Bluetooth problem - Touch Diamond2, Pure General

I have a problem with file transfer using bluetooth.
I recently unstalled the latest stock HTC WM6.5 rom for my Diamond 2.
Then I tried to add a A2DP headset to my laptop, and to do this had to install a new Broadcom BT driver to my laptop.
After loading the new BT driver to the laptop I had to re-pair my phones (the Diamond and a Samsung E2550 standard phone).
After re-pairing both phones I find I can transfer files from both phones to the laptop, and I can transfer files from the laptop to the Samsung.
However when I try to transfer files to the Daimond, I get an error on the laptop saying 'No Service'.
In the laptop BT 'Services' I notice that one of the services for the Samsung is 'File Transfer(Obex)', but this does not appear in the services list for the diamond.
Has anyone any ideas how I get this to work. How can I get 'File Transfer (Obex) working on the Diamond?
NOTE: File transfer worked on the Diamond before I upgraded the rom on the phone and the BT driver on the laptop.
2nd NOTE: File transfer between the Samsung and Diamond works OK - still not transferring from PC to Diamond though

Touch Tools
pewe said:
I have a problem with file transfer using bluetooth.
I recently unstalled the latest stock HTC WM6.5 rom for my Diamond 2.
Then I tried to add a A2DP headset to my laptop, and to do this had to install a new Broadcom BT driver to my laptop.
After loading the new BT driver to the laptop I had to re-pair my phones (the Diamond and a Samsung E2550 standard phone).
After re-pairing both phones I find I can transfer files from both phones to the laptop, and I can transfer files from the laptop to the Samsung.
However when I try to transfer files to the Daimond, I get an error on the laptop saying 'No Service'.
In the laptop BT 'Services' I notice that one of the services for the Samsung is 'File Transfer(Obex)', but this does not appear in the services list for the diamond.
Has anyone any ideas how I get this to work. How can I get 'File Transfer (Obex) working on the Diamond?
NOTE: File transfer worked on the Diamond before I upgraded the rom on the phone and the BT driver on the laptop.
2nd NOTE: File transfer between the Samsung and Diamond works OK - still not transferring from PC to Diamond though
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Touch Tools has an option to "Enable OBEX File Transfer Service":
Would be nice to here about, if this works for you.

Thanks Braunie - but the problem is not with the enabling in the registry, the correct entry is already there
; Enable Bluetooth OBEX file transfer
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So the problem is more sinister than that.
So any assistance sorting this would be greatly appreciated.

It appears that the problem is not the phone - its the laptop.
To get an A2DP driver for my bluetooth headset I had to install the Widcomm bluetooth driver as A2DP is not supported in Win 7 or Acer blutooth drivers.
I uninstalled the widcomm driver and the standard Acer bluetooth driver works - I can transfer files to the phone again.
So I'm back to square one - use the standard driver and have no A2DP, or use Widcomm and lose the ability to transfer files to the phone.

pewe said:
It appears that the problem is not the phone - its the laptop.
To get an A2DP driver for my bluetooth headset I had to install the Widcomm bluetooth driver as A2DP is not supported in Win 7 or Acer blutooth drivers.
I uninstalled the widcomm driver and the standard Acer bluetooth driver works - I can transfer files to the phone again.
So I'm back to square one - use the standard driver and have no A2DP, or use Widcomm and lose the ability to transfer files to the phone.
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Live could be so easy if some software-developers would think a step further.

The main contender for problems appears to be Microsoft.
For some reason they have never bothered to tidy up their bluetooth drivers - even though they push both PC and Mobile versions of Windows. Another example is that I cannot connect to my HTC using Bluetooth in Windows Mobile Device Centre - even though I have set the bluetooth as enabled in WMDC.
From the posts on various forums etc it appears that a lot of people have similar problems to mine with A2DP, as well as other general issues with standard bluetooth drivers.
I will keep hunting around to try and find a bluetooth stack that resolves both my issues in one driver - don't hold out much hope though.

pewe said:
The main contender for problems appears to be Microsoft.
For some reason they have never bothered to tidy up their bluetooth drivers - even though they push both PC and Mobile versions of Windows. Another example is that I cannot connect to my HTC using Bluetooth in Windows Mobile Device Centre - even though I have set the bluetooth as enabled in WMDC.
From the posts on various forums etc it appears that a lot of people have similar problems to mine with A2DP, as well as other general issues with standard bluetooth drivers.
I will keep hunting around to try and find a bluetooth stack that resolves both my issues in one driver - don't hold out much hope though.
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With A2DP I have no experience. But I think Windows Mobile has still a better bluetooth-support than android or so. As example rSAP-support for the handsfree in my car works perfect. This means that my HTC TD2 automatically connects to my car, the radio of my TD2 will be disabled because the handsfree has its own. The phone-book will automatically synchronised with the handsfree.
By the way; the bluetooth-connection with activesync (WinXP) works with no problems for me.
Wish you good luck on your "quest" ...

