablet apps on the market but when I do the keyboard zooms and I can only see half of it, so I can't type properly... Any ideas?
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
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set density to 160 it works fine becoz in 120 it becomes damn small and same the market page bcomes small when oriented horizontal

ronak.super said:
set density to 160 it works fine becoz in 120 it becomes damn small
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I know that I used the honeycomb alpha at 120 and liked it that small. But my question isn't about the best density to have, it's about the keyboard at 120 and if anyone knows how to fix it or has any suggestions.
This is my GalaxyTab. There are many like it but this one is mine.
If, by some kind of freak occurrence I helped you, please hit THANKS!

my keyboard work fine on 120 check the attachment

It would be awsome if there is such way to force apps to start in tablet UI with 160 LCD density coz 120 is very small for 7" displays

CM9 on P1000
Hey guys, I tried to flash the latest ICS build for the P1000, but my tablet wont leave the start up screen...
I downloaded both files, replaced the kernel part of the zip with the one specific for the P1000, wiped cache, davik and reset user settings.
Then I flashed the zip file, but at reboot it won't leave the start up screen.
Any idea on what I may have done wrong?


Mike's ICS ROM

Before I say anything, I know this is probably in the wrong place, but it wouldnt let me post in the development forums because of my low post count, I also know this ROM is in a pre-alpha stage and will have many broken features and bugs, this is not what I am asking about.
I just want to know if anyone knows how big the ROM is, I want to try it out to see what it could be like, the download is 167MB, but is that how big the installed rom is? I have resized partitions in my flash memory, therefore if its bigger than 150MB I will need to resize again.
Also (I know basic question) will I still beable to boot to CWM to restore a nandroid backup of Swiftdroid? I know that atleast Wifi and GSM dont work, as long as the info on Mike's web page is up to date, this alone will mean I will need to roll back after I have had a look around, so a nandroid backup will be the best way.
I only ask the last question because I have only used swiftdroid so I need to make sure.
the download contain the recovery version and fastboot version in the one zip the system is about 140MB
Thanks, my system partition is just big enough, do you have any sugestions on a reasonable size for my system partition? Mainly for when more is working and I upgrade perminantly 10MB isnt enough for any updates imo.
delsus said:
Thanks, my system partition is just big enough, do you have any sugestions on a reasonable size for my system partition? Mainly for when more is working and I upgrade perminantly 10MB isnt enough for any updates imo.
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I would suggest 160 system partition!
BTW it seems like u finally joined xda developers!
It is much better than androidforums!
androidboss7 said:
I would suggest 160 system partition!
BTW it seems like u finally joined xda developers!
It is much better than androidforums!
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I have known about XDA for awhile, and just had some questions about mike's ICS rom, I like android forums cos there alot of people that need help on there
Sorry for posting here but i have the same problem as delsus..was just wondering how stable is ics on your phones because is very unstable on mine it keeps rebooting after about a min or so
cippi21 said:
Sorry for posting here but i have the same problem as delsus..was just wondering how stable is ics on your phones because is very unstable on mine it keeps rebooting after about a min or so
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Mikegapinski had to go through 17 hours of Rom Compiling! It is only a beta at the moment and fixes are coming,
So far mike has now fixed (Not Uploaded yet)
- Keyboard
- Camera
- GSM (Full Fix)
Also It is all on his website, go and watch on his twitter too for new news
cippi21 said:
Sorry for posting here but i have the same problem as delsus..was just wondering how stable is ics on your phones because is very unstable on mine it keeps rebooting after about a min or so
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I dont get any rebooting on my phone, and barely any force closes except things confirmed not to work.
If you have resized system and data partitions, I changed my system partition to 170MB because there is alot to come to the rom and it could get alot bigger, I can always lower it if needed.
delsus said:
I dont get any rebooting on my phone, and barely any force closes except things confirmed not to work.
If you have resized system and data partitions, I changed my system partition to 170MB because there is alot to come to the rom and it could get alot bigger, I can always lower it if needed.
