Issues with my HD2 (Optus Australia - Italian Fone) - HD2 General

Been having some problems with my HD2 as of late. If this is the wrong forum to post, please point me elsewhere.
Purchased original one via Mobicity - turned out it was a HK version. I dropped it and smashed the screen, so got a replacement one (purchased thru Mobicity again) under my insurance.
Not sure the origins of the second fone though. When it arrived, it was in Italian. Had to send it back to M/City to reflash it with (what I believe to be ) a WWE version.
Details on startup screen:
D 1.66.76641
Have left the phone as-is after it was reflashed with an English ROM and returned to me. Has worked perfectly for about 8 months. Recent issues only occurring last 2 months or so.
Issues having lately:
* Randomly reboots itself - completely randomly. Sometimes, while not even touching the phone, sometimes while typing a text or browsing the net.
* Battery usage lately has been horrendous. Hard to pin an exact figure on it, but it's MUCH MUCH worse than usual, over the last 2 months.
* CONSTANTLY dropping signal & Data connection. I can watch the data/signal symbols switch from nothing, to G, to 3G, to H, and back again within the space of seconds. On occasions, when the data-conn drops out (but fone signal remains), I go into connection settings and find the Data Settings slider is switched off! I must manually go and turn it on again... which sometimes works, and sometimes fails to stay on.
I HAVE manually gone into the settings and told it to update to the latest data settings from my provider (Optus) and it always responds that I already have the latest settings.
Often, the only way to get data connection back is to manually reboot the whole fone.
Sometimes, while browsing a simple website on the fone, it will drop connection. I live in Brisbane. Optus advises Brisbane has absolute FULL coverage, until you start going outskirts. I can be in the city centre gardens (no big buildings to block signals) and still not achieve full "H" or even "3G" speeds... most times only achieving simple "G" speeds.
This is obviously not right I HAVE contacted Optus about this, and they suggest it is an issue with the phone, as they insist they have full coverage brisbane-wide.
I have also noticed, in the last 2-weeks or so, that Cookies Home Tab is not working correctly all the time.
On occasions - but not ALL the time - on my home-page CHT displays appointments that are already passed days or even weeks ago.
Sometimes, when adding a new appointment (either manually in the fone, or via the MyPhone website and synching), it will not display at all in CHT.
I know there is a new version of CHT, but some of the technical info on the website sounds like there can be issues with not correctly un- or re- installing it.
I've still got a couple of months left for my manufacturer warranty.... I'm not keen on reflashing with un-official ROMS until after that period has elapsed... then i'm keen to go for it. If that is my only option, then I will consider, but would prefer a "genuine" fix first.
Can anyone please offer some suggestions, hints, experiences ? I haven't been on the forums for months, and now the HD2 thread is some 10-episodes of 30+ pages, so I have no hope in hell of reading thru all that hoping to find an answer.
Suggestions please for possible reasons, or fixes, or a different WWE English ROM to flash to ?
Note also: My serial number does not appear to be Asian in origin. I have tried to d/l the Asia Pacific, the Worldwide, and the HK latest ROMS... but it fails upon serial number. I have not tried, but I assume my fone is Italian model, hence any ROM that I flash must be d/loadable from another source, not the HTC website.
Please also note: I'm not - at this point - interested in running Android, so (without wanting to sound ungrateful) if any help could avoid suggestions of that nature please.
Thanx in advance for any assistance.

