Help with phone number, "unknown" - G2 and Desire Z General

my phone number shows up as unknown under my about phone page. so when i send a text it just shows a grey box instead of my contact picture, i know its not a big deal but its driving me crazy! is there anyway to change this?

Settings->Call settings->Additional settings->My phone number

Thats only with Cyanogen mod.

Add yourself as a contact in the phonebook
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App

that doesnt work. the phone has to read its own number off the sim card. adding yourself doesnt do anything.

What ROM are you running? I know there were instances in the past where T-Mobile did not program the phone number into the SIM properly. Supposedly you could ask their customer support guys to push the number back to your SIM. Alternatively, if you have a spare phone that supports writing a number into a SIM, you could use that to program your SIM. I know my old Nokia's and Sony Ericsson's could. Maybe my old WM phone as well?

ianmcquinn said:
Settings->Call settings->Additional settings->My phone number
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I just did this and it fixed the gray box next to my name, that box was really annoying. Thank you so much.

the additional call settings thing works just fine on CM6. my problem is that it works on some roms and not other @[email protected] annoying.

Out of curiosity, which ROM are you running? Are you saying that the number is correctly read from the SIM on some ROMs and only not on your current ROM (in which case, what I said earlier about the number not being properly stored on the SIM doesn't apply)? If that's the case, it sounds like an issue with the ROM itself and the ROM developer will need to look into it (either fixing the SIM reading code or adding in the functionality to input it in yourself like on CM).

well i switch between a few... stock, CM6, CM7, Virtuous. Here is the extremely weird thing though.....
I have an old sim card from a previous phone. The phone number used with that sim is the same as my current sim. when i put that in, say on CM7, it reads the number just fine, but when i put my activated sim in, it doesnt read it and says "unknown".
Any thoughts on whats up with that?
I know CM6 has the option to manually enter the number but CM7 doesnt have it yet. But its strange that it reads it off a different sim and not the current one.
(both sims are from same carrier too)

Call tmo, ask them to send your MSISDN to sim via OTA tool in the HLR, they'll know what to do, its a known issue with some sim cards, regardless of the rom
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA App

^ okay, i shall try that tomorrow probably. i just hate having to call tech support lol, i want to be able to do it myself with the modding community, not tmo XD

Isn't there an app in the Market that allows you to add your phone number to the SIM card (in case you're not running a CM based ROM)? I know I read it somewhere on this site, but for whatever reason I can't seem to find it.
Any ideas?

Same with Andromadus ROM
I've been experiencing the same behavior on the CM10-based Andromadus ROM prepared by Flinny as of topic A lot of SIM IO operations just fails, I can't see why (comparing to another Desire Z which runs stock 2.3.3 up to date).
At least, it breaks :
- SPN retrieval (Service Provider Name)
- MSISDN retrivial (your phone number)
And I think it's related to the impossibility to import contacts from SIM card.
Maybe this message can help, too!msg/android-platform/zosqRzWQyNA/7QF-O09ZwzAJ


Number ported - Phone seems unaware

I've just had my number ported, but the Universal is still showing the old number under Start > Settings > Phone
Where does it get that number from and how can I change it to the correct number?
On my MDA PRO there is a sim manager app in the contacts folder, you start that and from the menu show your own numbers and edit it there. If your O2 rom doesn't have a sim manager then you 'll either have to flash with another operator's ROM which does or put your sim into another phone that can access the SIM and edit your own number. You may get away with calling O2's CS and asking them to send you a SIM update which will change to the old number for you automatically, not sure if the universal can do this though.
Your pre-port number is stored on your SIM and will always be there. Just ignore it, but the reason is this...
When you port number 1 from network A over to network B, to replace number 2, number 2 will always be your main number. Network A will always own number 1, even though they have given it to network B for you to use instead of number 2. Even if people call your number 2 (which has been of course replaced with number 1), they will still get through to you. And, when people call you on number 1, the call is routed through network A, before it goes through network B, who in turn connect it to the subscription they have on their system as number 2.
I know there's probably an easier way of explaining it, but it's very late, so sorry if the above sounds a bit daft. It is true though.
:lol: no, that makes sense, thanks
Just having a look through my old posts and came across this one. Don't know how it works in Ireland but seems to be different here. Every time I've ported, the number that was being replaced has been switched off, i.e. if you were to call it then you get the "You have dialled incorrectly please try again" or similar error. As far as I know you're not identified to the network by a phone number stored on a SIM card, but by a unique code on the SIM, when someone calls you the call gets routed by the prefix of the ported number to your old operator, who then forward it to whoever they ported it to. Your present operator when they receive the call then check the phone number against their list of numbers and connect the call to the SIM code that the number is registered to. As I said in my post you can change the phone number that is stored on your SIM card using SIM manager on the universal, as I have done on mine, and if you were to put the SIM into a different phone it would still recognise the numbr change and report your number as your ported one.
Bit of a long post but in essence saying that the pre port number doesn't need to stay on your phone, you'll still get calls to your new number.
PC_Arcade said:
I've just had my number ported, but the Universal is still showing the old number under Start > Settings > Phone
Where does it get that number from and how can I change it to the correct number?
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This is an easy one to fix:
Start > Programs > SIM Manager
Tools > List of Own Numbers
Change LINE 1 (which I think you'll find is your old number) to the new one you've had ported.
You should now find that the phone app reports the correct number

