Saving PIM-data for Upgrade - Wing, P4350 General

Hello out there!
I own a unbranded HTC P4350 currently running WM5 .
To ensure that my device will read the MicroSDHC-card (8GB would be awesome!) I want to upgrade the OS to WM 6.
I already downloaded he official ROM-Update for HTC, but:
How can I backup personal data like
- calender
- contacts
- tasks
- short messages(!)
quite effective? (Without Outlook perhaps?)
Like: Backup on PC, upgrade ROM, run backup => everything normal.
Although I don't synchronize my PPC with my desktop PC, I installed Outlook, to try it this way.
But only the first three items were synchonized. :-(
I don't know how to backup my SMS und MMS.
I searched the internet including this forum, but found no note about this issue.
Oh! Thank in advance for your answers, of course!

try using a program called pimbackup by some guy on this forum. think his name was dotfred. do a search and make sure you use the latest version. it's an exe, so you run it from your pocketpc. make your backup, then update, reinstall, and run the backup.

Thank you. I tried this software additionally for safety reasons.
But now I have another huge problem... :-((
But I better open a new thread for that.


unable to restore data after ROM upgrade

I just upgraded to the latest ROM's supplied by O2 (3.17.03), and now active sync says my backup was made with the wrong version of software.
Is there any way to get the data back on to my XDA? In particular my contacts, as they will be the hardest to replace?
If not, is it possible to go back to the old ROM? (the radio ROM upgrade warned not to downgrade roms)
ActiveSync backup can be only restored to the same ROM. The best way to backup contacts is to use Outlook. Yes, you can flash your ROM back to the previous version, restore the contacts, backup them to Outlook, flash the new ROM then sync with Outlook to get the contacts list
there ma ybe another way
So i was about to download the old ROM updates from
When i read the readme on that page. It says that active sync can only restore to a device with exactly the same partnership/device ID. It says you must delete the existing partnership and recreate it.
So i have done that, and a resotre is currently in progress (restoring a full backup from an old rom, to the new rom version of my walaby).
I will post back in 10 minutes when it has finished to let everyone know what has/hasnt been restored.
check for reginal settings.
In case it was changes to customize your device before upgrage - change them now from default.
it is not recommended to restore after ROM upgrade, tho...
restore not reccomended
I suppose i can understand why, but in any case i dont use outlook. So i cant see me having much choice...
Btw, does anyone know of software to sync the XDA to mozilla (preferable under linux too!)
backup to SD card
Out of curiosity, the pdf i read regarding the upgrade said you can back up to a SD card too.
Is this any different to backing up via ActiveSync? Is it any less risky to restore such a backup after an upgrade?
Up to my information, it has the same issue ... SD backup can't be restored to a different ROM version.
sync with
Looks good... anyone tried to sync with Mozilla Thunderbird??
Restore worked
So the restore seems to have worked... kind of...
The thing runs, but the old sms messages are only in the index, and i cant seem to delete them or view them.
The new programs from the upgrade dont seem to be here, though they could be lying around in a folder somwhere i havent looked.
My Fiitaly install works, though the input method occasinaly tries to be the transcriber even though it shouldnt be.
All in all, its usable, but when i have time i will be finding a copy of outlook just to back up the contacts and then flashing the ROM again and installing everything else again.
A note to anyone else who might be trying the same thing, all your notes etc can be backed up just by activesync synchronising your XDA mydocuments with a sub-folder of your pc's mydocuments. Then hopefully outlook can do the contacts and appointments. Dunno what you'd have to do if you wanted to save your sms messages or call log or anything
Well, instead od studying for my exams (yup, just like me to do this) I installed Outlook, synchronised the XDA, flashed it again, synchronised it again, installed my software and it seems to be pretty good!
Lost my sms messages, but thats no problem to me.
2 things that are odd:
I had to add a shortcut to notes.exe in the start menu because it didnt exist
Also, i cannot create new accounts, ie gprs email ones. Of course, this would only be useful if the new ROM supports encrypted IMAP connections. Does it? Is there a free (or maybe cheap) third party solution that does?

What is the best way to backup my Wizard

Dear wizard owners,
recently I had to fully reinstall my wizard since I was having trouble with the windows mobile 6 'no alarm notification' bug and couldn't solve it despite of the many solution that also can be found on this forum. Nevertheless, it was quite a job to costumize my Wizard to the state as it used to be. Therefore this question, is it possible to make some kind of image of the state of my MDA including all programs and settings and such? Thanks in advance.
I use SPB Backup which works really well and does restore my Wizard back to its state with all my programs installed.
Its quite easy to use to; just open an exe file and let the program do the rest to restore.
keep in mind, however, that you cannot use this program (nor any other one that I have heard of), to restore after a ROM upgrade. This program will only work if you are restoring on the same ROM you backed up on.
Thanks Zakhir for your quick reply. I will certainly try it.
Is there a way to backup the Calendar entries???
There's an SMS backup, but is there a Calendar backup???

