[Q] Dust under the screen - Venue Pro General

Does anyone else have any issues with dust being trapped between the layers of glass on their screen?
I've actually been waiting for a replacement phone since day one (due to a scratch on the screen from the factory), but today I noticed a new problem that wasn't there before. There is now some dust that is trapped between the layers of glass.
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Sorry about the crummy picture. I'm not sure if you can tell but if you're looking at the phone itself, it's obvious the dust is on some middle layer, due to the way the shadows fall. Since it's not on the outermost layer, I see no way of getting rid of this.
Has anyone else had this problem?

maybe try a burst or two of canned air at the edge of the screen?

bbowman said:
maybe try a burst or two of canned air at the edge of the screen?
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No workey. I'm not sure how in the world it managed to get there, but I'm pretty sure that dust isn't going anywhere now.

bbowman said:
maybe try a burst or two of canned air at the edge of the screen?
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That is a bad idea, I did that once on a Nexus one.
It had two spec of dust under the screen, i removed the battery and used canned air. When I turned the phone over the lower half of the screen was filled with dusts.
My suggestion is to get a replacement.

I woke up today and noticed dust under my screen as well. I have no idea how it got under there, or when, I just noticed it today.
Has anyone done any replacement due to this issue? I'm afraid I'm going to get a refurbished phone if it gets exchanged. For those who bought at the microsoft store, do you get your exchanges there or are they sent to you?

just noticed dust inside my screen today

This has me a bit nervous because I noticed a bit of lint under the screen today. The point of entry appears to be the speaker above the screen, which has tiny holes which may allow dust to get trapped (permanently?) underneath. With that in mind I certainly wouldn't recommend blowing air on it which probably would just push more dust through the holes.

noticed a large quantity of dust under the glass today. I have been loving this phone really, but this is disappointing-especially since if I send it back I will likely get a refurb.
I did attempt a fix myself, slid out the keyboard and turned over the phone to remove the 2 screw covers and screws. Popped off the top plastic cap and attempted to slide the glass up and off. Glass wouldn't budge.

i could be wrong but most of the replacement DVPs that have been sent out are brand new units. if the dust is really annoying I'd go for a replacement.

has anyone written to dell?
did they correct this issue in the production?

I asked about this a while ago.. I got a new one from Dell.
I THINK looking at the phone and screen, the lint is getting in via the speaker hole at the top.
Also it looks like fine denim pocket lint.. how many of you with the complaint, wear denim and stick the phone in your front pocket?

Both my initial DVP from the WP7 launch (11/8) and my current one have dust under the screen. I tried getting a replacement from Dell last week, but the replacement locked up frequently. For now I'm sticking with dust rather than lockups.
I'm interested to know if others who have had their's for a few months are experiencing the same.

cdgoin said:
I asked about this a while ago.. I got a new one from Dell.
I THINK looking at the phone and screen, the lint is getting in via the speaker hole at the top.
Also it looks like fine denim pocket lint.. how many of you with the complaint, wear denim and stick the phone in your front pocket?
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Not sure, but it could also be getting in from the back. There is tons of dust/lint from my pocket underneath the battery cover and battery.

the evidence is compelling
dell should stick to computers, where they have excellent service
if they want to manufacture phones then research first
i dont think they forgot about sealing the screen

Has anybody tried casings etc? Do these help keeping dust away? I have heard of invisible shield and otter box.anybody tried them?
Sent from my HD7 T9292 using Board Express

I have the otterbox and a screen protector and still got dust under my screen, kind of annoying but I can deal with it. Itd not making or breaking my phone at this time, but it would be better if the dust wasnt there.

937dytboi said:
I have the otterbox and a screen protector and still got dust under my screen, kind of annoying but I can deal with it. Itd not making or breaking my phone at this time, but it would be better if the dust wasnt there.
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that sux.
I was planning to buy otter box hoping that'd help..
What now? I have to visit many dusty places:-S
Sent from my HD7 T9292 using Board Express

My second DVP has sucummbewd to DUst under the screen again, and this time its owrse than the one I sent back.. Hmm.. :-/
Shoudl I send it back again..?

cdgoin said:
My second DVP has sucummbewd to DUst under the screen again, and this time its owrse than the one I sent back.. Hmm.. :-/
Shoudl I send it back again..?
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I think it's just a flaw in the design. It happened on my original MS Store DVP and the December replacement.

I've got a few specks of dust under my screen as well. Super frustrating because I don't even use the DVP daily, it just sits at home for testing usually. Now I keep it in a ziplock bag because I'm a freak.
My brother's first unit had a ton of dust under it, but for the moment his new one is fine. He actually uses his everyday and it spends tons of time in his pocket.
Definitely a design flaw/ quality control issue but I won't send it in just to get a refurb back, I don't trust Dell enough.


Dust and screen

Hi all,
I have just noticed that I have one single particicle of dust under the glass of the LCD.
I am wondering if someone has experienced anything like that yet or I am the proud owner of the only HD2 in the world with a dust particicle under the screen.
I thought they were assembled in a clean room... in fact the dust particicle it's exactly on the center right of the display... I thought it was a bad pixel but luckily it is not.
Now I am wondering how to remove that. Gonna try some elctrostatic method...
Me to ... only noticed it today when putting on an HTC screen protector. It is to the bottom left under 'phone' on the left softbutton.
The question is ... are they not sealed properly ... or is this something that was trapped during the manufacturing process and subsequently moved. If it is the former ... we have a big problem.
I wonder how HTC approach this under their 2 year warranty ?
If it is sealed ... I assume there is no practical way to get the dust out.
I've had the device since the 11th.
pgamble said:
Me to ... only noticed it today when putting on an HTC screen protector. It is to the bottom left under 'phone' on the left softbutton.
The question is ... are they not sealed properly ... or is this something that was trapped during the manufacturing process and subsequently moved. If it is the former ... we have a big problem.
I wonder how HTC approach this under their 2 year warranty ?
If it is sealed ... I assume there is no practical way to get the dust out.
I've had the device since the 11th.
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I don't know... let's wait and see. Mine is really near the center of the screen. It seems really strange that it is coming from the outside.
I have the device since the 17th.
Where did you get the screen protector from? and also does that have any effect on using touch screen on the phone?
No one else yet report dust problems?
My single particicle is still there and I cannot move it anyway.
No other particicle yet although I am getting nervous and I am starting to see dust particicles everywhere.
I was quite surprised by your report, and keep checking my device for dust. Not found so far (using two weeks, also loose in pocket). Major dust problems would really disappoint me, such a high end product shouldn't have that...
Checking the device for defective pixels/dust under the glass is one of the very first tests I do when I'll eventually get mine.
Could you not just return it to where you bought it?
not a dust particle for me, but like a "bubble" in the glass...
I took a picture of it :
its on the left hand side (most of the "dots" here are dust on the screen), there are 3 of them
on the picture it looks like 3 white dots but in reality it's a bubble in or under the screen...
I remember having the same problem you have with my SPV C500 and orange changed it.
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irony17 said:
not a dust particle for me, but like a "bubble" in the glass...