But I think Windows Mobile has still a better bluetooth-support than android
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I have no problems with the mobile.
Bluetooth on the Diamond II recognises the A2DP headset, and other hands free headsets, pairs and sends files to the laptop and ends/recieves files from other phones - all good.
It appears to be a problem with Win 7 on the laptop which gives the grief.
I had no problem using bluetooth in Activesync on XP, the problems arose with the introduction of Windows Mobile Device Centre in Vista and Win7.
Wish you good luck on your "quest"
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Newbee: How to install WidComm? And dose it work?

Now I have been looking for 2 days on this forum, and I cant find it anywhere!!
Okay, I would like to be in my bed with my PDA, and surf the internet.
I dont have a Bluetooth dongle my self, by the guy next to me has. And I have permision to use his internet connection. (Less than 10 meters away, it about 3-4 meters).
So one problem is that I cant use the BT Active Sync, to surf the internet (I dont know if this is how it is done), like you can surf while the XdaII is in the cradel.
So I have been surfing around, and I think I need the WidComm BT stack to be able to surf the internet over BT. But how is this done. I have downloadet files, and read alot on this forum, but I cant seem to find any install guide those cab files and other thing to the PDA.
And then I have read about alot of users that has had problems with the WidComm stack, and say that the M$ BT stack can do the same in the latest update, but I cant find the settings, it all looks the same.
So if any one can help a XdaII (or PDA) newbee, with an install guide and some of your sugestions for the networking, then I would be realy happy.
BTW, if you also know how to set up an audio gateway on the PDA (for my head set) then that wold be great as well. And maby to get the button on the headset to do M$ voice command (if you have it install), then that would be fantastic.
Try downloading bluetooth tools and see if that works for you.
I did that, but it did not change to much, it only gave me a "call last number" function in the head set, but not any thing with the network
BT and COM
i am having a hard time with it as well, I have win XP pro, and a sitecom USB BT dongle, the drivers for the dongle dont seem to work, it is has if the XP drivers have taken over, all the guides seem to use settings that are not available to the Windows XP BT drivers,
at one point i thought i got it, instead of connecting my XDA to the PC i did it the other way about. This time windows detected and setup some COM ports, although at the moment its at com 13 and 14
(this can be changed by doing to Device manager, selecting the port, properties, advanced, and changing it to whatever you want, it will say the port is in use, but none of the other ports 1-12 are infact in use (although it says they are) not sure if this will generate further problems?
So i think thats the PC side sorted?
now the PDA side, just before i updated PPC2003 i tried this and it didnt work, i then installed those BT tools and it came up with the cool servies page right at the end of setting up a link.
But didn't work, with hindsight i believe it would work if i had connect as i explained above, adding the XDA to the PC.
I then updated PPC2003 useing o2's updater.
setting up a link using the BT settings right after the update did have some extra settings to do with com ports but it still doesnt work and the connect via BT on activesync isnt there.
Then i tried those BT tools everyone is going on about
i get the BT icons on the desktop but thats it, nothing else happens. The cool services screen fails to pop up after setting the link and the connect via BT in sync is also missing.
this might be of no use but at one point useing standard drivers from XP and PPC2003 SP1 i did get a message saying it couldnt connect because it might not be a smart phone or PPC or somthing like that. im totally stuffed with this.
oh it does connect in that i can transfer files TO the XDA but not the other way about.
Hello folks!
This is how I've done it...
1- I installed Widcomm version (on the PC) (BTW I use a Cheap-o-Epox USB dongle)
2- I Downloaded BT Tools (
3- I established an Activesync connection through Bluetooth (this is done on the PocketPC by using the Activesync/Tools/Connect via 'computername')
4- I configured Widcomm to always trust the incoming MDA2 Bluetooth connection.
5- That's it, works every time... (well actually sometimes works on the second try but works nonetheless)
Good luck!
I've also had some success with the Widcomm stack, but I have one problem.
In order for the bluetooth connection to work, I need to log into an account on the XP machine. If someone else then comes along and logs into another account, then my bluetooth connection is dropped. Also, if I don't log into an account, then I can't use bluetooth.
Basically, it seems to be the case that instead of running as a service, the bluetooth stack is running in user accounts. Anyone else got experience with this? Is there a way to configure the installation so that it runs as a service?
Hi Guys,
I have a similar question... is there a release due / tools available to fully utulise the bluetooth stack like the ipaqs for example. Ipaqs can locate and connect to devices as a 'hunter' but the XdaII just seems to be the 'hunted' when it comes to establishing a connection. Is there any way to make my otherwise excellent XdaII a bit more agressive when it comes to seeking out bluetooth connections??? I have already installed the Bluetooth tools v1.01 but this doesn't help the actual 'seeking' connectivity part of things
Can any of you bright sparks out there help ???? If enough people wanted this functionality, what would it cost to develop if it is not available maybe ???
just a thought. Cheers all.
Technoas said:
Now I have been looking for 2 days on this forum, and I cant find it anywhere!!
So I have been surfing around, and I think I need the WidComm BT stack to be able to surf the internet over BT. But how is this done. I have downloadet files, and read alot on this forum, but I cant seem to find any install guide those cab files and other thing to the PDA.
So if any one can help a XdaII (or PDA) newbee, with an install guide and some of your sugestions for the networking, then I would be realy happy.
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I found the answer to how to install the .cab file, just copy it to your device and select it in file manager, it then install's itself.
If I manage to connect my GTek 2020 to my BT AP with this I'll let you know!

