A new Android package is released for Diamond - Touch Diamond, MDA Compact IV Themes and Apps

I found this
Anyone want to try?

Does this replace Windows Mobile or run along side of it? If it replaces it, anybody know of an Windows Mobile 6.1 Stock Sprint ROM?

you do know that in Rom Development there is a whole 4,000 odd posts about this and its development? have a look here.
and no it doesn't replace windows what it does it using haret it boot loads linux and effectively runs android as if it were its stock rom, but doesn't delete WinMo, and its not an emulator. see the thread above for more details.

New ?

im not sure if this works for DIAM500 or not but have a go. it works for me but im on DIAM100 but it still freezes but i can actually make and receive calls.

!!! USE
I use it for 3 days, only problem sometimes it says battery is empty, wireless is not working and bluetooth is not working,, it doesnt replace windows,,. and it works perfect

I've searched without luck for month now: I've got an DIAM300 and i could not get to startup any android version (hanging on glowing android).
Does anyone know the difference between diam100,110,500 and my diam 300??
answer in diam forum was "sorry, but you've the second person i've met who owns an diam300"
My diam300 is an HTC diamond german O2 version (round corners on cover)
Thanks for help!

Good news ! It can call
but the battery lost very fast

infantilo said:
I've searched without luck for month now: I've got an DIAM300 and i could not get to startup any android version (hanging on glowing android).
Does anyone know the difference between diam100,110,500 and my diam 300??
answer in diam forum was "sorry, but you've the second person i've met who owns an diam300"
My diam300 is an HTC diamond german O2 version (round corners on cover)
Thanks for help!
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the same for me, DIAM300, xda diamond from German o2 and the package don't work, stucks in boot process (text) earlier packages worked fine, tried to combine the the old package with the new one, but no luck :/

I have DIAM300 and it is working with this:

matrix77 said:
I have DIAM300 and it is working with this:
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I used that download and it does not work for me have you changed anything or just download, unpack, copy to the phone and run haret.exe?
for me it always "hangs" at:
[ xxx.xxxxxx] msmfb_start_dma 90.yyy ms vsync request
the xxx.xxxxx is counting and the yyy is changing but "random" ..

I didn't change anything, it works fine but when I lock the screen I must reset the phone because I can't unlock it in Android.

matrix77 said:
I didn't change anything, it works fine but when I lock the screen I must reset the phone because I can't unlock it in Android.
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hm.. okay, thank you

My DIAM 300 hangs at msmfb_start_dma 90.yyy ms vsync request :-(
Any solution? PLZ!!!!!!!!!!

Hi all,
I installed android package, few minutes ago, and it works fine.
Unfortunately, usage is little bit difficult beacuse of the missing application, or not manageable. Using the media player or during a phone call, it is not possible to listen audio with the headphones?
It is possible to install usefull application as TomTom?

divxmaniak said:
Hi all,
I installed android package, few minutes ago, and it works fine.
Unfortunately, usage is little bit difficult beacuse of the missing application, or not manageable. Using the media player or during a phone call, it is not possible to listen audio with the headphones?
It is possible to install usefull application as TomTom?
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audio support is not complete on most devices. Not managed to boot properly into diamond version yet because of same issue as mentioned above. suggest trying the other zImage, it might work better.
your usual apps are written for windows mobile....you are no longer using windows mobile, you are using android. If TomTom write an android version then maybe you can run it....until then, no.

Just downloaded and installed Android for HTC Touch Pro and my Touch Pro boot succesfully. I managed to get to the "SIM card is locked" screen, however when i enter my PIN code i get "Incorrect PIN code. I know i have entered the correct PIN code.
Anybode else experienced this or have a suggestion what i could do.
Nevermind, i found the solution at Connect-UTB's forum:
Q: When launching Android, it asks for my PIN-code, but it doesnt accept the one i type in!
A: You have to disable the PIN-Code authentication in Windows Mobile before booting up Android.

Got a Solution in the extracted folder there is the kernel _old rename it


Voice Command Contacts not shown.How to use outres.96.dll ??

