[Help] Focus HW Rev 1.4 not able to update latest mango - Focus General

I bought focus unlocked from ebay.in. When i check on back side found my focus HW rev is 1.4. I am not able to upgrade my focus to latest mango 7720 even with force zune update. i m stuck on 7392. Please help

For now, you're stuck but AT&T promised an update for 1.4 very soon.
Before anyone else shouts at the moon about this, remember who created the issue, as someone nicely said in the last post here.
Good news is that Focus Mango update for revision 1.4 is scheduled for end of October, which means it's on the way. Read here and here.
rev 1.4(LSI) : Update has not entered the AT&T SPE lab yet; however, Samsung is targeting for 10/17 lab entry and 10/31 TA

Hi, I too purchased the Samsung Focus from eBay.in. It's HW Rev 1.4 too. It is supposed to be factory unlocked, so how does AT&T come into picture here?

shishirdbhat said:
Hi, I too purchased the Samsung Focus from eBay.in. It's HW Rev 1.4 too. It is supposed to be factory unlocked, so how does AT&T come into picture here?
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All carriers have a list of the IMEI of the phones they sold and they share the database with Microsoft. When you connect to Zune, the MS database tells Zune that the phone belongs to carrier X and checks if the carrier has released the update (has given the OK). The carrier updates the database with the IMEIs supposed to get the update.
For a clearer picture, when you connect your phone in Zune it goes like this:
- Zune sends OS/hardware info to "MS Server 1"
- MS server 1 responds: yes there is an update for this OS/hardware
- Zune sends request to "MS server 2": is the phone's IMEI in the carrier allowed database?
- MS server 2 responds. if the answer is yes then you will get the update in Zune.
MS Server 1 checks update availability against hardware/OS
MS Server 2 checks the phone's IMEI against carrier's database
This is why Focus 1.4 update has been delayed by AT&T. MS Server 1 responds yes, there is an update but the carrier database doesn't have the IMEIs.

Thanks a lot for the detailed reply! So, I'll just have to wait till AT&T rolls out the update.
If I could bother you with one more thing - I can access the web marketplace for India, but I can't access it on the phone (it is on version 7392). Is there any workaround on Zune (the registry hack doesn't work anymore) that will get me access to this without Mango update?

shishirdbhat said:
Thanks a lot for the detailed reply! So, I'll just have to wait till AT&T rolls out the update.
If I could bother you with one more thing - I can access the web marketplace for India, but I can't access it on the phone (it is on version 7392). Is there any workaround on Zune (the registry hack doesn't work anymore) that will get me access to this without Mango update?
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It means that the regional settings on your PC are not set to India. You need to go to "Region and Language" in Control Panel in Windowns 7 (or equivalent) and set the country and related settings to India. It should work after that.

I should have been clearer. I meant I can see that there is an Indian marketplace where I can buy apps in Indian currency, but I can't access it via the phone or Zune. In Zune help section I saw that there is a tab for marketplace but it's missing on mine. All my location settings - laptop, phone and live ID are set to India.
The phone is amazing as it is, without Mango (I installed a 16GB MicroSD card in it) and only the marketplace is missing. That's why I was wondering if there was any workaround like the registry fix to access it.

I think I've read somewhere around the forum that what you ask is not possible but it's not my area, maybe someone else can help you.

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shishirdbhat said:
Hi, I too purchased the Samsung Focus from eBay.in. It's HW Rev 1.4 too. It is supposed to be factory unlocked, so how does AT&T come into picture here?
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Could you please tell me the name of the seller on ebay.in from whom you purchased your Focus? I am planning to purchase one too, and I don't want to end up with rev 1.4.