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yea i have mine resized im gona change it thanks
airbus360 said:
Mikegapinski had to go through 17 hours of Rom Compiling! It is only a beta at the moment and fixes are coming,
So far mike has now fixed (Not Uploaded yet)
- Keyboard
- Camera
- GSM (Full Fix)
Also It is all on his website, go and watch on his twitter too for new news
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I know hes working hard and i appreciate everything hes doing and i do keep an eye on hes website but i only asked because i saw that only one person had this problem with ics thank u anyway
I changed the system partition to 180MB, and I have 204 megabytes for applications. I suppose that it will be fine for work with more ROM's
sajdlik82 said:
I changed the system partition to 180MB, and I have 204 megabytes for applications. I suppose that it will be fine for work with more ROM's
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This ROM is about 140MB but it has alot to be added to it, which is why I changed mine, anything from 160+ should be enough, I just wanted some leyway lol
delsus said:
This ROM is about 140MB but it has alot to be added to it, which is why I changed mine, anything from 160+ should be enough, I just wanted some leyway lol
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delsus can u point me to a good tut on how to change the partition i tried this http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1171531 but it didnt work and i cant ask for help anywhere else
edit: I resize it by using effortless`s sub-tutorial
sajdlik82 said:
I changed the system partition to 180MB, and I have 204 megabytes for applications. I suppose that it will be fine for work with more ROM's
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how do you partition the system to 180MB? I also have the same problem of restarting .. however there are problems with the keyboard and I found the official ICS only by the number of posts I am unable to post it on the official post .. so if anyone wants to take this job I can ask in PM the link (because of the number of posts I'm not insert link) (PS: this keyboard would solve many problems; D)
riku-dark said:
how do you partition the system to 180MB? I also have the same problem of restarting .. however there are problems with the keyboard and I found the official ICS only by the number of posts I am unable to post it on the official post .. so if anyone wants to take this job I can ask in PM the link (because of the number of posts I'm not insert link) (PS: this keyboard would solve many problems; D)
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if you want to repartition click on the link in my post
i made it from this topic:
Sent from my GT540 using XDA App
the same size with mur4ik rom... would be sufficiant i guess
It works on default size
Sent from my Full AOSP on vendor Optimus using Tapatalk
Default size of partition is around 230MB and 150MB for apps. I think.
Sent from my GT540 using XDA App

ICS AOKP ROM for the u8800

This is an AOKP ROM for the u8800. It is ported from Huawei Honor B977 4.0.3. I'd like to know if anyone else has tried this and what they think. It's a chinese rom from the anzhi forums (original thread)
I flashed this ROM just now ( thanks fjsferreira for the mirror), this is my feedback:
- Fast, smooth (on par with Aurora).
- Wifi, mobile data, bluetooth, and the like work.
- No gapps, Play Store, camera, browser...(you pretty much have to install everything yourself).
- No strip unicode in the Mms.apk.
- Popup notification support in the Mms.apk.
- Cool AOKP tweaks (naturally...).
- No theme-chooser (meaning you'll have to stick with the mix of Touchwiz 5, ICS and lots of tranparency that is the UI).
- Long pressing the Home key doesn't show the multi-tasking interface and doesn't take you to the Homescreen.
- The SEARCH key is set to turn off the screen (to revert it to its normal function (searching!), check this post).
- I'll add more feedback information as more people try it and report.
Download link: http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=22964&uk=2499982078.
Mirror: https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B4ZMZwAV0MEaVUUzMjRDM2JyXzg
MtG92 said:
I found his AOKP ROM for our u8800, I'm about to try it, and when I do I'll post some feedback here. Also, I'd like to know if anyone else has tried this and what they think. It's a chinese rom from the anzhi forums (original thread)
Download link: http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=22964&uk=2499982078.
Btw, as soon as I finish downloading I'll put it up on mediafire or dropbox, but if someone else already has it feel free to post a link.
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when finished installing please let us know how it is diffetent from aurora.
MtG92 said:
I found his AOKP ROM for our u8800, I'm about to try it, and when I do I'll post some feedback here. Also, I'd like to know if anyone else has tried this and what they think. It's a chinese rom from the anzhi forums (original thread)
Download link: http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=22964&uk=2499982078.
Btw, as soon as I finish downloading I'll put it up on mediafire or dropbox, but if someone else already has it feel free to post a link.
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Make sure the system folder fits in your system partition. I think you need to chacge the partitions in order to flash this, but I'm not sure. Our phone's default system partition is 210 mb
Has anyone tried it? Or have mirror?
I would love to give a try, but download time shows me 18 hours...