I took a picture of it :
its on the left hand side (most of the "dots" here are dust on the screen), there are 3 of them
on the picture it looks like 3 white dots but in reality it's a bubble in or under the screen...
I remember having the same problem you have with my SPV C500 and orange changed it.
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Hi, I have a very similar "bubble" under my HD2 screen. It's right in the bottom right! Got my phone on the 29th. Should I take it back to the shop or contact HTC?
It begins...the usual HTC problems rear their ugly heads!
I have had a dust problem with every single HTC phone I've had all the way back to the original SPV! Damn them!
well... i contacted orange & they will change it (a brand new one)
this pb didn't really disturbed me, but then i read on a forum that a user broke his screen with a very small shock and i thought "this bubble might weaken my screen"
I had a quick chat with HTC regarding this, and the hotliner told me that "this shouldn't be on a brand new phone, it s a hardware issue, please contact your distributor asap & they will change it"
Well you are right... but a single dust particicle means that mine is unique, while yours is common.
By the way... I bought mine from expansys europe giving it back and having it substituted means months.
I'm afraid as previously mentioned, I too have one dust particle ... you are not unique at all
Let us stand tall together and proudly go where no HD2 has gone before ....
HTC are working on a hotfix for this bug, be patient <<joke
Strange ... when I called I was told they had determined it was a hardware problem and they had invested in nanobot technology to seek and consume alien dust organisms.
I have a speck of dust too!
bottom left of the screen.
only had it for 1 day!!!!!
sabrelli said:
I have a speck of dust too!
bottom left of the screen.
only had it for 1 day!!!!!
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I took mine back to the shop only to be told it was caused by me! I was not happy! I kicked off big time. You can clearly see the bubble is under the screen!!!! How the hell could I have done that!
Anyway they eventually agreed to replace the handset but they (o2 uk) have none in stock in any store! When asked when they would receive stock I was told that they don't know!!!! How can they not know? I was so mad. I made then make a note on my paperwork that I came back for a replacement just incase they get funny after the 14 day returns policy.
Im upset as the handset has so many problems -
* Reply to sms takes forever.
* Camera takes pink pictures
* Bubble under the screen (Which is common from what I can tell)
* and now I can see a .5 mm black line at the right hand side of the screen from top to bottom!
I think HTC rushed this phone to market.
To be fair HTC said they would repair the unit but I don't want them taking it apart. It's a brand new phone and I want a replacement.
Rant over
If you had it for only one day, you can ask for a replacement as your not happy with the pinkness of the camera for example.
ad25121048 said:
they (o2 uk) have none in stock in any store! When asked when they would receive stock I was told that they don't know!!!! How can they not know?
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I hesitate to mention it here but I was told by retentions on Friday morning that they're expecting more to hit the shelves this Wednesday...dont tell anyone,there's a good chap,and I might be able to finally get one myself

