[Q] Backup WinMob to Android? - HD2 Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting and Genera

Hello people
I have a .pib file from PIMBackup and i will this file open in Android Backup app. I fand SpriteMigrate but this app is not work on me HTC HD2 (I cant select file )
Is a alternative app? (SpriteMigrate)

Sprite Migrate works find on HD2 i use it.
You need to read the instructions on how to use sprite migrate, it requires you install the sprite migrate cab and create a backup on your HD2 then install sprite migrate on your pc and take the file created on the HD2 and convert using the PC software, then copy this file to your HD2 sd card, in Android goto android market and install sprite migrate, then look up the file you have put on your SD card.

thx makidoja for insttuction
i probe this, and then send you result

anyway to export my smses to android?

Sprite Backup is don't work :-/ i can't find a key on web

A new Solution, but don't work yet - I need help !
Hey guys out there,
maybe i have a solution for this horrible problem.
The solution is: Sprite Mobile
You need following cabs, which are all for free
Sprite Backup Mobile für Windows Mobile -> download
Attention - it's a 10-Day-Trail Version and after this Period you can only restore files you've backed up before.
For Android you need this app:
Sprite Migrate BETA 2 Infoseite + Downloadlink + QR-Code or search for "Sprite Migrate BETA 2" in the market
Now the problem is:
1. Do the Backup in WM.
2. At Android you install the other app.
Sprite Migrate doesn't find any File nor on the Device nor on Storage Card. But I saved this Backup-File via ActivSync to the Storage Card.
I've tried to upload the file and download it via Browser in Android - failed.
Android converted the file from *.pbf to *.txt data.
Bluetooth doesn't connected to my PC. Maybe this is only a problem by me.
I use Android MCCM HD V2.0 from here ... maybe someone else can try this method with another version of android, which is released here and can report ?
come on guys, maybe that's a little step to a solution working very fine and helps a lot of people here.
thx for helping

i'm sure you can sync it up to gmail as well and then synch whilst in android... or am i going mad?

yes you're right ... but with gmail you CAN'T sync your sms, call log ... only contacts, calendar and tasks IMO
but maybe i found my fault ... i'm testing something
are you interested ?

but there is this...

i think this one here is much better

Only problem is: The beta expired somewhere juli 2010 ...
AND: No new version since januari 2010 ...
K0ll0 said:
i think this one here is much better
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Phoenix007 said:
Only problem is: The beta expired somewhere juli 2010 ...
AND: No new version since januari 2010 ...
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I found solution.
Just change date in your device to year <2010, then the app will work.
but I have a problem, the app runs, but with no result, it hangs there
how can I export my SMS?

jakert said:
I found solution.
Just change date in your device to year <2010, then the app will work.
but I have a problem, the app runs, but with no result, it hangs there
how can I export my SMS?
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I found this http://android.riteshsahu.com/tips/importexportmove-sms-messages-from-windows-mobile-to-android but not tried any of the ways mentioned


Backup Contacts

Any recommendations for software that'll backup my contacts? I really don't want to install Outlook, and I don't want to just copy them to SIM as this screws up the names and other stuff, as the SIM only holds a short name and 1 number.
I'm shutting the door after the horse has bolted here, as I just had to do a hard reset and have lost all my contacts that I've had for years.
I don't want to backup anything else, just contacts - preferably in a format that allows me to restore them exactly as there are: First Name, Last Name, Home, Mobile, Work numbers, e-mail addy, etc.
New Version of PPcBckpContacts available
markmcrobie said:
Any recommendations for software that'll backup my contacts? I really don't want to install Outlook, and I don't want to just copy them to SIM as this screws up the names and other stuff, as the SIM only holds a short name and 1 number.
I'm shutting the door after the horse has bolted here, as I just had to do a hard reset and have lost all my contacts that I've had for years.
I don't want to backup anything else, just contacts - preferably in a format that allows me to restore them exactly as there are: First Name, Last Name, Home, Mobile, Work numbers, e-mail addy, etc.
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I made a tool for that long time ago, called PPCBckpContacts. This tool allows to backup/restore the contacts from/to any ppc running WM2005 or WM2003SE. Because the format of the DB changed between the 2 OS, two versions of the tool have been made.
The tool creates a .csv file, that you can edit in Excel.
Update in v1.6 :
- Removed the SD card presence check, now all backups can be saved wherever you want.
Update in v1.5 :
- Speed Dials backup/restore (.csd)
- Tasks backup/restore (.cst)
- Appointments backup/restore (.csa)
- Call Logs backup/restore (.csl)
Each backup type has its own file type (see above). Caution I changed the extension from previous versions for contacts (.csc). These 5 extensions are associated to the program, so they can be restored via explorer directly.
Update in v1.4 :
- fix for the notes (the contact notes were successfully exported to the csv file, but the import didn't work) (thanks lvlx for detecting the bug).
- VGA aware
Thank You!
Thank You this will save me a LOT of time if my phone needs to be reset again. I have already had to redo my contact list twice because I don't use Outlook (and let me tell you, it is NOT fun).
will this take all contacts of my sim so i can resend them to be on my actual device.
sdnatlst said:
will this take all contacts of my sim so i can resend them to be on my actual device.
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Nope, the contacts are taken from the pim database. I don't think the contacts from the SIM are stored in the PIM db.
That, sir, is brilliant - thank you.
I've signed up for a free exchange account at mail2web: http://live.mail2web.com/
This means you can get all your contacts back by just running active sync and a gprs or wifi connection. A good backup even if you have Outlook as it's remote and doesn't depend on your pc!
Just copy the pim.vol to SD card
A quick and effective backup method is to copy the pim.vol in the root directory to your SD card. I used this method when flashing my rom. You'll need to use Totalcommander to change the rights of the file after flashing because it's read-only, then copy the pim.vol from the SD to the root directory and reset and all should be well.
All credit to the original poster of the tip. I don't remember where I got it from either either here or howardforums.
tekknogenius said:
A quick and effective backup method is to copy the pim.vol in the root directory to your SD card. I used this method when flashing my rom. You'll need to use Totalcommander to change the rights of the file after flashing because it's read-only, then copy the pim.vol from the SD to the root directory and reset and all should be well.
All credit to the original poster of the tip. I don't remember where I got it from either either here or howardforums.
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I completely agree with you except that it seems there is an incompatibility between the versions before AKU 3.2 and the ones after AKU 3.2
BTW In only tested AKU 2.3 and AKU 3.2, so I can't tell for the other versions.
I always copy the pim.vol to my SD card, but when I upgraded to AKU 3.2, I couldn't use my pim.vol, the contacts application just opens then closes directly.
