Windows Mobile 6.0: backup issue - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

Hi there,
Using the brilliant SPB Backup on Windows Mobile 5.0 was something that always worked fine and I even needed to restore a backup when something went wrong.
Sure a neat piece of software that I don't want to miss.
On Windows Mobile 6.0 things are a little different. Making a backup works (I didn't try restore, because there's need to yet) but when making the backup is completed, the software comes up with a message that several issues occured.
When click on the info screen to see what issues, SPB Backup says:
Unable to read from file "\Windows\compimeh.dat".
However, the progress bar for backup completion seems to be at 100%.
What type of file is compimeh.dat?
Any ideas of how this problem can be solved? Is my backup truly a backup even without this particular file?

Edit this string:
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Spb Software House\Spb Backup\SkipErrFiles
Add new string:
Name 6
Value: %Windows%\compimeh.dat
You add a new string for all the errors putting the run in exact way


This is helpful, thank you for your imput!

SPB vs. Sprite
Do you also have a solution for Sprite Backup?
Same issue, compimeh.dat!
Where do I put the string there, 'Sprite folder'?
And what about if you skip the errors, does the restore work ok?
IRREAL said:
Edit this string:
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Spb Software House\Spb Backup\SkipErrFiles
Add new string:
Name 6
Value: %Windows%\compimeh.dat
You add a new string for all the errors putting the run in exact way
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Hi all,
Just did a full restore from SPB Backup.
Also had the same compimeh.dat issue.
Everything went just fine. And I must say that I have all my software installed in the storage card.
So, no problem at all with that file.
IMHO, we should not instruct SPB Backup nor any other backup soft to skip the errors, cause at least we know like this that that was a problem in the backup process.

If you restore you will know what that error message meens.
If you trust it that way
Maybe it doesn't restore at all.
You should think about what's compimeh.dat?
Maybe it restore's with errors in apps?
Do you think it is exactly the same as before the backup?
I doubt?
bizao said:
Hi all,
Just did a full restore from SPB Backup.
Also had the same compimeh.dat issue.
Everything went just fine. And I must say that I have all my software installed in the storage card.
So, no problem at all with that file.
IMHO, we should not instruct SPB Backup nor any other backup soft to skip the errors, cause at least we know like this that that was a problem in the backup process.
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I'm just saying I had the same error... either way I tryed a restore and everything went just fine (without any error).
Now... if you trust it that way, well... it's just up to you, don't you think?
Since the restore I made yesterday, I had no problems at all with any application.
But instead of "You should think about what's compimeh.dat?" (looks like you know what the file is about), you could tell us.
And at least it looks and works like before the backup.

Should think about
Sorry for that, it was not my intention to look smart, I'm only trying to say that if compimeh.dat is not included maybe a important part is missing when you restore.

Hi Guys,
I've fixed the issue above on my Exec but one important feature I really do need that seems to have been lost in the upgrade to WM6 is the ability to use Scheduled Backups. It is critical that I backup at a certain time on a particular day. I know I can do it manually but I can't afford to lose the files concerned if something should happen and I forget!
I can set a scheduled backup with no problem but when the time comes around SPB Backup starts up and then shuts down again right before the actual backup begins.
Any ideas from anyone? Would be much appreciated.
If I can't get this to work I many have to go back to my original ROM.

I have Jasjar 2.01.08 Wm6 ROM and since I upgraded to Wm6 Scheduled backup doesnt work with SPB.
I have scheduled everyday at 6AM to backup but it doesnt do the job, never did!
Please help!

Thanks a lot man for the registry entry. Very Grateful

Laurentius26 said:
If you restore you will know what that error message meens.
If you trust it that way
Maybe it doesn't restore at all.
You should think about what's compimeh.dat?
Maybe it restore's with errors in apps?
Do you think it is exactly the same as before the backup?
I doubt?
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I too am a little concerned about applying the registry hack. How come we have to skip it? What is that error anyway?

Compimeh.dat is where your autocomplete words are stored in the dictionary as far as I remember.

Lakota said:
Compimeh.dat is where your autocomplete words are stored in the dictionary as far as I remember.
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Thanks. If I apply the hack, does it reset automatically after the backup?

