[Q] Tmobile G2 with Google - Unable to connect to network - G2 and Desire Z General

I have bought a new Tmobile G2 with Google from ebay and got it unlocked . However, this phone does is not able to connect to any Service in India..including Vodafone Mumbai, which is on 900 mhz. Here are the HTC Phone details: Model: Tmobile G2 with Google; Network and Country : TMobile USA; When I click on Search for Networks, I get an error message: "Error while searching for networks". When I click on Select automatically, it gives error "Unable to connect to this network at this time. Please try again later".
According to HTC support, this phone should work in India also as it is Quad band. Contacted T-Mobile support too but they were not of much help and asked me to get it to theie service centre.
Would appreciate any help to resolve this issue. Thanks in advance.

Not an expert but what if you put a apn setup for the data on it and try search again?
Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk

Did you unlock using Gfree (root)?
There was an issue with when you unlocked your G2 using an unlock code you got no service, just go root it and it will also unlock your phone (network) and your issue will be resolved.
I was in the same boat as you except when the was no fix for a couple of weeks! Hope this helps.

Oh yea that could be it I rooted that way and have my phone unlocked but I have T-Mobile in the USA i did it that way to kill to birds with one stone lol. try that and do what the other poster did and let up know if that works for you ill look around to see if there was anyone sled with this problem.
Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk

Yeah, it's a known issue that unlock codes are hit-or-miss with this phone. When they work, it's as easy as any other phone. When they don't work, the phone stops connecting to any network (including the original one it was on). Most of the unlock companies didn't acknowledge this when the phone first came out either (not sure if that has changed now). I had one dealer adamantly tell me his codes were all working until I had him actually try it himself and it messed up his phone...
As stated earlier though, using gfree to get subsidy unlock will fix the issue. Just follow the guide in the Wiki.

I got the unlock code from T-Mobile and did not get any error message while unlocking the phone.

jags2 said:
I got the unlock code from T-Mobile and did not get any error message while unlocking the phone.
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none off us got an error when unlocking using a T-Mobile ore second source unlock code.
The phones says successfule, reboots but some of us ended up with a corrupted sim-lock data in the partition 7.
That was the reason why we went for radio S-OFF - to be able to remove the corrupted sim-lock data.
The result of this work is gfree. See the XDA-wiki for the G2/DZ/vision on how to use gfree. This will repair your phone.
Have fun - Guhl
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App