The only solution I had, was to copy the pim.vol in the emulator on my pc and use PPcBckpContacts to have the backup, then I could restore my contacts on my ppc.
sdnatlst said:
will this take all contacts of my sim so i can resend them to be on my actual device.
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Use SKTools 3.0 ("SIM Contacts") to mass-copy the contacts to the central Contacts DB; then you can alsready export them.
dotfred said:
BTW In only tested AKU 2.3 and AKU 3.2, so I can't tell for the other versions.
I always copy the pim.vol to my SD card, but when I upgraded to AKU 3.2, I couldn't use my pim.vol, the contacts application just opens then closes directly.
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Same problem here - it's not compatible. I've also elaborated on this problem in the Backup Bible ( http://www.pocketpcmag.com/blogs/index.php?blog=3&p=1270&more=1&c=1&tb=1&pb=1 ).
Nice one Fred.
Is there a way you could develop this programme further to backup & restore calendar/previous call log/speed dial data probably found pim.vol ?
I tried copying pim.vol like you did and got the same error message when upgraded roms.
Thanks again for creating this cool utility.
eprana said:
Nice one Fred.
Is there a way you could develop this programme further to backup & restore calendar/previous call log/speed dial data probably found pim.vol ?
I tried copying pim.vol like you did and got the same error message when upgraded roms.
Thanks again for creating this cool utility.
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You're welcome...
For call log & speed dial, I need to study RIL protocol and MDAIIIUser already asked me to have a look, and I will see when I get time. For calendar, sms, emails it shouldn't be too difficult... But I need time, and I don't have a lot!
dotfred said:
I made a tool for that long time ago, called PPCBckpContacts. This tool allows to backup/restore the contacts from/to any ppc running WM2005 or WM2003SE. Because the format of the DB changed between the 2 OS, two versions of the tool have been made.
The tool creates a .csv file, that you can edit in Excel.
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Hi Fred,
I tried to download the WM2005 zip file and it says its not complete?
Thanks for help,
dotfred said:
I made a tool for that long time ago, called PPCBckpContacts. This tool allows to backup/restore the contacts from/to any ppc running WM2005 or WM2003SE. Because the format of the DB changed between the 2 OS, two versions of the tool have been made.
The tool creates a .csv file, that you can edit in Excel.
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BTW, could you write a similar tool to all PIM databases? Then, your app would be unique - not even the latest version of SKTools is able to restore this kind of stuff.
I'll also post a news item to the PPCMag blog / on all PPC sites on this utility.
RswazzMDA said:
Hi Fred,
I tried to download the WM2005 zip file and it says its not complete?
Thanks for help,
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It is. Are you sure you've transferred PPCBckpContacts.exe to your PDA and executed in there (NOT on the desktop)?
Menneisyys said:
It is. Are you sure you've transferred PPCBckpContacts.exe to your PDA and executed in there (NOT on the desktop)?
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Worked! Not sure why it didn't work the first time. It works Awesome!
Thanks so much.
Thank you nice program
dotfred said:
I made a tool for that long time ago, called PPCBckpContacts. This tool allows to backup/restore the contacts from/to any ppc running WM2005 or WM2003SE. Because the format of the DB changed between the 2 OS, two versions of the tool have been made.
The tool creates a .csv file, that you can edit in Excel.
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Great idea and a potential life and time saver .Fred But how about a little instruction, and more information on your program Sir. Must it run from the device, or can it be run from the pc so long as the pim.vol file is available on the pc? Is it intrusive, eg will it cause any harm to the pim.vol db when it runs? Does it properly include ALL phone numbers, and notes for each contact in the resulting .csv file? Etc, etc.
I didn't see a reference to your own tool in the BackupBible but I have to admit I didn't read it thoroughly. If it is there and you could direct me to it that would be great. Very informative article btw.
Thank You,
Hey dotfred
i liked the backup application PPCBckpContacts, you made? whattools did you use to write the application?

