BackUp HTC Touch HD - Touch HD General

Nokia phones have "Nokia PC Suite" Software that allows users to perform complete back up without have any application installed on the phone it self.
Dose HTC Touch HD has similar application to back up the phone without install some application on the phone it self?

163 Views without answer ... that’s mean the answer is no
There is other question any I hope there will be answer to it.
If I change the ROM of my phone to other version and i want to put it back again ... how I can do it?
Can I do it by restore old backup or format the phone or install the old ROM again? ... or something else
If the answer if Install the old ROM again, then how I can get the old ROM to install it later on?

I always use Sprite backup, works OK with the HD. Not free but I think it is available as a download on the HTC site for some of the other models. May work with the HD
Edit Listed Under Touch 3G.

kjt57 said:
I always use Sprite backup, works OK with the HD. Not free but I think it is available as a download on the HTC site for some of the other models. May work with the HD
Edit Listed Under Touch 3G.
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but can Sprite backup make backup for the rom or not ??

Sprite give me some errors during the backup so I really dont think that is reliable.
Backup completed successfully
Start time : 10-12-08, 03:35:19
End time : 10-12-08, 03:39:33
Time elapsed 4:14 Min:Sec
Operation size : 83009 KB
Image size : 46989 KB
Average speed : 365 KB/second
Warning : File could not be included \Windows\System\SQM\Sessions\Global
Warning : File could not be included \Windows\System\SQM\Sessions\PMWeek
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SPB backup
spb backup is a lot better IMHO. Ive used all of them. I mess with my (then Touch Diamond) and restored it over and over..with no issues.

wfhowell said:
spb backup is a lot better IMHO. Ive used all of them. I mess with my (then Touch Diamond) and restored it over and over..with no issues.
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But it gives error too with HD.

I've contacted HTC with this problem, as soon as I know more I will inform you guys

demo1987 said:
I've contacted HTC with this problem, as soon as I know more I will inform you guys
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Thanks, we will be waiting.
But don't expect too much from them.

demo1987 said:
I've contacted HTC with this problem, as soon as I know more I will inform you guys
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Very interested in an easy way to backup my HD aswell Especially without the use of third party programs. Curious to see what HTC has to say about it...
After some research on this forum, the Wiki, Dutch forums...and ofcourse good ol' Google... I did learn about an easy way to backup Contacts and Calendar entries. Turns out this information is stored in a single file in the Root of the phone. The file is called PIM.VOL and just making a copy of this file to either Storage Card or your PC will ensure you being able to replace your original Contacts and Calendar Entries after executing a Hard Reset.
I'm sure most of you allready knew this but for me it was a very nice discovery Now if only I could make such a cool discovery as to backing up SMS/MMS messages aswell
Rolf (35, m, The Netherlands)

wfhowell said:
spb backup is a lot better IMHO. Ive used all of them. I mess with my (then Touch Diamond) and restored it over and over..with no issues.
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Is either Spb Backup or Sprite Backup able to restore eMail account settings and exchange server configuration? For me, this is the most annoying thing after upgrading to a new ROM: I have an MS exchange server access for active syncing and at least two private mail accounts set up on my device. After upgrading, I always had to set up everything all over again.

I don't think anyone should need to actually buy SPB Sprite Backup. A legit free copy is on the applications CDROM that came with my NL HD. Check yours to see what is there. After installation you will see it is 'authorised' without having to enter a registration key. You can still register tho'.
You might also find SPB GPRSMonitor too Very handy...

I had no luck with spb backup and SKTools backup. Alothough they were backing up they had a problem with the Restore procedure.
Sprite Bacup 6.5.2 worked great!

Wavac said:
I had no luck with spb backup and SKTools backup. Alothough they were backing up they had a problem with the Restore procedure.
Sprite Bacup 6.5.2 worked great!
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Download SKTools from our webpage again. We hope, the restore problem on HD should be fixed.

CharlyV said:
Download SKTools from our webpage again. We hope, the restore problem on HD should be fixed.
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By the way I replaced my HD with a new one due to a hardware problem and I had to send you an email and ask for a new code as the previous one didnt work! Will I have to do the same again if I downoad the new version?
Why is this happening? Its not very user friendly!

Wavac said:
By the way I replaced my HD with a new one due to a hardware problem and I had to send you an email and ask for a new code as the previous one didnt work! Will I have to do the same again if I downoad the new version?
Why is this happening? Its not very user friendly!
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Updates are free for all registered SKTools 4.x user.
If you will get registration key for SKTools we need the file “ sktoolsid.txt “ which you can find in your windows folder of Pocket PC and the webshop order confirmation with date.
> support2 @

Thanks for the answer!
I just saw the update features. I have the "Last Used" option so I suppose I have the newest version!

If you're just looking to back up pictures, phone contacts etc... then Dashwire is good (and free) as a basic back up programme and you can automatically change it to suit your phone if you get a new one. Works great on the HTC for as far as it goes.

Wavac said:
Thanks for the answer!
I just saw the update features. I have the "Last Used" option so I suppose I have the newest version!
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The last version is
You can check for your self > Tools > About
If not ( or older) download and install last version again.

CharlyV said:
The last version is
You can check for your self > Tools > About
If not ( or older) download and install last version again.
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My version is! Do I really need to download the latest version?
Thanks for your support!


Recommend a Reliable Backup Program Please

Hi Everyone,
Which Backup program do you use? Is there one you recommend? All this hacking my Cingular 8525 around has had me hard-reset at least twice within the last week. I need a good and reliable backup program since installing all of my software is taking me over 2.5 hours of time.
Thanks for responding.
spb backup has never let me down.well worth trying.
sprite also gets good reviews but I've never used it.
I've tried different backup programs with my TyTN.
I found that the only perfect working program is SPB Backup.
I've already restored my data after hard reset with this program (not once) and all is good.
i use spb also, works great
I vote for spb as well.
Although keep in mind that it only does back up system settings and core software installed in device (not sure what exactly), not the whole file system of your PDA. My problem was, I deleted some files and uninstalled some programs after backing up, and after restore they were not there! (just blank icons).
I would love to mirror my whole device on PC hard drive, yet I am not sure about software for this purpose.
how well does spb backup perform when you do a ROM upgrade?
MilanoRex said:
how well does spb backup perform when you do a ROM upgrade?
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Whatever backup product you use, DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT applying a backup from a different ROM version. You're asking for serious trouble.
Simply put, if you update your ROM, you're also plan on reinstalling everything clean from scratch...
mnez said:
I vote for spb as well.
Although keep in mind that it only does back up system settings and core software installed in device (not sure what exactly), not the whole file system of your PDA. My problem was, I deleted some files and uninstalled some programs after backing up, and after restore they were not there! (just blank icons).
I would love to mirror my whole device on PC hard drive, yet I am not sure about software for this purpose.
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Mobile Deployment
Deploy an identical policy based corporate image to all your mobile devices. From the original creators of the industry leading Symantec GhostTM cloning solution, Sprite Clone provides rapid and reliable deployment to multiple mobile devices thereby assuring consistency and cost effectiveness...
goestoeleven said:
Whatever backup product you use, DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT applying a backup from a different ROM version. You're asking for serious trouble.
Simply put, if you update your ROM, you're also plan on reinstalling everything clean from scratch...
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Sprite Backup works perfectly with ROM and DEVICE upgrades.. I switched from my Wizard to my Hermes without any problems..
MilanoRex said:
how well does spb backup perform when you do a ROM upgrade?
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Use Sprite Backup in this case, it'll work unless you try to cross-restore between AKU2.x and AKU3.x. And please DO read my above-linked article; in there, I've also elaborated on this very question.
bobstarina said:
I found that the only perfect working program is SPB Backup.
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Strange you had problems with the otehr alternates (Sunnysoft Backup, SKTools 3.0, Sprite 5.1). Are you sure you tried the LATEST versions of them? It's only lately that, for example, Sunnysoft Backup received REAL WM5 support.
Also please read the Backup Bible I've linked in above if you need more info on all these questions.
MilanoRex said:
Sprite Backup works perfectly with ROM and DEVICE upgrades.. I switched from my Wizard to my Hermes without any problems..
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Both of you are correct. Sprite DOES work great in most cases, except for restoring AKU3 content under AKU2 and vice versa.
does restoreing after a ROM upgrade using Sprite also keep your current registry changes as well...or do i have to do all registry hacks all over again...or even after just a hard reset not a ROM upgrade do i still have to enter the reg. edits all over again....
Sprite works well for me
strikeIII said:
does restoreing after a ROM upgrade using Sprite also keep your current registry changes as well...or do i have to do all registry hacks all over again...or even after just a hard reset not a ROM upgrade do i still have to enter the reg. edits all over again....
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It will restore your registry changes too. Otehrwise, it wouldn't work at all with a lot of third-party apps that also use the Registry to store their stuff / settings.
Does anyone know if Spb backup will back up outlook notes?
Sprite is the only one worth getting since you can restore after a ROM or device change Just make sure you RTFM before you go changing anything as there are things you need to do before hand
Interesting to hear that Sprite Backup works without problems for all of you. On my TyTN, when it wants to reboot before beginning a backup, the TyTN gets stuck at the Windows Mobile screen. Removing/re-inserting the battery usually allows the boot process to finish - but only until the next reboot. After that, all subsequent reboots show that behaviour, no matter if initiated by Sprite Backup or otherwise. And very strangley, after a day or two this phenomenon disappears slowly. A hard reset fixes the problem immediately - at least until I re-install Sprite Backup or restore an (executable) backup I made earlier.
What's even more strange is that this seems to be reproducable, even across different ROM versions. I saw that first with the O2 Germany ROM my Trion came with, and also after I updated to the south-african WWE ROM.

Windows Mobile 6.0: backup issue

Hi there,
Using the brilliant SPB Backup on Windows Mobile 5.0 was something that always worked fine and I even needed to restore a backup when something went wrong.
Sure a neat piece of software that I don't want to miss.
On Windows Mobile 6.0 things are a little different. Making a backup works (I didn't try restore, because there's need to yet) but when making the backup is completed, the software comes up with a message that several issues occured.
When click on the info screen to see what issues, SPB Backup says:
Unable to read from file "\Windows\compimeh.dat".
However, the progress bar for backup completion seems to be at 100%.
What type of file is compimeh.dat?
Any ideas of how this problem can be solved? Is my backup truly a backup even without this particular file?
Edit this string:
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Spb Software House\Spb Backup\SkipErrFiles
Add new string:
Name 6
Value: %Windows%\compimeh.dat
You add a new string for all the errors putting the run in exact way
This is helpful, thank you for your imput!
SPB vs. Sprite
Do you also have a solution for Sprite Backup?
Same issue, compimeh.dat!
Where do I put the string there, 'Sprite folder'?
And what about if you skip the errors, does the restore work ok?
IRREAL said:
Edit this string:
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Spb Software House\Spb Backup\SkipErrFiles
Add new string:
Name 6
Value: %Windows%\compimeh.dat
You add a new string for all the errors putting the run in exact way
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Hi all,
Just did a full restore from SPB Backup.
Also had the same compimeh.dat issue.
Everything went just fine. And I must say that I have all my software installed in the storage card.
So, no problem at all with that file.
IMHO, we should not instruct SPB Backup nor any other backup soft to skip the errors, cause at least we know like this that that was a problem in the backup process.
If you restore you will know what that error message meens.
If you trust it that way
Maybe it doesn't restore at all.
You should think about what's compimeh.dat?
Maybe it restore's with errors in apps?
Do you think it is exactly the same as before the backup?
I doubt?
bizao said:
Hi all,
Just did a full restore from SPB Backup.
Also had the same compimeh.dat issue.
Everything went just fine. And I must say that I have all my software installed in the storage card.
So, no problem at all with that file.
IMHO, we should not instruct SPB Backup nor any other backup soft to skip the errors, cause at least we know like this that that was a problem in the backup process.
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I'm just saying I had the same error... either way I tryed a restore and everything went just fine (without any error).
Now... if you trust it that way, well... it's just up to you, don't you think?
Since the restore I made yesterday, I had no problems at all with any application.
But instead of "You should think about what's compimeh.dat?" (looks like you know what the file is about), you could tell us.
And at least it looks and works like before the backup.
Should think about
Sorry for that, it was not my intention to look smart, I'm only trying to say that if compimeh.dat is not included maybe a important part is missing when you restore.
Hi Guys,
I've fixed the issue above on my Exec but one important feature I really do need that seems to have been lost in the upgrade to WM6 is the ability to use Scheduled Backups. It is critical that I backup at a certain time on a particular day. I know I can do it manually but I can't afford to lose the files concerned if something should happen and I forget!
I can set a scheduled backup with no problem but when the time comes around SPB Backup starts up and then shuts down again right before the actual backup begins.
Any ideas from anyone? Would be much appreciated.
If I can't get this to work I many have to go back to my original ROM.
I have Jasjar 2.01.08 Wm6 ROM and since I upgraded to Wm6 Scheduled backup doesnt work with SPB.
I have scheduled everyday at 6AM to backup but it doesnt do the job, never did!
Please help!
Thanks a lot man for the registry entry. Very Grateful
Laurentius26 said:
If you restore you will know what that error message meens.
If you trust it that way
Maybe it doesn't restore at all.
You should think about what's compimeh.dat?
Maybe it restore's with errors in apps?
Do you think it is exactly the same as before the backup?
I doubt?
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I too am a little concerned about applying the registry hack. How come we have to skip it? What is that error anyway?
Compimeh.dat is where your autocomplete words are stored in the dictionary as far as I remember.
Lakota said:
Compimeh.dat is where your autocomplete words are stored in the dictionary as far as I remember.
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Thanks. If I apply the hack, does it reset automatically after the backup?
New Sunnysoft Backup
Anyone tried Sunnysoft Backup? They have a new version:
Chearper here:
IRREAL said:
Edit this string:
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Spb Software House\Spb Backup\SkipErrFiles
Add new string:
Name 6
Value: %Windows%\compimeh.dat
You add a new string for all the errors putting the run in exact way
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Thank you very much for this IRREAL.
So the registry entry just skips the compimeh.dat file?
Any freeware utility to edit compimeh in wm6 windows mobile 6?
Does anyone know of any freeware utility to edit compimeh (the auto completion user dictionary) in wm6 (windows mobile 6)?
Lakota said:
Compimeh.dat is where your autocomplete words are stored in the dictionary as far as I remember.
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I was having the same problem with btdisk.tmp but I always ignored it. It never affected my Uni in an adverse manner, but now that this was posted I can just make that single yellow icon go away . BTW Spb Backup rocks, with its compression and self-extracting backup. I have scheduled mine to take a back up every morning at 3:10AM. You can see the schedule in my screen shot on another thread regarding Universal Today screens.

Full backup of harddrive...

