RESOLVED. New Battery and Tilt turning off...??? - Tilt, TyTN II, MDA Vario III Accessories

Put a new battery in (2600) and then tried a new ROM.
For the last month I've thought that it was the ROM that caused my Tilt to turn off whenever I slid it open to use the keyboard....
So (not troubleshooting first ) I returned to my original AT&T ROM and SPL figuring if it was still happening, it must be hardware, so I'd return it.
Did all the above, it was still happening. So on a whim I dug out my old original battery, and loh and behold, the problem ceased.
Anyone else have any issues with a new, bigger battery and battery cover causing their Tilt to turn off when you slide the top?

okay, for anyone who is remotely interested, I figured out what was going on:
whenever I slid the top too quickly, the phone would turn I figured it must be something loose with the battery.
I added just a small piece of cotton from a cotton ball between the battery and the cover and snapped the cover back in place.
Now I am assured that the batter does not have any room inside the case to move at all.


P3450 shuts down

My Htc shuts down intermittently.
The only solution to power-on is to remove the battery and place it back. It boots, works for 2-3 minutes and then it just freezes. Sometimes stays like this, with the lcd on, or just shuts down.
What can I do? I read on a forum(don't remember the forum, it was some time ago) that it can be a problem from the factory, and a small piece of plastic placed on the processor can fix this.
I must specify that this problem comes after i dropped my device, so the factory problem...i don't know...just don't wanna know that I'm responsible for this.
Have a good day.
yup, that plastic thing can be a problem, but there is another thing you can try, in your back battery compartment, add some tissue on the top of the battery (to prevent the battery from falling off), and close it with the htc cover.

Anybody else had this?

Pushed the power button this morning and no response, thought the battery had run right down, so plugged it in and it booted to the dell screen then froze, removed battery and replaced it, booted no problems at all, still 60% battery left
Once, I think it's because the device has flexed or got jolted at some point and the backplate contacts have come apart briefly. The only way to get it to switch on was to remove the battery and refit it.
I've had this too, but not after a jolt or flex - noticed it after waking up on a morning - Streak had been on bedside table with good charge.
I've had this maybe twice since having the device.
edit to add:
The only difference is my device did not freeze on boot.
yep - every time i power it down and leave it for a bit, it will only fire up again if I take the back off, pop the battery out and put it back in.
The LEDs come on, but it goes no further unless I do the above. Annoying but I can live with it for now (not sure what the wear and tear issues could be over the life of the device tho?)
did it on 1.6, still does it on O2 2.1
That's what's i was thinking, that stupid backplate! it may have moved 1mm and caused error
I posted a comment once about supergluing the fu%$er, might try myself.
Yep, sadly had the same problem. The worse thing is it did this the first time I turned it on. Done the same thing again this morning after simply switching it off.
Hopefully it won't be annoying or we will learn how to avoid it - backplate seems to cause the problem but I didn't even drop it or mishandle it in anyway - just merely switched it off and on again...
If the backplate is the problem, I can see it becoming a real issue, mine is definitely a looser fit than it was a month ago.
This just happened to me this morning. I went to bed around 2am with 90% charge and woke up 8am off on totally drained. The phone was lying on the carpeted floor with no movement. Powered back up and on with icons all messed up.
had this couple of times day, not the first by a long shot. its the back plate for sure. it flexes just a tiny bit and thats enough to make it shut down. pretty shoddy design
I really don't see how it could be the cover. Second day in a row I went from full charge to dead when I woke. It was on the floor the whole time and never touched. Then I charged it and the screen would not respond. So I hit power and then it would not come on again until I pulled the battery. Now, I'm just going to try powering down every night. If it's dead I just leave it at home for the day.....such a waste.

[Q] Resurrect HD2 from the dead?

By now I feel like the unluckiest person on this planet...
About two months ago, I lost my HD2 and of course whoever found it didn't return it. Then about a month ago, I bought another used HD2. The battery cover was severely scratched and there was some light damage at the corners so I ordered a new housing on eBay. In the mean time I have been installing all kinds of stuff on it but didn't actually use it as a phone (didn't insert my SIM card) because I wanted to wait for the new housing and for a protective silicon case - I didn't want to use the phone "unprotected".
I have replaced the housing of dozens of phones before so I know what I'm doing and what to look out for (I'm an electronics engineer) and replacing the housing of the HD2 was actually surprisingly easy.
When I put the phone back together again, it wouldn't turn on. At all. And when I put it on the charger, the charger light wouldn't come on. So I just opened up the housing again and put it back together. This time it did turn on. Figuring that was the end of it and that something probably wasn't making proper contact, I left it at that.
That was two weeks ago. Since then, the phone has been on all the time (in the charger) and I have been installing more stuff without any problems. Yesterday the protective silicon sleeve finally arrived so I inserted my SIM card and finally started using it as a proper phone. But today, all of a sudden it didn't want to turn on again. I had used the phone 10 minutes before (storing a contact).
I opened the housing again and checked if I could see anything loose, or not making proper contact but didn't see anything.
It still won't turn on again.
Is this HD2 deceased? The battery is fully charged BTW (and I tried another battery).
Anything I could try?
Triple check and make sure all battery pins are straight. when the battery is inserted, they need to be pressed down and inwards towards the middle of the phone. Be sure you don't have one being forced up or anything like that. I'd re open the case one more time and slightly bend the ground prongs on the board and flex cable assemblies back up just a hair to make sure they make good contact. Other than that the phone can actually power on without the back housing on at all so grounding to get it to power on isn't that crucial.