Bluetooth Chat with: BuZZone

Hi all I would like to get this application working but it does not look like the test application works on our XDA's?? :-( It is saying somthing about needing the WIDCOMM drivers.... Any idea if there is an esay and safe way to get this utility working?
Hear is the web address of where you can find the application:
Thanks guys
Just install the latest Widcomm PPCPE drivers in "Hacking It"
Thanks for the reply rahjinoh, I will give that a go, I did see somthing about Widcomm drivers but when i looked into that option it seemed very complicated and a number of people where having problems with the XDA II with it would I be correct in saying that?
I'm a little scared to install it if its going to cause me any problems as I use a Bluetooth GPS (with Destinator 3) as well as the O2 Bluetooth headset (The new one, works like a charm)... I use both these bluetooth devices on a daily basis and cant affort them to go down.
Any idea if I will run into any problems if I install this Widcomm driver?
How does it work?
Do I have 2 bluetooth drivers installed then? both MS and Widcomm?
Sorry for all the questions would like to try and find out if it is a simple process or if I could run into problems....
Many thanks!
The Widcomm works with everything EXCEPT headsets.
The GPS would work with Widcomm but not the O2 headset, not yet at least.
Both the stacks will coexists and you can turn on 1 at a time.
I use that stack as well, some people get the "Cannot initialise bluetooth hardware" once in a while, but mine's fine.
I used the Widcomm with Widcomm related software, otherwise, my MS Bluetooth stack is on most of the time.
I use the MS one for my Motorola Headset and Bluetooth GPS, and the Widcomm one for other purposes, like BuzzOne
just remember that you can only enable 1 stack at a time
thanks for the reply rahjinoh
This sounds like a lot of messing around unfortunatly, I wish bluetooth would come up with some starndards and stop stuffing around so much, its going to die in the long run if they don't I recon. I've read that the makers of bluetooth have not stoped any research and devolopment with the technology (Sony/Ericson) this does not seem to be a good step but I don't blame them really as the software side of things is a compleat MESS!!!
Is Microsoft going to be fixing up there drivers? or has the problems been fixed in the Newer Windows 2003 SE Phone Edition? (Which I hope is going to be comming out for our XDA II's some time soon??)...
Any more news any one? any ideas what I can do to get my Bluetooth GPS, Head Set and Software Programs to work with ease and no problems?
Still no news??? ANY ONE???
Has any one mannaged to find an easy way to get this program working as yet?
still no news or any ways to get this software working is there? I need a solution that will work with my Bluetooth GPS (and current software, Destinator 3), Bluetooth Headset as well as this program...
Any thoughts any one?
Might want to read this...
Thanks for the reply Nighthawk...
I have seen that post before, but what I am worried about is that I've noticed that people on XDA-Forum has posted that you cannot use your Bluetooth Headset if you don't use the MS Stack? Is this correct?
I use a Bluetooth - GPS, Headset and software... Will I have any problems with these?
easiest way to configure internet bluetoothsharing
get widcom drivers from this site
then put all these files in your pocket pc windows main folder
go to file explorer of your pocket pc and extract these thre which you downloaded or run these files from your pocket pc..
now your bluetoth manager is installed. then just go to this site
and learn step by step to configure your pocket pc for intenet connection sharing with your desktop
i think its the easiest way to do in min not hours
best regards for all my brothers.
Thanks for the reply maani_ch, great advice, only 1 question... If I install these drivers. Do you know if I can still use my Bluetooth GPS with my Bluetooth Heatset at the same time as I do at the moment???
As well as both of them working of course!
Good question Guest, thats exactualy what I would like to konw, I'm a little scared to install stuff on my XDA now days as in the past I've learned that sometimes things just stop working after installing some applications and it's hard to find out what it is (as it is normaly combinations of things)... As I use it for work it's hard to afford any down time with my phone...
Any answers to the previous questions as to how it would work with Bluetooth GPS and Bluetooth Head set at the same time?
SSA connection is problem...Can any 1 help with a solution?
I have a quetion! How can I remove the first bluetooth icon that I have?
eFiend said:
I have a quetion! How can I remove the first bluetooth icon that I have?
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change this in:
"Dll Disabled"="BTIcon_Dll.dll"
(thanks to Cyber_mate)