New Sunnysoft Backup
Anyone tried Sunnysoft Backup? They have a new version:
Chearper here:

IRREAL said:
Edit this string:
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Spb Software House\Spb Backup\SkipErrFiles
Add new string:
Name 6
Value: %Windows%\compimeh.dat
You add a new string for all the errors putting the run in exact way
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Thank you very much for this IRREAL.

So the registry entry just skips the compimeh.dat file?

Any freeware utility to edit compimeh in wm6 windows mobile 6?
Does anyone know of any freeware utility to edit compimeh (the auto completion user dictionary) in wm6 (windows mobile 6)?
Lakota said:
Compimeh.dat is where your autocomplete words are stored in the dictionary as far as I remember.
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I was having the same problem with btdisk.tmp but I always ignored it. It never affected my Uni in an adverse manner, but now that this was posted I can just make that single yellow icon go away . BTW Spb Backup rocks, with its compression and self-extracting backup. I have scheduled mine to take a back up every morning at 3:10AM. You can see the schedule in my screen shot on another thread regarding Universal Today screens.


Backup Software Found!

I bought Spb Backup a couple of days ago and have just had a major problem with no option but to hard reset.
Spb Backup... wow!
It put me right back to where I was before, applications, Registry hacks all my vga settings.. the lot! its like I never even did a hard reset!
The backup file was stored on the SD card and its an excutable, you just run it, correct the clock and hey presto jobs a goodun! 8)
oh and activesync didnt see any difference!
Did you notice any duplication of application icons, something I notice in another backup application?
That's true. Nice program and cheaper than Sprite backup......
cktlcmd said:
Did you notice any duplication of application icons, something I notice in another backup application?
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Nope didn't notice any duplication, not found any ill affects and like previously said its cheap
dherrero said:
That's true. Nice program and cheaper than Sprite backup......
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Ya, also Spb seems to have much better compression than Sprite.. AND Spb leaves you with an exe thats self installable
One more question please. Can I store and run SPB Backup application from my SD Card?
cktlcmd said:
One more question please. Can I store and run SPB Backup application from my SD Card?
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Haven't tried that, I don't see why not. The only problem that you might have is if you have scheduled backups setup.. because the app needs to wake the system and the SD card may not be ready quick enough. I have mine installed in the extended ROM.
Download the trial and give it a shot
How do you install it to extended ROM?
One problem I found with SPB Backup, whilst backing up, it hangs at midpoint and then finally finishes but with an error message stating that file 'history.txt' wasnt backed up. Happens everytime. Any idea why?
Thanks. Cheers
I have been trialling this in Beta for a month or so. Even the beta's were good.
However, I do recommend anybody that is considering using it after a failure or error, to hard reset the device prior to the restore, otherwise it overrides and adds to what is already there, so if there are extra files and extra registry entries, they will remain.
The originals will all be restored correctly though, so you are unlikely to detect a problem.
I have restored, and hard reset on many occassions throughout the beta, and it works a dream.
Is it possible to backup, upgrade to a new complete ROM and then restore?
Or when you upgrade to a new rom you cannot use older ROMs backup?
Thank you.
I dont believe you can restore over an upgraded rom.
primarily cause the rom files are not copied. my entire backup, compressed 11mb.
you probably could, and when we were fiddling with WM2003SE for the himalaya model, we used this peculiar feature to do that.
YOu might try it and see, but some of the system files, dlls and hidden files may get modified some how, dont know enough about it. depends on the size and extent of the upgrade, it will probably work, but maybe a little unstable.
Either way, its not recommended. What I do is a fresh rebuild without syncing, with all my registrations, connections, and website usernames and all customisations done, and then call it a "virgin" backup, so that it can always be a perfect starting point for a base machine on a new ROM. This is then kept for te life of that ROM incase I want to go back to a nice clean environment without to much effort.
Hi does anyone know if this will backup txt messages to
cktlcmd said:
One more question please. Can I store and run SPB Backup application from my SD Card?
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yes, you cand. I did it
simon_darley said:
I have been trialling this in Beta for a month or so. Even the beta's were good.
However, I do recommend anybody that is considering using it after a failure or error, to hard reset the device prior to the restore, otherwise it overrides and adds to what is already there, so if there are extra files and extra registry entries, they will remain.
The originals will all be restored correctly though, so you are unlikely to detect a problem.
I have restored, and hard reset on many occassions throughout the beta, and it works a dream.
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You shouldnt, bacause you need to restore the registry to make your apps working again but in the new ROM the registry structure or data may (and normally do) change, so you would corrupt the new rom
scotjen1 said:
Hi does anyone know if this will backup txt messages to
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Yep, it backs up all your text messages and your emails
Thanks vbjoe am installing now.
Problems on my JASJAR
First of all it duplicates Alarm notifications on my JASJAR. Secondly if you hard reset the device and then restore the backup, it always hangs at almost 100%. Had to cancel the restore and restart the device. But once restarted, it looks like everything is restored despite that restore hangup. But i am not certain, might be some problem in restoring with i come across later in future.
Can't depend on it.
Backup program
Try Sunnysoft backup manager.
hangs happened to me, i left it on its own and it did finish restore on my wizard