'Start Menu > Settings' Folder EMPTY???

Hi all, I wonder if anyone can help on this one - I've been googling for the last 3 hrs and not been able to really find any solution.
I seem to have lost my 'Settings' folder
When I click on 'Start > Settings', my system just hangs.
If I Hard reset it's there again, but when I clone back to current - gone
I REALLY don't want to have to go through the whole installing process again, I've just spent the last month Installing, Resetting, Installing, add infinitum; now, when I seem to have found and tested all the apps that I want. installed them, registered them, etc., the LAST thing I need now is to have to start from scratch!!!
So, PLEASE - give me a clue how to add this back and remove the one and only issue I have with this build!! P L E A S E ! ! !
Have also found that the three settings tabs are also no longer recogniseable in other programs - I have SPB Shell 2.0 installed, and it usually shows all the options from the Settings folder in it's Settings tab - not any more!!
Also Pocket Mechanic comes up with the 'Cannot load file 'unload'...' message if you try to uninstall anything! - from surfing it seems that these are related!
It looks as if I WILL have to reinstall everything - going to have to do it the REALLY slow way and clone after EVERY install on the system "sigh!".
I'll give it 48 hrs of hoping that some really narly uber geek out there can come to my rescue, else I'll have to geek it myself!
CALLING ALL UBER GEEKS - help this poor lame nerdoid out!!
as i understand you have made backup of a broken WM and when you restore it it restores the broken parts too, the easyer solution for you is to use PIMBackup for all your mail, contacts SMS MMS etc. , Hard reset, install all of the software you use then restore the backup from there and after your device is properly configured then back it up with a backup software (some backup software do not work well in wm 6 use only compatible versions, also you can not restore WM2003,WM5 or difrend build backup to WM6 rom this action may cause unpredictable bugs)
Yah, looks like it's the only option!
I think that this is going to be the only option xplode, thanks for the second opinion!
I was hoping to find another solution, but it seems this will be the only one - oh well!
xplode said:
as i understand you have made backup of a broken WM and when you restore it it restores the broken parts too, the easyer solution for you is to use PIMBackup for all your mail, contacts SMS MMS etc. , Hard reset, install all of the software you use then restore the backup from there and after your device is properly configured then back it up with a backup software (some backup software do not work well in wm 6 use only compatible versions, also you can not restore WM2003,WM5 or difrend build backup to WM6 rom this action may cause unpredictable bugs)
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B.T.W. xplode, I now have 2 BA's to play with, so if you need a tester for any ROMs or anything, let me know! After all, once I get this thing sorted, I'll have a backup and can flash and reclone in minutes! This goes for Helmi and the other gods of the ROMs, too.
captures Picture, look at

wm6.1 to WWE 6.5 and SPB Backup

Hello, i have HTC Topaz and as the new official HTC ROM WWE 6.5 is available i want to upgrate my htc rom wm6.1 to WWE 6.5.
But when i will install this new rom all my data, program will delete in my phone.
So re-installing all programs, choose settings ... is very boring to do! That is why i want to know if i will be able to use SPB Backup (2.0.2) to recover programs, settings, and data after the upgrade.
Or if can't use SPB Backup, please give me if it is possible an other solution.
Restoring an old configuration on a different ROM from which it was created will hardly work correctly, it is not recommended to do that. The best you can do is use PIM backup to at least restore contacts, appointments, sms, mail..
PIM Backup is just an example, any othe commercial Backup software will do the job but ONLY if you choose to make a partial backup of your personal information, NOT the system configuration.
You can also try MyPhone ( for all your Contacts, SMS, Task, Emails and Data etc...
prabhat said:
You can also try MyPhone ( for all your Contacts, SMS, Task, Emails and Data etc...
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Doesn't solve the problem: you cannot restore a WM6.1 configuration on a WM6.5 ROM, data will be lost on the way. There could be apps or tweaks working in WM6.1 that are incompatible with WM6.5, is Myphone going to "repair" them??
Thanks for all, your solutions (PIM backup, my phone) allow me to backup contacts, appointments, sms, mail...
But for programs i should to re-install alls or there is any solutions?
If there is no issues, can i use the .cab of WM6.1 for WM6.5?
In particular, for IGO and Tomtom, are they working with WM6.5?
I suggest to reinstall the programs. For compatibility issues, just try it by yourself! Install every single app and see if it works..or read the forum..I think that there shouldn't be any problem with the navigators you mentioned.
sualc said:
Restoring an old configuration on a different ROM from which it was created will hardly work correctly, it is not recommended to do that. The best you can do is use PIM backup to at least restore contacts, appointments, sms, mail..
PIM Backup is just an example, any othe commercial Backup software will do the job but ONLY if you choose to make a partial backup of your personal information, NOT the system configuration.
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This is basically true, but Spb Backup 2 has a quite particular feature: you can restore your system even on a different device and (!) on the same device after you upgraded your ROM. I tried it and it worked. Extremely useful!
USch said:
This is basically true, but Spb Backup 2 has a quite particular feature: you can restore your system even on a different device and (!) on the same device after you upgraded your ROM. I tried it and it worked. Extremely useful!
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I ignored it, well that's great !
USch said:
This is basically true, but Spb Backup 2 has a quite particular feature: you can restore your system even on a different device and (!) on the same device after you upgraded your ROM. I tried it and it worked. Extremely useful!
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An other one try it? does it work?
gaetan505 said:
An other one try it? does it work?
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I'm out, I'm too happy with my Topaz config at the moment to make experiments. Besides, SPB backup doesn't work with my rom/device, I use Sprite.
However, if WM 6.5 does not like me, is it possible to come back with WM6.1 (HTC Official ROM FR of 21 july 2009)? and how to do (is a hardspl is needed as I downgrade)? Does the device will still guarantee?
Thank you
gaetan505 said:
is it possible to come back with WM6.1 (HTC Official ROM FR of 21 july 2009)?
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The question if offtopic here, but the answer is YES. If you downgrade to an official original 6.1 ROM for your phone you won't need HSPL. For warranty reasons, you should relock your phone by removing HSPL. Read carefully the sticky threads (that's what they made for )

[Q] Backup WinMob to Android?

Hello people
I have a .pib file from PIMBackup and i will this file open in Android Backup app. I fand SpriteMigrate but this app is not work on me HTC HD2 (I cant select file )
Is a alternative app? (SpriteMigrate)
Sprite Migrate works find on HD2 i use it.
You need to read the instructions on how to use sprite migrate, it requires you install the sprite migrate cab and create a backup on your HD2 then install sprite migrate on your pc and take the file created on the HD2 and convert using the PC software, then copy this file to your HD2 sd card, in Android goto android market and install sprite migrate, then look up the file you have put on your SD card.
thx makidoja for insttuction
i probe this, and then send you result
anyway to export my smses to android?
Sprite Backup is don't work :-/ i can't find a key on web
A new Solution, but don't work yet - I need help !
Hey guys out there,
maybe i have a solution for this horrible problem.
The solution is: Sprite Mobile
You need following cabs, which are all for free
Sprite Backup Mobile für Windows Mobile -> download
Attention - it's a 10-Day-Trail Version and after this Period you can only restore files you've backed up before.
For Android you need this app:
Sprite Migrate BETA 2 Infoseite + Downloadlink + QR-Code or search for "Sprite Migrate BETA 2" in the market
Now the problem is:
1. Do the Backup in WM.
2. At Android you install the other app.
Sprite Migrate doesn't find any File nor on the Device nor on Storage Card. But I saved this Backup-File via ActivSync to the Storage Card.
I've tried to upload the file and download it via Browser in Android - failed.
Android converted the file from *.pbf to *.txt data.
Bluetooth doesn't connected to my PC. Maybe this is only a problem by me.
I use Android MCCM HD V2.0 from here ... maybe someone else can try this method with another version of android, which is released here and can report ?
come on guys, maybe that's a little step to a solution working very fine and helps a lot of people here.
thx for helping
i'm sure you can sync it up to gmail as well and then synch whilst in android... or am i going mad?
yes you're right ... but with gmail you CAN'T sync your sms, call log ... only contacts, calendar and tasks IMO
but maybe i found my fault ... i'm testing something
are you interested ?
but there is this...
i think this one here is much better
Only problem is: The beta expired somewhere juli 2010 ...
AND: No new version since januari 2010 ...
K0ll0 said:
i think this one here is much better
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Phoenix007 said:
Only problem is: The beta expired somewhere juli 2010 ...
AND: No new version since januari 2010 ...
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I found solution.
Just change date in your device to year <2010, then the app will work.
but I have a problem, the app runs, but with no result, it hangs there
how can I export my SMS?
jakert said:
I found solution.
Just change date in your device to year <2010, then the app will work.
but I have a problem, the app runs, but with no result, it hangs there
how can I export my SMS?
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I found this but not tried any of the ways mentioned