How to get the most out of Bluetooth???

I have a Cingular 8125 with original WM5 ROM. Recently got a Bluetooth mouse and adapter for my laptop so I was trying to get 8125 paired up. It seems like very few bluetooth profiles show up. Previous devices (Loox, Ipaq2215) seemed to have a lot more profiles/services.
On my laptop I have this Bluetooth adapter with their recommendedToshiba Bluetooth drivers/stack...
It would be nice to have a Bluetooth Utility that used all the available features. Is there anything to expand on the over-simple WM5 Bluetooth control panel? Something that shows more info/profiles/services from the other devices it sees via Bluetooth.
I got ActiveSync working with help from this thread...
I cannot get File Transfer to send to PC via Beam in WM5 file explorer.
I'd also like to find some cool software for phone to phone bluetooth, like a chat program or some games (even something simple like battleship ).
I found references to several addon programs...
-Sniper - bad links now though, is/was this freeware
-DR.jar - couldn't find the software
-Blueooth from pre-WM5 pocketpc200? OS, seemed buggy based on comments
So... is there anything new and free to help get the most out of this PC-8125 connection?
to xfer files to my PC with bluetooth I had to right click on the bluetooth icon in the tray and choose 'Receive a file'. Took me forever to figure it out. Have you tried this?

Use phone as Bluetooth modem

I know this has been asked before, but has anyone yet succeeded in connecting an HTC TD2 or T-Mobile Compact V as a Bluetooth modem to a PC running Windows XP? I can ActiveSync via Bluetooth, but that's all.
Need extra command string in bluetooh modem setting.
APN is your ISP access point name.
hungtinglung said:
Need extra command string in bluetooth modem setting.
APN is your ISP access point name.
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I don't follow. Surely the PC needs to see that there is a modem first? Has your PC recognised the bluetooth modem service on the phone?
If your phone is already setup for data access then you don't need any dialing string.
When the PC establishes the BT link it should install the dialup service which will access the phone as a BT modem!
pa49 said:
When the PC establishes the BT link it should install the dialup service which will access the phone as a BT modem!
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"Should" is the operative word. Dialup service as such is not used on WM devices. They use a Personal Area Network (PAN). Anyway, the point is that no services on the phone can be seen by the PC. If I can overcome this hurdle, the rest is plain sailing (or plain surfing?)
Mike Austin said:
"Should" is the operative word. Dialup service as such is not used on WM devices. They use a Personal Area Network (PAN). Anyway, the point is that no services on the phone can be seen by the PC. If I can overcome this hurdle, the rest is plain sailing (or plain surfing?)
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I use Blue Soleil BT software and the services are installed by it and not Win. May be that's the difference. Do you have any BT client software running?
pa49 said:
I use Blue Soleil BT software and the services are installed by it and not Win. May be that's the difference. Do you have any BT client software running?
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The problem is basically what the WM device is communicating - or not communicating. I have an IBM/Lenovo laptop running XP/SP3 and I cannot find services on the WM device whether I use the Microsoft BT stack or the Lenovo BT stack. I have also tried a separate USB BT dongle with its own drivers without any success. A colleague with Windows 7 (Microsoft BT stack) cannot find services on the WM device either.
Do you see all the services on your phone with the Soleil BT software? I have an old BT dongle that uses BT Soleil.
I think BT on WM devices is a bit shaky. My in-car Parrot hands-free sometimes recognises it as one device and sometimes as another - but surprisingly it works regardless.
Yes, using Internet Connection Sharing [ICS] via Blue Soleil on WXP Prof.
One has to start ICS from the 'phone - it should ask whether to use USB or BT, then (unless your mobile 'phone supplier has forced a fixed choice via a registry entry "ForcedCellConnection") allow you to specify the connection to use (eg Internet) then it will advise to go to PC and click on BT PAN.