spinifex74 said:
Been having some problems with my HD2 as of late. If this is the wrong forum to post, please point me elsewhere.
Purchased original one via Mobicity - turned out it was a HK version. I dropped it and smashed the screen, so got a replacement one (purchased thru Mobicity again) under my insurance.
Not sure the origins of the second fone though. When it arrived, it was in Italian. Had to send it back to M/City to reflash it with (what I believe to be ) a WWE version.
Details on startup screen:
D 1.66.76641
Have left the phone as-is after it was reflashed with an English ROM and returned to me. Has worked perfectly for about 8 months. Recent issues only occurring last 2 months or so.
Issues having lately:
* Randomly reboots itself - completely randomly. Sometimes, while not even touching the phone, sometimes while typing a text or browsing the net.
* Battery usage lately has been horrendous. Hard to pin an exact figure on it, but it's MUCH MUCH worse than usual, over the last 2 months.
* CONSTANTLY dropping signal & Data connection. I can watch the data/signal symbols switch from nothing, to G, to 3G, to H, and back again within the space of seconds. On occasions, when the data-conn drops out (but fone signal remains), I go into connection settings and find the Data Settings slider is switched off! I must manually go and turn it on again... which sometimes works, and sometimes fails to stay on.
I HAVE manually gone into the settings and told it to update to the latest data settings from my provider (Optus) and it always responds that I already have the latest settings.
Often, the only way to get data connection back is to manually reboot the whole fone.
Sometimes, while browsing a simple website on the fone, it will drop connection. I live in Brisbane. Optus advises Brisbane has absolute FULL coverage, until you start going outskirts. I can be in the city centre gardens (no big buildings to block signals) and still not achieve full "H" or even "3G" speeds... most times only achieving simple "G" speeds.
This is obviously not right I HAVE contacted Optus about this, and they suggest it is an issue with the phone, as they insist they have full coverage brisbane-wide.
I have also noticed, in the last 2-weeks or so, that Cookies Home Tab is not working correctly all the time.
On occasions - but not ALL the time - on my home-page CHT displays appointments that are already passed days or even weeks ago.
Sometimes, when adding a new appointment (either manually in the fone, or via the MyPhone website and synching), it will not display at all in CHT.
I know there is a new version of CHT, but some of the technical info on the website sounds like there can be issues with not correctly un- or re- installing it.
I've still got a couple of months left for my manufacturer warranty.... I'm not keen on reflashing with un-official ROMS until after that period has elapsed... then i'm keen to go for it. If that is my only option, then I will consider, but would prefer a "genuine" fix first.
Can anyone please offer some suggestions, hints, experiences ? I haven't been on the forums for months, and now the HD2 thread is some 10-episodes of 30+ pages, so I have no hope in hell of reading thru all that hoping to find an answer.
Suggestions please for possible reasons, or fixes, or a different WWE English ROM to flash to ?
Note also: My serial number does not appear to be Asian in origin. I have tried to d/l the Asia Pacific, the Worldwide, and the HK latest ROMS... but it fails upon serial number. I have not tried, but I assume my fone is Italian model, hence any ROM that I flash must be d/loadable from another source, not the HTC website.
Please also note: I'm not - at this point - interested in running Android, so (without wanting to sound ungrateful) if any help could avoid suggestions of that nature please.
Thanx in advance for any assistance.
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Hi, I to have an HD2 in Oz from Mobicity - though never got an Italian version. To be honest, the only time I had an issues like those you are talking about was when I flashed new roms WITHOUT 'Task 29' first. Look it up. It kind of "cleans up" your phone inbetween cooked roms. But as you have only had Official roms on your phone, this might not be the issue.
To be honest, I don't think you Task 29 anyway until you put HSPL on your phone (this allows you to put cooked Roms on), but as soon as you do this, you void your warranty. Now you can take HSPL off before you send it back, but if your phone was to die BEFORE you took it off and then you sent it back, you'd be ****ed if they managed to power it up.
As you're under warranty, I'd send it back to be fixed and explain the fact that they had another rom on when you first got it.
ps. You may want to quickly check online to make sure you are running the most uptodate Rom for your phone on the HTC website.

Did u try hard-reseting your phone by pressing the volume up and down and the power button at the same time. Usually fixes many issues relating to yours. It might have been caused by a programs problem which corrupted main system files.

Thanx guys for responses.
luckych said:
Hi, Did u try hard-reseting your phone......
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Not yet, no..... will go through that process tonight. Was just worried that hard-setting it MAY end up back with the Italian settings (on the off-chance it still has an Italian ROM, but has just been set to display in English) ???
Can anyone identify the ROM details in my original post, as being WWE (I assume this means World Wide English?)
I cannot find anywhere that lists if those numbers mean WWE or English ?

Further to this... i just found this thread here:
This is almost exactly what my phone is doing too, so I suspect it may be the same cause.
One thing I forgot to mention in my original post here, is that sometimes, after the fone reboots itself, it fails to boot up again and all the handset buttons fail to respond. The little red reset button does not work either.
Doesn't happen EVERY time, but occasionally, the only way to resurrect the phone is to remove the battery for 30 mins or so, then reinstall and try again.
Obviously a very real issue - and it seems a known one - perhaps time to return for warranty fix or replacement.
Thanx all for responses in this thread - I will monitor the other thread now for further news.

when you hard-reset it reverts it back to the last rom you had, if it was WWE then it would reload that.
Remember when someone load's another rom on your phone it complete (kinda) erases the old rom and replaces it so there would be nothing that would revert it to the italy ROM.
R (Radio Version)
G (Protocol version)
D 1.66.76641 (ROM Version) could be anything
Usually the Italy ROM only has one language in the rom so my guess would be it has the WWE, by looking at the numbers above no-one would be able to tell you what you what rom it is.
Hope this helps

luckych said:
when you hard-reset it reverts it back to the last rom you had, if it was WWE then it would reload that.
Remember when someone load's another rom on your phone it complete (kinda) erases the old rom and replaces it so there would be nothing that would revert it to the italy ROM.
R (Radio Version)
G (Protocol version)
D 1.66.76641 (ROM Version) could be anything
Usually the Italy ROM only has one language in the rom so my guess would be it has the WWE, by looking at the numbers above no-one would be able to tell you what you what rom it is.
Hope this helps
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Thankyou mate.... that makes it a lot clearer
Will try the hard-reset method tonite and-reinstall only the apps (if it ok to use that term, for WM programs !!!) that I need.
Have also been given a link to the latest WWE ROM to flash, from Mobicity, so will hard-reset, to clear any crap, then re-flash with the new ROM.
Just curious... I know I should remove the memory card when resetting/reflashing (i'm not doing dual-boot with Android), but should I also remove the SIM card too? Eg: Get the background system installed and running, then power-off, insert SIM, power-on to get the network specifics up and running ???

My Guess
I have a Telstra HD2, running the latest Telstra ROM and CHT 1.8.5. The phone reboots regularly of its own accord. Seems to be related to overheating as the base of the phone is quite hot when it reboots. If the phone get really hot, it will not re-start (stays at white screen). Have had to put the phone in the fridge to get it to work.
I don't know if this is related but I have a cradle that I use to connect my HD2 to my work PC. If the HD2 is running SenseUI, after the HD2 was been in the cradle for a while, the HD2 re-starts. This does not happen if I disable SenseUI. It seems that the restart only occurs after the battery reaches 100%.
The restarting occurs with CHT 2.0 beta as well.
When I get a chance, I'll do a hard reset and see if that fixes the problem.

Hmmmm....... seems to be a recurring issue with some of the "newer" phones. My original phone - before I dropped it and smashed the screen - never had any of the issues I'm currently experiencing
I've read somewhere on here that the rebooting issue is suspected to be from early-production snapdragon processors..... which SHOULD be an immediate warranty claim, in my opinion.
I will try the hard-reset, and then a fresh Official ROM install, to see if it solves it.



I am having problems with my XDA (T-Mobile Phone Edition). Here are the symptoms:
- The system runs extremely slowly (it takes several seconds for the start menu to come up, for instance).
- So, I soft-reset the device.
- The T-Mobile splash screen comes on with version info (4.01.16), but with an *empty* R and G above them. (No radio version displayed, and no whatever-G-stands-for displayed).
- I wait.
- I wait some more.
- After waiting about 20 minutes, the Today screen finally comes on. Again, the system is extremely slow, and the phone part does not work at all.
- If I try to boot into the Wallaby boot loader, I get the dreaded "GSM Error".
A little more info:
I had upgraded to 4.01.16 at a ROM kitchen about a week ago, as well as upgraded the radio stack to the latest T-Mobile (6.25.02 I believe.). The system was running fine until yesterday.
When I first discovered the issue yesterday, I tried several attemps to reboot, then finally had to resort to a hard-reset.
The hard-reset succeeded, then I reinstalled all my applications, settings, and data. I did a couple of soft-resets to be sure it was working. It was.
This morning, I noticed the extreme slowness issue again, and soft-reset the device, and the same thing happened.
So, I happened to be near my local T-Mobile retailer, and explained the issue. He played with the device for awhile and was on the phone with a technician from T-Mobile. He hard-reset the phone and declared it fixed.
He did say he had to change the internet settings from internet3 to internet2. My internet had been working fine all week, and I'm sure I was on internet2, but in his words, "If you are on the wrong internet setting, you can't connect to the internet, the phone, or anything." Now I know he's either full of it, or misinformed, although he was extremely helpful and pleasant.
So....the question is: What *is* going on with my phone? I saw a reference on this board to something called, but I didn't see it associated with any particular symptoms, so I'm hesitant to try it yet.
I'm 90% sure that my phone isn't permanently fixed, so I'm putting this out to the gallant men and women of xda-developers for insight.
Windows Mobile 2003 has a realy nasty bug that microsoft is aware of and is providing a hotfix for.
WM2003 tends to not delete any notifications it collects from applications.
On Soft-Resets there are even more notifications wich in addition to the not deleted notifications from before add up and add up to more and more slow down the OS.
My advice since i'm extremly lazy and don't want to search for the exact link for the fix:
Go to this kitchen:
And check the following 3 options:
create 'System Tools' subfolder under 'Programs'
- Check Notifications (Version 1.6 ) (29 kB)
- Notification Clear Fix (Version 1.1 ) (5 kB)
Registry hacks and defaults
- Fix 'multiple resets make device slow' bug (not A.30.0x)
while the first one gives you an application to manualy delete outdated notifications, the second one seems to be the official MS fix for the problem, while the 3rd seems to be an inofficial fix from the good guys here at XDA dev.
always worked for me
OptimismPrime said:
My advice since i'm extremly lazy and don't want to search for the exact link for the fix:
Go to this kitchen:
And check the following 3 options:
create 'System Tools' subfolder under 'Programs'
- Check Notifications (Version 1.6 ) (29 kB)
- Notification Clear Fix (Version 1.1 ) (5 kB)
Registry hacks and defaults
- Fix 'multiple resets make device slow' bug (not A.30.0x)
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Funny thing is, I'm pretty sure that I selected these options when I cooked my ROM. Looking in my startup folder, I see clear_notify.exe.
And I'm not entirely convinced that it is the problem related to the notifications bug anyway. What I'm seeing is that the entire GSM functionality seems to have been blown away somehow, and the device is acting as if something were cranking at 100% CPU.
Hi ...
I faced what you are talking about long time ago ... this is purely RSU problem and especially if the "Debug/Calibrate" option of the GSM is triggered by mistake or due to ROM bug.
Try to do GSM reset from the bootloader GSM menu ... it may take many times to stop this symptom ... but don't try to change the band!
Good luck.
JasonLP said:
I am having problems with my XDA (T-Mobile Phone Edition). Here are the symptoms:
- The T-Mobile splash screen comes on with version info (4.01.16), but with an *empty* R and G above them. (No radio version displayed, and no whatever-G-stands-for displayed).-Jason-
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you have problem of your XDA GSM radio stack!
cgigate said:
you have problem of your XDA GSM radio stack!
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How do I resolve this?
when you see "GSM Error" from bootloader.
it means you have bad radio stack upgrade, you need send to T-mobile to exhchange. so first thing you need send it back.
if they cannot help you, I could help you to repair it at a fee!
cgigate said:
when you see "GSM Error" from bootloader.
it means you have bad radio stack upgrade, you need send to T-mobile to exhchange. so first thing you need send it back.
if they cannot help you, I could help you to repair it at a fee!
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Anybody else have any suggestions?
old boy this is a problem that is solved here daily. Search for "radio stack" on this site. You are sure to find the solution
Famous "GSM error" after upgrading,
The best way is to send to your service provider to repair (exchange) , see All USA based sad Radio Stack (Failed) users
you may see some solutions in the forum, but most of them not working (not duplicable) , it could make XDA worse. some people lucky, most people not.... search keyword "GSM Error".

My Magician freezes

Hello all,
last week I got my new HTC Magician, here in Austria so called "T-Mobile MDA Compact". Unfortunately I have the problem, that my device freezes from time to time (at least 1 time a day). This happens most of the time when using the T-Mobile IntelliDialer, but sometimes it happens even when I do not use the device at all.
When the problem occurs, I am not able to make or receive a call, the upper status LED is gone as well (no signal, no blinking).
When I got the device I had ROM 1.13 installed, but after I heard that maybe this could cause the problems, I installed version 1.12 from T-Mobile site, but still have the same problems.
Now I am really out of ideas, don't know what to do. It seems I am not the only one with this problem, so I am afraid it hase no sense to switch the device with a new one @ a T-Mobile shop. Or do you guys have a "good", normal running Magician w/o this bug?
Thanks in advance for your help!
Greetings, Matthias
Helle again,
As you've got the same problems on rom 1.12 & 1.13 and you got it just for a week I'd say go back and get another one. There are people with simular issues and I guess there are much more users without it, like myself.
So my advice use your warrenty, make a backup of your contacts etc. first with sprite (trial version is available) or AS or whatever, saves you a lot of times. I won't restore the apps just reinstall, maybe it is some combination of a faulty program & with a backup you get that back as well. And it gives you the chance to determine, if possible, what's causing the freeze.
Good luck, M
ok, then thanks again
Today I made a ROM update @ T-Mobile. If that did not the trick (I will look for errors the next days), then I will use my warranty and change the device itself. I hope they don't send it to technical support somewhere, but give me another one instead...
Greetings and thanks for your infos, Matthias
haimat said:
Hello all,
last week I got my new HTC Magician, here in Austria so called "T-Mobile MDA Compact". Unfortunately I have the problem, that my device freezes from time to time (at least 1 time a day). This happens most of the time when using the T-Mobile IntelliDialer, but sometimes it happens even when I do not use the device at all.
When the problem occurs, I am not able to make or receive a call, the upper status LED is gone as well (no signal, no blinking).
When I got the device I had ROM 1.13 installed, but after I heard that maybe this could cause the problems, I installed version 1.12 from T-Mobile site, but still have the same problems.
Now I am really out of ideas, don't know what to do. It seems I am not the only one with this problem, so I am afraid it hase no sense to switch the device with a new one @ a T-Mobile shop. Or do you guys have a "good", normal running Magician w/o this bug?
Thanks in advance for your help!
Greetings, Matthias
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I have been using my Magician for almost 8-9 months .. moving from ROM version 1.11 to 1.13 WWE BigStorage (radio 1.11 to 1.13 as well).Recently (last 1mth or so) I start to notice that I have a strange problem similiar to you, my 'radio' would 'hang' where I cannot receive or make calls, can't even receive or send SMS. However, my signal (the top bar signal strengh) will still work. This is really fustrating .. because the PDA still works, I won't know when my Magician 'hangs' ... (at least until I try to send SMS or make a call).
I've downgraded to Radio 1.11 & ROM 1.11 ... I'm still facing this problem, but not as often (sometime once in 2 days). The strange thing is that my wife who is using a Magician as well, is facing the same problem (symptom arrise almost the same time together). Both our phone used to be fine.
So far, no luck trying to locate the source of the problem, and I don't think both our magician's hardware got screwed at the same time ... I have a feeling, it has something to do with GPRS ... gut feel ... but cannot confirm.
Anyone face this problem and managed to solve it, I would appreciate any pointers ... Many thanks!
Note : I don't install additional ROM software such as CallerID, etc ... I only use intellidialer.
Hello, you could be right with your GPRS feeling, I have it as well...
Is the LED of your device blinking, when you have one of these freezes?
Hi guys,
Don't know if this gets you on the right track, but a few months ago I had major memory problems with my magician. Thought it was a virus, probably was one or two today plug-ins that consumed all of my memory very rapidly. Think of plug-ins like OO journalbar. Didn't look at the led blinking I just soft-reseted to solved the prob. for a few minutes. Very inconvenience when you're navigating in a car.
Since I ditched these plug-ins eveything is fine, tried them afterwards of course & noticed the memory leaks.
When you're not using anything like those apps. it must be something else. Maybe there's something on the forum.
Cheers, M
I thought about some apps or plugins as problem source too, so I refreshed my device without installing any additional app to it -- no success. So I still have these hangups, even if I have no tool installed...
Sounds like really s..tty problem.
Does the use of gprs or phone functionalities make any difference? what happens when you skip the ext-rom installation (hard-reset & soft-reset just before the customization kicks in) & go for basic WM2003, without all the TMO apps&branding?
... tried this allready, but without any difference, device freezes serveral times a day. I would say it's a hardware fault, can't think of another problem source.
Yesterday I spoke with a T-Mobile tech @ T-Mobile support. He told me, he is not aware of this problem and he always had "good" devices. And he updated my ROM to latest version...
Since I still have the problem, I will change my device now and see if this makes any difference!
I think exchanging your magician is the best option, the techi might be right in saying he only encountered good ones. Haven't found much error reports like yours, so the rest must be good (look at the bright side). Hope you can trade it directly without any hassle & enjoy your magician for the rest of it's lifetime.
Found some people with a universal with simular probs. didn't read all posts though there were so many. So can't tell you how it ended, it's about a JasJas that hangs and hangs and ...
In the meantime good luck with the change of your device.
Cheers, M

End call doesn't end call...

I have the 8525 with WM6 installed. About 1 in 40 times, the End Call option doesn't display that the call ended (on my side). I attempt to still talk to the other person but I can't hear them, though. After about 2 minutes later, it finally ends the connection. I must do a soft reset to temporarily fix it; the only drawback is that the most previous call isn't shown as being made.
About 1 in 80 times, the call attempts to be made, but doesn't connect at all. I try to End Call, but it seems to "freeze" the screen. The "Close screen" seems to help, as in 30 seconds the device finally quits trying to connect.
Another thing I noticed, after the phone freezes, the antenna signal drops to zero and then returns to about 2 - 3 bars of signal, about 5 seconds later. I'm not sure if that is the cause of the phone hanging, or not. Is there any kind of software to resolve this issue? It's really annoying! Thanks for any help!
is that a cooked rom or official? what's your radio version and carrier?
I'm thinking u need a different radio verson...(u must have hardspl to flash another radio version)...
I got the 8525 as a reconditioned from AT&T about 3 weeks ago. It came with WM5, and I had the above calling issues back then too. I then was informed on the boards here to upgrade to WM6, which I downloaded from HTC, via the AT&T website link.
As for programs, I removed the AT&T "bloatware" via the hard reset trick. Later, I installed S2U2, HTC Streaming Media, HTweakC2.1b, and the PTTFix software. One other program on the 8525 is OCN8 -- for my iBlue 737 Bluetooth GPS device. There are no other files that I can recall, except maps, songs, internet .jpgs, and (camera) pictures/videos.
ROM Version: 3.62.502.3
ROM Date: 10/11/07
Radio Version:
Protocol Version: 32.86u.7020.23H
I do appreciate and try to understand all of the replies that I receive, and I do try to respond within a timely manner. I understand that people are busy and may have other careers as well. However, the thing that makes me pull my hair out is when someone starts to assist my problem, then just ditches the thread after my reply, without so much as an "I'm sorry, but I'm not able to solve your problem" at the minimum! Normally, I give a 48 hour window for the helper or any more helpers to reply before I get frustrated, but it's been way past that timeframe now!
I've noticed that phenomenon on 3 of my prior posts, each are on different subjects. It seems that after the first reply, no one but the original helper responds! If that original helper is busy, or just forgets about the thread, then I'm screwed over.
Sorry to rant, but I tried looking all over the boards for the best Radio program. All I seem to find is best ROMs, but not really Radios. I've seen 2 other Radio programs in signatures, but I'm not sure what one would be best for my purposes. I've seen mention of 1.47.30 & in some members' signatures, but I'm hesitant to just "trial and error" one, for fear it would damage my device. I currently have the WM6 default version, but it freezes up on making some calls and more often on ending a current call.
Anyone else for ideas or opinions on what Radio program to use? Please back up your opinion with facts when possible. I am not an expert on the device, just a new user who is afraid to ruin my investment.
Much thanks to all who read this post and reply to it!
Hi, just saw your thread & did not know U were still hanging....
I would try radio first, then or if necessary. Seem's a lot of at&t users liked 1.48 from what I noticed (don't forget hardspl - use mrvanx guide in the Mobile 6 forum section)...
Here's the 1.54 thread with pro's, con's, and 1.48 at&t comments...
galaxys said:
I would try radio first, then or if necessary. Seem's a lot of at&t users liked 1.48 from what I noticed (don't forget hardspl - use mrvanx guide in the Mobile 6 forum section)...
Here's the 1.54 thread with pro's, con's, and 1.48 at&t comments...
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Thanks for the reply! I will do the hardspl first, then try to install the Radio. I'll report back with details in a day or two.
My current Image Version is 3.62.502.3, and I am attempting to update it to
I keep having errors while trying to install Radio Version to my 8525, after opening RUU_Inside.exe on my laptop. I've even tried to install it from my microSD card, but I get the tri-color screen instead of the white background with text screen, shown in the online example. The 8525 ActiveSyncs to the computer fine, and the screen shows:
"Updating the ROM image on your PDA phone ...
Please do not remove the USB connection from the PDA Phone or launch any program during the update process.
Remember the operation will take about 10 minutes."
As soon as the above grey box pops up, ActiveSync drops after that box appears, then I get the following message:
"Error [260]: CONNECTION"
I've installed Hard-SPL v.7 onto the 8525 already. Not that it seems to make a difference, I believe, but other programs that are on it include: WMXL 8525 Keyboard Fix, S2U2 1.16, Resco Explorer 2008, PTTFix, MunduRadio, & HTweakC 2.1,
not sure, but did a "search" for error 260 & seems to be your pc usb port:
(use xda google search for any questions)
btw, u are using XP & not Vista on u'r pc.
My laptop has XP (Media Center Edition). I did a search as well, but it was dated back to 2007; I wondered if there was a newer fix than the one on that page, as it referenced the prior version of Hard-SPL. From the sounds of it, I have to install WM5 again, change the radio version (which was the only thing I need to adjust, as the voice calls have been a pain since day one), then reinstall all of my programs again.
I've heard people create ROMs. However, the radio settings can't be included in them . . . or am I off-base with that presumption? I am not that experienced to cook my own ROM, as I am still learning the nuances.
Well I broke down and went on AT&T's online chat. Sounds like there is no software to install to fix the issue. I hoped the radio version switch would help, but I couldn't get it to install! I guess it's back to the Replacement Depot on Sunday. I should return my device to WM5, which I hope to find the thread for on the board.
If interested, here's the key parts of the conversation:
Me: Hi, my 8525 is giving me trouble making and ending calls. It sometimes hangs, and doesn't quit trying to place the call. Once I reset it, it's fine until I try to end the call, it hangs up the call, but not showing so on my side
AT&T: Can you try hard shocking the phone for me please? A hard shock is taking the battery out while the phone is still powered on, and then power the phone back on once the battery is back in the phone.
Me: I received it as a reconditioned from the AT&T depot in Pittsburgh, PA. About 20 minutes later, it did the same thing, so I upgraded to WM6 and still the same issues
AT&T: If you continue to have these issues with this phone, you will need to take the phone back to the Device Support place where you got it from.
Me: Is that a common issue?
AT&T: Sometimes it is with at reconditioned phone.
. . .
AT&T does not have an update for the Windows Mobile 6 at this time. However you may check out HTC website at and see if they have an update for this software for this phone.
Me: So it's the phone, not the software?
AT&T: Yes that is correct. There is a defect within the phone that is causing these issues. If you continue to have these issues with this phone, you will need to take the phone back to the Device Support place where you got it from.
Me: Are you able to explain what causes it that the Device Center doesn't catch it
AT&T: I am not sure what causes this issue.
Me: Like should there be anything done to prevent that from happening?
AT&T: It is hard to tell with reconditioned phones. It may be something that can be fixed and it may not. If the hard shock does not fix this issue and the Device Support cannot, then you will be given another phone.
ohpfan said:
My laptop has XP (Media Center Edition).
I've heard people create ROMs. However, the radio settings can't be included in them . . . or am I off-base with that presumption? I am not that experienced to cook my own ROM, as I am still learning the nuances.
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Ok, your signature is looking good and that is some conversation with good old at&t...bla bla bla
To answer your question above, the chefs cooked roms do not include radio (because everyone around the world uses a different one). But, the Official WM6 rom's do (posted wiki & wm 6 section). So, why don't u flash the official wm6 since u have hardspl now? This in itself may resolve u'r issue (if u don't get the driver pc 260 error)! why would u want to flash wm5?
I was going to return my 8525 to the Service Depot where I got it, is why I mentioned returning it back to WM5 status. However, I wanted to see if it could be fixed by software first, but considering the above online AT&T chat, I am definitely going to get it replaced again. So, I want the 8525 to not show my "3rd party software" to ruin the warranty. I had the 8525 to individually remove the CABs under Remove Programs, and then I did a Clear Memory to default for good measure. Hopefully the Service Depot won't say anything about the device being altered that way.
Oh yea, I am going to get it replaced on Thursday. I will try to get them to give me a new one, not a reconditioned. That is, if there are even any new ones around anymore! It'd be a miracle if they gave me a new 8925 Tilt instead . . . lol I know -- keep dreaming! Wish me luck with a new 8525 though!
Well, I exchanged my current 8525 for another reconditioned one. The repair guy actually asked if I heard of the xda website (for help with my device!), lol!! He didn't go into detail about what this site does, just asked if I heard about it, and I affirmed that I did. Possibly he found traces of programs that changed settings, but he didn't rat me out. He sounded like he was confident that he fixed the phone dialing issues, but gave me a new one "just in case".
As soon as he gave it to me, it booted right up, without the calibration screen. He flat out told me to calibrate it, but it didn't appear. I was trying to see if it would act up with the dialing again, but noticed it didn't save the numbers on my SIM! I then decided to get rid of the bloatware via the Clear Programs and that lead to the calibration screen, finally.
So far it seems to work fine! I made about 6 calls this time and they seem to end properly. There is a slight 30 second or so delay when I press the button with the "red phone symbol" [end call] before the screen lights up again though. Is that normal?
Oh, I've only loaded up S2u2 so far. I will reinsert the others onto my memory card today sometime before work.
Again, so far so good! Only real issue I see is that the ringer volume is very low when the device is in the carrying case I have it in. I will search on here for a ringer volume changer, soon!
Glad U were able to get another phone!
"red phone symbol" [end call] before the screen lights up again though. Is that normal?
No, should end in a few seconds...doesn't seem it's even assigned to the phone (U can use Schaps Advanced Config tool to do this and many more good tweeks).
galaxys said:
No, should end in a few seconds...doesn't seem it's even assigned to the phone (U can use Schaps Advanced Config tool to do this and many more good tweeks).
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The "end call" does it's job, just that the screen is dim then it takes like 30 seconds to brighten again to show that the call is ended. Possibly it's something I have set up wrong. I notice the blue backlight for the keypad doesn't light up until a minute of my typing on it for a text; it's like a delayed reaction.
(I have the unlimited text/pix/vid plan, as of this past Thursday.) A bit off-topic, but are the Yahoo, AOL, & MSN IM programs considered a text or do they use kilobytes of data? I could use the programs over the Wi-Fi if I had to, but I don't want to pay extra for data kilobytes.
Lastly, I have never downloaded the Schaps Configuration. What all settings should I change? I know it's mostly based on personal preference, but what are some common alterations using it? For instance, I set the alarm to wake up to, but it's only a short beep sound. If I really was sleepy, I would probably sleep right through it! Does this program (or any others) configure any song on my device to be the alarm? I've already done that to the ringtone (where the first 30 seconds of any song is my ringtone).
ohpfan said:
The "end call" does it's job, just that the screen is dim then it takes like 30 seconds to brighten again to show that the call is ended. Possibly it's something I have set up wrong. I notice the blue backlight for the keypad doesn't light up until a minute of my typing on it for a text; it's like a delayed reaction. check in Settings>System>Backlight & Keyboard Backlight.
(I have the unlimited text/pix/vid plan, as of this past Thursday.) A bit off-topic, but are the Yahoo, AOL, & MSN IM programs considered a text or do they use kilobytes of data? I could use the programs over the Wi-Fi if I had to, but I don't want to pay extra for data kilobytes. I don't use them, but it should be treated as MMS text.
Lastly, I have never downloaded the Schaps Configuration. What all settings should I change? I know it's mostly based on personal preference, but what are some common alterations using it? For instance, I set the alarm to wake up to, but it's only a short beep sound. If I really was sleepy, I would probably sleep right through it! Does this program (or any others) configure any song on my device to be the alarm? I've already done that to the ringtone (where the first 30 seconds of any song is my ringtone).
Schaps has a number of Performance, Power, UI settings, etc., but no alarm ringtones. U may not need Since u'r using HTweekC.
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see info above...

HD2 - Latest Firmware update [HORRIBLE]

My 2 months old hd2 behaving very oddly after latest firmware update from T-mobile site.
1. Tries to register to the tower every minute , can notice the ... near the signal bar.
2. Time doesnot get synced.
3. No calls recieved for 3 days, had 7 voice mails from friens screaming. No notification on the phone.
Taken it to the store,
1. They tried a new sim card, no use.
2. Master reset no use.
Store called the cusotmer care.
1. They would not put accross to the tech support because need to wait 2 hrs after replacing new sim card. What a b... (really controlling myself not to write nonsense here.)
2. Store guy tried to convience the customer care for 1 hour just to transfer line to tech support . no sucess . Ordered new phone for replacment. So no phone for me till they ship the new one.
Bought HD2 , believing windows 7 will be released soon , believe microsoft fired the top guy who running the programme.
1. How do i come out of the t-mobile contract.
2. can i switch to andriod or even stupid iphone.
I been having cell phone for the past 7-8 years , first time in life without phone for a week.
wondering HD2 dumb phone or dumb tmobile or me -dumb for chosing t-mobile ???
I would suggest you try either flashing back to the previous T-Mobile stock ROM, or to a different radio, that will probably make a big difference in your reception.
Also, did you do a hard reset immediately after flashing to the new ROM?
T-Mobile gives a 14-day buyer's remorse period to be able to return the phone, but you're obviously past that now, so the only way to get out of the contract is to pay the ETF (early term. fee).
As far as the iphone, you would have to buy one elsewhere and get it unlocked to work on T-Mobile's network, and even then you wouldn't get 3G on it.
->not sure what happened in the store , now my battery will not charge, if i pull my power card, it says main batter low and dies off.
I would suggest you try either flashing back to the previous T-Mobile stock ROM, or to a different radio, that will probably make a big difference in your reception.
Also, did you do a hard reset immediately after flashing to the new ROM?
--> I did not do that , not sure if it was mentioned on the site.
senthilvv28 said:
->not sure what happened in the store , now my battery will not charge, if i pull my power card, it says main batter low and dies off..
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check for bent battery pins.
What firmware update? Has there been one in the last two months?
Phantoms said:
What firmware update? Has there been one in the last two months?
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I'm assuming he's talking about the 2.13 ROM.
senthilvv28 said:
->not sure what happened in the store , now my battery will not charge, if i pull my power card, it says main batter low and dies off.
I would suggest you try either flashing back to the previous T-Mobile stock ROM, or to a different radio, that will probably make a big difference in your reception.
Also, did you do a hard reset immediately after flashing to the new ROM?
--> I did not do that , not sure if it was mentioned on the site.
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I would first check the battery pins like samsamuel suggested, that might be the source of your batt issue now.
Then, I would first try a hard-reset as a fix for your original problems, and if that doesn't work then try a different radio.
I would just flash a custom rom to it. I use Kumars classic rom and my phones bullet proof. I don't ever need to reset or ever reboot it. I did find one bug and that was that the file explorer extenerder cab would hand if you tried to close it in task manager. So I just intal it if I need it which isnt' very often.
Sorry for the delayed reply.
The battery pin is bent, waiting for T-mobile to ship the new phone.
Hopefully will install the custom rom and let you guys know.
Thanks for your help.
senthilvv28 said:
Sorry for the delayed reply.
The battery pin is bent, waiting for T-mobile to ship the new phone.
Hopefully will install the custom rom and let you guys know.
Thanks for your help.
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Give the stock 2.13 a try with class 6 (or class 4 minimum) microsd card...I was all about custom ROM's with my android phone but I've had the HD2 for almost 3 months now and I have yet to try and flash a custom ROM. Why? Because the stock works really well. I've never gone this long without flashing a custom ROM...
I love my HD2. iPhone is not as good.
2.13. SUCKS!!!
Just wanted to let you know that ur lucky because since the update of 2.13 I've been having to restart my phone very often. I noticed before the update that when tring to send a message while receiveing one that my phone would freeze within the message screen. Now after the update no matter what once i'm receiving a message my whole phone freezes. It's a pain in the ass and tmobile programming team sucks!!!! Can someone please stare me in the direction of a good rom that I won't have this issue with and which is fast!!!! PLEASE!
having the same problem here,my answer was going back to stock and then i flashed an energy rom it freezes some times but not as often once or twice day
Pollirox79 said:
having the same problem here,my answer was going back to stock and then i flashed an energy rom it freezes some times but not as often once or twice day
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I have had Energy Rom (the "Unstable" ver) for months now and NEVER locked up. I have had to reboot the phone like once a week if it starts acting a little odd, but NEVER locked up. If your locking up this often, get a new phone under warrantee ASAP!
Gsm Elite Rom
Try my Gsm Elite Rom.
I will post on my site in about 1 hour 30 minutes.
(Just a cooked 2.13 rom with some fixes and demo games removed, mobil tv removed, ereader removed, etc.)
Runs solid.
Link to my site is in the signature,

dropping signal and missed calls

hey guys lately my hd2 has been dropping its signal randomly and when I try to text somebody, im also having the problem of me not receiving phone calls from people but seeing on theirphone that they called me. I asked for help awhile back but no one replied so I figured I try again and maybe this time someone can help me, please this is so annoying!
idk its weird i'm having the same problem with my phone. earlier this week i can make calls and text just fine with no problems now my phone keeps telling me it lost connection or unable to send text.
It also happens to me once in a while. It'll have full signal bars, but when I go to make the call, it'll update and tell me there's no signal and won't let me call. It even happens if I don't go to make a call. It's really frustrating since it won't get a signal again for a couple of minutes.
I'm glad im not the only one with this problem now only if we can get some help with this issue than this thread wont be a total waste
Well, the only thing I can say, is you guys need to put some info up about your phones, like maybe the Radio version and the ROM version ...
Good things to keep in your sig ..
Might be able to help, but sounds like you guys might just need a radio update ....
Had problems when i first had the phone but with the following i have not had any issues, also running android 2.1 with out any issues as well.
HSPL2, I know HSPL3 is/has been out and is recommended, but is there any advantage in using it, i don't want to change if i don't need to
O.S. 5.2.21908 (21908.5.0.93)
Manila 2.5.20161332.0
Energy.Leo.21908.Sense2.5.Cookie.Jul.16 (absolutely love the energy roms, always updated and he includes the program to back up all settings making the update flashes a pleasant experience)
Me too
I've been having very similar problems. Additionally, my 3G transfer rate seems to cap out at around 2 Mbps, despite living in an area that supposedly has HSPA+ data (Rochester, New York).
I'm using the stock T-Mobile ROM (the updated one), version 2.13.531.1 (90963) WWE. ROM date 4/28/10
Radio version is
I've been hesitant to flash an unofficial ROM or a new radio because I don't want to void my warranty before I've ruled out the possibility of a hardware flaw. I initiated a trouble ticket with T-Mobile smartphone support late last week, but haven't heard anything back yet.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Please let me know if I can provide any more info.
I'd like locations too. I haven't had so much as a hick up on my HD2 in over a month. No dropped calls, no connection issues. Etc.... I'm curious if this is happening in certain locations and may be a tower issue over a phone issue. People usually fail to realize your phone really only represents about 20% of your phone quality. Tower location, landmarks, buldings, rain, humitdity, cement walls, etc... all have effects on your signal. When I had the stock HD2 rom installed I would get calls breaking up in my apt. But I could just open the door and go outside and it cleared right up. Now since running Kumars rom I seem to get great reception anywhere I go. Remember TMO's working on their HDSPDA thingy all over the country. They have taken down our 3G network about 6 times this last week for a couple hours at a time. But now I get way way way more (H)'s then (3G)'s now. ALso what are your data speeds? I get 3MB/0.88MB If your getting way less then that their may be somethign wrong with the network or your settings. I've seen as high as 5.5/1.5 out in LA.
wow as long as am not the only one with the problem. but what mine does is it will show full signal and when am making the call i lose it so i wont b able to call
i'm in new york,n.y and i have the htc 2.13 rom and my radio is 2.10. Today i gave somebody my number and they called me right in front of me so i could store their number,i watched their phone ring and my phone showed full bars and didnt ring once. they had to call me again and then it went through,i'm thinking about upgrading my radio but dont know how to yet and if i need to flash a custom rom in order to do so.
Have u tried looking into ur task manager and viewing which tasks r running (end all tasks)? I was having the same problems and I just could not figure what was going on and I have talked with others and they asked me about consistently ending my tasks as much as possible, which could slow down ur phone. Well, I noticed that everytime I would go and view my task manager that my phone was in active sync (I believe has to do with my email accounts bc they r constantly syncing no matter if I had put to check every 1 hr/2hr/30min so...what I did was disable all of my email accounts and what do u phone hasn't been syncing out of the blue and causing drop calls PERIOD! Now, there is a difference between Active Sync and Windows Sync PC, however, Windows Sync is only when ur USB is plugged into ur PC. Well, I hope this help some...!

