Unable to change PIN on the Desire HD - Desire HD General

I've encounter an interesting problem with my Desire HD, which I'm not certain if it is a fault.
Like all mobile phones, you can enable SIM locking for which the phone will prompt for a PIN whenever it's switched on.
However this was never the case with my Desire HD (Vodafone Australia ROM), as every time I tried to change my SIM's PIN, it failed. Despite I had the check box ticked (for lock SIM card), it never ask for a PIN when I power up the unit.
Then I took the SIM out and put it into a normal mobile, it turn out the lock SIM feature was not enabled (despite it's ticked in the Desire HD). After I've enabled SIM lock with the SIM and changed the PIN on the SIM with a different mobile phone, followed by putting the SIM card back into the Desire HD - bingo, it prompt for the PIN for the first time.
Now I tried to change the PIN with the Desire HD - it repeatedly failing with a message saying "Incorrect PIN!", despite it has pass the Old PIN check and prompt for the new PIN and new PIN retype. The number of retries never decrement - always stuck at the count of 3 (despite it says Incorrect PIN).
I once tried to show this problem to the distributor - but the problem stopped showing at the store. Now 2 weeks afterward and I've re-tried the scenario - the problem re-appeared.
I wonder if I'm a one off case, or is this a known defect with the Desire HD or a defect confined with the Vodafone Australia ROM.

Just tested on mine (UK unlocked/unbranded DHD on Vodafone). The SIM had been carried over from my old phone with the existing pin code and worked fine. Just changed it, powered off then on. Pin was asked for and it accepted the new pin. Changed pin back to my old pin, powered off/then on and, again, the pin was asked for and accepted.

Thanks for trying out.
As this feature is probably the least use feature, it is unlikely there will be any significant response on this topic.
I've reported this to HTC and their response is to perform a "Factory reset" and see if the problem persist - seriously this is not really acceptable as I'm reporting a fault and all they care about is to see if resetting the unit will "fix" the problem.
There are two issues I have with this approach:
1: It is uncertain if the problem will go away afterward
2: I will loose all my settings / apps on the unit after the reset
Why can't they be a bit more constructive with a proper internal diagnosis first?

Ever found a solution? I have the same prob. the sim 'retries' always stay at 3.

The sim may vary, uim seemed fine will old sim from 2007 stuck? My test result.
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App

same problem as @tleehm above
@tleehm have you managed to find a solution? I have the exact same problem with same scenario much appreciative of your reply

I suppose it can be some lock on the SIM card preventing You from changing/turning off PIN code.
I experienced the same issue, and tried to put my SIM in two other phones other tha htc desire HD and turn off the PIN code on them - all failed.
I have corporate SIM card so I am pretty sure that it is unable to turn off PIN code on them.


Potential security problem on Wizard (XDA Mini)

I just experienced something on my XDA that might pose a security risk if your handset gets stolen.
After a freeze-up, i had soft-reset my device and as it rebooted, i recieved a text message.
I'm no expert on how SIM cards work, but from what i observed the SIM must have logged onto the GSM network for a fraction of a second before asking me for my PIN. By chance the message arrived at exactly that time and interrupted the process - my Wizard loaded (without any today plug-ins) and was fully useable, phone and all!
I doubt that anyone could deliberately recreate the situation, but it IS a way around the SIM security.
Just thought i'd inform you all in case anyone fancied working out how to patch it.
maybe it got the text at the while it locked up but saved it and didnt let you know you had it till after the soft reboot?

SimLock on bootup?

After sending off my second VarioII for the screen alignment issue to be fixed, instead of repairing it T-Mobile sent me a new device. I picked up the device from my local T-Mob shop, and started up the device. It went through it's normal boot up process then stopped with a screen saying that the 'Network is locked, please enter an unlock code'. In the top left hand corned the app name is displayed, it's called SimLock.
I've never had a lock on my SIM card, and it was exactly the same card that I had been using minutes early in a temporary replacement phone.
Anyway, T-Mob couldnt help me. They first gave me a 4 digit code to enter then an 8 digit PUK code, none of which worked. Also, each time I enter a number the time between tries becomes longer. I think there is also a limit (10?) on the number of tries before the SIM is rendered useless?
So, I think I will try the SIM in a replacement at the shop to check that's ok then I will ask for a replacement, cos' as far as I'm concerned it was broken when I received it, and I dont want to wait another 2 weeks for it to come back from repair.
Anyone else had this experience?
Hi PeekBee,
The SimLock program is the network lock HTC use. I might also be used to lock the phone to a single SIM card but I'm not sure if SimLock is used for that. It appears however that the phone you have been given as a replacement has the wrong security settings enabled.
Thanks Gav,
After spending a great deal of time on the phone to T-Mob tech support they've finally agreed that they can't get around the issue and will ship out a new one. This will be my 4th Vario II!

Factory reset to cure all problems?

Is there such a thing as a Factory reset? If so, would it basically fix all problems, restoring the phone to it's defaults?
I used the lokiwiz program to attempt to sim unlock my SPV M600, and although I was able to use another netwrok's sim card, I am not able to use my original sim card any more.
I'm hoping some kind of full reset can fix this?
Does anyone know how to fix my problem, or whether resetting the phone will fix it?
I tried holding the power button + pushing the reset pin, but that didn't fix it. As I understand, that was a only a 'hard reset'
Thanks for any help
** update **
I've since performed a a factory reset (camera+commMgr buttons+reset pin, followed by 'send' key) but it did not help.
Can anyone suggest how I can fix this problem to either fully unlock the phone to all sim cards including my original, or to revert it back to how it was?
Many thanks
To attack this from another direction, do you think that if I were to take it to one of these 'unlock your mobile for £20' places, that they'd effectively fix it by unlocking it properly?
This sounds strange. Though I can't be sure, I suspect the problem might be with your original SIM and not the phone.
I would try two things if possible before paying for any solution:
1) Try your original SIM in another phone.
2) Try another SIM from the same company as your original SIM in your phone.
At the very least you will know for sure where the problem is.
I considered not posting this because in doing so I would be revealing to the world the full extent to my ineptituder and stupidity.
But for the sake of others, cursed with a similar level of intelligence, here are my findings:
I did have two different phones, and two different sim cards.
After using lokiwix to unlock my M600 (which at the time had an Orange SIM in it), I inserted the other sim, entered the code, and it worked.
Then I put the Orange SIM back in, and it complained, and didn't work.
I then put my Orange SIM in the other (unlocked) phone, and that worked. Back in the M600, and it didn't.
To summarise : Either sim in the other phone worked, but only the other sim worked in the M600, not the original Orange SIM.
Ok, enough waffle.
I asked someone who knew what they were talking about and they said "The missing/incorrect SIM message is nothing to do with unlocking. Try checking the SIM contacts'
I doubted that it could be as simple as that because both SIMs were provably fine, as were both phones.
Nevertheless, I put the orange sim in the m600, and wiggled it a bit to ensure a good contact.
Low and behold, it worked.
Ok, so I feel pretty stupid now.
But if this is of any help to anyone else, then maybe it's worth it.

HD2 PIN won't unlock phone with correct PIN

After having had my HD2 (4th HTC phone) for around 5-6 months, had to do a hard reset ftaer having a problem with the HD2 not recognizing my phone PIN #. Having now had the problem and doing a online search, seems this bug is a fairly common problem. I'd installed a couple of new Garmin maps (China mainland) and altered the gmsup file to read "LOCAL_VER=TAIWAN" from "LOCAL_VER=CHINA" which allows for the use of co-ordinates within GarminXT.
On the next restart of Garmin it started in Traditional Chinese, as opposed to
English or Simplified Chinese. No problem just changed the language settings to what I wanted.
Used the HD2 for several days without incident (and had not made any other changes or installed anything else), then used my Garmin on my HD2 to navigate a distance of around 380km (usually not a problem). Twice during the journey an advisory popup appeared with something like "Garmin unable... not enough memory... must shut down" - a message I've never had before, on any of my HTC's let alone the HD2.
Garmin then automatically shut down and I simply restarted it from my home screen shortcut, which it did without issue. The first time this popup message appeared I'd covered at least 150km. The second time I'd travelled another 80km or so. After it had occured again, I turned the phone off, waited 5-10 seconds and then turned the phone on again. The HD2 requested my usual SIMcard PIN, followed by the phone unlock PIN (simple 4 digit numeric PIN) and as usual I entered my respective PIN's (I use the same 4 digit PIN for both the Simcard and phone unlock). The Simcard unlocked fine, but the phone did not and I was presented with something along the lines of "incorrect password, please re-enter..."
In the end, after trying everything I could think of... soft reset, removing battery, trying PIN... 1234, 0000, 9999, and a few times getting "too many password attempts... enter a1b2c3 to continue". Once I got home a few days later I tried connecting to my two computers via activesync in the hope that they'd access what I wanted to copy etc. Unfortunately that did not work as both activesync connections asked for the phone to be unlocked, even though they'd been setup to unlock the HD2 automatically. I realised that inevitably I'd have to do a dreaded hard-reset. Pity as my last backup with Spb Backup and PIMbackup were done many months ago.
In my searches online I did find a couple of posts that made some references to users experiencing the same 'HD2 lockout' having installed Traditional Chinese and then having this problem. Though there seems there are far too many different situations that could also cause the HD2 to lock.
Also it's not the first time I've played or altered, installed GarminXT... and I don't think it's the first time I've had GarminXT start in Traditional Chinese. It maybe just coincidence... but for now, I'm trying to setup my phone back to the way it was after the dreaded reset.
password changed has happened to a fair number of people, and is probably nothing to do with the garmin stuff.
Never read of anyone finding a way around it other than hard reset, though.
i vaguely remember reading that the mentioned PIN issue is sometimes related to swype...might want to look into that avenue.
It's just happened to me. I installed swipe keyboard and done soft reset, then entered my pin but hd2 will not accept it. Any one found a solution to this?
Had this once too, though I didn't know anything about swype back then .(Didn't have it on my phone)
I simply turned off the device, removed the battery AND THE SD CARD then re-insert them after 5 minutes it should accept PIN normally (If not, then try to remove the sd card and don't re-insert it just boot) . (happened to me when i Just left Android DS V5 and went to WinMo, My device wouldn't accept the PIN)
Found this. Don't have a clue how to use this, but maybe someone knows and can shed some light.
Just check out the 'Solution' at the following address. I have not got permission to enter link or full web address.
Hope this can rescue my hd2 and all who have the same pin lock problem.
I also experienced this problem that HD2 forgot my PIN. even 2 my colegues too.
back in the time when I got stuck on "enter PIN" screen, I found somewhere on the internet, that HD2 only forgets PIN, when you have exchange server set up. They say that it's not HD2's fault, but microsoft's. it's just a matter of time, when you get to this problem. the only solution is HardReset without any possibility backing your data up! since then I don't use exchange at all... never again in my HD2!
HD2 unlock Pin Code for SURE....
goto: HKLM/Microsoft/Software/Shell/Lockscreen/
check for DWord: Active and change it to '0'
check for Dword: Enable and change it to '0'
check for Dword: ShowLockScreenPicker and change it to '0'
reset your device and enter ur password and it will accept it.. now in settings u can navigate to Lock option and disable it easily only if u remember your code and it does not accept the code.

Nexus 4 - SIM problem

I just got a Nexus 4 16GB (had a 8GB before) and I've to reenter my PIN code almost every time I'm unlocking the phone when it has been in deep sleep. (the card is locked and the phone is disconnected from the network)
I first thought it's caused by custom ROMs, but it's even happening on stock ROM/kernel...
Am I the only one with that kind of problem ?
If you get the sim pin wrong a couple of times, the card is locked and you need to call your provider for a personal unlock code.
If you keep trying to unlock it eventually the sim will simply become inoperable and you'll need a new one.
I can unlock it without a problem after entering my correct pin.
So it is not a problem with the SIM or my provider.
Go into Settings > security and then there should be an option along the lines of Sim card lock. Try checking in there.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
Disabled the pin lock for now.. But the signal still drops when the phone is longer in deep sleep.
I had the same problem!
I don't know if this is rom or kernel related, but since I switched to ParanoidAndroid it's gone....
Ah finally someone with the same problem.
I've already been running PA, but the problem did still exist.
Did you change anything else beside that?
i removed my SIM again and cleaned it.
i've also had that issue the second day after receiving the phone. I removed the sim, put it back in but that didn't help - i looked at my sim card tray and i realized that a one side of the sim card chip was close to one metal side of the tray and i figured that could be the issue - so what i did is i took a stripe of adhesive tape and made sure they wouldn't touch - I haven't had the issue again and it's been more than 2 weeks.
Uh...I remember a kernel arg from my old HTC Topaz WiMo-Device, which was able to run XDAndroid.
The argument was pm.sleep_mode, and it is still available on the Nexus 4 and set in the system/build.prop
It controls, how the device handles locking, usually it is set to 1, but, i think, it goes from 5 to 0, where 5 is "stay on all the time" and 0 is "shut down everything when locked".
You could try to swich it to 2 or 3, maybe it helps.
I got a replacement phone which is working fine now.
Thanks for the tips anyway
hmm got a 16gb one and the Sim keeps disconnecting even without deep sleep.
might need to send it back too. poop
I got the same problem too.
Sometime, it's getting worse and worse so I have no other choice but to reboot the phone --> When I put my PIN code and press the validation button, the screen doesn't go to the main menu but asks me again about my PIN code. Infinite loop...
I cleaned the SIM card 15min ago and no problem since (fingers crossed). I read an alternative version of android solved the issue in one case but not always. I won't take that risk if I have to send it back to the manufacturer. Before I do that, could you suggest me something else to try ?
Many thanks for your help.
I had the Nexus 4 since December and yesterday for the first time the phone asked for the PIN code and lost the connection to the network. And like posytryon I had to enter the PIN more than once (in my case it was "only" twice). This morning it already happened twice again. Never rooted the phone, stock Android on it. What is going on?
Why are you people so paranoid? I've never used a lock on mine. In all these years....
Just asking for trouble using sim lock IMO.
What kind of silly reply is that? Why is it asking for trouble using SIM lock??? And if you read through this thread, someone had the same problem of the phone not connecting anymore even without SIM lock.
I pulled my sim yesterday because I switched users now it says no sim I put old sim in same problem flashed new rom nothing...
lucker#1 said:
i've also had that issue the second day after receiving the phone. I removed the sim, put it back in but that didn't help - i looked at my sim card tray and i realized that a one side of the sim card chip was close to one metal side of the tray and i figured that could be the issue - so what i did is i took a stripe of adhesive tape and made survey they wouldn't touch - I haven't had the issue again and it's been more than 2 weeks.
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Thank you so much this fixed my problem!!! :beer:
Again thank you so much!!!
(Mathew 5:44)
lucker#1 said:
i've also had that issue the second day after receiving the phone. I removed the sim, put it back in but that didn't help - i looked at my sim card tray and i realized that a one side of the sim card chip was close to one metal side of the tray and i figured that could be the issue - so what i did is i took a stripe of adhesive tape and made sure they wouldn't touch - I haven't had the issue again and it's been more than 2 weeks.
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Click to collapse
I'd noticed the same thing, and insulating the SIM from the holder resolved the problem for me also.
I also found an app for monitoring and alerting if the phone switched back to asking for the SIM PIN, this might be useful for others.
SIM Locked Notifier - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.slaytanic.SIMLockedRingNotifier
Finally put some adhesive between the tray and the SIM card. Worked perfectly for me too, no SIM problem for 10 days now.
Thank you so much, Lucker#1.
