[Q] Resurrect HD2 from the dead? - HD2 General

By now I feel like the unluckiest person on this planet...
About two months ago, I lost my HD2 and of course whoever found it didn't return it. Then about a month ago, I bought another used HD2. The battery cover was severely scratched and there was some light damage at the corners so I ordered a new housing on eBay. In the mean time I have been installing all kinds of stuff on it but didn't actually use it as a phone (didn't insert my SIM card) because I wanted to wait for the new housing and for a protective silicon case - I didn't want to use the phone "unprotected".
I have replaced the housing of dozens of phones before so I know what I'm doing and what to look out for (I'm an electronics engineer) and replacing the housing of the HD2 was actually surprisingly easy.
When I put the phone back together again, it wouldn't turn on. At all. And when I put it on the charger, the charger light wouldn't come on. So I just opened up the housing again and put it back together. This time it did turn on. Figuring that was the end of it and that something probably wasn't making proper contact, I left it at that.
That was two weeks ago. Since then, the phone has been on all the time (in the charger) and I have been installing more stuff without any problems. Yesterday the protective silicon sleeve finally arrived so I inserted my SIM card and finally started using it as a proper phone. But today, all of a sudden it didn't want to turn on again. I had used the phone 10 minutes before (storing a contact).
I opened the housing again and checked if I could see anything loose, or not making proper contact but didn't see anything.
It still won't turn on again.
Is this HD2 deceased? The battery is fully charged BTW (and I tried another battery).
Anything I could try?

Triple check and make sure all battery pins are straight. when the battery is inserted, they need to be pressed down and inwards towards the middle of the phone. Be sure you don't have one being forced up or anything like that. I'd re open the case one more time and slightly bend the ground prongs on the board and flex cable assemblies back up just a hair to make sure they make good contact. Other than that the phone can actually power on without the back housing on at all so grounding to get it to power on isn't that crucial.


RESOLVED. New Battery and Tilt turning off...???

Put a new battery in (2600) and then tried a new ROM.
For the last month I've thought that it was the ROM that caused my Tilt to turn off whenever I slid it open to use the keyboard....
So (not troubleshooting first ) I returned to my original AT&T ROM and SPL figuring if it was still happening, it must be hardware, so I'd return it.
Did all the above, it was still happening. So on a whim I dug out my old original battery, and loh and behold, the problem ceased.
Anyone else have any issues with a new, bigger battery and battery cover causing their Tilt to turn off when you slide the top?
okay, for anyone who is remotely interested, I figured out what was going on:
whenever I slid the top too quickly, the phone would turn off...so I figured it must be something loose with the battery.
I added just a small piece of cotton from a cotton ball between the battery and the cover and snapped the cover back in place.
Now I am assured that the batter does not have any room inside the case to move at all.

G1 just not turning on...

Hi to all, my g1 does not turn on by any means..I have done everything from CPR to dressing in aluminium under a thunderstorm today in NY. if there is any way I could resuscitate this device, I will be very thankful.
does anything happen while the charger is in?
nothing at all. not even the led turns on when I connect it
the battery is probably dead
tested the battery on my other g1, perfect. the other battery on the damaged phone, Nothing.....
Sounds like you may have experienced a hardware failure of some sort then. I would suggest contacting HTC about doing a warranty RMA.
I had the same issue with a G1.
Pull the battery and look at the pins. Use a device to straighten and even out all the pins. While doing so, make sure to short all pins together. This should clear out any remaining stored power in the device.
The pins in my device were only slightly uneven and this brought the unit back from death. I'm not sure if the connections to the battery are fragile or if the connectors to the pins are what went bad. However, give it a try.
My guess is
The motherboard short circuited. I fix G1's as a side job/hobby and I have come across a couple G1's where it wouldn't turn on what so ever or give any sign that the G1 still had a soul. The reason this happens is either that the g1 was dropped, causing the motherboard to short circuit or the g1 got partially wet inside/humidity and when you connected it, the electricity started killing your phone little by little until it was completely dead. But either way my guess is that your motherboard short circuited out. HTC will repair it but for about $160 I believe
I am having a similar problem. Mine turns on, but shortly after will black out. Seems to mostly stem from pressure or contact with the lower portion of the phone where the buttons are located.
I had a problem like that. I just called T-mobile, and they were VERY cool about it and fast. I think I was on the phone with them 10 minutes. They sent me a new G1 for free, they even paid the postage to send it to me, and for me to send it back to them. Just make sure on those 2 with dots under your battery none of it turned red. I did the same thing with my daughter's sidekick and there was a small bit of red on the white dot and they charged me 100 bucks. They said it would take 7 to 10 business days to come and it was at my house in 3 days.. not bad eh?