Is there a way of backing up the entire harddrive on WM5 like we used to in WM2003/2?
Without additional programs, NO.
try spb backup
it backups everything you need on your phone, registry, folders windows to my documents
Sprite Backup
Sunnysoft Backup Manager
SPB Backup
Backup via ActiveSync does not work for WM5 and newer.
Microsoft takes away some fetures then sells them back to the user, calling it an 'improved' OS.
You may try SPB Clone...
You may try SPB Clone... but it's a bit expensive if you have to buy it
ericksonlk said:
You may try SPB Clone... but it's a bit expensive if you have to buy it
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I rest my case. Sprite is way better but commercial.
Need Help
I have a AT&t Tilt
Sprite backup makes backup & creates Icons on Sd cards
I want to know Can we back up our cell phone useing the Older
back up than the recent one ?
Cos my Device shows very little free space
& it could be cos i have been trying all kinds of differnt software
Or is there a Way to make a Device clean up,
Like we do on our PC -Disk clean up
which Removes - Temporary Internet Files, etc
Thank you for your Help
ilordvader said:
I have a AT&t Tilt
Sprite backup makes backup & creates Icons on Sd cards
I want to know Can we back up our cell phone useing the Older
back up than the recent one ?
Cos my Device shows very little free space
& it could be cos i have been trying all kinds of differnt software
Or is there a Way to make a Device clean up,
Like we do on our PC -Disk clean up
which Removes - Temporary Internet Files, etc
Thank you for your Help
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I backed up onto my harddrive as an .exe file with Sprite. Try SK Tools for a real cleanup. I do it every other day, especially after surfing the net.
Vukile said:
I backed up onto my harddrive as an .exe file with Sprite. Try SK Tools for a real cleanup. I do it every other day, especially after surfing the net.
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Is there a Freeware for it
ilordvader said:
Is there a Freeware for it
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ilordvader said:
Is there a Freeware for it
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Sk Tools have a freeware variant too. Works on WM6 Pro without problems.
KarhU said:
Sk Tools have a freeware variant too. Works on WM6 Pro without problems.
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Post a Link Plz
ilordvader said:
Post a Link Plz
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Here you go.
KarhU said:
Here you go.
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Please tell me can i install it on my Storage card
But I want to do clean up of my Device space
cos i have a 6gb card so not a problem there
so will i have to do Instal the SK tool on Device to do that or can install on card & it will clean it all
Hope u understand & bare with me guys
God Bless You all
I see Folders open up which i need to tick to clean seems like
can u suggest me the ones I should TICK
so i dont mess up cliking the wrong folder & delete imp stuff PLZ
Do any of these also backup my micro SD card? I'm getting an 8gb one in and I'd like to copy over my 2gb one and still have my tomtom maps working. Or can I just copy the folder over in explorer?
KarhU said:
Sprite Backup
Sunnysoft Backup Manager
SPB Backup
Backup via ActiveSync does not work for WM5 and newer.
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I have Sprite backup software CD which came with my TYTYn II which installed fine through ActiveSync BUT has refused to install on my UNiversal! i get an error message " unable to install application. Please upgrade your ROM to the required version and try again". the ROM version for the universal is 1.30.114 WWE, date is 4/13/06 radio version is 0.00.00 ExtROM version is 1.30.232 WWE. The thing however is i had Sprite back up on it before but lost it after a hard reset. does anyone know if i am doing anything wrong?
KarhU said:
Here you go.
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The link u gave works fine & is Great
was wondering would u recommend that i still get the paid version ?
the link i found it on :-
The one u gave me works fine & all, But did not know if i have all that it does on the pocketgear Site
