I need som help..HD2 Mini lock screen problem - HD2 General

hi guys new to this site. i have seen lots of your threads, looks great.
now i have a problem with my htc hd2...
i have used a site allot too download som pretty cool stuff its called mobile9.
but today i downloaded a new screen lock its called HD2 Mini lock screen, from mobile9. this is a newly develoed software. i download all software by using the phone.
sow when i install the program it asks me if i want to ree-boot the phone for proper install. i do sow and the phone starts up. but the screen lock is the first thing i see. now i haven't given it any password. but to get past it i need some sort of password. i have no idea what to do... help me please

mr.nik89 said:
hi guys new to this site. i have seen lots of your threads, looks great.
now i have a problem with my htc hd2...
i have used a site allot too download som pretty cool stuff its called mobile9.
but today i downloaded a new screen lock its called HD2 Mini lock screen, from mobile9. this is a newly develoed software. i download all software by using the phone.
sow when i install the program it asks me if i want to ree-boot the phone for proper install. i do sow and the phone starts up. but the screen lock is the first thing i see. now i haven't given it any password. but to get past it i need some sort of password. i have no idea what to do... help me please
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Try this brilliant workaround:

this is a good way to get around the sceen lock, but i have not
established a partnership between your phone and a Windows PC via active sync

mr.nik89 said:
this is a good way to get around the sceen lock, but i have not
established a partnership between your phone and a Windows PC via active sync
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sorry to hear that. Can you establish a guest connection with your pc? If so, maybe you can install the original HD2 lockscreen again.
(or do a hard reset.)

how do i establish a guest connection with mi pc?

mr.nik89 said:
how do i establish a guest connection with mi pc?
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connect to your pc and answer "no" if activesync of mobiledevices thingy ask if you want to establish a partnership

when i connect to my pc it only seys that the device is locked. so i have no opsions.

any new suggestions?

i realy need help with this one

i just hard reset my htc hd2 and now everything is running smooth... thanks for the help