Like many other people, I can't get MS Voice Command to display contact details (but the contact notes can be displayed). I understand that this works on other versions (e.g. The French version) but my problem is with the English version on a T-Mobile Pro.
I've seen suggestions that putting the outres.96.dll file in the \Windows folder allows the contacts to be displayed. However that doesn't work for me, even after a soft reset.
Has anybody got this to work without changing the Universal to a different screen resolution (e.g. using the VGA hack). If you did get it to work then how did you do it ?
Copying the file into the \windows folder does work, when you reset, it should pop up a question about allowing it to run or not, or something along those lines.
I've done it several times, and each time it has worked straight off.
I believe it relates to the version of Voice Command, mine works successfully first time, everytime.
I just type a reply to this question on another thread, doh!
Simon, what version of MS Voice are you using then?
v 1.50.4333.1
on other posts I noticed those that couldn't get this to work were using the english version of 1.50.4333.21 or similar from memory
I think mine is the us version.
I tried to buy mine but they wouldn't let oz's so was able to acquire through alternate methods....
using MSVC UK V1.50.4333.21
works fine for me everytime.
noticed in another thread http://forum.xda-developers.com/viewtopic.php?t=36016 that a possible problem could be that the pin is blocking the popup to allow the dll to run, I don't set one until it is ready, as it is a pain, so that could be the reason why I've had no problem with it.

Report Helmi Windows Mobile 6 Profesional R0

This is error of Rom Windows Mobile 6 Profesional R0
1. Play WMA by Window MediaPlayer not best!
2. have not PowerPoint
3. Problem with Wifi
4. .....
xman21219xx said:
This is error of Rom Windows Mobile 6 Profesional R0
1. Play WMA by Window MediaPlayer not best!
2. have not PowerPoint
3. Problem with Wifi
4. .....
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regarding with the powerpoint, just scroll down abit in the first post, it's there. Enjoy...
xman21219xx said:
This is error of Rom Windows Mobile 6 Profesional R0
1. Play WMA by Window MediaPlayer not best!
2. have not PowerPoint
3. Problem with Wifi
4. .....
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New Problem with mail2web.
and other problems in wm5 are still there, i return to wm5.
anyway,thanks to Helmi!!!!
4-in regional settings, there are no settings for Turkey
Oh my god, I doubt today we are going to read lets say 10more post claiming "My regional setting is missing"
Yes, there are not all regional settings... Its well known!
Not from you man
1 thread & 1 post what's more?
i opened my thread before this thread and when this thread opened about report of this rom i wrote this problem here again?
is it more?
windows media player plays music files not well. The rest seems good.
kerio said:
Oh my god, I doubt today we are going to read lets say 10more post claiming "My regional setting is missing"
Yes, there are not all regional settings... Its well known!
Not from you man
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good point maybe a sticky thread with known problems?
dosnt ring when the light of screen is closed
my contact broken
please since upgrade to wm6 i cannot add my number to contact, please fixs it, but thanks for wm 6
you failed to do the reset + no/yes/yes + mail button routine after flashing.
pharmartacist said:
please since upgrade to wm6 i cannot add my number to contact, please fixs it, but thanks for wm 6
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Ok, running it for one day
- After battery exchange (i have 2 of them), the password (simple PIN) i couldnt enter the device. The correct code just wasnt working. Made hard reset + cleaned up registry and storage and it was ok.
- Sometimes the radio just dont wake up. Maybe it is just problem with my BA as sometimes after the battery was taken out and colored stripes appear the radio and *next* version number are showing none (anyone knows why this happens?)
MioMap works perfectly, pairing the device with holux bluetooth gps works great.
anybody know to fix the error of window media player in this ROM?
It's very important for me?I can use other media's soft but....please help me!
root said:
- Sometimes the radio just dont wake up. Maybe it is just problem with my BA as sometimes after the battery was taken out and colored stripes appear the radio and *next* version number are showing none (anyone knows why this happens?)
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I do not recall the exact reason this happens, but it is a known issue that happens after the battery is removed/replaced. The only workaround is to soft reset the device after this appears.
tuatara says:
Tuatara said:
First off ... have the "R NONE / G NONE" appear after changing the SIM and/or battery is relatively common. My phone does the same thing.
This is due to the GSM radio taking longer to 'cold boot' than the bootloader is giving it time for. Simply let it get a few seconds into the boot (before it starts loading the OS & redraws the screen). Then, hit the 'reset' hole once ... and everything will boot fine from then on.
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I have a problem with the Flightmodus. After turned off Phone in Commanager, the phone is off for about 10min. Then the phone turns automaticly on. The same when I do a softreset. Has anyone a solution?
i don't have some problem with flightmode.Everything is very well!
Ok... another problem... sometimes (cant figure out what triggers that) my phone is not "online" on gsm network.
Everyhing looks like it is working ok, but it cant be called from outside and when i try to call out, it immidiatly disconnects. Then i have to reset it, after that it becomes accessible again (and i can make calls too...).
Highly annoying, i hoped WM6 will fix this but the same **** happens...
Hi, thats interesting. It may be caused by some software? Can you "recall" the problem with with clean ROM?
kerio said:
Hi, thats interesting. It may be caused by some software? Can you "recall" the problem with with clean ROM?
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Yes. WM2005 helmi and WM2006 helmi. It just happend. And i am not using additional software for now, well... miomap, but it is not loaded in mem. It looks to me like radio hangs.