Thank you for your help

wm6.1 to WWE 6.5 and SPB Backup

Hello, i have HTC Topaz and as the new official HTC ROM WWE 6.5 is available i want to upgrate my htc rom wm6.1 to WWE 6.5.
But when i will install this new rom all my data, program will delete in my phone.
So re-installing all programs, choose settings ... is very boring to do! That is why i want to know if i will be able to use SPB Backup (2.0.2) to recover programs, settings, and data after the upgrade.
Or if can't use SPB Backup, please give me if it is possible an other solution.
Restoring an old configuration on a different ROM from which it was created will hardly work correctly, it is not recommended to do that. The best you can do is use PIM backup to at least restore contacts, appointments, sms, mail..
PIM Backup is just an example, any othe commercial Backup software will do the job but ONLY if you choose to make a partial backup of your personal information, NOT the system configuration.
You can also try MyPhone ( for all your Contacts, SMS, Task, Emails and Data etc...
prabhat said:
You can also try MyPhone ( for all your Contacts, SMS, Task, Emails and Data etc...
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Doesn't solve the problem: you cannot restore a WM6.1 configuration on a WM6.5 ROM, data will be lost on the way. There could be apps or tweaks working in WM6.1 that are incompatible with WM6.5, is Myphone going to "repair" them??
Thanks for all, your solutions (PIM backup, my phone) allow me to backup contacts, appointments, sms, mail...
But for programs i should to re-install alls or there is any solutions?
If there is no issues, can i use the .cab of WM6.1 for WM6.5?
In particular, for IGO and Tomtom, are they working with WM6.5?
I suggest to reinstall the programs. For compatibility issues, just try it by yourself! Install every single app and see if it works..or read the forum..I think that there shouldn't be any problem with the navigators you mentioned.
sualc said:
Restoring an old configuration on a different ROM from which it was created will hardly work correctly, it is not recommended to do that. The best you can do is use PIM backup to at least restore contacts, appointments, sms, mail..
PIM Backup is just an example, any othe commercial Backup software will do the job but ONLY if you choose to make a partial backup of your personal information, NOT the system configuration.
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This is basically true, but Spb Backup 2 has a quite particular feature: you can restore your system even on a different device and (!) on the same device after you upgraded your ROM. I tried it and it worked. Extremely useful!
USch said:
This is basically true, but Spb Backup 2 has a quite particular feature: you can restore your system even on a different device and (!) on the same device after you upgraded your ROM. I tried it and it worked. Extremely useful!
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I ignored it, well that's great !
USch said:
This is basically true, but Spb Backup 2 has a quite particular feature: you can restore your system even on a different device and (!) on the same device after you upgraded your ROM. I tried it and it worked. Extremely useful!
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An other one try it? does it work?
gaetan505 said:
An other one try it? does it work?
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I'm out, I'm too happy with my Topaz config at the moment to make experiments. Besides, SPB backup doesn't work with my rom/device, I use Sprite.
However, if WM 6.5 does not like me, is it possible to come back with WM6.1 (HTC Official ROM FR of 21 july 2009)? and how to do (is a hardspl is needed as I downgrade)? Does the device will still guarantee?
Thank you
gaetan505 said:
is it possible to come back with WM6.1 (HTC Official ROM FR of 21 july 2009)?
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The question if offtopic here, but the answer is YES. If you downgrade to an official original 6.1 ROM for your phone you won't need HSPL. For warranty reasons, you should relock your phone by removing HSPL. Read carefully the sticky threads (that's what they made for )