Arrrrgh!!! Dropped it!!!

Just got back from a week in the bush. My new HD2 got knocked off my belt at security in the airport.....
Now the screenis shattered.
Strangely enough, everything still works, the touch screen, GPS, accelerometer, everything.
Only problems are :
1. I keep slicing my fingers on the breaks.
2. Glass fragments in my ears whenI make calls.
Postscript: The phone is now at REPAIRER A in Perth , Australia having a new screen fitted. Since it's not a warranty issue, I'm damned if I'm waiting on Telstra to fix it.
In preparation for getting it back, I've bought TWO new rubber housings for it!
Ah yes, the broken mobile phone....
There was going to be a picture here.... but the fotum wont let me post one!
Having dropped this sucker at the airport, I was pretty keen to get it repaired pronto.
Enter REPAIRER A, who announced that such a repair would cost $280 and take 1-2 days.
That seemed a pretty good deal, so I dropped the phone off and paid my minimum call fee.
24 hrs later, I got an email stating that my HTC DIAMOND (?) (that's the WRONG MODEL) was WAITING ON PARTS!!! A phone call confirmed it, a week to a week and a half.
7 days later I enquired via email how it was all going....would the phone be ready before I leave for Japan?
"Not sure, at least 5 more days, we'll get back to you... "
Enquiries with REPAIRER B revealed THEY had parts IN STOCK and could fix it in three hours, albeit for $400.
I lost no time in collecting my phone from A and taking it to B.
On the drive from A to B I recieved SIX emails from A:
- "It's not the screen, we're waiting on a flexible cable."
- "Ooops, no that's wrong, it IS the screen."
- A standard "your issue has been escalated" email.
- A "You job is now complete" email.
- A 'Please pick up your phone" email (it was with me on the car) along with a "there's a demurrage charge if you don't pick it up on time" clause
- An INVOICE for the inspection fee.....
Meanwhile, REPAIRER B displayed the new screen for my phone, in it's bag, when I arrived. I was then told I could come back in three hours....
Two hours later, they called to confess that the replacement screen was DOA and they had to order a new one.
Latest pickup date is 3pm TOMORROW.
To be continued....
just so you know, they want more time with you phone because they are probably fu(king around with it at their shop.
Make sure to get a screen protector when you get a new screen, I'm pretty sure my screen is still in one piece due to mine having one!
ozalchemist said:
Just got back from a week in the bush. My new HD2 got knocked off my belt at security in the airport.....
Now the screenis shattered.
Strangely enough, everything still works, the touch screen, GPS, accelerometer, everything.
Only problems are :
1. I keep slicing my fingers on the breaks.
2. Glass fragments in my ears whenI make calls.
Postscript: The phone is now at REPAIRER A in Perth , Australia having a new screen fitted. Since it's not a warranty issue, I'm damned if I'm waiting on Telstra to fix it.
In preparation for getting it back, I've bought TWO new rubber housings for it!
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Gutted 4 you m8...only got my HD2 a few days ago and i'msooo paranoid about even scratching it....ordered a protective rubber surround and proper clear film screen protector off Ebay yesterday...hopefully will arrive soon.
The phone was IN a case when it was dropped. Just took a bad hit on one corner.
In TWELVE years of PDA use, this is the FIRST time I've ever brojen a screen.
Hopefully, back tomorrow,,,
any pics yet?
ozalchemist said:
The phone was IN a case when it was dropped. Just took a bad hit on one corner.
In TWELVE years of PDA use, this is the FIRST time I've ever brojen a screen.
Hopefully, back tomorrow,,,
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the other pda phones youve owned had plastic screens. the hd2 has a glass screen that is less prone to scratches, but is more prone to shattering when dropped. a screen protector wont do anything to absorb the shock of a fall and protect it from shattering....nor will a hard shell case. leather or rubber provide the best impact protection.
Shattered screens are very common on the iPhone, as it too has a glass screen...so this isn't something that is unique to the HD2. My wife managed to crack the screen on her old iPhone while it was in a hard plastic case with a screen protector!
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mystik610 said:
the other pda phones youve owned had plastic screens. the hd2 has a glass screen that is less prone to scratches, but is more prone to shattering when dropped. a screen protector wont do anything to absorb the shock of a fall and protect it from shattering....nor will a hard shell case. leather or rubber provide the best impact protection.
Shattered screens are very common on the iPhone, as it too has a glass screen...so this isn't something that is unique to the HD2. My wife managed to crack the screen on her old iPhone while it was in a hard plastic case with a screen protector!
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My friend is very accident-prone and has dropped 6 iPhones, all to shatter like that!
rp-x1 said:
My friend is very accident-prone and has dropped 6 iPhones, all to shatter like that!
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There are businesses that have emerged in the past couple of years the focus entirely on iPhone repairs....and fixing screens is probably their biggest source of revenue! so yeah...this isn't anything unique to the HD2.
I know 3 people (4 + my wife) who have managed to crack their iPhone screens. Most of them choose to live with the cracked screen, as the phone will still function as long as the digitizer isn't damaged.