Sim Unlock HTC Sapphire

Can remove simlock from HTC Sapphire and from any other HTC device.
This service is not free.
You will get unlock code in 5 minutes to 72 hours.
It will costs 50$ = 38EUR by donation to xda-developers.com - http://forum.xda-developers.com/donations.php
Please send me a Private Message for details.
P.S. you do not need to reflash, disassembly, hard reset your device!
Just wanted to ask:
I live in India so here even dream is not available I have got ADP1...
So my question is what would be the price of an unlocked Sapphire without the taxes/import duties...
& if I ask for one can I get through you(Unlocked) ???
Not sure that I m gona get one but my friends are asking for such android phones...
Just wanted to say I think this is a great way to make money for this site.
SIM Unlock without a SIM
Hi guys I've got the unlock code for my device but problem is I do not have a SIM from a provider other than my own. Is there any way to put in the unlock code without a foreign SIM???
I think that people´s work must be paid, but 38€ for a unlocking code its abuse, but this is just a opinion.
17,50 Euros here : http://sapphire.unlock-now.com/sim-unlock-Vodafone-HTC-Magic/
I had test it and all is OK
I have unlocked my Magic witch was SIM locked to Vodaphone Spain and all i had to do was to put in my Swedish SIM-card and power on the phone to get to a screen there i put in the unlock code. If you have your SIM card pin-protected you maight want to trie to disable the PIN first.
Hope it works out for you!
gonucks said:
Hi guys I've got the unlock code for my device but problem is I do not have a SIM from a provider other than my own. Is there any way to put in the unlock code without a foreign SIM???
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Borrow a friends sim that uses a different provider. It doesn't have to be foreign, it just has to be another network.
Sorry for not answering for a long time. I was on holidays.
Please send all requests by P.M.
Sim locked T-mobile Mytouch 3G
My T-mobile Mytouch 3G is locked to T-mobile and I can't get the unlocking code nor from the unlocking websites nor from T-mobile. How can i get it unlocked?
Will flasing the ROM unlock it?
endorphin2007 said:
My T-mobile Mytouch 3G is locked to T-mobile and I can't get the unlocking code nor from the unlocking websites nor from T-mobile. How can i get it unlocked?
Will flasing the ROM unlock it?
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Why can't you get an unlock code from T-Mobile? They gave me an unlock code for mine for free... http://expressunlockcode.com/htc.aspx they say that can unlock it for you.
I don't think flashing a rom unlocks it.
I got my code today. problem solved. thanks
I have the same problem. Every unlock place online says the IMEI returns a "Code Not Found"
I was able to find a guy on ebay that says he can get it even if the IMEI returns "Code Not Found" but it cost me $30
Anyone know what some IMEIs return a Code Not Found error?
Do you just call up tmo support for the unlock code? Are the specific criteria or questions that you need to meet or answer for it?
None of the websites at the moment can provide the unlock code for mytouch 3g.
The phones are new in the market.
All their databases are obsolete.
ferraripassion said:
None of the websites at the moment can provide the unlock code for mytouch 3g.
The phones are new in the market.
All their databases are obsolete.
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He is correct. There is one guy on ebay that can get them unlocked. It took about 3 days for me to get my unlock for him. Worked great though!
how i contact with him?
piotrgo88 said:
how i contact with him?
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Search for
Unlock Code for T-Mobile HTC MyTouch or Touch Pro 2 G2
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In ebay, its $30 but it works!
I can't find it on ebay :/

Htc hd2 - t-mobile unlock??