Remote Desktop on HD, toggle fullscreen

Hi forum-users,
I´m new to this forum, it´s great, thanks to all posters.... I´m german, please excuse my weak english.
I searched the forum for a solution for my problem, but didn´t find it:
I´m using the built-in software "Remote Desktop", and it works fine, except that I´m not able to switch between fullscreen-mode and the mode where i have menus and can use the onscreen-keyboard.
How can I toggle between fullscreen-mode and non-fullscreen-mode.
Non of the 7 keys of the touch HD seems to have this function.....
thanks a lot for your advices.
Hi AsterX, welcome to the forum.
I also do have a problem with RDP Mobile. I never get a connection with RDP Mobile to my local PC. I set up the wlan, connected to it, but if I try to connect to the PC it never succeds.
Does anybody know what it could be?
(DHCP is off in my LAN)
Ascenca83 said:
Hi AsterX, welcome to the forum.
I also do have a problem with RDP Mobile. I never get a connection with RDP Mobile to my local PC. I set up the wlan, connected to it, but if I try to connect to the PC it never succeds.
Does anybody know what it could be?
(DHCP is off in my LAN)
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- Do you have remote function enabled on target-device?
- Do you have specified an account for remote?
- Firewall rule active for remote-desktop?
- Can you connect a shared folder via Mobile Explorer?
Please check these points.
D-Jay said:
- Do you have remote function enabled on target-device?
- Do you have specified an account for remote?
- Firewall rule active for remote-desktop?
- Can you connect a shared folder via Mobile Explorer?
Please check these points.
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Hi D-Jay
Thanks for your answer.
Indeed all points you mentioned are fine cos I use my second PC (client) to get to the server trough RDP. So I dont know why it doesnt work with the mobile.
I tried to connect with the same account I am using from the client PC, so it should work, doesnt it?
AsterX said:
Hi forum-users,
I´m new to this forum, it´s great, thanks to all posters.... I´m german, please excuse my weak english.
I searched the forum for a solution for my problem, but didn´t find it:
I´m using the built-in software "Remote Desktop", and it works fine, except that I´m not able to switch between fullscreen-mode and the mode where i have menus and can use the onscreen-keyboard.
How can I toggle between fullscreen-mode and non-fullscreen-mode.
Non of the 7 keys of the touch HD seems to have this function.....
thanks a lot for your advices.
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try double tap the screen to go to full screen, if there isn't a menu.
Hi buggybug0,
thanks for Your reply.
I already tried double tapping on the screen, also I tried long tapping/holding on then screen. Up to now I didn´t find any way to toggle from fullscreen to ´normal´ screen.
Any further ideas?
AsterX said:
Hi buggybug0,
thanks for Your reply.
I already tried double tapping on the screen, also I tried long tapping/holding on then screen. Up to now I didn´t find any way to toggle from fullscreen to ´normal´ screen.
Any further ideas?
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ahh.. well my HD won't arrive till friday, and i just sold my TyTn. umm.. try putting the stylus at all four corners, and/or all four edges (middle of the edge) to see if it brings up a hidden menu. I know on win xp desktop version of the Remote Desktop has the menu auto hide at the middle top of the screen, may be the same thing?
sorry, since i don't have any device, i'm just shooting blanks, may not work
Hi buggybug0
thanks for Your efforts
I putted die stylus to all corners, middles, long, short, tapping, holding, double-tapping.... I can´t find any way to return from fullscreen to non-fullscreen.....:-(
I also know the behavior of the desktop-version of RDP, unfortunatly it is not the same way on mobile...
Maybe You will find a solution when You have Your own HD
buggybug0 said:
ahh.. well my HD won't arrive till friday, and i just sold my TyTn. umm.. try putting the stylus at all four corners, and/or all four edges (middle of the edge) to see if it brings up a hidden menu. I know on win xp desktop version of the Remote Desktop has the menu auto hide at the middle top of the screen, may be the same thing?
sorry, since i don't have any device, i'm just shooting blanks, may not work
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AsterX said:
Hi buggybug0
thanks for Your efforts
I putted die stylus to all corners, middles, long, short, tapping, holding, double-tapping.... I can´t find any way to return from fullscreen to non-fullscreen.....:-(
I also know the behavior of the desktop-version of RDP, unfortunatly it is not the same way on mobile...
Maybe You will find a solution when You have Your own HD
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I have the same problem, if you go full screen you're not getting out of full screen without killing the application! I think another issue with no hard soft keys.
I even dont get a connection
How did you set up your LAN? What Windows is on the PC you connect?
Did you configure something special on the PC to get it working?
Ascenca83 said:
I even dont get a connection
How did you set up your LAN? What Windows is on the PC you connect?
Did you configure something special on the PC to get it working?
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Hi Ascenca83
the connection itself worked at once.
Touch HD: Remote Desktop, IP-Adress, Connect..., User/Password, and it works.
But the problem, that I can´t get out of the fullscreen, and therefore can´t use the virtual keyboard, still exists....
Found the problem. Strangely the Touch HD had problem with my wpa-psk key. Had to set a new one and update the time setting of the router and then it worked.
With wpa2-psk I wasnt able to get a connection at all. Unsupported??
I tried RDC and got 'Internal Error'
Anyone know what this means?
Hmmm weird, to access the network I have to go into IE and type \\SERVER\ but despite the fact this opens the file manager it doesn't work directly in file manager!!!
If I browse to a folder on my server, I cannot then go back to \\SERVER\ afterwards without going via IE again!
What's with that!!!! Might expain why RDC doesn't work though.
Probably we need to contact HTC support and ask?
Who is the developer of this RDP mobile? Microsoft?
Or maybe just wait couple of months for Win Mo 6.5 Probably they fixed there.
Cant wait that looooooong
Is there really no solution for it to go fullscreen on this lovely portable screen?
Any alternative programs?
I think, there should be another solution for this problem than waiting for WIN6.5;-)?
The Touch HD is because of its large screen a great tool for a RemoteDektopClient. But without beeing able to work in fullscreen-mode, a great part of the worth of an bis screen is gone...
Does HTC have a good working support-hotline via email?
gogol said:
Probably we need to contact HTC support and ask?
Who is the developer of this RDP mobile? Microsoft?
Or maybe just wait couple of months for Win Mo 6.5 Probably they fixed there.
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Did You get Your HTC Touch HD? How do You like it?
And could You also see the problem?
buggybug0 said:
ahh.. well my HD won't arrive till friday, and i just sold my TyTn. umm.. try putting the stylus at all four corners, and/or all four edges (middle of the edge) to see if it brings up a hidden menu. I know on win xp desktop version of the Remote Desktop has the menu auto hide at the middle top of the screen, may be the same thing?
sorry, since i don't have any device, i'm just shooting blanks, may not work
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AsterX said:
Did You get Your HTC Touch HD? How do You like it?
And could You also see the problem?
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AsterX, don't worry, i still remember you. infact, the first thing i tried when i got my phone was RemoteDesktop. Now I see your problem, i couldn't find a solution.. yet. for the sake of other the issue is this:
in mobile remote desktop client, when you log on using non-full screen, then go to full screen with connection still being alive, you cannot get out of full screen. of course you can also choose to go into full screen as the client connects, but the problem still exists -> if you are in full screen now, you can't get out of it.
this problem never came to mind because my previous PPC had a keyboard. i still be poking around on this issue.
Hi buggybug0
yes, You exactly described the problem.
Additionally, when you are in fullscreen-mode, you cant reach the virtual keyboard
So you can't type anything, if You are in fullscreen-mode..., and you can't leave the fullscreen-mode without cutting the connection
buggybug0 said:
AsterX, don't worry, i still remember you. infact, the first thing i tried when i got my phone was RemoteDesktop. Now I see your problem, i couldn't find a solution.. yet. for the sake of other the issue is this:
in mobile remote desktop client, when you log on using non-full screen, then go to full screen with connection still being alive, you cannot get out of full screen. of course you can also choose to go into full screen as the client connects, but the problem still exists -> if you are in full screen now, you can't get out of it.
this problem never came to mind because my previous PPC had a keyboard. i still be poking around on this issue.
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A new Android package is released for Diamond

I found this
Anyone want to try?
Does this replace Windows Mobile or run along side of it? If it replaces it, anybody know of an Windows Mobile 6.1 Stock Sprint ROM?
you do know that in Rom Development there is a whole 4,000 odd posts about this and its development? have a look here.
and no it doesn't replace windows what it does it using haret it boot loads linux and effectively runs android as if it were its stock rom, but doesn't delete WinMo, and its not an emulator. see the thread above for more details.
New ?
im not sure if this works for DIAM500 or not but have a go. it works for me but im on DIAM100 but it still freezes but i can actually make and receive calls.
!!! USE
I use it for 3 days, only problem sometimes it says battery is empty, wireless is not working and bluetooth is not working,, it doesnt replace windows,,. and it works perfect
I've searched without luck for month now: I've got an DIAM300 and i could not get to startup any android version (hanging on glowing android).
Does anyone know the difference between diam100,110,500 and my diam 300??
answer in diam forum was "sorry, but you've the second person i've met who owns an diam300"
My diam300 is an HTC diamond german O2 version (round corners on cover)
Thanks for help!
Good news ! It can call
but the battery lost very fast
infantilo said:
I've searched without luck for month now: I've got an DIAM300 and i could not get to startup any android version (hanging on glowing android).
Does anyone know the difference between diam100,110,500 and my diam 300??
answer in diam forum was "sorry, but you've the second person i've met who owns an diam300"
My diam300 is an HTC diamond german O2 version (round corners on cover)
Thanks for help!
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the same for me, DIAM300, xda diamond from German o2 and the package don't work, stucks in boot process (text) earlier packages worked fine, tried to combine the the old package with the new one, but no luck :/
I have DIAM300 and it is working with this:
matrix77 said:
I have DIAM300 and it is working with this:
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I used that download and it does not work for me have you changed anything or just download, unpack, copy to the phone and run haret.exe?
for me it always "hangs" at:
[ xxx.xxxxxx] msmfb_start_dma 90.yyy ms vsync request
the xxx.xxxxx is counting and the yyy is changing but "random" ..
I didn't change anything, it works fine but when I lock the screen I must reset the phone because I can't unlock it in Android.
matrix77 said:
I didn't change anything, it works fine but when I lock the screen I must reset the phone because I can't unlock it in Android.
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hm.. okay, thank you
My DIAM 300 hangs at msmfb_start_dma 90.yyy ms vsync request :-(
Any solution? PLZ!!!!!!!!!!
Hi all,
I installed android package, few minutes ago, and it works fine.
Unfortunately, usage is little bit difficult beacuse of the missing application, or not manageable. Using the media player or during a phone call, it is not possible to listen audio with the headphones?
It is possible to install usefull application as TomTom?
divxmaniak said:
Hi all,
I installed android package, few minutes ago, and it works fine.
Unfortunately, usage is little bit difficult beacuse of the missing application, or not manageable. Using the media player or during a phone call, it is not possible to listen audio with the headphones?
It is possible to install usefull application as TomTom?
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audio support is not complete on most devices. Not managed to boot properly into diamond version yet because of same issue as mentioned above. suggest trying the other zImage, it might work better.
your usual apps are written for windows mobile....you are no longer using windows mobile, you are using android. If TomTom write an android version then maybe you can run it....until then, no.
Just downloaded and installed Android for HTC Touch Pro and my Touch Pro boot succesfully. I managed to get to the "SIM card is locked" screen, however when i enter my PIN code i get "Incorrect PIN code. I know i have entered the correct PIN code.
Anybode else experienced this or have a suggestion what i could do.
Nevermind, i found the solution at Connect-UTB's forum:
Q: When launching Android, it asks for my PIN-code, but it doesnt accept the one i type in!
A: You have to disable the PIN-Code authentication in Windows Mobile before booting up Android.
Got a Solution in the extracted folder there is the kernel _old rename it

HTC Touch Pro2 WM6.5 LogMeIn Help

Hi Folks,
1st thread on here.
Just got myself a spank new Touch Pro2. First thing i did before i started installing my apps was to check HTC website for Updates. Sure enough they had a new ROM version and WM6.5 upgrade. Now i have it working exactly how i want except for LogMeIn. I have used LogMeIN on my HP Ipaq for ages but cant get it sorted out on my HTC. Is it an issue with WM6.5 i wonders?
Basically it looks like it wont work with Opera at all. In Internet Explorer I can download and install the RActrlCE.cab file no prob. Looks good, can login to my list of computers, can even get as far as being connected to the required PC but when i click the Remote Control icon all i get is a white screen.
Any suggestions???
Have the same problem would really appreciate any help... Pls.
wm6.5 comes with the newer version of PIE (pocket internet explorer) which is not compatible with the plugin logmein uses for remote desktop. You can try and do a search to the wm6/6.1 PIE cab file. Hope that helps, cuz I was in the same boat.
LogmeIn works on my 6.5-official ROM in IE.
mostberg said:
LogmeIn works on my 6.5-official ROM in IE.
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Not in mine!, you can install IE TOGGLE, it let's you use PocketIE (the old version of IE), with that Logmein works
log me in
it took me ages to work this out... i have to use the old version of explorer (downloaded from here somewhere, although the ie switcher might work also) and i need to use 'kfortp' which lets me type in logmein when i am connected, before i could connect but not type anything. crazy
LogMeIn's response
I raised a ticket with LogMeIn about this and got this highly useful reply 2 days later.
"We have discovered an issue when connecting to a LogMeIn computer using a mobile device running Windows Mobile 6.1.4 / 6.5 and IE6 Mobile. Currently, it is NOT possible to connect with these devices due to incompatibility with the plugin.
I hope this helps. Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions.
Wendy Merrifield | Sr. Support Representative "
If anyone is reading this don't install kfortouchpro. Which i read on another forum was required to get this to work. I don't see what the need for it is. Plus it froze my Touch Pro2 up on the first reboot after install. Luckily i was able to connect to my phone with activesync and uninstall the app to stop my phone from freezing up . Hope this helps someone. As far as Logmein working just use the two files below. Install XDA first, reboot, install IEtoggle, open IEtoggle, switch IE to PIE, start up IE and sign into logmein. This worked for me. Hope it helps someone. Sorry if this is already on this forum somewhere else.
crazycrak said:
If anyone is reading this don't install kfortouchpro. Which i read on another forum was required to get this to work. I don't see what the need for it is. Plus it froze my Touch Pro2 up on the first reboot after install. Luckily i was able to connect to my phone with activesync and uninstall the app to stop my phone from freezing up . Hope this helps someone. As far as Logmein working just use the two files below. Install XDA first, reboot, install IEtoggle, open IEtoggle, switch IE to PIE, start up IE and sign into logmein. This worked for me. Hope it helps someone. Sorry if this is already on this forum somewhere else.
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Great find, thanks for posting it! Anybody who's searching for a solution in the future and finds this thread will appreciate that!
crazycrak said:
Install XDA first, reboot, install IEtoggle, open IEtoggle, switch IE to PIE, start up IE and sign into logmein. This worked for me. Hope it helps someone. Sorry if this is already on this forum somewhere else.
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I tried this and it works but now I cannot get IEtoggle to switch me back to IE6. I tried restarting and then selecting IEtoggle, thinking PIE was somehow still running, but even after this I am still stuck in PIE.
EDIT: Since this original post on 4/18 I have had to do a hard reset, since my email and SMS windows for individual messages (compose, read) were not popping up. I have no idea if it is related to using IEtoggle, but I am not going to use this again on my TouchPro2 6.5 just to be safe.
after some trial and error
Here goes, first off i apologize horizons1. I have the same phone and WM version as you. Haven't experienced any of these problems. All i can say is make sure you install XDA WM 6.1 PIE first, then reboot, then install IEtoggle might of been your problem. After further testing i have found that Kfortouchpro is necessary to log into windows from your log in screen or type any text once in windows. When opening kfortouchpro it lets you switch to M$ IME which is required for your keyboard to work. Now after testing this for a bit, if you don't switch it back to eT9/multiplay in the program before you reboot it will not display your slider bar to unlock your phone on boot up. Only way to fix is with activesync. Have tested this 3 times in different configs. I wish i could just use remote desktop thats built into WM. But i am currently connected behind two routers one being bridged to the other. Have tried many times to get this to work with no luck. So if anyone can help me with that, it would be much appreciated. Too bad logmein won't just patch this problem. Their program works great after jumping through all these hoops to get to your desktop.
sirphunkee said:
Great find, thanks for posting it! Anybody who's searching for a solution in the future and finds this thread will appreciate that!
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Mark me down for one who appreciates this thread. After days of research and knowing the files I needed to download but am hesitant to sign up for new forums/stuff in general, you folks at xda developers got me. Looking forward to figuring out future mobile issues!
i can conect to logmein now with my HTC HD2 but my keyboard is not working :S i cant type any thing....
please help me
no buddy ?
and i got an other problem ... i can't return to PIE with IE TOGGLE.mscr softreset doesn't work ..i still get IE6
i got a HTC HD2 (T8585)

Blackberry Application Suite.. full blackberry.. UPDATE 2!! 11:51am est 2/1

Hello everybody.. first time post.. got a question for everyone and thank you before hand.. tried searching but got nothing.. maybe i didn't search right.. i'm a blackberry user usually but i love htc phones.. I'm including a cab file that i found for BAS.. the dead project supposedly.. my question is.. this is meant for a certain phone.. which model i have no idea.. but i know it was tested on a fuze.. any way to get it working on the rhodium? i have the tmobile version.. any help is much appreciated! i use chrome browser so i have no idea how add attachments..
I was able to install it.. using the setmodelid.exe from this post!
It loads and works with touchscreen.. cant activate yet.. dont know why... i keep trying to register with the network but it wont..
again anyone's help/input would help!.. I'm one step closer to the perfect phone! wm6.5/bb/android at my fingertips!
Thanks in advance!
update 2:
Imagine bieng able to send pin messages.. its based on the 4.x os but still..
so far the keyboard is working... the touch screen works but you have to double tap.. got my pin.. just need an enterprise account to activate.. im currently waiting for tmobile us to switch over my internet service from bis to bes.. seems that you have to activate it on a bes account to fully access it..
i have an unread message.. can only assume its the registration for the wireless network.. the calls still come in.. it switches over to windows to handle the calls.. and also has the option of running at startup... you can also have it handle your mms'... you have to disable touchflo or sense to run it.. umm thats pretty much it.. will keep you all posted.. been up all night buying a domain and hosted exchange service..
if anyone has access to make me an enterprise account on their server, it would be much appreciated! or if anyone can find out how to use it with bis.. that would be much appreciated as well!! once again thank you in advance!
p.s. leave me a message to know im not alone! i see some have read but no comments.. let me know if this interests anybody!!!
enterprise email
can anyone create an enterprise email for me to test something! i got it to load on the phone!.. please let me know!
thanks for BB app suite d/l link
i think i get almost everything works on my tp2 except when i reset my phone, there's the lock screen with register handheld (register now/exit/cancel) that i can't do nothing. any idea?
hey henh you might have set it up as load on start you have to go to otions blackberry options and uncheck.. did you get to activate on enterprise server? i cant get pass that screen.. im still waiting for my bes service.. and im at work.. let me know how that goes..
blackberry connect doenst work I dont think, but this is the proper place to look for help
mrhazardouz said:
hey henh you might have set it up as load on start you have to go to otions blackberry options and uncheck.. did you get to activate on enterprise server? i cant get pass that screen.. im still waiting for my bes service.. and im at work.. let me know how that goes..
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yea, i unchecked the load at start option. once i start the app, it shows the register thing again & i don't know which key combination to choose the register option
i was able to activate BBConnect yesterday, when i install BB app suite it asks me to uninstall BBC. i think it work but need to know the right key to unlock the screen
henh you tap the lock on the screen and the you double tap activate enterprise.. you type in the info and then press the bottom home button on the phone and doouble tap activate..let me know if that works.. Blackberry Connect Does work.. i did it yesterday with bis no bes needed... let me know if you need help setting it up!
mrhazardouz said:
henh you tap the lock on the screen and the you double tap activate enterprise.. you type in the info and then press the bottom home button on the phone and doouble tap activate..let me know if that works.. Blackberry Connect Does work.. i did it yesterday with bis no bes needed... let me know if you need help setting it up!
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for some reason i can't get it to start. i tried 20 times as you said, still don't get it to work. please help. thanks
Nice find! Screen shots please?
what is the difference between this cab (BB professional) and the current BB app?
ekerbuddyeker said:
what is the difference between this cab (BB professional) and the current BB app?
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So does this mean it is possible to use blackberry messenger? I am confused if so as how do you get a pin etc?
pympster said:
So does this mean it is possible to use blackberry messenger? I am confused if so as how do you get a pin etc?
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Yes, it allows BB messenger. The software asigns a PIN based on the device's IMEI.
I managed to get it installed on my Rhodium, but I can't get it to start up. It loads, but then it disappears.
Im on an HD2 and can't get it installed. I get device error thingy about it being an HD2 but there is no reg key to edit it, plus if I search for the string that the installer says it is in the ROM it isnt there!
Any ideas?
I'll will try it on the Kaiser and excalibur, good finding. Will report back.
pympster said:
Im on an HD2 and can't get it installed. I get device error thingy about it being an HD2 but there is no reg key to edit it, plus if I search for the string that the installer says it is in the ROM it isnt there!
Any ideas?
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Did you even read the first post?
You need to follow these instructions:
I was able to install it.. using the setmodelid.exe from this post!
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hi im a noob to this but am really interested in getting this to work can you make a step by step guide on how you got it to work on your phone with the links to the downloads one would need? Thanks in advance
here are some screenshots (very limited) and also a little outlet to get you more attention:
Im using a Fuze (Touch Pro 1) and can't get it past the register part
@efrant, it does not work on my HD2

[Q] viewing vogue screen on computer

i want to view my vogues screen on my computer. when i had it i know there was an app that gave me that ability but the problem now is that the screen is cracked. was just wondering if there is anyway i could download something on computer to view screen on vogue? ive been away from wm for awhile and dont remember where the set up of everything is or id just know by muscle memory where to click lol. any help would be appreciated. oh and its running wm 6.5 last i remember
mbaseball3 said:
i want to view my vogues screen on my computer. when i had it i know there was an app that gave me that ability but the problem now is that the screen is cracked. was just wondering if there is anyway i could download something on computer to view screen on vogue? ive been away from wm for awhile and dont remember where the set up of everything is or id just know by muscle memory where to click lol. any help would be appreciated. oh and its running wm 6.5 last i remember
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You are looking for an app called MyMobiler. This will do what you need it to do.
Thanks and yeah I found it after research. Now, can it connect to phone automatically? Or do I have to turn it on from phone? Screen being dead and all.
Sent from my Evo
Well you still have to install it but that won't really be possible if you can't go to the right directory and run the .cab. Unless it was already installed on your phone, then I think you will be able to, depends on what the settings were. Give it a try. And if you really need to access your phone you will have to buy a new LCD screen. If the touch screen doesn't work, you will need a digitizer also.
here is a list of them on ebay. pick the one you want:
mikurej95 said:
Well you still have to install it but that won't really be possible if you can't go to the right directory and run the .cab. Unless it was already installed on your phone, then I think you will be able to, depends on what the settings were. Give it a try. And if you really need to access your phone you will have to buy a new LCD screen. If the touch screen doesn't work, you will need a digitizer also.
here is a list of them on ebay. pick the one you want:
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Thank you for the help. Yeah I had the program installed initially but even when I plug it it, mymobiler just says unable to connect. The phone vibrates when I touch screen but doesn't seem like its accepting any input so I believe ill need a new screen.
Sent from my Evo
You can always look for an exe installer and you can install this via ActiveSync. I would tell you to reflash the roms or do a hard reset but you will get stuck at the Stylus calibration...
I think you are correct, you need a new screen...