I have tried the previous ver actually..... Partition is a must, otherwise phone wont pass Huawei logo. Its ported from Huawei Honor ...every thing works well but Home key does not work..... But be aware some time it happens that you cant return to stock partition and you wont be able to Flash official 2.3 or Froyo ROM back.
krish_nank said:
I have tried the previous ver actually..... Partition is a must, otherwise phone wont pass Huawei logo. Its ported from Huawei Honor ...every thing works well but Home key does not work..... But be aware some time it happens that you cant return to stock partition and you wont be able to Flash official 2.3 or Froyo ROM back.
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deleting files fron /system/app of zip file can work.
mittalmailbox said:
deleting files fron /system/app of zip file can work.
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I haven't tried that way, you can try once.... All 4.0 official ROM designed for U8800 PRO also officially they have made .app file for changing the partition to install ICS so i doubt it will work.
MtG92 said:
I found his AOKP ROM for our u8800, I'm about to try it, and when I do I'll post some feedback here. Also, I'd like to know if anyone else has tried this and what they think. It's a chinese rom from the anzhi forums (original thread)
Download link: http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=22964&uk=2499982078.
Btw, as soon as I finish downloading I'll put it up on mediafire or dropbox, but if someone else already has it feel free to post a link.
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Actually this version is much smaller (109MB) than the previous (180MB), so it may not need re-partitioning. It has a ".UP" suffix so maybe it is an update flashable only and you need the previous installed, but I can't know since I cannot download it. It just goes soooooo slowwww....
camera not working
spirosbond said:
Actually this version is much smaller (109MB) than the previous (180MB), so it may not need re-partitioning. It has a ".UP" suffix so maybe it is an update flashable only and you need the previous installed, but I can't know since I cannot download it. It just goes soooooo slowwww....
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I know, right? I left the computer on and went to the beach but when I came back the file only had 86mb out of the 109mb...I'll have to try again tomorrow, since it will probably take some 4 hours to download.
Sent from my u8800 using xda premium
MtG92 said:
I know, right? I left the computer on and went to the beach but when I came back the file only had 86mb out of the 109mb...I'll have to try again tomorrow, since it will probably take some 4 hours to download.
Sent from my u8800 using xda premium
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If you guys use something to stabilize the download, like free download manager, speed is always above 800 KB/s (I've just finished my download, took less than 3mins)
EDIT: anyway, here it is
(I didn't try this ROM yet, and probably won't, Aurora is completely stable for me right now)
Well, just went ahead and tried the ROM. From my 10 minutes playing with it, everything seems to work, wifi, mobile data, bluetooth and camera (camera isn't included by default, you have to install one).
Also, no market by default, you have to manually edit the zip file and include the market apk in it.
Sadly I had to uninstall it after 10 mins because, and I'm seeing this more and more, the dev completely screwed up the UI... it's simply horrible, it's not default AOKP at all... He made a complete mess with icons from samsung, an horrible background in every app, horrible popups and menus, etc... I didn't like that at all. I didn't even took the time to create screenshots, I'm sorry, because it was burning my eyes...
There are some stuff completely in chinese, in the ROM control area of the settings, but overall, you can choose any language that Android includes. Note, while the theme of the UI isn't AOKP, the ROM itself is, with the usual settings AOKP provides,
Performance wise, I saw no difference than with aurora...
OP updated with working/ not working features.
Sent from my u8800 using xda premium
MtG92 said:
OP updated with working/ not working features.
Sent from my u8800 using xda premium
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You can include this too... Its ported from Huawei Honor 4.0 977 ver ROM and home key doesn't show recent apps opened and doesn't take you to home either.
theres an update that i still haven't figured out what has changed exempt a few framework-res changes but heres the link to the original forum anyway: http://bbs.anzhi.com/thread-5635142-1-1.html
and the download to the rom: http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=30727&uk=2499982078
EDIT: I have fixed the home key not working so now that works 100%!!!
I will try fix a couple of other things then i will upload the rom for everyone to enjoy.
dc959 said:
theres an update that i still haven't figured out what has changed exempt a few framework-res changes but heres the link to the original forum anyway: http://bbs.anzhi.com/thread-5635142-1-1.html
and the download to the rom: http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=30727&uk=2499982078
EDIT: I have fixed the home key not working so now that works 100%!!!
