[Q] Sim card problem - Galaxy S 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

My galaxy s4 no longer accepts my sim. it goes in and i can use the mobile data but it keeps teling me its not connected to the mobile network.(Giffgaff UK). Ive tried the tips on the giffgaff forums but nothing works and ive done the manual roam.
ive tried to flash echoe rom, MIUI rom and now im on wanam rom but nothing works. i get data and just get the No' symbol (prohibition sign, no sign, circle-backslash symbol, nay, or universal no)
i have 2 screen shots here and if you look at the top left you'll see what sign im talking about.
im waiting on the downloads to finish so i can try to restore to stock.
edit: ive tried and EE sim which loads up and says EE at the bottom but same problem. i can use the internet but no calls or texts..

have you tried another sim?

Yes I said I tried an EE sim. Check the bottom of the post
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA Premium HD app

Sigh I just did one and under ever blocked: its yellow and says 'has a record of having been blocked by a gsm cell phone network'Under currently blocked:is red and says 'has a record that this item is currently blocked by one or more gsm cell phone networks'What should I do now?

your imei has been blocked..check checkmend
where did you buy the device?

cz4r3n said:
your imei has been blocked..check checkmend
where did you buy the device?
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i did a checkmend. i bought it off someone on gumtree


"Not registered on network" "No Service"

Ok got this phone but it wont ring or recive calls ! .
After putting in my SIM card, entering my PIN code it still says no service. When you try and make a call it says "Not registered on network".
It was on T Mobile which I have had it unlocked via eBay. I got past the Google registration page by entering APN settings for my SIM card (O2).
Now I can user the browser and market etc but no calls.
I have done everything in THIS thread and think I have flashed it with
JFv1.43 RC9. (When I say think it seemed to flash but I cant see any difference so not sure if it worked).
Does anyone know how I can get the phone to work?
Thanks for your time
i have been in this same situation for about 3 weeks and after spending countless hours on phone and at store with tmobile 3 replacement phone 5 sim cards and a new number they close my account and reopened it this was just tonight so i am testing it out so far i have lost servie twice within 3 hours restarted my phone both times and regained service so im not sure if it is completely fixd just yet
Its really annoying such a simple thing. When I try to manually select teh operator in settings it says "Your SIM dosnt allow connections to this network".
I tried an orange SIM card and for some reason it puts the phone in airoplane mode and wont come out :s
Any ideas would be appreciated.
Anyone got any ideas on what could be causing this ?
same boat
man I'm telling you that's been happening to me. except I upgrade to ION and then reverted back to haykuro's 6.0r1. everythig that;s happened to this guy has been affecting me
No service
I also have a problem with my G1. Bought it from my local polish netwerk (Era) and the phone works OK however, from time to time it looses the connection to network and it needs a reset in order to login to network again. Don't remember if it happened before they released the software which supported polish language. So what do you recon is it a hardware problem or did those useless local IT guys screwed sth up while translating android??
hi i have he same problem stuck in airoplane mode and no service has anyone found a fix yet????
I´m yet another user with the same problem. For a few hours yesterday I suddenly had service, but it stopped working in the evening again.
Any solution?
A similar problem. Tell me what to do. Thank you.
hey guys not sure if this helps but if your device is rooted did you try un rooting it? maybe get it back to stock firmware...? or do you think its your sim card?
hi im from chicago and im having the same issue i put my sim in it say not registered on network then after i search 4 network it say sim card not alow on connection i sent my phone 2 samsung repair n they see nothing wrong..been like this since day one its very annoying
ldrifta said:
hey guys not sure if this helps but if your device is rooted did you try un rooting it? maybe get it back to stock firmware...? or do you think its your sim card?
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what do you mena rooting it?
I just bought a fido sim card and I get the msg: "cannot register on this network. choose another network, or disconnect your data connection and try again" when i try to manually connect to the network. I have using this phone with at least two sim cards back in my outcry and i bought it independently from my previous network from an eshop in Ireland..
Any thoughts? Could be the ROM and radio installed?
edit: I now saw that this isnt a thread for HTC Touch HD
Same Boat
I am also having the same problem with my Galaxy s 4g. Its an unlocked phone ( and I am sure it's unlocked) but when i put some other Carrier SIM it says "No Device" or "not register to this network"
Can some one help?
Still struck there
Has anyone able to sort this issue?..Need help badly
Hello, any one figure his problem? I am getting full bars and same message "not registered on network". Thx
the same on tattoo 1.6 android
i have the same problem on my tattoo its work with etesalat Egypt net work
but its didn't work with mobinil and Vodafone
any one can help us
not registerd on network
i have the same problem i have done different roms surly some one must no a fix .is it because we used a custom ROM wish i hadent have ...£400 paper weight now :crying:

HTC Hero + 3 Sim = No connection

New Hero. Originally sold by Orange UK. Unlocked and imported to Ireland.
New sim from 3 Ireland.
Sim goes into Hero, but Hero does not connect to network. Occassionally phone makes brief connection to 2G roaming partner (Vodafone), but never 3G connection to 3 network.
Manually search for networks and select 3 (or any network for that matter) and phone says "Your SIM card does not allow a connection to this network".
"Mobile Network - Connect to internet" option in settings seems disabled (greyed out, can't be changed).
Have tried HTC, Orange, T-Mobile and MoDaCo ROMs.
Can anyone please suggest a fix. This is surely a phone setting thing? It can't be that 3 USIMs just don't work in the phone can it? I mean I haven't got the APN configured properly, but I should still be getting basic phone services no?
Did you get this fixed? I am having the same problem trying to use Three sim in England on a Orange Hero. It accepts the network unlock code but then stays on the 'unlocking sim' screen and I left it for ages.
No. Gave up and am staying with my old provider (3 didn't seem too interested in holding onto me as a new customer).
I've been posting this query in a few places. In one thread a guy from England said his 3 Sim used to work but then suddenly began exhibiting the behaviour I have described. I think he said a factory reset fixed it. Anyway, some have supposed that this could be a bug in Android/Hero that makes it incompatible with 3. I personally suspect its more about 3.
Thanks anyway. There must be a way round it, I'll find it.
Be sure to post if you do.
RetroFlux said:
Did you get this fixed? I am having the same problem trying to use Three sim in England on a Orange Hero. It accepts the network unlock code but then stays on the 'unlocking sim' screen and I left it for ages.
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I've faced with absolutely the same problem, with my new HTC Hero. I bought it 4 days ago on eBay in UK. It also locked to orange. Please contact me if you'll find out something! I like this handset very much. It would be great if I can also make calls with it
RetroFlux said:
Thanks anyway. There must be a way round it, I'll find it.
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Btw, if I can help you somehow - email me "prokher at gmail.com"
prokher said:
I've faced with absolutely the same problem, with my new HTC Hero. I bought it 4 days ago on eBay in UK. It also locked to orange. Please contact me if you'll find out something! I like this handset very much. It would be great if I can also make calls with it
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Its locked to orange and you want it to work on 3? ...
a_l_a_n said:
New Hero. Originally sold by Orange UK. Unlocked and imported to Ireland.
New sim from 3 Ireland.
Sim goes into Hero, but Hero does not connect to network. Occassionally phone makes brief connection to 2G roaming partner (Vodafone), but never 3G connection to 3 network.
Manually search for networks and select 3 (or any network for that matter) and phone says "Your SIM card does not allow a connection to this network".
"Mobile Network - Connect to internet" option in settings seems disabled (greyed out, can't be changed).
Have tried HTC, Orange, T-Mobile and MoDaCo ROMs.
Can anyone please suggest a fix. This is surely a phone setting thing? It can't be that 3 USIMs just don't work in the phone can it? I mean I haven't got the APN configured properly, but I should still be getting basic phone services no?
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This is MAJOR weird. Chances are, the new USIM is not compatible. I've got mine for about 2 years, first in a W910i, now in Hero (sim-free, UK). Everything worked first time in the Hero, just needed APN settings for MMS and data. Surprisingly, MMS won't send or download while on WiFi. Mine's currently running on the leaked 2.73.405.5 ROM (not MoDaCo).
Maybe try someone else' sim, from 3 or other network and see if that works.
ptashek said:
This is MAJOR weird. Chances are, the new USIM is not compatible. I've got mine for about 2 years, first in a W910i, now in Hero (sim-free, UK). Everything worked first time in the Hero, just needed APN settings for MMS and data. Surprisingly, MMS won't send or download while on WiFi. Mine's currently running on the leaked 2.73.405.5 ROM (not MoDaCo).
Maybe try someone else' sim, from 3 or other network and see if that works.
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Lolz ... I am viewing this reply on my phone and couldn't understand why, when I tried to view the images, my phone would go to the settings screen and hang. Took a few views to figure it out
a_l_a_n said:
Its locked to orange and you want it to work on 3? ...
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Almost, it's locked to Orange and I want to connect to any of Russian provider. When I entered unlock code it is hanged with "Unlocking SIM card..." message. I can give more detailed description if necessary.
prokher said:
Almost, it's locked to Orange and I want to connect to any of Russian provider. When I entered unlock code it is hanged with "Unlocking SIM card..." message. I can give more detailed description if necessary.
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Well I've never actually unlocked a phone myself so I don't know, but of its hanging then I would guess its not unlocking properly so its not going to work.
Maybe contact the person you bought the code from and ask for help or another code. Otherwise I wonder if reflashing the ROM would help?