Screen protector or no?

I was just wondering what your guys thoughts were on screen protects for this phone. I've used them on my last 2 devices, but I've read this phone is susposed to have supper tuff screen. I have a protector on now, but it really messes with the colors on the screen and I wanna take it off.
Anyone scratched the screen yet?
I will never use screen protectors again. After countless frustrations with them, like getting dust under the film or sticky feeling textures, I'm done. I love the way a glass screen feels.
I'm a pretty careful person. I never put my keys in the same pocket or drop the phone. So for me, no protection is just fine.
My moment, evo and epic all had zepp screen protectors. So what it's got a tougher screen, wouldn't you feel better you're protecting your investment? This phone wasn't cheap.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
I've gone to best buy and had them put it on. My epic, the first one was messed up so they got another one. They've been trained to put these on. They've put many on. If there's a problem or one is messed up, they'll get another one. Yeah you pay for installation, but if they don't do a good job, they'll redo it. Try that yourself...
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
I have literally taken my keys and dared my friends to TRY and scratch my screen... as hard as we tried... couldn't make even the smallest scratch... took some balls to try it the first time by myself tho haha... once you realize how amazing this gorilla glass is you will feel sooo much better about it.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
And they have better tools at their disposal than thee primitive ones that come in the package.
Another alternative, take the package and the phone to a good window tinting place. They know how to get it perfect. After they stop laughing at you for bringing in a phone...
Since it's such a pita to put those things on, let the pros do it.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
I just had one put on by bestbuy today. I had previously used a zagg and installed it myself when I was a crackberry user. This time I said hell no im paying to get it done. It seems to have a slight effect on the way the capacitive buttons work(not as sensitive as before) but I had read that is a potential problem. Personally id rather have an ugly screen protector then a potentially permanent scratch on the screen...
Wait, you people put a screen protector that CAN be damaged on a screen that CAN'T be damaged? <facepalm>
Get Zagg sheild protector for the epic....their protectors are amazing
I got a clarivue on mine, it was easy to install, no watery mess, it uses static, and it is super clear and not noticeable. It doesn't affect the capacitive buttons on the bottom and the screen doesn't feel weird like those other protectors do.
Sent from my Epic 4G
I initially bought the Sprint screen protector at the store on release day and had it on for a few days. Unfortunately, I wasn't very happy with the way the screen looked (even giving it 4 days or so to clear out).
I took it off and was amazed to have the normal screen back. It's been a few days since then and not a single inkling of a scratch on it.
I've got a clairvue and a realook screen protector in the mail right now and I just peeled off the generic protector I was using. I am gonna go with a naked screen until I get near my 30 day limit and see how it looks.
I dropped mine getting out of my car last week, it fell maybe a foot and it now has tiny scratches on the top and bottom but thankfully not on the display itself. Bought a screen protector the next day.
Here is the flow chart and a video to help you make your choice:
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I love that video, which is why I didn't get a screen protector.
Mine did not survive unscathed a drop that was a fraction of what his did.
I know it is my fault, I'm the idiot that let it get dropped. I just want to let people know the Epic 4g is not as scratch-proof as that video leaves you to believe.
I've seen a couple drop test that show the screen does scratch from a 1 foot. I just HATE the sprint protector. I've had sheilds from ZAGG before and really liked them. I guess I"ll get another for this phone.
FYI: do not get the sprint screen protector.
1. It does not protect the entire front face, only the screen itself. EVEN though the reps will tell you it covers the entire front of the phone.
2. It really screws up the colors of the screen, white seems to be a bit of green/blue/red not a real white.
3. It makes the screen harder to see in sun light.
4. It sucks.
5. ?????
If you are in the edge or unsure if you should get a protector, get one from stealthguards.com for just 2.85 shipping and they are exactly like the zagg material. I ordered one for my epic and haven't got it yet but the one I got for my iPod works great.
I ordered a phantom skinz, I have a generic one on until it gets here. Rep told me it was a bad idea to cover the whole glass, because it could mess with the front facing camera. I covered as much as I could with it and it looks stupid only being partially covered. Hoping the skin gets here tomorrow.
got my ghost armor on order will have a review and pics up of it, had zagg on my hero and loved it. seems to be reports that ga is better so imma try them. dont use the front facing cam as i know one person who has qik and i dont talk to them much
I was stupid and had my phone in the same pocket as my keys. I did this for 2 years w/ my iphone 3g and it didn't have a single scratch on the screen. 1 week with this epic and there are micro scratches everywhere. Do not believe the hype about the screen durability, get a screen protector if u're going to put them in the same pocket w/ anything that might scratch it (keys, coins, etc).