I will try fix a couple of other things then i will upload the rom for everyone to enjoy.
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Thanks. I reverted to the good old .32 kernel yesterday, so I won't be testing this one for now. However, I'll still update the OP with the links to the latest version and the features/bugs list.
dc959 said:
theres an update that i still haven't figured out what has changed exempt a few framework-res changes but heres the link to the original forum anyway: http://bbs.anzhi.com/thread-5635142-1-1.html
and the download to the rom: http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=30727&uk=2499982078
EDIT: I have fixed the home key not working so now that works 100%!!!
I will try fix a couple of other things then i will upload the rom for everyone to enjoy.
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Thank you.
Can you also get rid of the wannabe Touchwiz UI?
Davoss said:
Thank you.
Can you also get rid of the wannabe Touchwiz UI?
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That Is something that I'd on my to do list but right now I'd rather be able to use the rom for longer then 16 hours and I also want to fix some ui isuess.
Is auto brightness working for you guys ?
Sent from my u8800
spirosbond said:
Is auto brightness working for you guys ?
Sent from my u8800
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no it isn't working but i am going to try get it working in my release but first i want to get the battery drain issue solved

[ROM][JB 4.1.1] Monfro Aosp 23.09.2012 (extremely smooth)

This is a pure AOSP rom: it has no extra features so it can be snappy and smooth at maximum level.
Indeed the goal of this rom is to be as fast as possible.
- CM10 partition layout (422mb for data)
- Devil Kernel 1.4.1 VC (new kernels with new CM vsync available as addon)
- Devil Kernel Config included (and a init.d script generated with this program, to have everything set up stable at the beginning. If you set bigmem, before reboot remember to set 480 in videocamera settings, otherwise camera app will crash with bigmem). I suggest to install also NSTools, to have more overclocking and BLN options.
- GAPPS (updated to latest) are included
- I SUGGEST A FULL WIPE BEFORE INSTALLING THIS ROM, because added features from CM10, Helly Bean, AOKP and other roms can conflict with pure AOSP settings and functions
MD5: 086981af9bd829a742d2d34dd3652b81
- Battery % Mod CM style
- Battery % Mod Perka Newborn
- Battery Mod restore original icon
- Devil Kernel 1.5.2 + new CM vsync
- Semaphore Kernel 2.1.2 + new CM vsync
Here you can find a lot of compatible modems/radio
- MonfroWhite by sephhi
@ALL: feel free to post mods and themes. I will add them to the 1st post
It took me a lot to upload this rom.
It was ready and working perfectly on 21.09.2012...all today i was out and i could upload it only now.
Monfro said:
It took me a lot to upload this rom.
It was ready and working perfectly on 21.09.2012...all today i was out and i could upload it only now.
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will give it a try.....thank you!
Great work! Appreciate the effort for another AOSP
Looks like I've got another ROM to try out... it will have to be tomorrow though...
Sent from my SGH-I897 using XDA
LOVE the toggle customization. Little laggy on first running overall but so far so good.
It's official, I'm in love! Soft keyboard type option in messages so I can "Enter for new line" and not have that dumbass key!!! THANK YOU
AceofSpades90 said:
Great work! Appreciate the effort for another AOSP
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I have to say thank you, because your Lanight rom showed me how fast AOSP roms are, as you can see from my enthusiastic comment of 20.09.2012.
But on Lanight 4.0 there were some glitches, for this reason i decided to work on an AOSP rom. I see that you worked to fix Lanight while i was working here: if i would have seen your new rom build, probably i wouldn't have worked on my AOSP.
joe3681 said:
LOVE the toggle customization. Little laggy on first running overall but so far so good.
It's official, I'm in love! Soft keyboard type option in messages so I can "Enter for new line" and not have that dumbass key!!! THANK YOU
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Message app is from CM: it works better than AOSP one.
AOSP message let you enter messages only of 160 letters, for this reason i decided to substitute it with CM one.
cant get radio working.....
Wifi and signal are not opening. Looked around but didnt see any other radios available? Am i looking in the wrong place? (in this forum) Other than that the rom looks great, but until I can get my wifi working i cant get a full picture of what this rom will be like... I am going to do some more reading. had this problem before, but flashed a radio and everything was good. Now I cant seem to find one. Call me an idiot if you will, just need some direction on where to go from here. The website i used last time has radios for ics but not JB.
