[Q&A] MIUI V5 Question and Answer thread - Nexus 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

The purpose of this thread is to help people to solve their problems using the new MIUI ROM. By using this thread, we will keep the other thread clean and let developers work calmly, and more efectively.
So let's go, I will try to stay here, to see if I can help people solving their MIUI related problems.
Thank u everybody!!!

The pin bug
Any helper could verify that this bug is solved with:
adb shell
cd data/system
rm password.key

I understand that Franco's kernel was adapted to work with MIUI. Would you mind telling me how this was done? I would like to use these Franco kernel builds: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2307463 as well as (possibly) bricked kernel, and trinity kernel.
Thank you for your time,
Connor Baker

Connor Baker said:
I understand that Franco's kernel was adapted to work with MIUI. Would you mind telling me how this was done? I would like to use these Franco kernel builds: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2307463 as well as (possibly) bricked kernel, and trinity kernel.
Thank you for your time,
Connor Baker
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I did not port it, dude, I am really sorry, I don't know how to do it..

Connor Baker said:
I understand that Franco's kernel was adapted to work with MIUI. Would you mind telling me how this was done? I would like to use these Franco kernel builds: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2307463 as well as (possibly) bricked kernel, and trinity kernel.
Thank you for your time,
Connor Baker
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need edit boot.img, bricked kernel, moley kernel, faux kernel can use miui, i using faux kernel
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2

luiseteyo said:
The pin bug
Any helper could verify that this bug is solved with:
adb shell
cd data/system
rm password.key
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I can't confirm if this works or not but if you want to shorten it down you can run the single line to get the same effect
adb shell rm /data/system/password.key
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app

tathanhlam66 said:
need edit boot.img, bricked kernel, moley kernel, faux kernel can use miui, i using faux kernel
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
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So they naturally have support for MIUI? Or do you still have to edit the boot.img to get them to work? If so, do you know of a guide that I could use?
Connor Baker

Any kernel that is modded to work with MIUI needs to have a link to the source code posted with all changes properly documented,

I've been messing with it for a bit now and here are some glaring issues I see off the bat that I haven't solved yet.
1) Gallery issues. Not only are there two of them, but neither of them is reading my old pictures.
2) The popular browser bug. FCs every time you open it, even if you follow a link.
3) Does not properly mount as storage when connected via USB.
Other than that the battery life seems to be alright, not a whole lot that isn't working that they already don't know about either.
EDIT: So just to give an update.
1) I'm able to remove the extra gallery via root uninstall. And by manually initiating the media scanner you can get your pictures to reappear. There is an app called rescan media in the market that will do this for you.
2) Other browsers from the market work fine. So not a huge deal to work around while they fix it.
3) Still can't solve the mounting problem. I couldn't mess with it too much because it wasnt my PC.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using XDA Premium HD app

Chomanator said:
I've been messing with it for a bit now and here are some glaring issues I see off the bat that I haven't solved yet.
1) Gallery issues. Not only are there two of them, but neither of them is reading my old pictures.
2) The popular browser bug. FCs every time you open it, even if you follow a link.
3) Does not properly mount as storage when connected via USB.
Other than that the battery life seems to be alright, not a whole lot that isn't working that they already don't know about either.
EDIT: So just to give an update.
1) I'm able to remove the extra gallery via root uninstall. And by manually initiating the media scanner you can get your pictures to reappear. There is an app called rescan media in the market that will do this for you.
2) Other browsers from the market work fine. So not a huge deal to work around while they fix it.
3) Still can't solve the mounting problem. I couldn't mess with it too much because it wasnt my PC.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using XDA Premium HD app
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1. Install gapps.Both gallery working fine for me
2. Use some other browser
3.Again working absolutely fine for me

I flashed the russian MIUI Rom yesterday and let it charge whole night but now my n4 has only 25% battery and is extremely hot, Battery solo widget says 39°C.
anyone knows about any wake locks in this rom?

How i can change chrome's icon and how can i set chrome as default browser
Sorry for bad English

safademirel said:
How i can change chrome's icon and how can i set chrome as default browser
Sorry for bad English
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I just deleted the miui browser apk
Sent from my Nexus⁴

Any one have any luck changing launcher DPI
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium

Re : Miui rom
So far just having minor bug only..
Browser FC, hopefully next update Fix ..
PlayStore old version but can manually install new version..
About phone show 1.2 quad core , it should be 1.5 quad core..
Anyway pretty like MIUI rom.. Using stock MIUI kernel so far no problem with battery life..
1st release sure have a bit bug..
so we just waiting for better relase in feature..