Spec of dust under screen

My second replacement Galaxy S6 had a spec of dust on arrival
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Expected the 3rd to be perfect, but unfortunately...
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Don't know if it's a rare coincidence or all units are all having some form of defects.
Getting my 4th one soon and I'm already worried.
I reckon that T mobile got there hands on a beta batch that have defects
I seriously doubt it is dust, as the AMOLED technology doesn't allow dust to penetrate between the screen and the display as they are one. So it could be dead pixels.
It is possible that during manufacturing some dust penetrated under the digitizer before it got glued to the screen. Return it until you get a perfect unit.
Sent from my Moto G 2014 using XDA Free mobile app
Mine has a small black speck on the left in-between the aluminum frame and the glass. It's only visible if I'm looking at the screen straight on or tilt it. It kind of drives me crazy when I remember it's there, I don't know if I should send it back.
Well 4th time's the charm right? That actually looks like a dead pixel... if the 4th one screws up, what will be your options? Keep asking for one until they give you one that is finally good?
totalnoob34 said:
It is possible that during manufacturing some dust penetrated under the digitizer before it got glued to the screen. Return it until you get a perfect unit.
Sent from my Moto G 2014 using XDA Free mobile app
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Doubt it. When placing the screen, as far as I know, they do it in dust-free environment so it isn't really possible any particles to go between the screen and the display.
Look at all the pictures - it doesn't look like dust, it looks like dead pixels. And having dead pixels is normal on every phone - yeah, could be annoying but that's about it. I think Samsung has a policy that they will return your phone if and only if you have a certain amount of dead pixels (at least it was like that during the time of the S4). Hence if you have a single dead pixel chances are that they are gonna tell you to f**k off
It's definitely not a dead pixel. I looked at the phone at a wide angle and is definitely a spec of black dust.
derWolf_ said:
I seriously doubt it is dust, as the AMOLED technology doesn't allow dust to penetrate between the screen and the display as they are one. So it could be dead pixels.
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Why is it not possible to have dust on AMOLED screen?
lopri said:
Why is it not possible to have dust on AMOLED screen?
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Because everything in the display + the outer glass is glued together in a dust-free environment.
derWolf_ said:
Because everything in the display + the outer glass is glued together in a dust-free environment.
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But that dust-free environment is not 100% dust-proof. Just like everything in life.
I've got my 4th one today. The screen is clear of any particles. Although. Samsung yet has to answer for the pink hue issue on most of their displays on smartphone.
ViciousDiarrhea said:
Mine has a small black speck on the left in-between the aluminum frame and the glass. It's only visible if I'm looking at the screen straight on or tilt it. It kind of drives me crazy when I remember it's there, I don't know if I should send it back.
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As opposed to how everyone else looks at the screen? On a 90 degree angle?
Sorry not poking fun at you.. Yes you should take it back.
Shoddy QA needs to be dealt with at a corporate level and the only way to do that is if everyone sends their devices back when they have crap like that happening!
lopri said:
But that dust-free environment is not 100% dust-proof. Just like everything in life.
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How the heck is a environment considered 100% dust-proof anyway? Having twenty thousand ionizers around the entrances to the room?
Dust exists everywhere, presumably they get the screens from the factory that makes them.. There is guaranteed to be dust in that factory.. They then open up the screen packaging to get access to them.. Sure enough that dust free room is now containing dust.
It's like a mysophobic nightmare.
NeoAznMan said:
I've got my 4th one today. The screen is clear of any particles. Although. Samsung yet has to answer for the pink hue issue on most of their displays on smartphone.
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Good to hear! Well sort of.
Mine has a spec right in the middle of the screen, definitely not a dead pixel, I'm probably going to call and get a replacement
Guys, Just received my Samsung Galaxy s6 black 32gb sim free today from Amazon UK.
Noticed a large spec of dust under screen too getting a replacement unit tomorrow.
The quality control on this phone is just as bad as Apple iPhone 6 hope I don't get banned on Amazon for returning too many phone's due to Samsung shoddy quality control team.
I have it too
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xbranex said:
just got my phone from the service the other day for a screen replacement and the new screen has a spec of dust in it. You can see it that is under the glass. Do they change the screen under warranty if you have a spec of dust ?!?!
Ive opened a new thread for this if someone is interested: http://forum.xda-developers.com/galaxy-s6/general/changed-screen-warranty-dust-screen-t3328890
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Why would you so proudly announce that you made a duplicate thread? Not cool bro.
long version of the problem
Just got my phone after screen replacement and I have noticed a spec of dust under the glass and the samsung logo is not straight. The spacing around the the logo is to the left. That is not all, you can see the glue under the glass there are waves of discoloration from the glue used. I have told the official service the problem of the new screen they just put on my phone and they told me the screen is send from samsung as it is. WE can not change it again ! WHAT ?! They wanna tell me that if they change the screen once because of manufacturing fault (the original screen was not responding to touch and it was yellow-ish) they cant change it again ?! Please someone explain the laws of warranty
You can see everything on the images except the waves that are very difficult to photograph.
The good old dyson helped me in the past sucking out dust on my iphone
Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
The person mentioning about impossible presence of dust in a so called "dust-free" environment (they are actually called clean rooms) is either an idiot or uninformed. Contamination is not impossible. And many factories across the globe have rather questionable clean rooms, you should start doing some research.