Hero on 3 Ireland
I am using a 3 Ireland "3pay" prepaid SIM with my white Hero (completely unlocked, imported from UK). Works fine! I got the "mobile broadband" prepaid package about a year ago and had to buy a usb modem (sitting on my desk ever since) with the sim card.
You need to enter the 3ireland.ie APN, but no other magic incantations
Occasionally, I get the "Roaming" indicator in the notification bar on the Hero (weak signal might cause this). Then, clearly, no internet. Its not roaming with another provider either. I strongly suspect that this is a 3 bug. Reconnecting to the 3 network fixes it.
PS: I'm in Dublin and usually get a HSPA connection ("H" icon)
PPS: You do not need to top up your 3 sim in order to connect to http://my3.three.ie (indeed, on that web page you can enter your prepaid voucher #).
Volker1 said:
I am using a 3 Ireland "3pay" prepaid SIM with my white Hero (completely unlocked, imported from UK). Works fine! I got the "mobile broadband" prepaid package about a year ago and had to buy a usb modem (sitting on my desk ever since) with the sim card.
You need to enter the 3ireland.ie APN, but no other magic incantations
Occasionally, I get the "Roaming" indicator in the notification bar on the Hero (weak signal might cause this). Then, clearly, no internet. Its not roaming with another provider either. I strongly suspect that this is a 3 bug. Reconnecting to the 3 network fixes it.
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Hmm, you guys seem to have some strange issues with those 3 USIMs. Maybe checking serial numbers or chip revision would shed some light into this. My USIM is not only working fine, but also happily roaming (GSM + data!) when I tell it to do so. Heck, I've spent two weeks in Italy on "3 Italy" with this USIM and it worked fine.
Ok since posting on here yesterday I have rooted my phone and put on modacos latest rom and its still not working, I have tried two seperate three sims and a vodafone sim. Given that the vodafone sim is also not working Im thinking it's a problem with the unlock code.
I'll contact them and see what they say.
ptashek said:
do so. Heck, I've spent two weeks in Italy on "3 Italy" with this USIM and it worked fine.
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Maybe I was not clear enough: Every couple of days, I get the roaming indicator while being in Ireland. Clearly, you can't roam to another Irish network. While I haven't tried it yet, I'm pretty sure that roaming outside of Ireland will work (worked before I got the Hero).
RetroFlux said:
Ok since posting on here yesterday I have rooted my phone and put on modacos latest rom and its still not working, I have tried two seperate three sims and a vodafone sim. Given that the vodafone sim is also not working Im thinking it's a problem with the unlock code.
I'll contact them and see what they say.
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It looks like we have the same problem.
As I promised above, it is the detailed description.
First case:
Turn on the phone with orange SIM card - everything works fine.
Turn on the phone with any other SIM card (I actually tried 3 other SIM card from 3 different providers). It asks unlock code. Enter unlock code I bought (actually any code containing 8 digits) it says "Network unlock successful." But after that it allow only emergency calls and if I try to make a call I see "Not registered in network" message. After reboot it asks unlock code again.
Second case:
If I do "restore to factory defaults" and turn it on the first time with my (no orange) SIM card, it asks unlock code I enter correct unlock code (salesman gave me one, and after that I also bought the same code in the Internet )
it hangs with phrase "Unlocking SIM card...". (Actually "turn off menu" works, I even can make an emergency call, but that is all I can get from it)
Also I noticed that in the first case there is strange line on the bottom of the screen (of the size of the notification bar).
I have tried different ROMS (original, rooted, latest, modacos) all the same. I only didn't try to downgrade radio firmware. I don't know if it can help. I upgraded to latest one even before I get the unlock code. As I already mentioned I also tried all SIM card I can obtain, the problem is obviously doesn't caused by SIM/Network incompatibility. Btw, my SIM card works OK in another HTC Hero (which was bought with my one).
I think it is problem with unlock procedure itself, not with code correctness. If wrong code entered it must say something like "wrong code", but for any 8 digit code it says "Network unlock successful". Is is the symptom! )
I do not know what to do further
Ok, I have now had a reply from Unlock Now, they said it must be an issue my phone (although we have now established it's an issue with orange phones) but they did refund my payment.
I'll keep looking into this and post back if I find anything out.
RetroFlux said:
Ok, I have now had a reply from Unlock Now, they said it must be an issue my phone (although we have now established it's an issue with orange phones) but they did refund my payment.
I'll keep looking into this and post back if I find anything out.
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I bought the same unlock code on two different sites, finally both did refund It is OK, but what will we do further?
I've decided started a new thread (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=560105) as I don't think it is just a problem with Three sims as the Vodafone one I tried didn't work.
I'll still post back here if we get any useful info.

[Q] s4 telus no sim read issue?

I feel my problem is unlike others i have read about for the last few hours...
bought a phone off craigslist
s4 sgh-i337 on telus in Canada.
went to put a telus sim in and it recognizes that its in there (so sim tray must work..) but i get "Not registered on network" problem...
tried 3 different telus sims, all do the same thing..
my IMEI matches the one on the physical phone so all good there?
its not rooted as i downloaded root checker and i restored it back to factory twice...
i just want service it does not make calls or texts. everything else is fine..
what gives.. thanks for any help sorry if this specific issue has been covered!
taylorleach said:
I feel my problem is unlike others i have read about for the last few hours...
bought a phone off craigslist
s4 sgh-i337 on telus in Canada.
went to put a telus sim in and it recognizes that its in there (so sim tray must work..) but i get "Not registered on network" problem...
tried 3 different telus sims, all do the same thing..
my IMEI matches the one on the physical phone so all good there?
its not rooted as i downloaded root checker and i restored it back to factory twice...
i just want service it does not make calls or texts. everything else is fine..
what gives.. thanks for any help sorry if this specific issue has been covered!
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Go to settings>>more netowrks>>mobile networks>>network operators..let it search then choose Telus, if it works you should see a message "registered on network" watch for it because it disappears after a few seconds.
The other thing you should check is that the network is actually up, not sure which part of the country you are in but you might want to check the Telus site to make sure they aren't just having network issues.... happened in Calgary a few months ago....
Also check network mode in settings should be set to lte/wcdma/gsm lol I set mine to GSM only and nothing worked....
Gage_Hero said:
Go to settings>>more netowrks>>mobile networks>>network operators..let it search then choose Telus, if it works you should see a message "registered on network" watch for it because it disappears after a few seconds.
The other thing you should check is that the network is actually up, not sure which part of the country you are in but you might want to check the Telus site to make sure they aren't just having network issues.... happened in Calgary a few months ago....
Also check network mode in settings should be set to lte/wcdma/gsm lol I set mine to GSM only and nothing worked....
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thank you so much for the reply... id love to try what you said but now it wont even READ any sim after i went into telus and the silly lady there tried to put a nano sim in with the punch out of a micro sim so itd fit, and i think it bent a pin in the tray......... wtf
taylorleach said:
thank you so much for the reply... id love to try what you said but now it wont even READ any sim after i went into telus and the silly lady there tried to put a nano sim in with the punch out of a micro sim so itd fit, and i think it bent a pin in the tray......... wtf
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Just a silly question but did the sim click into place or can it just slide ot? When it is properly in place, you should have to push it in to eject it.
Gage_Hero said:
Just a silly question but did the sim click into place or can it just slide ot? When it is properly in place, you should have to push it in to eject it.
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no it clicks in and out like any regular sim would... but now it wont recognize that there is any SIM inside...
before i went to telus it would just fine and id get a different error (my original issue "not registered on network:")
this is dumb.. im going back to telus today, they broke my phone....
ill report back with whatever they say..
taylorleach said:
no it clicks in and out like any regular sim would... but now it wont recognize that there is any SIM inside...
before i went to telus it would just fine and id get a different error (my original issue "not registered on network:")
this is dumb.. im going back to telus today, they broke my phone....
ill report back with whatever they say..
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So having further checked into the phone, the IMEI is blacklisted and reported lost or stolen.... That's why it worked at first and now does not!
Be careful buying used phones off Craigslist or anywhere I learned the hard way thank you for your time! :/

[Q] can't connect to mobile network

Hi I purchased an s5 that was a few days old 2nd hand. I checked everything out on check mend and everything was fine, few days after purchase, phone will not connect to my network or the 02 network with any Sim. I spoke to 02 and they tell me the phone is not blocked or stolen. I also got a receipt from the guy I bought it from, but like I say it worked fine for a few days then this happened and now nothing. I managed to reg the phone with Samsung, although I do not know if I can get away with a warranty repair, as I am the 2nd to own it, even though it really was new when I purchased it. Anyway, any help would be Greatly appreciated.
The provided info was not enough to investigate the cause of the problem.
What you have done or installed or changed in these few days
Forgive me, I am new to this.
I have tried both 02 sim and a giff gaff(my provider) sim in the handset and nothing works. I am going to pick up another sim this morning to test that also(different carrier). Both Sims i have already tried work in other phones fine. The giff gaff sim when I put it into my daughters s3, works perfectly and calls can be made and received.
I was considering flashing another stock ROM just to eliminate software, I have opened a support ticket with giff gaff, who have said the sim is fully active.
Just trying to add bits that are useful here, the imei of the phone is fine and shows up as being there and not null, everything else on the phone seems fine also in terms of usage, I did have mobile data, which for some reason I can't seem to get now, but I did re write the APN, so will re put it to the original. Just won't register on network.
Anything I have missed or you need please ask. I am a noob, although I have flashed a few ROMs without issue after lots of reading. Should also add, the phone is completely stock, nothing messed with in any way. Sm-g900f. Xxu1ang2.
Thanks in advance.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using XDA Free mobile app
Enter the code *#0011# and check the last line, IMEI CERT = PASS or something else?
APN is not required at this step (register to the network).
Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
Hi, that code brings me am error" not registered on network" although I now have a data connection again on 02 and am at least getting 3 bars on the analogue signal, just not registering. I have just put in a Vodafone sim, which it recognises as it pop s up and allows me to select Vodafone pay as you go, but still does not register. Icon Just keeps spinning.
I just ran that code with the vodafone sim, it produced this exactly.
" rrc:idle, band:1
plmn: 234-15
rx:10712 ri:-90 cid?:3afc807
speech ver: frfrfr
sib19 received
pa state:0(apt), hedt:0
network unblock
imei certiass1"
and then there are some options on the top menu.
thanks again
Thanks in advance.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using XDA Free mobile app
brommas said:
Hi, that code brings me am error" not registered on network" although I now have a data connection again on 02 and am at least getting 3 bars on the analogue signal, just not registering. I have just put in a Vodafone sim, which it recognises as it pop s up and allows me to select Vodafone pay as you go, but still does not register. Icon Just keeps spinning.
I just ran that code with the vodafone sim, it produced this exactly.
" rrc:idle, band:1
plmn: 234-15
rx:10712 ri:-90 cid?:3afc807
speech ver: frfrfr
sib19 received
pa state:0(apt), hedt:0
network unblock
imei certiass1"
and then there are some options on the top menu.
thanks again
Thanks in advance.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using XDA Free mobile app
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1- Is your phone rooted?
2- Enter *#2263# (*#BAND#) and see which option is currently selected?
3- Enter *#7465625# (*#SIMLOCK#) to check for the lock status?
8- The pre final step is factory reset your device
9- The last step is reflash the stock firmware using Kies or Odin
vndnguyen said:
1- Is your phone rooted?
2- Enter *#2263# (*#BAND#) and see which option is currently selected?
3- Enter *#7465625# (*#SIMLOCK#) to check for the lock status?
8- The pre final step is factory reset your device
9- The last step is reflash the stock firmware using Kies or Odin
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Hi,the phone is not rooted, those codes you gave give "not registered on network", i have factory reset the device a couple of times now.It is actually my daughters phone and was working fine, she turned it off whilst at college and then turned it on and it seemed to not allow calls and texts from then after about a weeks use, 5-7 days.
brommas said:
Hi,the phone is not rooted, those codes you gave give "not registered on network", i have factory reset the device a couple of times now.It is actually my daughters phone and was working fine, she turned it off whilst at college and then turned it on and it seemed to not allow calls and texts from then after about a weeks use, 5-7 days.
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Since you have factory reset and it does not help, try to relash the stock frimware.
Install Phone INFO ★Samsung★ app, go to the Menu 'Firmware Browser' to download the desire firmware, and flash using Kies or Odin.
had to post this way
vndnguyen said:
1- Is your phone rooted?
2- Enter *#2263# (*#BAND#) and see which option is currently selected?
3- Enter *#7465625# (*#SIMLOCK#) to check for the lock status?
8- The pre final step is factory reset your device
9- The last step is reflash the stock firmware using Kies or Odin
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Hi, thanks for responding so quickly, that was my next move in all honesty, just seems weird. so there is nothing that stands out in the quote? my wife also has an s5 and where the quote from the first code given, hers said "available" where mine states limited., just thought i would add that incase it meant something.
Thanks for all the help.:good:
sorry for the delay, it would not let me reply to the other post as i am junior and there was a link in it, so i had to respond this way, excellent app by the way, many thanks for linking it. I am going to have to thank you, i do not know how, but i will have a search, you have been most helpful.
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I just ran another check mend report, after being told it was not blocked by 02, it now appears that it has been blocked and reported as lost / stolen.
Anyone any ideas on where to go with this?
I have receipt, 2 check mend reports, 1 clear and 1 not, clearly an insurance swindle going on, phone companies not interested
Thanks in advance.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using XDA Free mobile app[/QUOTE]

