[Q] viewing vogue screen on computer - Touch CDMA General

i want to view my vogues screen on my computer. when i had it i know there was an app that gave me that ability but the problem now is that the screen is cracked. was just wondering if there is anyway i could download something on computer to view screen on vogue? ive been away from wm for awhile and dont remember where the set up of everything is or id just know by muscle memory where to click lol. any help would be appreciated. oh and its running wm 6.5 last i remember

mbaseball3 said:
i want to view my vogues screen on my computer. when i had it i know there was an app that gave me that ability but the problem now is that the screen is cracked. was just wondering if there is anyway i could download something on computer to view screen on vogue? ive been away from wm for awhile and dont remember where the set up of everything is or id just know by muscle memory where to click lol. any help would be appreciated. oh and its running wm 6.5 last i remember
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You are looking for an app called MyMobiler. This will do what you need it to do.

Thanks and yeah I found it after research. Now, can it connect to phone automatically? Or do I have to turn it on from phone? Screen being dead and all.
Sent from my Evo

Well you still have to install it but that won't really be possible if you can't go to the right directory and run the .cab. Unless it was already installed on your phone, then I think you will be able to, depends on what the settings were. Give it a try. And if you really need to access your phone you will have to buy a new LCD screen. If the touch screen doesn't work, you will need a digitizer also.
here is a list of them on ebay. pick the one you want:

mikurej95 said:
Well you still have to install it but that won't really be possible if you can't go to the right directory and run the .cab. Unless it was already installed on your phone, then I think you will be able to, depends on what the settings were. Give it a try. And if you really need to access your phone you will have to buy a new LCD screen. If the touch screen doesn't work, you will need a digitizer also.
here is a list of them on ebay. pick the one you want:
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Thank you for the help. Yeah I had the program installed initially but even when I plug it it, mymobiler just says unable to connect. The phone vibrates when I touch screen but doesn't seem like its accepting any input so I believe ill need a new screen.
Sent from my Evo

You can always look for an exe installer and you can install this via ActiveSync. I would tell you to reflash the roms or do a hard reset but you will get stuck at the Stylus calibration...
I think you are correct, you need a new screen...


Using PPC without touchpad ?

Hi. I crashed my wizard´s display. LCD works, but touchpad is broken. I want to reboot the device and controll it via remote-sw from pc. Does anyone know, how to skip the lcd-configure-process after hard-reset. This is the point where I can´t continue because of the non-working touchpad... Thanks for your help ! Buy the way: Did anyone changed touchpad succesfull ? Has to be brazed !?
hackl77 said:
Hi. I crashed my wizard´s display. LCD works, but touchpad is broken. I want to reboot the device and controll it via remote-sw from pc. Does anyone know, how to skip the lcd-configure-process after hard-reset. This is the point where I can´t continue because of the non-working touchpad... Thanks for your help ! Buy the way: Did anyone changed touchpad succesfull ? Has to be brazed !?
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Try mymobiler http://www.mymobiler.com/ I am not sure if it will install before while asking to set up the touch pad but it is worth a try. I figured this maybe good because it does not ask to be installed on the device.
Thank you dwertz for your help. I tried, but "mymobiler" can only by installed after finishing the setup process on ppc. mhhh....
hackl77 said:
Thank you dwertz for your help. I tried, but "mymobiler" can only by installed after finishing the setup process on ppc. mhhh....
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Try this.
connect the device using active sync then use windws explorer and explorer the device ,go into the windows folder on your device and delete the welcome.ink file, then soft reset and it wont bug you again till you hard reset.
you should also check this link out as you can use software to align the screen remotely
i had the same problem with my wizard. i got around pretty much everything, the only thing i can think of that i never figured out how to work with the keyboard is the alarm clocks. other than that with the arrow keys and tab button you should be set.
as far as getting it fixed, i found a replacement touch matrix and replaced it myself. i do not reccommend this as it caused a TON of headaches and still doesn't work right to this day. if i were you try getting a lcd/touch screen combo on ebay, its not too bad to open it and replace it.

My Homescreen

Hello, this is my second post and my second smartphone! So far i am happy with it, however im trying to install and try some of the things that i am learning here. I have a few questions.
First, the Advanced Config. I have installed some new background screens from one of the threads here. All of my screens work with the exception of my home screen. I went into Advanced Config and looked for a way to disable my current home screen and i cant seem to find it. Do i need a more up to date Advanced Config?
Second I have the t mobile version of the rhodium if i decide to install on of the newer roms is there a way to restore to factory if something goes wrong? Will it void my warranty on the phone?
Third and finally... is there a way that i can enlarge my X, and OK icons at the top left of my screen? Im using my fingers to do all the operations on the phone. Yes i know i have a stylus but i prefer to use my hands. So far it isnt a problem but it was a question in my mind.
Thank you so much for the feedback. I look forward to learning all i can about this awesome device and this knowledgeable community!
I am not too sure what you mean by home screen. Are you talking about TouchFlo? If so, what is the issue with it? You can disable it under settings, today or home.
Yes t-mobile us has an official shipped ROM, so you will be able to flash back as needed.
X-button size is what you get. I dont think you can increase the size of it. Although you might be use that, but it wont close an app completely.
As always, flashing is dangerous process. So make sure you read all the materials, before you decide to do so.
ai6908 said:
Yes t-mobile us has an official shipped ROM, so you will be able to flash back as needed.
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he's right. if you want the original stock rom for tmobile click on my sig where it says "TMOUSA TP2 Stock Rom". it'll put it back to normal for warranty reason. but you also need to go to the hard spl thread to lock it back up.
Basically im talking about the First screen on my phone.. my home screen.. it is still the default screen. All subsequent screens work just fine with my new backround. Im not sure how to disable it.

I need som help..HD2 Mini lock screen problem

hi guys new to this site. i have seen lots of your threads, looks great.
now i have a problem with my htc hd2...
i have used a site allot too download som pretty cool stuff its called mobile9.
but today i downloaded a new screen lock its called HD2 Mini lock screen, from mobile9. this is a newly develoed software. i download all software by using the phone.
sow when i install the program it asks me if i want to ree-boot the phone for proper install. i do sow and the phone starts up. but the screen lock is the first thing i see. now i haven't given it any password. but to get past it i need some sort of password. i have no idea what to do... help me please
mr.nik89 said:
hi guys new to this site. i have seen lots of your threads, looks great.
now i have a problem with my htc hd2...
i have used a site allot too download som pretty cool stuff its called mobile9.
but today i downloaded a new screen lock its called HD2 Mini lock screen, from mobile9. this is a newly develoed software. i download all software by using the phone.
sow when i install the program it asks me if i want to ree-boot the phone for proper install. i do sow and the phone starts up. but the screen lock is the first thing i see. now i haven't given it any password. but to get past it i need some sort of password. i have no idea what to do... help me please
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Try this brilliant workaround:
this is a good way to get around the sceen lock, but i have not
established a partnership between your phone and a Windows PC via active sync
mr.nik89 said:
this is a good way to get around the sceen lock, but i have not
established a partnership between your phone and a Windows PC via active sync
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sorry to hear that. Can you establish a guest connection with your pc? If so, maybe you can install the original HD2 lockscreen again.
(or do a hard reset.)
how do i establish a guest connection with mi pc?
mr.nik89 said:
how do i establish a guest connection with mi pc?
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connect to your pc and answer "no" if activesync of mobiledevices thingy ask if you want to establish a partnership
when i connect to my pc it only seys that the device is locked. so i have no opsions.
any new suggestions?
i realy need help with this one
i just hard reset my htc hd2 and now everything is running smooth... thanks for the help

newbie questions.

Hi Guys,
Just got my new HD2 and wow, what a phone. I just retired a 3GS after about 12 month and wanted back to WM which I really missed. That said, the iPhone gave me some bad habbits that I need to break.
First thing I did was flash the HSPL ready for flashing some new roms but before I do that, I wanted to get used the WM again. My last was 6.5 on a kaiser so this is similar but different.
Anyway, couple of things. First is the Facebook app. On my iphone, when someone had posted XYX Name Likes the Group "WM 4 Me", the "WM 4 Me" portion was linked. I dont see that in the WM app. Am I missing something or is it that you cant just jump to that group? Any tips here.
Next thing is if anyone can recomend a good program to remote erase all data if I loose it or if there is anything out there to enrypt my sd card to make it useless without a password?
Last, is there a way to get the HD2 into landscape mode? I assumed it would be automatic but... Thats what I get for assuming.
Thanks in advance guys.
Next thing is if anyone can recomend a good program to remote erase all data if I loose it or if there is anything out there to enrypt my sd card to make it useless without a password?
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remotetracker - brilliant, loads of options.
Last, is there a way to get the HD2 into landscape mode? I assumed it would be automatic but... Thats what I get for assuming.
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stock rom isnt landscapeable, some cooked roms are, but its never been released like that, it was a test rom that leaked with the landscaped tabs and the chefs cooked them in.
I'm running the stock ROM and it's correct there's no native landscape rotation built in, but I've been using the cab attached below, and it works great for putting sense and even WM apps (like file explorer!) into landscape when you physically rotate the phone. Just put the cab on your SD card, run it (install to phone), then soft-reset.
Hey thanks guys. Just installed the cab and bingo. Dont know why they didnt send it from the factory that way?
Sam, going to se if I can get hold of that remotetracker and give it a shot.
So far, happy with the stock rom so I might just tweak it a little bit. Would still like to figure this Facebook app out. Is it an actual app or a mobile webpage I'm looking at? Also need to find a new gps since my old favorite site (gpsunderground)seems to have shut down.
Thanks again.
Cheers mate. If you have any must haves, let me know. I'm searching for footprints and I should be done.

[TIPS] Improve Screen Sensitivity Of Your WinMo (.cab) UPDATE 25/4/11

I have found tips over the forums on how to improve the screen sensitivity of your WinMo resistive touchscreen
1) When calibrating your screen, tap the cursor hairs as accurately and as lightly as possible. I use a toothpick for this, it has a fine tip. You will notice immediately how much more responsive your screen is!
2) Another method I found was:
a) Install Attached .cab / Reg Tweak
b) Soft Reset
c) Be Amazed at your Screen Sensitivity!
This is a little .cab file / reg tweak created by kevinpwhite (all credits to him)
EDIT: Many people in the thread have said that it has calibrated their screen wrong and they can't navigate it (cab/reg) This has resulted in a hard reset to get the touchscreen back(due to different touchscreen resolutions etc) I will investigate more into this and create a new version, if possible. Please use it at your own risk, and be sure to create a backup of your device.
Originally by Reix2x
Hi, dudes, my HTC WIZARD gets "untouchable" after this installation, but i found the way to solve it! =D
1- Download: CeRegEdit (u can found it on Google, with this u can explore your mobile reg trough your PC)
2- Open it (with your cell phone connected in ActiveSync)
3- Go to Tools, and select "Unlock registry" (your registry will be "Editable")
4- Navigate to:[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\DEVICEMAP\TOUCH] and change this values to your defaults:
"CalibrationData" and "MaxCalError" (you have to found the values for your phone, here in XDA i foud the values for my phone)
5- Softreset
I hope to help someone, and i hope than no one had to make an horrible hardreset
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This was created specifically for the TG01, but i think that the WinMo stored values are the same across all devices. It simply changes a reg key to increase the screen pressure to the max.
Please give me feedback if it works for you!
Please hit the THANKS BUTTON if you like this!
well, this just ****ed over my omnia, and i can't access it from my computer as i dont have a connect cable. any tips on how to bring it back to normal without hard reset?
insomnia+ said:
well, this just ****ed over my omnia, and i can't access it from my computer as i dont have a connect cable. any tips on how to bring it back to normal without hard reset?
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please read the xda rules... no bad language.
This cannot possibly cause ANY damage. i have tested it on various winmo devices (touch hd etc) if so, explain?
Also describe your problem better. how is that gooing to help me, by just saying it ________ my Omnia!
olyloh6696 said:
please read the xda rules... no bad language.
This cannot possibly cause ANY damage. i have tested it on various winmo devices (touch hd etc) if so, explain?
Also describe your problem better. how is that gooing to help me, by just saying it ________ my Omnia!
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any feedback from anybody? Quite a few downloads butno response to whether it actually works!
olyloh6696 said:
any feedback from anybody? Quite a few downloads butno response to whether it actually works!
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i've tested in my O2 LIFE WM6, at the first time i got trouble, i couldnt tap my screen well. when i tapped all screen, it connected to bottom right screen.
i used my navigation button to reach the SETTING-SYSTEM-SCREEN-ALIGN SCREEN.
the align screen works. then i used a srynge to calibrate it (dont try this at home), the final result is........
my screen becomes more sensitive! I dont need my stylus anymore, with resco keybord typing is so much fun.
reykaivory said:
i've tested in my O2 LIFE WM6, at the first time i got trouble, i couldnt tap my screen well. when i tapped all screen, it connected to bottom right screen.
i used my navigation button to reach the SETTING-SYSTEM-SCREEN-ALIGN SCREEN.
the align screen works. then i used a srynge to calibrate it (dont try this at home), the final result is........
my screen becomes more sensitive! I dont need my stylus anymore, with resco keybord typing is so much fun.
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Glad it works mate!
I cannot get what is the deal?
babak_1274 said:
I cannot get what is the deal?
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this sets your screen sensitivity to the maximum allowed pressure point. So your resisitive touch screen will require a light touch to register changes.
This is what loads of people complain about? Poor screen sensitivity? So try this out!!
I didn't feel any difference in my Rhodium...
Daved+ said:
I didn't feel any difference in my Rhodium...
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which method did you use?
babak_1274 said:
I cannot get what is the deal?
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I've installed on my diamond 2 and I have been the same as the other: to do a reset, I have completely lost the calibration of the screen. Through "My mobile" I could recalibrate it, but do not notice any difference ...
diesiocho said:
I've installed on my diamond 2 and I have been the same as the other: to do a reset, I have completely lost the calibration of the screen. Through "My mobile" I could recalibrate it, but do not notice any difference ...
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Thanks for trying amyway! It certainly works for me though. It just recalibrates the reg entries for screen sensitivity. It wont male a huge difference!
Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk
No one else to try?
Just used the Calibration method on my Rhodium400, seems to work, but maybe it's just my head!
coder12 said:
Just used the Calibration method on my Rhodium400, seems to work, but maybe it's just my head!
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thabks for the feedbakc! glad it works!
I always thought that this couldn't really be done. Tried many before and didn't see a difference. Then again I can't help myself so I will try this out too.
why didn't you come up with this earlier? i wasted two years using my htc jade with this insensitivity, finally a solution
thank you so much
Okay, I will try it now, but we need to know if there are a way to uninstall it safely in case if anything wrong happen like that one who had the Omnia, also you should type if we have to recalibrate the screen points after installing the tweak on all devices or what.
Thanks in advance.
tried it on my hTC Gene (P3400) running 6.5.5 and i got the same problem mentioned in post #5...dead unresponsive screen with a few taps being wrongly located towards the bottom right of the screen...so had to go into the screen setting via my D-pad and re-align the screen to enable it again
i think problem has something to do with the screen resolution (mine is qvga)
faced similar issues when trying a screen sensitivity improvement hack meant for wvga screens i found somewhere within the forums...
anyways nice job...its great to see some people still trying to make an effort to keep WinMo going!! keep up the good work!!
she7ata said:
Okay, I will try it now, but we need to know if there are a way to uninstall it safely in case if anything wrong happen like that one who had the Omnia, also you should type if we have to recalibrate the screen points after installing the tweak on all devices or what.
Thanks in advance.
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first try method one of calibrating your screen on your own
if you try method two of installing the cab thenall you have to do is run the cab file and soft-reset your device
if its worked, and we hope it does, then that should be it, you should have a screen which is more responsive
if you get a frozen screen just navigate to settings/system/screen and align your screen again to get it to work using the direction keys if you have them or by any other means
or hard reset to undo the settings
i'm just sharing whatever info i have...do tell me if i've left anything out