Also shell was not given SU permissions. Bad flash maybe?
Thanks in advance....
Poke01 said:
Wifi and signal are not opening. Looked around but didnt see any other radios available? Am i looking in the wrong place? (in this forum) Other than that the rom looks great, but until I can get my wifi working i cant get a full picture of what this rom will be like... I am going to do some more reading. had this problem before, but flashed a radio and everything was good. Now I cant seem to find one. Call me an idiot if you will, just need some direction on where to go from here. The website i used last time has radios for ics but not JB.
Also shell was not given SU permissions. Bad flash maybe?
Thanks in advance....
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Here you can find a lot of compatible modems/radio, find the one that works best in your area:
If you have problems with SuperUser, try SuperSU from Play Store.
Updated first post with modems/radio link and battery % mods.
@ALL: feel free to post mods and themes. I will add them to the 1st post
Added mods to flash latest Devil and Semaphore kernels + new CM vsync
Your cappy looks promising because you are a recognized Dev. seems your also using same partition layout as of hellybeans that why can't flash this cappy on my captivate as I'm using broken sd device.
Sent from my SGH-I897 using XDA
s0ul_ali said:
Your cappy looks promising because you are a recognized Dev. seems your also using same partition layout as of hellybeans that why can't flash this cappy on my captivate as I'm using broken sd device.
Sent from my SGH-I897 using XDA
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This rom uses the same layout as CM10: 422mb on fastest nand for data and the rest (slow nand) for system.
I am sorry you can't try this rom. I have read here and there about people with broken internal SD but i didn't entered in details.
another AOSP rom to test...nice......will test it soon.....
Monfro said:
Here you can find a lot of compatible modems/radio, find the one that works best in your area:
If you have problems with SuperUser, try SuperSU from Play Store.
Updated first post with modems/radio link and battery % mods.
@ALL: feel free to post mods and themes. I will add them to the 1st post
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I've been on xda long enough, but I'm drawing a blank at the moment. If my WiFi isn't turning on, would changing the modem affect that?
My Captivate has been relegated to my backup device, almost always used on WiFi.
From what I've played with on this rom, I like it a lot. Keep up the great work!
I have had similar issues with other JB AOSP roms with CM10 base. If I understand it correctly, it is due to the datadata partition that is included with this base (data partition table messes up the Kernel or something). To my knowledge there is no work around for this. Some of the AOSP roms here (LANIGHT for example) have a nodatadata version which solves the problem.
Hope this helps!
Poke01 said:
Wifi and signal are not opening. Looked around but didnt see any other radios available? Am i looking in the wrong place? (in this forum) Other than that the rom looks great, but until I can get my wifi working i cant get a full picture of what this rom will be like... I am going to do some more reading. had this problem before, but flashed a radio and everything was good. Now I cant seem to find one. Call me an idiot if you will, just need some direction on where to go from here. The website i used last time has radios for ics but not JB.
Also shell was not given SU permissions. Bad flash maybe?
Thanks in advance....
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Sagui said:
I have had similar issues with other JB AOSP roms with CM10 base. If I understand it correctly, it is due to the datadata partition that is included with this base (data partition table messes up the Kernel or something). To my knowledge there is no work around for this. Some of the AOSP roms here (LANIGHT for example) have a nodatadata version which solves the problem.
Hope this helps!
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To enable wifi try these 2 methods:
1. turn on Bluetooth, reboot, activate wifi and now it works.
2. activate wifi, turn on Bluetooth, reboot and now wifi works
Sent from my Captivate
Monfro said:
To enable wifi try these 2 methods:
1. turn on Bluetooth, reboot, activate wifi and now it works.
2. activate wifi, turn on Bluetooth, reboot and now wifi works
Sent from my Captivate
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Method 1 worked for me....Awesome! Thanks!
tried downloading the file and my antivirus went crazy lol .....
Zero4 said:
Method 1 worked for me....Awesome! Thanks!
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So the problem comes from the Bluetooth kill function in devil kernel, which kills also wifi.
I suggest to disable devil idle and deep idle and to leave "enable Bluetooth " in devil kernel config app.
MrSwiss876 said:
tried downloading the file and my antivirus went crazy lol .....
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It is because of superuser, but there are no viruses inside the zip.
Sent from my Captivate
Flashing!! :fingers-crossed:
Hey Monfro, how is going the battery life so far ?