call history

When you go to option in call history, it give you the option NOT to delete call up to a year old...or never. I had mine set to never...but it still deletes the calls. it seems to only be keeping count for a week or two. is there any way to make this setting work?
Cant say i've noticed this since i've flashed my ROM so many times to test out the different Roms, lol.
However, one would presume that the registry entry for this would be the CallHistoryMax DWORD under HKCU\ControlPanel\Phone.
I have change my call History settings numerous times to test this theory but it has no effect on the DWORD value.
Anyone else have similar problems??
i have 4 friends with the 8125, they all have the same problem. i too had this problem with my 8125...i was hoping it would go away with the 8525...but no luck. im thinking its something in the OS and not the phone. what you guys think?
any one? try it yourselves guys. this option never works
rzanology said:
any one? try it yourselves guys. this option never works
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Interesting just looked at my call history and I suspect a sim card issue/setting may be the root of your problems.
The reason I say this is that my call history extends way back to January this year long before I even got the Hermes!! Info is therefore stored on the Sim. In addition there are gaps in the dates when I would certainly have made/received calls. This inconsistent recording of the info on calls I believe is related to whether the number dialled or received is recognized by the SIM the Phone memory or both. The longest remembered ones are obviously from the SIMs memory.
Not sure where this gets us exactly but my albeit inconsistent record certainly pre-dates this phone and back to my Motorola days.
funny you should say that. i just got a new sim card with the 8525...they gave me the 3g sim card. Thats kinda odd it would happen to two diffrent sim cards. i had 3 8125's and they all had this problem. now the 8525. the only phone it worked for was my ipaq 6515....and that was wm2003. It sucks because this is a reeeally good feture to have, you always have a number on file.
rzanology said:
funny you should say that. i just got a new sim card with the 8525...they gave me the 3g sim card. Thats kinda odd it would happen to two diffrent sim cards. i had 3 8125's and they all had this problem. now the 8525. the only phone it worked for was my ipaq 6515....and that was wm2003. It sucks because this is a reeeally good feture to have, you always have a number on file.
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Yes it is strange. I don't think I'm suggesting any kind of fault on the SIMs. But you know how you can save tel numbers to SIM or to Phone - (I always forget which mine is set to) well I just wonder whether this has any bearing on where the call history is saved and or affects how long it is saved for. If it's the SIM and not the phone then there will be limits on storage space for the records. The question then is if it's the SIM which mine must be - how can it be changed to save on Phone memory for a longer record?
Sorry - more questions than answers!

Can't receive texts, but can send

When I flashed over to Haykuro 6.0, I can no longer receive texts, I can only send them.
Is there some APN's I am missing? I only have one APN on my phone now and it's called "T-Mobile US"
I'm sorry if the answer is simple but I'm stuck.
And I don't have a way to update with 6.01 right now if that fixes it.
How long have you been using the SIM card that you currently have?
My issue was that I had b
How long have you been using the SIM card that you currently have?
My issue was that I had been using the same card for 6+ yrs. Went to the store, had them give me a new one and my problems were solved.
I've only had this SIM card for about 2 years... and I could send and receive texts easily before, but now I can't receive them... Is there a way to install all of the T-Mobile APNS?
Sometimes this is just a glitch in how a ROM will read the SIM. As with the previous poster, I too got a new SIM and then everything was fine. I have not it happen with a Android ROM, but when switching between phones (HTC, Nokia, iPhone knockoffs, etc) some would work some would not. After I got a new SIM every phone worked. Could it be a ROM issue, maybe. Could it be a SIM issue, maybe. Could it be a combo, maybe. Try flashing to a different ROM and see if that works. If not, go to a TMo store and get a new card. If you get a cool rep you may walk out with a free one - just don't tell them you have a modded ROM. Worst case I think they are $25.

Radio's dead... help?

I recently flashed NAZtech Desire ROM and now the phone does not connect to a network. I just get the "emergency calls only" message, but that (999) doesn't work either.
The APN settings are in and selected, but when I try to select a network I get a message that says this SIM cannot connect to this network, even trying to select automatically gives the same result.
I've tried multiple ROMs and multiple SIMs and yes, I have tried doing a Nandroid restore yet still can't connect to a network.
I've tried flashing a new Radio image and reflashing cyanogen's ROM but that still doesn't work.
N.B. This did not happen imediately after flash, it happened over night as I slept. I woke up one morning and it did not connect, I tried moving to multiple different basestations in different areas with no result.
The good news is that your radio isn't fully dead, bricking your phone.
This is probably not very helpful (though I don’t think anyone is going to be able to be really), but this sounds like what happens when you IMEI is blocked or invalid. The networks won’t let it connect.
Its happened to me on a pervious phone. Unlocking it caused the IMEI to be set to all 0s. Had reset it before it would connect.
Would also fit as you say it didn’t happen straight after the flash. Maybe it was unconnected?
Any chance this has happened? Ring your network see if they can tell you if its blocked (maybe a mistake when someone reported a missing phone...?) Sorry as I say probably not much help.
BigDamHero said:
This is probably not very helpful (though I don’t think anyone is going to be able to be really), but this sounds like what happens when you IMEI is blocked or invalid. The networks won’t let it connect.
Its happened to me on a pervious phone. Unlocking it caused the IMEI to be set to all 0s. Had reset it before it would connect.
Would also fit as you say it didn’t happen straight after the flash. Maybe it was unconnected?
Any chance this has happened? Ring your network see if they can tell you if its blocked (maybe a mistake when someone reported a missing phone...?) Sorry as I say probably not much help.
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What would I see if it was blocked? if I enter *#06# It just shows my IMEI number. My phone isn't tied to a contract and I've tried different SIMs so how do I check/or get it unlocked.
Did you try another active sim card, or your sim in another phone? I had this same problem and it was just a dead sim card, went to Tmo and they gave me a new sim card for free, popped it in and it connected in a couple seconds.
ikon8 said:
Did you try another active sim card, or your sim in another phone? I had this same problem and it was just a dead sim card, went to Tmo and they gave me a new sim card for free, popped it in and it connected in a couple seconds.
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I'm currently using the Three UK SIM I usually use for my N1 in my old Samsung Omnia, and I've tried another o2 (untied)* contract SIM and another active SIM.
*I know it's unlocked because it was bought for the Xperia X1 and used in two other phones afterwards (within the contract duration which is due to end later this year) - G1 and iPhone 3GS
Antiskunk said:
What would I see if it was blocked? if I enter *#06# It just shows my IMEI number. My phone isn't tied to a contract and I've tried different SIMs so how do I check/or get it unlocked.
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You would see what you are seeing (you can see the networks but not connect to them). My MUCH older phone that I referred to did much as yours is doing. There was only the option to make emergency calls.
Its possible to report a phone stolen (by its IMEI number) and ALL the networks will block that IMEI number from connecting. Its designed to combat phone theft. Its the same reason that it is illegal to change a phone's IMEI number.
I doubt this is the case (unless you can think of a reason why it might have happened). But maybe ring your network just in case and ask them to check if your IMEI is blocked.

[Q] [HD2] Antenna exclamation mark and 'SIM card is missing' issues

Hello all, I bought a used HD2 off CL (USA), hoping to unlock it (if locked) and use it with my ATT prepaid sim.
Outwardly, the phone looks fine and everything about it works quite nicely, EXCEPT that when I insert my SIM card and start the phone, it shows me an exclamation mark on the antenna icon. When I disable all wireless connections and then re-enable it, the icon now changes to the SIM card icon with an 'x' next to it, and I am shown a screen with a keypad and the following message: 'The SIM card is missing. You can still make emergency calls if your service provider supports it.'
Thinking it was a ROM issue, I successfully loaded the latest ROM from [showthread.php?t=789506] but it did not resolve the issue. There is no issue with the SIM because it works nicely with my AT&T Samsung a607. There are no signal strength issues either.
Please help!
Can someone please provide some insight on my situation? I hope I haven't posted in the wrong forum; if so, mods may move it to the appropriate place.
Any advice on diagnosing the issue will be appreciated; I don't even know why the phone is acting the way it is. Many thanks!
Wait a moment, so your device isnt already SIM unlocked? Sounds to me like you need to go ahead and get an unlock code for it, then navigate to the \Windows folder and hit up the program called "simlock.exe" and input your unlock code, then try your ATT SIM again.
Thanks much for the reply. Other phones usually prompt for a SIM unlock code by themselves... why doesn't this one?
Running simlock.exe from Windows does give me the message "Network is locked, please input unlock code". Before I buy the code, I want to make sure that there's nothing physically wrong with the phone. It should give me at least *some* sign that my SIM is being recognized, but rejected due to network-locking, no?
Thanks again!
See thats the thing. With a foreign SIM card in the device, IF LOCKED, simlock.exe should run automatically on startup and ask for the honestly I do not know if your device is messed up somehow, or if its just being wonky for the sake of being wonky. Perhaps you might want to flash a new Radio ROM and see if it then recognizes your SIM. BE SURE to NOT flash one with .51 in its name.
Thanks again. Can you point to a thread with detailed instructions for flashing a new radio ROM for my device? I found many threads while searching and I am confused. I don't want to choose the wrong instructions and brick this device; I haven't done anything of this sort before.
Look at the top of these forums for a stickie by Snarksneeze that will teach you everything you need to know.
Hi again... I don't have a spare 8GB MicroSD card lying around. Is there any way I can do this flashing over USB? I did read that there's a risk associated with flashing over USB (cable yanks, power loss, etc.) but I did flash the newest ROM without any issue, and hopefully I can do the same for the new Radio ROM.
The Radio version shown in the 'About Phone' section is, btw.
You can use your 16GB that came with the phone, or any other one for that matter. That requirement is more of a recomendation really. I have flashed with my stock 16GB many times. And yes, you can do it via USB aswell.
OK, so I have more information about the problem. I got the phone unlocked (I heartily recommend 'fastunlocker' on eBay) thinking that it would solve the issue... but it didn't. But, on a lark, I tried my friend's post-paid T-Mobile SIM in the HD2 and it worked! My AT&T pre-paid SIM does not... can this be a problem? The damn thing works nicely in other (unlocked) phones.
Is anyone else successfully using a AT&T GoPhone (prepaid) SIM on a TMOUS HTC HD2?
It may very well be the problem then. I have heard that some phones are incompatible with pre-paid SIMs.
God, that would suck donkeyballs. Can someone confirm that an unlocked TMOUS HD2 does not work with AT&T GoPhone prepaid SIMs?
had this same exact issue and realized that one of the pins in the sim card reader was stuck in the down position. I poked it with a small screwdriver and it popped back into place. works like a charm now.
Thanks for the reply. Are you sure this is the issue? As I mentioned in a previous post in this thread, my friend's T-Mobile SIM works nicely with the phone.
EDIT: Also, are you using it with an AT&T GoPhone SIM?
Bump... anyone?
Final bump: maybe I am SOL. :'(
Is anyone successfully using a TMOUS HD2 with an AT&T Prepaid (GoPhone) SIM?
Give it some time. Sometimes threads at XDA stay dormant for months and then suddenly BAM! a breakthrough happens.
I would say its your sim. How old is it?
I had the exact same problem. I bought a HD2 off cl and put my sim in and got the no sim message and exclamation point. I was using a sim from the voicesteam days but guess what it worked just fine in the Nexus one I had just gotten so I figured it had to be the phone. I finally used a friends sim and it worked fine. So I would turn the phone off in settings then slip his sim out with the battery still in and put my sim in and turn the phone back on. Guess what, it would work for about 10 min then it would suddenly go back to no sim message. So I went and got a new sim from T-Mobile and walla works like a charm. So try what I did and if you end up with the same problem try a new sim from AT&T. I don't know what is different about the HD2 but there something about the older sims that it doesn't like.
Hope that helps!
Hey... thanks for ther reply! My SIM is brand new (about two weeks old). I will however go to the AT&T store and get it replaced to see if it fixes the problem. Thanks again, I appreciate it.
Dear look my problem...
ashasaur said:
Wait a moment, so your device isnt already SIM unlocked? Sounds to me like you need to go ahead and get an unlock code for it, then navigate to the \Windows folder and hit up the program called "simlock.exe" and input your unlock code, then try your ATT SIM again.
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I have a HTC HD2 working excellent with my card. Some day i received message : card is missing you.
But restarting 2-3 times all ok. In a week the same problem again here.
Now i cant make a call. The same card in another hd2 works good. Any other card in MINE phone is missing...
Please help me.
Many thanks
[email protected]

