Plz suggest... - Touch GSM General

Here are a few things I am puzzled with. Kindly help with them :
How can I send multiple SMS to a single recipient (which app). e.g. I want to send all the SMS of my device to another device of mine w/o ActiveSync (just for example).
Best PIM Backup/Restore utility ?
Some important freeware/s to have on my device (I am trying to upgrade to 6.5 so plz advise accordingly)
Any way to check status of a contact without him knowing this (whether phone is off or busy, etc.)
Safest way to upgrade ROM.
Thanks everybody..........

rex4u said:
Here are a few things I am puzzled with. Kindly help with them :
How can I send multiple SMS to a single recipient (which app). e.g. I want to send all the SMS of my device to another device of mine w/o ActiveSync (just for example).
Best PIM Backup/Restore utility ?
Some important freeware/s to have on my device (I am trying to upgrade to 6.5 so plz advise accordingly)
Any way to check status of a contact without him knowing this (whether phone is off or busy, etc.)
Safest way to upgrade ROM.
Thanks everybody..........
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1. No clue
2. PIM backup app is the best.
3. It depends for what purpose you require
4. Not thr
5. Search or goto Onyx thread in Elf upgrading section.

Thanks dreams !!!
1st and 4th are important to me. While doing research I came across something like HushSMS (or something like that). Any idea/experience of it.
Also is there a way to restore SMS from an HTML backup from some other type of OS like Symbian or Java.
I am reading Onyx now.
Thanks once again dreams.....

html needs to be changed in to csv and then can be imported by PIM.
HushSMS, never heard of it. We cant expect all the features available in normal mobile phones in a windows mobile. Limitations are certain.


Saving PIM-data for Upgrade

Hello out there!
I own a unbranded HTC P4350 currently running WM5 .
To ensure that my device will read the MicroSDHC-card (8GB would be awesome!) I want to upgrade the OS to WM 6.
I already downloaded he official ROM-Update for HTC, but:
How can I backup personal data like
- calender
- contacts
- tasks
- short messages(!)
quite effective? (Without Outlook perhaps?)
Like: Backup on PC, upgrade ROM, run backup => everything normal.
Although I don't synchronize my PPC with my desktop PC, I installed Outlook, to try it this way.
But only the first three items were synchonized. :-(
I don't know how to backup my SMS und MMS.
I searched the internet including this forum, but found no note about this issue.
Oh! Thank in advance for your answers, of course!
try using a program called pimbackup by some guy on this forum. think his name was dotfred. do a search and make sure you use the latest version. it's an exe, so you run it from your pocketpc. make your backup, then update, reinstall, and run the backup.
Thank you. I tried this software additionally for safety reasons.
But now I have another huge problem... :-((
But I better open a new thread for that.

Backup before update

I want to back up my htc trinity and would like to know if I can preform a
complete device and software installed backup .
That I would like to do before I update the device to another rom of windows mobile.
(currently the device is working with windows mobile 5 original rom that came with the device ).
Thank you in advance for any solution given
ItayE said:
I want to back up my htc trinity and would like to know if I can preform a
complete device and software installed backup .
That I would like to do before I update the device to another rom of windows mobile.
(currently the device is working with windows mobile 5 original rom that came with the device ).
Thank you in advance for any solution given
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You don't need to backup the installed applications, because the roms here have a lot of applications on board. If you need more apps have a look to this link.
For personal things like contacts, messages .. you can usw PIM Backup:
br, Chris
Many Many Thank you's
I will do as you recomended.
the exact thing I was looking for was PIM backup (just didnt know the name)
kinda new to the whole pda domain but liking IT
THX (again)
Thanks for the reply I was in need of this kind of software due to a phone card change.
Finally I'll start to use my htc propely

'Start Menu > Settings' Folder EMPTY???

Hi all, I wonder if anyone can help on this one - I've been googling for the last 3 hrs and not been able to really find any solution.
I seem to have lost my 'Settings' folder
When I click on 'Start > Settings', my system just hangs.
If I Hard reset it's there again, but when I clone back to current - gone
I REALLY don't want to have to go through the whole installing process again, I've just spent the last month Installing, Resetting, Installing, add infinitum; now, when I seem to have found and tested all the apps that I want. installed them, registered them, etc., the LAST thing I need now is to have to start from scratch!!!
So, PLEASE - give me a clue how to add this back and remove the one and only issue I have with this build!! P L E A S E ! ! !
Have also found that the three settings tabs are also no longer recogniseable in other programs - I have SPB Shell 2.0 installed, and it usually shows all the options from the Settings folder in it's Settings tab - not any more!!
Also Pocket Mechanic comes up with the 'Cannot load file 'unload'...' message if you try to uninstall anything! - from surfing it seems that these are related!
It looks as if I WILL have to reinstall everything - going to have to do it the REALLY slow way and clone after EVERY install on the system "sigh!".
I'll give it 48 hrs of hoping that some really narly uber geek out there can come to my rescue, else I'll have to geek it myself!
CALLING ALL UBER GEEKS - help this poor lame nerdoid out!!
as i understand you have made backup of a broken WM and when you restore it it restores the broken parts too, the easyer solution for you is to use PIMBackup for all your mail, contacts SMS MMS etc. , Hard reset, install all of the software you use then restore the backup from there and after your device is properly configured then back it up with a backup software (some backup software do not work well in wm 6 use only compatible versions, also you can not restore WM2003,WM5 or difrend build backup to WM6 rom this action may cause unpredictable bugs)
Yah, looks like it's the only option!
I think that this is going to be the only option xplode, thanks for the second opinion!
I was hoping to find another solution, but it seems this will be the only one - oh well!
xplode said:
as i understand you have made backup of a broken WM and when you restore it it restores the broken parts too, the easyer solution for you is to use PIMBackup for all your mail, contacts SMS MMS etc. , Hard reset, install all of the software you use then restore the backup from there and after your device is properly configured then back it up with a backup software (some backup software do not work well in wm 6 use only compatible versions, also you can not restore WM2003,WM5 or difrend build backup to WM6 rom this action may cause unpredictable bugs)
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B.T.W. xplode, I now have 2 BA's to play with, so if you need a tester for any ROMs or anything, let me know! After all, once I get this thing sorted, I'll have a backup and can flash and reclone in minutes! This goes for Helmi and the other gods of the ROMs, too.
captures Picture, look at

Little help please?

Hi guys (And girls);
Right, i'm wanting to upgrade the ROM on my Elfin directly from HTC, however is there a way i can save my messeges SMS messeges from it?
Many thanks.
Use sprite backup included in the PC Cd-rom that came with your phone or google for it.

[Q]SMS: WinMobile to Android

Hello, first I want to excuse me because I don't know if this topic already exist, I searched but I didn't find
I wanna install Android in my HTC HD2, but first I need something to transfert from Win to Android, my contacts and my sms/mms!
For contact I already have a solution, using a Google Account, but I don't know what to do for sms/mms, and it's very important that I do that!
I hope you can help me to find the right app for this migration
Thank you so much, greets
Looks like this helped many people:
I have used Sprite Migrate before:
but the beta is over now and its not downloadable. One could still use it by temporary shifting back the system date of the device (1 year backwards for example). There are 3 files you need: the CAB file for WM to export the data, EXE for the PC to convert it and an apk for android to import. I can send them to you when I get home if you don't like the method from the first link.