[PORT][WIP] Ubuntu Touch v0.1 Alpha - ONLY i9100 !!!

This one has been build by @ bluefa1con so all the champagne & beer bottles goes to him. Is the same build as mines! I decided to release my version when I have most of the bugs fixed. HERE IS STILL PRESENT THE CHOPPY TEXT BUG! We think is caused by hardware-composition, we don't know right now.
Let's get started. First of all, WIPE YOUR DEVICE & FORMAT /SYSTEM, /CACHE, /PRELOAD! Then:
1. Download this build of Ubuntu Touch: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-to...c-demo/quantal-preinstalled-phablet-armhf.zip
2. The both files from here: http://goo.im/devs/bluefa1con/ubuntutouch
3. Copy them to your internal / external memory. Note that dual-boot is not yet supported!
4. Wipe everything you can.
5. Install CM10.1 zip - DON'T REBOOT!
6. Flash quantal(...).zip file - AGAIN, DON'T REBOOT!
7. Finally, flash hdpi_overlay.zip and then you can reboot safely.
8. Enjoy!
Report any bugs here!
So far it looks stable over the UI. Perfomances are not so great because both of us we can't manage to get working all the 2-cores. HW acceleration is disabled because is very buggy also the audio. Wifi works, cellular + 3G also. It is not very useful right now but as far as this will get more and more updates, it will be very cool .
Thanks, I'll keep you updated.
djmitza222 said:
Dear fellas,
Right now I'm doing a very beta test of my own build for Ubuntu Touch. So far it looks stable over the UI. Perfomances are not so great because I can't manage to get working all the 2-cores. HW acceleration is disabled because is very buggy also the audio. Wifi works, cellular + 3G also. It is not very useful right now but as far as this will get more and more updates, it will be very cool .
As soon as I finish with the final testing, I will upload the 3 ZIP files. Until that, prepare your phone and make a full BACKUP!
Note: I suggest to try it in dual-boot as I do and DO NOT FLASH IT INTO OTHER VARIANTS OF i9100!
Thanks, I'll keep you updated.
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waiting for it will give it a try
Eagerly waiting
AW: [PORT][WIP] Ubuntu Touch v0.1 Alpha - ONLY i9100 !!!
I thought dual boot is not possible
Or is is with android and Ubuntu?
Gesendet von meinem GT-I9100 mit Tapatalk 2
Any news on developement?
Good luck and hope all goes well. Look forward to giving it a go.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
Good game mate :good:
Just a general question will ubuntu for phone switch to the desktop mode automatically as soon as it is docked to a monitor or does this have to be enabled on a phone by phone basis?
There is released Ubuntu touch for i9100 http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2079080&page=16
But he doesn't wrote whta's working and what's not
Will Try it when more stable ;P
Can I dualboot it as 2nd ROM along with Dorimanx and lastest RootBox?
Ramazor said:
Can I dualboot it as 2nd ROM along with Dorimanx and lastest RootBox?
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latest rootbox is based on cm10.1??..if it is u can't dual boot it
No, Ubuntu requires specific kernel options. Until kernelbuilders are including these into their builds it won't work
Bubble-be said:
No, Ubuntu requires specific kernel options. Until kernelbuilders are including these into their builds it won't work
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but the op recommanded to use it as a second rom
jeetBLswami said:
but the op recommanded to use it as a second rom
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That's why I'm asking.
Ramazor said:
That's why I'm asking.
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AFAIK...dual boot will not be functional ..
bubble-be is right the kernel for Ubuntu touch requires some special properties
FYI guys, I have tested it only as a second rom (like boot2gecko). I test it right now as a primary rom and I have problems with the text as well. I don't really know what is happening but the screen looks like there are some ''dead'' pixels. You cannot read the entire text. I tried different kernel entries but no success, also wiped cache / dalvik cache. Let me see how fast can I fix it.
PS: try bluefa1con's build. Mine is not so far from it.
@bluefa1con, let me know if I can post your build on the first post w/ full credits to you. It take some time to make another build right now but I'm uploading the current images on zippyshare.
EDIT: audio fixed but choppy sound!
djmitza222 said:
FYI guys, I have tested it only as a second rom (like boot2gecko). I test it right now as a primary rom and I have problems with the text as well. I don't really know what is happening but the screen looks like there are some ''dead'' pixels. You cannot read the entire text. I tried different kernel entries but no success, also wiped cache / dalvik cache. Let me see how fast can I fix it.