Recommend a Reliable Backup Program Please

Hi Everyone,
Which Backup program do you use? Is there one you recommend? All this hacking my Cingular 8525 around has had me hard-reset at least twice within the last week. I need a good and reliable backup program since installing all of my software is taking me over 2.5 hours of time.
Thanks for responding.
spb backup has never let me down.well worth trying.
sprite also gets good reviews but I've never used it.
I've tried different backup programs with my TyTN.
I found that the only perfect working program is SPB Backup.
I've already restored my data after hard reset with this program (not once) and all is good.
i use spb also, works great
I vote for spb as well.
Although keep in mind that it only does back up system settings and core software installed in device (not sure what exactly), not the whole file system of your PDA. My problem was, I deleted some files and uninstalled some programs after backing up, and after restore they were not there! (just blank icons).
I would love to mirror my whole device on PC hard drive, yet I am not sure about software for this purpose.
how well does spb backup perform when you do a ROM upgrade?
MilanoRex said:
how well does spb backup perform when you do a ROM upgrade?
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Whatever backup product you use, DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT applying a backup from a different ROM version. You're asking for serious trouble.
Simply put, if you update your ROM, you're also plan on reinstalling everything clean from scratch...
mnez said:
I vote for spb as well.
Although keep in mind that it only does back up system settings and core software installed in device (not sure what exactly), not the whole file system of your PDA. My problem was, I deleted some files and uninstalled some programs after backing up, and after restore they were not there! (just blank icons).
I would love to mirror my whole device on PC hard drive, yet I am not sure about software for this purpose.
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Mobile Deployment
Deploy an identical policy based corporate image to all your mobile devices. From the original creators of the industry leading Symantec GhostTM cloning solution, Sprite Clone provides rapid and reliable deployment to multiple mobile devices thereby assuring consistency and cost effectiveness...
goestoeleven said:
Whatever backup product you use, DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT applying a backup from a different ROM version. You're asking for serious trouble.
Simply put, if you update your ROM, you're also plan on reinstalling everything clean from scratch...
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Sprite Backup works perfectly with ROM and DEVICE upgrades.. I switched from my Wizard to my Hermes without any problems..
MilanoRex said:
how well does spb backup perform when you do a ROM upgrade?
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Use Sprite Backup in this case, it'll work unless you try to cross-restore between AKU2.x and AKU3.x. And please DO read my above-linked article; in there, I've also elaborated on this very question.
bobstarina said:
I found that the only perfect working program is SPB Backup.
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Strange you had problems with the otehr alternates (Sunnysoft Backup, SKTools 3.0, Sprite 5.1). Are you sure you tried the LATEST versions of them? It's only lately that, for example, Sunnysoft Backup received REAL WM5 support.
Also please read the Backup Bible I've linked in above if you need more info on all these questions.
MilanoRex said:
Sprite Backup works perfectly with ROM and DEVICE upgrades.. I switched from my Wizard to my Hermes without any problems..
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Both of you are correct. Sprite DOES work great in most cases, except for restoring AKU3 content under AKU2 and vice versa.
does restoreing after a ROM upgrade using Sprite also keep your current registry changes as well...or do i have to do all registry hacks all over again...or even after just a hard reset not a ROM upgrade do i still have to enter the reg. edits all over again....
Sprite works well for me
strikeIII said:
does restoreing after a ROM upgrade using Sprite also keep your current registry changes as well...or do i have to do all registry hacks all over again...or even after just a hard reset not a ROM upgrade do i still have to enter the reg. edits all over again....
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It will restore your registry changes too. Otehrwise, it wouldn't work at all with a lot of third-party apps that also use the Registry to store their stuff / settings.
Does anyone know if Spb backup will back up outlook notes?
Sprite is the only one worth getting since you can restore after a ROM or device change Just make sure you RTFM before you go changing anything as there are things you need to do before hand
Interesting to hear that Sprite Backup works without problems for all of you. On my TyTN, when it wants to reboot before beginning a backup, the TyTN gets stuck at the Windows Mobile screen. Removing/re-inserting the battery usually allows the boot process to finish - but only until the next reboot. After that, all subsequent reboots show that behaviour, no matter if initiated by Sprite Backup or otherwise. And very strangley, after a day or two this phenomenon disappears slowly. A hard reset fixes the problem immediately - at least until I re-install Sprite Backup or restore an (executable) backup I made earlier.
What's even more strange is that this seems to be reproducable, even across different ROM versions. I saw that first with the O2 Germany ROM my Trion came with, and also after I updated to the south-african WWE ROM.