does not display "CALL FORWARD" for my 2nd phone number

all of my OLD motorola phones seem to function as a phone/dial up modem better, and my more advanced 8125 smartphone is limited.
I have a virtual phone number for my business, and for the old moto's when someone called that number the CID would display "CALL FORWARD 407-123-4567" (it would show the number of the person calling) and when someone called my AT&T Mobile number it just displays the number. My Cingular 8125 does not do this and tech support will not help me with this issue. I can put my sim card into those older phones (and do nothing further) and visually see that someone called my other phone number and not the main (while displaying their number too).
I need to see the difference between incoming phone calls to my regular number and incoming phone calls to my virtual number (which is forwarded to my cell phone). I am so angry that by upgrading I downgrade other useful/simple functions that I have been using for years. (the other is getting my 8125 to dial my local ISP for my MacBook Pro, instead of the *99# deal listed everywhere... I can make my OLD MOTOs to dial an ISP of my choice to connect my Mac 2 the net)
These forums have helped my way more than AT&T ever has or will! Thanks a bunch guys!!!
HELP!! I to know what number people are calling me at.
I've called tech support several times on this issue and still have not found a solution other than it being my hardware. My goal is just to see a difference when a person calls my virtual phone number(forwarded to my cell) or my actual cell phone number. I can use older hardware and get this to work!
Thanks again.. this is a tuff one!
here it is:
Can you try this file?
Please try this.
Just put it into any dir and run it. It will run at the background and you should get an icon which shows the call is being forwarded from other number.
After you MAKE SURE it works fine on your phone(no crash or other problem...), you may add a link to \windows\startup to make it auto run at startup.
I build the application for my T7272 and it works fine. But I did not test for other platform. Feel free to report bugs.
Good luck.
Kingzao said:
Please try this.
Just put it into any dir and run it. It will run at the background and you should get an icon which shows the call is being forwarded from other number.
After you MAKE SURE it works fine on your phone(no crash or other problem...), you may add a link to \windows\startup to make it auto run at startup.
I build the application for my T7272 and it works fine. But I did not test for other platform. Feel free to report bugs.
Good luck.
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nice! it works fine on my T7272,thank you,good man!
Kingzao said:
Please try this.
Just put it into any dir and run it. It will run at the background and you should get an icon which shows the call is being forwarded from other number.
After you MAKE SURE it works fine on your phone(no crash or other problem...), you may add a link to \windows\startup to make it auto run at startup.
I build the application for my T7272 and it works fine. But I did not test for other platform. Feel free to report bugs.
Good luck.
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thank you!
Kingzao said:
Please try this.
Just put it into any dir and run it. It will run at the background and you should get an icon which shows the call is being forwarded from other number.
After you MAKE SURE it works fine on your phone(no crash or other problem...), you may add a link to \windows\startup to make it auto run at startup.
I build the application for my T7272 and it works fine. But I did not test for other platform. Feel free to report bugs.
Good luck.
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But in my D2 does not work, there is no way?
Yes, my diamond 2 cannot work with such file yet my Touch Pro can work with.
Could Kingzao help? Many Thanks for such big Good innovation!
I do not have a D2 so I cannot test it. However I will try to check the code.
I'd like to share the source code if anybody can help build & test for D2 or other platform.
I am using MS VSS2008 with WM6.1 SDK.
I have the same problem (I don't know when somebody call me on my first number or on my second number) on one Samsung i600 with WM 6.5.
Can you help me? (by sharing the code maybe)
Works perfectly on my touch pro WM6.1, but unfortunately not on Touch Pro 2 WM6.5.... anybody managed to work it out on WM6.5???
by the way, Ive been looking for this app for a looooong time... thanks
Omareo said:
Works perfectly on my touch pro WM6.1, but unfortunately not on Touch Pro 2 WM6.5.... anybody managed to work it out on WM6.5???
by the way, Ive been looking for this app for a looooong time... thanks
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I also suspected wm6.5 problem, but I brush a wm6.1's ROM, or can not use!
Hi Kingzao
Any chance to make it work with WM6.5.....
Thanks for a nice program .....
In my HD2 does not work too.
Hi all,
Sorry I am too busy recently.
Maybe another day I will sort the code and share to who is interseted in.
The code is based on RIL so there may have some problem with different H/W or Radio version.
Anyway, I will try to burn a WM6.5 on T7272 to test whether it is WM6.5 problem or H/W version, if I have spare time.
mj25 said:
I also suspected wm6.5 problem, but I brush a wm6.1's ROM, or can not use!
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can you tell me what the phone type you are using?
Kingzao said:
can you tell me what the phone type you are using?
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Sorry,I use the Diamond2.
Kingzao said:
Please try this.
Just put it into any dir and run it. It will run at the background and you should get an icon which shows the call is being forwarded from other number.
After you MAKE SURE it works fine on your phone(no crash or other problem...), you may add a link to \windows\startup to make it auto run at startup.
I build the application for my T7272 and it works fine. But I did not test for other platform. Feel free to report bugs.
Good luck.
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i tryed and used,but it can't work on my c720w.i think you put the icon on desktop's status bar,but in my c720w,system create a new window to show the information,so i can't see the icon ,because the icon on another window.
how did you do this?will you pubilc the source code?
Kingzao said:
can you tell me what the phone type you are using?
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Hello again Kingzao,
Any updates on WM6.5?
Thanks to Kingzao for his great work.
I can try compliling it and do tests on WM6.5 platform, Touch stone.
I have sent you a message.

