Can't receive texts, but can send - G1 General

When I flashed over to Haykuro 6.0, I can no longer receive texts, I can only send them.
Is there some APN's I am missing? I only have one APN on my phone now and it's called "T-Mobile US"
I'm sorry if the answer is simple but I'm stuck.
And I don't have a way to update with 6.01 right now if that fixes it.

How long have you been using the SIM card that you currently have?
My issue was that I had b

How long have you been using the SIM card that you currently have?
My issue was that I had been using the same card for 6+ yrs. Went to the store, had them give me a new one and my problems were solved.

I've only had this SIM card for about 2 years... and I could send and receive texts easily before, but now I can't receive them... Is there a way to install all of the T-Mobile APNS?

Sometimes this is just a glitch in how a ROM will read the SIM. As with the previous poster, I too got a new SIM and then everything was fine. I have not it happen with a Android ROM, but when switching between phones (HTC, Nokia, iPhone knockoffs, etc) some would work some would not. After I got a new SIM every phone worked. Could it be a ROM issue, maybe. Could it be a SIM issue, maybe. Could it be a combo, maybe. Try flashing to a different ROM and see if that works. If not, go to a TMo store and get a new card. If you get a cool rep you may walk out with a free one - just don't tell them you have a modded ROM. Worst case I think they are $25.


[Q] [HD2] Antenna exclamation mark and 'SIM card is missing' issues

Hello all, I bought a used HD2 off CL (USA), hoping to unlock it (if locked) and use it with my ATT prepaid sim.
Outwardly, the phone looks fine and everything about it works quite nicely, EXCEPT that when I insert my SIM card and start the phone, it shows me an exclamation mark on the antenna icon. When I disable all wireless connections and then re-enable it, the icon now changes to the SIM card icon with an 'x' next to it, and I am shown a screen with a keypad and the following message: 'The SIM card is missing. You can still make emergency calls if your service provider supports it.'
Thinking it was a ROM issue, I successfully loaded the latest ROM from [showthread.php?t=789506] but it did not resolve the issue. There is no issue with the SIM because it works nicely with my AT&T Samsung a607. There are no signal strength issues either.
Please help!
Can someone please provide some insight on my situation? I hope I haven't posted in the wrong forum; if so, mods may move it to the appropriate place.
Any advice on diagnosing the issue will be appreciated; I don't even know why the phone is acting the way it is. Many thanks!
Wait a moment, so your device isnt already SIM unlocked? Sounds to me like you need to go ahead and get an unlock code for it, then navigate to the \Windows folder and hit up the program called "simlock.exe" and input your unlock code, then try your ATT SIM again.
Thanks much for the reply. Other phones usually prompt for a SIM unlock code by themselves... why doesn't this one?
Running simlock.exe from Windows does give me the message "Network is locked, please input unlock code". Before I buy the code, I want to make sure that there's nothing physically wrong with the phone. It should give me at least *some* sign that my SIM is being recognized, but rejected due to network-locking, no?
Thanks again!
See thats the thing. With a foreign SIM card in the device, IF LOCKED, simlock.exe should run automatically on startup and ask for the honestly I do not know if your device is messed up somehow, or if its just being wonky for the sake of being wonky. Perhaps you might want to flash a new Radio ROM and see if it then recognizes your SIM. BE SURE to NOT flash one with .51 in its name.
Thanks again. Can you point to a thread with detailed instructions for flashing a new radio ROM for my device? I found many threads while searching and I am confused. I don't want to choose the wrong instructions and brick this device; I haven't done anything of this sort before.
Look at the top of these forums for a stickie by Snarksneeze that will teach you everything you need to know.
Hi again... I don't have a spare 8GB MicroSD card lying around. Is there any way I can do this flashing over USB? I did read that there's a risk associated with flashing over USB (cable yanks, power loss, etc.) but I did flash the newest ROM without any issue, and hopefully I can do the same for the new Radio ROM.
The Radio version shown in the 'About Phone' section is, btw.
You can use your 16GB that came with the phone, or any other one for that matter. That requirement is more of a recomendation really. I have flashed with my stock 16GB many times. And yes, you can do it via USB aswell.
OK, so I have more information about the problem. I got the phone unlocked (I heartily recommend 'fastunlocker' on eBay) thinking that it would solve the issue... but it didn't. But, on a lark, I tried my friend's post-paid T-Mobile SIM in the HD2 and it worked! My AT&T pre-paid SIM does not... can this be a problem? The damn thing works nicely in other (unlocked) phones.
Is anyone else successfully using a AT&T GoPhone (prepaid) SIM on a TMOUS HTC HD2?
It may very well be the problem then. I have heard that some phones are incompatible with pre-paid SIMs.
God, that would suck donkeyballs. Can someone confirm that an unlocked TMOUS HD2 does not work with AT&T GoPhone prepaid SIMs?
had this same exact issue and realized that one of the pins in the sim card reader was stuck in the down position. I poked it with a small screwdriver and it popped back into place. works like a charm now.
Thanks for the reply. Are you sure this is the issue? As I mentioned in a previous post in this thread, my friend's T-Mobile SIM works nicely with the phone.
EDIT: Also, are you using it with an AT&T GoPhone SIM?
Bump... anyone?
Final bump: maybe I am SOL. :'(
Is anyone successfully using a TMOUS HD2 with an AT&T Prepaid (GoPhone) SIM?
Give it some time. Sometimes threads at XDA stay dormant for months and then suddenly BAM! a breakthrough happens.
I would say its your sim. How old is it?
I had the exact same problem. I bought a HD2 off cl and put my sim in and got the no sim message and exclamation point. I was using a sim from the voicesteam days but guess what it worked just fine in the Nexus one I had just gotten so I figured it had to be the phone. I finally used a friends sim and it worked fine. So I would turn the phone off in settings then slip his sim out with the battery still in and put my sim in and turn the phone back on. Guess what, it would work for about 10 min then it would suddenly go back to no sim message. So I went and got a new sim from T-Mobile and walla works like a charm. So try what I did and if you end up with the same problem try a new sim from AT&T. I don't know what is different about the HD2 but there something about the older sims that it doesn't like.
Hope that helps!
Hey... thanks for ther reply! My SIM is brand new (about two weeks old). I will however go to the AT&T store and get it replaced to see if it fixes the problem. Thanks again, I appreciate it.
Dear look my problem...
ashasaur said:
Wait a moment, so your device isnt already SIM unlocked? Sounds to me like you need to go ahead and get an unlock code for it, then navigate to the \Windows folder and hit up the program called "simlock.exe" and input your unlock code, then try your ATT SIM again.
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I have a HTC HD2 working excellent with my card. Some day i received message : card is missing you.
But restarting 2-3 times all ok. In a week the same problem again here.
Now i cant make a call. The same card in another hd2 works good. Any other card in MINE phone is missing...
Please help me.
Many thanks
[email protected]

[Q] HELP! Talk,text and data not working with new TmoUs account.

Hello I am experiencing a BIG problem . I Successfully flashed a Nand rom to my phone last year it worked great but after some shortcomings I could no longer afford my pay as you go plan. My phone service had been cut off for about 7 months until yesterday, since it was off so long I had to get a new Tmobile(us) account/SIM card. My phone booted up in android as normal with full 3G service bars but when I went to make a call it said "This Carrier will not allow phone calls to this number" shocked I went back to Tmobile to make sure my account was active and it was. My text also do not work and I cannot sign into my gmail account either. Ive searched the web and it does not seem that anyone has a solution to this problem PLEASE help me !!
Did you try reflashing it?
There are a few things that could be going on here:
1. tmobile has you on the wrong data plan which has happened to me in the past. The had me on a blackberry plan which messed up a lot but you should still be able to make calls.
2. You have a balance left over on that phone and tmobile has locked that phone
3. you need a new sim card. tmobile will gladly change out your sim for a new one for free
4: something is going on with Android on your phone.
I would talk to Tmobile again and ask for a new sim or go in the store and see if the sim you have will work in one of their phones. If it does then you know its
something with your phone. I would kind of start over just to clear up any problems. Start with making a back up of anything you dont want lost, including your
sd card. Then repartition your phone/sd to what the ROM you want to use needs. Reinstall MAGLDR and cwm and finally the ROM you want to use. See if that
helps at all. If i had to take a guess it could be something as simple as the simcard is messed up but without having them try it in another phone or you trying
it in another phone you wont know for sure. I know it seems like a lot but reinstalling this stuff should clear up if its your phone or your sim thats messing up.
Before you blame Android, flash your phone with stock WM 6.5 rom. If you still can't make calls or get any data, take the phone to a T-Mobile store and have them figure it out.

Galaxy Note UK T-Mobile SMS issue - help

Hi UK Note users with T-mobile,
I don't know whether you also have the same problem: the note can receive SMS but cannot send SMS when it is in T-mobile orange signal, I wil have to manually change it back to t-mobile before SMS can be sent. Could please somebody offer a solution for this isssue/bug? Thanks in advance.
Mine has been fine on several stock roms. My phone came sim free. Is yours locked and are you using stock radio etc?
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
I have a similar problem. SMS says its sent but there is a spinning circle next to the message. The recipient gets some messages but others turn up later. Having read the T-Mobile help pages, I think you have to turn on data roaming. This is what I am going to turn today. But remember to turn it off if you go abroad.
claptnei said:
I have a similar problem. SMS says its sent but there is a spinning circle next to the message. The recipient gets some messages but others turn up later. Having read the T-Mobile help pages, I think you have to turn on data roaming. This is what I am going to turn today. But remember to turn it off if you go abroad.
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Thanks for your reply. The phone is originally from O2 monthly tariff (unlocked). I simply use my t-mobile SIM card. The current Android version is 2.3.6, firmware version is, it is rooted. I am using handcent SMS app but the stock SMS app has the same problem. The data roaming is ON already.
Thanks for your reply, it is with official rom, rooted. Problem still exist.
Still doing the same thing, says sent but icon spinning when connected to T-Mobile Orange. It re sends later once its back on the T-Mobile only signal. so the person gets 2 sms messages :-(
Don't want to step too far out of my knowledge here but not had a problem at all on the sim free version, but worth installing the Carphone Warehouse rom from development?
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
No problems here.
This will sound stupid but try outting in another network sim. Booting up and installing the seyting from that network. Then outting your tmob sim back in and reinstalling the settings.
Works to solve quite a few probs on samsung ohones
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
I'm on T-Mobile here and not noticed any issues as it switches between it and Orange. I use Go SMS, everything works fine for me, but round here the T-Mobile signal is generally pretty good.
Sent from my Galaxy Note via Tapatalk.
biscuitlad said:
I'm on T-Mobile here and not noticed any issues as it switches between it and Orange. I use Go SMS, everything works fine for me, but round here the T-Mobile signal is generally pretty good.
Sent from my Galaxy Note via Tapatalk.
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Me too I'm on T-Mobile and mostly use T-Mobile-Orange Signal as we have orange transmitters in place at work.
Never had an issue at all..
I too use Go SMS though...
Try that maybe.
Have you tried to re-set your SMSC? (SMS Message Center)
Couldn't find anymore the thread on XDA explaining it, but found this link :
Give it a try
Have you tried t-mobile page for sending settings to your phone?
Worked for me on another phone where i needed internet settings.
On the note i have used many ICS roms recently and never had issue with sending sms.
I think mine is fixed, following the advice above, I swapped out my sim for a Vodafone one, then after it booted, switched off and put my T-Mobile sim back in, now sending once only.
claptnei said:
I think mine is fixed, following the advice above, I swapped out my sim for a Vodafone one, then after it booted, switched off and put my T-Mobile sim back in, now sending once only.
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Its Smspopup causing the problem for me. Disabled and all is well.
Mine is an O2 contract Note that came unlocked and unbranded. I'm almost constantly on T-Mobile-Orange (much to my annoyance) but I never have any issues sending SMS. I currently use Chomp SMS but I've also used stock and GoSMS with the same success. Is your SIM card particularly old? That's the only thing I can think might be the problem unless there's some weird fault with your phone but it seems unlikely. The only other thing is that perhaps there's a fact with the Orange transmitter in your area. Does the problem occur elsewhere?
leoni1980 said:
Mine is an O2 contract Note that came unlocked and unbranded. I'm almost constantly on T-Mobile-Orange (much to my annoyance) but I never have any issues sending SMS. I currently use Chomp SMS but I've also used stock and GoSMS with the same success. Is your SIM card particularly old? That's the only thing I can think might be the problem unless there's some weird fault with your phone but it seems unlikely. The only other thing is that perhaps there's a fact with the Orange transmitter in your area. Does the problem occur elsewhere?
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It is possible that the problem is caused by the 'old sim card'. The sim card is originally a 3 UK PAYG one and I just port the number. I shall discuss this issue with T-mobile and to see if they can issue me a new SIM card.

Question about carrier updates

I was wondering if I would get the recent update because I am using a At&t S8+ on Cricket. I did some searching and a lot of people have said that I should still receive the update even though I am using a Cricket sim card, while some say I won't unless I have a active At&t sim card in it. If that is the case I should be able to just go get a gophone sim card and get a cheap 2$ one day plan and use it to receive updates? I heard you can go to Best Buy and they should be able to update it for you but never done that before and was wondering also if they would be able to do that as well, thanks!
if all else fails use their smart switch or whatever it's called.

Page Plus not receiving texts

I have a TMO-branded phone, flashed international quite awhile back. Finally did a SIM unlock & went with Page Plus for the second SIM, so I would be on Verizon in the sketchy TMO coverage around me. Spent over 1 1/2 hours on the phone yesterday trying to get the SIM to activate, then they threw in the towel, said I needed to activate on a Verizon-branded phone. So I had my son drop by, got the SIM activated on his phone. Phone calls work fine on my OP6T, sending texts works fine, but I can't receive any. After over an hour plus on the phone, they gave up on me & said I'd have to switch to a Verizon branded phone to receive texts. Anyone else had this problem?
Note: all the test texts I had sent showed up on my son's phone once the SIM activated.
lloydsw said:
I have a TMO-branded phone, flashed international quite awhile back. Finally did a SIM unlock & went with Page Plus for the second SIM, so I would be on Verizon in the sketchy TMO coverage around me. Spent over 1 1/2 hours on the phone yesterday trying to get the SIM to activate, then they threw in the towel, said I needed to activate on a Verizon-branded phone. So I had my son drop by, got the SIM activated on his phone. Phone calls work fine on my OP6T, sending texts works fine, but I can't receive any. After over an hour plus on the phone, they gave up on me & said I'd have to switch to a Verizon branded phone to receive texts. Anyone else had this problem?
Note: all the test texts I had sent showed up on my son's phone once the SIM activated.
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Try going to mobile data SIM cards and try all of these apns. Hopefully one will work for you.]
toolhas4degrees said:
Try going to mobile data SIM cards and try all of these apns. Hopefully one will work for you.]
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Yeah, I asked them about APN editing, they said that only affected MMS & data. In any case, they're greyed out, even if I try to add a new one. I've tried every which way searching google to find a way to get around that, but have had no luck.

