[Q]SMS: WinMobile to Android - HD2 Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting and Genera

Hello, first I want to excuse me because I don't know if this topic already exist, I searched but I didn't find
I wanna install Android in my HTC HD2, but first I need something to transfert from Win to Android, my contacts and my sms/mms!
For contact I already have a solution, using a Google Account, but I don't know what to do for sms/mms, and it's very important that I do that!
I hope you can help me to find the right app for this migration
Thank you so much, greets

Looks like this helped many people:
I have used Sprite Migrate before:
but the beta is over now and its not downloadable. One could still use it by temporary shifting back the system date of the device (1 year backwards for example). There are 3 files you need: the CAB file for WM to export the data, EXE for the PC to convert it and an apk for android to import. I can send them to you when I get home if you don't like the method from the first link.


Saving PIM-data for Upgrade

Hello out there!
I own a unbranded HTC P4350 currently running WM5 .
To ensure that my device will read the MicroSDHC-card (8GB would be awesome!) I want to upgrade the OS to WM 6.
I already downloaded he official ROM-Update for HTC, but:
How can I backup personal data like
- calender
- contacts
- tasks
- short messages(!)
quite effective? (Without Outlook perhaps?)
Like: Backup on PC, upgrade ROM, run backup => everything normal.
Although I don't synchronize my PPC with my desktop PC, I installed Outlook, to try it this way.
But only the first three items were synchonized. :-(
I don't know how to backup my SMS und MMS.
I searched the internet including this forum, but found no note about this issue.
Oh! Thank in advance for your answers, of course!
try using a program called pimbackup by some guy on this forum. think his name was dotfred. do a search and make sure you use the latest version. it's an exe, so you run it from your pocketpc. make your backup, then update, reinstall, and run the backup.
Thank you. I tried this software additionally for safety reasons.
But now I have another huge problem... :-((
But I better open a new thread for that.

Plz suggest...

Here are a few things I am puzzled with. Kindly help with them :
How can I send multiple SMS to a single recipient (which app). e.g. I want to send all the SMS of my device to another device of mine w/o ActiveSync (just for example).
Best PIM Backup/Restore utility ?
Some important freeware/s to have on my device (I am trying to upgrade to 6.5 so plz advise accordingly)
Any way to check status of a contact without him knowing this (whether phone is off or busy, etc.)
Safest way to upgrade ROM.
Thanks everybody..........
rex4u said:
Here are a few things I am puzzled with. Kindly help with them :
How can I send multiple SMS to a single recipient (which app). e.g. I want to send all the SMS of my device to another device of mine w/o ActiveSync (just for example).
Best PIM Backup/Restore utility ?
Some important freeware/s to have on my device (I am trying to upgrade to 6.5 so plz advise accordingly)
Any way to check status of a contact without him knowing this (whether phone is off or busy, etc.)
Safest way to upgrade ROM.
Thanks everybody..........
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
1. No clue
2. PIM backup app is the best.
3. It depends for what purpose you require
4. Not thr
5. Search or goto Onyx thread in Elf upgrading section.
Thanks dreams !!!
1st and 4th are important to me. While doing research I came across something like HushSMS (or something like that). Any idea/experience of it.
Also is there a way to restore SMS from an HTML backup from some other type of OS like Symbian or Java.
I am reading Onyx now.
Thanks once again dreams.....
html needs to be changed in to csv and then can be imported by PIM.
HushSMS, never heard of it. We cant expect all the features available in normal mobile phones in a windows mobile. Limitations are certain.

[Q] Sync SMS between WinMo and Android

I'm currently trying out dual-bootin with Android for the first time and I reckon I'm gonna be a convert! The trouble is at the moment since I'm not quite there, I like to switch between the two a lot and this means that I get half the SMS threads on WinMo and the other on Android. I'd ideally like to have them both in sync!!!!!
....I've found loads of guides on transferring your sms from WinMo -> Android but nothing the other way around! Is there anything out there that can do this!?!?!?! Maybe a way of getting Android to output in a format that PIM backup can use??
Any help would be great!!!!
I've had the same thougts about syncing messages between Android and winMo.I think the only way to this is by using some backup software like Titanium which can export the sms messages in an open format and then import it back to winMo. Overall not an easy synchronizing process but maybe someone knows about some brilliant software which can do this easy...
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
Since posting this I've had a quick play about with the output from PIM backup. As it says on the developers site you can easily unzip the pib file and the message file inside is just a csv semi-colon delimited file.
I opened a recent backup with notepad (excel didnt seem to work for some reason...i couldn't get it to save as semi-colon delimited) and then simply changed the date stamp and body of one of the messages. Then put the message.csm file back on the phone and restored from that....selected "Add only new messages..." and bingo the new message was added
Maybe using a program like SMS Backup & Restore on android which outputs as xml it would be possible to create a little script to convert that to a csm file??????
dood, just put up with it for now until android is fully developed... can you be patient?i can...
questions should go in the questions forum. NOT android development!