PS: try bluefa1con's build. Mine is not so far from it.
@bluefa1con, let me know if I can post your build on the first post w/ full credits to you. It take some time to make another build right now but I'm uploading the current images on zippyshare.
EDIT: audio fixed but choppy sound!
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Sure link my builds
I don't mind just did it for fun
Graphic corruption is the radical I didn't release my builds I had it done since morning
Graphic corruption is due to our broken hwc I think plus ubuntu doesn't fully support our ril
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2

[Q&A] SM-T330NU Rom Development Cyanogenmod 11

Q&A for SM-T330NU Rom Development Cyanogenmod 11
Some developers prefer that questions remain separate from their main development thread to help keep things organized. Placing your question within this thread will increase its chances of being answered by a member of the community or by the developer.
Before posting, please use the forum search and read through the discussion thread for SM-T330NU Rom Development Cyanogenmod 11. If you can't find an answer, post it here, being sure to give as much information as possible (firmware version, steps to reproduce, logcat if available) so that you can get help.
Thanks for understanding and for helping to keep XDA neat and tidy!
cyanogenmod 11 sm-t231
Hello friends wondering if there will be a cyanogenmod 11 for the sm-T231 It's my tablet and I love to get away touchwichz If anyone knows of any future project thanks alert
based off aosp? edit- can flash pa gapps?
I have attempted to connect my device to PC with this ROM installed but it fails to install MTP.
halo12lol said:
based off aosp? edit- can flash pa gapps?
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I have PA Gapps 3-08 running fine on recent Cyanogen Mod 11 port for the T330NU with no issue..
However the PA GAPPs developer (TKruzze) no longer makes GAPPs packages..
If you have the latest PA GAPPs, it should work..
halo12lol said:
based off aosp? edit- can flash pa gapps?
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Hi, i have included a micro package in OP. Read OP.
wire55 said:
I have attempted to connect my device to PC with this ROM installed but it fails to install MTP.
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W, hey okay i add mtp to my todo list though i don't own a computer that mtp would actually work on, so it'll be guesswork.
Also now that sound is sorted, i'll take a look at the magnetic cover thingamawhatzit. Though i like to turn my screen
on and off the old fashioned way. :silly:
You folks don't expect too much more, I do have other stuff I have to get to.
moonbutt74 said:
Hi, i have included a micro package in OP. Read OP.
W, hey okay i add mtp to my todo list though i don't own a computer that mtp would actually work on, so it'll be guesswork.
Also now that sound is sorted, i'll take a look at the magnetic cover thingamawhatzit. Though i like to turn my screen
on and off the old fashioned way. :silly:
You folks don't expect too much more, I do have other stuff I have to get to.
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Thank you for all your help. I understand you have thing to do, so you do what you feel is more important.
wire55 said:
Thank you for all your help. I understand you have thing to do, so you do what you feel is more important.
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Sure, i've never had a magnetic cover, the basic idea is closed screen off, and open screen on right ?
also can you test out bluetoothiness, keyboard, i've never done audio streaming so i don't know much to that end.
moonbutt74 said:
Sure, i've never had a magnetic cover, the basic idea is closed screen off, and open screen on right ?
also can you test out bluetoothiness, keyboard, i've never done audio streaming so i don't know much to that end.
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If I had a Bluetooth device I would test that for you but I don't have one.
---------- Post added at 04:19 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:18 AM ----------
And yes the the magnetic cover question. I will do all the testing with that if ya need me to
theme engine working? also want a video of ROM working if u can, thx.
edit - I'm happy to see that there is a person working on the t330nu. that means my money doesn't go to waste
edit 2 - the very much, I'm tired of seeing tricked up stock custom Roms?
halo12lol said:
theme engine working? also want a video of ROM working if u can, thx.
edit - I'm happy to see that there is a person working on the t330nu. that means my money doesn't go to waste
edit 2 - the very much, I'm tired of seeing tricked up stock custom Roms��
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No videos. This is a high [low] class [rent] operation I'm runnin here. xD
Now here's the kicker, after i get a final decent build, i'm going back to stock. Why?