SPB Backup V Sprite Backup Manager

Has anyone tried both of the above? Which is regarded as better?
Do they backup everything?
I need to send my machine back to HTC for a repair and they say it will lose everything so I will back it up. So I want to back up everything!
Before I get a program to do this can anyone shed some light on which is best and why?
Vote for SPB. Extremely fool proof. Havent used Sprite.
My Vote is for SPB
I have been using SPB for 2 years and I have to say it is the best for me , easy to customize and quick, has all the features that u need. creates a self extracting restore file u don't need to reinstall SPB to use it. Give it a try. Sprite is just as good I have used it as well but I have to recommend SPB for ease of use.
Spb for me too.
If i remember correctly Sprite does NOT Backup the Registry.
Vote for SPB too.
I never have a problem with.
ausi said:
Spb for me too.
If i remember correctly Sprite does NOT Backup the Registry.
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So, from a hard reset by starting the self extracting executable my device would be returned to its original state? Is that correct?
for_me, Spb Backup
Sprite is more capable - can restore to a different device something spb cannot do?
More q's
And what if you change ROM in the meantime? Or if you upgrade to WM6 and the backup was done on the WM5?
The FD said:
So, from a hard reset by starting the self extracting executable my device would be returned to its original state? Is that correct?
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Exactly correct!!........i do it all the time without any problems.
sabestian said:
And what if you change ROM in the meantime? Or if you upgrade to WM6 and the backup was done on the WM5?
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Neither Sprite nor Spb will help you there, remember you're basically changing the OS while your installed programs relate to the installed OS at that time.
ausi said:
Neither Sprite nor Spb will help you there, remember you're basically changing the OS while your installed programs relate to the installed OS at that time.
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So they don't actually change the OS back to the version that was previously installed? All the programs do is put back what system settings and programs were previously installed?
Is that correct?
The FD said:
So they don't actually change the OS back to the version that was previously installed? All the programs do is put back what system settings and programs were previously installed?
Is that correct?
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Yes!......... they are basically a Backup program which when in trouble they will restore your Device to the same state and configuration as when you did the backup. This saves a lot of time when you Device gets totally stuck and needs a "Hard" Reset.......then you only need to double click on the backup exe. file (which should be on your SD card) and "Walla" you get it all back without having to waste hours in reloading your original programs.

BackUp HTC Touch HD

Nokia phones have "Nokia PC Suite" Software that allows users to perform complete back up without have any application installed on the phone it self.
Dose HTC Touch HD has similar application to back up the phone without install some application on the phone it self?
163 Views without answer ... that’s mean the answer is no
There is other question any I hope there will be answer to it.
If I change the ROM of my phone to other version and i want to put it back again ... how I can do it?
Can I do it by restore old backup or format the phone or install the old ROM again? ... or something else
If the answer if Install the old ROM again, then how I can get the old ROM to install it later on?
I always use Sprite backup, works OK with the HD. Not free but I think it is available as a download on the HTC site for some of the other models. May work with the HD
Edit Listed Under Touch 3G.
kjt57 said:
I always use Sprite backup, works OK with the HD. Not free but I think it is available as a download on the HTC site for some of the other models. May work with the HD
Edit Listed Under Touch 3G.
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but can Sprite backup make backup for the rom or not ??
Sprite give me some errors during the backup so I really dont think that is reliable.
Backup completed successfully
Start time : 10-12-08, 03:35:19
End time : 10-12-08, 03:39:33
Time elapsed 4:14 Min:Sec
Operation size : 83009 KB
Image size : 46989 KB
Average speed : 365 KB/second
Warning : File could not be included \Windows\System\SQM\Sessions\Global
Warning : File could not be included \Windows\System\SQM\Sessions\PMWeek
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SPB backup
spb backup is a lot better IMHO. Ive used all of them. I mess with my (then Touch Diamond) and restored it over and over..with no issues.
wfhowell said:
spb backup is a lot better IMHO. Ive used all of them. I mess with my (then Touch Diamond) and restored it over and over..with no issues.
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But it gives error too with HD.
I've contacted HTC with this problem, as soon as I know more I will inform you guys
demo1987 said:
I've contacted HTC with this problem, as soon as I know more I will inform you guys
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Thanks, we will be waiting.
But don't expect too much from them.
demo1987 said:
I've contacted HTC with this problem, as soon as I know more I will inform you guys
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Very interested in an easy way to backup my HD aswell Especially without the use of third party programs. Curious to see what HTC has to say about it...
After some research on this forum, the Wiki, Dutch forums...and ofcourse good ol' Google... I did learn about an easy way to backup Contacts and Calendar entries. Turns out this information is stored in a single file in the Root of the phone. The file is called PIM.VOL and just making a copy of this file to either Storage Card or your PC will ensure you being able to replace your original Contacts and Calendar Entries after executing a Hard Reset.
I'm sure most of you allready knew this but for me it was a very nice discovery Now if only I could make such a cool discovery as to backing up SMS/MMS messages aswell
Rolf (35, m, The Netherlands)
wfhowell said:
spb backup is a lot better IMHO. Ive used all of them. I mess with my (then Touch Diamond) and restored it over and over..with no issues.
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Is either Spb Backup or Sprite Backup able to restore eMail account settings and exchange server configuration? For me, this is the most annoying thing after upgrading to a new ROM: I have an MS exchange server access for active syncing and at least two private mail accounts set up on my device. After upgrading, I always had to set up everything all over again.
I don't think anyone should need to actually buy SPB Sprite Backup. A legit free copy is on the applications CDROM that came with my NL HD. Check yours to see what is there. After installation you will see it is 'authorised' without having to enter a registration key. You can still register tho'.
You might also find SPB GPRSMonitor too Very handy...
I had no luck with spb backup and SKTools backup. Alothough they were backing up they had a problem with the Restore procedure.
Sprite Bacup 6.5.2 worked great!
Wavac said:
I had no luck with spb backup and SKTools backup. Alothough they were backing up they had a problem with the Restore procedure.
Sprite Bacup 6.5.2 worked great!
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Download SKTools from our webpage again. We hope, the restore problem on HD should be fixed.
CharlyV said:
Download SKTools from our webpage again. We hope, the restore problem on HD should be fixed.
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By the way I replaced my HD with a new one due to a hardware problem and I had to send you an email and ask for a new code as the previous one didnt work! Will I have to do the same again if I downoad the new version?
Why is this happening? Its not very user friendly!
Wavac said:
By the way I replaced my HD with a new one due to a hardware problem and I had to send you an email and ask for a new code as the previous one didnt work! Will I have to do the same again if I downoad the new version?
Why is this happening? Its not very user friendly!
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Updates are free for all registered SKTools 4.x user.
If you will get registration key for SKTools we need the file “ sktoolsid.txt “ which you can find in your windows folder of Pocket PC and the webshop order confirmation with date.
> support2 @
Thanks for the answer!
I just saw the update features. I have the "Last Used" option so I suppose I have the newest version!
If you're just looking to back up pictures, phone contacts etc... then Dashwire is good (and free) as a basic back up programme and you can automatically change it to suit your phone if you get a new one. Works great on the HTC for as far as it goes.
Wavac said:
Thanks for the answer!
I just saw the update features. I have the "Last Used" option so I suppose I have the newest version!
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The last version is
You can check for your self > Tools > About
If not ( or older) download and install last version again.
CharlyV said:
The last version is
You can check for your self > Tools > About
If not ( or older) download and install last version again.
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My version is! Do I really need to download the latest version?
Thanks for your support!