[Q] Battery or Logic Board failure?

So the other day while minding my own business, I pulled out my phone to use it's calculator for some accounting work. Just as a side note, I keep my phone in my front pocket, and do not wear skinny jeans. When I pulled it out, I looked at the back and it had a crack going down the center of the glass with a slight bulge where the battery is. As soon as I got home, I pulled the battery out and saw that the backside was bulging outwards. It bulged so bad that it managed to crack the glass even with one of those gel-like protectors on it . I tossed it aside and put it my spare battery, which should have been good. This is where the interesting stuff starts happening.
Slowly but surely, the lifespan of my battery would get shorter till the point where as soon as I unplugged it, it would die. It got so bad that It would die around 95%. When it would charge, the percentage would vary a lot, making a very interesting graph in the battery app I have. Not only that, but sometimes when I would restart my phone, it would be a completely different percentage than it was before. On top of that, when the phone would die, it would be at a different percentage than when it was still alive. I would have to plug it into a charger in order for it to start up again. If I did not, it would sometimes get into a boot loop where it would say google, turn off, then turn itself back on, rinse and repeat until I held the power button forcing it off.
After I changed the battery, I rooted it and put the Carbon nightly rom on it, but in order to eliminate possible problems, I did do a factory reset to the phone to make sure it was either of those.
Now I did put a "new" battery from ebay in it, but I am still having the same issue. However, the battery I believe was not new because it still had glue on the back of it from a previous nexus. My actual new battery should be here tomorrow I hope.
Could there be a problem with the batteries, or could there be a problem with my logic board? I have tried two different chargers, the LG one provided with the phone, and a rocket fish wall charger, same problem. Attached are two different pictures of the battery graph. The sharp drops are where it dies, and the sawtooth wave is it on charge. (Don't hurt me! I know I'm not supposed to post outside links, but this is absolutely necessary for you wonderful people to help me! Just remove the space in the link and it will work)
http: //
http: //

NFC not working after battery change. Any ideas?

Hi everyone,
I recently successfully replaced the battery in my Moto X Pure after the original battery was showing signs of fatigue (charge wouldn't last anywhere near what it used to, would die suddenly from 20% battery power, etc.). I discovered today, however that my NFC is not working. Part of the process to replace the battery involves gently popping the NFC antenna off the old battery (the end of the flex cable with the NFC antenna is held by a drop of adhesive to the battery). I made a point of being careful when I did that, and with the phone now buttoned up again, everything else works 100%.
Aside from the obvious, "you must have broken it when you removed it from the old battery," anyone have any ideas as to why the rest of the phone is 100%, but my NFC isn't working? I checked all the relevant settings -- even turning them off and then back on again, no love. Does the NFC antenna connect via a harness that I would have disconnected to change the battery out? Does it even seem possible that everything else is working properly, but that isn't? Best to just try replacing the middle bezel housing with a $15 eBay special that includes a new NFC flex cable?
Thanks in advance for any ideas.
Edited to add: So, in looking at additional pictures of my phone, I came to the possible realization that the NFC flex that was attached to the old battery probably had to be attached to that exact same spot on the new one to make contact with the motherboard when the phone is put back together. I didn't even consider that it was just a pressure connection there that connected the hidden NFC antenna to the motherboard, and just used some double-stick tape to attach it to the new battery without paying particular attention to detail as to where it needed to be positioned. If someone can verify that I might be on the right track, I'd appreciate it. I'd hate to tear the thing down again for nothing since the back cover is a pain to get off, but this might be a simple fix.
Not sure if this is still an ongoing issue for you (I realize it's been a few months), but I just experienced this today, while changing my own battery--and for the very same reason as you. Yes, it does appear that the NFC module does need to be in the same place as it was on the original battery. I too learned this the hard way. Since the NFC module wouldn't stick to the new battery, I placed a piece of Scotch tape over it. Little did I realize, there are contacts on that module, that must interface with something else on the assembled phone. After a second disassembly, removal of the tape, and a check of the location in reference to the original battery, my NFC is working once again.