i have been reading lots of posts about unlocking the HD2 but they all seem to be the O2 variant.
has anybody had any luck unlocking the T-Mobile UK Version??
so far i have tried 3 unlockers, who are
http://mobileunlocked.com/ - refunded me after 24hrs unable to get the code.
http://www.unlock-phone-htc.com - refunded me after 24hrs unable to get the code.
http://leo.unlock-now.com/sim-unlock-HTC-HD2/ - again waiting to here from them, nothing so far and its been 24hrs
so far not lookin good .... judt wondering if anyone has had any luck getting a code??
thanks alot
..have you tried asking them to unlock it?...ok can cost £15 and you have to wait a till youve had it a month but they will unlock it for you...... (t-mobile that is)
andy586 said:
..have you tried asking them to unlock it?...ok can cost £15 and you have to wait a till youve had it a month but they will unlock it for you...... (t-mobile that is)
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hi mate
i will ask the person i bought it of, to see if he will contact t mobile for me...
ps has anyone had any luck with obtaining the unlock code outside of t mobile??
Maybe not what you were after zetex but I flashed the 1.48 ROM over my T Mobile HD2 via the goldcard method.
Result unbranded/unlocked HD2 with all the HTC apps reinstated that T Mobile decided to remove i.e you tube, jetcet printer, co pilot trial
updated just had the second one come back to me with a refund
they cant get the code either..
not looking good at all....
deeky1 said:
Maybe not what you were after zetex but I flashed the 1.48 ROM over my T Mobile HD2 via the goldcard method.
Result unbranded/unlocked HD2 with all the HTC apps reinstated that T Mobile decided to remove i.e you tube, jetcet printer, co pilot trial
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your could be my saving star..... i will have a look into that
i didnt realise by updating the rom using the goldcard method actually unlocked the phone as welll...
is this true, i dont mind flashing it at all... just want it to work on o2
thanks alot
Your best option would seem is to upgrade your ROM to unbranded 1.48 via goldcard?
That's what I have done from O2 ROM. I'm sure it would work for T Mobile.
I just changed my sim and it doesnt unlock my phone it is still tied to O2 sorry
i may sound stupid, but are you sure that t-mob uk devices has a netlocked?. i only ask because german t-mob devices arent netlocked at all. the only (stupid) thing t-(in)mobile germany does, was to lock the internet connection. so you can dialin only via them, but that could be fixed by simply using the goldcard method to update to a nice brandingfree rom.
regards mad
so by flashing it using an unbranded rom with a goldcard does not unlock it??
really sorry im all new to this??
thanks alot
maybe we are talking about different things. but for me unlocking means removing the sim/netlock. so that after unlocking, i can use any sim from any provider i like, to make phonecalls etc..
what happens if you put a simcard from a different provider to your hd2? can you use your phone to call someone? if so your phone is not sim/netlocked anyhow.
Hi, I was wondering the same a Madbird, as I bought a Tmobile HD2 a couple of weeks ago, and was very pleased when i realised it didnt have a tmobile badge on, and when i tried my Virgin sim it worked fine. Maybe I just struck lucky!
Use www.your-unlock.com It's what I used for mine and it worked no trouble, just put your other sim in and turn it on and it will ask you for an unlock code, enter the one that site e-mails you.
monty_rm said:
Use www.your-unlock.com It's what I used for mine and it worked no trouble, just put your other sim in and turn it on and it will ask you for an unlock code, enter the one that site e-mails you.
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hi mate
thanks for the info... i will give them a try... mines locked to tmobile just tried another sim in and it asks for a code...
just hope this one comes back to with the code
thanks once again
monty_rm said:
Use www.your-unlock.com It's what I used for mine and it worked no trouble, just put your other sim in and turn it on and it will ask you for an unlock code, enter the one that site e-mails you.
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just got an email from this company and they have failed to get me unlock code....
not looking very good at the moment.... looks good in the box though...
This works for T-Mobile UK
Try unlockdata.co.uk. They generated a code which I was able to enter into my HD2 to allow all networks..
zetex said:
just got an email from this company and they have failed to get me unlock code....
not looking very good at the moment.... looks good in the box though...
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Hey, I got a T-Mobile UK HD2 also. I have also just submitted my code to Your-Unlock.com. Well after seeing your post I would not expect much. Anyway I did a search and found this guy on E-Bay. Thinking of giving him a try. Has some good reviews also. Check it out let me know what you think. This is what the add says "Unlock HTC HD2 Leo T-Mobile O2 3 UK Code = FAST"
just been to the shops to try unlock but they said none would be available until next 2 weeks.
Anyone with better luck
id be interested to hear from anyomne also as am about to recieve my hd2 from t-mobile on monday - any successful unlock codes, or any successful flashing of the rom to get the hd2 sim unlocked? im assuming i will recieve the phone locked to t-mobile but will update in case it arrives unlocked.
Well I have not found a solution as yet. Tried a guy on ebay but seems he's unable to unlock also. Anyone has any luck unlocking the t-mobile uk hd2 online?