Pixel XL losing paint on the edge of the phone

Well this sucks, I want to start off by saying I have yet to drop this phone and I have had it in a Spigen case with a screen protector since day one.
So I'm sitting in a meeting during work and I took my case off my phone to clean between the case and screen protector since it isn't flush, and I noticed beneath where the case sits on the left edge slightly below half way of the phone that the paint is scrapping off. I am wondering if anyone else has been losing paint on the border near where the screen glass is? The case I have been using is Spigen Rugged Armor. I also take the case off maybe once every other week.
I pre-ordered mine the day they announced it and got it shortly after the first wave started shipping. The other day I noticed that the bottom of mine was chipping away. I contacted Google Fi support and they're shipping me a new one.
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T1Pimp said:
I pre-ordered mine the day they announced it and got it shortly after the first wave started shipping. The other day I noticed that the bottom of mine was chipping away. I contacted Google Fi support and they're shipping me a new one.
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That's similar to my chipping, I just got off the phone with support and they're looking into what can be done...
I wish I had the support you received! They told me it is what it is basically... and here I was hoping I was done shopping for phones...
Edit: I did try mentioning you experienced the same issue and contacted Fi Support instead of the CS I spoke to, they said you must have had other software/hardware related issues to get the device replaced...
Deal breaker! Canceled my order! I don't do cheap paint. Thanks for posting this.
Still beats the experience I had with the Jet Black iPhone 7+. Scratch and fingerprint magnet.
mjs2011 said:
Still beats the experience I had with the Jet Black iPhone 7+. Scratch and fingerprint magnet.
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Are you really comparing glossy finnish to matte finnish ?
FalconFX said:
Are you really comparing glossy finnish to matte finnish ?
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mjs2011 said:
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The way you put it definitely says otherwise
FalconFX said:
The way you put it definitely says otherwise
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I want comparing material. Just making a general comment about the Jet Black iPhone 7
So this gonna happen to all the Pixel phones or what?
Got 2 see the same thing Today. I was very angry!!! Contacts German telekom and they will replace
Gesendet von meinem Pixel XL mit Tapatalk
Hmm, black 32GB here. No case ever used.
Not a single scratch or chip or flake of paint lost yet.
I've got a skin that's been sitting in the mailing package for a couple weeks now.
I've been too lazy to put it on.
I may have to think about doing that soon.
Getting phone replaced for something that is most likely to happen again? Just wondering what you plan on doing when the paint chips on the replacement?
mine is the same, pain is missing from the sharper edges in the style of chips, the rounded edges in places have signs of wear as if I have managed to wear the pain down. not a great sign in a little over a month, guess it is just cheap paint on them, worst comes to the worst I'll just get a slim case to put over it.
zathus said:
Deal breaker! Canceled my order! I don't do cheap paint. Thanks for posting this.
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ithehappy said:
So this gonna happen to all the Pixel phones or what?
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Belimawr said:
mine is the same, pain is missing from the sharper edges in the style of chips, the rounded edges in places have signs of wear as if I have managed to wear the pain down. not a great sign in a little over a month, guess it is just cheap paint on them, worst comes to the worst I'll just get a slim case to put over it.
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CZ Eddie said:
Hmm, black 32GB here. No case ever used.
Not a single scratch or chip or flake of paint lost yet.
I've got a skin that's been sitting in the mailing package for a couple weeks now.
I've been too lazy to put it on.
I may have to think about doing that soon.
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I have ZERO issues with the hardware or software. I think people are having one off situations. Out of the millions of phones out there; there are only a few reporting issues like this.
I had mine since they went live (at BestBuy) and have yet to experience any issue. And I only have a hard case to cover the sides. The top and botton have no protection...
So to those with issues... Do you keep your keys in the same pocket as phone? Could something be rubbing it the wrong way?
I always keep my phone in my left front pocket withe nothing else in it.
Is this happening with a case on your device...?
Sent from my Pixel XL using XDA-Developers mobile app
it's in a pocket on it's own and it's not only the chips on the hard corners it's wear on some of the smoother corners as if it has been rubbed off. I do work in the building industry so it will come into contact with some abrasive materials in my pocket but it's the first phone I've had this issue with, but then it's also the first phone I've had with so much metal on it, it could just come down to a mix of the larger metal surface and the paint not being finished in a durable way.
I don't use a case and never have since about the Z1, it just seems like this phone is going to force me to put it in a case before 6 months is up due to the paint wearing badly.
Not a single blemish on my paint (or glass for that matter) and my phone comes in out and of pocket many times a day, sometimes with a pocket that has a metal rivet above it that it rubs against as going in/out. Black XL 32GB
I have a bear motion on mine (waiting on nillkin nature tpu delivery), just checked to make sure, no nicks dings scratches or swirls. I put it in the same left pocket alone in every pair of pants I wear. Nothing ever goes into the left pocket, except maybe some pills. I don't stick my hands in my pockets when they are dirty or dusty.
This is anodized aluminium, having it hit against anything will scratch and ding them, as happens with anything make with the same material.