[ploop] , nuff sed. xD
@moonbutt74 hey did anyone else have this problem or just me? When I charge my tablet it goes to 25 percent then it doesn't rise. I wake up in the morning its at 25 I restart and it kicks to 100..
zach61797 said:
@moonbutt74 hey did anyone else have this problem or just me? When I charge my tablet it goes to 25 percent then it doesn't rise. I wake up in the morning its at 25 I restart and it kicks to 100..
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hi, i have no issue but, i also maintain my tab regularly with sdmaid, you may need to clear out battery stats.
Also, are you running the rom with or without the kernel update? Lastly how many background processes do you
have running?
moonbutt74 said:
hi, i have no issue but, i also maintain my tab regularly with sdmaid, you may need to clear out battery stats.
Also, are you running the rom with or without the kernel update? Lastly how many background processes do you
have running?
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Ok 1. How do I clear the stats
2. I updated it today
3. Idk how many processes I have running how do I check?
zach61797 said:
Ok 1. How do I clear the stats
2. I updated it today
3. Idk how many processes I have running how do I check?
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hi again :silly:
you can run in terminal
also you can also connect via adb and run adb shell, then as root [su] run
i say to do that one through adb because it doesn't display correctly and is kind of unmanagable in the tab's
terminal window.
Also try modifying you performance settings, on the updated kernel you should be set to ondemand/cfq
moonbutt74 said:
hi again :silly:
you can run in terminal
also you can also connect via adb and run adb shell, then as root [su] run
i say to do that one through adb because it doesn't display correctly and is kind of unmanagable in the tab's
terminal window.
Also try modifying you performance settings, on the updated kernel you should be set to ondemand/cfq
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Okay thanks and speaking of performance why can't I overclock at all like it kicks it back down?
zach61797 said:
Okay thanks and speaking of performance why can't I overclock at all like it kicks it back down?
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Umm, because it's not overclocked.
Also skip the powertop approach, i forgot to config in the kernel, i'll get that in the next build.
I know nothing about overclocking, yet.
moonbutt74 said:
Umm, because it's not overclocked.
Also skip the powertop approach, i forgot to config in the kernel, i'll get that in the next build.
I know nothing about overclocking, yet.
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Okay thanks looking forward to updates for this rom. Also I was wondering.. For the ROMs for the t530 tabs like the cm12 one they now have. What would need to be done to get it booting... I heard all the ROMs with the same board need is a working kernel.. Idk if that's right but if it is would the kernel for this ROM get the cm 12 ROM booting or does it need a new one?
zach61797 said:
Okay thanks looking forward to updates for this rom. Also I was wondering.. For the ROMs for the t530 tabs like the cm12 one they now have. What would need to be done to get it booting... I heard all the ROMs with the same board need is a working kernel.. Idk if that's right but if it is would the kernel for this ROM get the cm 12 ROM booting or does it need a new one?
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For the most part that's somewhat true correct, however i haven't bothered because the roms are being packaged with the block setup
as opposed to the tried and true way and i just don't have the patience to unpack that setup and repack it.
To be truthful i think i've gotten addicted to this stuff in a slightly mentally unstable kind of way :silly:
And as such am running multiple projects at once, so if you want to chip in on trying that approach, downoad one of the
sm-t53xx builds, get it unpacked and repacked cm11 style and link me to it, a respectable site, not 4shared or dumbass gator
or any place like that, and i'll see what i can do. my current attempts with bliss keep breaking at camerawrapper issues and gps issues.
moonbutt74 said:
For the most part that's somewhat true correct, however i haven't bothered because the roms are being packaged with the block setup
as opposed to the tried and true way and i just don't have the patience to unpack that setup and repack it.
To be truthful i think i've gotten addicted to this stuff in a slightly mentally unstable kind of way :silly:
And as such am running multiple projects at once, so if you want to chip in on trying that approach, downoad one of the
sm-t53xx builds, get it unpacked and repacked cm11 style and link me to it, a respectable site, not 4shared or dumbass gator
or any place like that, and i'll see what i can do. my current attempts with bliss keep breaking at camerawrapper issues and gps issues.
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Id love to waste time to get it working but I'm no developer by any means... I will do some googling and see if I can... I love to waste time on this stuff so thanks for the info I will message u if I am anywhere near successful... If you have any good links to show how to do it it would be very helpful. Thanks