[Q] Backup WinMob to Android?

Hello people
I have a .pib file from PIMBackup and i will this file open in Android Backup app. I fand SpriteMigrate but this app is not work on me HTC HD2 (I cant select file )
Is a alternative app? (SpriteMigrate)
Sprite Migrate works find on HD2 i use it.
You need to read the instructions on how to use sprite migrate, it requires you install the sprite migrate cab and create a backup on your HD2 then install sprite migrate on your pc and take the file created on the HD2 and convert using the PC software, then copy this file to your HD2 sd card, in Android goto android market and install sprite migrate, then look up the file you have put on your SD card.
thx makidoja for insttuction
i probe this, and then send you result
anyway to export my smses to android?
Sprite Backup is don't work :-/ i can't find a key on web
A new Solution, but don't work yet - I need help !
Hey guys out there,
maybe i have a solution for this horrible problem.
The solution is: Sprite Mobile
You need following cabs, which are all for free
Sprite Backup Mobile für Windows Mobile -> download
Attention - it's a 10-Day-Trail Version and after this Period you can only restore files you've backed up before.
For Android you need this app:
Sprite Migrate BETA 2 Infoseite + Downloadlink + QR-Code or search for "Sprite Migrate BETA 2" in the market
Now the problem is:
1. Do the Backup in WM.
2. At Android you install the other app.
Sprite Migrate doesn't find any File nor on the Device nor on Storage Card. But I saved this Backup-File via ActivSync to the Storage Card.
I've tried to upload the file and download it via Browser in Android - failed.
Android converted the file from *.pbf to *.txt data.
Bluetooth doesn't connected to my PC. Maybe this is only a problem by me.
I use Android MCCM HD V2.0 from here ... maybe someone else can try this method with another version of android, which is released here and can report ?
come on guys, maybe that's a little step to a solution working very fine and helps a lot of people here.
thx for helping
i'm sure you can sync it up to gmail as well and then synch whilst in android... or am i going mad?
yes you're right ... but with gmail you CAN'T sync your sms, call log ... only contacts, calendar and tasks IMO
but maybe i found my fault ... i'm testing something
are you interested ?
but there is this...
i think this one here is much better
Only problem is: The beta expired somewhere juli 2010 ...
AND: No new version since januari 2010 ...
K0ll0 said:
i think this one here is much better
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Phoenix007 said:
Only problem is: The beta expired somewhere juli 2010 ...
AND: No new version since januari 2010 ...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I found solution.
Just change date in your device to year <2010, then the app will work.
but I have a problem, the app runs, but with no result, it hangs there
how can I export my SMS?
jakert said:
I found solution.
Just change date in your device to year <2010, then the app will work.
but I have a problem, the app runs, but with no result, it hangs there
how can I export my SMS?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I found this http://android.riteshsahu.com/tips/importexportmove-sms-messages-from-windows-mobile-to-android but not tried any of the ways mentioned

Windows Mobile Device Emulator !!! PLEASE HELP

Hello guys, im looking for someone who can help me really.
I need someone who have already installed Windows Mobile Device Emulator and know how to work with it..
Because i try several hours and i cannot set up and understand it.
Here is the problem.
I change my device with Android one.. and i did some S off etc Updating ROM`s and etc and all my contacts was removed around 300 contacts from the SIM card.
SO i don`t have from where ot get them back But...
The good news still is that befor when i was with WinMo i use Pimbackup and i did a PimBackup.pib file...
So what is the point..
Now if someone want to help me its a job for a minute.
Just to run the PimBackup on the virtual machine and to restore the contacts from the pib file that i will provide.
After the contacts are restored the person need to do a back up again
but this time not binary one just plain Backup hen PIB can be changed to zip, and csv files from zip can be upload to gmail contacts.
Really thankfull.