Saving PIM-data for Upgrade

Hello out there!
I own a unbranded HTC P4350 currently running WM5 .
To ensure that my device will read the MicroSDHC-card (8GB would be awesome!) I want to upgrade the OS to WM 6.
I already downloaded he official ROM-Update for HTC, but:
How can I backup personal data like
- calender
- contacts
- tasks
- short messages(!)
quite effective? (Without Outlook perhaps?)
Like: Backup on PC, upgrade ROM, run backup => everything normal.
Although I don't synchronize my PPC with my desktop PC, I installed Outlook, to try it this way.
But only the first three items were synchonized. :-(
I don't know how to backup my SMS und MMS.
I searched the internet including this forum, but found no note about this issue.
Oh! Thank in advance for your answers, of course!
try using a program called pimbackup by some guy on this forum. think his name was dotfred. do a search and make sure you use the latest version. it's an exe, so you run it from your pocketpc. make your backup, then update, reinstall, and run the backup.
Thank you. I tried this software additionally for safety reasons.
But now I have another huge problem... :-((
But I better open a new thread for that.

BackUp HTC Touch HD

Nokia phones have "Nokia PC Suite" Software that allows users to perform complete back up without have any application installed on the phone it self.
Dose HTC Touch HD has similar application to back up the phone without install some application on the phone it self?
163 Views without answer ... that’s mean the answer is no
There is other question any I hope there will be answer to it.
If I change the ROM of my phone to other version and i want to put it back again ... how I can do it?
Can I do it by restore old backup or format the phone or install the old ROM again? ... or something else
If the answer if Install the old ROM again, then how I can get the old ROM to install it later on?
I always use Sprite backup, works OK with the HD. Not free but I think it is available as a download on the HTC site for some of the other models. May work with the HD
http://www.htc.com/www/supportdownloadlist.aspx?p_id=174&act=all Listed Under Touch 3G.
kjt57 said:
I always use Sprite backup, works OK with the HD. Not free but I think it is available as a download on the HTC site for some of the other models. May work with the HD
http://www.htc.com/www/supportdownloadlist.aspx?p_id=174&act=all Listed Under Touch 3G.
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but can Sprite backup make backup for the rom or not ??
Sprite give me some errors during the backup so I really dont think that is reliable.
Backup completed successfully
Start time : 10-12-08, 03:35:19
End time : 10-12-08, 03:39:33
Time elapsed 4:14 Min:Sec
Operation size : 83009 KB
Image size : 46989 KB
Average speed : 365 KB/second
Warning : File could not be included \Windows\System\SQM\Sessions\Global
Warning : File could not be included \Windows\System\SQM\Sessions\PMWeek
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SPB backup
spb backup is a lot better IMHO. Ive used all of them. I mess with my (then Touch Diamond) and restored it over and over..with no issues.
wfhowell said:
spb backup is a lot better IMHO. Ive used all of them. I mess with my (then Touch Diamond) and restored it over and over..with no issues.
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But it gives error too with HD.
I've contacted HTC with this problem, as soon as I know more I will inform you guys
demo1987 said:
I've contacted HTC with this problem, as soon as I know more I will inform you guys
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Thanks, we will be waiting.
But don't expect too much from them.
demo1987 said:
I've contacted HTC with this problem, as soon as I know more I will inform you guys
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Very interested in an easy way to backup my HD aswell Especially without the use of third party programs. Curious to see what HTC has to say about it...
After some research on this forum, the Wiki, Dutch forums...and ofcourse good ol' Google... I did learn about an easy way to backup Contacts and Calendar entries. Turns out this information is stored in a single file in the Root of the phone. The file is called PIM.VOL and just making a copy of this file to either Storage Card or your PC will ensure you being able to replace your original Contacts and Calendar Entries after executing a Hard Reset.
I'm sure most of you allready knew this but for me it was a very nice discovery Now if only I could make such a cool discovery as to backing up SMS/MMS messages aswell
Rolf (35, m, The Netherlands)
wfhowell said:
spb backup is a lot better IMHO. Ive used all of them. I mess with my (then Touch Diamond) and restored it over and over..with no issues.
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Is either Spb Backup or Sprite Backup able to restore eMail account settings and exchange server configuration? For me, this is the most annoying thing after upgrading to a new ROM: I have an MS exchange server access for active syncing and at least two private mail accounts set up on my device. After upgrading, I always had to set up everything all over again.
I don't think anyone should need to actually buy SPB Sprite Backup. A legit free copy is on the applications CDROM that came with my NL HD. Check yours to see what is there. After installation you will see it is 'authorised' without having to enter a registration key. You can still register tho'.
You might also find SPB GPRSMonitor too Very handy...
I had no luck with spb backup and SKTools backup. Alothough they were backing up they had a problem with the Restore procedure.
Sprite Bacup 6.5.2 worked great!
Wavac said:
I had no luck with spb backup and SKTools backup. Alothough they were backing up they had a problem with the Restore procedure.
Sprite Bacup 6.5.2 worked great!
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Download SKTools from our webpage again. We hope, the restore problem on HD should be fixed.
CharlyV said:
Download SKTools from our webpage again. We hope, the restore problem on HD should be fixed.
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By the way I replaced my HD with a new one due to a hardware problem and I had to send you an email and ask for a new code as the previous one didnt work! Will I have to do the same again if I downoad the new version?
Why is this happening? Its not very user friendly!
Wavac said:
By the way I replaced my HD with a new one due to a hardware problem and I had to send you an email and ask for a new code as the previous one didnt work! Will I have to do the same again if I downoad the new version?
Why is this happening? Its not very user friendly!
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Updates are free for all registered SKTools 4.x user.
If you will get registration key for SKTools we need the file “ sktoolsid.txt “ which you can find in your windows folder of Pocket PC and the webshop order confirmation with date.
> support2 @ s-k-tools.com
Thanks for the answer!
I just saw the update features. I have the "Last Used" option so I suppose I have the newest version!
If you're just looking to back up pictures, phone contacts etc... then Dashwire is good (and free) as a basic back up programme and you can automatically change it to suit your phone if you get a new one. Works great on the HTC for as far as it goes.
Wavac said:
Thanks for the answer!
I just saw the update features. I have the "Last Used" option so I suppose I have the newest version!
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The last version is
You can check for your self > Tools > About
If not ( or older) download and install last version again.
CharlyV said:
The last version is
You can check for your self > Tools > About
If not ( or older) download and install last version again.
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My version is! Do I really need to download the latest version?
Thanks for your support!