HTC Touch Pro2 WM6.5 LogMeIn Help

Hi Folks,
1st thread on here.
Just got myself a spank new Touch Pro2. First thing i did before i started installing my apps was to check HTC website for Updates. Sure enough they had a new ROM version and WM6.5 upgrade. Now i have it working exactly how i want except for LogMeIn. I have used LogMeIN on my HP Ipaq for ages but cant get it sorted out on my HTC. Is it an issue with WM6.5 i wonders?
Basically it looks like it wont work with Opera at all. In Internet Explorer I can download and install the RActrlCE.cab file no prob. Looks good, can login to my list of computers, can even get as far as being connected to the required PC but when i click the Remote Control icon all i get is a white screen.
Any suggestions???
Have the same problem would really appreciate any help... Pls.
wm6.5 comes with the newer version of PIE (pocket internet explorer) which is not compatible with the plugin logmein uses for remote desktop. You can try and do a search to the wm6/6.1 PIE cab file. Hope that helps, cuz I was in the same boat.
LogmeIn works on my 6.5-official ROM in IE.
mostberg said:
LogmeIn works on my 6.5-official ROM in IE.
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Not in mine!, you can install IE TOGGLE, it let's you use PocketIE (the old version of IE), with that Logmein works
log me in
it took me ages to work this out... i have to use the old version of explorer (downloaded from here somewhere, although the ie switcher might work also) and i need to use 'kfortp' which lets me type in logmein when i am connected, before i could connect but not type anything. crazy
LogMeIn's response
I raised a ticket with LogMeIn about this and got this highly useful reply 2 days later.
"We have discovered an issue when connecting to a LogMeIn computer using a mobile device running Windows Mobile 6.1.4 / 6.5 and IE6 Mobile. Currently, it is NOT possible to connect with these devices due to incompatibility with the plugin.
I hope this helps. Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions.
Wendy Merrifield | Sr. Support Representative "
If anyone is reading this don't install kfortouchpro. Which i read on another forum was required to get this to work. I don't see what the need for it is. Plus it froze my Touch Pro2 up on the first reboot after install. Luckily i was able to connect to my phone with activesync and uninstall the app to stop my phone from freezing up . Hope this helps someone. As far as Logmein working just use the two files below. Install XDA first, reboot, install IEtoggle, open IEtoggle, switch IE to PIE, start up IE and sign into logmein. This worked for me. Hope it helps someone. Sorry if this is already on this forum somewhere else.
crazycrak said:
If anyone is reading this don't install kfortouchpro. Which i read on another forum was required to get this to work. I don't see what the need for it is. Plus it froze my Touch Pro2 up on the first reboot after install. Luckily i was able to connect to my phone with activesync and uninstall the app to stop my phone from freezing up . Hope this helps someone. As far as Logmein working just use the two files below. Install XDA first, reboot, install IEtoggle, open IEtoggle, switch IE to PIE, start up IE and sign into logmein. This worked for me. Hope it helps someone. Sorry if this is already on this forum somewhere else.
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Great find, thanks for posting it! Anybody who's searching for a solution in the future and finds this thread will appreciate that!
crazycrak said:
Install XDA first, reboot, install IEtoggle, open IEtoggle, switch IE to PIE, start up IE and sign into logmein. This worked for me. Hope it helps someone. Sorry if this is already on this forum somewhere else.
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I tried this and it works but now I cannot get IEtoggle to switch me back to IE6. I tried restarting and then selecting IEtoggle, thinking PIE was somehow still running, but even after this I am still stuck in PIE.
EDIT: Since this original post on 4/18 I have had to do a hard reset, since my email and SMS windows for individual messages (compose, read) were not popping up. I have no idea if it is related to using IEtoggle, but I am not going to use this again on my TouchPro2 6.5 just to be safe.
after some trial and error
Here goes, first off i apologize horizons1. I have the same phone and WM version as you. Haven't experienced any of these problems. All i can say is make sure you install XDA WM 6.1 PIE first, then reboot, then install IEtoggle might of been your problem. After further testing i have found that Kfortouchpro is necessary to log into windows from your log in screen or type any text once in windows. When opening kfortouchpro it lets you switch to M$ IME which is required for your keyboard to work. Now after testing this for a bit, if you don't switch it back to eT9/multiplay in the program before you reboot it will not display your slider bar to unlock your phone on boot up. Only way to fix is with activesync. Have tested this 3 times in different configs. I wish i could just use remote desktop thats built into WM. But i am currently connected behind two routers one being bridged to the other. Have tried many times to get this to work with no luck. So if anyone can help me with that, it would be much appreciated. Too bad logmein won't just patch this problem. Their program works great after jumping through all these hoops to get to your desktop.
sirphunkee said:
Great find, thanks for posting it! Anybody who's searching for a solution in the future and finds this thread will appreciate that!
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Mark me down for one who appreciates this thread. After days of research and knowing the files I needed to download but am hesitant to sign up for new forums/stuff in general, you folks at xda developers got me. Looking forward to figuring out future mobile issues!
i can conect to logmein now with my HTC HD2 but my keyboard is not working :S i cant type any thing....
please help me
no buddy ?
and i got an other problem ... i can't return to PIE with IE TOGGLE.mscr softreset doesn't work ..i still get IE6
i got a HTC HD2 (T8585)