Backup and ROM-Update. How to?

Hello Forum!
I would like to update Leo's ROM (HTC, German Stock-ROM) from 1.43.407.1 to 1.48.407.1. BUT, I don't want to install all programs and tweak my baby again (not to forget all the emails and outlook settings, SMS etc.). Is there a way of doing a backup, which can effectively "survive" a ROM update, or is this simply not possible without coruption? Normally I use Sprite Backup 6.5.5 for my phone backup, but it does not tell me to many things about what will happen if a backup would be applied to the phone after ROM update. By the way. I don't think Sprite Backup will backup the ROM itself but just the other data on the internal memory, does it?
Thank you in advance folks!
spritebackup is trying to be smart on restore, so you can chose how it should behaive on restoring after romupdate. when i remember it rigth there are 3 or 4 options to choose from when you start a restore, they are listed at there website and in the manual/helpfile.
Hello madbird,
Yes, I noticed that. I just want to make sure that it really does work even after ROM update. What I do not want is problems afterwards. Anybody tried already?
Thanks guys!
I have been using SPB Backup's ROM upgrade mode on my Polaris for restoring of my settings & applications over sequential ROM upgrades.
Apart from some minor issues it really saved me a lot of reconfiguring time.
Naturally I haven't been able to try it on Leo, since custom ROMs can't be flashed yet.
Studebaker72 said:
Hello Forum!
I would like to update Leo's ROM (HTC, German Stock-ROM) from 1.43.407.1 to 1.48.407.1. BUT, I don't want to install all programs and tweak my baby again (not to forget all the emails and outlook settings, SMS etc.). Is there a way of doing a backup, which can effectively "survive" a ROM update, or is this simply not possible without coruption? Normally I use Sprite Backup 6.5.5 for my phone backup, but it does not tell me to many things about what will happen if a backup would be applied to the phone after ROM update. By the way. I don't think Sprite Backup will backup the ROM itself but just the other data on the internal memory, does it?
Thank you in advance folks!
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In order to restore and at the same time 100% incorporate all changes introduced by the rom upgrade you need 2 additional procedures (apart from a backup software).
1) Overwrite the new registry over the old registry
2) Overwrite the new double copy files over the old double copy files.
The first Step can be easily done in the following way
After upgrading you install Resco Registry.
You export the entire registry.
You restore the old backup image
Finally you re-import the previously exported reg file.
This will overwrite all keys that were changed during the rom upgrade.
Regarding the second step, let me quickly explain to you what I mean with double copy files.
After hard resetting your device and during the first boot, a customization tool is running in the background that copies some files from the rom (and the windows folder) to the storage memory (and different folders).
If you restore the previous rom image, these files will be overwritten with old versions. You can partially overcome this issue if the double copy files are both found in the same directory (f.e. Opera9.exe and OperaL.exe in Windows folder).
In this case you delete the duplicated file in storage and apart from releasing some mbs of free space you also use the latest version, which always resides in rom. This procedure can not be followed with files and folders that are copied during the customization process from Windows folder to other folders.
In order to overcome this issue and to be able to restore a previous image incorporating at the same time all the changes introduced by the upgrade, we have to find a way and activate the customization tool after completing the restore process. In this way the double copy files will be re-overwritten with the newer ones.
Check also this thread.
Finally another way to rebuild your system without much effort is to setup Sashimi once and then use it to quickly reinstall everything.
Hello Step2p!
Thank you so much for taking some time for that really interesting answer. The registry, yes, I guesses that could be a problem. Please let me comment to your points, because I'm in no way an expert in that:
The first Step can be easily done in the following way:
-After upgrading you install Resco Registry. => OK
-You export the entire registry. => Ahm, OK...