Is there anybody that would be able to call T-Mobile to get me the Unlock Code for my Samsung Vibrant, if I give them my IMEI.
I had my phone unlocked and for some reason it randomly locked up again.
I would call T-mobile myself, but I am not with them and I live in Canada.
If anyone could help me that would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance!!
T-Mobile gives former eligible customers free unlock codes.
molson24 said:
Is there anybody that would be able to call T-Mobile to get me the Unlock Code for my Samsung Vibrant, if I give them my IMEI.
I had my phone unlocked and for some reason it randomly locked up again.
I would call T-mobile myself, but I am not with them and I live in Canada.
If anyone could help me that would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance!!
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Unfotunately I don't think it will work. The phone has to have been registered on the users account, meaning the user must have put their sim in the phone before, or there has to be proof that exact phone with the IMEI was purchased from T-Mobile by the account holder.
But luckily for you, if you were a T-mobile customer in the past, and you did in fact use that Vibrant on their network, they will provide you the unlock code again.
For your reference
"T-Mobile will provide the SIM Unlock Code upon request to eligible former customers, provided that T-Mobile has such code or can obtain it from the manufacturer. "
Who knows though, might work, if you are willing to find someone to try it for you.
Yeah i am pretty sure the person who had the phone before wad with t mobile, so it should be fine. I just need someone who is with t mobile to call in for me since i am not with tmobile.
There was an app in the app store that'll give you the unlock code. That's how I unlocked mine. Check the market as it was a free app.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
qreffie said:
There was an app in the app store that'll give you the unlock code. That's how I unlocked mine. Check the market as it was a free app.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
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That app doesn't work any more I've heard.
molson24 said:
Is there anybody that would be able to call T-Mobile to get me the Unlock Code for my Samsung Vibrant, if I give them my IMEI.
I had my phone unlocked and for some reason it randomly locked up again.
I would call T-mobile myself, but I am not with them and I live in Canada.
If anyone could help me that would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance!!
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You don't need to even bother with that. Use this thread to fix the unlock. This will make it more permanent. Hopefully. It worked for me on two different devices. Cheers!
Thanks for the responses..
Yeah I unlocked my phone myself a month ago and for some reason It became locked again randomly. Dont know why... I just dont want to go through all that work again, and have it happen again... If I get the Sim Unlock code then it wont be a problem, and I can just put in the # again. When I originally tried to get the number through the SGS Unlocker it just gave me 8 zeros, so that method dident work.
The computer that I am using does not have all the drivers and crap and it is not my computer so I do not want to load everything on it.
If anyone with T-Mobile dosent mind calling for me that would be greatly appreciated.
molson24 said:
Thanks for the responses..
Yeah I unlocked my phone myself a month ago and for some reason It became locked again randomly. Dont know why... I just dont want to go through all that work again, and have it happen again... If I get the Sim Unlock code then it wont be a problem, and I can just put in the # again. When I originally tried to get the number through the SGS Unlocker it just gave me 8 zeros, so that method dident work.
The computer that I am using does not have all the drivers and crap and it is not my computer so I do not want to load everything on it.
If anyone with T-Mobile dosent mind calling for me that would be greatly appreciated.
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The problem is you can't use the sim unlock code once you have gone through this process that they would send you. If you went through that process, then the code is whatever you set. If you don't remember what that number is, then you will have to do it all over again.
It is not that i do.not remember. I put in eight zeros in. But some everything was reset and it is locked again. I tried the eight zeros and it sosent work. I think i used a different nethod. I did not use the batch files. I used adb and edited the nv data. I am pretty sure if i were to get the sim unlock from t.mobile it will work. I dident choose 0000000 as a sim code it just told me to enter that in the instructions.
molson24 said:
It is not that i do.not remember. I put in eight zeros in. But some everything was reset and it is locked again. I tried the eight zeros and it sosent work. I think i used a different nethod. I did not use the batch files. I used adb and edited the nv data. I am pretty sure if i were to get the sim unlock from t.mobile it will work. I dident choose 0000000 as a sim code it just told me to enter that in the instructions.
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The problem is that number replaced the old msl. So you have no choice.
What do you mean Msl?
Msl = master subsidy lock aka unlock code

Mytouch 4g "Limited Service"