I'm using the miui android version with there slim gapps and so far everything I use has worked. No FC's of any kind.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium


[ROM][JB 4.1.1] Monfro Aosp 23.09.2012 (extremely smooth)

This is a pure AOSP rom: it has no extra features so it can be snappy and smooth at maximum level.
Indeed the goal of this rom is to be as fast as possible.
- CM10 partition layout (422mb for data)
- Devil Kernel 1.4.1 VC (new kernels with new CM vsync available as addon)
- Devil Kernel Config included (and a init.d script generated with this program, to have everything set up stable at the beginning. If you set bigmem, before reboot remember to set 480 in videocamera settings, otherwise camera app will crash with bigmem). I suggest to install also NSTools, to have more overclocking and BLN options.
- GAPPS (updated to latest) are included
- I SUGGEST A FULL WIPE BEFORE INSTALLING THIS ROM, because added features from CM10, Helly Bean, AOKP and other roms can conflict with pure AOSP settings and functions
MD5: 086981af9bd829a742d2d34dd3652b81
- Battery % Mod CM style
- Battery % Mod Perka Newborn
- Battery Mod restore original icon
- Devil Kernel 1.5.2 + new CM vsync
- Semaphore Kernel 2.1.2 + new CM vsync
Here you can find a lot of compatible modems/radio
- MonfroWhite by sephhi
@ALL: feel free to post mods and themes. I will add them to the 1st post
It took me a lot to upload this rom.
It was ready and working perfectly on 21.09.2012...all today i was out and i could upload it only now.
Monfro said:
It took me a lot to upload this rom.
It was ready and working perfectly on 21.09.2012...all today i was out and i could upload it only now.
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will give it a try.....thank you!
Great work! Appreciate the effort for another AOSP
Looks like I've got another ROM to try out... it will have to be tomorrow though...
Sent from my SGH-I897 using XDA
LOVE the toggle customization. Little laggy on first running overall but so far so good.
It's official, I'm in love! Soft keyboard type option in messages so I can "Enter for new line" and not have that dumbass key!!! THANK YOU
AceofSpades90 said:
Great work! Appreciate the effort for another AOSP
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I have to say thank you, because your Lanight rom showed me how fast AOSP roms are, as you can see from my enthusiastic comment of 20.09.2012.
But on Lanight 4.0 there were some glitches, for this reason i decided to work on an AOSP rom. I see that you worked to fix Lanight while i was working here: if i would have seen your new rom build, probably i wouldn't have worked on my AOSP.
joe3681 said:
LOVE the toggle customization. Little laggy on first running overall but so far so good.
It's official, I'm in love! Soft keyboard type option in messages so I can "Enter for new line" and not have that dumbass key!!! THANK YOU
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Message app is from CM: it works better than AOSP one.
AOSP message let you enter messages only of 160 letters, for this reason i decided to substitute it with CM one.
cant get radio working.....
Wifi and signal are not opening. Looked around but didnt see any other radios available? Am i looking in the wrong place? (in this forum) Other than that the rom looks great, but until I can get my wifi working i cant get a full picture of what this rom will be like... I am going to do some more reading. had this problem before, but flashed a radio and everything was good. Now I cant seem to find one. Call me an idiot if you will, just need some direction on where to go from here. The website i used last time has radios for ics but not JB.
Also shell was not given SU permissions. Bad flash maybe?
Thanks in advance....
Poke01 said:
Wifi and signal are not opening. Looked around but didnt see any other radios available? Am i looking in the wrong place? (in this forum) Other than that the rom looks great, but until I can get my wifi working i cant get a full picture of what this rom will be like... I am going to do some more reading. had this problem before, but flashed a radio and everything was good. Now I cant seem to find one. Call me an idiot if you will, just need some direction on where to go from here. The website i used last time has radios for ics but not JB.
Also shell was not given SU permissions. Bad flash maybe?
Thanks in advance....
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Here you can find a lot of compatible modems/radio, find the one that works best in your area:
If you have problems with SuperUser, try SuperSU from Play Store.
Updated first post with modems/radio link and battery % mods.
@ALL: feel free to post mods and themes. I will add them to the 1st post
Added mods to flash latest Devil and Semaphore kernels + new CM vsync
Your cappy looks promising because you are a recognized Dev. seems your also using same partition layout as of hellybeans that why can't flash this cappy on my captivate as I'm using broken sd device.
Sent from my SGH-I897 using XDA
s0ul_ali said:
Your cappy looks promising because you are a recognized Dev. seems your also using same partition layout as of hellybeans that why can't flash this cappy on my captivate as I'm using broken sd device.
Sent from my SGH-I897 using XDA
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This rom uses the same layout as CM10: 422mb on fastest nand for data and the rest (slow nand) for system.
I am sorry you can't try this rom. I have read here and there about people with broken internal SD but i didn't entered in details.
another AOSP rom to test...nice......will test it soon.....
Monfro said:
Here you can find a lot of compatible modems/radio, find the one that works best in your area:
If you have problems with SuperUser, try SuperSU from Play Store.
Updated first post with modems/radio link and battery % mods.
@ALL: feel free to post mods and themes. I will add them to the 1st post
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I've been on xda long enough, but I'm drawing a blank at the moment. If my WiFi isn't turning on, would changing the modem affect that?
My Captivate has been relegated to my backup device, almost always used on WiFi.
From what I've played with on this rom, I like it a lot. Keep up the great work!
I have had similar issues with other JB AOSP roms with CM10 base. If I understand it correctly, it is due to the datadata partition that is included with this base (data partition table messes up the Kernel or something). To my knowledge there is no work around for this. Some of the AOSP roms here (LANIGHT for example) have a nodatadata version which solves the problem.
Hope this helps!
Poke01 said:
Wifi and signal are not opening. Looked around but didnt see any other radios available? Am i looking in the wrong place? (in this forum) Other than that the rom looks great, but until I can get my wifi working i cant get a full picture of what this rom will be like... I am going to do some more reading. had this problem before, but flashed a radio and everything was good. Now I cant seem to find one. Call me an idiot if you will, just need some direction on where to go from here. The website i used last time has radios for ics but not JB.
Also shell was not given SU permissions. Bad flash maybe?
Thanks in advance....
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Sagui said:
I have had similar issues with other JB AOSP roms with CM10 base. If I understand it correctly, it is due to the datadata partition that is included with this base (data partition table messes up the Kernel or something). To my knowledge there is no work around for this. Some of the AOSP roms here (LANIGHT for example) have a nodatadata version which solves the problem.
Hope this helps!
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To enable wifi try these 2 methods:
1. turn on Bluetooth, reboot, activate wifi and now it works.
2. activate wifi, turn on Bluetooth, reboot and now wifi works
Sent from my Captivate
Monfro said:
To enable wifi try these 2 methods:
1. turn on Bluetooth, reboot, activate wifi and now it works.
2. activate wifi, turn on Bluetooth, reboot and now wifi works
Sent from my Captivate
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Method 1 worked for me....Awesome! Thanks!
tried downloading the file and my antivirus went crazy lol .....
Zero4 said:
Method 1 worked for me....Awesome! Thanks!
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So the problem comes from the Bluetooth kill function in devil kernel, which kills also wifi.
I suggest to disable devil idle and deep idle and to leave "enable Bluetooth " in devil kernel config app.
MrSwiss876 said:
tried downloading the file and my antivirus went crazy lol .....
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It is because of superuser, but there are no viruses inside the zip.
Sent from my Captivate
Flashing!! :fingers-crossed:
Hey Monfro, how is going the battery life so far ?