SMS time wrong on Rogers (Canada)

I have a TouchHD imported (of course) into Canada. The SMS works fine...but when I receive messages they are all 5 hours behind (my timezone).
When they arrive on my motorola, they are perfect time. So it's a phone thing...not a rogers thing.
Anyone know how to force the SMS messages to be offset by a timezone amount?
I found the answer in another HTC forum. The solutions is to NOT trust the providers date & time...and use the phone's internal clock:
Create a DWORD: "TrustTimeZoneField"
Value: "0"
touch guy said:
I have a TouchHD imported (of course) into Canada. The SMS works fine...but when I receive messages they are all 5 hours behind (my timezone).
When they arrive on my motorola, they are perfect time. So it's a phone thing...not a rogers thing.
Anyone know how to force the SMS messages to be offset by a timezone amount?
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Are you sure that you have set the timezone correctly on the phone?
(sorry to ask for the painfully obvious, but that is the only thing I know to cause this problem)
Yes timezone was correctly set.
I had the exact same problem as I am on Rogers as well. This solution was suggested to me and it worked
Same problem with my diamond as well with rogers.
Worked like a charm
Canada Rogers SMS time offset
I recently recieved the new samsung captivate from Rogers this week and it appears that this timezone offset is also affecting my phone's sms. I was told by the rogers technical support that they are working on a patch that will fix these issues and have been added to a list of callbacks whenever such a patch is available.
The only two other minor issues that I am currently having with this phone are:
1. that the album view doesn't seem to work in the music player
2. Samsung Kies doesn't seem to recognize my phone
I wonder if these two other issues are related because if Kies was working it may be the only way for album view to work? I'm new to android so forgive my ignorance. When I connect my Device it basically lists 3 options, the first of which is stated as " Kies (firmware update)", however Kies will not recognize my device in this mode and therefore will not update my firmware. This hasn't been exactly what I anticipated when I signed up for a flagship phone for android on Rogers, but like most things I'm sure a fix will come.
At the moment I am using doubletwist and selecting not the "mass storage" option upon USB connection. The only difficulty I've had is uploading MP4 movies using this software so I'm open to any suggestions of how to upload movies to my device

What does Update Profile mean?

Anybody have an idea what an Error 1012 on Update Profile means?
faquedado said:
Anybody have an idea what an Error 1012 on Update Profile means?
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It's a data error. It is not connecting for some reason. You can call Sprint and they can walk you through resting it. Buy the way if in walking you through it and they give you a unlock code write it down it's your MSl and might come in handy later.
Run the Device Self Service app it should do this. I'm looking if there is a part in the menu to update profile only. I thought i found it before but I may be wrong.
It happened while I was on the phone with a Sprint rep - a service related to either our phones or Android devices in general (with Sprint) went down.
I was calling about another issue and he had me run an update profile and that was the result; he recieved an instant message during the call that stated the above.
donatom3 said:
Run the Device Self Service app it should do this. I'm looking if there is a part in the menu to update profile only. I thought i found it before but I may be wrong.
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Settings - System Update - Update Profile

HTC email response to downgraded PRI

I'll list the entire email conversation I had with HTC. I had to BS a little to play off that fact im rooted. Notice how they responded at first.
ME: Hello, I received a new replacement EVO from bestbuy. The phone came with PRI version 1.34 and not 1.40 like a friend of mine has. I did all the updates from the phone and it is still at 1.34. How can I go about updating the PRI version? Thank you
HTC: My name is Kacey and I would be more then happy to assist you today. I understand that you are looking for the 2.2 update for your phone?
Before you proceed with the update, make sure you have done the following:
· Set aside approximately 20 minutes to allow the device to update
· Connect the device to a charger
· Ensure the battery is charged to at least 30%
· If available, connect to Wi-Fi or 4G to speed up the update download process
Installation instructions
1. Navigate to the Home screen on your device
2. Tap Menu > Settings
3. Tap System updates
4. Tap HTC software update
5. Tap Check now
6. Ensure Install now is ticked and tap OK
WARNING: During the upgrade process the device will reboot multiple times and show software upgrade screens. Do not remove the battery as this will stop the update and your device may be rendered inoperable!
Do not attempt to use the device until the “Congratulations” screen appears.
7. Congratulations, the device has been updated! Tap OK
Me: Not my problem at all. I do have the 2.2 update but my PRI is at 1.34. Like I said I did all the updates and am now at 2.2 FroYo. When comparing to my friends software version section on the EVO. His PRI says 1.40_xx and mine says 1.34_xx. The x's are a number but cant remember exactly what his said and mine is at home so I cant look right now. This again has nothing to do with 2.2 it is my PRI version (primary rate interface)...
HTC: Dear ,
There was a PRL update recently sent out by Sprint. Have you received and performed this update?
To send a reply to this message or let me know I have successfully answered your question log in to our ContactUs site using your email address and your ticket number .
ME: My PRL is up to date at 60669. Im talking about the PRI. Like I said I did all the updates and am now at 2.2 FroYo. When comparing to my friends software version section on the EVO. His PRI says 1.40_xx and mine says 1.34_xx. The x's are a number but cant remember exactly what his said and mine is at home so I cant look right now. This again has nothing to do with 2.2 it is my PRI version (primary rate interface
HTC: Dear,
There was a PRL update recently sent out by Sprint. Have you received and performed this update?
To send a reply to this message or let me know I have successfully answered your question log in to our ContactUs site using your email address and your ticket number .
ME: Again my PRL is up to date. Im talking about the PRI. Will you please re-read my other posts.
There is going to be an OTA update that will be released in the very near future to correct some software errors. Unfortunately, we are unable to provide any information concerning a timeframe for this update. This should correct the issue you are experiencing with the PRI.
To send a reply to this message or let me know I have successfully answered your question log in to our ContactUs site using your email address and your ticket number .
splink7007 said:
I'll list the entire email conversation I had with HTC. I had to BS a little to play off that fact im rooted. Notice how they responded at first.
ME: Hello, I received a new replacement EVO from bestbuy. The phone came with PRI version 1.34 and not 1.40 like a friend of mine has. I did all the updates from the phone and it is still at 1.34. How can I go about updating the PRI version? Thank you
HTC: My name is Kacey and I would be more then happy to assist you today. I understand that you are looking for the 2.2 update for your phone?
Before you proceed with the update, make sure you have done the following:
· Set aside approximately 20 minutes to allow the device to update
· Connect the device to a charger
· Ensure the battery is charged to at least 30%
· If available, connect to Wi-Fi or 4G to speed up the update download process
Installation instructions
1. Navigate to the Home screen on your device
2. Tap Menu > Settings
3. Tap System updates
4. Tap HTC software update
5. Tap Check now
