no signal or anything! help! - myTouch 4G Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I was running RoyalMIUI -1.4.1r3. I tried rebooting, installing another rom, same thing. Didn't drop my phone or anything!
edit :
I installed ice glacier and now it says limited service, and when I try to manually connect to t-mobile, it says " Unable to connect to network at this time, please try again later. Or it said Sim doesn't allow me " It said something like that.

Try pulling the sim card
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA Premium App

i replaced the sim with my sisters wwho does has signal, and still doesn't work. uhh it says android.process.acore crashed or something!

Take your sim to t mobile ask them to give you a updated sim card
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App

same thing happened to me about a month ago. there isn't much you can do to fix it. it has nothing to do with the sim card. unroot your phone and restore it back to stock rom then call tmobile and tell them your phone isn't receiving any signal. they'll send you a replacement phone


Bypassing SIM Screen

Is there any way to bypass the sim screen on the mytouch 3G? We got one and y brother wants to use it as an mp3 player/app runner but we don't use t mobile. We can't do anything without a sim currently. If we borrow a sim, root and flash a custom rom will this problem persist?
Nope you'll be good after you root. Just do what you said, borrow a SIM, setup a Google account, then root. You'd actually probably be good with just activating the first time as long as you don't have to reset the phone to factory settings.
Sent from my HTC Magic using XDA App
Thanks, gonna root it asap

Mytouch 4g "Limited Service"

Has anyone had problems with this. No matter what rom, rooted or stock, my phone says "limited service" "emergency calls only". Both Tmo and Htc said send it in. Thought I would ask around first.
I had it rooted running Iced Glacier and all of the sudden, my phone says "limited service" and i dont have anything. No data or voice. My SIM card works fine in any of my old phones, just not this one. I have tried to unroot and root again, using all different roms, and yet still nothing.
Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix this? or what it could be? I want to send it in under warranty, except it was rooted and Im nervous they will be able to tell. (i have another post on how to unroot completely with no trace; here)
Yeah, I get that limited service when the phone switches from 4g to 3g and back. Frustrating to say the least.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
it seems as if your phone is now SIM locked, but not to TMO. Try booting into hboot and choose sim unlock function there - this is how I unlocked my phone.
Thanks for the reply, but did you need an unlock code or file to unlock your phone? It is looking on my sd card for two files that I don't have...
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
Maybe your SIM died. Mine did last year with the same symptoms and a new SIM fixed the problem.
pnut22r said:
Thanks for the reply, but did you need an unlock code or file to unlock your phone? It is looking on my sd card for two files that I don't have...
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
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do you have s-off using gfree? (sticky in the dev forum). If you did, in hboot you should see an option to sim unlock the device. If you didn't do gfree yet, do it now and try.
And does that unlock for good? Or until you revert and unroot?
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
It is unlocked for good unless you re-flash the part7* backup file gfree creates.
i get signal issues but only when coming in from the everglades which i chalk up to the phone looking for a strong tower in the area
Happened to me last week sim card was dead. Go to tmobile and they will replace it.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
i am having the same issue. i am using simple mobile so i dont really need to unlock the phone to use it, the first day i got the phone i read the sim card without any problems, it was working fine for like 5 mins and then i got the limited service message. i unlocked the phone with a tmobile code. no luck. i went into the apn settings try changing the settings and it worked once but it doesnt work anymore, one thing i noticed i was able to switch from gsm/wcdma auto to gsm only but it doesnt do it anymore. i just wanted to know if u guys fixed this problem or if i should just send it to htc, i havent rooted my phone. would i have to pay any fee? am still under the warranty program.