[DEV][JB] AOKP 'Jellaxy' Release 26.10.2012 (Build 5)

This is AOKP 'Jellaxy' for Galaxy Ace​
This is compiled from Sources for Gio by erikcas and adapted to Galaxy Ace. Due to the fact that these devices are so near to each other, only the really 'device dependant' files and the kernel have been replaced.
Download from HERE
Take it from downloadpage from our website
(see links page there for gapps, performance scripts and a howto by hrk, to free up space)
For installation and tweaking instructions read my CM10 thread here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1874920
Wayland_Ace (for working camera !)
CyanogenMod team
my Coffee machine and me
NOT working on this moment:
Live Wallpapers
Native USB tethering
Native Wifi tethering
HQ Video Playback (need qualcomm libs for JB for that which they are not willing to release)
26.10.2012 Build5
camera working, deepsleep solved
network location working, deepsleep solved
Build5 / Android 4.1.2
WaylandAces CameraHAL. Minor problems which will be fixed
Many changes by TheWhisp (camera / CRT and many other things)
changed RIL class
Calculator fixed
added zipalign binary for script support
added support for 'userinit.sh' scripts
'build.prop' tweaks from Supercharger
Network Location: For working network location you have to flash latest gapps provided by KonstaT from here http://www.modaco.com/topic/355903-devrom1710-cyanogenmod-10-android-412/ If it does not work first, than reboot and/or reconfigure weather settings in 'ROM Control' settings. You should be able to have weather on your lockscreen based on your actual position.
--- reserved ---
has it google play?
screen always turn on after CRT-animation...
lagloose power off delay needed to remove as crt off anim looks weird in aokp without it
thanks for aokp
In thi rom there isn't a music player ,but very good rom smooth and with a lot of features.I love the superSU :fingers-crossed::fingers-crossed:
Clock FC when trying to set an alarm, this is a big bug, if anyone can verify this, maybe im wrong?
Lagloose can we use the performance package also for our ace or is it only for galaxy fit or mini (i dont know which it is )
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda premium
Good rom, just few questions... first why there are 2 launchers?? In trebuchet there is overlapping issue so nova it is . Next in rom control i'm missing 2g/3g toggle while in other aokp there is.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
dhalham said:
Clock FC when trying to set an alarm, this is a big bug, if anyone can verify this, maybe im wrong?
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I dont get fc in setting alarm. Damn changed from cm10 jellaxy to this AOKP and im ... no words lagloose! Keep the real good work :thumbup:
Even more fresh our Ace
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda app-developers app
Michie's A2SDX not working here. Created the EXT4 partition (1GB), flashed the zip through CWM, got a positive result, but nothing changed under Settings -> Storage. Even tried to flash it twice, got the same positive result, but no extra space again.
EDIT: A2SDX FROM MICHIE IS WORKING. Just needed to reflash.
Got stuck on boot animation after flashing Michie's Performance Package, although I got a positive result in CWM. Over 10 minutes waiting.
Also, tried to flash gapps, the only new apps are Play Store, Talk and Voice search.
As people mentioned above, screen goes on again, for less than a second, after locking it with the lock button. It doesn't happen if you wait the sleep time. It does happen if you wait the sleep time, but on lockscreen (without unlocking the phone). Weird.
Also mentioned above, there's a weird overlapping from the home screen apps over the dock (it gets worse if you enable the navigation bar). I see no reason for a 3rd party launcher, but while this isn't fixed, I'm going with Nova.
In general, this is a great job. Nice config options from AOKP, less buggy than my first CM10 attempt, and a bit faster than CM10 (could be placebo, though).
Keep up this awesome work!!
dhalham said:
Clock FC when trying to set an alarm, this is a big bug, if anyone can verify this, maybe im wrong?
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The same bug for me :S
Enviado desde mi GT-S5830
Wait, aren't the performance packages for Cm10 and AOKP different? If you've flashed the Cm10 one, it's got a patched framework, amid other things, so it won't work with AOKP, for reasons evident.
AOKP performance package do not work.
Anyway what do you guys think is smoother, this or CM10?
USB Mass Storage
Hi, can someone help me please how to connect my Ace with PC?
When I connect USB cable the phone its charging but I dont know how can I transfer data? There is no pop-up menu like in CM
And there is not option to connect to Google account is that correct?
Edit: Gsync is ok now but phone (calls and sms) not working for me - only me?
Atm the bug that i had was charging battery this whole night, and was only 93% . Not even charging again i could get 100%. Someone faced same problem? Very fast room and good costumization
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda app-developers app
dhalham said:
AOKP performance package do not work.
Anyway what do you guys think is smoother, this or CM10?
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Didn't check, but this could be again because there's not much space left on /system after installing gapps....
4r4n0r said:
Hi, can someone help me please how to connect my Ace with PC?
When I connect USB cable the phone its charging but I dont know how can I transfer data? There is no pop-up menu like in CM
And there is not option to connect to Google account is that correct?
(sorry for this noob questions in Dev thread but there i sno other place to ask ATM)
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System settings -> developer options -> android debugging
---------- Post added at 09:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:50 PM ----------
Drumlistik said:
Atm the bug that i had was charging battery this whole night, and was only 93% . Not even charging again i could get 100%. Someone faced same problem? Very fast room and good costumization
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda app-developers app
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My battery went to 100% maybe you have to reset battery statistics in CWM
johnny fart pants said:
System settings -> developer options -> android debugging
---------- Post added at 09:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:50 PM ----------
My battery went to 100% maybe you have to reset battery statistics in CWM
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I will try thx for help
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda app-developers app
Thanks, but this does not work for me.. The phone is charging but no data transfer possible.. (there is no other sign that the the phone is connected to the PC)
Any other idea please?