6. Ensure Install now is ticked and tap OK
WARNING: During the upgrade process the device will reboot multiple times and show software upgrade screens. Do not remove the battery as this will stop the update and your device may be rendered inoperable!
Do not attempt to use the device until the “Congratulations” screen appears.
7. Congratulations, the device has been updated! Tap OK
Me: Not my problem at all. I do have the 2.2 update but my PRI is at 1.34. Like I said I did all the updates and am now at 2.2 FroYo. When comparing to my friends software version section on the EVO. His PRI says 1.40_xx and mine says 1.34_xx. The x's are a number but cant remember exactly what his said and mine is at home so I cant look right now. This again has nothing to do with 2.2 it is my PRI version (primary rate interface)...
HTC: Dear ,
There was a PRL update recently sent out by Sprint. Have you received and performed this update?
To send a reply to this message or let me know I have successfully answered your question log in to our ContactUs site using your email address and your ticket number .
ME: My PRL is up to date at 60669. Im talking about the PRI. Like I said I did all the updates and am now at 2.2 FroYo. When comparing to my friends software version section on the EVO. His PRI says 1.40_xx and mine says 1.34_xx. The x's are a number but cant remember exactly what his said and mine is at home so I cant look right now. This again has nothing to do with 2.2 it is my PRI version (primary rate interface
HTC: Dear,
There was a PRL update recently sent out by Sprint. Have you received and performed this update?
To send a reply to this message or let me know I have successfully answered your question log in to our ContactUs site using your email address and your ticket number .
ME: Again my PRL is up to date. Im talking about the PRI. Will you please re-read my other posts.
There is going to be an OTA update that will be released in the very near future to correct some software errors. Unfortunately, we are unable to provide any information concerning a timeframe for this update. This should correct the issue you are experiencing with the PRI.
To send a reply to this message or let me know I have successfully answered your question log in to our ContactUs site using your email address and your ticket number .
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Waooo Kacey from HTC , got comprehension Issues. hehehe, Lol
I hate typing in caps but people nowadays-- forget it
Any ways, PRIMARY RATE INTERFACE is from WAAAYYY back when dialup was the only thing around... There used to be some modems which chould use ISDN, and you could actually scale the modems (use them jointly). They each would work with ds0 to get a full 64kbps (as apposed to the 56k dialup). Which would mean together they ran at 128kbps... Back then it was a HUGE difference... Of course nowadays we have 1x everywhere (for cell phones) which exceeds that... Not to mention 2g 3g and 4g.
btw if you would have said Preferred Roaming Index she might have been able to get some different info from her crew...
Tilde88 said:
btw if you would have said Preferred Roaming Index she might have been able to get some different info from her crew...
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It shouldn't matter tough guy. All I needed to say was PRI and I'm sure HTC would understand what I'm saying. Go yell at someone else over the WEB!
cocobongo77 said:
Waooo Kacey from HTC , got comprehension Issues. hehehe, Lol
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Who doesn't these days. You put something on craigslist and people email you about it and ask questions that are in the title of the post!
Wow.....just wow.
Tilde88 said:
I hate typing in caps but people nowadays-- forget it
Any ways, PRIMARY RATE INTERFACE is from WAAAYYY back when dialup was the only thing around... There used to be some modems which chould use ISDN, and you could actually scale the modems (use them jointly). They each would work with ds0 to get a full 64kbps (as apposed to the 56k dialup). Which would mean together they ran at 128kbps... Back then it was a HUGE difference... Of course nowadays we have 1x everywhere (for cell phones) which exceeds that... Not to mention 2g 3g and 4g.
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you really need some help and i bet you have the in a txt file on your desktop lol