Problems With the buttons on g1

Hi all,
Banged my phone a bit, nothing too bad however all the physical buttons no longer work.
I can use the phone but just not the buttons which is very frustrating, to power on I have to remove Batt. and then plug into usb and put batt back in, can't answer cools or get to the home, the phone is basically unusable.
Brought item new off ebay unfortuanatly.
What should I do?
Get yourself a Torx 5 and a 6. Then you can crack her open and see if you've shaken something loose. There is a connector between the main board and the daughter board, there is also one between the daughter board and the UI module. One of these may come off.
HTC may still cover it under warranty... provided there's no external damage that would lead them to believe you abused the phone.

Touch HD In water, hints?

HI all, i've a really disappointing problem. My touch HD was in my pocket when I took some rain on my motorcycle . Arrived at home the phone was off. I opened it following the service manual. I've putted it behind the power supply of the pc, where the warm air comes out, dismantled, for a few days.
Then I assembled all, and now it turns on, but, it randomly restart. Do you think my mobo is broken? some contact?
I was thinking I can sell the various parts of my phone all the items works, sim, sd reader, camera (back and front) except the mobo ofcourse.
thanks in advance for your help
Hi.I have heard of one way of fixed water damaged devices and that is by putting them in a container covered by UNCOOKED rice. I think the rice is meant to draw the water out. Leave it for a day I think. Never tried it myself but heard it works
Phil G
Hi, thanks for your answer, the phone was behind the psu of the pc for a week totally dismantled, so I think is pretty dry
thanks again for you interest
I actually dropped me BS in a bucket of water. Dried it out in a heat cabinet at work (50 deg C) for a day and it works perfectly still
Hi la3bna, i'm trying to do as you suggested, was your bs powered when it fall in the water?
thanks for your answer
You should use the salt that is used to lower humidity (e.g. from Bison).
Put the bag of salt on the bottom of a plastic box.
On top of the bag a plate so your device has no fysical contact
with the salt. On the plate you lay down your device without
the backside. Seal the box airtight and leave it there for 7 days.
I did this with the Ipod of my son which had been washed for over
an hour on 60 degrees celsius. The Ipod was dead, but after the
procedure as described it was fully functional!
Thanks a lot, I'll try this!!
Yes mine was on, actually someone called my when it fell
I dropped mine in deep snow... I was holding it in my hand and slipped and also fell
It was very wet so I got scared it won't work but when I got home I turned it off,removed the battery,cards and just put it in some blanket to dry off
After an hour turned it back on and everything worked just like before
Also the other day I accidentally spilled some hand cream on my blackstone and it got inside but nothing happened again so I'm lucky...
thanks for your advices, trying the rice thing
lol, you guys are fecking useless
There is no way I would put myself in that situation, then again I have dropped it a few times so probably only lucky there wasnt water about
Well, I also dropped my Blackstone into water and, after drying it for some 2-3 hrs in the sun it works, except the memory card reader - the problem with the water and mobile phones is the fact that the water is oxidizing the circuitry - so, if it still malfunctions after a week of drying, then probably the phone is doomed.
Sorry for your loss!
for oxid, i've "bathed" the phone in Svitol, but nothing appens... i'm going to sell it as spare.
thanks all for your answer
open the device and dry it out..
already tried, using the service manual to open it, and dried for a week, but nothing appens.
thanks anyway
keep pressing the on/off button - eg, press button on off on off on off (while charging)
and tell me what happens, eg, a vibration??
hi, ti vibrate, then starts, show the smart mobility screen, load the SO, and all works for about 10 minutes. Then the phone restarts and get stuck to smart mobility screen. After that the only way is to press reset or remove the battery. After that if you press the power button the phone get always stuck on smart mobility, sometimes start to load the SO and then it restart before finishing to load.
Hi, problem solved, just left the phone in its box for a month then acidentally tried to start it and from that day works great... guess that just needed to dry out.
Thread can be closed.
Thanks for all your advice.
The end?
Dropped my Blackstone in the toilet last night (don't know how, I was drunk at the time). I believe it had been fully submerged for 2-3 minutes. It was turned on at the time. When I recovered it (thank God nothing had been done in the toilet at the time), it was off. I removed the cover and there was water behind the battery, in the SD card reader and SIM. Not a lot, but it was wet. Stupidly (drunk) and panicking , I dried off the back panel with a hand towel (possible static charge damage? - not yet known ). I left it on top of a t-shirt which is on top of the radiator. I don't yet want to turn it on fo fear of wrecking it (if it's not already wrecked).
What methods to people recommend I should take from above? Or maybe there are some new techniques? Would I be better taking it to a mobile service repair shop to see if they can fix it from the beginning, before I do any more damage?
1 dismantle the device into pieces. (if your not sure how i can give you a step by step guide)
2 now dry each of the parts of the device with cotton wool buds (the things used to clean your ears)
3 the put the device back together.
4 done.
....some people say to leave the device in rice etc because it draws the water from the device, IMO this does not work properly and there is nothing better that opening the device and actually cleaning it and removing the water yourself, and this should only take a few mins. it is also not recomended to send it to a service repair shop for something you can do yourself. just be carefull when dismantling the device. do not break any ribbons - used to connect the lcd amungst other things to motherboard.
might be possible you will need a new battery ^