[Q]SMS: WinMobile to Android

Hello, first I want to excuse me because I don't know if this topic already exist, I searched but I didn't find
I wanna install Android in my HTC HD2, but first I need something to transfert from Win to Android, my contacts and my sms/mms!
For contact I already have a solution, using a Google Account, but I don't know what to do for sms/mms, and it's very important that I do that!
I hope you can help me to find the right app for this migration
Thank you so much, greets
Looks like this helped many people:
I have used Sprite Migrate before:
but the beta is over now and its not downloadable. One could still use it by temporary shifting back the system date of the device (1 year backwards for example). There are 3 files you need: the CAB file for WM to export the data, EXE for the PC to convert it and an apk for android to import. I can send them to you when I get home if you don't like the method from the first link.

[Q] sms restore problem after install android (previously windows mobile)

Android JellyBean 4.3.0 (JSS15Q)
Include CyanogenMod 10.2 (CM-10.2)
This is the name of android rom I installed on my HTC HD2 leo (I had windows mobile 6.5 previously)
everything works fine
I backed up my contacts by pimBackup and restored them to android easily no problems
BUT sms is the problem !
at windows mobile 6.5 : I saved my sms to xml and csv files using PIM backup program ..
then I installed android
now I try many apps to restore sms from csv file to android and all apps are not accepting my csv file , some googleplay apps say it is invalid csv file and other apps I must choose where did I get this csv file from (only options are from nokia/iPhone/blackberry .. no option that file origin from windows mobile!) .. xml file not accepted too by other apps .. so what can I do now ? do u know any app that can use my csv or xml files (got from windows mobile 6.5) to restore sms into my android jellybean ?
Hi anahtcandr, welcome to the forum
I found this
it might help, else list what apps you have tried unsuccessfully.
but this app didnt work
and i tried most of important sms software on google play
any help ?
Look at My Phone Explorer
My Note 4 note for you.
Szczepanik said:
Look at My Phone Explorer
My Note 4 note for you.
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tried it
didnt work
help ????
Have you tried going back to wm6.5, and see if you can restore the sms to that. It could be file corruption. If successful, try to save in as many formats as possible.
Robbie P said:
Have you tried going back to wm6.5, and see if you can restore the sms to that. It could be file corruption. If successful, try to save in as many formats as possible.
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i thought about it but will try it now
it is just hard reset and i get my 6.5 system back .. right ?