Has anyone had problems with this. No matter what rom, rooted or stock, my phone says "limited service" "emergency calls only". Both Tmo and Htc said send it in. Thought I would ask around first.
I had it rooted running Iced Glacier and all of the sudden, my phone says "limited service" and i dont have anything. No data or voice. My SIM card works fine in any of my old phones, just not this one. I have tried to unroot and root again, using all different roms, and yet still nothing.
Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix this? or what it could be? I want to send it in under warranty, except it was rooted and Im nervous they will be able to tell. (i have another post on how to unroot completely with no trace; here)
Yeah, I get that limited service when the phone switches from 4g to 3g and back. Frustrating to say the least.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
it seems as if your phone is now SIM locked, but not to TMO. Try booting into hboot and choose sim unlock function there - this is how I unlocked my phone.
Thanks for the reply, but did you need an unlock code or file to unlock your phone? It is looking on my sd card for two files that I don't have...
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
Maybe your SIM died. Mine did last year with the same symptoms and a new SIM fixed the problem.
pnut22r said:
Thanks for the reply, but did you need an unlock code or file to unlock your phone? It is looking on my sd card for two files that I don't have...
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
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do you have s-off using gfree? (sticky in the dev forum). If you did, in hboot you should see an option to sim unlock the device. If you didn't do gfree yet, do it now and try.
And does that unlock for good? Or until you revert and unroot?
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
It is unlocked for good unless you re-flash the part7* backup file gfree creates.
i get signal issues but only when coming in from the everglades which i chalk up to the phone looking for a strong tower in the area
Happened to me last week sim card was dead. Go to tmobile and they will replace it.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
i am having the same issue. i am using simple mobile so i dont really need to unlock the phone to use it, the first day i got the phone i read the sim card without any problems, it was working fine for like 5 mins and then i got the limited service message. i unlocked the phone with a tmobile code. no luck. i went into the apn settings try changing the settings and it worked once but it doesnt work anymore, one thing i noticed i was able to switch from gsm/wcdma auto to gsm only but it doesnt do it anymore. i just wanted to know if u guys fixed this problem or if i should just send it to htc, i havent rooted my phone. would i have to pay any fee? am still under the warranty program.

Is my Desire HD unlocked?

Hi all,
I've got a Vodafone UK, Desire HD, rooted and running mike1986's Android Revolution 6.3.1.
I've been tried several tools to sim unlock my phone but doesn't seem to work as I keep getting an error / not connected message.
Anyway, I took the phone to a shop who charged me £10 to unlock, but when I got home, I put my wife's Orange sim (her work phone) in but couldn't get a network - the phone didn't even ask for a PIN.
Question is:
How do I find out whether the phone is unlocked?
I'm moving to USA soon. Will I be able to use the phone on their national services?
It seems they didn't properly remove the SIMlock in the shop. I suggest you go back.
//Edit: Or the SIM wasn't seated properly as it didn't ask for the PIN.
And I'm not sure if you can use it over there, since the USA uses whole different frequencies and networkmodes.
If the phone is soff, you are simunlocked. I've yet to see an soff device that wasn't. But one thing to take note is that not all sim/carriers play nice with unlocked phones.
For example on my previous phone my sisters sim, wouldn't work but my brothers would.(both on tmo). On xda I've seen a few people have issues with orange Sims, if possible maybe try a different sim. I also saw that their is a way to check with a few commands ,ill see if I van find them but its been a while
As too will it work in the us, yes but as alluded above we use different frequencies for 3g. So you will be stuck on edge(2g) if you decide to use the phone
EDIT-found the link Gene Poole posted about verifying simunlock http://forum.xda-developers.com/wiki/HTC_Vision#3._.28OPTIONAL.29_Verify_you_did_it_right
Thanks for that. The phone wasn't S-OFF so I presume the shop didn't do it properly.
This morning I had another go with using the one click tool, but this time I downgraded to the 1.32.405.6 WWE stock ROM from mike1986 Android Revolution before I did again - it seems to have worked and I am now S-OFF / Sim unlocked.
...get your tenner back mate... shop's a rip-off if they could not even do it properly! >_< lol!
Good Luck
EDIT: 100th post FTW! w00t! >_<