[Q] hey guys. find my phone wont work.

hey guys i notice that "find my Phone feature wont work." i recently did the unlock hack via registry. is theres a way that may have done something ?? i have a Lg optimus 7
cmoneto said:
hey guys i notice that "find my Phone feature wont work." i recently did the unlock hack via registry. is theres a way that may have done something ?? i have a Lg optimus 7
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Check with another phone carier, I have same problem on one carrier it works, on another not. For tests use another phone number, it is not required that SIM card be in WP7 phone. If carier "support" this feature you will get SMS from microsoft, if not you are unlucky.
I guess microsoft (from live.com) use some global SMS carier and some carriers in different countries have not configured their gateways to accept this messages.
Well, one thing I noticed is if I am on WiFi or with data on, I tend to find my phone. Microsoft uses three different methods, I believe, to find your phone. One is using the location caching sent from your phone regularly if you have that on in the setting. The other is sending an SMS to force your phone to send a location, in which case your carrier needs to support global SMS I believe, and lastly, they send an email to do the same thing the SMS intended to do.
So first thing you should do is to check whether both boxes are checked in find my phone in settings. Secondly, be patient, if Microsoft can't locate it right away, they will send you an email when they do find it.

Bell update coming mid May

Hi all,
Unfortunately I can't give more information than this simply because I don't have it. But my Bell rep has confirmed that there will be an Atrix update in mid May.
She did not divulge what the update will consist of, but I have some problems with email (SMTP AUTH and IMAP) and she insinuated that the update should take care of those problems.
Wish I had more information from you guys.
zax123 said:
Hi all,
Unfortunately I can't give more information than this simply because I don't have it. But my Bell rep has confirmed that there will be an Atrix update in mid May.
She did not divulge what the update will consist of, but I have some problems with email (SMTP AUTH and IMAP) and she insinuated that the update should take care of those problems.
Wish I had more information from you guys.
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not holding my breath
I'll believe when I see it but mid may is not too bad to wait if uploads are not capped anymore.
Anybody else have any info about this?...
Can I make a bet on this somewhere?
I like free money.
zax123 said:
Hi all,
Unfortunately I can't give more information than this simply because I don't have it. But my Bell rep has confirmed that there will be an Atrix update in mid May.
She did not divulge what the update will consist of, but I have some problems with email (SMTP AUTH and IMAP) and she insinuated that the update should take care of those problems.
Wish I had more information from you guys.
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Did she say anything related about the Cap issue?...
Give me gingerbread and then I'll leave you alone, Bell.
I Was told by a rep That a future update Would be released To resolve the issue that the mail.1xbell.ca outgoing server does not work on the Atrix. I was told that motorola had forgotten to include that and some other functionality. From my conversation it didn't seem likely that gingerbread would be part of the next update
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
HideYoKids said:
Give me gingerbread and then I'll leave you alone, Bell.
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Agreed, it'll keep me calm until someone cracks the bootloader.
Hikikomorikruge said:
Agreed, it'll keep me calm until someone cracks the bootloader.
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i agree too, give me ginger to tide me over until the bootloader has been unlocked.
You won't see anything in May.
mid-may LOL
Maybe mid May 2012
Sent from my Atrix
A software update is now available for the Bell version of the Motorola Atrix!
- To download the update manually:
Go to: Menu > Settings > About Phone > Software Update
- I'm not sure what the size of the update file is, but I would suggest downloading it over WiFi as opposed to the Bell network so you don't exceed your data allowance and incur extra charges.
- Ensure that your phone is at least 50% charged before attempting the update. Idealy, charge it beyond 50% to be safe.
-- The updated version is v37.23 and brings Android Froyo up to version 2.2.2, and contains numerous updates:
Upload Data Speed
Increased upload speed at which data can travel on the network.
Data and Voice Connection
Improvements to prevent interruptions to data and voice connection.
Improvements to prevent screen from freezing.
Improvements to call audio function so it is easier for the person you called to hear you. Please note this application is not pre-loaded on phone, but is available for download from Android Market.
Increased functionality by enabling Yahoo Email to be sent over a Wi-Fi connection.
Improved International Roaming Warning Message by simplifying user notification so that it only appears on the screen when you move to a new network.
Happening Widget
Improved Happenings Widget to ensure that you receive the latest updates across the social networks you are connected to such as Facebook, MySpace, Twitter.
Improvements were made to incoming and outgoing call functionality to ensure a more seamless experience
Expanded Language Support for Webtop
Accented character support within Webtop application.
Improved Support for POP/SMTP Email
Support for SMTP outgoing servers that do not require authentication
Improved Exchange Performance
Improved Exchange Email/Calendar/Contacts performance
dezzo77 said:
A software update is now available for the Bell version of the Motorola Atrix!
- To download the update manually:
Go to: Menu > Settings > About Phone > Software Update
- I'm not sure what the size of the update file is, but I would suggest downloading it over WiFi as opposed to the Bell network so you don't exceed your data allowance and incur extra charges.
- Ensure that your phone is at least 50% charged before attempting the update. Ideally, charge it beyond 50% to be safe.
-- The updated version is v37.23 and brings Android Froyo up to version 2.2.2, and contains numerous updates:
Upload Data Speed
Increased upload speed at which data can travel on the network.
Data and Voice Connection
Improvements to prevent interruptions to data and voice connection.
Improvements to prevent screen from freezing.
Improvements to call audio function so it is easier for the person you called to hear you. Please note this application is not pre-loaded on phone, but is available for download from Android Market.
Increased functionality by enabling Yahoo Email to be sent over a Wi-Fi connection.
Improved International Roaming Warning Message by simplifying user notification so that it only appears on the screen when you move to a new network.
Happening Widget
Improved Happenings Widget to ensure that you receive the latest updates across the social networks you are connected to such as Facebook, MySpace, Twitter.
Improvements were made to incoming and outgoing call functionality to ensure a more seamless experience
Expanded Language Support for Webtop
Accented character support within Webtop application.
Improved Support for POP/SMTP Email
Support for SMTP outgoing servers that do not require authentication
Improved Exchange Performance
Improved Exchange Email/Calendar/Contacts performance
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you da man, man!
thanks for the update broseph!
haha no problem. I know some people don't get the update notifications on their phones.
My network speed has increased dramatically both upload and download since installing the update. Now we just need Gingerbread.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App