Unable to charge. Battery temperature too low.

I recently replaced the digitizer on a Galaxy Tab 4 & that part at least went smoothly. The problem now is that the tablet will only turn on while it's plugged in... and when it does come on, it displays the msg "Unable to charge. Battery temperature too low." Yes, too low.. not too high.
I've tried re-connecting the battery, letting the tablet sit for an hour & even took the battery out and applied some heat to it with my heat gun(from a distance).
Does anyone know for sure what's causing this?
You must've have disconnected a cable or damged one when you replaced the digitizer. Check back
Sent from my Nokia Lumia 1520
I thought of that also... I had disassembled it again & checked all the connectors. Everything looked ok & after assembling everything again, re-connected everything(again) just to make sure.
Oddly, I have seen posts of people having the same issue with different devices. Most of them never had the problem solved(just had the device replaced).
I had the same problem
Hi there,
althought this isn't a very popular post, I'd like to add my 2 cents, because I had this same situation.
I ran into this same problem, after changing the digitizer and reassembled the device, had the low temp problem. I've noticed too that the glass was a little loose, and if tapping it in some places, the problem solved for seconds, so I dissasembled it again and foud that forgot to put the adhesive between the digitizer and the tablet...... :silly:
The adhesive was still in the old broken glass.
Changed back to the new one, assembled again now WITH the adhesive and the glass, reseated all the connectors in the back (just in case) , and boom, it's charging again like new.
Still haven't assembled the back plastic cover yet, but I guess the result will be the same.
I don't exactly know if the problem was the loose glass or some loose connector (all seemed to be ok), but the problem solved.
Hope anything of this helps.
Little George.
voxigenboy said:
I thought of that also... I had disassembled it again & checked all the connectors. Everything looked ok & after assembling everything again, re-connected everything(again) just to make sure.
Oddly, I have seen posts of people having the same issue with different devices. Most of them never had the problem solved(just had the device replaced).
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