-You restore the old backup image => Yes, because I want to have my tweaked registry from the "old" ROM back.
-Finally you re-import the previously exported reg file. => Ouch. Than my tweaked and modified entries will all be gone. Right?
This will overwrite all keys that were changed during the rom upgrade. => And also all the former ones will be overwriten by new ones??
Did I get that right? After your procedure my old tweaks will be history, just because the new registry that we will have remaining at last will be pure as snow. New and unmodified.
Thanks again,
Studebaker72 said:
Hello Step2p!
Thank you so much for taking some time for that really interesting answer. The registry, yes, I guesses that could be a problem. Please let me comment to your points, because I'm in no way an expert in that:
The first Step can be easily done in the following way:
-After upgrading you install Resco Registry. => OK
-You export the entire registry. => Ahm, OK...
-You restore the old backup image => Yes, because I want to have my tweaked registry from the "old" ROM back.
-Finally you re-import the previously exported reg file. => Ouch. Than my tweaked and modified entries will all be gone. Right?
This will overwrite all keys that were changed during the rom upgrade. => And also all the former ones will be overwriten by new ones??
Did I get that right? After your procedure my old tweaks will be history, just because the new registry that we will have remaining at last will be pure as snow. New and unmodified.
Thanks again,
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Yes, you will lose all system registry tweaks (but not 3rd party tweaks). Unfortunately it is almost impossible to have the latest registry without losing these tweaks.
But updating the registry is an important step, because many of the bug fixes are actually registry tweaks that we never find.
In order to overcome this issue you have 2 options
1) Use an application like BsB tweaks which allows you to quickly setup the main registry tweaks
2) Create a reg file (or better a cab file) with all the tweaks that you are doing. After importing the registry you can run it in order to re-overwrite the tweaks.
Oh yes, a cab file sounds great to restore my tweaks! I just have no idea how to do that. How to convert my registry tweaks into a cab file, is there some software available to do the trick? Sorry for my stupid questions, that's like rocket science for me....
WinCe CabManager is very easy to use.
If you find it difficult you can export your keys using Resco Registry and then join the individual keys using a text editor.
Yes! said:
I have been using SPB Backup's ROM upgrade mode on my Polaris for restoring of my settings & applications over sequential ROM upgrades.
Apart from some minor issues it really saved me a lot of reconfiguring time.
Naturally I haven't been able to try it on Leo, since custom ROMs can't be flashed yet.
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Hello Yes!
May I ask what kind of "minor issues" you are refering to?
Thank you!
Studebaker72 said:
Hello Yes!
May I ask what kind of "minor issues" you are refering to?
Thank you!
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Well, firstly i had some issues with the mail accounts.
After restoring in ROM upgrade mode all mail accounts were available and working. However it seemed like their configuration had not been fully restored.
When i wanted to modify an account (i.e. synch frequency) i had to completely reconfigure the accont, since its configuration wasn't there.
The issue only became noticeable when the account option need to be adjusted.
Secondly i also had the feeling (might be subjective) that the cycle of backing up, upgrading, restoring (in ROM upgrade mode), backing up (from previously restored rom), upgrading, restoring (in ROM upgrade mode) etc....pollutes the image somehow.
I have gone through the cycle for 5 or 6 upgrades without noticeable problems, but i'm not sure how it will behave after more cycles or after a major upgrade.
For so far i've only used ROM upgrade restores on my Polaris but i will try it on my Leo tonight.
I will post my findings here after upgrading.
Thank you, that is very interresting! Sprite Backup is a very powerful tool, no doubt! But to recover every little detail after a ROM update seems too good to be true. The registry scares me, the registry from the 1.48 might not be identical to the 1.43. But the backup will plaster all the old settings over it, can that be OK?? Who knows...