N910F Not registered in network.. depending on what country I am in..

So I bought this phone like 2 years ago and at first it worked perfectly fine.. as I went along with my life one day it suddenly says I'm not registered in the network.. so I search the internet and everyone says the same thing settings register in network bladibla etc so everything you can try by searching on google I have tried and for the life of me this phone doesn't want to work.. as long as I'm living in France, when I go out of France it works flawlessly.. so far Spain and Austria no problem whatsoever. But upon getting back to France good old not registered and when I register it doesn't matter cause I'm still not really registered as when I try to make a call it reminds me.. the data works.. so that's beyond confusing why do I have internet but I can't use a phone for what it was meant to be in the first place... making a phone call.. So on with the ramble, the IMEI is fine its the same as on the box and it shows me that in the phone also, the SIM is properly inserted.. the 5th or so I've tried to see if the phone feels like "fixing" randomly but nope. So internet.. what's up with my phone.. why does it work in Spain and Austria and probably any other country just not the one I live in... unfortunately.
Hello sheck your imei in deferent website! i think your note 4 is black listed in France but it's working outside!!!
Do you remember from were you bought it???
Sent from my SM-N910F using XDA-Developers mobile app
Hey, I didn't check the IMEI on any website but in the phone it shows me the same one that's on the box and under the battery so I assume that's fine.. and I bought it from a store. How do I check if its blacklisted in France? because when I got it it was working fine for a while and as I said I've changed sim card like 3 times and sometimes it works at the start for a while but then it dies off.. its so random I have no idea why
I got exactly the same issue 3 years ago!!!wen I call the call centre of my career they ask the imei number and they sheck it and mi smartphone was declared stolen.
Sent from my SM-N910F using XDA-Developers mobile app
So I checked my IMEI on this site.. imeipro. info and it says it's blacklisted.. but that might be only in France? as it works in Spain and Austria.. so is there anything I can do as far fetched as it may be to change my IMEI or whatever I must do to be able to call with this phone in France?
Ok after some calls to Samsung and my service provider I have indeed bought a stolen phone like a moron now it's rooted but I need help changing the IMEI.. I tried installing Xposed framework to use the IMEI changer but I cant find one for marshmallow ARMv7 there's one on these forums somewhere but when I hit the links it says it has been moved or deleted... anyone know where I could find it?
Changing the IMEI in most countries is illegal, and as such is not to be discussed on XDA.