palringo IM on hd2

has anyone been able to install this on their tmobile hd2? i tried installing via opera on my phone and "an error occurred" during installation. when copying the cab file over to my phone and navigating to it via explorer, clicking on it does nothing...doesn't start the installation. installing apps hasn't changed, right? navigate to the cab and click it? i owned the original HD last year and am winmo capable...bah!
i attached the ones i downloaded a while ago.
the larger one (1) is beta version - this is the one i prefer.
a message for update will arrive shortly after first use.
awesome, the beta installed fine. i guess palringo gave me the wrong cab version or something. thanks!
you're welcome
wow, that was fast
Palringo is great, but remember that it is better to turn it off when not using.
Otherwise, you will run out of batter sooner than you think
yea, i remember using it on my htc touch hd1. it did hurt battery a bit, but it seemed like the best IM client out there at the time. because i've always got my laptop and bag with me, i guess i'll have to make sure to keep my charging cable with me as well.
antaed said:
a message for update will arrive shortly after first use.
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after first use of the beta? i haven't received an updated message yet...is it to update to a non-beta full version?
only an updated beta i think.
you have to have a little patience, sometimes it takes 30 mins or so for the message to appear.
hello! I've been using palringo too and I think it's the best messenger app out there but does anyone has this problem? Every time I try to share a picture, I can't launch the camera anymore and have to soft reset...!
i like beejive more but unfortunately it doesn't provide support for its winmo version anymore and sometimes it doesn't work for days. so overall i also think palringo is the best for winmo.
i have never tried to send files through palringo so i can't help.
just one more thing, i've just read somebody managed to run succesfully fring for xperia x1 on hd2. perhaps we might also give it a try
antaed said:
just one more thing, i've just read somebody managed to run succesfully fring for xperia x1 on hd2. perhaps we might also give it a try
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now THAT'D be awesome!
ce_rob said:
yea, i remember using it on my htc touch hd1. it did hurt battery a bit, but it seemed like the best IM client out there at the time. because i've always got my laptop and bag with me, i guess i'll have to make sure to keep my charging cable with me as well.
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i have installed parlingo and nimbuzz on my hd 2 was working fine but yesterday i tried to install one game on it and now parlingo and nimbuzz both giving error not signed with the trusted certificate and even not uninstalling can anyone plzz help me..?????