Sprite backup 6 - anybody using it with HD2?

We bought a copy of Sprite backup 6 a couple of years back for my wifes Obrit 2, but she no longer has that.
I was wondering if it will work on the HD2 being WM6.5?
Is there anybody using it ok on the HD2?
If not I'll buy a new copy of Sprite (or another), as they have an offer on at the moment for HTC owners.
Thanks, Mark.
i have used sprite back up but can not remember what version it was i no use spb back up i recommend that highly v good piece software u using the trial version and its stil active months later
I use Sprite 6.5.2. Works perfectly.
Is that the trial version off Marketplace that you are using and it works ok?
If so I may download/use that, as it's only really to use to backup my contacts when I upgrade the ROM to the newer O2 version (not bothered about anything else other than the contacts).
I'm also using Microsoft My Phone to back up to as well as a backup backup.
dio62000 said:
I use Sprite 6.5.2. Works perfectly.
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Mine says it's version - do you think that may be ok as well?
Here's the release history with notes. Funny, WM 6.5 seems to be supported as of version while I'm successfully using 6.5.2.
i'm using 6.5.2 too and it works very well. I think you should use this one too. The license key isvalid for all 6.x versions. Therefore you should be able to use 6.5.2.
Cool - I might have to download it.
Do you just download that version from the Sprite site?
mark in essex said:
Is that the trial version off Marketplace that you are using and it works ok?
If so I may download/use that, as it's only really to use to backup my contacts when I upgrade the ROM to the newer O2 version (not bothered about anything else other than the contacts).
I'm also using Microsoft My Phone to back up to as well as a backup backup.
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no point at all in using sprite to backup contacts... pimpackup is a free utility that has no comparison when it comes to pim data backup
Anyway I confirm sprite to work correctly, at least on the backup side, I never found myself in the situation of having to restore until now, and all my backup is really done by saving into sashimi's auto folder all the changes I made to my system, every time I make them
Why not Microsoft MyPhone? So much better then everything else for backup!
I bought Sprite backup +/- 2 years ago for my touch Diamond.
I tried to install it on my HD2 but the version i had was not compatible.
After downloading the latest version (6.5.5.) i was happily surprised to find out my registration details were still valid.
I prefer Sprite backup over MyPhone because it is quicker and no internet connection is required.
Same here
Over two year old reg code popped right into the latest downloaded version and works great. Backup to storage card very fast and can restore on the run. I copy the BU's to my computer for archive.
Tunay said:
Why not Microsoft MyPhone? So much better then everything else for backup!
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sure, if you're okay with all your very personal data being saved on an external server which is not administered by you
ephestione said:
sure, if you're okay with all your very personal data being saved on an external server which is not administered by you
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Exactly, I would never do that!