[Q] Tmobile G2 with Google - Unable to connect to network

I have bought a new Tmobile G2 with Google from ebay and got it unlocked . However, this phone does is not able to connect to any Service in India..including Vodafone Mumbai, which is on 900 mhz. Here are the HTC Phone details: Model: Tmobile G2 with Google; Network and Country : TMobile USA; When I click on Search for Networks, I get an error message: "Error while searching for networks". When I click on Select automatically, it gives error "Unable to connect to this network at this time. Please try again later".
According to HTC support, this phone should work in India also as it is Quad band. Contacted T-Mobile support too but they were not of much help and asked me to get it to theie service centre.
Would appreciate any help to resolve this issue. Thanks in advance.
Not an expert but what if you put a apn setup for the data on it and try search again?
Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk
Did you unlock using Gfree (root)?
There was an issue with when you unlocked your G2 using an unlock code you got no service, just go root it and it will also unlock your phone (network) and your issue will be resolved.
I was in the same boat as you except when the was no fix for a couple of weeks! Hope this helps.
Oh yea that could be it I rooted that way and have my phone unlocked but I have T-Mobile in the USA i did it that way to kill to birds with one stone lol. try that and do what the other poster did and let up know if that works for you ill look around to see if there was anyone sled with this problem.
Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk
Yeah, it's a known issue that unlock codes are hit-or-miss with this phone. When they work, it's as easy as any other phone. When they don't work, the phone stops connecting to any network (including the original one it was on). Most of the unlock companies didn't acknowledge this when the phone first came out either (not sure if that has changed now). I had one dealer adamantly tell me his codes were all working until I had him actually try it himself and it messed up his phone...
As stated earlier though, using gfree to get subsidy unlock will fix the issue. Just follow the guide in the Wiki.
I got the unlock code from T-Mobile and did not get any error message while unlocking the phone.
jags2 said:
I got the unlock code from T-Mobile and did not get any error message while unlocking the phone.
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none off us got an error when unlocking using a T-Mobile ore second source unlock code.
The phones says successfule, reboots but some of us ended up with a corrupted sim-lock data in the partition 7.
That was the reason why we went for radio S-OFF - to be able to remove the corrupted sim-lock data.
The result of this work is gfree. See the XDA-wiki for the G2/DZ/vision on how to use gfree. This will repair your phone.
Have fun - Guhl
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App

[Q] {HELP PLEASE}Mytouch 4G wont read my sim card?

hi i have a rooted mytouch 4G..for some odd reason it wont read my sim card or even identify if their is one.i cant even get a 3g or 4g symbol. I have flashed rom after rom and im using a new radio i flashed another radio prior to that...could it be sim locked? or has the antenna died or idk..please any help will do thanks
Does it say Emergency Calls Only or No Service in the notification bar? Or does it show T-Mobile, and you have no bars?
GazaIan said:
Does it say Emergency Calls Only or No Service in the notification bar? Or does it show T-Mobile, and you have no bars?
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You are combining numerous issues into one. The SD, radio, and ROM are all separate issues.
I would check the SD card and see if its still good. Second, I would check your APN settings. Some ROMs do not come with them installed and you have to manually input them.
If all else fails, flash a new ROM and try that.
dubie76 said:
You are combining numerous issues into one. The SD, radio, and ROM are all separate issues.
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Well yes, that's troubleshooting
Sent from my HTC Glacier
Dear experts,
I just bought the Mytouch 4G off Ebay for my wife's birthday (unlocked so no contract). I have rooted an LG Optimus T before so I thought I could do the same to this phone. My only problem is that I did not have a sim card in hand so I rooted and upgraded the Royal Ginger Rom without the sim card. Now my phone is working perfectly but there is an error of "no sim card, emergency calls only," even after I insert a sim card that works with another phone. I am running out of ideas, the only thing to try is to somehow load the factory default which I did not back up. At the moment with gfree, s=off, please help :-(...
Two questions... Are you inserting the sim card as the symbol where u insert it shows? Second, is the sim card activated with a carrier?
Sent from my My Touch 4G using XDA Premium App
i have same problem please help ........................
Fixed my problem after hours and research and restored the original rom. Please make sure you have the sim card in the correct way as well, easy to miss on this phone...
if its not to much trouble could you help me out with the steps. i currently rooted my mytouch 4g as well and i'm getting the same error message. it says no sim card emergency calls only
lol i inserted my sim wrongly on my phone first time i tried and was embarrassed when my wife showed me the correct way, felt like such an idiot haha
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA Premium App
d12unk13astard said:
lol i inserted my sim wrongly on my phone first time i tried and was embarrassed when my wife showed me the correct way, felt like such an idiot haha
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA Premium App
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any one fix this yet?

[Q] Sim card problem

My galaxy s4 no longer accepts my sim. it goes in and i can use the mobile data but it keeps teling me its not connected to the mobile network.(Giffgaff UK). Ive tried the tips on the giffgaff forums but nothing works and ive done the manual roam.
ive tried to flash echoe rom, MIUI rom and now im on wanam rom but nothing works. i get data and just get the No' symbol (prohibition sign, no sign, circle-backslash symbol, nay, or universal no)
i have 2 screen shots here and if you look at the top left you'll see what sign im talking about.
im waiting on the downloads to finish so i can try to restore to stock.
edit: ive tried and EE sim which loads up and says EE at the bottom but same problem. i can use the internet but no calls or texts..
have you tried another sim?
Yes I said I tried an EE sim. Check the bottom of the post
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Sigh I just did one and under ever blocked: its yellow and says 'has a record of having been blocked by a gsm cell phone network'Under currently blocked:is red and says 'has a record that this item is currently blocked by one or more gsm cell phone networks'What should I do now?
your imei has been blocked..check checkmend
where did you buy the device?
cz4r3n said:
your imei has been blocked..check checkmend
where did you buy the device?
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i did a checkmend. i bought it off someone on gumtree