Paranoid Android for SGH-I757M

New Thread
mic2012 said:
Paranoid Android for SGH-I757M thanks to Socim
PA2.99 22NOV2012 for i757m
Needs wipe data before upgrading from cm10. Sorry guys, I don't own an i757m so haven't tested it.
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Was this rom built using the paranoid android port guide?
Definitely a HUGE thanks to Socim!! The Paranoid rom is working really well on my phone. Only 1 reboot during initial setup with an up time of 45h. Very stable.
Thread needs to be retitled look at cm9 or Cm10 thread title for format. If not following proper thread title etiquette for custom roms we may get locked by mod.
Screenshots are a big + for rom thread, list of features.
List of working and non working elements of the rom with current release. Ensure this remains updated with each build.
Sent from my SGH-I757M using Tapatalk 2
I have just transferred my data to new hard disk and it cost me two days.
Hopefully new build will be uploaded later today. With new kernel config it should be highly stable, many thanks to dr4stic. My phone haven't met any reboot for 52hrs.
Socim said:
I have just transferred my data to new hard disk and it cost me two days.
Hopefully new build will be uploaded later today. With new kernel config it should be highly stable, many thanks to dr4stic. My phone haven't met any reboot for 52hrs.
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Looking forward to trying it.
Sent from my SGH-I757M using xda app-developers app
Thanks for the updated ROM Socim. Just downloading and flashing now.
Quick Q - has anyone tried the Gapps version 20121011? Goo Manager informed me an update was available and I have downloaded it, but haven't flashed it yet.
4runner10 said:
Thanks for the updated ROM Socim. Just downloading and flashing now.
Quick Q - has anyone tried the Gapps version 20121011? Goo Manager informed me an update was available and I have downloaded it, but haven't flashed it yet.
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When I had PA installed, I did the gapps update with no issues.
Sent from my SGH-I757M using xda app-developers app
I am still having some random reboot when I try to light up the screen from idle. But otherwise everything work fine and fast. ROM look amazing
Everything was great for me too... No reboots for 2 days, but what I did experience is lockups and slowdowns. I tried modifying cpu thresholds to no avail. Also had camera probs.
Really cool rom, I hope it gets support in the future to make totally stable... For now, had to revert back to 0829 cm9...stable stable land! Haha
unclephil said:
I am still having some random reboot when I try to light up the screen from idle. But otherwise everything work fine and fast. ROM look amazing
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Weird, I've never encountered that issue. I assume you did a complete clean install of the Paranoid rom? Maybe get cat log running and log the event if it happens, I hear that helps devs track down the issue. Are any specific apps running when these reboots occur?
been running this ROM for around 24 hours noticed around 4 or 5 random resets and am still having the issue with instagram and youtube controls being put in the background. Otherwise the build is quite reliable and very snappy, Thanks for the effort!
The reboot for me only occurs during screen unlock. I have remove the patern unclock and since then did not see any reboot. Will let you know tomorrow the result
Update: I got another reboot this morning without any lock active. Will try another fresh install to see

Official MIUI V5 for ME860 and MB860

Hello XDA,
(I'm posting this link here because I don't have enough posts to reply to the [ROM] MIUI v5 3.7.19 English thread.)
I was browsing the English MIUI website today and found that the Motorola Atrix 4G was listed as a supported device! :victory:
Official ROM package: http://en.miui.com/download-48.html
Kernel update package: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/s1am14hv1463bse/kcTzU7sneq or do it yourself instructions: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=50270128&postcount=35
Basic soft keyboard: http://storage.evozi.com/apk/dl/13/...ard.apk?h=2w9QQkC1civRGTlZnZ_1kw&t=1393030263 (you'll need this, or another soft keyboard APK of your choice, because this ROM does not come with a soft keyboard!)
Google Apps package: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2482592 (search for "gapps core" on that page)
It's meant for the international version (ME860) but I think it should work it works on the US version (MB860) just fine.
sunaku said:
Hello XDA,
(I'm posting this link here because I don't have enough posts to reply to the [ROM] MIUI v5 3.7.19 English thread.)
I was browsing the English MIUI website today and found that the Motorola Atrix 4G was listed as a supported device! :victory:
Here is the link: http://en.miui.com/download-48.html
It's meant for the international version (ME860) but I think it should work on the US version (MB860) just fine.
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I'll definitely try this one out. I love MIUI.
interesting... will have to give it a try and see what works and doesn't
prince_of_darkness666 said:
interesting... will have to give it a try and see what works and doesn't
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Most of it seems to work, camera works, 1080P works on it, not sure about the Flash. Here is the status pages.
There is also an update on the updates page to 4.1.10 but I am not on WiFi. But all seems to work so far for me, I just can't figure out how to get the play store to work.
Also, it looks like it's actually for the MB not the ME.
Just a quick question since I'm a little lost. Miui is actually based on Android like CM right? So wouldn't it have the same bugs as cm 10.1? Like flash not working perfectly and stuff like that?
Sent from my MB860 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
prince_of_darkness666 said:
Just a quick question since I'm a little lost. Miui is actually based on Android like CM right? So wouldn't it have the same bugs as cm 10.1? Like flash not working perfectly and stuff like that?
Sent from my MB860 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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My Flash seems to not work, unless you auto focus, it won't trigger on it's own.
Edit, Correction, my horrible explanation of this, if Focus is set to auto in settings, it will Flash with Automatic Flash when it needs it. the Flash Seems to be extremely strong though.
Downloading now
will post results :laugh::good:
Hi guys everything apparently works fine however I am unable to install gapps so I can't actually test apps because of no playstore
i installed it and my phone started to restart every time i turn it on, i have the atrix 4g from at&t (MB860)
works but...
this rom is a hit and miss restarts a minute or so whenever I go in settings. random reboots. would not recommend for daily use. tested on at&t atrix 4g. kernel version 3.1.10 dec 11.
jammin20 said:
this rom is a hit and miss restarts a minute or so whenever I go in settings. random reboots. would not recommend for daily use. tested on at&t atrix 4g. kernel version 3.1.10 dec 11.
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hi i never had any random reboots at all it was only the gapps problem
Taking a quick look at the source code of the kernel I noticed that the gpu is overclocked at 600mhz, could that be the cause of the reboots? I haven't got any reboot yet and I'm not a kernel expert so I can't assure that...
You can find the source code of the kernel here: https://github.com/shminer/android_kernel_motorola_olympus-jz
Reiki21 said:
Taking a quick look at the source code of the kernel I noticed that the gpu is overclocked at 600mhz, could that be the cause of the reboots? I haven't got any reboot yet and I'm not a kernel expert so I can't assure that...
You can find the source code of the kernel here: https://github.com/shminer/android_kernel_motorola_olympus-jz
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Nope, GPU is at 300Mhz.
I see, my bad. Thought it was by looking at tegra2_clocks.c and tegra2_dvfs.c :|
A bit offtopic but what application are you using to see the gpu frequency?
Reiki21 said:
I see, my bad. Thought it was by looking at tegra2_clocks.c and tegra2_dvfs.c :|
A bit offtopic but what application are you using to see the gpu frequency?
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This one http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2600452
I tried the 4.1.24 release of this ROM (filename: miui_me860_santajin_4.1.24_2d6ed01966_4.2.zip) and it flashes correctly using ClockworkMod.
However, during first boot (after it optimizes 122 Android apps) it repeatedly shows the MIUI logo and pulses the LED with a red color.
Is this what is known as a "boot loop"?
Red light pulse usually means low battery. Try turning the phone off and connecting the wall charger for a few hours and then wipe and flash again
Sent from my MB860 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
prince_of_darkness666 said:
Red light pulse usually means low battery. Try turning the phone off and connecting the wall charger for a few hours and then wipe and flash again
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Thanks! I tried your suggestion and the red LED does not pulse anymore. :good:
But it still gets stuck in the boot loop after "optimizing" 122 Android apps.
Update: I did "reset factory user data" in CWM and now I get past the boot loop! :highfive:
Glad to hear you got it working
Sent from my MB860 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Now that MIUI was working, the next thing I needed was Google apps --- particularly the Play Store so I could install more apps.
I tried gapps packages from MIUI v5 ROM for Atrix 4G and epinter's CM 10.1 but they both had problems, such as the Play Store would force close.
Finally, I tried the gapps package from MIUI for Atrix HD (yeah, I know, it's a different phone) and it worked! :victory:

ROMS, Kernels, Mods, Xposed Modules RETAIL N910V Vz Model converted to DEV

Now Officially @beaups and @ryanbg share kindly the possibility of change our retail models N910V to DEV edition, people is searching new options to make their experience better and give a new life to N910V phone, I believe in share knowledge, that’s the main objective of make a big community like XDA, those with previous models have experienced with that options before but for people with his first approach to Root and Unlock Bootloader, they don’t know where to start or what to do with these new possibilities, Please if you want to share something try to paste a link or other kind of source where people could start with, feel free to discuss anything just be polite and keep chat clean
I recommend to give a point of view like (battery life, reason why you believe this ROM rocks or don’t like it, mods that come with, etc.) REMEMBER there aren’t bad ROMS, or one better than another, it´s just we all are different something that works for you maybe won´t work for me
Music MODE (Awesome sound)
Xposed Framework (Samsung one different from Rovos)
Happy Flashing!
Rom- I highly recommend Kyubi! It has all of the note 5 features and is highly stable..
Sent from my SM-N920F using Tapatalk
MatroxD said:
Rom- I highly recommend Kyubi! Outs got all of the note 5 features and is highly stable..
Sent from my SM-N920F using Tapatalk
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Did you find any troubles, i belive i read about a data fix flash and some other things that wont work, i definitely want to try it because i love themes and unfortunately ROMS not even Marshmallow Stock (cyanogenmod has own themes) could be able to access to samsung themes so its a good suggestion thanks!
EdrickMG said:
Did you find any troubles, i belive i read about a data fix flash and some other things that wont work, i definitely want to try it because i love themes and unfortunately ROMS not even Marshmallow Stock (cyanogenmod has own themes) could be able to access to samsung themes so its a good suggestion thanks!
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If there is anything, I'm not seeing it to be honest.. It's a pretty amazing Rom.. And I applied the data fix successfully. What is the issue with the data fix supposed to be?
Sent from my SM-N920F using Tapatalk
I second the kyubi rom with textra as a mms replacement. If it has overclock it would be perfect.
MatroxD said:
If there is anything, I'm not seeing it to be honest.. It's a pretty amazing Rom.. And I applied the data fix successfully. What is the issue with the data fix supposed to be?
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Oh no trouble just people who forget about flash it could run into troubles but if you follow correctly and flash it I don't think there is any trouble at all,
Jasmine roms suggest a "Turning Kernel tool" call kernel adiutor from Google Play for some people experiencing troubles with emotion kernel, if any devs out there or themers of roms could tune kernels could modified emotion to overclock or either fix emotion to run smoother
EdrickMG said:
Oh no trouble just people who forget about flash it could run into troubles but if you follow correctly and flash it I don't think there is any trouble at all,
Jasmine roms suggest a "Turning Kernel tool" call kernel adiutor from Google Play for some people experienced troubles with emotion kernel, some devs out there or themers of roms could tune kernels I'm not experiencing any troubles with emotion kernel but some people reporting they do
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Yeah, I'm not having any issues either.. Lol, just having issues with getting that viper driver installed.. Lol, do you have a link? And the version, etc? I installed the free busybox, but it's saying it isn't correct?
And ahhh. I see on the data fix . Yes,I just installed the rom, cleared the cache, then immediately installed the data fix...
Sent from my SM-N920F using Tapatalk
MatroxD said:
Yeah, I'm not having any issues either.. Lol, just having issues with getting that viper driver installed.. Lol, do you have a link? And the version, etc? I installed the free busybox, but it's saying it isn't correct?
And ahhh. I see on the data fix . Yes,I just installed the rom, cleared the cache, then immediately installed the data fix...
Sent from my SM-N920F using Tapatalk
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There is a fix on viper.... Driver is not fully compatible you need to modified system/ with a Explorer but... I belive someone on s7 forum did a flashable workaround, I did it old style way modifying with a root Explorer but a friend of mine told me that the flashable fix work fine without doing all washy washy moves .. On all samsung equipment, do it bro sound is amazing with it.. Bass is back on!!!
Enviado desde mi SM-N910V mediante Tapatalk
EdrickMG said:
There is a fix on viper.... Driver is not fully compatible you need to modified system/ with a Explorer but... I belive someone on s7 forum did a flashable workaround, I did it old style way modifying with a root Explorer but a friend of mine told me that the flashable fix work fine without doing all washy washy moves .. On all samsung equipment, do it bro sound is amazing with it.. Bass is back on!!!
Enviado desde mi SM-N910V mediante Tapatalk
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Ok, let me see if I can find it...
Sent from my SM-N920F using Tapatalk
MatroxD said:
Ok, let me see if I can find it...
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There you go
After that install drivers normally, restart and bingo viper4android running smooth
EdrickMG said:
There you go
After that install drivers normally, restart and bingo viper4android running smooth
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Cool, thanks much.. It still didn't work fir me, but meh... Lol.. No biggie...
Sent from my SM-N920F using Tapatalk
MatroxD said:
Cool, thanks much.. It still didn't work fir me, but meh... Lol.. No biggie...
Sent from my SM-N920F using Tapatalk
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Quick question, did you install super debloated note 5 port ? or the regular one, im downloading but i want to be sure the most stable one...is the one im actually downloading
EdrickMG said:
Quick question, did you install super debloated note 5 port ? or the regular one, im downloading but i want to be sure the most stable one...is the one im actually downloading
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I downloaded the light debloated one. It's very stable, just going through a bit of battery right now..
Sent from my SM-N920F using Tapatalk
Wrong thread !
@MatroxD I was having the same issue on Jasmine ROM. This worked for me to get the driver installed. Go to your Super SU app then go to settings scroll down to Mount Namespace Seperation and UNcheck the box and reboot. Also make sure you have busybox installed. I still can't get it to work but at least my driver is installed now. I think my problem is trying to remember how to set up my music player. I use Poweramp and I remember from my S5 days there are certain thins to do in settings on Poweramp.
?If someone helps you, plz thank them?
Sent from my Tab S SM-T700
stajam said:
@MatroxD I was having the same issue on Jasmine ROM. This worked for me to get the driver installed. Go to your Super SU app then go to settings scroll down to Mount Namespace Seperation and UNcheck the box and reboot. Also make sure you have busybox installed. I still can't get it to work but at least my driver is installed now. I think my problem is trying to remember how to set up my music player. I use Poweramp and I remember from my S5 days there are certain thins to do in settings on Poweramp.
?If someone helps you, plz thank them?
Sent from my Tab S SM-T700
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Your awesome dude! It worked and as easy as just what you said! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Sent from my SM-N920F using Tapatalk
No problem bro, after all, we are all here to help one another.
?If someone helps you, plz thank them?
Sent from my Tab S SM-T700
---------- Post added at 11:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:44 PM ----------
stajam said:
@MatroxD I was having the same issue on Jasmine ROM. This worked for me to get the driver installed. Go to your Super SU app then go to settings scroll down to Mount Namespace Seperation and UNcheck the box and reboot. Also make sure you have busybox installed. I still can't get it to work but at least my driver is installed now. I think my problem is trying to remember how to set up my music player. I use Poweramp and I remember from my S5 days there are certain thins to do in settings on Poweramp.
?If someone helps you, plz thank them?
Sent from my Tab S SM-T700
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I finally got mine working now. I just uninstalled the driver and cleared the data on the app then rebooted the phone, install the driver again, rebooted the phone and all is working now.
Now I just need to find some decent irs files.
?If someone helps you, plz thank them?
MatroxD said:
Rom- I highly recommend Kyubi! It has all of the note 5 features and is highly stable..
Sent from my SM-N920F using Tapatalk
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Which files did you use? The thread wouldn't let me open the links on the OP from the XDA app. I found some, from googling, but wanna make sure they're the right ones so I don't brick.
Sent from my SM-N910V using XDA-Developers mobile app
InfantryMarc said:
Which files did you use? The thread wouldn't let me open the links on the OP from the XDA app. I found some, from googling, but wanna make sure they're the right ones so I don't brick.
Sent from my SM-N910V using XDA-Developers mobile app
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I installed the light debloated version along with the data fix.. And I also had to copy the link and open through browser..
Sent from my SM-N920F using Tapatalk