HTC Desire Z Bluetooth connectivity issue

I have a HTC Desire Z (rooted with CM7.1-RC1). Recently after updating the ROM I had some issues connecting it with my car bluetooth. But after a few hits and misses I had been able to get the bluetooth connected with almost anything I want. So I have it working fine with my car, laptop etc. But the problem exists in my desktop.
The phone is paired but shows up as "paired but not connected" and in the devices and printers menu, I see HTC Vision (name of my phone for bluetooth detection) but its grey. Meaning perhaps the full drivers have not been installed. I remember that when I connected it to my laptop, it installed the HTC drivers after I had full control of my phone, files, music etc. But in Desktop it didn't do any such thing.
Although I am able to send and receive files. I would like to do more, such as streaming music and getting calls through my speakers rather which I am able to do on my laptop.
One last bit of info, my desktop uses Windows 7 x64 whereas Laptop runs on Windows 7 x86.
Thanks in advance for all your help.
ginobili1 said:
I have a HTC Desire Z (rooted with CM7.1-RC1). Recently after updating the ROM I had some issues connecting it with my car bluetooth. But after a few hits and misses I had been able to get the bluetooth connected with almost anything I want. So I have it working fine with my car, laptop etc. But the problem exists in my desktop.
The phone is paired but shows up as "paired but not connected" and in the devices and printers menu, I see HTC Vision (name of my phone for bluetooth detection) but its grey. Meaning perhaps the full drivers have not been installed. I remember that when I connected it to my laptop, it installed the HTC drivers after I had full control of my phone, files, music etc. But in Desktop it didn't do any such thing.
Although I am able to send and receive files. I would like to do more, such as streaming music and getting calls through my speakers rather which I am able to do on my laptop.
One last bit of info, my desktop uses Windows 7 x64 whereas Laptop runs on Windows 7 x86.
Thanks in advance for all your help.
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did you set your bluetooth as discoverable when on your desktop? or did you set your computers bluetooth as discoverable?
evilcuber said:
did you set your bluetooth as discoverable when on your desktop? or did you set your computers bluetooth as discoverable?
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thanks i couldent figure out why it couldent detect my device but it was because i forgot to make it discoverable
evilcuber said:
did you set your bluetooth as discoverable when on your desktop? or did you set your computers bluetooth as discoverable?
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Both were set to discoverable. They are paired, but never connected. As I pointed out before as well, Windows don't seem to recognize the drivers for HTC and doesn't treat it like a phone. Whereas on the other laptop the phone works perfectly fine.
Any suggestions guys?
I'm having the same problems on Desire S and stable CM 7.1. Sending of files to nokia e52 works, but to win7 or mac doesn't. Pairing with parrot ck3100 is successful, but doesn't connect nor sync contacts.
Did you solve it finally?
Did you install htc sync?
No HTC Sense
nah I haven't installed HTC Sense but that's because I don't need it. Windows automatically finds and installs the drivers on the laptop on which everything through Bluetooth is working. But on the desktop where I use the Bluetooth dongle, it doesn't seem to work. The only thing I am able to do is transfer files, but no streaming music or answering phone.
Also I am using MIUI ROM so HTC Sense would have nothing to do with it.
Have the same problem here with HTC Desire Z and CM 7.2.0 (stable), tried original radio version and
Symptoms are (CM 7.2.0 /
* Bluetooth devices find each other
* pairing is initiated
* the phones services aren't detected correctly, drivers aren't installed after pairing
* when trying to enable services (e.g. "Audio Source" or "Object Push (Obex)") I get a "wrong parameter"-error box
* phone symbol of the Bluetooth device in the device list is "grayed out"
* When manually connecting, the connection is "aborted" some 1-2 seconds later
* Phone doesn't work with car hands free
* When downgrading radio to original revision and putting a stock ROM on it... bluetooth works, but wifi does not.
It's possibly a matter of the correct "radio version" but I've no clue, which one should be working...
---------- Post added at 05:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:05 PM ----------
Problem solved for me!!!
I just didn't read the complete instructions about how to update the radio!
It's not just installing the radio, but also wiping cache + dalvik cache AND updating the files within the ROM!
And last but not least wiping the EFS partition...
I just did not continue after "Once you are running the .19 radio [...]", because I thought it as instructions for people who do an update from the priorly -wrong- version without RCDATA.
Full instruction are found here:

