Number ported - Phone seems unaware - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

I've just had my number ported, but the Universal is still showing the old number under Start > Settings > Phone
Where does it get that number from and how can I change it to the correct number?

On my MDA PRO there is a sim manager app in the contacts folder, you start that and from the menu show your own numbers and edit it there. If your O2 rom doesn't have a sim manager then you 'll either have to flash with another operator's ROM which does or put your sim into another phone that can access the SIM and edit your own number. You may get away with calling O2's CS and asking them to send you a SIM update which will change to the old number for you automatically, not sure if the universal can do this though.

Your pre-port number is stored on your SIM and will always be there. Just ignore it, but the reason is this...
When you port number 1 from network A over to network B, to replace number 2, number 2 will always be your main number. Network A will always own number 1, even though they have given it to network B for you to use instead of number 2. Even if people call your number 2 (which has been of course replaced with number 1), they will still get through to you. And, when people call you on number 1, the call is routed through network A, before it goes through network B, who in turn connect it to the subscription they have on their system as number 2.
I know there's probably an easier way of explaining it, but it's very late, so sorry if the above sounds a bit daft. It is true though.

:lol: no, that makes sense, thanks

Just having a look through my old posts and came across this one. Don't know how it works in Ireland but seems to be different here. Every time I've ported, the number that was being replaced has been switched off, i.e. if you were to call it then you get the "You have dialled incorrectly please try again" or similar error. As far as I know you're not identified to the network by a phone number stored on a SIM card, but by a unique code on the SIM, when someone calls you the call gets routed by the prefix of the ported number to your old operator, who then forward it to whoever they ported it to. Your present operator when they receive the call then check the phone number against their list of numbers and connect the call to the SIM code that the number is registered to. As I said in my post you can change the phone number that is stored on your SIM card using SIM manager on the universal, as I have done on mine, and if you were to put the SIM into a different phone it would still recognise the numbr change and report your number as your ported one.
Bit of a long post but in essence saying that the pre port number doesn't need to stay on your phone, you'll still get calls to your new number.

PC_Arcade said:
I've just had my number ported, but the Universal is still showing the old number under Start > Settings > Phone
Where does it get that number from and how can I change it to the correct number?
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This is an easy one to fix:
Start > Programs > SIM Manager
Tools > List of Own Numbers
Change LINE 1 (which I think you'll find is your old number) to the new one you've had ported.
You should now find that the phone app reports the correct number


Call barring password on T-Mobile US ???

I have T-Moble here in the US and updated my Pocket PC Phone edition rom versio 4.00.16 ENG and noticed they have this call barring feature in the phone settings that lets you bar incoming or aout going calls but to activate you have to enter a call barring password does anyone know what it is.
i never used or tried it, but i was told its the last 4 digits of your social securty # or last 4 of your fone #
I tried both abd it didnt work but thanks for the info
I always thought call barring was done through the sim/service provider password.
T-Mobile also uses 1234 as a default password often.
also try 5678
Thanks again people i will try thpse suggestions today
Where did you find a 4.00.xx update for Tmobile? I just checked their site and they still had the old Nov 2002 3.16 code up there.
If you look at the ROM Update section of this forum you will see we have easy access to various 4.00.xx ROM updates.
SIM PIN 1 & 2
Ok, I had an experience earlier this year where one of my t-mobile phones (not the PPC) wanted "Sim Pin 2" to access a feature. I ended up getting my sim pin blocked and called up t-mo support. After a little bit of "Try to get the information out of the dumb support person" I finally had the person ask me "Well, I could give you PUK1 and PUK2, if you think that would help", I said i thought it might, and she gave me the two keys to the kingdom (Along with what SIM PIN 2 was originally, just a random string of number). The moral: Call T-Mobile, tell them you have a feature that you can't unlock and that you think you've screwed up your phone bigtime. If they ask if you want to send it in, say no, that you think you can fix the problem if they give you these weird PUK numbers or PIN numbers. They'll probably just be happy to get you off the phone, and these might be the numbers you're looking for.
Tmobile has a special plan called the "data-only" plan that automatically blocks all incoming or outgoing calls. However, it still allows emergency dialing (911) and 611 calls... Just call a rep and have them set you up with that plan! Everything costs the same...

Help with phone number, "unknown"

my phone number shows up as unknown under my about phone page. so when i send a text it just shows a grey box instead of my contact picture, i know its not a big deal but its driving me crazy! is there anyway to change this?
Settings->Call settings->Additional settings->My phone number
Thats only with Cyanogen mod.
Add yourself as a contact in the phonebook
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App
that doesnt work. the phone has to read its own number off the sim card. adding yourself doesnt do anything.
What ROM are you running? I know there were instances in the past where T-Mobile did not program the phone number into the SIM properly. Supposedly you could ask their customer support guys to push the number back to your SIM. Alternatively, if you have a spare phone that supports writing a number into a SIM, you could use that to program your SIM. I know my old Nokia's and Sony Ericsson's could. Maybe my old WM phone as well?
ianmcquinn said:
Settings->Call settings->Additional settings->My phone number
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I just did this and it fixed the gray box next to my name, that box was really annoying. Thank you so much.
the additional call settings thing works just fine on CM6. my problem is that it works on some roms and not other @[email protected] annoying.
Out of curiosity, which ROM are you running? Are you saying that the number is correctly read from the SIM on some ROMs and only not on your current ROM (in which case, what I said earlier about the number not being properly stored on the SIM doesn't apply)? If that's the case, it sounds like an issue with the ROM itself and the ROM developer will need to look into it (either fixing the SIM reading code or adding in the functionality to input it in yourself like on CM).
well i switch between a few... stock, CM6, CM7, Virtuous. Here is the extremely weird thing though.....
I have an old sim card from a previous phone. The phone number used with that sim is the same as my current sim. when i put that in, say on CM7, it reads the number just fine, but when i put my activated sim in, it doesnt read it and says "unknown".
Any thoughts on whats up with that?
I know CM6 has the option to manually enter the number but CM7 doesnt have it yet. But its strange that it reads it off a different sim and not the current one.
(both sims are from same carrier too)
Call tmo, ask them to send your MSISDN to sim via OTA tool in the HLR, they'll know what to do, its a known issue with some sim cards, regardless of the rom
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA App
^ okay, i shall try that tomorrow probably. i just hate having to call tech support lol, i want to be able to do it myself with the modding community, not tmo XD
Isn't there an app in the Market that allows you to add your phone number to the SIM card (in case you're not running a CM based ROM)? I know I read it somewhere on this site, but for whatever reason I can't seem to find it.
Any ideas?
Same with Andromadus ROM
I've been experiencing the same behavior on the CM10-based Andromadus ROM prepared by Flinny as of topic A lot of SIM IO operations just fails, I can't see why (comparing to another Desire Z which runs stock 2.3.3 up to date).
At least, it breaks :
- SPN retrieval (Service Provider Name)
- MSISDN retrivial (your phone number)
And I think it's related to the impossibility to import contacts from SIM card.
Maybe this message can help, too!msg/android-platform/zosqRzWQyNA/7QF-O09ZwzAJ

Help!! Editing Myself Number

When i open the contact menu at the very top it says myself with someone elses phone number i am assuming it should be mine.
Yes i did buy the phone from another shop wondering if it was his/her number that sold it to that shop.
Yes i did change the original number to have my old number and do not remember the original number that came with the current sim that i use now.
All in all you should be able to edit the damn thing it lets you edit the name but not the number and you can not delete that entery.
I had a similar problem.
I ported my old number through my contract (T mobile).
However when my number ported it still stated the original number the sim card came with.
I fixed this by using my girlfriends Dummy phone (Not smart phone) i edited the sim card number to my ported number, put it back into my xperia play and it worked.
Hope this works for yourself.

[Q] Using S4 overseas (hack to display/use your local number)

Ok... where do I start...
A few weeks ago, I remember seeing something on a thread (I am 99% sure it was XDA) that was talking about using a US CDMA/GSM phone overseas. You would purchase a SIM card which would in turn allow you to make calls/text etc with a LOCAL Foreign number.
The thread was a "hack" that somehow would let you do the above... but it would display your US Local number (i think so that you could call back home to US and have it show your number- or google voice number).
Does anyone know what I'm talking about?
I could be completely nuts.... but i swear I saw something like this.
To clarify- this is NOT VOIP calling (like groove IP which uses google voice and your WIFI to make/recieve calls with your GV number)... this was using a foreign GSM SIM but somehow having it show a differeny number.
Thanks in advance.
nudge nudge
Not sure if this will help... but It's worth a mention
h20wakebum said:
Ok... where do I start...
A few weeks ago, I remember seeing something on a thread (I am 99% sure it was XDA) that was talking about using a US CDMA/GSM phone overseas. You would purchase a SIM card which would in turn allow you to make calls/text etc with a LOCAL Foreign number.
The thread was a "hack" that somehow would let you do the above... but it would display your US Local number (i think so that you could call back home to US and have it show your number- or google voice number).
Does anyone know what I'm talking about?
I could be completely nuts.... but i swear I saw something like this.
To clarify- this is NOT VOIP calling (like groove IP which uses google voice and your WIFI to make/recieve calls with your GV number)... this was using a foreign GSM SIM but somehow having it show a differeny number.
Thanks in advance.
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I know how to change the number associated with the phone. I just did it with my US Sprint locked S4. I live in Canada - have a Toronto SIM card in, but everytime I called voice mail it would still call the Florida cell number that used to be associated with the old owner of the phone. First you need your MSL number. (Instructions to get your MSL: Then you go to the phone keypad and type ##111111# (The 1's represent the 6 digit MSL number you got) Hit edit - and it will allow you to change the phone number associated with the phone. Like I said - not sure if this would resolve your problem - but I thought I'd give it a try.

Phone showing WRONG phone number in device status and in kies

Hi, i recently portde my old number when i moved from t-mobile to three uk, and although it's worked fine, i.e. if i call my number which was originally on t-mobile), my phone rings. and if i call out, people see the correct number. text messages and the like also work fine. but in the settings menu, under device status, it shows the unused three uk number that was the original number of the sim i'm now using. also this unused number is diplayed in kies. is there any way to fix this so that it shows my actual number again?
I have the same issue.
Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk

