call history - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

When you go to option in call history, it give you the option NOT to delete call up to a year old...or never. I had mine set to never...but it still deletes the calls. it seems to only be keeping count for a week or two. is there any way to make this setting work?

Cant say i've noticed this since i've flashed my ROM so many times to test out the different Roms, lol.
However, one would presume that the registry entry for this would be the CallHistoryMax DWORD under HKCU\ControlPanel\Phone.
I have change my call History settings numerous times to test this theory but it has no effect on the DWORD value.
Anyone else have similar problems??

i have 4 friends with the 8125, they all have the same problem. i too had this problem with my 8125...i was hoping it would go away with the 8525...but no luck. im thinking its something in the OS and not the phone. what you guys think?

any one? try it yourselves guys. this option never works

rzanology said:
any one? try it yourselves guys. this option never works
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Interesting just looked at my call history and I suspect a sim card issue/setting may be the root of your problems.
The reason I say this is that my call history extends way back to January this year long before I even got the Hermes!! Info is therefore stored on the Sim. In addition there are gaps in the dates when I would certainly have made/received calls. This inconsistent recording of the info on calls I believe is related to whether the number dialled or received is recognized by the SIM the Phone memory or both. The longest remembered ones are obviously from the SIMs memory.
Not sure where this gets us exactly but my albeit inconsistent record certainly pre-dates this phone and back to my Motorola days.

funny you should say that. i just got a new sim card with the 8525...they gave me the 3g sim card. Thats kinda odd it would happen to two diffrent sim cards. i had 3 8125's and they all had this problem. now the 8525. the only phone it worked for was my ipaq 6515....and that was wm2003. It sucks because this is a reeeally good feture to have, you always have a number on file.

rzanology said:
funny you should say that. i just got a new sim card with the 8525...they gave me the 3g sim card. Thats kinda odd it would happen to two diffrent sim cards. i had 3 8125's and they all had this problem. now the 8525. the only phone it worked for was my ipaq 6515....and that was wm2003. It sucks because this is a reeeally good feture to have, you always have a number on file.
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Yes it is strange. I don't think I'm suggesting any kind of fault on the SIMs. But you know how you can save tel numbers to SIM or to Phone - (I always forget which mine is set to) well I just wonder whether this has any bearing on where the call history is saved and or affects how long it is saved for. If it's the SIM and not the phone then there will be limits on storage space for the records. The question then is if it's the SIM which mine must be - how can it be changed to save on Phone memory for a longer record?
Sorry - more questions than answers!


Need advice: Can't receive calls until I make one myself

I've been following this forum for a while and you guys seem pretty competent. I believe you are my best shot at fixing my rather serious problem...
I have several simcards, and two of them are showing very weird behavior in my Qtek S100. I am running the latest official ROM for my specific Danish Magician, the MA_DANG_WWE_10600_115_10500_SHIP.exe, downloaded from this site.
When using one of these bad simcards, I can't receive calls until I have made one myself. All incoming call are sent directly to voice mail. Restart the phone and I have to make a call again! Seems to me like my Magician doesn't log fully on to the cellular network?
The rest of the simcards are working fine. The big problem is that one of the card making trouble is the one I am paying $50 on each month
I was under the impression that this problem could be related to some of my simcards being 16K only, so I had one of them replaced today, but still no go. Of course I could have received yet another 'old' card, but what are the odds?
I have done a number of soft/hard resets and ROM/radio up/downgrades, but it doesn't change a thing. Any thoughts? Thanks!

Is there any way.... retrieve SMS messages unseen by the Magician?
I think this is an software issue.
Reason I ask is this:
I bought a dual sim adapter and after I cut my 2 cards up to make them fit, I both inserted them into an old Nokia 3310 I had lying around. Interestingly enough, I saw SMS messages in my inbox from a few months back I hadnt seen before. So I am 99% sure the software isnt capaturing all events, God knows for whatever reason.
Beside the usual **** you receive via SMS, there were some messages form my girlfriend, so in order to prevent heavy arguments with her in the future due to me not replying (hehe), Id like to know how to fix this.
Oddly enough, after inserting the dual sim adapter into my Magician, they dont show up. They should be on the SIMs somewhere though
any ideas/ help would be great
never heard about any pocketpc phone which supported sms's stored on sim cards
i suspect that the whole api interface is limited to contact info
could be, but then how the fook did this occur in the first place?
Its odd enough like it is
maybe nokia and some others stray'd from the std sim std because sims started to have more and more memory and people dident need that much for contacts
dmmh said: retrieve SMS messages unseen by the Magician?
I think this is an software issue.
Reason I ask is this:
I bought a dual sim adapter and after I cut my 2 cards up to make them fit, I both inserted them into an old Nokia 3310 I had lying around. Interestingly enough, I saw SMS messages in my inbox from a few months back I hadnt seen before. So I am 99% sure the software isnt capaturing all events, God knows for whatever reason.
Beside the usual **** you receive via SMS, there were some messages form my girlfriend, so in order to prevent heavy arguments with her in the future due to me not replying (hehe), Id like to know how to fix this.
Oddly enough, after inserting the dual sim adapter into my Magician, they dont show up. They should be on the SIMs somewhere though
any ideas/ help would be great
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Hi DMMH, sorry to go off-topic, but can you tell me where you bought your dual sim adapter? I cannot find conclusive posts on which types work and yours seems to work fine. Can you switch the SIM by an icon or do you have to turn flight-mode on and off? thanks in advance.
It would be possible to write a prog to read through all SMS records on the SIM card. Can't say I've ever tried it, but if stuff is saved on the SIM, it'll find em!
well if you can access the address's of the sim then yes
but you access the sim using some interface in the gsm module
then only if it support it

Cloning the O2 sim for use in another phone

A little off topic, I know, but has anybody been able to use something like this --> to make a copy of their Exec's O2 sim for us in another phone for situations where the exec isn't appropriate?
It would be handy to have a second phone for use when I don't want to take the Exec without having to keep swapping the sim.
these wont work for the exec, because you will receive a 3g card from o2. this package looks like it will only take standard gsm sims ie 2 and 2.5g. also, i think the new sims in general are not "crackable" at this point.
Doesn't O2 offer this as a LEGAL service?
The SIM in your phone is probably legally defined as O2 property, and they've probably not agreed to copying of their product.
If you read all of the fine print, you'll probably see some stuff about this.
But, yes: It's nice..
2 sims - one number
They're working on it.
The ebay item doesn't claim to be able to actually clone a SIM card though, just backup up or consolidate if you have multiple SIMs.
Re: 2 sims - one number
davebo said:
They're working on it.
The ebay item doesn't claim to be able to actually clone a SIM card though, just backup up or consolidate if you have multiple SIMs.
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No, but if you can select between 16 numbers to use, then surely, it's like copying 16 sims into 1? Even if I were to only copy 1 sim, if it could act as if it were that sim in another phone, then that would do the job.
There is a slight problem in all of this. You cannot have to sims logged on using the same MISDN . So all that would happen is the operator would be alerted to the fact that 2 sims were trying to usre the same MISDN and you would be put into the fraud management system and the phone might be disconnected.
When people scan and clone phones they do not use the phone on standby for long periods of time they simply make a few calls and switch off. Unless they time it when the real user is logged on and tries to make a call it is unlikely to be picked up.
Also it will vconfuse the HLR in the gsm network .
So all in all onot a good idea.
Hm? Back home in the Netherlands we used to be able to get two SIMs with the same number from our providers... The idea was, you had one in your built-in car phone, and one in your portable handset; when you got out of the car, switch that phone off, and the other one on, and it'll register the other SIM, and hey presto! You could not use both SIMs at the same time, ofcourse.
I bought one, THEN read up on the facts (doh!)
There is no de-cryption algorithm for any SIM cards supplied in the UK over the last 2-4 years. True, the old SIMs could be copied, but the v.2 system cannot.
Still, it is a nice piece of kit for reading your SIM contacts over USB, and didn't cost a fortune.
I'm actually quite pleased that SIMs are this secure, 'cos I wouldn't want them easily copyable by the bad guys.
I bought one, THEN read up on the facts (doh!)
There is no de-cryption algorithm for any SIM cards supplied in the UK over the last 2-4 years. True, the old SIMs could be copied, but the v.2 system cannot.
Still, it is a nice piece of kit for reading your SIM contacts over USB, and didn't cost a fortune.
I'm actually quite pleased that SIMs are this secure, 'cos I wouldn't want them easily copyable by the bad guys.
In the Nehterlands I know that KPN and t-Mobile offer dual sims, the problem is as mentioned here already that you can not use them both at the same time. Also if you have 3G sim the second sim you get is not 3G. those are the rules by KPN.
I used to live in Israel and there Orange gives out dua sims where you can keep both phones on. On the incoming call both phones ring at the same time and you can decide which to pick up. The SMS trafic thought goes to the phone which was turned on first. The way they are doing this is by giving both sims an extra GHOST number which used to start with a Zero. then what they did was simply forward the calls between two sims. They had a huge blunder though: Forwarding officially costs money but in this case it has to be free, so they by mistake on their first couple of bill specifications posted the forwarding calls with Zero as charge, thus I was able to know what are the ghost numbers and call between the phones completely for free. It did mean that the you could call the the ghost numbers only from those 2 phones and not any other phone, kind of internal cirquit. So we enjoyed it very much since my wife and me just used those two phones and comunications between these two was free of charge.
So as you see technicaly it is possible to make both phones ring at the same time....

Please help - receiving phone calls

I bought a new HTC advantage x7501 unlocked, trying to use it on Fido network, however whenever I call the unit, the unit does not being to ring until at least the second ring, usually the third and often I miss a phone call completely. The signal strength is at its maximum when tried this. I did do a hard reset, searched google and all nada. Can someone please help ?
Just tonight I was running call tests on my unit, and I see the same 2-ring delay. Doesn't matter if its asleep or fully on. I still have plenty of time to answer before voicemail kicks in. That delay is dictated by your carrier.
What sim card are you running? Do you know? Is there any way the check if you have the 64k or the 128k? I found some threads not related specifically to the X7501 but to the HTC hermes, that if you have the 64k sim card and an HTC hermes you might get some communication troubles, but that thread was pretty old and I'm sure HTC fixed that issue already.
Anyhow, hard reset doesn't solve this problem, and I do not even know how to begin addressing this issue.
Try some or all of the following:
Make sure your ringtone is in the Windows folder, or the ringtones folder.
Try a .wav ringtone (yes, i prefer mp3 too - wavs are too big) has a disable 3 second delay option - there is probably a registry key somewhere.
marek101 said:
I bought a new HTC advantage x7501 unlocked, trying to use it on Fido network, however whenever I call the unit, the unit does not being to ring until at least the second ring, usually the third and often I miss a phone call completely. The signal strength is at its maximum when tried this. I did do a hard reset, searched google and all nada. Can someone please help ?
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which radio version are u using sometimes it is releated to the radio version and upgrading or downgrading to another rdio helps the problem. missing calls are mostly releated to radio version of devices.
I have not flashed this unit at all, and the default ringtone is there and yes I tried changing it too.
I'm begging to suspect that this might be a sim card issue. I'm using SM-32 from fido, is there one that is sm-64 or 128? google search did not reveal much..
i use phonealarm software with my athena, and i have the next issue:
if i active phonealarm, the phone sounds after the second or third ring,
but if i deactive phonealarm, the phone sounds just after the first rings.
use you PA soft?
note: i have tested and obtained the same results storing the rings at the
storage card, microdrive or programs memory. the problem is PA !!
next probe:: enable PA but set to "System" the "ring" and "ring type" parameters
at the all profiles. the result is fine: plays the configured sounds after the
first ring [i use mp3]
Is PhoneAlarm software enabled by default? I can not seem to be able to locate this anywhere on the phone?
Plus I got a little bit further with Fido, I have disabled my voicemail and now the phone rings after the second ring. Does this make any sense to anyone ?
Simple, the "Radio" code that comes with the x7501 / x7500 unlocked can NOT handle the the "Name Display" feature properly, thus causing the phone to miss class and or ring later. In EU they do NOT have "Name Display", wow. Thats the problem. I wish to that I found the answer sooner, I thought that is the purpose of such boards like these, no? Am I that wrong?
Just need to call your carrier and have them increase the ring count before voicemail picks up. Tonight at dinner my mother complained about this on her phone - it would go to vm after 3 rings. She called cust service and upped it to 6 rings. Problem solved.
marek101 said:
Simple, the "Radio" code that comes with the x7501 / x7500 unlocked can NOT handle the the "Name Display" feature properly, thus causing the phone to miss class and or ring later. In EU they do NOT have "Name Display", wow. Thats the problem. I wish to that I found the answer sooner, I thought that is the purpose of such boards like these, no? Am I that wrong?
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is the solution at the palonek web ?? i don't not !!

Dual sim card settings/ solution

Hello all,
I've ran into some troubles with my device, since I have it running with a unlimited data transfer flatrate, that sim is blocked for incomming and outgoing phonecalls.
Solution on this trouble should be one of the dual sim adapters, which leads me to another problem. Since it seems to be impossible on my HTC Uni to have two simultaneous active cards running, the data one would be the usual active one for my needs.
But how to get the device automatically activating that sim, while its sleeping on an incomming phone call? Preferably without any costs on the data sim and extra costs on the phone sim either for me nor for the calling party.
Call deflection an possible option?
Since its probably a common issue im ashamed that I couldnt find any solution. Would be nice if I could still get some reply.
Thanks in advance,
Also have a look on this thread please:
You can take a look at this thread :
Actually, I don't recall any dual SIM adaptor allowing 2 SIMs online at the same time. Looks like you need a phone able to handle that specific feature.
Your phone is able to handle 2 different lines at the same time ... but on the same SIM card. Some Operators used to provide this type of plan. A plan, 2 different numbers ... But same Operator !
I've heard that ETEN will release a Dual SIM PDAPhone (DX900) :
Anyway, I've been looking for the answer ... But, nothing yet.
Here is a workaround
Dual SIM WM Phone.
frav said:
Here is a workaround
Dual SIM WM Phone.
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here's my review
As first thanks for the replys!
frav said:
(...) Your phone is able to handle 2 different lines at the same time ... but on the same SIM card. (...)
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This really sounds interesting, since I've got both of my most frequently used sims at the same provider. (Telefone/- and Dataflat)
Maybe my provider is willing to attach them both sims into one, or else theres still the chance of "doing by self". Another point is that those contracts dont have such a long lifetime anymore, so most likely this will be pretty mutch possible.
Sounds way better than buying a new phone, with the possibility of using two sim cards simultaneously.
Only one thing troubles me, since I've wrote about the HTC Adv beeing the mentioned device while it is Universal. Does that one have that feature aswell? I hope and pray, since this seems to be my last chance of having it more user friendly.
Any reply mutch obliged,

